THE "OSHAWA DAIL TIMES, SATURDAY, Y 21935 g¢ Daily Times fk Representative ne No. 744 ht od - Rac dnm- Adams .... 37 B. Slemon . 29 Colville .... 186 W. Baguell 24 Mcllveen ,. 21 Richards -. . | Hardstone . Raby ..... H. Slemon . 1.40 030 -- DESO AIMNI --- ROO agin Legend: -- AB-----at bat; H-- SOc s a R BRITAIN ER MoD | FIELD DAY AT MYRTLE Mopeer, Sueld Day in Myrtle, a July 7. $125 given away in prizes. ered Freedom of | Softball tournament open to al . . : 'J teams for Mlen, Girls and Boys, in Financial | fourteen and under. Horseshoe © | tournament and Tug-of-War, open Matters . to all. Refreshment booths. Ggoundg west side of Nuniber Twelve High- way, between 'the two Myrtles: ; i July 2. --Great . Brit- Admission : Adults 25¢, Children 10c. vered freedom of ac- on ey matters, and is in LEAVING FOR HA HARVARD CITY AND D DISTRICT NEWS tions tn receive the proceeds of a fund created by the will of the testator. The costs of all parties to be taxed. J. G. Middleton appear- ed for application, W. E. N. Sin- clair, K.C., for Mrs. Hezzelwood et al. McGregor Yolng, K.C., official guardian. C. P. Smith for the Con- federation Life Assurance Co, W. R Vest for the Canada Life Insur- ance Co. C. M, Garvey, K.C,, for the Public Trustee, wy Kaiser was proceeding south on Church Street and failed to stop at the intersection which is a stop street, Da to Mr, Me- K'nley's car will be considerable, the police said, the side of the car being badly smashed. Dam- so extensive. Constable Aubrey Hele investigated the accident. BELLEVILLE MAN ARRESTED Lloyd Dales was taken into custody last night in this city, by Sergeant Stauffer and P. C. Alexander on a charge of break- ing and entering laid ny the Pro- the accident stated that Dr. age to Dr. Kaiser's car was not | THE WHITBY DALY Adri gM Office at aaa um and O 23. After Business Hours Phone 859. DOMINION DAY QUIET HOLIDAY ing green, where a trie was participated afternoon, The town park was also a schedyled Softball Game was Dia TW the local team pi great enterprises, de- Dr. 0. C. Miller, Simeoe Street ; IN 2 Ox 0, :) . SUNDAY SCHOOL PIONIC . voli 4 i : s Hon. Neville Cham- | Ot 0 leaving today to 80 to | The annual Calvary Baptist | Vincial Police at Belleville, This \Rain Spoiled Sports Pro- | Malleable. A Wis cellor of the Exche- ni 4 WAR ' Boston where he will be for the | Church Sunday School picnic, | Morning Dales was taken ty . present at the ing in the House of y p i ace trial hel. ou m-- « game i; ant the Govern- | month of July taking post grad- | held yesterday at the Cream of i Wt gra Motor Traffic won by the Osha : r or . | Barley Camp, Bowmanville, was [© 2 y rincia Olle thi [or converfing War [uate work at Harvard Univers Fey p stable Wagar of Belleville, who Very Heavy em the first hal from 5 pds cent to |ity. a huge success and the large ] ant interest. number of children and adults came to the city on being In- oo The traffic on el hl fon will effect a who attended emjoyed a good [formed of the arrest. The Dominion Day holiday rah n of eight ers HAS MANY ENGAGEMENTS ti A ¢ t . 5 .