Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jun 1932, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1932 PAGE SEVEN MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King St. East, Phone 282. Residence 798. < (17 feb tf) ----------D tT bm CONANT & ANN:S BARRIS- ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public. BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, Permanent Wave $3.60 ug. "Cro- quinole and Spiral". Marcel 50c. Shampoo, Finger Wave and trim $1. Expert operators on'y. 79 Sim- coe St. North (note new ad- dress). Phone 2968. (8 aug tf) tf) Ete. Conveyancing and g 1 wractice in Law. Office 7% Sim- coe Street South,, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B22. LL.B.; A. F. Annis, B.A., W. E. N. Ee ur REE BANK of Commerce Building, JO! P. MANGAN, rister, Solicitor, Notary "Public. Conveyancer. Money to loan, Of- fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GBYBRSON, CRE.GHTON & Fraser. Barristers, Etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg, TOUTS ©. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Morey to loan. 16 Simcoe Street North, Phone 67. Residence 2544W. GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Etc. 241; Sim- coe St. N. Phcne 8160. Residence 3514. Money to loan. S. J. HENNICK, B.A., BARRIS- ter, 12% Simcoe St. South, Tele- phone 3038--565. «*§ sept tf) Medical PR. B J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, special atten- tion given to X-ray work and Electrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phones 2050. Office open 9 am, 9 pm. Residence 421 King Street East. Phone 2416. Undertaking LUKE BURTA} CO. 67 KING St. East. Arabulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street North. Phone 210J and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL Co., M, FT. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina, (4t1) Architects STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Residence phone 909]. Auctioneer PHONE T716J. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, S., Oshgwa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage is solicited. Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, 17 CENTS ON embroidery work, alterations, dressmaking, ete. The Dell Shop, 2615 Simcoe S. Phone 16586, (5 ily 31) . Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. le) C. GENOSHA HAIRDRBSSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall. experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger wave and shampoo $1.00. Marcel 50c. Fac- lass, scalp treatments and mani- cures. Coffee Shoppe entrance. Phone appointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo) ENE JOHNSON, HAIR- dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel- ling 35¢ and finger waving 60c. Phene 2188J, (14 july ¢) PEMBER'S BRANCH. HAIR. dressing and Beaaty Tuiture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 3%, Osh- awa, Ontario. (23 nov tf) LILLIAN McLEAN, MARCEL 35¢c at your home or 735 Albert St. Phone 2105. (28 june ¢) PRINCILLA BEAUTY SALON, permanent waves specialty, $2.50 to, $10. Finger waving 50c¢, marcelling 35c. Phone 688. (9 july e) MISS McKENNA'S PERMAN- ent wave specials for month of June, J. Nelson Day method from $2.75 upwards. Other lines of beauty eulture, Moderate prices. Phone 1230F for appoint- ments. (11 july e) MAYFAIR ~ BEAUTY SALON, 143; King St. East, Jean Winter. All branches of beauty culture, Permanent waving a specially. Phone 2020 for prices, (18 july e) | WAVE SHC from $2.73. $10. rnone MODERNISTIC Permanent waves $3.50, $4.00 up to T09W. 105 Celina St. (23 july Articles for Sale GOOD SOUND DRY sODY HARD wood. Guaranteed full measure, 1% cord, $3.25. Mixed. $3. Soft wood, $2.25 A. Wall, 282 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 2628F, (8 july FRANK McQUAID, COAL, COKE dry body wood, hard, mixed slabs. Soft wood. Phone 2423W 115 Annis St. (2 july ¢) FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL cinders, sods, black loam. Esse Bros. Phones 1045J. 232 r 1-1. (28 june c) BLACK'S WOOD YARD, 79 c) e) | electric dumb APARTMENTS, FURNISHLD OR unfurnished. Low rentals Disney, phone 15560. (1 june tf) FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH all conveniences. 