* _THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1932 PAGE SEVEN 4 Ontario and Durham County News Columbus 1. Cook, Correspondent) UMBUS, June 7.--The Wo- Asstclation held their reg- ular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. John Lambert on May 25th with thirty present. The president conducted the 'opening exercises. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Doris Nesbitt and the roll call answered by some ve! or quotation in the word "Love." The minutes of last meeting were read and approved and all business dealt with, after which a program was given con- sisting of readings by Mrs. John Nesbitt, Mrs, H. Wilson and Mrs. James Ashton; solo by Miss Mary Lambert and vocal duet by Mrs. D. Yellowlees and Mrs. C. Vice and recitation by Jean Hislop. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting and a social time en- joyed, Mr. Wesley Thompson and Miss Muriel Thompson and friend, Haydon, visited with Mrs. James Ashton, recently. Mr, and Mrs. John Guy and sons, Almond, spent Sunday with Mr. 8S. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. A. R."Scott and family, Arnprior, visited. his fa- ther, Mr. James Scott, récently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hayes wigited friends at Zion on Sunday. Several from here attended the funeral of Clarence Magee, son of Mr. Fred Magee. The-sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Mrs. Robert Tnompson, Whit- by, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, To- ronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. C. Hayes, Mrs. 8, J. Bond and son, Brook- lin, spent the week-end with Miss Margaret Scott. Mr. William Grant "left last week to spend ;:the holiday months at Jasper Park, B.C. Rev, James Beckel, of Napanee, on his return from home from the Conference at Lindsay visited with his aunts, Mrs. L. Ellens and Mrs. Robert Ashton on Satur- day. Mrs. K. Fraser, Toronto, visit- ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Grass. Mr. and Mrs. Burt "Ashik and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ashton, Old Alta,, motored here and are visit- ing their old home and relatives. Get better Read this interesting letter: Liable elk hove if you knew Old Dutch Cleanser as do thousands and thousands of Canadien housewives, you, too, would realize that: "Old Duteh Is the only cleanser you need in your home." "Naturally women who are just learning the art of good housekeeping must acquainted! g agents to d "Not until | used "Old Dutch' did | find o cleanser which quickly and efi d on fo assure perfect cleanliness. ies. It is also indi hy scours, polishes and thoroughly cleans my kitchen vhensils, ond both- for 9 brown stains from hari Boies bebe, pres vrs. also for cleaning my electric iron and toaster. 1 find Old Dutch d for cl would have in my home." LISTE Wednesd: "There's satisfaction in using Old Dutch Cleanser: I's he only edna # Mrs. A. D Turnbull, 716 De L'Epee Ave., Outremont, P. Q.. Canada. Every day. more and more Canadian house- wives are adopting Old Dutch exclusively be- cause it cleans more things. . (w+. dosnt scratch . . . is kind fo their hands "c « « goes further: costs less fo use. MADE IN'CANADA to the old Dutch Girl every Monday, and Friday and inferior of my cleans quicker g over the AON HIGH TEST Columbia Broadcastiag System. Tune in Toronto Station E sarepy EE GEM LYE: te OPENS CLOGGED DRAINS + KEEPS DRAINS OPEN AT ALL GROCERS 'daughter, Jean, A - " "Mr. and Mrs. John Hislop and left on Monday night for Manitoba to visit rela- tives and' Mr. and Mrs, Norman Stocks, Oshawa, are going to look after his duty at home while he is away. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilkins, Osh- awa, visited at the home of Mrs. John James, on Sunday. Brougham News BROUGHAM, June 6.