Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Jun 1932, p. 11

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r CHAR ALERT LN NRE RAR AREA FRAT ASEH RREN TALS (OTR BEe EEE NARS EERE -- ,----- a | ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1932 » PAGE ELEVEN Canadian-Made "Frigidaire" Now on Display NEW FRIGIDAIRE MODELS COMBINE NOVEL FEATURES New Series, Now on Dis- phy, Have Compact- ness and Ample 5 Faciliti The aew made-in-Canada Fri- | gidaire electric refrigerators, be- ing shown for the first time at Frigidaire display rooms, Radio and Refrigeration Shop, 316 Front Street, Belleville this week, are made in three popular sizes and are known as the Moraine Model Frigidaires. Chief features of the three meodels are the compactness and besuty of design, the great amount of shelf area as compared with the small amount of floor space oceupied, a durable exter- ior of special finish, powerful amd quiet iwo-cylinder mechani- cal unit, flip type shelves for tall containers, siainless chrome fin- ished hardware, ccld control for quick freezing bar type shelves which prevent tipping of contain- ers, sealed freezing compart- ments, stainless aluminum trays and flat service shelf tops. Advanced electric refrigera- tion principles and features, made famous by Frigidaire, are found in the new cabinets. The cooling coils are of copper and brass, the most efficient metals for tramsferring heat, and silver solder is used on all pressure joints. The compressor, being of the two-aylinder type, offers a reserve of power whiclr assures adequate refrigeration on the warmest days. The same hizh quality cabinet construction that has contributed to Frigfdaire"s success iz follow- ed in the Moraine models. An outstanding point of this con- struction is the sealing of the in- sulation before the steel sides are placed on the cabinet. As- phalt is the seal, which forms an effective barrier against destruc- tive moisture Ample Storage Room Probably one of the leading appeals to housekeepers is the large storage capacity of each model, as the Moraine cabinets provide the maximum in food storage space with the minimum in floor space. The smallest, the four-eubfe-foot model, has 8.7 square feet of shelf area. The five-cubic-foot model has 10.2 uare feet and the six-cubic-foot binet has 13.2 square feet of shelf space, Owing to their com- pact design they are particularly suited to small homes and apart- ments where space is at a pre- mium, ' All models have two stainless aluminum ice and dessert trays. The freezing capacity of the smallest cabinet is 30 cubes, or four pounds of ice at a time, and the other two models will furnish 42 cubes or 6 pounds of ice at a freezing, The food compartment lining is of ome-piece steel con- struction with rounded corners to facilitate cleaning. Chromium, the hardest known metal, is used as the fpish on the hardware, It dbes mot require polishing. The four - cubic - foot model stands 63 9-16 inches, while the second model is but 11-16 of an inch taller. The six-cubic-foot sige is 62 5-8 inches high. The width of the smallest cabinet is 24 inches #nd the depth 17 1-2 inches, The middle size is 26 1-4 inches wide and 21 inches deep. The largest gize also has a width of 28 1-2 inches and a depth of 22 1-2 inches. Canadian-built Moraine Model Frigidaires supplement the stan- derd all-porcelain line of house- hold Frigidaires. This popular line remains unchanged. All models have the famous Frigidgire super-power, which makes possible Frigidaire's re- markable performance in fast 'Bowra 19 Simcoe Street North FRIGIDAIRE FACTORY AND OFFICES: HERES important news for everyone. We are making a special showing of Frigidaire's 'new made-in-Canada refrigerators. These new [refrigerators embody revolutionary principles in "cabinet design . . . new, more compact models for the modern efficiency kitchens, Powerful, two-cylinder compressors in every model. And, size for size, they are selling at the lowest prices in Frigidaire history. Make this an eventful week by seeing this special showing of the new Frigidaires. Visit our show- rooms. See our special displays and the inter. esting demonstrations. Any day or evening this week. The made -in-Canada Moraine Model Frigid- aires are compactly de- signed to occupy a mini- mum of space in the kitchen without sacrifie- ing food storage space. This affords more food storage space than any other electric refrigera- tor of the same exterior dimensions. lectric & Hardware Phone 1000 35 FRASER AVENUE, TORONTO freezing desserts and of quantities of ice cubes. Showrooms Decorated In celebration of the arrival of the first made-in-Canada Frigi- daires Frigidaire dealers are con- ducting a special one-week show- ing of the mew Canadian-made models, beginning to-day. Show- a AU ee ee THE RED & WHITE STORES Specials for This Weekend Fresh Sausage 3 lbs. 25¢ Fresh Hamburg Steak ..3 Ibs. 25¢ Shoulders of Fresh Pork 10e¢ 1b. Roast ot Veal Ocn. Roasts ot Beef from 10¢c 1b. 14c 1. MEALED COTTAGE "ROLLS 10¢ ib. SIDE BACON Piece 11c; Sliced 15¢ 2 bs. 25¢ 74 Simcoe St. N. All our Meats kept sweet and, cool with Frigidaire REX HARPER Telephone 1050 large For Frigidaire Displays rooms have been decorated for the occasion. "Open house' at every showroom invites visitors to feel free to come in and ex- amine the new products of Can- adian workmanship, Special dem- onstrators will be on hand every day and evening during the Show Week to point out to guests the many features of (he new Canadian I'rigidaires, When interviewed the local dealers mentioned the mew low made-in-Canada prices as a fac- tor which will be a revelation to visitors to the shows. "These new Canadian Frigidaires, known as the Moraffe line embody ihe important Frigidaire features, yet, size for size, they are offered at the lowest prices at which Frigidaires have ever heen sold in Canada." MAGNA CHARTA DAY TO BE CELEBRATED St. Paul.