Oshawa Daily Times, 31 May 1932, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 31 PAGE THREE - - ficiency in" bie Bhalla SONG SERVICE WAS Bownanille Daily Times oi oo [CITY AND DISTRIC NEWS | mys wimpy pay ives [eens G. K. BROWN, Representative FEAST or CORPUS CHRISTI | FAREWELL SERVIUE Whithy Branch Office at Gazette and Chronicle.--Telephone Office Telephone No. 744 The Feast of Corpus Christi A large number of members 23. After Business Hours Phone 850. fi Ww as cel brated at the eleven o'- and fri nds met in Calvary Bap | The Sunday. service at the Cae mere enw meaner s | QUFTBALL GAME oo mars 7 huis | £2 mth oe Sis "5 | WHITBY EDITOR--JAMES H. ORMISTCN ardyie United Church wers TRAINING SCHOOL [57 222% tera) OOF AER A RL RL A ing School. Ro Defeated Rovers by Score nelius Shoe ar, ¢ CEB or Joroa Iw " w Ee a Wher: TAX NOTICES nr Airs " oy Fg | Rev. Mr, Thornley and the choir, CADET INSPECTION ro Fal = Contest { of 19 to 17 in Hard wrvice w in charge of Rev, [under the auspices of the Cana- 4 cities, mn. i RL Father, Ia string quartetie | Father McCabe of this city. At [dian Sunday School Mission, Dr mm ---- jLirong ib igi Joined the coll gave the opening number on the a the evening service there was a |0. G. Clappison of Toronto, 1 od 10 4 program, followed by a violin Hitting G me procession of the children who | Chairman of the Ontario Board \ Ashburn ow member at present crossing H s0lo by Miss Elaine Reaman. took their first communion two | of the Mission, was the speaker | we o A ; Hon. H. C. Schofield, M.P.P., oc- In the town league soft ball weeks ago and the girls of the |at last night's meeting which was | | pe The evening service wos of a caplod the ahair and: first. called | schedule, The Rovers met Front | epyreh who are members of the | presided over hy Mr, John Hoop- ASHBURN, May 28.--Congrat- | special character, Mr. Hurst, the A cupled the ehair and: first called St. last ' vening in a lively tilt | Sodality o¥ the Blessed Virgin | er, President of the Young P A Large Sum Paid i mn Be- a gre BY, aad M FONG 4 : : art urel, i Y F i Aft In upon William Ferguson, Pres. of B £ H ne ; eh ¥ ality 3 £ or 4 : ; DUE co | ulations to Mr. and Mrs, Geérge | choir leader, introducing a ser- oy : toi F as any ) came te e | Mary. e's Socie astor Gel; x ) 3 4 baby ; . . Social unction er the Literary Society, who (inal Was anyhocys gam 2. Ant 3 RoE i tor tiglalt | fore Instalmerit Is Lynde upon the gift of a baby! yj.e of gong, entitled, "Won't 1 d db brought greetings from the boys first half of the 9th frame, with as ped to resume his work here in son in their home during the |. ; ' 1 spection Attende y of the School and extended a |the Rovers working hard to even | WELSH COBBLES | the fall, | Due | week. { You Buy My Pretty Flowers," de- C binet Ministers "1 ne arty Welcome to wall present, | UP 8 score that left them two JUST ARRIVED | Men from here have been fill- | Pirting the i and pathetic a The oratorical finals, the sub. |40Wn in a 19-17. merry-go-round. We have jist received a ship- | WRONG ADDRESS ; i... | ing gravel for the township at the | : ory bi X ae d ower girls of Lon re : j " of wii, h were " "abolition | Heavy hitting was indulged in | ment of this popular British Fm Due to a regretable error it Fax notices for ihe AA thy Brooklin pit ri Bnglang. i The "hoi hi eects of whic rere: *"/ ' ire wd Coif 5.5 A ; ty dian tag ave hee liv 5 mT aa. HF Orlv appropriate music, a Miss Mar- The third annual