|of 'Toronto was 3 g of £30,000,000 in The Oshawa Citizens' Band |-™Me: programme of sports mre passed off quietly in Whitby with' |, Mes: plaved :hyigach team. atv evening with the i ffset by . was managed by J. Hooper and | CHURCH BROKEN INTO i 4 eavy during practhe foe players who appeared only | | 1, Armstrong, in charge. His Estimated, o ret odo [has been much in demand of late | tho picnic committee while some | Tt has been report 2 tr th Da accidents being reported on | whole of Thursday Mg , once oF twice on the line-up have |'iveme was "perfect food for |in Mey from the income |'AVIDE Dlaved at a strawberry |of the ladies prepared and served | police department that ihe Grek | ine winery, Pub even though |ypile some cars retifrue been omitted, but ir records rfect lite On Sunday mora- leaving a net saving | festival for the patients af" the | supper. ' Orthodox Catholic Charch on |ine , as | City yesterday ths 'peak Ontario Hospital on Thursday ---- a nclement there was a . heavy. ,oiym tramie-iy not expe Bloor Street "was entered some |stream of motor traffic in both til Sunday night. - A nof have been kept "are on fyle : a reception service follower M000. - j at The Times office together with the sacrament of the Lord's to Bondholders night while it also filled its first | CARS IN COLLISION time during last night and some | directions ' eclions. feature of the traffic' was at first expected that |large number of family the nurfiber of heme runs andi . pper, will take place. | Gat Britain, the Chan- |ensagement of the season at the | wry McKinley, 128 Mill St. |$20 worth of chocolate bars and suffered injuries to her knee and |gum removed from a refresh. fh County Town would be the | who were evidently bei 'ho were ently bein trike ofits pads by each player, i re d, was able and de- |lake last night, ce or averuges| 3 v 11 oesn' ow for averuy CHOIR PIONIOC SPOILED 0 carry great enter- Mrs. May Craggs, 645 Oxford St., | ment hooth in the hal Miwa ; i awn ue 5 sustained a cut on the side of [ad with the church, "he police centre of considerable activity on |out td the summer cottage. P the holiday as the Men's Club of tables ,chairs and practiei but they may be figured up from, The choir of Trinity Church pugh* to a successful | COMPROMISE ON WILL Tustice Logie in Weekly Court at| ner face on Thursday afternoon | made an investigation of the re- | (yo pantist Church had laid everythi bl ith erything moveable Ww. this record. dm a number ps motored to Lake og fof theiy It fwas his confident | : instances players' made more nib wpnual piemic, but the rain spoil- reat 'mass of War Loan | Osgnode Hall on Thursday ; ! $ i | Osg : av granted | f v than hits, ths was due to errors 4 e ex v uld convert their bonds | {he mation on behalf of the execu wien te ear je which thet yore | port and state that entraace was plans for a mammoth field day (and walks. ) Ric er rate. tor of the will of the late George being driven by 'Harold 'McKin- | gained to the buildin: through y am AE Y exception of a plage = farmet : or&e ley, Mill Street, was struck |4 side door to the hasoment: and | the Town Park, while the some of the cargoes strapped. to L : ' bowling greens across the street | (he front, sides and rear of cars were also to have been in use |pagsing through. AB H R PO A ¥ GASES sition Is Good \V. Hezzlewood of this city asking i id i wf Britain," relewnnd oF is city SRR proadeide at tie Intersection of [a tran dour raise in coir ton While there was not as much: the Chancel- | ¢ . _ him ; 3 or an order approvinz of a com 8 in the fortunate posi- | = Church and Bond Streeis by a No charges rt # nromise hetween the executor and hall. No charges have been laid. taking care of the overflow from the tournament of the Oshawa |activity as usual at the lake - Lawn Bowling Club. However, |front, quite a number of bathe with all other ecari- | 71 order that the Public Trustee King Street Tast, Police officers | FIRE RECORD STANDS fin And foreign. were | represent certain charitable institu- who made an investigation of | The record of the fire depart both these events Weis render. i e amply recognized by | [ ment of not Having any fires Ninvactic / re ers were on hand for their dally y : since last Sunday still stands, | © impractical by the heavy rain |dip, while the first. group of chil that fell during the early hours |dren to be taken care o at the tg at large. : ae vindication ! 