Oshawa Daily Times, 31 May 1932, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1932 | [EASTERN ONTARIONEWS| ~~" THE TRAIL RIDERS . ; ist prize ". . $1,000.00 cash : 2 NY 7 ize . . .$500.00 cash ind Caused Havoc do I go to the reformatory?". i) 2nd prize $5 4 dl YP barns, up- | Tearro asked hopefully, "I don't / fg / 3rd prize . . . $200.00 cash ¥ 1 " f ted trees, roofless sheds and |like the jail here." Magistrate J. / / ) . / 7 . J hin minor damages to farm | Milligan was willing to oblige ) ins / b 4th prize «+ $100.00 cash i 'buildings in the townships of |and Tearro gol the six months, / % Z 2 S prizes, each . . $50.00 cash i t { Bathurst and Bherprooke, Lass Sentenced. Vos Sone - 7 y 0) oo 7 7 gaRrem cack... 30% ty, were reporte ere ig J . ; 4 " ) : ark Torn of that district, Brockville. --Found guilty of % 7 7 i, 0 i : +i a Aig caused by an unprecedented blast {arson in convection with the loss / 4 / p / / 7 / of wind, which, with the inten- | by fire recently of barns belong- 1203 Fo swept a 15- |ig to Lucas Tackaberry, a farme- ; % / / & Y 0 % . : ny of & toTiadn, Tver several | er near Athens, Stephen King, of # A # 7 7 . 7 7 Y | miles west of Perth. The trail of | that place, was yesterday sen- ; i, i. y ; littered barnyards and prostrate |tenced by Judge Tudhope to ; : 7 / . / / bo, 1 1 trees and telegraph poles Was |serve one year definite and two Z% . 2 about three miles in width, | years less one day indefinite In 7 / ' J / 4 J] stretching from Brooke, where |the Central prison, oA 7 i 7 a Bir £ the Apglican Church sheds were v, 8 / WP, / : 4 4. blown down, through Maberly, |In Serious Condition a Ye i { 4 5 z i / Wh, / 5 / here the Agricultural Society Picton.--George Babcock o / . : oo 4 nail was shifted several feet | Cheryy Valley who for days had 7 TRAY 4 le. 2 A : : ; , from its foundations, to the third [been in Prince Edward County ; wg / 3 GO (EA R line of Bathurst, where the | Hospital in a serious condition as : heaviest personal losses to farm- [a result of gangrene setting in ast is, Fast and ers are reported. wounds, following an accident, West' is West, died on Friday. Mr. Babcock was but men ride Wher- "x To Instal Canon backing a roller into his barn er the sun sn . 'of / in Ey A has | when he fell, The roller passed and the Trail Riders - b , A J What would $1,000.00 dt put heen made that Rev. J. deP. lover him. His leg was broken in | Sf [hE UoMILAR or r new interest into life for you--NOW? Wright, rector 1 st, James free places and his arm Broke bership 'which girdles - Ld ? i i % vB 7 Think what you could do with it. Memorial Church, Kemptville, is | and crushed. Gangren 1 , are creat- 1. ny, } to be installed as a canon of St. | he was removed to Prince Ed- Je Jd i ' 9 Ya bh New Car? . oe Summer cottage? . '2 George's Cathedral, Kingston. at | ward County Hospital, where an | terest withtheirplans B77 ae. 7", Ses 5% ; ; A long vacation trip? . . . Honeymoon? a ceremony which will take place |arm was amputated, for their 1932 expedi- B47 : dé. | Oh, there are plenty of wonderful "th i t Tues tion { B a t 4 / » th there on the evening o - a - ion from Banfl to 4 his o> 4 true wi day, May 31. The ceremony will | Adjourn For Summer Mount Assiniboine, [ ? , IT J 7 : | dreams which could come be conducted by Rt. Rev, Bishop Kingston,--It was expected through some of the WE "2 oJ ' iain | $1,000.00! Lyons and the Very Rev, Dean [that following the regular meet- most beautiful coun- : ; - Why not try for some extra money Craig. Canon Wright was form- ling to be held on Monday even- try in the great mountains from which they take through Sunshine Camp to Banfl once more. The in this contest.. It doesn't cost a cent erly rector of the parish of |ing, the City Council would ad- | their name. The famous peak, with its many ad- | pictures shown above are distinctly interesting and 1 . ; y Elizabethtown. journ for the summer vacation, | joining lakes and valleys, was the focal point of the | show Lt. Col. Phil Moore, president-of the Trail to enter. Read these simple condi- i Special meetings will be held Pn yal Jide and Vis years brip, sarting on July Does Not Like Jalil however, when there is need. <9, will follow generally the same lines, with nights rall.