Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jun 1932, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY\TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1932 PAGE THREE A . Toronto Yachtsmen Entertained on Their Cruise to Oshawa Armed with. goodwill, the fleet of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club | breakfast was served at Bonnie Brae Point, the summer home of cruiSed to Oshawa last Saturday, arriving about 11 p.m., with a | Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Conant, huge 'bonfire welcoming the visitors and guiding them into the hare | below were made. It was the first race of the R.C.Y.C. fleet to Osh- bor, Supper followed, and on Sunday morning a delightful shore | awa since the opening of the harbor. These photographs show groups | In the third picture from the left Mr. and Mrs. Conant are shown. where the photographs shown of the yachtsmen and thelr hosts. The photograph on the extreme right shows the Walter Windeyers, senior and junior, with the lat- ter weaving his famous port-and-starboard, (red and green) socks, Bowmanville | News NEW PRESIDENT OF ST. PAUL'S W.M.S. The W.M.S. of the year. of a temperance nature ture readings relating to temper- ance were read by several meni- members of he | est temperance | of the bers. Two C.G.I.T. presented a "dream" in which lantern Adams gave a | was were used. a solo by Mrs For Today." served at Miss Peters Is attending the W convention being C.T.U, Uxbridge. Reeve T. H. Lockhart is atténd- ing the June sessions of county in Cobourg couneil this week. Auxiliary of St. Paul's United Church June meeting Tuesday afternoon in the school room Adams presiding. tendered her resignation in writ- ing as president and Mrs. was appointed to the office and | fact consented to act for with Mrs. Gillespic | Re the balance The meeting was | up Mrs, reading which presented the evils of strong drink, the mission fields were discus ed in an open fori ing number ov the Colville, "Juy! Refreshments wore tha close and a socin half hour spent. The needs for red a plea heing: held St. Andrew's picnic as Park yesterday held iis | so the ladies was served in the v. and Mrs. F. J. the guests of honor party, and in that Mr, Mus. Kerry and are le dence in made a and scrip- | iliary and appreciation for Auxiliary platter on a presented slides | pyrex zation by Brant, Miss M. president, read an address to Mr. ARram wnt held fn June On Saturday, { 733 Rowena | curred of George (Bud nine months old son Mrs. George McGillis. lv attended, tributes were, the Anmis Street, Mrs. | The Water's Fine What a grand and glorious feeling to be able to plunge | i i into the cool water and es- cape the summer heat? And in the healthful rays of sunshine. Your maximum pleasure in depends on equipped. after, to either case being properly Your Rexall Store can sup- ply every accessory, cheaply too. Bathing Caps 15¢ to $1.00 Diving Caps, with strap .... fitting . . bites, etc. Skeetofax, for mosquito bites .. We save you money and Serve you well Jury & Lovell Simcoe S. Phone 68 Eine E 28 .39¢c, 50¢, 75c¢ Turbans, without strap 75¢ Bobby Caps, tight .75¢, Ear Plugs, per pair .. Swimming Buoys, 85¢ & 50c Tan-Gel, for sunhwm Gypsy Cream, for sunburn, family, Mr. Mr. D. "Chappell i and Mrs." C Mrs. William row Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bowmanville, Mrs. | of Bowmanville, Richards and family, N | Hudson. Mrs. T. Ca | Mrs. A. Parroa, Mr | Navlor. Mr. and Mrs and familv, and Cherewatv, and the McGillis famil Pall bearers T. Farrow, H. and L. Gilard. from Farrow, Mary Jane Elliott, the home of her H. Kelly, yesterday folfowing an | week's duration. Magahey | ninth year. For the and city, Her husband twelve years time Mrs. home with H. Kelly. survivors of Mrs, six other daughters, Wray, Brandon, bert Alchin, 35¢ Jersey; Mrs... W. Rowden Mrs. Mrs. Jeffery, son, George Clay, Rev. ago. $1.00 . 