--Seeking to further fel- lawship among English-speaking nations of the world, Magna Charta Day will be celebrated on June 135, it ig announced by by J. W. Ham- ilton, founder-secretary of the In- ternational Magna Charta Day As- sociation. Observation of the day is intended as recognition of the 717- year-old document as a source of common liberties, legal system, language and culture, Respect for law and proper un- derstanding of the need and respon- sibilities of liberty is sought by the Association through a greater knowledge and appreciation of tuitions and of the Magna Charta. The Magna Charta was issued by King John of England in June, 1215, Trail by jury, the principle of hab- eas corpus and the right of Parlia- ment to control taxation have been said to have been secured by the document. Canada's honorary president of the Association is Most Rev. Clara L. Worrell, archbishop of Halifax, and primate of the Church of Eng- land in Canada. Other honoraiy | presidents have been designated from United States, Newfoundland and Dominions of the British Com- monwealth. Some walk on the sunny side of the street and others walk on any side and take the sunshine with them.--Brandon Sun. English-speaking countries' consti- | START RECORDS BUREAU OF FARM ORGANIZATIONS A Central Bureau of Records of Farmers' Business Organiza- tions ig being established in Ot- tawa by the kconomics Branch of the Dominion Department of Az- riculture, The immediate aim ot the Branch ig to build up a statis- tical record of the number and location of such organizations, to ascertain the number of farmers marketing their products co-op- eratively and to obtain reliable information on the volume of business handled in this way, This survey of farmers' orga- nizations covers the whole of tle Dominion of Canada. For a num- ber of years the Department of Labor has collected and pubifsh- ed information concerning the uc- tivities of co-operative organize- tions. By mutual agreement the Economics Branch is now the collecting agency. The Provincial Governments are also co-operat- ing in this work in various ways in order that duplication of effort may be minimized. With these records as a basis a position to make an analysis of the organization and finauclal structure of the various co-oper- | = FOOD PP Dainty Dishes Nicely Served All our food is kept sweet and wholesome. We use FRIGIDAIRE Waldorf Cafe 11 Simcoe St. N, for study the Branch will be in SERVED IN HOME STYLE] k atives which will be available (2 those interested in their develop- ment, The Branch will thus pro- vide a directory and will become a consulting agency for farmers' business organizations, . KNOW YOUR MUSHROOMS It doesn't pay to guess as to the edible gnalities of mushrooms and other fungi which grow in abundance in all parts of Can- ada from early June until the heavy frosts destroy them, H. T. Gussow, the Dominion Botan- ist, in his very complete book, 'Mushrooms and Toadstools" (Price $1) states, "Let us sate most emphatically that a knowl. edge of. fungi is the only safe means of distinguishing edible fungi from poisonous." There are essentially only two classes of mushrooms which are dead- ly poisonous, the Fly Amanita and the Destroying Angel or Death Cup, The Fly Amanita is distinguished by a bright yellow or orange coloured top dotted with white specks; while the Des- troying Angel is characterized by a deathly paleness. Each of these classes have three clear danger signals which anyone can read- ily recognize. The first is a per- manent white gill; the second is a collar at the top of the stem, and the third is the serrated ringg or cup at the base. CELERY OUT NOW Contrary to. somewhat general opinion, celery is not a difficult plant to grow and a large quaatity can be produced in a rer, small space thus putting this vegetable in the city garden class. The first rows for early use should be put out any time now, with the main planting about the first week in July. Plants are. produc:d from seed sown in the hotbed, or they may be purchased from almost anv corner store at this time. The rdea! soil is a very rich well-trained muck though practically any combiuat-on will do, so long as we fertilize weil, have good drainage and apply lots of water, Give the plants from. six to eight inches each way, and rows may be as close together as we like after making allowances for culti- vation, Keep the ground thorouvgh- ly- worked up "all the time. applications of nitrate of soda iust after the plants are set out and 'azain 'in two or three weeks will Light' help