137 Simcoe North. Phone 1236W. (119tf) 3 ROOMED FLAT WITH PRI- vate bath. All conveniences, Ap- ply to 91 Ritson Rd. N. Phone 2850. (4 jly c) FOR RENT--- TENTS, CHAIRS, tables, ladders, electric cleaners and waxers. Phone 25. Cleve Fox, Oshawa (14 july e¢) FOR RENT--35 ROOMED BRICK house, hardwood floors. All con- veniences, furnace, good base- ment, built in cupbords in kit- chen, front and back porches, paved street, garage. Immediate possession. Rent reasonable to good tenant, Apply 31 Flgin St East. Phone 140SW. (146¢) "5 ROONED BUNGA- rent, Apply 33 (145¢) BRICK Stacey. (1461) "ARE either TO RENT- low. Reasonable Whiting Ave FOR RENT---2 cottages. Apply Phone 3476, FOR RENT -- F YOI looking for an apartment, furnished or unfurnished we n+ vite you to inspect the Simcoe Manor and Victoria Apartments Low rentals. Bradley Bros SMALL Eldon FOR RENT --- FIVE bungalow, nicely furnished cluding a new electric range mediate Price Apply Dox 130 in- Im- possession, righ Times (146e) FULLY FURNI; roomed brick house, also garage, rent reasonah) Mary (147c) FOR RENT ed 6 tral, ROOMED and waiter, newly 1 Apply 115 Alice St OR RENT --2 LARGE rooms with hath, Dearborne Ave. BRICK stoves Za (1470) furnished Phone 2928W (1470 FOR RENT or partly furni conveniences, shed garage, rooms Al? Phohe Male | le Help 'Wanted » -- ROOFING | S AL K=- leads furnished, assi Phone 1643W "Repair Service REPAIR SERVICES Radios, Washers, Li Mowers, Electric appliances, Laying John St. Phone 2109J, Slabs | $2.25, Body hardwood $3 % cord, (1 july ¢) | 148 SIMCOE SOUTH, NEAR | Loblaw's. Second hard clothes bought and sold here slightly | worn. Both ladies' and men's. Don't miss these bargains. (2 July ¢) $2.25 TQ $3. 386 Pine Ave, Phone | )D FOR SALE. R. Stark, 1727TW (2 July ¢) FOR SALE--BODY WOOD AND soft wood, mixed slabs, Call W. H. Thompson, 507 King West. Phone 742J. (7 july ¢) Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 175¢ with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered Batteries 2.75 and up. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 960. RADIO OR CAR BATTERIES recharged. Call for and delivered 75c. Electro plate refinished, chromium plating. nickel plating, W. H. Platt, 317 Celina St. Phone 1556J. (15 july ¢) DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 reputable Fire Companies. SUN LIFZ ASSURANCE COM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Alex. S. Ross, S. PF. Everson. Phone 1554 '15 oct tf) tf) Work Wanted ALL ROUND CARPENTEPS and contractors will work for half pay rather than relief rations. Phone 1406J. (1431) YOUNG -- WOMAN wants posttion. Excellent cock. Speaks English. Phone 1089%. Summer Resort _ WIGWASSAN LODGE, ON LAKE Rosseau, Muskoka; unexcelled FOR SALE -- ORNAMENTAL shrubbery and fruit trees, etc. Agents for Stone & Wellington, Toronto. Order now for fall and spring planting. Phone 25. Cleve | Fox, Oshawa. (14 july ¢) | DRY BODY HARDWOOD, | mixed wood and summer wood. | Prompt delivery. Phore 1979W.! R, Christie, Ea] June t) FRESHLY PICKED STRAWBER- | ries delivered to all parts of Osh- | awa. Phone 631. F. Shaw, 74 Park Rd. South. (18 july e FOR SALE--ONE TARPAULIN, 10 x 12. Reasonable price, nearly aew. Phone 3067F. (146c) TUBE Ontario (1470) BABY FOR SALE -- SEVEN Fada radio, cheap. St. FOR SALE--1 SIDWAY carriage. Phone 2876. mm [4 (148a) - CUT, FLOWERS. 111 Louisa St, (148a) BUGG.. (148% FOR SALE- very reasonable. Phone 2170M. FOR SALE---- Phone 376W. FOR SALE -- BODY WOO. beech and maple, $3.00. Mixed hardwood slabs, $2.75. Dry soft- wood slabs, $2.50. Claude Mc- Quaid, 54 Albert wmtreet, Phone 10%9J. BABY (24 july e) location, all conveni bad- minton, bowling, tennis, golf, croquet, quoits, dancing, good bathing. For descriptive folder and pamphlet on "Making your holiday dollar go farther", write Wigwassan Lodge, Avenue, Toronto. : (1 july c) Shoe Repairing "BEST IN THE LONG RUN" Slogan of the Champion Shoe Re- pair. We coliect and deliver. Sat- jzfaction guaranteed, Reasonable prices. Phone 1216. 