25¢ her . .B0c .B0c¢ of the:funeral which place from Thursday clock. (PRESENTATION MADE TO MINISTER AND WIFE BY SOCIETY | United Lakeview afternoon on ac- | count of the unfavorable weuainer | gathered church where the picnic banquet Maxwell were at the happy recognition of the Maxwell ing in a few days to take Toronto, presentation them as an expression of respect | their inter- in the past years in the work ift, a stand, and Mis Maxwell on behalf of the organi- the president, Pringle, a former appropriate Maxwell. the | the wind veered right supper hall. Mrs. the Aux- Lo silver to Mr. Mrs, II and Mrs. OBITUARY | FUNERAL OF BABY McGILLIS Street the McGillis and I'he funeral was held on Monday and was large- Those who sent floral neighbours Richards and Mrs, Sei and family] aunt and family, Mr, on STUDENTS BUILD * 16:FO0T MOTOR estleke Nellie W 2ke | and Mrs. Chas. | BOAT AT 0 ( V | and Mr Us tole R . Skinty Wm of Mr. and Mrs. at the funeral werc McGee d at | Times this morning H. H. Technical In- the Vocational In- | the late George Magahey, daughter Mrs. illnéss of only The late was . in - her ona seventy- | in Its five years she has resided in thi having come to this county | the finished article will compare from England when a young gir). predeceased Since that Magahey has made her daughter, Besides Mrs. Magahey her are Man, ; , Al- Perth Amboy, New 4 4 Petre, Mrs. : Walker der, T. Robinson and Mrs. J. all of Oshawa and of Oshawa, Canon de Pencier, Geirge"s Church will have ¢harge is to take 79 Queen Street afternoon at Interment will he made at the Union Cemetery. one on 0'- RECORD TRIP BY The Jessie Panton Auxiliary ol Church | were unable to hold their annual | planned at (Continued from page 1) strong although | reef, Following | not too | take in a | north west. 1 set my | wind when the stars becatie { ed over | the summer in Olcutt, do. cloud- home of some Enjoyable Trip "After hours rest with a fine trip back was very I made---good time o'clock when I ran thunderstorm just off "The waves were very it was quite a battle to dinghy on its course but about six o'clock, I came sight of land and from then battled through the storm sighting Oshawa. "That ic all there was to thorov hly enjoyed the whole said this voung man whose pade has caused many and comments among vachtsnfen. Tt I started out for following until about Whitby in a dinghy, tinction for that ane of "its members has journev. (Continued from page 1) forts. The boat In conversation with the Director - of struction at stitute, agreed that the boat is a credit to the students who helped construction. took a whole year to build it, and progress was necessarily slow, any vessel experienced Kerr. very favorably with built hy far more workers' said Mr. OSHAWA SAILOR had to this storm there was dead calm and then round to the course by the and arrived at the dock at | ire nd S just as I had planned to breakfast and a couple of home breeze. The enjoyable, and five into another bad high and keep the finally within until it and 1 trip' esca varied' exnerienced, is admitted that nev- at | er before has the lake heen crossed so that it is some dis the Oshawa Yacht club heen the first to complete this hazardous who have had a hand in the con- struction of this vessel are justly proud of the result of their ef- itself has been pur- | chased hy a member of the teach- DEATH OF MRS. G. MAGAHEY | ing staff, at a fair price. | | The Kerr, "While we Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, or by ap- pointment at al times. C. H. Tuck, Opt D. Eyesight Specialist Disney Block, - Oshawa, Opp. P.O. 1516--Phone--1516 CLAIM COMMUNIST CAMP LOCATED (Continued from in any page 1) ing given them particular subject. May Be in Scarboro William Constable Chester, of Pickering, as yet, said that he had complaints to date, make inquiries a: think the camp is on the Scarboro' side of the townline and therefore outside my diction," he added. Last summer a similar camp was held, and Communist pag- eants were staged by those at- tending, both adults and chil- dren participating in the presen- tations. These activities con- tinued uninterrupted for a co siderable period on the ground located north of the Orchard Inn In Pickering. At that time entrance to the premises made thre lane owned by a neighboring mer, who on hearing of the activities, spread a large Union Jack over the lane, which