--Alfred T des A spent in camp, according to the best traditions of | p co OE : Sritain" § or ne - Te at Officers Elected the Order, Ample ime will he given for exploring Pacihc ay uinets of Britain Anon eontrasy dealers, all rubber company em- the united counties jail here. in | Kingston.--At a meeting of | a CO Cr beke: Ans: | this year's trail ride leads. Inset is H. M. King |. ployees, and the families of both are, . lay to help you make et, he dislikes It so much he [the Retail Merchants' Association i Y OF 1 Prajadhipok of 8iam, who proved an enthusiasti | h r, debarred H Pp p 3 a six months in the On- [held at the Chamber of Com niboine Pass and the shores of Lake Magog io the t i ides i ing h "vi t 14 C Fo ] 4 uals OWEvers y estimate; 8 8 ry - y i] - reat mo ntain, whi 5 h jectiv fth i $ rail rider auring 18 visit to anada last summer. 1 1 1 - taro Refcrmatory at Gue'(h to (merce, the following officers | eat A ult in, bch Ee le Tider Below, IWo fair Lath ors are seen corns ons Bnmel, | } See the special display of six Good Get a standard entry form from three months in the local has- | were chosen for the vear: Presi- Rocks; the Golden Valley; Citadel Pass and so of the cabins at Assiniboine Camp. mae fam year tires here. These tires are of any Goodyear tire dealer on which to tille, Convicted of third-offense | :dent, B., N. Steacy; vice-prosi- | SOND. sizes s and vlv-thick- A intoxication in Police Court, |dent, P. H. Baker: treasurer - - variou Esti ' Ipes an DY ey submit your estimate. Tearro was sentenced to the | Grant Macl.achlan; secretary. H. | or ; oo ! a : iy ey 2] Desses, lstimate 0} Closing date: June 5th, 1932, Ad- minimum jail term, three | M. Snell; directors, Charles Pea- Law rence Market, Toronto: Upiu 1 buy ne tipo i lho ; *] in each, find the total and divide by dress: "The Goodyear Supertwist months, "If I get the maximum, | cock, W. J. Wilson, Wiring dot inh ; six to obtain the average. A section Cord Contest," New 'Toronto, Tor- "Do, firsts, doz .eia of Goodyear Supertwist Cord fabric onto 14, Ontario. Butter, dairy, 1b, .. 0.1% Do., creamery, lb 0.22 0.2 dit rior ; n, th R : struct ' ngs, i ne ie I -Eicet PRODUCE PRICES Bananas, G01. + +2 ovr. 0.23 | Glass-Steagall Billit has been de- | ment ownershine 0 Lo Come in and see Supertwist Cords demonstrated -- ™--oe Grapes, 1 1b. ....0 201 0.3% cnt and skilfulin his support of th the United States is thar and get a helpful booklet of contest directions. TORONTO PRODUCE Dressed | Honey Dew Melons | ccomonne structure, | that t 188 olf voters do u (Buying) | Spring Broilers, Rocks, each . 'os : nta ! ct cj t t t It volves ar tie . . : bs. ii. ih lemons, doz, ..... A 2 thout de ! ceLing t nd i « g these duce at the following prices: { LS Vy ++ +. | Pineapples, each .. nr | ' ' : { 2 chic Eggs--Ungraded, cases returned, | Do, Leghorns, 2c less Strawberries, pt .. ' 25 mir I'he b : f two new "car unt fresh extras, 14c ; fresh firsts, 12c; | Fatted hens, over 5 lbs Asparagus, 2 1bs. .. ... clove to logan of a GOODYEAR TIRE SHOP seconds, 10c. : | each... 0a. .. | Beans, green, qt. .. ... 30 | By comparison De rat x bea of Brown October 11 Celina Street Selected Dealer Phone 2462 Butter--No. 1 Ortario creamery,| Over 4 to 5 lbs, each 12 15 . 'auliflower, doz. .. ; a it are | 1 quantit ! -- * / Riders, and Mrs. Moore, on camel-back at the tions: Anyene from a family where a Pyramids, during the world-cruise of the Canadian car is owned may compete. All tire W YHE AVERAGE COODILAR TIE} | solids, 17Yc; No. 2, 16Vic, ; {. Over 3' to 4 Ibs, each 10 12 | Celery, head ... ( 251! klin | . Roosevelt of Ne h " ' Churning cream -- Special, 16 to| Over 3 to 3% Ibs. each. .08 'hicory, head : Si a i t ¢ r © 17¢; No, 1, 15 to 16¢c;. No, 2, 12 to | Young Turkeys 8 « 12 Ibs 7 | Cucumbers, each ... 