3 During the holiday period no c2lis h id ; Rional Government," de-/| ° of the morning, Fresh Air Camp® were aking ; were received at the hal' Godfrey Collins on hel One saving grace for the [themselves acquainted with their e National Liberals sportsmen of the town was that [surroundings which they will HOLD UNION SER 0 ' ARBITRATION 1S the sun emerged from his hid- |occupy for the next two weeks ing place around noon and its |at Heydenshore Park. Starting next Sunday, July I RN FT " 4 10th, union services wilt be held ia : by the congregations of §t. Pau"s | The followmg is the complete list, ces Johnson. | nd Trinity United Churches, as | VERN ENT f .promotions which take place at Pass-- Isabel Jodoin, Mary Bl Rev. E. F. Armstrong. will be the end of the schoo! year in St.| Holtforster Kathleen Shields absent on holidays. Prayer ser- fod South Africa's Prime M DISCUSS CAUSES serve, is within-an hour's motor of Edmonton, Alberta, The bu in Elk Island park are unusug N fine specimens of their kind. L | velage is particularly dark vices will be held on Juuteday thick and the animals are all st and well developed. They are \| hits; R--runs; PO--put outs; A --assists; E---errors. NEWS ABOUT TOWN | PREPARATORY SERVICE A pre-communioy. service was of the play- 'of the town ir, recorsis . Jamieson 49 66 0 + 0, Jamieson 11 : Hooper ... 37 Oshorne .. 41 YHall 43 "Bates .. 37 7. James .. 32 -- 10 CO The right to Tepresent Bewmar- viile in the tournanfent on Wed- nesday next will be decided ny a sudden death game om Monday night between Front Street and Textiles. i, ; -- B00 GC ~1 DO MMW «3 ht = BN DDN DD Py D. Osborne i Brough ... Jackman ,, - G. Piper .. ELK ISLAND ANIMAL PARK --- Wom ND Ottawa--Elk Island National Pari: 4 Canada's second largest animal . Osborne 'Wiseman .. IN. Oke ... Dilling .... Rovers evenings in St. Paul's church; i | De: Brown .... 3 a.m. services on Sunday in 3, 4 F | { Gregory's School, the names being | Josephine Hefferman, William -------- n order of ment, -- | Burke, Ursula Morrow, Michae! 1 To Senior IV. Sembel, John Horky, Gregory | of Irish Free State! To Swmor lV, | Brady, Edward Kelly, Put Canada in | ine Kane, Donald: Brockman, Ber- | To Jr. IIL. from Room™5 i i Michael Piper... 23 f Trinity, with Rev. | nice Noonan, . Billy Hunter, Fred| Honours Popp, Jean | -- : 5 "am ¥ 1 8 bbe A S Rar, Quandary Breman, Adrian Taillon, Jean M: Polak, Mary Jozkoski, Mary 8pi- | Dublin, July 2--Stronz hopes that | ' Corden 3 & ------ : shay Intvre, Frank Brady, Cameron O'-| sak, Grace Smyth, Helen Jaros, | the disputed atiestion of land an-| LER ws. Ho i 3 3 2 anal J Doreen Almond, Winnifred Con- | nuitic a et be rhitr ted were i -1arge .... TEACHERS RE-ENGAGED H ly, - Frank McKenna, Mary] \ ir I 's Nn 3 a a : . id « iy { Cowle .... All the former teachers of (Lue | Otig@r, July 2. F~ While the | Sn I, Loretta Curtin, in, Belen Lesniak, Sally Hry- } last might followi dications | (Continued from Page Y) a5 wild 43 when they i Sr deta \ Rovan .... | Public School have signed up for | stra relationgtbetween the oretta Gates, Regis Quijlty,| ¢huk, Peggy McQuade. i that Presi t Eamon de Valera 1s! would otherwise find its way into for visitors to go near then em j Jov ® Unite ing- : lar} rion Nagher Pass Annie . Gerace, Fred | backing down from his decisi hat | t} ockets of the people izbt ... the comi | Govingpenit of the United King ' arke. Marion Gallagher, | : . yacking down from his decision tha he po ol the people. 