: THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1932 SPECIAL HOI IDAY SUGGESTIONS] WILL REMEMBER EMPIRE'S QUEEN 'Merchandise At Greater Savings HONOR HER MEMORY NEXT TUESDAY 'RELISH' "Is' the word," "Flavor," "Pleasing Taste" -- You should expect this in your Meat Purchase. The buying, handling and serving of our meats is all done with that ob- jective. BROS. LIMITED PHONE 1147 Queen Victoria's Reign Was One of Progress and Enlightenment 12 KING STREET E. DUMARTS KITCHENER MILD CURE SMOKED HAMS - nv. 13¢ Whole or Half of 12 to 14 1b. Hams ExVeal- 121, SWEET PICKLED OR SMOKED PICNICS ©. 10¢ DUMARTS CURE SHANKLESS, Ib. 12¢ REMEMBER EMPIRE'S QUEEN Queen Vitcoria's Reign Was of Progress and Er ightenment ' . Tuesday, May 24, will be observ- For The Whole Family ed as a public holiday throughout the Dominion of Canada in honor of Queen Victoria. Known as "Victoria the Good," her reign was one of progress and enlightenment. The leading events of her reign were the confederation of Canada; the Opium War in China; the abolition of the Corn Laws; parliamentary reform; en- tranchiscmient of the Jews; the Ca- tholic Emancipation Act and many | other important changes. In February, 1840, Victoria ALL THIS AND AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE TOO AT NELSON'S Ontario County was | Fresh Cut Al- A The Store Of Bigger And Better Values The young man who had come into money celebrated the event by going off on a prolonged raz- zle, whirh eventually landed him in the police court, He strenu- ously denjed that he had been in- toxicated. "But," said the magistrate, "the constable says he found you half way up an electric standard. What were you doing there?" "Well," explained the culprit, "T'd been chased all along Pica- dilly by a couple of green ele- phants, and had to do something to give 'the beggars the slip." Perfect Satisfaction DRY CLEANING Did you know that skilful dry cleaning actually makes your clothes wear longer and cuts down clothing bills? And did you know that scienti- fically-cleaned clothes stay clean longer? New Service Cleaners and Dyers Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Telephone 707 married to her cousin, Prince bert of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, and the marriage proved an unusually happy one. During the reign of the Queen, Great Britain enjoyed a long era of uninterrupted prosper ity; peace and contentment prevail- ed at heme, and with rare excep- tions, relations of-amity were main- tained with foreign powers. In length her reign was unprecedent- ed in history. In 1887 the people of Great Bri- tain and the Dominions celebrated | the golden jubilee, or fiftieth year of .Queen Victoria's reign. In 1897 they celebrated the diamond jubilee, with ceremonies more imposing than had ever attended any similar event. Representatives from all the colonies and dominions were pre- and a grand procession, views- millions, moved through the London, Victoria died 1901 sent, ed by streets of January 22, Manitoba and New Brunswick were the only provinces to show an increase in the number of fur- niture plants in 1930. Manitoba gained 3 plants, bringing its total to 24, and N.B. one, bring- ing its total to 6. Burglars recently broke into a laundry but failed to force the safe. Apparently they didn't think of sawing round the lock with the edge of a newly ironed collar. 0ld Lady (in London): "Isn't it wonderful how a single police- man can dam the flow of traf- fic?" Boy: 'Yes, grannie, but you should have heard the bus driv- BIG J DAYS SATURDAY~MONDAY Nl To Celebrate Victoria Day, this week end will be a memorable event in our store. Tremendous reductions on our already low prices. OVERALLS Navy, full size MEN'S NAVY, KHAKI and LIGHT BLUE I Work Shirts Extension neck band style 9c Work Pants Five pockets, belt loops and cuff bottoms $1.09 MEN'S SERGE Trousers rd good quality, navy and riped. This is an excep tional buy at $2.49 GIRLS' Spring Coats For these two days only we will sacrifice a quantity at $1.49 Sizes 6-14 ycars LADIES' Spring Coats Only a limited quantity, note this $1.00 LADIES' Bathing Suits In fancy colorsy special price 8$9¢ MISSES' Bathing Suits Beautiful colors and well made, ' exceptionally priced 89¢ MEN'S Colored Sox and All Wool Work Sox 2 prs. 25 MEN'S Fancy Socks Assorted patterns, special 25¢ Verandah or Canoe Cushions ony ZGE exch SEE OUR Sweaters -- AT = VARIOUS PRICES COME EARLY TO SECURE THESE BARGAINS Manufacturers' Outlet Stores Lid. 24 SIMCOE STREET NORTH On Tuesday next, May to as Victoria the Good. 24th, the peoples of the British Com. monwealth of Nations will recall to memory the long and success- ful reign of Her Late Majesty, Queen Victoria, very often referred Canada's Sculptors Make Fine Exhibition of Art (Written for The Canadian Press By Hilda George Rhoades) Toronto, May 20--Canada's sculp tors, displaying their vear's best work m the Spring exhibition of the Sculptors Society of Canada at the Toronto Art Gallery, showed striking versatility of tec hniqu ue and | yel Hahn were apparent determination not to be come obsessed by any one style of treatment. This versatility am artists stood out from the sculptors work far more markedly than it has done among Canadian painters, whose style, whether it be that ot the group of seven or of the more academic 's€hool, tends to become fixed and even stereotyped. The sculptors' show, comprising about OU pieces by 23 artists, was more than a "good exhibition for Canada", It would have been con sidered a good display almost any where. The works, almost