17 . Bond East. (27 june c) Wanted to Buy FIORSE RADISH WANTED. Must be good, large or small quantities. Drakes, Oshawa. Phone 339. (146¢c) Wanted. to Rent WANTED---A FIVE ROOMED bungalow eh garage. Must be reasonable. Apply Box 130 Times. (146¢) THREE ROOMEL All conven:- Box 131 (148a), WANTED-- flat, upfurnished. ences, Reasonable rent. Times, 86 Duplex ! SOLID BROWN leather English kit bag almost new. Algo black leather brief case. No reasonable offer refuse? | Phone 33. (148¢) Bicycles for Sale BOYS', GIRLS BICYCLES, TEN dollars up. Tires one dollar. Tubes 60c. Accessories and re- pairs. 12 Richmond E. erm july ¢) c) FOR SALE -- | roof leaks phone 25 | Oshawa. "undersigned up till linoleum a. specialty, When vour 'leve Fox, (14 july c) For Sale by Tender FOR SAL TENDER CED ardale Temperance Hall, Erie Tenders will be received Aug. 1 bove pr 1932 for the sale of the Tenders to be certified cheque for of bid price, A. P Seribe, Sons of Temperance, 15) Clendenan Ave., Toronto. Th lowest or any tender not ne sarily accepted. pert ympanied ha 10 per cent Brace, Grau 7 Tenders Wanted BE RECE 20th, TENDERS WIL] up to noon June tons of No. 1 Buc be weighed over city scales S. No. 1. East Whitby, any tender not cepted, w for wheat Coal for I est necessarily for 0 oi ac H. FF Ser R.-R "No. 2 Oshawa Wanted WANTED--A REFINED HOME of smart appearance in good lo- | cation. Must have room and fire place ily. Apply Box 130 large livi Adult Times, (146¢) | FRONT | "UNFURNISHED | {14%h) stance | 1 TAWNINGS, | (14h | VED | fam- | Rates For Classified Ads. First Insertion--113 per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30c. Each subsequent cents consecu- tive insertion word. Three cousecutive jnser- tions for the price of two first insertions (tbres cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. Box number '0c additional. . Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per monih for each additiona! word. PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad 1c per Department (23 june ec) | ROOMED | . Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S references, maternity or genera nursing, assists housework. { Charges moderate, For informa- | tion phone 3 : { (§ july ----g = ~ Palmist MADAME all matters 4 Louisa St. private. (3 "BROWN, of i1m- Phone CONSULT Palmist, | portance, Business on july ¢) Marvelo MARVELO-- DIRT AND STAINS from Marvelo. Sensationa id cleanser of all time. Phone IM Delivery Ti SeSAars. Fr (1431) | BO vgn Transportation ARTAGE AND Prompt Riordan. £37 Baby Chicks | BABY CHICKS AND STARTED Chicke, bred to lay (Bloodtested ). Nine cents. Phone 1337) service, june ¢) and (9 july c) 'Lawn Mowers Sharpened LAWN MOWERS, SHARPENED and re called for and de rolled, cut and f. filled. Slater 2193W paired, Jay (51 june ¢) Room and Board "FOR SUM- farin, near 1164W. (1470) ACCOMMODATION mer boarders on a : Lake Simcoe. Phone For Exchange EXCHANGE--ENGLISH RIFLE motorcvele, Chev, gen- gear shift car. Licensci down, Harry, 39 On- (148a) Excelsior or for dr her: tario St ve Roofing HAYTON, THE ROOFER. isphalt and wood shingle roofs inspection 185 Arthu 1643W free Phone (June 13-1 yr.) "Notice THE BOY WHO TOOK SLICKEN | off bank of creek at end of Al-| St., return to Police Station | further troubie. | (148.0) | bert | at once to.save i nual | People | Mrs. I' Mr. e) | MOV-! Phone , one of the largest strains | ten | OF i | CAPABLE | must Thornton's Corners | (Mrs, G. Hn Robinson, Corres pondent) THORNTON'S CORNERS, jue 23.--On Sunday last tae Oshawa Branch of the Canadian legion held its annual Decor:- tion Service when flowers were placed on the graves of all the Veterans buried in the Uniun Cemetery. ; Next Sunday, June 26, the dif- ferent lodges will hold their an- Decoration Service al ta Union Cemetery. There will be no Sunday Schoo! { Service next Sunday. On Tuesday evening our Young presented their play "The Prodigal Son' at Kedron Church to a well filled room. A happy event took place after the performance at the supp: ! table to show the appreciation ui he young people. Miss Hare: DeGuerre read an address to Mis Hobbs and a purse was present - ed to her then Mr. Clarence,Scot | read an address to Miss Ander son and a dinner ring and neci lace was presented to her. Our best wizhes for success our numerous students who are writing examination. Also cod- gratulations to Lyla Thomps nt and Bob Pierson who have pa sed their Entrance without exami.