0 " 'Goodyear | The resignation of J iy salary. | # land annuities payment, n. Monaghan, John Baduik, Lor. | Brennan, Sarah Whitely, Helen | <hould be by an international tri-| ed States for Great Britain as the B i 3 sa fe v in an a gh Ald Wh n Bair d yesterday, is mot parti- n, Stella Holick, Dor- | Forestall, Mary Brady, Irene | hynal ..| principal ereditor nation of the | Both the moose and e in 8 er who has been janitof for 20 : ' A sanctuary are also well veloped \ a' pe A . 3 i 11,» | Chincha, Harold Mothersill, Joan | indicated ti Presid world is also, in my opinion, one Moorecraft ears, was Canada's quarrel, and has | js otnam. nda Fairhart, Nellie HI 8 ' | t .was licated that resident § . 3 . : : E. Colwell 7 ) as accepted gid (rom 9% | n formally discussed by | Ku mes wers, Annie Rodes- | Blair, Leo McKenna, Gladys Oat- | Eamon de Valera might agree to| of the causes of this depression,' | specimens. s od } Hobbs - SPplications veverved for the va- the Mminion Cabinet, it consti- v. wle, Kathleen Walsi,| Va¥: -- having the annuities, defaulted by [sald Mr. Moore. "When Great "Goddard accepted at $1,100 unney was | taf delicate problem that is | Mar drennan, 1.yman Beatty, Stel-| To Sr. II. from Room 6 the Irish Free. State vesterday Britain wag the banker nation of iB. Colwell : per annum. givigBthe Prime Minister some s, Stanley Fudge,. Doroths Pass ~~ Gordon Smith, Mary | the amount of £1:500,000, arbitrated | the world she was willing to take ia Roach ... To cong. As host to the various | Manill | Murphy, Joseph Kondyjowski, | by a tribunal. the chairman of repayment in goods, bunt the GIRLS' SOFTBALL LEAGUE Gowliments bf the Rritannie James Dionne, Ralph Murphy, | which Ss St sted il ol United States demands gold, not- Nac . r : y og rmiston .. To Jun. 1V. from Rosin 7 : : AC a8 ¢] withstanding the fact that there | Passenzer: Why did you have 'S. James .. 28 your car repainted blue, Vi? Toy Sister girl Selina) pe Sh = Wealth ~ re comperial | Honours: James McMullen, Gre bi ei a. [ Frime. Minister. J.B, Heftaog, | not sufficient gold in the world rganized and a ed-@Ecoinic onference commenc- |. \Donald, Jol Pubky. Vine | 0 Form rom Room South Africa. who has already sent! is not su cient go . ' ; y > \Murphy ... 26 >a viii ta J Id. John VFubky, \incent| UK | ' . n y Driver: Well, vou know how ; 'High choo ule drawn up. The first game. in B July 21, the Canadian | (,,irey, Wilbert May, Josephine | Honours--Mary Kane, Annie | representations that the matter 1 to Jquidaie those debts," said keen 1 am on color gchemes. It Dunlop ... 41 matches the nedestrighs' language. IN Sag ister May Act on Irish Proble Cameron .. 