PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1932 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS || 8 Died From Injuries Kingston. -- Max Seilverman of 340 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, who was usly hurt in an automobile accident near Odessa on March 10, died 4: six o'zlock on 'Fuesday morning at the Kingston General Hospital where he had been since the accident. The remains were sent to Toronto by John Cornelius, un- dertaker, for burial. From the first little hope was held out for Seilverman's recovery, so severely was he injured. City Council Adjourned Kingston.--City Council cleaned off a heavy aaenda on Monday night and on motion of Ald. Craig, seconded by Ald, Ferguson, decided to adjourn until October 17. Mayor Wright will call special sessions of the countil during the summer va- which could not be lost or stoicn, was wrong. A local resident own- | ing a lot on the west side of Moira River, in this city, di ed that vandals had excava eral cubic vards of tur, nothing but a yawning only clue is wheelbarrow track Masonic Officers Kingston, A meeting of the Si, Lawrence Masonic Distriel was held in ithe Masonic Templo on Monday night, with a good at- tendance of members, when the following officers were elected: President, Wilfrid Wilson of Nap- | anee: 'vice-president, H., G, Sel don of Portland: Secretary, C. S Kirkpatrick, of Kingston, J. A. Brown, of Union Lodge, No. of Napance, was selected as dy trict deputy, Entire Stock In the Hands ofthe Liquidators cation when the necessity arises. a ---- Se ------ | Rescue by Non-Swimmer Exchange of Pulpits Kingston, -- A man unable Pembroke.--Reyv. Dr. Mick, pas-| to swim saved little Lesl tor of Trinity St. Andrew's Church,| yad from drowning in eig Renfrew, with the choir of that| or water in the lake here on Mon church, conducted the service on| day, When Conrad fell off a | Sunday night in Wesley United| whart,'J. Giguere jumped Church. here, while Rev. Dr. Mec-| seized the boy and held a peg Intosh and the choir of Wesley | on the wharf until help arrived. Church held the service in Ren- - frew. This unusual exchange at-| piscuss Theatre Tax tracted large congregations in both churches. For Final Disposal $12,000.00 Stock Being Sold for $6,000 Kingston, AL a meet on Monday night, the Ci Declares Di idend cil reversed its decision ares Div 1 iS : gard to the ta n theatres Brockville--The Brockville Arena 2 he tay on theatres, | C Ee Tach fas beentin exist the 'first place the Finance Coni- ). v I d P I Xisi~ i 1 --ompany, "Which ] St=1 mittee recommended that a tax ence 19 years, has declared ite first : - of 25 cents per scat or chair he dividend, being five pergent on the 3 r 4 x imposed. On going to counci surpluses carried over in the seca- ¥ sons of 1931 and 1930. At the an- nual meeting, details of which have been just announced, the dividends were ratified and the following of- ficers clected:' President. F. ea h seat' or chalr. At Monday Weatherhead: vice! night's meeting a motion spou M. Osborne; 'managing direct sored by Ald. McNeill, seconde ( Howisor : et by Ald. Reynolds, w ried b Charles A Yotu : the council to rescind the propo.- FE. 1. F Wil Al naldsot ed amendment to reduce the ta George A.V Edward Horton, fifty per cent, and to make t John A. Derbyshire and 'R. J. Hix | chaTee 25 cents. thereby foll this recommendation was pasge( At a later meeting it was decide to reduce this by fifty per cen imposing a tax of 12 1-2 cent Pembroke.