belong- ed to him, thus compelling the Communists to pass British 'flag before they their freedom to carry on propaganda. THREATS SENT summer received no but would once, "1 was far- Red OVER TELEPHONE | | articles publ lating to 'his city ac a foreman while still naturalized alien. Since that his application - for naturalization has been approved and he is now { a Canadian citizen. Whether these | facts have anv hearing in the sit | uation which has now developed is fa matter of conject Birth TANE--June 22nd, at Oshawa General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack I). Tane, (nee nice W. Nicholls), a daughter, (June Diane). (146a) Death MAGAHEY--In Oshawa, on Tuesday, June 21st; Mary Jane Magahey, years. Funeral from. the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H., A. Kelly (Continued from page 1) hed in paper employment by the this 1932, | terment Smoked Back E. THU THURSDAY SPECIALS SPECIALS Phone 114710€ 1b. BUEHL BROS LIMITED Minced Steak .2 Ibs. 17c| Rolled Rib R Beef Cuttings .2 Ibs. Lamb Liver ....lb. pring Broilers Ib. Cutlets Ib. 18 17¢| 19¢ ZR Steak or ast |b. 23c Pork Kidneys ....lb. 8c 27¢' Veal Shanks esisalBe 6c! Mealed Rolls ...lb, 12¢ Rolled Veal ROAST 1b. 1 2¢ Peamealed Back Bacon Ib. 17¢ 4 Pure Pork Sausage Neat. Ib. 125¢ Pickled Pork ...lb. 10c 79 Queen Street, on Thursda June 23rd, 1932. Service at 2.30 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time), In- Union Cemectery, (146a) Card of: Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Gen. MeGillis, 733 Rowena St., wish te thank their friends and neighbors, Dr. Hazelwood, for floral tributes, cars and expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereave- nient. (146a) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Magee, 818 Rowena St., wish to thank their friends and neighbors, for floral tributes and many expres- sions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement, (146a) Too Late To Classify FOR RENT--3 ROOMED FLAT, use of phone and washing mach- ine. $10 per month. Garage if 'de- sired. 140 Tylor Cres. Phone 1477TW. (146h) COMING EVENTS "8 Cents per word each in. th Mini n for each insertion, 85c. OPEN ATR DANCING, STADIUM, Wednesday, June 22. Maple Orchestra. Admission 26c, Dancing free. (145b) KING ST. LADIES' AID PIC- nie, Lakeview Park, Thursday, Jung 23. Come and bring your basket. (146a) | | | ON ROUGE RIVER | while he had not made | | any inspection of local camps this | juris- | - | CASE ugh a | Red | under the | enjoyed | an un- | tine | Eu- | Ont, | aged 79 |" CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | RECKLESS DRIVING CASE When he was brought before | day, June 27. Magistrate T. K. Creighton this | been intended to morning in the city police court, | following night but the date wa Arnold Westington of 491 changed on account of many of coe Street South was charged | the officers having other engage- with reckless driving and hi ments on Tuesday. As there ax counsel 8S, J. Hennick, asked for | many important matters to hb the case to be adjourned. The | discussed, it is expected that | plea was granted and the accused | there will be a full attendance o! will appear ain a week froin | all interested citizens, today, June ---- OSHAWA YACHT CLUB The Oshawa Yacht Cluh ha premises at the harbor and hoa!' was charged with having nquor | affording facilities for sail and | illegally, in the city police court | motor boating, A limited num os morning'and he pleaded gui!- | ber of acceptable ty and was given his option of | be admitted subject to the cuil the minimum fine of %100 and | regulations, Applications shoul' three months in the | be made to Ed. Burns, secretar county jail Sheridan was un-| Burns' Shoe Store, King and Sia able *o pay the fine and was | coe Streets, Oshawa. forced take the sentence in- | =---- stead. A GREAT RAIN Gardeners and farmers were delighted with the heayy rain which fell during yesterday af ternoon's thunderstorm, The parched ground was given a tho:- ough soaking by the downpou: and this was just what was neel- stimulate the growiag Sim- FINED $100 AND COSTS Dan Sheridan, 312 Golf Street, osts or ADJOURNED