cadet inspec- of War", by Alex Harding; "Life | DY both sides, the ficlders seem rl inh; oa J15:0 pe Ltn. yar Sted 3 The Times. vester. Jave "N AH ply Th iis Hi H [he 'diame, "Forly Miles an rab hd {old the Ppt 5 al Cz gif: : ar, b) r ; 4 \ owlds Son, King Stre v that Earl Smi 7 asxair | PY the Assessor an He g Jour," that was given by the |5"® a a é ol tion and prize day at the Boy of Wm. Lyon McKenzie," hy i a tH Smith, : : L. Pringle, and the first instal-§ oo people at the guild here | =25Y sweetly. The solos were Training School was Leld on | John Carr: "The Life of Mar- ment is due on Wednesday, June on Thursday night ih well giv- | "Won't You Buy My Pretty Monday afternoon amid most {eoni", by Andrew Hansel, proved 1st, Notwithstanding this fact, | on. 0 ooien enjoyed by those | Flowers," sung by Mrs, Coyston; pleasant surroundings and under |yery interesting and reflected | Bdme ar hi "i {The conference called for 10- |i ony however, Lhe treasurer - reporié | wo poo eg jt, ; "Why Do You W it, Dear Bro- favorable weather conditions on | piyeh credit on the hoys' tutors. 7th inning When the Front Siyect night by Mavor Hawkes between . that several thousand dollars A number. trom hers attended ther," by H. Cornelins, and "I've the parade grounds in connection | The judges for this contest were | Sang tied it up when the whole | otis coin oi publie Utilitie Z SE i have already been paid into thel yn. niont which was given by | found a Friend," sung by Mr. with the school. On the platform | Col. FE. E. Snider, 1.P.§, Port |row came to hat and chalked up | oo 00 lion ind other interested [TENANDEN ron w ' { bank. The town allows a discount | ypo Mount Zion choral club at | Adams. erected at the saluting e were | Hope: A. E. O'Neill, M.A. Osh- [five runs making it fifteen all. {05.0 roparding the problem of { Roy Sunyder, 105 1g Street | when the second instalment 15) a\vitie on Friday night, Hon. W. J tin, Minister of |awa; L. W. Dippell, Bowmanville, | The Rovers. gpeain forged to the f oyoviding water for citizens who | West, who appeared in police | paid with the first. Misses Glennis Stephens, Alma | Public Welfare, and Mrs. Mar- Ihe winners were in the follow- | front in their hall of the Sth not in a position. to pay thelr | court this morninz charged with Ratepayers are saving anite a |g o100 ang Walter Anderson, stu- | -- sao 2 Qehofi in- 1 th: 3 HH . th two more counte but the | water rates, has been postponed | being intoxicated was rema 1ded | large sum this year when the roll | 4.00 Brookl { wt _ a eve tin; Hon. H. 8. Schofield, Mir ing order and the prizes were |W! Pr Te ! . {dents at Brooklin continuation | . hols 4 ry tree batt lid sy a dat t xe T ac- | for one week | is spread all over the municipal- | 1 £0 4 i 3 : tout Yortfo} M.A eARANIA . _ | Front Street ba I ont to a date not yet fixed. This ae- | for one week i pre a chool, enjoyed a bus trip to Nia- ister wihton Por olio; | presented by Dr. G, C. Bonny ; ith" four more to their 14 wa of ing to the fact | ity. for the mill rate is three 1688 | papa Tax & oR plo a" 4 COMMISSIONER Sorsoliel Deputy Minister of castle: 1st, Andrew Hansel: 2nd, them with four 1 jer ion 1% taken owing to the fact iy, 1 e a gara la Saturday. | HAY Win wr sib Tot GQ H. vet Srpre Ba & AA or credit making it 19 in 1 1 that the report of Ross Mackin- | . ; {this year, The town had levies Pleased to report that Mrs, Public Welfa os Hon. eo. M- | John Carr; ard, Alex Hardin half of