--A good- ly number of the members of the Women's Institute were in Brooklin on Thursday attending the W.I. District Meeting, Mrs, Brownridge of Whitevale, district president, very ably presided, and gave a thought provoking address, its subject being in the main, the evils of Communism. Mrs. Jull, of Brooklin, gave a very kindly welcome from the people of Brooklin, also from ses- sion of church of the U. C. where meeting was held. Mrs. Moore, of Shirley, replying to welcome, the forenoon was spent in the presentation of reports from the different branches rep- resented in this district, showing that a lively interest fs shown by W. I. members in all matters pertaining to our national life, when such subjects as Health Legislation, Education, Agricul- tire, Literature, Home Econo- mics, Historical Research and League of Nations, becomes a matter of study and research among such a number of rural women it must have an effect on our country's outlook, -Brougham W. I. with Mrs. Harvey at piano, led in community singing. After the lunch hour Mrs. Reesor, of Altona, led in an impressive memorial service in memory of 2 members who passed on to greater service during the year. Dr.. MeWhinny gave an enlight- ening talk on diseases of the throat. Mr. Carrol, chairman of Mar- | keting Board zave an address in place of the Minister of Agricul- ture who was unable to be pres- ent. Mr, Carrol dealt very clearly with his subject of marketing, and in the discussion which fol- lowed his address he found alert brains voicing keen criticism from the women of the farms. who feel there is much meed for reforms in marketing their pro- duce. A very pleasing event of the afternoon was the singing of the school children led by teach- er, Miss Gee. Miss Powell of the Provincial Board delivered a fine address, The officers for 1932 of the District are: President, Mrs. I.. Johnston, of Brougham; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Roberts, .of Whitby: 2nd Vice-President, Miss Clara Underhill, of Claremont: Sec.-Treas., Miss McClellan, of Whitby. The large number pres- ent were served an excellent dinner by the Brooklin ladies. cinrooLat Uer acflaS- guMwTn- Visitors at the home of Mrs. Philin on June 3rd: Mr, Stew- art Williamson. accompanied by his aunt, Mise Anthony and Mrs. Dawgon and daughter, Ida Daw- son and Miss Cooper. Mrs, Big- low, Miss Brodie, Mr. Biglow and the Misses Spoffards, all of Toronto, Mr. Russ Brodie and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Jones and Mrs. Jones, Sr., and Mr. O'Brien, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Miss Brodie. Mrs. William Wallace and daughter, Ella, visited T. C. and This is PEOPLE' Stores, Limited 5--10--15¢c to $1.00 21-23 Simcoe Street South Largest Owned Chain of 5¢ to $1.00 Stores in Canada INFANTS WEAR WEEK at People's. A complete variety of out- 'standing bargains for the youngest member of the family. Look over our windows for this weeks' Infants' Wear Specials Good quality, all sizes. Each SPECIAL Children's - Ladies' Panama Hats $1.00 Friday and Saturday only, Large White Plies. 3€ €ACH ALL WOOL BATHING SUIT BARGAINS Youths' ! 25¢ 59¢ $1.00 Boys' Child's Rayon Half Socks Assorted shades, good qual- ity. 'Per pair EW 25¢ Ladies $1.49 $1.49 INFANTS 'BONNETS, Complete range of sizes and colors. 25¢ to 9c ,. INFANTS' CREPE DRESSES, wonderful value, 1 to 3 Lo years, each .... SUITS Large 59¢ $1.00 CHILDREN'S AND DRESSES, eli -- Child, s Cotton Hore Fawn, Black, 5% to 9%; Mps, Brown on Wednesday. Mr. W. J. Brown and family celebrated the- former's birthday at the old home on June 3rd. 6 car loads of school children and their parents were in at- tendance at the musical festival held in Brooklin on Wednesday evening. The children .of Brough- am school have been under the training of Mrs. Switzer for some time and are showing the benefit of the lessons in music. Mr. Frank Malcolm and fam- ily, of Torpnto, visited the form- er's mother on Sunday. Mrs. T. Knox still continues in a very unsatisfactory state of health. Hope for improvement. Miss Jean Malcolm spent the holiday with Miss Percy, of Ar- madale. Miss Jennie Duncan spent the week-end with her people, Mr. and Mrs, McHugh, form- er station agent at Locust Hill spent Saturday night at the Mathew's House. On Sunday the service was taken by the Crusader's Clup of Pickering. Mr. Miles Chapman occupied the pulpit, while the Crusader"s lead in the musical part of the service. Their singing of the hymn "Breathe On Me Breath of God', was very fine. An inspiration to see young men thus leading in Divine Ser- vice. Solina News T. Baker, | | dent SOLINA, June 6.--Mr. and | Mrs, Everett Mountjoy and fam- | fly 'were the guests of Mr. and | Mrs. Cecil Pascoe on Sunday. Miss Nora Werry and Marion Mountjoy were guests of Mr. and | Mrs. S. E. Werry over the an- niversary. Mr. J. D, Hogarth was at Mr. Thos. Baker's recently. Mr. F. J. Groat and Miss Wil- ma Leach visited Solina friends and attended Eldad anniversary. Mr. Charles Shortridge and Miss Vera are holidaying at Bob- caygen, Mr, and Mrs, Levi Ellins, Columbus, visited Solina friends and enjoyed the anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. W, G. Doldge, Mrs. J. 