{ i ¥ | 4 | ; PAGE EIGHT TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES jhe Dukes Won From Toronto Trpos Last Night 5 to 4 oronto Set Back Montreal Royals -- ity Soccer Club Play C.P.R. Here Tomorrow | w ih TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES South Ontario Softballers Elect Officers "Strangler" Lewis Won Verdict Over McCready Oshawa City Defeated Unemployed 3 to 1 DUKES GO INTO LEAD BEATING TORONTO TYPOS 5 TO 4 4 Sutton' s Double In Sixth % Scored Little To Win Game pthews Won Pitching] 'Duel From Crofts After Typos Had Counted "Three in First Inning -- 'Dukes Were Outhit But Their Blows Were Time- ly--Elliott Played Well 'at Third lanky first sacker, to end the in- ning. "Matty's'"' record for the game was six strikeouts and six walks, while he also drove in a run to tie the score in the fifth, The game with another minute would have gone the full seven innings as Oshawa had taken their innings and scored two more rung than are indicated in the score, In their half of the inning Hastings and Grove had been retired and Bradley rested on second, while Crofts had two strikes and a ball on him when the street lights came on: the game reverting to the end of the sixth, It was tough on Oshawa as they should have had two more hits and two runs to their credit, Dukes' Oshawa went Gray drawing a walk, He was forced at second by Sutton who was picked off first hy Crofts a moment later, Rowden then struck out. Then. .the parade be- gan and before the Typos were retired eight men had faced Mat- hews and three runs come in on 28 many hits and an error. Heath led off with a walk and Mathews fell all over Ewing's sacrifice bunt and he was safe. Whiteley nipped Ewings at gecond on a neat peg. Dickson got a hit and Heath scored. Colling struck out but Hastings blazed oyt a double and Dickson scored. Hastings might have heen out as Rowden was in position to taken the fly but a boy running across the field got in his way at the last mo- ment, Bradley walked and Hast- ings scored from third on Groves single. Croft struck out to end the inning. ' Opportune Hits Aided by two hits ond an error the. Dukes got back into the game in the first of the secund, scoring two runs. Whiteley's long "lift was taken by Dickson for the first out. Mathews was safe on Croft's error and went all the way to third on Elliott's single, Peacock came through with a double and both runuers scored. Hubbell struck out and e Dukes moved into firsl place in the West Toronto Senior Léague last night when they fook Toronto Typos { tb camp to the tune of 5 to 4 In sfx innings at a La Park, in Toronto. The vigtory which was the second in a row for the Oshawa entry this peek brought «sweet revenge tc Shaky Start in to bat first, ty"" Mathews, who came ngoen with flying colors after ther shaky start. "Matty" {fn trouble only: once after the first inning, that being in the last of the sixth inning. 'Three men were on base and two out and the Dukes were only one run up. It was a ticklish place, but the big hurler smoked the ball in and struck out Collins, the nea -------- NEW MARTIN TODAY ONLY WILL ROGERS A Connecticut Nite Tonite [ | Toe PEREECT Shoe - FOR SOFTBALL Ca Look hor / { {10 1 31 A 0) | FOE WAP oi \r comes, its g side Puffa ky Jour eajer for, mon Orsial Sofe Ball Shoes. : Made in Canada by NORTHERN RUBBER CO. LIMITED, Guelph, Ont. . Oshawa TO PITCH SATURDAY "DUKE" DAINTY Who will go to the mound for the first time this season to face Native Sons here tomorrow, a Little walked to put two on, but Gray struck out, In the third and fourth the Dukes were let down with one hit, a single by Whiteley in the third, Mat- hews was coming to himself and allowed only one hit in the sec- ond and third; but in the fourth Glover led off with a perfect bunt laid down the third base line for a safety. Both Heath and Ewings attempted bunts but Mathews gathered both in for outs at first, However, Dickson came through with his second hit of the game and Glover scored to maks the score 4 to 2 for the Typos. The fifth inning was another story as Gray flied out to right, for, the first out, Sutton was safe on Grove's wild peg to first and advanced on Rowden's sacrifice Bunt, Whiteley got his second guccessive hit to left field and Sutton scored, assisted by Dick- son's wild pez in. Mathews