In a case which was this morn ing adjourned until a later dat Harry Pankiw of Drew. Stree! was charged with doing damag: to the property of John Tutkalul, of Park Avenue. John Tutkaluk ed to through his counsel S.J. Hennich | Crops. charged the accused with putting coal oil in his well and Pankiv's | counsel A. W S Greer, was granted a remand until a later | at the last meeting of the hoard date. of education to discuss ways and means of reducing the cost: of education in Oshawa, held it first meeting last night. Thi committee was authorized to make plans, and to consult with the department of education anl stretching into its second wes | Mr. Cummings, of the Ontario without the equipment being | Municipal Bureau, with a view to ymmoned from the hall once, suspending certain regulations nai which have a tendency to in WELFARE SOCIE TY MEETING | crease education costs, Nothinf The annual meeting of the. As- | definite was decided at last Welfare Societies is ¢) | night's meeting, although several council cham-! schemes were discussed. COMMITTEE MET NO FIRE There in to the fire | day and the ALARMS o fire alarms sent department yestei record is now were n sociated be held in the city relatives in Western Ontario, Orono, visited Mr, Jas m on PARTING MESSAGE Mr, and Mrs. Wes, Cameron and IN JIN CHURCH! ackie were with her parents, M and Mrs. Selbert Flintoff; Ebenezer, on Sunday. Mrs. Hammond, of Orillia, is auite ill at the home of her Mrs. Weslev Glaspell. Farewell Sermon on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur Sunday tended the picnic of Solina married people IT awa last Thursdav, Miss Eileen Stainton week-end with her sister Ross Lee, of Kedron, and the anniversary on and Mrs. A. Stainton also the afternoon service, Some one accidentally left a splendid new hvmnary at Zion church anniversary might, with out anv name. The correspondent has Camere | vice. | IN T R | Mr. and Mrs. McMaster and Miss | | Annie are spending a few days with | | | i { Rev. Mr. Bick Preached His | sister, voung at the Lake at Osh- spent the r. Mrs attended (Mrs. W. Balson, Correspondent) ZION, June 21--Sunday mormng Rey. Mr, Bick gave us his farewell | message and spoke trom the words light go shine upon men, vour good works Father which is and spoke very earncst- | Iv giving a fine message.. Mrs, Bick | accompanied him and said farewell to a' great many. We are sorry to sec 'Mr. and Mrs. Bick leave us, but hone they will like their new home at Whitevale. At the close of the service, Mr. Bert Glaspell | will have charge of the 'service and read an address prepared by Mrs.! Sunday School afterwards, Jesse "Arnott, to Mr, Arthur Stain- Mr. Wm. Beckell has had z very ton, who has resigned as choir lead- | severe stroke. Nurse Miss Hazel cr, and presented him with a zold | Van Dyke is in attendance, g ring, set with a ruby stone, The' Mrs Arthur Stainton entertained address was as follows: Zion, June | several ladies at a Women's Asso- 19th, 1932, Dear Mr. Stainton, from 3 attended Let vour | that they may see and clorfy in heaven," Vout owner, Next Sunday at 10 Rev. Mr. Newell, of Blackstock, members will | | Young People of Ontario | comment | the day | ma were en | at Mrs. | into U | said they | finest A special committees appointed | Nar | the Greenbank | | | | 4 wi | Sunday. Mr. | the book and would like to find its ! o'clock the | | young | ity were: it her home last ss Lee, of Kedron, Hills, Oshawa, quilting Mrs. R (George ciation Fridav. and Mr were present also. Mrs. Bert Glaspell tertained at a party for Mrs. George awa, and Mrs. Ed. Werry of Eldad 'erry"s home on Saturday and Miss Nor- birthday and had enjoyable day. a very JUNIOR FARMERS FIELD DAY WAS GREAT SUCCESS County Enjoy Day's Pro- gram of Sports Uxbridge, Ont.,, June 20.-- Farm boys and girls xbridge from every County on. Thursday, and many favourable were heard from on- watched the: play througho and later at the One local buginess man were the cleanest and gathering of people visited Uxbridge Nearly 1, park during the day, Twenty-five softball teams tock t in this section of the sport the Myrtle boys finally coming Scugog in the fin Among team cleaned up standard events the cnam- ong the g was uerita of Ontario June 16th looker who onng people at dance out ahead of boys' round. 