the Sth. Rovers only got | "who has now completed his | GOOD. FIRE RECORD for $121,000 tor all purposes | paward Fisher's - condition is Challies and. Mrs. vail e . Mi | Address hy Mr, Martin | one man to ha in the 9th | v of relief organizations and Fire Chief W. R. Elliott stated | 4nd it fs expected that fully half omewhat imvroved Of the S.A. for Canada G 8 Henry and dang ter, ! | A short address was given by {he died there, the following bat re ities, 8 to present his' re. morning that the fire secord | this amount will be paid into the | Mr. Russell Richardson. wa sid i Nora Henry; Ge orge V 1¢- 1 Hon. Mr. Martin, which was di Ah 11 {11 intact, The | bank in the next few weeks, The [ol JHS8E] SUEMArC oe 15 and Newfoundland wili Laughlin, of 0 ay 1, } fos. '¢ rected chiefly to the boys, who with tha netossat I 1 ; at give a special address in Jocal member ol paritameiit, } expressed his pleasure at the | ' 11 handled ! game (might, and it is hoped that his re call nee. last Frida quite large but there ha been | prooklin Fair on Tuesday w ' clergymen of gh Bowmanyvi creditable howin of the be and Colwell andled 5 1 t nt recent jesday wai Si St U it d 2) Er i avle = E © 2 hove | mbires | commendations may be of help to | quite an improvement recently Robert Duff and sen and Will imcoe nite churches, and #thers, | on the parade grounds and stated |® Hppires. . | the civie authoritic nn arrivin - ---- - The second instalment is due | Parish were winnerg on their | : h . The cadets, who have heen un- | that he had never seen anv regi- bat me solution of the problen D h in Novamber, There was 80me | | orse { C urch der the instyuction of Lieut. J. lant of regulars do any better {wh lias to be faced eat talk at the first of the year of the ; | Ww ¥. Cunningham, ceived the In- | yi. one regret was that moving OBITUARY | town's intention to seli tax certi MINING PIONEER DIES On od, June Int . t i wi fia ' | » rder to he i 4 spectinz officer, M 3 | pictures had not heen taken and : NGS. CL VALE BND W" STORE FRONT [ MeKAY t in Oshawa, on | ficates in order to facilitate 3 at 8 p.m. ter, M.C., on t p specling lil ! the promised that next year he DEATH OF dt oh: 1 e anpearance of the front | Tonda Maj J0th, Alice | payment of Li x ang apd oA ne Winnipeg, May 21 Lorre . . * after which they marched pa wonld request that this be done of the Little Covent Garden.| Ethel infant daughter of Mi town, interest, but Jot ing By 2 { Hower, of Hallevbirs. Out. o Mr. W. E. N, Sinclair wil! the sa ing 180 11 ine in ) ia i P Aes b 1 a 1 ams f A . . this I; as heen done, and row ) » 0 # y ' ' a | . the saluting pa line; . di as he was anxioun tha other | ¢yifrord Palmer of thi Ly, ad | Oshawa well-known fruit amd | and Donald D. McKay B i y 5 dal . io t there is | well-known prospector, who dis reside, supported by column of platoons and column hools in the province might: see v vegetable market. has been zreat i : that the notices are out there | ! I ' ho dis | of route, the bugle band mean- | ha oxcellency py the We k ne Shade ny #4 the Osh The tats 1i¥ Smproved by the installation } ' 1% mt hi 2 "1 not likely to. be any. covered Howey Gold Mines at ||| Mayor Hawkes and F. L. . JF i$ : * excel Y 0 'ork done ospite this mornir » late y ) Rigliall dence, 42 iary St. on Tuesday The 4 ax Will im- | Red Lake > sre VOR . . while adding their colorful tone | yoo in Bowmanville, The prize My Dita a r the of a new store front and wind " The usual penalties will be im Lake, Ont., died here ye | | Fowke. Special music, | | ing unable to judge the strength , J of the opposing batters The | West. Phone 91. Street was charged Rovers took the lead early in the a . a oe The address of : CONFERENYE POSTPONED J game and maintained it until the NERY El PONEI hould have read failin to come thre 1 | port to the Citizen vdvisory 1 | 1 1 . Pp Y \ ' i til . lief Committes on Thursdas depar ment hag not received a rears from la ear are still { g..