--Considerable interest Held After Accident is being taken here .in the sitting| Belleville While drivin which the special Or ' yame | car on the Cannifton Road, Cl committee, sed © or 1 ence F. Embury struck Howa Mack, P. F. rot k| Walsh who was ( a bic) \M weld Here knocking him he ¢ ' neeting was held in the tov Walsh, aged 11, was badly at 8 pn. and quite a n « of local sportsmen were present express th fectin 1 : tion in the ovince, k ate Mike ty to driving | a>" everthing GOES/ | ed and cut about the f Name Relief Officer Kingston~Hugh C, N eva riminal neglig appointed relief officer anc was adjourned investigator for the City of ston at a meett of the city cil, His duties mediately and hi alar) ! rg £150 per th WwW. A round ir lin, B.A., B.D. charge, of the local « minister of the bureau, has for a number of vears| charge for K years, relief officer, and| od an invitation to sked the Ontario De-| ister of the Almonte H his | charge which consists Almonte a former ' Church and Appletor Minister of ho u od that| Preshyterian congregat Afr. Stre i Preshytery of Renfrew ies ta the v ¢ of th mploymer J. Terrill, B.A., B.D. of service. | has heen invited to her cram ameain ie ff Come Prepared For a Bargain Fast--You'll Not Be Disappointed MEN! LOOK AT THIS ONFOR TOMORROW MORNING 2! roiow, sie a ed th tat a possession | settlement committee tempts fade into insige pd from ------ mL Bf Balance of stock must be old in double quick time as store must be divided CE PRICE ------ TORONTO PRODUCE Aspar 21 (Buying) Beans, green, qt | Cauliflower, doz, 'ain | Celery, head ..... 0.10 | Chicory. head nificance compared to this mighty event. To miss it is missing some. thing that will never hap- pen again -- obligation Toronto dealers are buying pro- duce at the following prices: Lggs--Ungraded, cases returned, | i, fresh extras, 14c ; rresh firsts, 12c: Lucan 7S. "each seconds. 10c. | Cress, 3 bunches Butter--No. 1 Octario creamery, | Cabbag earl solids. 17 . | Carrots, 3 bunch Churn iquidators' Price Liquidators' Price A oeocuese LOE GoM IS WES each Lemons, doz. Oranges, doz. Pineapples, each Strawberries, pt --We've called in a firm Opening Special Not maybe, but arly sold- for $25.00 and of liquidators to sell it at sia ti k whatever price it will In $30.00. Limitedan ity makes early selec- bring. : ) tion necessary. JUIDATORS' PRICE .. C. M. ANDERSON. does 80k-come' with 2 visit. fr Ea i 325.00 Suits "us $13.50 MEN'S FURNISHI : ou a 5 ~AO Price ® p ireen peppers, eacl JE a oe v : 2 : ry | Eggplant, each .... 0.2 3 3 rm EE STR SR 3, . shipping points, = | Herbs, bunch a A " RTS and $3.00, 7 oe No. 1 large, colored, pars { Lettuce, Jead HoT 2 A W R( b 6 0 Suits Liquidators' " 1 é St . and $3.00. Liquidators' Price 4 1ed and government graded, 9- | Mushrooms, 1b. .. ee 0, 1 C. : 2 i Vie, grace Potatoes, hasket es 18 i at ® Price . f Poultry-- Alive A B o Do,, new, 3 lbs, 20 |B EE EN. i a a... RTS Rez. to (J his Dressed | Onions, basket ; z Spring Broilers, Rocks, ? Do., green, doz, 2) 9 e iqui \d ain ; Mig ; By hh hi Parsnips, bag hy) fa OD uits Liquidators 19 : R 0. Hocks, over Rudishes, bunch I ae Price hd AS ; Pig a 4 ios ( RiHIAT: 3 Punciss ET -- 2 i wi x pl be | | Ribas' 3» } , $2.50 Liquidators' Price o's Fatted hens, over 5 lbs. WHOL % ® ) : Bach 13 JLESALE PROVISIONS RY iqui } Balb Shirts or bi LH Over 4 to 5 lbs. each 12 Wholesale provision dealers y J OG (111) ul % Liquidators ® an Drnucer Me Ligridators 7c Over: 3% to 4 Ibs. each 10 are quoting the following prices | | ® Price ' - Over 3 to 3/4 lbs, each. .08 .. | to Toronto retail dealers: Y [4 i Young Turkeys 8 - 12,1bs... 2 Pork hams, 12 to 12i¢; |§ Duck 7% Over 5 5 och 13 flonlders, 8lac; butts, 9% > Cf) 00 & Liquidators' 5 [J uckiings, bs. oins, 14c¢. by) ul S i : _-- Oser 4 to 5 Ibs. each ..16 .. .. Cured meats -- kf bod Price .) Soiarel ducklings, 3c less. bacons, 50 to 70 lbs. 1: Md ducks, over 5 Ibs. 12 90 Ibs, 11¢; 90 to 110 1 J ; Old roosters, over 5 Ibs. ki pure tierces, 83c. 5, | KO EN - Made (0 Meas Liquidators' Price or Phe 9; ¢; pails 8% c: prints. 81s 4 % 3 Made to Measure : . (Selling) Shortening di 5 aby "sige; | 520.00 Suits Ligtdaiars' $ 1 a ) Toronto dealers arc offerinz pro- | tubs, 8lic; pails, 8%ec; prin s, | v 7 1 Pree Reg. 7 uce to retail dealers at the follow-| 8%c. ow ; iqui * Pri 3 £ ing. Prices; | Special pastry shortening-- | V 75¢. Liquidators' Price iggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, | 14¢; tubs, 15c; pails, 15%c. iy A 4 fame pom We EOE BL oa of 00) Suiits "hE $22 | Ib $1.87 c; seconds, 14c. go ; qu i Butter--No. 1 creamery, prints, k i Price : : = a -- Wc: No. 2 creamery, prints, 19c. J » : ? yy Sere New, large, Hc: twins, Sli Jor milk" is the idea of pay- |B a A Reg. vic; triplets, 11%c; new stiltons, | ment down on the farm in Sovi | 4.® 1d iqui y iq ice 95 13%c; old, large, 17c; twins 17%c; Russia, according to the BA st Pet er My J 0 coa S Liquidators » Feo bisiiatess rics e triplets, 17%c. : . being tried in the vicinity of Mos- | JM hid Price i R . PontisyBrofless, Bt 40c; chic- Cow: The collectivist faryy, along igh " i (J ens, 0 s., 25¢ 1h; 4 to 5 bs. | with others, was recently informe | 8 a Loo Liguf * Pri 22¢; 3 to 4 1bs., 20c. under 2% Ibs. | that in future about 40 per ishing | pis "9 Fo) Reg. : Gn asin 28c. Hens, over 5 Ibs: 20 to 23c; | the monthly account would be sct- | ES be) Liquidators' 0 tors Sg dase ; : ------ tled "in the form of various goods". | La Price : : a ; HAT antorst a5 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET When the time came for the ac- |B y Life 19c : $1 95 i tollowing ory the pt count to be {iotted the farmers | fig IS 1514 od : ; ' o-- wo : = | turned up--and were given women's | Bi 2 tions, retail, in effect on the St. | glk stocki Lert E RR ou A 1 RE Wir 1] . Ss $ kings and an assortment of | ES RA L | Layrenice Marker, Toronto: underwear. Dairymaids are debit B WITH T P L EL oors e itely interested in the development, || ih i Pegs. a: i = hs Bu} the farmers and their men' are il OR FRECEDENT ) Prom tl oe . .:. Pd making strong representations to | [BE / Butter, dairy, db. .. 0.18 na Fy a : : ; - H " / ~ ff : Pp y Ry Tr: wag the Moscow Department of Sup- | 9% COMES THIS T E SES . a : . ' Apples, bus. Le : i i T m oh June 3 Bananas, doz, . One man feels upon quite friendly | yi GREATEST MONEY 0 OFrro - } RE | EE terms with his fellow heings when Easriee 1h es 2 terms with is. (ello 'beings Vien | J Vv VENT OF | (FRIDAY) a ev. Melons at he needs a shave.-- | ji SA ING E E FR : - f THE AGE! at 9a.m A champion is a fellow who 4 ; T E GE . 9 . . licked two or three times a week | % and keeps right on calling himself | . champion.~Detroit News, oocoes ns i MA ili ha fhe 55 i