growth along wonderfully. The simplest way to bleach mn the fall is to place boards close up against the plants on both sides of the row, and bank with earth. In the fall plants may be lifted withcut bleaching and stored, tightly n'aced tcgether in bushel baskets in some dark place, and they will be white and tender in a week or ten days. celery FIRST MODELS MADE-IN-CANADA NOW ON DISPLAY LIA Today as the first made-in- Canada Frigidaire » models are presented in Frigidaire show- rooms, Radio and Refrigeration Shop, 316 Front Street, Belle- ville, wheels are turning, men are busy and new Frigidaires are coming off the assembly line at the new Canadian Frigidaire fac- tory. Production is' being speed- ed up as much as possible so that the large number of orders received from dealers in all parts of the Dominion ean be filled as quickly as possible by this re- cently established industry, Establishment of the Canpa- dian Frigidaire factory followed through investigation of the Can- adian field by executives of the Frigidaire Corporation in Day- ton, O. In commenting on Fri- gidaire's new made - in-Canada policy, W. G. Wright, Canadian manager, said: "Establishment of a Canadian Frigidaire factory is another manifestation of the vigorous ad- ministration policies announced for. 1932 by Mr. E. G. Biechler, preeident and general manager of Frigidaire Corporatfon. Mr. Blechler said that Frigidaire's ad- vertising and promotion program for 1932 would be directed to- ward surpassing 1931, when Frigidaire ®uilt and shipped a very much larger volume of household models than during the preceding year." Immediate production sched- ules of the Canadian Frigidaire plant call for the building of ice cream cabinets 'and commercial refrigeration equipment as well as household models. Employ- ment is being increased in many points in Canada through the placing of orders for motors and other parts for the Canadian Frigidaire. Frigidaire Corporation is one of the pioneers in the electric refrigeration business. It was one of the first to engage in exten- sive advertising and merchan- dising activity, and to put its manufacturing on a low cost, mass production basis and so help pave the way for the tre- mendous popularity of electric refrigeration. The electric refri- zeration industry, due to the in- creasing demand for its products, and wide general acceptance a: an economic necessity, has been one of the bright spots in the business world for the past two years. BLOOMS THAT LAST ALL WINTER Even in Canada gardening need not be confined to a summer hobby as one can extend the season prac- tically the whole year round. To the person who has a supply of ever-lasting tvpe flowers and some winter blooming bulbs for forcing, the first killing frost which turns a garden of beauty into a drab, tangled mass of twisted, blackened stems, the regret is less keen than with the neighbor not so blesced, There is a considerable list of flow- ers which produce blooms thar can be dried and made into attractise bouquets for winter use. Chief among these is the Helichrysum er strawflower. This is a hardy an- nual about two feet high, produce ing large different colored blooms until late in the season. Another ong,is the Rhodanthe which bears silver rose-tinted flowers. The Statico comes in mauve, white and primrose and combinations of the three. A fourth is the Acroclinium which may be had in a white or a bright rose. All these annus in addition to their winter bouquet qualities will make a 'splendid show in the garden during the summer and early fall, as well. For preserv- ing the flowers one should pick just before opening full and hang upside down, in a dark, warm place to dry The Chinese Lantern plant is also grown for permanent indoor decor- ation as the pods turn bright red One of Our Club Fellows He is but one of dozens who come here dally to our Lunch Counter, because the variety offers a different and delicious combination every day. ' ay 7 4 | All our Cream and Foods are therefore kept For a quick tasty lunch wisit KARN"S Drug Store Next the Post Office Phone 78 Ice just right. and puff up like Chinese Lanterns when dry. NOT WELL EXPRESSED "Do you know, darling," he sighed, "you are so clever and so charming and so brilliant that at times 1 feel almost embarrassed in your presence.' "But, dearest," she replied soothingly, "you mustn't, really, you mustn't." "Oh, I dare say I'll get over that feeling when I know you better," said the boy. Vera: 'Joan boasts of having tamily jewels." Mary: "Well, I know her emn- gagement ring was in three fam- ilies before Tom gave it to her." Cooper: "Who is your wife's favourite author?" Coles: 'The chap who writes the ads for the bargain sales in the newspapers. Jury & Lovell Oshawa Rotary Spent $3,000 last year for Crippled Children. $2,000 for Swimming Tank for Children. Boost the Fund Chevrolet. WY =COoOrH MEB=Ppom@mzEM By buying a ticket this year on the car contest. For sale at Jury and Lovell's Drug Store and Soda Fountain. Only 25¢ a ticket and you may win the WU=COMH ME NPOU=O=E™ PHONE 28 E The Rexall Soda Fountain and Drug Store B FAST DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE 68

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