¢ ou. on his cattle [prs for 10 week Jessie Gertrude. Bunt, wife of : mi pion. Cemeter | : . taken. ill while is way to The company drill was und HM. . kson, contr : . ke hile on his way tr is | remarkable achievement of the | of Godericl beside wr hu fone bh ied. | (127a) | | the. Island ake gzoldfield t 11 inantd ¢ Yor y 'pil ' ha an Nor 0" a «ia) | I lLLak goldfields In | 0 a direction t o! tapi : { : pens hoy n their academic pursuits | band and parents, her nurvivor p ar q 1 4 | | Manitoba : | an Squad drill und« ie di and also speaks of their loyalty | are: two brother jordon of | pearance o i 0 whi ji | of Lieut.» Andrew Han "4% 1 to their school and their teach- | Oshawa and * William New tiracting much attention | In Memoriam | drill With arms under Lhe air lers, He wished for them every Yor} City, and three i rs, E ¥ | ton of Co'y Sgt, » io Vil 1 encoes as they went out into ther of Toronto, oremce ( van ARLE R NG LOST ! JACKEON In loving memor) | Ellis; extended order mo [the world and eautioned them to | Goderich, and Ruih of Ni lam- | Mabel Mil ©, 539 Albe t Street. | "of qur dear son and brothes "| Barwell &: Fer uson ments under the. dire 1 Vion : 0 follow the motto of square deal hare A sou borg a Ma 7 [n oe ai 2 Ha ot Donald Jackson, who departed - - Jen Albert Smith IrtyV=-51X | timer on Saturday \ [E | Ost ¢ rmond rin last I P n ae . A Maint ree ing and play the game as they rhe : th ife May 1st, 1928 : : - took part in he Poy ie Ii Fatn | had been taught in this Training Sk ny id hth, die rH dr mont ] had of Decoy d \ Ihe We vine round the Whitby Public School Pu | BUTCHERS ins Eni cum oy ham 1 11 a | School. He mentioned that the iret Ba t Chu } | ts Yaltied | eal pils Now Have $2,- 27 Celina St. J ' ving hg and also | : . ' "Wei t Bapti hu here ring { enerian . x | : : ; put on'a tumbling. pyramid ard | DF partment had in mind the "X] nee a can tell, : 422. 73 |l Having decided to give up business this week-end we are ames axhibition. Ai the close of a i hi a Girls % faiuing -- -------- 1] ) 1 ard to part, going to clean out the following stock at real bargain prices, =Ccnooi In t » county o ater- mn v ove » wel ------ t rma uve the com- : ; While they last the outdoor er or c Kit loo. The Premier, Hon, G 8 VOT Te hls " Children attending Waithy. pub any v 1 iront o he ; a TE y tive Fat yrothe an ister 5 1 . RaN qr . 1 saluting base and gave o He ! ry eat regs v at not be K m o 1} ler and si 42 Phe lin chools hays $82 4 1a Jnore 1 {f CORNED BEEF in cuts of 3 to 5 lbs. . ft 4 1hle » be presenti, but sent hi 27a) | deposit in the Penny jank of n~1 C $ t ng. ' h heers for the Kin Sine 10] | depogll. / tie Penny Bank of DRY SALT PORK Reception Held same time last year. secovding to {R Home-rendered LARD vv.vici: 4 lbs, for 25¢ | | Followi tl ] -] 17 ollowing the exercises on tlie | Praise For Boys y . Bie Lite las) year. aeeordiog field the spectators assembled in | In his address Dr. Reaman Fin a( jhe k ie Ben sport, ! |l Pork and Beef SAUSAGE 3 Ibs. for 25¢ Ferg r | | st . i BRISKET or RIB STEW ......... cook 3 B r fim i » at one o'clock osed this p yn delinquents, terday of pneumonis He was |} to the movements about the fic which were presented showed the | Rev. W. T. Bu p A junt {layout Fhe work, which wag | 1ntey posed this year on d u a , 2 hearty welcome extended | uson Hall where a recept | congratulated the boys on their COMING The total amoumt on POS i April was $2.