4 1In pionship a won by M Bert Ashenhurst of cleaned up on Arch Manchester, hy point 'with a total of 3015 Goodwood Crosier of | ver cups were presented to thes © athletes, The community whieh consists of athletic equipment was Goodwood community championship contestants, The four win- prize for their commun- Bert Ashenhurst, | MacDonald and | four ning this Blanche Todd, Wagg. The hoys won by Jim Anderson, against 9 competitors and girls' 75 vard swim was won by Helen Sowden, of Uxbridge. The winners in the various in- dividual events were ag follows Boys' 100 yard dash -- Bert Ashenhurst, Goodwood. Girls' 50 vard dash -- Iva Mil- ler, Scugog. 100 Uxbridge Hilts, Osh-} | Davidson. | Sowden, poured section | strect who | | 500 people visited the the girls | Hunter of | | Brooklin with 18 points and am- | | ong the boys $8.00 worth of | won by | with the | y : | highest number of points won bj Mr. George Bowen and iriend of | yard swim was | the | 10.0.F An invitation is extended to | all Oddfellows and Re- | bekahs to join in the ANNUAL DECORATION SERVICE to be held at | Union Cemetery | on Sunday, June 26th at | 3 pom. DST. Address by Rev. Bro. Lindsay. Boys' 12 1b. shot put -- Phere ril of Whitevale, running broad jump---- e Crosier, Manchester, * running broad jump----e Mary Clark, Quaker Hill, Boys' 12 mile race -- John running high jump--- Marguerite Hunter, Brooklin. Boys' standing broad jump--IL. Annis, Dunbarton; Boys' 220 yard dash -- Bert Ashenhurst, Goodwood. 3' 100 yard dash Scugog. standing broad jump-- E. Annis, Dunbarton. Boys' hop, step and jump -- Jert Ashenhurst, Goodwood. Pole vault -- A, Crosier, Man- chester, Bo 100 yard swim -- And on, Uxbridge. Girls' 75 vard swim -- Helen Uxbridge The Horse Pitching Con- test open to teams from any rur- al community in Ontario County, and contested by 12 teams, was won by Whitney and Whitney, Columbus, with Dixon and Sous ley, of Manilla in 2nd place. Girls' i -- Iva Miller, Girls' Jim Shoe of airplanes in w allowed to have fitted with radio ani cool and healthful Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes are crisp. Cooling. i Easy to digest. Chock- { full of energy. All the } nourishment of whole wheat. And all the flavor! i Enough bran to be mildly. J Jaxative. ; You'll enjoy these bet- ter bran flakes. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. vour earliest davs, vou have been one of Zion community, and since vour vouth, you have been a mems- ber of Zion choir, for somewhere, around the past twenty years, vou have given your services as our choir leader. During that time we realize how i faithful vou have been. Regularity and punctuality have always attend- ed you and without these features, || Na service 'can attdin its highest success, we know that your efforts have been successful, for often have we been inspired to higher things by vour service of song. Now it is with regret, we learn, you are retiring as choir master, but we are pleased that you will still be with us, we still will be hon- ored by your presence, and we know that vour advice and assist- ance. will be sought in the future Now we felt we could not let this 'occasion pass, without showing | our appreciation of your past ef- forts, in some little way, and so we ask vou to accept this rinz, from the Sunday School and the board of sessions. We trust that as you wear this gift, vou will often have pleasant memories of the vears you have spent as our choir leader Signed on behalf of the Sunday School and the board of session, F. B. Glaspell, R. W. Robbins, T. C. Glaspell. Mr, Stainton replied very feelingly and thanked: all for the lovely gitt. All sang "Blest Be The |' Tie That Binds" and closed the ser- PHONE 78 MELBA'S LILAC FACE POWDER (4 shades) EGULAR 75c¢ BUY AND SAVE 4 DAYS OF 1c SALE Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday EXTRA SPECIAL Manufacturers' Sale 3 for the Price of One - KARN'S DRUG STORE 3 for 75¢ NEXT POST OFFICE

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