al brought together tor the frst time within the confines of the room, m~de an infinitely more impressive spectacle than in other years when they have been scattered about gal- 1 leries like incidental ornaments to | | other exhibitions of pictures Treatment of subjects this showed wide variation, ranging as it did from academic form to ex- treme simplification, while the em- dia took in, besides thie more con- ventional marble, bronze, plaster and wood, terra cotta, brass, tin and aluminum. Considerable improvements ap peared in the handling' of wooden pieces, many suggesting an enlight- ened study of the technique of Afri can wood-carving, Some in fact, figurines of negroes and small stud- ies after the negro manner, were even properly cured with oil Interest appeared centred around Elizabeth Wyn Wood's "Linda, fine life-size study of a young farm girl in rough plaster, firmly planted on bare feet, with powerful legs and boyishly muscular -arms disappear- ing into a thin dress which revealed rather than concealed the outlines of a strong body. The same artist exhibited, in strong contrast to "Linda", her almost impressionist "Circular Relief" of rippling water and waving trees in the North, [Extremes met in two conspicuous pieces by Rowland Trevor, who in "Danseuse" made a successful at- tempt to convey an illusion of a dancer's presence, depicting little more than the lines of her motion in an active pose. "Head of an Old Woman" he frankly acricatur- ed the primness and spite of a bitter and rebellious old age. Somewhat similar to Mr. Tre- vor's caricature was "Mennonite" by Alvin Hiltz, of Newmarket, Ont, one of the newcomers to the show. year ng individual | | « | | | | | | | | | | | | jolly \-zreedily | the | closed | hand, Concentrating on the natural planes | a thin face Mr. Hitz produced a portrait of stern piety, with eyes raised, face drawn sourly downward and upraised hands clasped tightly under a long chin | the new works of Eman. "Four Monks", mo lels for wood-carving and the most gzrotesqueries in the show, one drnkiing, one solemn; and | Jevout and one uproariously amus- | His. head and shoulders por of Elizabeth Mitchell showed posing and a splendid sense of value of relaxation where many portraits arc stiff and con- strained, Fred Windler's "Vision of the Madonna," a bronze tucked incon- spicuously away in a corner of the rode, was one of the finest and most reposeful things in the exhibi- tion, the head of a woman with eves resting gently on a detached and bearing a stig- ma on the palm. Among hne 50 while shop- They had not 'seen each for some time, and the flood of gossip soon drove Sun day's joint into oblivion, "And Mrs. Brown?" 'ear as 'ow 'e door." "Oh, 'e's Two ping, women met 'ows your poor 'usband, asked one. "I did was at death's all right," replied Mrs. Brown. "Death must 'ave known the old 'umbug as well as 1 do--and kept the door bolted.' The one train which called at Slocombe each day was the pride of the inhabitants, "You're early today," said a farmer to the guard of the train. "Yes; we had -the wind be- hind us," explained the guard, The asronomer"s business Is generally looking up. Why does a man's greatness al- ways grate upon his neighbors? Probably the most difficult as- cent is getting up a subscription. Give some people half a chance and they will take the other half. An envelope is like a woman; it can't go anywhere without ad- dress. RRR Irate Father--'"You impuden: puppy! You want to marry my daughter! And tell me, do you think you could give her what she's been used to?" Suitor--""Er--yes, 1 think so, sir. I've a very violent temper myself." TS Gee Gosh," Fred, "Isn't This Fun?' I'm all out of breath, could hardly wait--in fact I ran all the way up here to tell you I just got the signature of our@Member of Parliament--in my AUTOGRAPH AL- BUM" --never had. so much fun in a long while as collecting autographs and dad says some day these may be- "WATERMAN'S come very valuable. 333 GRAND PRIZES For Boys and Girls, 16 Years of Age and Under Every child has the same chance, ! Simply come to the Rexall Si procure a beautiful "WATERMA BUM" and a pamphlet on how ofwin some of the 2,500 buy. dollars in prize money. 'PARENTS: THE REXA King Street E.--Phone 28 here is interestin, ment for your children, Encouragi of Autographs. Let each child ha in his WRITING EQUIPMENT w 'graph. Give him the best----give h | JURY & LOYELL LTD. er Sa a EE You have nothing to for your coupon to AUTOGRAPH Al. instructive entertaine them in the collection p the fullest confiderico n he asks for an auto- a WATERMAN'S from [F STORES imtoe Street S.--Phone 68 Hams 121/2¢ SAUSAGE Dumarts Little Link PURE PORK 1 Ib. Carton 19¢ Pure Pork, no 1 Cereal Meat. 12 /2 In Links, - 2 Ibs. 27c¢ PORK AND BEEF SAUSAGE MEAT OR LINKS ib. 10¢@ or 3 bs. 25¢ ALL ITEMS ADVERTISED WILL BE IN EFFECT SATURDAY AND BEST' BLADE CUTS THICK RIB CUTS BONELESS ROLLED POT CHUCK CUTS ib. 7J¢ Rump Roast Loin Roast Sirloin Roast A 1 Dc SHOULDER Buehler ""goast Beef 9¢ Veal 13c Domestic Shortening , .. or PURE LARD Pray e C FRESH BEEF HEARTS C FRESH PORK HEARTS Ib BREAST OF VEAL Ib + FRESH CUT SPARE RIBS . ¢ "OO EP MEATS Ay . JELLIED JELLIED HOcKs Price New Season Lamb Fresh Dressed Broilers Fresh Dressed Fowl Phone 1147 |one WE WILL HAVE FRESH STOCK We Deliver ps BUTTERMILK! Admitted to be one cf the finest summer drinks, for it is not only a thirst quencher, but is excellent for its food value. May we sug- gest that you order it regularly. Telephone 618 OSHAWA DAIRY "Where The Choice Milk Products Come From"