- BONELESS STEW was held with Dr. and. Mrs, G, usual smart showing and re- it at the end of marked that the B.T.5. hoys never | | EVENTS 122.70, as compared with 31. BREASTS or FLANK VEAL - i Ibs. for 25¢ Reaman as host and h The tea hostesses were Mrs a S. 1 them down. He was loud in : Nn 598 a year ago, This i Martin, Mrs. Geo. S. Henry and his praises of the boys and said | ed as a very fine showing, : HAMBURG STEAK . a 3 Ibs. for 25¢ Mrs. Fraser Grant h Mrs, W. | that any superintendent, any i 3 Cents per word cach in. indication of the su f th EGGS, fresh firsts 'eer : H. Rill, Mrs. E. 3 and Whith) . - Bradt ban} Rh a ps BT ual and 4a vine: minister, a iy premier sertion. Minimuin charge | Ie pus : ; ' Heinz SOUPS, large tins SEFB. Ea 2h UW ass g or that matter, would he proud for each insertion, 35c, Nn: percentagh ok aop0sitors H 3 before the programme com- to know any one of them, and he "2 King Street School which, of (Any kinds) small tins menced beautiful 'honquets | course, has the largest. enrol Heinz CATSUP (large bottle) fl 4 x of | stood ready to put his boy - l A owers were presented to Mrs. against any school in the Prov- » | WESTMOUNT PAVILION TO- | Ment. headed the list with 73 Canned PUMPKIN 3 Tins for 25¢ 1 DOTLS. '& \ d dha per cent Brock Street school . | ace. They rere 5200 Sports, ot Af night, all round dauein x ' | comes next with 63,-and Dunda Clark's or Libby's PORK & BEANS ................ tin 15¢ K 1 5 J \ in he ir 810 + r io0k Punishment, when needed A) : , ney's 'Orchestra Admission | grpaet next with 50, Clark's or Libby's PORK & BEANS large ¢ tin~ . with : Only ly Pon " ) (127 Whithy schools stand well up VI TONE, | ti they had formed a student 4 : RUMMAGE AL B AIRD | with seh'ools in towns of simila arge tin ....... tiivisinsnssanes PRT heen ees | council, as a means of siting Pony w | 7 a Block, edi ay, 2 o'clock. | population to this in the list of Small tin | closer and co-operating with the iN 2 (127a) | depositors. As a matter of fact, | | boys, From advices he had re- f | celved, Dr, Reaman stated that | the Bowmanville Boys' Training | School stood at the top of such | schools in North America, and he was proud of the record Invalids, Cripples, cte., may have the eyes examined at home, Prize: Winners C. H. Tuck, Opt.D. Following is a list of the grize Eyesight Specialist | winners and the donors of the | Disney Block Opp. P.O, || irizes Oshawa. Supt's, medal, best all around 1516--Phone--13516 | sutdent, Andrew Hansel | Harry Price gold medal scien- | tific boxer, Harold Reid. Best all around sport, Robt | Campbell, presented hy Lieut, Cunningham, Cover design, B.TS. News, In times like these... | presented by Hon. Mr, Martin to | Ray Stephenson.' i : : | nT aide. Presented. iv more than ever, life insurance is a 12 King E. Phone 1147 | Bev, 6 Magan, Howmanyiile Can boon to all--to the Uninsured as Wednesday Specials | Short re 0. A. C.. $10 well as the Insured. WE DELIVER | Scholarship, presented hy € I. As its premiums accumulate they | Burton to (1) Nicholas Gravelle, | are promptly used to assist in pur- (2) Howard Poole, i idi | ema Fab: ov Sts. and] chasing homes, in aiding farmers and Fresh Cu [ Mrs. Harry Wilmott, to Wm. | financing industry--thus keeping : HOME OF GARTON'S COACH LINES, BOWMANVILLE % are Simcoe. . : be l Canadian citizens gainfullyemployed. P en pn, 3 th I insures more fan Life--it helps GARTON COACH LINES Ribs "Highest standing in British | - to provide work for the Breadwinner, Sie Fon ; and Food, Comfort and Shelter for Inaugurates New Route. - 3 lbs 17¢ | class). : his family. -- | 4 a : . . Ct 4 i Toh |B : NOTE~-Daylight Saving Time and Standard Time eft ective on all Divisions on same date as Oshawa and Merit crests for athletics, i | Campbell, L, Summerfield, W. It supports the Nation, too--the Bowmanville. : lI CC Ten, Di: eollegtive emiernrise of sll the people. NORTHBOUND Commencing June 1st, 1932° SOUTHBOUND--Read Up Pe 10 = se During te Great War, for instance, Sat. p.m. only Read Down Daily except READ CAREFULLY Daily except Sat., Sun. and HAMBURG 1b C Best cadet on parade, present- the Sun Life Assurance Company of Sun. & Hol. Sat. only Sat.,, Sun. STOP Sat. Sun. & Hol. Ho). only 3 Ibs, 25¢ ed by Harry Allin to Owen Canada itself subscribed for adn, & Pan Pm. & Hel pam, NO. mn am. & p.m, Halos. mathematic prize present- $70,000,000 Canadian and allied 10.05 3.00 7.45 OSHAWA 14 10.15 10.00 ed by A. M, Hardy to W. Semin- government war loan bonds. ott. Last year the Sun Life subscribed 10.35 3.35 BOWMANVILLE . 13 9.50 9.35 hankless General proficiency in junior | | g g presented by Thos. Dus- $23,000,000 to Canadian government 10.45 3.45 HAMPTON 12 9.35 9.25 »® a n lan 7 D. Freiamen, So% & issues. A portion of the proceeds of 10.55 3.55 ENNISKILLEN 11 9.15 P ioe TR 11.05 4.05 BURKETON 10 9.05 1b. ec Recitation j\izes presented hy ment. Even the jobless share in- Miss N. E. Montgomery to Keith irectly i he benefit f life Dovell, Neil McMillan, Reg. d ctly in t efits o Quigley. Debating prizes, presented hy ; i . . . Miss F, M. Galbraith to Andrew The Sun Life is an important factor in Hansel, restoring prosperity to Canada. - For over VEAL 1 Junior penmanship, presented sixty years it has been privileged to serve CUTLETS 1b if by Mrs. L. M. Densem to D. its policyholders and proud to serve the F relaman, B. Craig abd RB. la State. To-day, its world-wide organization 95%. these loans was to relieve unemploy- 8.55 11.15 4.15 BLACKSTOCK 11.25 4.25 NESTLETON 11.35 4.35 YELVERTON 11.45 4.45 JANETVILLE 12.15 5.15 LINDSAY 12.30 5.30 PLEASANT POINT 12.45 5.45 DUNSFORD 1.00 6.00 ANCONA POINT 1.15 6.15 11.05 BOBCAYGEON 8.45 8.30 8.15 7.45 7.30 7.15 7.00 6.45 insurance. Sr.. penmanship, presented hy and facilities make it more serviceable Miss M.-Davidge to G. Pratt, T. than ever to the whole community. Loin or Rib Brash'and J. Carr. Veal i Highes| standing in Entrance . ixams., 1931, sent Chops JI Lies inn Sun Life Assurance B. DeGuerre, 3rd, presented hy M =I 0) U1 ON 00D GARTON'S COACH LINES T. A. GARTON, Proprietor. 6 Prince St, Oshawa, Phone 2283 Bowmanville--Phones 412W and 346 TRAVEL THE SCENIC WAY A! Sorsolefl to W. Harrison ib. 1c : oy may science, presented Company of Canada L. Beckett to A. Hansel, Proficiency in Christian doec- HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL ! rine, presented hy Father' Mc- Gaire to John Cafr. John Wilmot prize in memory es) = aw

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