1 « whic) | LAr oo LMA WG ,R UII: i i i ckl y g h 18 N i Pl : , ty y ' U J 13c, f.0.b. shipping points. | Ducklings over 5 s. each I8 . ress, 3 bunches .. a : J J a Retest... Swedish sulntoris Have sever Chetse--No. 1 large, colored, par- | Ducklings, over 5 Ibs, | Cabbage, each .... r 0 t Vere event i I er or tn 8; ith Ras Ma edis) i affined and government graded, 9-| Over d to 5 Ibs. cach ..16 .. ..| Carrots, 3 bunches . 25 | under : : A 1k. Policeman Marin Lind of Es: leon the be iu ao Lis 41 Yestess ager Sony aeton; Vac, Colored ducklings, 3c less, | Green peppers, eac! t pect 1 1 i 4d LL 7) Lin ; tise 2y fame a 5 best mark is RB5 metre which is close Ong [ | Poultry-- Alive A B| OM ducks, over 5 Ibs, 12 .. ..| Eggplant, each | | Old roosters, over 5 ibs. " | Herbs, bupeh ... as ao tL ; : { an PICS ( a tv 177 feet) ul ich is on der. |e rd time to make him s- | each ....:; : ..06 . Lettuce, head ..... von ) Nas i cit . [ Ue ; ning mark in 1928. Lind, therefore, Harry Lindblad, wi a mark of Distant Fields (Selling) Mushrooms, i t a potential winner at Los An | 1.13 metres (13 feet 6 1 1 | Toronto dealers are offerinz pro- otatoes, DABROL Cy van os dirs 1 , {a we - eles. pole vault and O. Thallberg, in: tl luce to retail dealers at the follow- oe, Lik ¢ ot Ibs. . edi 1 mothe ' ¢ eam, However, Will In. Two internationall nown hurd. | broad mp, af « r possible | Look Green ! Hons IH Ke . "ee 1 1 \ i 1 1 ing prices: , 0 : ' , t d . | Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, | | Do., gre on, doz, . «uo 0.30 ; a Viring clude Former Olympic : | v Cras) tras. lot Res' firsts 'arsnips, hag 'e yew Tal firs 3 \ . a : late av wking oui 2c: Iresh esting, loose, 8c; foots] Radios, buneh ++ +s. 0.08 I yo : Champions points. Wennstrom holds the ies have hes bere iit h own soil it may be even i Wor l6c: seconds, 14 ord of 14.25 seconds for the 111 istle ol harlber 1 1a ' Butter--No. 1 creamery, prints, | Rhubarb, 3 bunches ven: Uo p ' ie orl ol Ja ie $ | ha . fron t olm. The severe wih- | Tore Froduetive and more No. 2 v. prints "| Tomatoes, 1! 0 ; pme gh hurdles an 5 Hihahel || beneficia 2c: No. 2 creamery, prints, 19 Tomatoes, Ih. : : did t (By Frank H. King) i ihe iner viet onsistent. f » Cr W ives no opportu Y Cheese--New, large, 11c¢: twins WHOLESALE PROVISIONS ' t | yf 8 Twa Of hows Very consiste ' vic: triplets, 11Vic: new stiltons Wholesale provision dealers rs, Sten Pettersson EF. We & rom, have the ab to But if yow cultivate your at h t at 400 r itt ( tha oti ' eto stall bu " a d . urth | & asium at the castl which 1s | , «old, large, 17¢; twins 17! ar: quoting the following prices | ' ) {st 0 track 'ar 1g | metre low hurdles, Te Was fou ih be Yours for lets, 17%c. ~ "! to Torento. retail dealer ea ' J and field bin yhis event at Amsterdam and | 4 | BETTER CLEANING iplets . ront F alers tho: Ket Y ; y . ATTA | . : j SHENG he A Shin Rte riam : "p ltr rations 35 to 40c: chic- Pork hams, 12 to has a mark of 52 2 second je qeustion amate AND Erik Byhlen, runner-up to Doug | caused "some uneasiness in Sweden | LAL NDRY SERVICE kens, 5 to 6 lbs, 25c th; 4 to § ths | shoulders, Slice; butts, 9'50¢; th) (RAD Son Darts ay ole o fia] trvon ue 1] 12] 10s anon Br EI bie Bl Te W hat a Meal! 22c; 3 to 4 lbs, 20c. under 2; lbs. | loins, 11 tmp! t fore that ne ' the cl few Who | metre final four vears ago. has. not | Light Athletic. Union has heen bit ' 8c. Hens, over 5 Ibs. 20 to 23c; | has i Tr Long, Sear iri vill be ve ct t : I hake t bon rip. | | been much in the picture but | ) tgs the status of the Stas | Oshawa undry & Never thought IT would be ! 