13 { Paul's and evening services oblem -- ory oreo Ww - © 3 og 00 ON FA =] Dd BLUE LANGUAGE WUD Ure Bowmanville will be on July 4th, ifoment is in the position of | ("4 e, Horky, Helen Polak, Mary Hef- | chould he arbitrated. Mr ic wa p with the Visiting tam team rom Zion, inviting to his house two Pass: Dorothy Guirey, Gertrude | ter. Helen Steffan, Catherine Pal- To Establish Reprisals | x aries Selfish Capitalist J "The Hume jorist. ria who are nbt on speaking | x onan, Mildred Habberfield, Nor. | mer. Jacqueline Lepeine, Rita O'- But if it is finally found impos-| To Cheetham, in ve address, . pret f iY 5 | stated very bluntly that there is n - we EJ NS Open Tuesday, Thursday and y evenings, or by ap- poet at all times, C. H. Tuck, Opt. D. Eyesight Specialist Disney Block, - Oshawa, Opp. P.O. 1516--Phone--1516 Cariadian Soo | Respectable Strangers Welcome! ed Ma member of the Cabinet. | san. Evelyn Clark.) \ zan Tomaluck, Edna Brudick, So- Preside Eame Art. : { only one cause of this depression, LAKEVIEW PAR Fe Js no thought, or 1ge Ou a ova ark james Ne phie Sledzweiski and Marie Tail- reed rts Sa t riff | "selishuugs. The selfish capitalist, | Cat fan Government Interven- | 5 0 po pt nan. Fra '| lon (equal), Matthew Brudick |, ..cie. of ute Aten = who only exists for the exploita- vitski, uber rennan, Frank O' | measures in reprisal for the threat- | tion of the working classes." | , hur Tharan, Jean Evre, , PO t time. but if eventually oy Suh iil | Bernard Higgins," Danny Fudge, ] . : : PULAR PLACE :: ood offices of authorities |} 8 Sie Leonie Moore: - | Lena Melnyk, Tommy Kinlin. ZOnCs entering Gren Britain, by! suggested "an interested, intel our dear JROLIES Mrs. Elizguety listed they will be exercis- | | phenom, Hy var | Pass--Michael Ruskay Emil | | ! means Lreat britpn has in | lectual democracy," the conscrip- Hayes, Who passed away July « Hallowell, Fred Brown, Mat ns licated she will recoup the default-| tion of wealt h, and lagislatdon 1st, 1931. tio between De Valera and the To J WV f McKenna, Frank Byrne, Kathleen | &' SS | We have ofly your memory, qéap o Jun. rom Room 9, | Smith, Raymond Fontainne Jen. | '" the event of failure to reach an| wealth an offence against the law. ot Mf ise. 1 } To remember our whele fits ed--"Pole Squatting" EE --§. ts | caret Rinweard, Betty Fair, Eddie | ward Hallowell, 'Edith. Lee, Billy | Senetal election in which he would] forceful 'and interesting ad trough L d Th hi Rom. M © | campaign on the tariff measures, dresses, by very logical aggument | But the sweetness will linger for- ass mln, Margaret A 2 A | sri To Form I. from Room 1 om aaers t e ¥ ar Buckie, ; dmund | Lesniag, Honours--Eileen' Guirey, Lou- I'he Free State cabinet yesterday that the wages earned by a work- As we treasure te image of rene Delong, Ethe ird (equal). iso Thomson, Joan Kirby, Col ing-man 'is always just sufficient you. : son, J , in | | Miss Rose Reece is the win- Dttawa Parley 1 1 t mer of the $25.00 cash prize Frank Pears e. Patricia lcheon, Flynn, John McCaffrey. John Sa. | n& with arbitration of annul ties Gig bd standard of living which pre- | Joe. orraine Keenan, Madge Kennedv.| hol. Gregory N x. I'he British government declines tof vails in the country in which he dl . Gregory Normoyle, Thomas | 4in Oshawa by the management of * ! : } the 1ovize Paris gem Po HON STANLEY BALDWIN | George Davis, Fergus Brady, Mar-| sawyer. Julia Szidor. Billy Pow- | tional tribunal, insisting on an En He again emphasized his argu- | czuerite Smith ers, Marion McDonald, Betty O'- | Dire body The contents of the! ment that industry should he eol- a = a ece received loud .ssapplause | ft: Hon. Stanley Baldwin--Lord Lena Sledzievisky, Bill ; ai 1 the collective benef TODAY A en she was introd > sident of thé Council in the Na BNA. 0 eUZIEVISCY: 21 Y Pass--George Fairhart, Mary | ¢xrected ta reach London on Mor 1e collective benefit of those uced as the ; | | who actually produce Ramon : ii Rg was closely' tollow- Muster 'or Great Britsinleads} | leanor Mothersill, Chester Kroll. | Matthews and Hilda Holtfoster | in the present deadlock might be | As a remedy Mr. Watkinson | Novarro y Miss Bertha Duffield who delegation from the United! Pas: Albert Hickey, Katie Ka-| (equal), Kathleen Leipine, Jack | cxnected, | suggested that "if the present i in J 8 presented with $10.00 as a hgdom. He is the first senuine | shul Shields, Kathleen Cobbledick,! Nn one in Dublin believes the | economic system is to be faith 0 "HUDDLE fe 3 | | tained" (about w hich he ezpress- El ih] Deen operate y Votes and sev- : = tha pe Honours: Jennie Kroll, Helen] nell. its threat of tariff reprisals | Also =F 4 7 Fara! thousand had been polled r of his country; the onl McGrath, Billy Fair, Bert Moore. | : Arif} reprisals apainst|,. st forego their profitg® for JULY 24-30 g : : Romhanyi, Electa Byrne, Ed-| 'as i of arbitr a to gol ni, y Ed- | Pass---Anne Johnson, Michael { Of arbitration has vanished. At tt ; SCHMELING Both young ladies were given a Pav = Rreat Dany melority 10 Ac die Power, Eileen Johns, Mary Star-| vereholoz , thas same time the decision will ae least should be a fairl Fi : 9 th ate on a protective | | 4 ""lter and until it ise North America ures dance pavilion last night. Dorothy Doran, Marguerite Clarke, | . { { for 1m T i : i ; HE andate of the .country, and yet Tatiny ran, Marguerite (larke,| Honours---Kathleen Kelly, Leo | for next Tuesday evening the [Irish 'Ww " The popularity contest was thin the same in rs A turned Kathleen Kelly, Sebastian Conlin, | Bird, Frank Sawicki, Joseph Bon- | Free State Special Duties ty i s| doubitul hac it I: Baton po a It 0 ah m ' w r {Lakeview Park yesterday. wile Mary Moore, Douglas Conlin Noonan, Ted Zavitski. | House of Commons ny, A ON Amp ] : rior, A } of Great Britain, In 1922, Mr. . , ; rere interest. Four yours n watch. | Baldwin at the famous meeting of Bell. Kathleen Kerwin, Josephine! pair, Ted Rospond, Carrie Sam- About the time you begin to J . P bear, pageants, dances, "Sweet cl, : | get a little gray vou realize that 3 ! Ade $ kg and L the park from' posi-'| George Government in the momen- Eddie prawcrik, Vingem Kelly, To. Sr. 1 from Room 8 jealousy, envy and hate are ue ; deline" contest, Community, f poles near the ceil Mary aron, Russel leu, Anni 8 2g riley icia | berri f the poi i eiling for da Russ u nnic| Honours Pat Wiley, Patricia | berries of the poison vine of © | qualify for license in England. The R. H. Burns, Sault, Canada. support trom further coalition | jo" pe, Marshall, Audry Gates. | Parrot]. Teter Comite. Dorey | 4 Free State Government has taken 44 the tne who sat for thirty-sf . i Billy Marshall, Mary Jodoin, Ber-| Del Dorothy Fair, Earl . 4 i -8ix fon October 26 the Conservatives ; os elong, Dorothy Fair, Earl Han lad J ii § BLOW-BY- Wi hours held the record last night. | came into office under Bonar | McC Buckley, Philip Morrow nan. oo Late To Classify me ut p ) Inslle the pavilion, wh Can: : : Honours: Lawrence Fleury, An-| McKeigue, Virginia Dionne, Phil- DESCRIPTION OF ere | only Canadian born tor become nie Spisak, Bernadette Whiteley, ip McQuade, Elizabeth Stafford, | FOR SALE -- 19217 /pRUCK, I} one and two hundred Born on August 3, 1867, Mr, Bald le h ; THE SEXES! fi couple were dancing while | win entered parilament in 1908 for Doyle, Doris Sheridan, Julia Ros-|mie Kuz, Barbara Fleury, Joseph | condition. 