'Burns, Miss M. Horn, Hampton, were guests of Mr. and | Mrs. Chas. Blanchard for anni- versary. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacott and family, Maple Grove, visited at Mr. W. H, Westlake. | Miss Aura Osborne, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith and family. Enfield. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Magill and Daby, Enniskil- | len, visited Mr. H. A, Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peters and Miss May, Miss Jean Hogarth, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence | Tink and family, Maple Grove, visited at Mr. Geo, White's. Mrs, 8. Jose, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose and children, New- | castle, Masters Harvey and Ger- ald Balson, Zion, at Mr, A. J. | Balson. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Challis and Phyllis, Bowmanville, and | Mrs. Thos. Osborne. Whitby, visited the Misses Hockaday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephens, | Mr. and Mrs. Squair and Mrs. | Kyle Squair, Salem, Mr_ and Mrs. | Carl Billings and family of Leskard, Mzs. Chas. Langmaid, | of Enniskillen, visited at Mr. | Roy Langmalid's. | Mr. and Mrs. and family, Orono, Norman Leach and daughters. Mrs. John Wice, of Taunton, Misses Verna and Dora Cowling (Mrs. W. Correspon- Howard Challis | Mr. and Mrs. | | Walters, Toronto, Messrs, Laver- ne and Néwton Ashton, Hampton, visited at Mr. Sidney Hockaday, | Miss Ada and Mr. Clare Allin, Mr. Bop Corbett, Mrs. Elmo An- derson, Bowmanville,, visited at Mr. John Balder's. Miss Ettie Weldon, of Lind- say, visited at Mr. Isaac Hocke- day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred $mith, En- field, visited at Mr. C. D Pas- coe. Mr. and Mrs. Northcott and Miss Arline, Mr. Percy Cowiing and Miss Betty Sargent, DBow- manville, Mr. Horace Grills, Raglan, Mr. and Mrs. James Moorey and Ethel, Enniskillen, Miss Marjorie Pascoe and Mrc, F, Stonehouse, Hampton, Mr. Paul Williams, Port Perry, Messrs. Fred Bane and Len Mason, To- ronto, visited at Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blanchard. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hardy, New Toronto, Mr, Harry Hughes and Miss Jessie Valmer, Oshawa, Mr. Bert Terwilligar and Miss Lillian Dearborn, Columbus visited at Mr. Harvey Hardy. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Pearce and family, 'Ebenezer, Miss Laura Wickett, Oshawa, Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Grooms ond family, To- ronto, Mrs. Wes Brooks, Miss Grace Werry and Miss Clark, Bowmanville, Miss Marjory Stev- ens and Mr. Harvey Brooks, Maple Grove, and Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Enniskillen visited at Mr. and Mrs. S. BE. Werry's, Mr. and Mrs. D, Cole, Bethes- da, and Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Cole, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shaw's, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Webber and Miss Mildred. Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Eileen and Miss Lewis, Mr, and Mrs. | Frank Pascoe and Jean, Mr, Luther and Miss Irene Pascoe, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rob- bins and Ruth of Zion, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Pascoe, Thornton's Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Brooklin, visited at Mr. H. E. Tink's, Messrs. A. I. Pascoe, Chas. Howsam and Isaac Hardy, were in Toronto at the Milk Pro- ducers' Meeting on Saturday, Miss Mabel Powell, Oshawa, visited at Mrs. Norval Wottén's: Mrs. Reynolds and Grace, Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Horn and Ary, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wilcox, Made- line and Boyd, Master Kirth Bil- Jett, Hampton, 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edgar and 'Rosen, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and Mrs. J. J. Lord; Bowmanville, Mr. awa, Miss Alice Thompson, Ty- rone, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees. Mr. and Mrs.' Mck. Penfound, Miss Hazel and Mrs, M. E. Pen- found, Oshawa, were Sunday evening guests of Mr WwW, T. Baker. Port Perry (Misg M. Cockburn, Correspon- dent) PORT PERRY, June 4.