90 Ibs. 11¢: 90 to 110 1b 103¢. |. er et onthe EE -- has 7 whieh | newcomer, Birger Mra, ia : lon Ww 1 cate able to enjoy such a hearty 1| TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET | [41d pure tierces, Stic. tubs, | oC net ted i oathton. which | the good time of 138 wid ny appetite again. After every | . The following are the quota- | 8% c: pails 8 % Nts. 8 bic : ; gn iJ at nieng, prove enough to place at Los / meal I suffereel those acute || 8 hie l 4: pa #C: prints, 5 zc. ' i rin f 1 pains which made me swear 1s at | he nd no surg i | sc al disqualifications and st Dry Cleaning 1- | pensions, The names of Petterssor . i : m- 1 geles, | and Kraft have been mentioned as Phone 2520 tions, retail, in effect on the St Shortening -- Tierces, 83vi¢: | 1. colle th oo fe 1 i. A Thofelt mer For the 5.000 and 10000 metre | in danger, largely because of the I'd mever eat again | tubs, 814g; pails, 83% c; prints, |, . | | Sle y However, a friend recone | } 8 ls , mended | . ge Special pastry shortening-- Ir the | \\ 14c; tubs, 15¢c; pails, 1515¢ Roosevelt, "ries | RETR FCONIMIC SSIES = ablets : un and since that time eatin ' = i Extra Value! I ily RE darts | PROMINENT IN PONTIAC 1931 COACH | Rol tontét, in pressed this same opinion. DON ( 3 {IQ | Five wire wheels, Tires in good pigH, 4 i record. h Ide Fn Try a 23¢ boy today and " x | condition. This car runs amd | he "with j A Ww A) ba eet. feel better. | 5 "Je looks like | ches, ould qualify to de- SlagACKaCH new. Very attractive 3 } | cone mpie crown among the eden hopes to have a con- | expense money problem, Op ut of R TRO il rice LT AP wice, 3 I ne ssers of Fmland and THE REXALL STORES Jpn WE Hoover's Conduct of Af- | he ie Sn Jury & Lovell | ~ fairs in Time of Distress | 9 42300 coin SEL de Sic | ; | policemnin, fin King St. E. Simcoe St, 8. | to be Big Factor PHONE 915 fick @Cullushan of Jreluid in the Phone 28 Thone 68 wo ads. Olvmnk hammer throw, He '| should make the team .again but | (By Ken Clark | Sweden's principal hope in this Canad'an Press Staff Writer) | Washington, D.C, May 28--1Th Ef obvious issues in the presidential campaign this year are economic, alcoholic and hydro-electric, : PY Concerning the first, unless a M : third party should arise--and there @ hes ay ormning is no indication that without a lead- The Wallpaper and Paint Stores J "oi fonds there will be Special third party of any strength--it will not be a question of how the gov Will R i ernmental show is to be run but ema n en who is going to run it, The Re- yi : 3 publican and Democratic parties are [J y both of the right, absolutely capital- ame WEDNESDAY | fii indow : ness. The issue will be: Has the con- AFTERNOONS duct of affairs by Herbert Hoover . in these distressful times been good Cream and green--standard size, or could a Democrat have done bet- ter. As the lady at the White House . . Throughout the Year and Correspondent's © dinner jocularly. 36 mn. wide, 6 ft. long. ' , sane of the President's action, . I Close Saturday ro vas that the Super-Human thing : have to be a good driver... but that's not the big part of my job...It%s o do? ' Because the ex-secretary of Com- S ial Py up to me to keep this car in Al condition... I can't be careless or there'd merce was 'advertised 'before his i i i fter 00 S at 1 clection iy 1928 as LO pec a be someone else wearing this uniform... oil's the most important thing to A n n Pp. m. because the Republican party used keep an engine sweet and smooth...it's the beginning or the end of engine such slogans as "a chicken in every : H During July and August pot and two cars in every garage," trouble...Itake no chances... I use the purest oil made... Marvelube... TE ry the that's why my boss says his car never ran so well or cost so little to operate. country like every other country in : --- ' the world has been suffering from C E [ Signed depressed. conditions of business, A ome ar y at WwW jy A Patte the Republicans have 'heen in what ® ® is described as a "tough spot." : Republicans Recover \ 85 Simcoe St. North Phone 125 Four months ago it was freely predicted that on the economic is- 9 m. ° ark sue alone Captain Hoover and the NEW FREEDOM FROM LUBRIGATION WORRY Republican bark would be spurlos 82 Simcoe South Phone 3082 versenkt. This prediction has beer MARVELUBE 1S MADE IN CANADA BY IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED discounted, obviously, wot because there has been an extraordinary

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