350 Eilalie Ave. " ii pond. Francis Baumgartner, Wil-| Riordan, Harold Power, Albert (lc) EH jh This parallel was suggeet- |. Hannan, Veronica Johns, Mary | Reilly, Winnifred Moss, Flory- | ciple t, arbitrate the question, then 5! In Memoriam, inga#pe way or the other at the | ,, Tas. and Margaret Gabura (equal), |, . J He . ENCE i Art] ened new mposts on Free State | As a 're medy Mr. Cheetham HAYES--In loving memo ki restore harmonious rela- | My | McAd Lesunko, Buddy Hrychuk, Rita | The | S | A | CW Ine, June cAdam e Free State president, making the amassing of vast Motl 0 ularit nte | Bri Government rather than . lf ; 3 od ; bib other, P y Cont test Decid i | Hon Connie Almond, Mar- ny Lesniak, James McGhee, Ed- | #8reement, ic expected to call for a Mr. Watkinson, in one of his Rodesky fia Kins » . . " Kinsman. . 4 Still Continues Irish Cabinet Approves Note and example stressed the fact ever, )! | approved Lhe terms of the reply to Helen Heffer, Marjory. Craddock.| Bell Wiltred Rolland, Margaret | 1 British government's note deal-| to keep him alive according to Ever remembered by. Irepé and offered to the most popular girl pop NO Gordon Murphy, Gorden Moore, Driscoll, Mary 'Smyth. Dillon | submit the matter to an interna-| lives and works." i wa (By The Canadian Press) i : ; on 8 made last uight and To Sen. lll from Room 9 | Regan, Laurier McKenna. | Irish note are not divulged hut arc! lectively owned and operated for al Government and twice Prime | loseph Habberfield,| Thomas, Pauline Gerace, James | dav. When a concrete devel pment | pecond prize. The contest has ptain of industry to become Pre- To Sen. III from Room 4 | Bernice Craddock, Frank O'Don. | British government 'will carry out [ [ed his doubts) "then cepitalists : : Bre: 'o Nr | the Free Sti 1 last hop SHARKEY vs. $ fore. the awards weré Mado, emicr of Great Britain whg threw | Bill To Sr. 1 from Room 6 ec ate until the last Cl period .of years. Tem : » 7 Nothing Ever Like it in t ' Ww | zskoski ohn.Ro ' | 3 " | ahlv have 1 ight ; am reception at the Jubilee | off isstie. failed to. receive: the): k . John .Roney, Joseph Puhki, To Sr. 1 from Room 1 ably have to be made on Monday, | rot possiblyigel | a {dian, Hudson | only one of the attractions tM power: with one of the greatest | Albertus Hardy, Yolan Szidor ello, William Monaghan, James | scheduled for introduction Bay Co, barbecue, ole majorities ever known in the history Sid A lfpole sitting contest createdf much Pasc: Ceorge Almond, Catherine Pass -- John Gates, Francis | = et Canadian troops, raffle for & t 2 akin # bd the gay prodeedings in the the Carlton Club smashed the Lloyd Mclean (equal), -Jackic Gallagher,| mut. of . to this event all [ish pilots had to Night parade, ete, Bish program. insic tous decision to withdraw Conserva- \ 3 . : 3 i y : Melynk. Nan Cox, Jimmie Callag-| Kennedy, Joan Mothersill, Mary | rail fence of life. | of a number of contestants | with the Liberals and six days later over that function and is issuing BLOW The Mntest is gtill continuing, Law. born at Rexton, N.B., and the To Sen. Ill from Room 10 * Pass--Maurice Kane, Ernest snappy music was bein I Pri Minis ( it ' THE BATTLE OF 1}! betwe g played, rime Minister of Great Britain. Pass: Gerard Forestall, Mary| Leo Atkinson, Gayso Timco, An- | 80od for general purpose, in good crowdd of spectators he fi i cceeding his fz pd POUGLA looked on, | the. first time, succeeding his father [yy ool Eiteen