hit between short and second "and Whiteley scored to tie the count. Elliott also singled but was forced at second by Peacock. Ty- pos were out of luck in their half of the inning even though they got a promising start,: Hastings singled to open the inning, how- eyer, Bradley ghot a hot grounder to Mathews who threw to Sutton for the force, who in turn swivel. led and got the runner at first for.a neat double play. Grove grounded to Sutton who threw him out at first to end the in- ning. ' A Near Thing Then came the eventful sixth fnning. Huhbel bounded to the box for the first out, . But Little waited patiently and drew a walk, Gray laid a sacrifice bunt down the third base line and was thrown ont, However, Sutton blazed a double out into the crowd in left field that would have been good for a home run in any park and Little scored from second, while Sutton was held at gecond under a ground rule, Rowden flied out to right to end the-rally. But the first half of the inning was nothing compar- ed with the last half. Crofts was thrown out by Elliott, Glover laid a perfect bunt down the third base line and was safe. Heath struck out and everything appeared to be going fine for the Dukes. However "Matty" lost control for a moment and Ewings walked to put two on base with Dickson the demon bat- ter for the Typos at bat, It re- quired some nerve to pitch to him and after a conference it was decided to walk him even though it did fil] the bases. What a hit in the game then would have done is nobody's business hut Matthews crossed up Colling with the count three and two, feeding him a fast ball down the centre when he was all set for a curve and he struck out swinging. Box Score AB R H 0 = Q » OSHAWA Gray, c.f. 2 Sutton, 2b 4 Rowden, 1.f. 3 Whiteley, c. Mathews, p. Elliott, 3h Peacock, 8.8. Hubbell, 1b Little, r.f. CORN HRNO~D SOHO c~oomcooce™ Totals . - = = S - El onandane. on TYPOS Heath, Ewings, r.f, Dickson, Lf, Collins, 1b Hastings, s.s. Bradley, c. Grove, 3b Crofts, p. Glover, c.f. 9 " Pe ato wl tononvoncom -1 | cv=ovwoco - 1 Som | OD Uy SS --- Totals .. =a) SHaTgoaorco™ 2 | Sport Snapshots IN HER FATHER'S FOOTSTEPS Ability in softball must run in There in the city in which both the girls and the boys are experts Toronto of interest ta Oshawa ort brought to the The Times, On Tuesday night in the game Toronto. Ladies Brampton, the Torontos pitcher did show up and Louise Foster was pressed into service in the box. Louise is the daughter of "Abbic" Foster Malleable Girls' team in Oshawa good herself while | learned that she for ering farilies. are several families in baseball, but one case in fans has been attention ol not Letween and who is only fourteen years of age, several years managed the expected, It wa who for As was to be account of pitched her first Louise zave a she was in the box, ame Malleables some three years ago and did very well indeed con % Ld ST. GEORGE'S HERE MAY 24 Ld Ld Be Bel get when to Ki er pract Point veter hatte Sulpt will be duties been ind stron ing « It is 1esor Poni receiving and thi | sures Baseball CJ] | the Oshawa George's, of Te Tue the between and St, under The Dukes, of one or more exiibitic Negotiations. are wa y, for tl ) 24 ierwise known as Ironic here on sday next, May Ger playing nes While have signified their final arrangements have not been made St. intention of coming to Oshawa on the holida will be played, The first carly | The game ts expected that two games noon and the siderable teams play other a twilight fixture, should interest as St, George' the City ich in the mn province w have come by their reputation and hard hitting, OSHAWA BOWLERS GO TO PETERBORO A team of men bowlers from the city arch the n ning 5 Peterbor the walked aw 2.900) are going defeat im Lv on Petes sort of 284 points. to that being 1,317 ser, Higgins, Rendell, M yetter ton evening ins the Liftlockers with the he it revenge for Twesdan eve The mours on that occasion winning by 3, high game TT. Kas h team was Freer Motor City » ¥ SCHEDULE OUT TO-MORROW Norman Walker, President of the Oshawa Ladies' S ftball formed The Times yesterday that a meeting of the representatives of the teams would be held this evening at the Motor City Alleys for the purpose of drawing for As far there will be this number 'of the players who year lined up Chosen Friends