\a tions, Mies Isobel Pierson is spe nding a week in Toronto with cousins Mrs, Gilbert, , and Mr. Walter Gilbert, of were Sunday guests Mrs, Norman Gilbert. 10 Sr North Oshawa, and OWNER OF $2,000 1S BEING SOUGHT Officials of Paris Bank Want to Find Depositor of Money Paris deposited conducting earch for 'its Bearson Bacause the paying charges on ti care, officials ('fustodians of in a Paris bank an owner, wants t intere- im Its bank ) e854 monnting funds left the instit in France, missing er ae 1 of ution are the man An ago Dearson came deposited addres looking for both in North ye, Two year Paris and gave a Pq 1 poor health. After living quietly monthg with the family of a cou- 1 lomo» Hertzberg, near narters here to He ris He was for 1 heard from since Officer-- Hey, are trying to do? Drunk I'm trying to lamp post t bridge wife bridge lam pull thi hic, m} P of wants a Female Help Wanted COOK, GE class cook Fast Side 28 r 5. Apply Bowman- (145¢) be first Baker Beach Mrs, ville RELY ETABLE For 60 years the world's best corrective for CONSTIPATION and INDIGESTION Sold everywhere in 25c and 75¢ ved pkgs 'S IEEEPILLS | and | of | $2,000 | p the | Bear- | ith of France, | you | RAL, | TIME TABLES | BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY Week Day Schedule (Daylight ving Time) (Effective on and alter Mid 1, 1932) A Arrive _ Whitby Hospital x For Ottawa, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS 1932, Effective Ma. (Standard 1 9.26 a.m, Dai 2.45 Trenton x4.18 p.m. Daily. 11.06 p.m. Daiiy. 12.05 a.m. Daily Fuso al Daily, Montreal and Ea Westhound by m. Daily. p.m. Daily .34 p.m. Dail; ly. oronto and West enly~flag, except Sunday. except Sunday. st only-- SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE | (Daylight Saving Time) Geil Wea 1 Arrive Arrive | Whitby Hospital | m ib 2.30 p.m. 2.45 p.m. 6X pm 645pm. | 10.05 p.m, 10.20 p.m, 12.30 p.m. 15 p.m. 45 p.m. .10 pain. ve Arrive | © Oshawa Bowmanville 9.40 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 33 om. 7.45 p.m, 8.15 p.m ig 11.10 pm. 11.400.m { OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE: LINDSAY | AND BOBCAYGEON 12.45 p.m. 4.00 p.m, n Note--Daylight Saving Time and Standard | | Time effective on all Divisions on same T dates as Oshawa and Bowmanville. Effective on and after June 10th, NORTHBOUND 1 ung 'md oH pue I wd 'joy § ung 'jeg dadxe Apeq | ligt would ar orbit Saturn, | 8 are !N international | Samuel | 8.4 1.3 SOUTHBOUND Daily a.m. Sat. Sun. and . Hol, p.m, 1 6.4 | a and Eur- | $2,000, | two | B | Enniskillen +... Hampton Special Busses For All Occasions p Reasonable Rates and Caretu Drivers A | T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR i BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or M8 Oshawa Waiting Roem, 6 Prince St. Phone 2283 GRAY COACH LINES 4 (Effective May 1, inn (Eastern Standard Time n | -EAVE OSHAWA LEAVE, TORONTO | AM, P.M. AM, PM, 115.45 5.00 16.30 «6.30 7.30 8.30 | 9.30 . i t 0.30 ; 3 7.30 | 1 { th 2130 power, 1d i 1.30 {el a-- Daily exce Sunday. S Sat | Sunday and hol Nr . only. d--Sunday only. | --Except Sunday and bolidays. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS le Train Service 'H Effective. May 1, 1032 (Eastern Standard Time) EASTBOUND 9.42 a.m. Dail 1.59 p.m. Except 4.42 p.m, Daild 10.22 p.m. Daily, a Jee S Sunday, | 04 a.m 12.00 am WESTROUND 4.45 a.m, Dail 5.10 a.m. D F5.57 a.m. 4.06 p.m, Daily Dail: Except Sunday. Daily | | F--Flag stop to let off Montreal passengers. | | hecome | when onceivably visible universe. planetoid reveals a quite un --less 10,45 a.m. | 1} inside tween the sun and earth. 1932 fre | ar outward, lareest | meter, | Most county nea populated | o1 Aethra, sizhted again until 1922, |i was speculated upon vhen Eros, known planetoid, | seemingly ing end. over Y Y NEW PLANETOID HAVE YOU TRIED DRAKES' 01d English Style Horse Radish Sauce? You'll Like It Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE 2 Prince St., Oshawa Office Phone 793 Res. Phone 2895 STIRS SCIENCE Earth's Orbit New overy York.