Kerwin. . Polak, Barbara Moore, Doris | RE-CONDITIONED QUEBEC [| Some Wtside were even taking | as Member for West Worcester- py adyant§ Re of cracks in the walls | shire: in 1916, became Parliamen- 0dr TH trom Hoom 10 rv Ore lista hrennan, , James Sook Solel And ges ranges, for dco. pee In at the merry scene. | tary Secretary in the second war- Burnie, Mary . Tharan " Heron Pom Wag iy eet Tee Y Hay ih He Ri the coming week, man- | time Coalition Government hegpded | gimet G % A at x ? il azer RAK. Fraser of the pavilion by Llovd George; in 1917, he as Minard. ln i ink ny WANTED +4 COOK GENERAL ig win hal many visitors. On | named Financial Secretary to the| Kearney, Helen Slanina, ii ia \ Jorine Yam Jy. willing to go to Muskoka. Ap- {July th@ffth, Locust Hill Sun- | Treasury in 1921 was appointed | Roney, Helen Gates, Cecilia Rol- | Stanley Krafchuk, James Hardie Ply 563 Masson Street, (12) fl day Schl will hold their annual | President of the Board of Trade:| land, James Fair, Catherine | Willlam Nicol. John Oster john | CAPABLE DOMESTIC FOR dl picnic the park, Whitby | entered the Bonar Law Government | Thomson Mildred ~~ McAdam, | Timco, William McGee, Leo Mc- | 8ederal housewofk, Family of id@l United (lrch picnic will he on | as Chancellor of the Exchequer in Mary Conlin, Betty Solmes, Fran- | Lean. ' 4, Apply C. Cattran, Bowman- LOVE fl Juilv thelixth and on the sev- | the fall of 1922; succeeded Bonar ville. Phone 505. (1a) it enth HyBd + Creek Centennial | Law who had resigned during his : LOST--BULL TERRIER CALIL- ql sunday . $hool w fatal illness in 1923; Mr. Baldwin , y ippy i 1 [4 n be visitors. he we Es Saawin | ed Skippy: rie spot on back J ; Labor Government; hrcame Prime ol ne Robb ohse Forum bo, hey, With This Swellagant i Young ®rs. Scott was attend- | Minister again in November of the . / 860 th ' 5 Simcoe Street i gan Hill ing her fst ball game. The | same vear; continued in office until CITY OF OSHAWA auth. a (1a) ast of Young Stars [1 | Br as doing ye that 1929 when the Labor Government : | §A time she patiently | was returned™to power; entered the ! ? : ANN DVORAK J i endured husband's trans- | National Government on its forma COMING FRANCIS DEE 4 oe and- Bs brief explanations. | tion in 1931, TAXES : howling crdd, he sprang upon "Well, Maria," said Jiggles a:- EVENTS this seat, waBd his new straw hat | ter the town election, "for whoiu ; hree times §round his head and | did you vote this morning?" 3 | 8 Cents per word each in. almost shathred it on the fat "I crossed off the names of ali A '¢ | sertion. Minimum charge an in fron§Mrs. Scott exclaim- | the candidates," returned Mre.: for each insertion, 85c. . Jiggles "and wrote out my prin- LEE TRACY t onbparth"s the matter, | ciples on the back of my baller ' Dashing star of "Union Depot" gives you the low- down on women in ut, when mid the cheerine. EE -------- a we or's Office will be open Saturday afternoon t 5ibjes on tie Yack of wy malic. ceive payments. After Monday next a penal AVI L10 N-- deale," he answerel, | viduals and their little personal three per cent. will be added. Don't far. on as hy could get his [fambitions," rolic, Sunday h, "didn 'you see the feld- --_-- Municipal Offi LA Cot : ; al the b i Wo you call on n Mr. Smich J cipal 108s P. A. B 4 a Dane urse,"{ said young Mrs. | about that little bill?" u X; \ Booft, disgustelly. "I thought | "I 'djd." ne 29th, 1932. ; RE Dat was whatlae was out there| "And what did you find out?" i i ERR ] © 4 Mr Smith Aliso