have out Mallcables and Falcons and it docs seem probable that a third team will be operated in the city. The third team in the league will be the Whitby from last team in the County Their being repaired and by the time the season is opened it will b shape. While the Whitby team may not win the league title son they have a host of young material who will come make for championship teams in ye to come, » ¥ ¥ LJ HOCKEY PLAYERS MIGRATE on which all hockey players who wish to play next and reports of changes in residence Among those mentioned as having who last year performed with honours Oshawa could collect was Oshawa team was made up of Messrs, ill and Purdie. The Peterboroug Gimblett and Curven, Let's # only Ma rgan, 1an, Crary hope the boys do gl # League the scason. the up a schedule three 48 can be learned only teams in league season, Cuite a last with been with not Rovers who have been recruited years' junior n Town diamond mn fine this sea along fast and ars May 15, year must be domiciled has past are "beginning to filter through. made a change Douglas Runyon, West Toronto Jrs. He will play his hockey with Brant- ford 'Intermediates having passed the junior Il Hancock, Newmarket, is building another team and has secured Jim Parr, Elgin. Reports from the Lake: Huron town that Parr is goalie. He will be in the nets for Hancock next scason, ¥ LJ Ad » SOUTH ONTARIO LEAGUE ORGANIZED At a meeting of the South Ontario Softball League held last night at the home of Richard Branton, Street West, the officers for the season were elected, as follows: --President, D. Branton; vice-pres ident, Newton Joynt, Whitby; Treasurer, Jack Hele, Th stated will be elected at a later date, It is expected that will .be six teams in the league with the following ciubs in the North Oshawa, Regiment, Tannery, Whitby Bowmanville, and Oshawa Intermediates, Another meeting will be held the dat: are next 'winter age limit, Bi ol of Port fine say a | Jrock aecretary executive there it 1s this' season competition ; T "won't be long" now--and those five shiny up-to-the- SAVE THE WRAPPERS WIN A BICYCLE! CONTEST CLOSES JUNE 19] I minute C.C.M. Bicycles are going to be won by five { ov pAD! DONT FORGET TO TELL ALL THE FOLNS THAT lucky Ontario boys who put everything they've got into this [THE BEECHNUT CHEWING GUM CONTEST CLOSES JUNE 187 contest right until the last day w=June lst. Get after all your "ALL RIGHT SOW | | "friends and relatives. Get them LL SEE THAT The! ALL BUY LOTS OF all 'to buy an extra supply of Beech-Nut Chewing Gum. Re. member, there are six wrappers to every package--(one around each stick and one around the packet). They all count in this contest. The five Ontario boys sending in the most Beech-Nut Chewing Gum Wrappers ean each, have absolutely Free, the finest C.C.M. Bicycle in any dealer's store or catalog. This contest is exclusively for boys resident in Ontario and be sure you send Genuine Beech-Nut Chewing Gum Wrappers and be sure also that you send the enlire wrapper. Send in all the wrappers you can get together on or before June 1st, 1932, to Bicycle Contest, Box No: 586 Beech-Nut Company of Canadas, Limited, Hamilton, Ontario, giv- ing your name and address. Remember, your package must bear Post Mark not later than June lot, 1932, AR cHawiNg IEE x hy GUM whApetRs, roc A me UPON G TO ALL UNCLES, AUNTS oa 1) STRRS AND In THE BEECHNUT CHEWING GUM BICYCLE CONTEST... SEND ALL YOUR WRAPPERS TO YOUR FAVORITE pov Now JUNE 197 1s CLOSING DAY AND HIS PACK: AGE MUST NOT SHOWA LATER, POSTMARK IN DRDER TO COUNT u away Gerow an Peen a half confid crs lleville May Win C.O.B.L. May It b leville, 20--Baschall will to a start on May 24 Belleville Nationals play hosts | ngston Ponies, Manager Walt- the Nationals, has ically decided on 'lomm r, rangy southpaw and the Mills as his starting ry, Lasey, a newcomer from nde, up well and nstant rehet teatn The the wens of the [his w « has shape held ready for The Belle practicing 1 I and Min ow Is that the team will | be # in both the hitting and field lepartments, | "Yamic" | H. pite | 21st | the | Bon League 1 ha week | The expected that vill be starting + with either Jams her for the Arniel or Tetro possibility a the loc plent { ovposi her pla tryin, Nationals than ever before positions is thonght bck and this w i help the