--The of the new the scientific 932.. It brings of, the from examining distant edges most een coming The xpected thing right at eartl than 5,000,000 miles Lilliputian, world is earth's' orbit--that nis Not one of the othe: wore planetoids, placed are all "out the sun, most 00,000,000 miles fart ¢ between Mars, and Jupiter or in fre back", imilarly hey or one 304, Vesta are a.@regations of or so in gize., A t so oddly that 1 like to discover ¢ made of. One, reac! from 830,000,000 *allas, astre alinda, ing Mars miles un. re One holds exploded planet. same POs to data It th growing he unexpected may lead world idea r link )V space mav evider be more than formerly st this evidence is the 20,000,000 * eter art o1 tion that all Wi nomers ht this new object bit they may use 4.000000 mile long astro aga its dist for reaching out into space. One asteroid, in 1813, was not | difficulties. discovered av be In speculation the new n | becomes a literal stepping stone in- space. Ii men 100m rockets, they 1e new planetoid, succee may shut wet a free rou ose to Venus, la at that time the "ros tr. 15 avels gut tc miles long, s away. [| e is about en d. MAKE A GOOD oung fellow, if pretty lass HE'LL you | Who's not ashamed to tote a maz- { ket basket, And there's a question trembling on your lips, ou are a prize dumbell don't ask it. Heidelberg planetoi sensation of astronomical dis- covery back close to earth at a time wonders the next The four] are Ceres, 485 miles in dia- | one-fifth the morn 243 and Juno 118 | few 1at tl fre and verity ineasuring travel t p A similar possibil- | was 17,000,000 mi- like a dumbell and rotat- know -| Heidelberg Discovery Only One Known Inside ICE REFRIGERATORS Your choice of Three at ROCK 'BOTTOM PRICES | Ross, Ames & Gartshore | HUDSON--ESSEX dis- may d have the in of the 1's door away reported | be-| 18, 1,000 and aster oids, farthe r: 70,000,000 to Nearly al pla rock, 2 reflecy | momers | ey has an | out tol m the | are two theories of their them fra The AIents Boe nce that thickly 1pposed. calc daily Ss into earth's atmosphere. mn ance as | rod! There : | eighbor d with off nd tri the st vear| nearest » Mars. | | shaped I | 10 Simcoe St. 8. 1o3 King St. W. Phone 116 Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY It rour watch 's not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St, 8. Phone 189 WE DELIVERS We Deliver INQUIRE about our Free Washing and Greasing. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 86 King St, E. Phone 900 Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 A 12 Simcoe St. South NEW LOW PRICES ROYAL YORK TEA V2 Ib. Pkg. 24¢ 1 Ib. Pkg. 47¢ at all Superior Stores Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop Here Always WILE { a | « you |; We buy 01d Gola ana Silver We repair anything bought in a Jewelry Store BASSETT'S Jewelers | Oshawa's Main Corner TILLIE THE TOILER-- WELL, IT 'NCN'T ay DEMONSTRATION ACF THE VALETERIA BE LONG BE--- TRY-OLUT hp YEAH - EVERY THING'S GOT TO BE RAGHT THIS 'LL NEVER FORGET THE LAST AN 4 3 WHEN WHIPPLE HAD = HIS CLOTHES TORN Wy TO RIBBONS HEH - HEH "WALLY WENT IN A DUDE AND CAM a June K Ome King Features Syndicate, Ine. Gipest Britain rights res MEL , WHIPPLE ARE YOu READY TO HELP YEST OLT THE VALE TERIAY J MINUTE SJ¢ OT TA BRINGING UP FATHER ~ Dental DR. 8S. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's, Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1312. : Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR: paulins, everything {in canvas. Phone 2104. George Reid, 66 Bond West. J. J. Turner & Sons. Representative. (25 june c) Dew Worms ANY QUANTITY PACKED 1. moss. Phone 1420F, 301 French Strect. £23 july cy, NOW LISTEN- YOU GO RIGHT TO THAT DINNER-{ WILL BE LISTENING TO HEAR YOU TALK OVER THE RADIO" SHUT LP! GO! DO AS 1 DAY- DONT TALK BACK~ ot, Oo bor, igs on 9 , King Fearutes Syndicate, Inc, Great Brissin eighth sserved. WE WILL NOW HEAR FROM MR-NGGDY ARE YOU LISTENIN MAGGIE? WELL, ITS ABOUT TIME 'rou

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