THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Want-Ads Reliable domestic help can most readily be secured by using a Times Want-Ad. Musical instruments of all kinds find a ready market in the Times Want-Ad columns. Discarded clothing can be easily turned into ready cash by offer- ing it for sale in the Times Want-Ads. Whether you wish to buy or to sell a Used Car... YOUR best salesman 1s a Times Want-Ad. Help pay for your vacation by dis- posing of things you no longer need or use in your household--An inez- pensive Times Want-Ad turns the rick, Hirer MY Motto" with Oshawa Times 'WANT-ADS obtain the furnishings and equipment for this THE ATTIC Oshawa Times Want-Ads can do a world of good here. They'll help you to dispose of that miscellaneous collection of discarded cloth- ing, unused furniture and those rugs and carpets + « + « They'll put these things in the hands of people who want and need them and at the same time provide you with cash to buy some of the things you DO want. THE BASEMENT--Wouldn't you like to have a recreation room here? Oshawa Times Want-Ads offer every assistance. First: by helping you to dispose of the unused things you have stored here. Second: by showing you where to economically Oshawa Raily Times THE NEWSPAPER THAT REACHES THE HOMES OF OSHAWA AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT. ~ "new" room. THE YARD and GARDEN----Have you all the tools an equipment necessary to beautify your lawn and garden? Oshawa Times Want-Ads will tell you where these things can be most advant- ageously purchased. It will pay YOU to become a confirmed reader and user of Oshawa Times Want-Ads because it'sa proved fact that they will satisfactorily fulfill 'ANY want or need that may arise around YOUR home. i