infield financial maiority behind assured much better harder op will undoubted! ill be ion that the histori Cricket Notes Cricket inst, first The selected N. Merrick, J. with the | son, E, Chappell, W, Pearce, W,. and few | J, Sargant, B. Anthony, A, Pratt, have been settled as yet, | C, Maundrel]l and ¥. Ashworth. that Vern We will All players are requested to be second for the Nationals | on hand at 2 o'clock gharp. The greatly, | game is scheduled for 2.30, : uffercd On Tuesday, May 24th inst. deficit in 1931, but, the club travels to Peterhoro to of merchants and citi- | engage their friendly rivals in an thew this year, it exhibition game, Arrangements support, while | pave already heen made for osition the le transportation and players wil} draw RCT CTON be notified on Saturday. 1 nth time in suc AR i old Central | has been opene a here, for- positions at Jelleville team the "Smile!" said the photogra~ | pher, "You look too lugubrious." "But I'm going to use this ple- ture fn my business advertising," ubject protested, 'Well, don't you think it would be better for your business if you ddn't look solemn?" May | 'No, gir, I do not. Who in Club Saturday, Lakeview Park, in |thunder would patronize a grine sea e nin i t1 he local club entertains Toc | 0 at game of the undertaker? player - G. Mann, a. ADDITIONAL SPORT home following duty for rege's team | Y Ip | ar selected s beer s¢. th the « ronto 0 streak to SOCCER CLUB PLAY TO- MORROW Il pl against C.P.1 ndra Pars foll nmmencing om t ; players Dr Ihe field on DAINTY WILL the send nst West turning out to the practi re work this far in the league race y lef "Duke's" batters, delivery may turn out The Dukes will be 1 PPOSINE three games, at 245 Tue ead man [& "Duke" i'oronto gularly hut part to be a out on Saturday Chappell, R, (zib- | ON PAGE TWO REGENT Today and Saturday ARE YOU LISTENING? with WILLIAM HAINES and STAR CAST Tor pila PITCH 1 : ALL Hill mound in "Duke" | Geo, nd Dainty to the Native S ha Extra AIR MAIL MYSTERY ms, Coming Wednesday The Wonder Picture 'Sunshine Susie" A-- hander compl myster to runftheir | WRITE YOUR TITLE OLD CHUM CALENDAR 1930 notice, one every $250 in Cash, in ach Contest wf your only effor isto think up a good title for the calendar pictures title of not more than five wor in the frame, indicated by the black arrow. 01d Chum Picture Title Contest No. 2 Another $100 for Someone! 2nd Prize $40 -- 3rd Prize $10 and 50 Prizes of $2 each This is the Second of a Series of Semi- monthly Cash Prize Contests for smokers of Old Chum coarse cut and Old Chum fine cut cigarette tobacco. This Contest (No. 2) closes May 27, 1832 t doesn't matter if you missed Contest No. 1, for 1 each Old Chum Picture Title Contest is a separate contest in itself. an one to win one of these Cash Prizes which are You stand as good a chance as foing dl distributed among smokers of Old Chum Livy proc bl of contests will dontinig until further two weeoks----53 Prizes, totalling published in the advertisements. There are no difficult conditions. Simply cut out this advertisement, study the bicture and write a in the blank Space A good game--a good companion--a good smoke--and the result is contentment. For more than half a century, mellow, fragrant, mild Old Chum has filled per fectly the requirements of Canadian pipe smokers who want a pipe tobacco that is all QUALITY. OLD CHUM CUT COARSE CUT FINE FOR THE PIPE FOR CIGARETTES THE TOBACCO OF QUALITY 020 201. Typos 300 100--4 Umpires «-- Walsh (Toronto) plate; Dell (Oshawa), bases. move a label from a package of Old Chum coarse cut or Old Chum fine cut--attach to this advertise- ment-~sign in the apace below and mail to Old Chum ioture Title Contest, P.O. Box 1720, Mont real, on or before May 27, 1932, Names of the Winners of 1st, 3nd and 3rd oe' In the ane 00 =a. 2 Beech-Nut CHEWING GUM = PEPPERMINT. SPEARMINT ® 'AND WINTERGREEN b) 4 . "Chantecler" cigarette papers FREE with Old Chum fine cuts I hereby agree to accept the decision of the Judges as final, JRTHERN SOFT BALL skioE Fir: Nearly 200 land-locked salmon (Salmo salar sebago) were caught by anglers jn Chambcook lake, 'New Brunswick, last year. Etforts by the Dominion De- | partment of Fisheries, to build np 'the stocks of these fish in Chambeook have: evidently been Toaulte,. Y Artutive Name 'Address