--Mr. and Mrs. C, Wilson and family, of Toronto, were guests of Port Perry friends over the weck- end. Mr. and Mrs. J. guests of friends the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Goode and Mrs. J. Jackson were in To- ronto on Saturday, Mrs. A. D. Peterg was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Car- ruthers in Glen Major last week. Mr. and Mrs, Newell, of War- saw, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh last week. Mr, E. L. Pike, of Toronto, visited at the 'home of Port Perry friends on Sunday. Dr. J. B. Lundy attended the meeting of the Synod in Toronto last week.. Rev. R. T. Richardg, Elliott, Mr 8. Farmer R. Woon were in Birkett were in Myrtle on w. Mr. this Rev. and lindsay week attending the Bay of Quinte Conference. Rev, T. A. Nind was in Toron- to this week attending the meet- ings of the Synod. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Lucas, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Shepherd and Donald and Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Rennie were among those who attended the twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary celebration of Governor and Mrs. Hugh Lucas, of the County Gaol Whitby on Saturday. Miss Doris Nind, of Toronto, is spending the week-end with her parents, Rev, and Mrs. T. A. Nind. Mrs. C. L. Vickery is visiting frjends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson, of Whitby, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Griffen. . Mr, and Mre. Jabey Crozier were guestg of Manchester friends on Sunday. Mr. Harley Balfour, bridge, spent Sunday parents, Mr, and Mrs, four. Mr.. Hopkins Oshawa, have residence formerly Mr. E. Brookes. Mr, Norman and family, Toronto, have moved Into huilding formerly = occupied by Mr. Geo. Hall. Mr. Norman in- of Ux- with his E. Bal- of the by and family, moved into occupied of the tends to open an up to date shoe repairing shop. McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE QUICK PUDDINGS No eggs or sugar needed. Just add milk. A delicious dessert quickly, easily made. TIMELY HINTS It is just as important to re: move dying bloom from shrubs as it is from the annual flowers because the production of seed pods takes so much energy out the plants. Early-blooming shrubs, such ag spirea and syrin- ga should also be pruned at thi: time. One should stop cultivat- ing after the end of June around shrubbery, woody vines and fruit trees as the new growih must be hardened so it.will not kill back next winter. In order to take up the surplus moisture +n the soil around these plants, it is a good plan to set in well grown annuals which wiil correspond to the cover crops of oats, buckwheat, vetch or other things which large growers sow in their orchard for the same reason about this time of the year. London.--Cecil Duckworth, whose plav "Common Folk" was recently produced by the Repertory Play ers is a woman, the wife of the well-known publisher. She has treated from a woman's standpoint a dispute over the necessity of malk- ing an arterial road connecting air isolated part of the country vith a manufacturing centre. Writers fisd fine observation of character i this play, FOOD To a King's Taste! Fee] Taste! Freshness! Appeal! You'll find every possible aid to more enjoyable meals when foods come from Dominion We bring you better foods to help your cooking-- foods that ensure the success of every recipe. Try shop- ping here a week and see how dinners and budgets benefit. Pork =a Beans 2 1 Be Stores. NORWEGIAN Sardin PACKED IN PURE OLIVE OIL SPRING LAMB GENUINE FRESH KILLED Legs b. 32¢ Loins wn. 28 Fronts mn. 19. Boneless Rolled VEAL FILLETS 12- Chuck Roast or Thick Rib Roast Ib. 10- Fresh Minced Steak 1b. 15¢ Home Made Sausage 1b. 12 1-2¢ MAYFIELD BACON Ib. 17. SHOULDER PORK, PICNIC STYLE FINEST PEAMEAL--MILD CURE BACK BACON MILD FLAVORED CANADIAN NEW CHEESE FOR FRAGILE GARMENTS LUX SOAP MAPLE BRAND Pickles = FOR QUICK SUDS Chipso 27-0%. Zo. 19e Su. 9e FOR A HURRY-UP MEAL Chet Ready Meals 2:29¢ FRAY BENTOS Corned Beef ™ 15¢ TASTY AND APPETIZING Kipper Snacks ™ Se Choice Creamery BUTTER Ib. Pure Cane SUGAR ANA and Mrs. Lynd and Jean, Osh- 10 mn. DA' LARGEST 18. A delicious two-layer sponge cake, generously filled with flavory pineapple. ib. 1 Qe ue DYe Welch's Grape Juice =: 33¢ Hawes Floor Wax Classic Cleanser ™ '43e 8e¢ Uw - 21. 2-23 3 = 20 Braeside ib. 20¢ 45: DOMINION STORES REXALL RICHMELLO COFFEE LOBSTER . " 29 Corn F! Flakes xo. OC Tasty Bread: e SEALED TIN 1s. 456 GROCERS