Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1932, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1932 PAGE FIVE . Women's Interests in the Home and the Communi Social and Personal A very successful euchre party was held at Holy Trinity Parish Hall on Tuesday evening Prizes were won by Mrs. Carnegie, Mrs. McPhée, Mr. Steele and Mr. Bur- ton. 3 * * x% Xirs. E. A. Leach entertained at bridge and tea yesterday afternoon at the Genosha Hotel in honor of Mrs. Fred Pawson of this city. . Mrs. Chas. Doubt's group of Sim- coe Street United Church Women's Association met for tea and a short business session yesterday after- noon in the church parlours. * »* . Thirty members of the Oshawa Music Study Club attended the an- nual at home of the Port Hope Music Club yesterday afternoon. The affair, at which Bowmanville music lovers were also present was held in the Brown Street United Church. During the afternoon a musical programme by outstanding musicians from the three towns was presented. Miss Helen Morison, of Oshawa, played several piano num- bers that met with great applause. After the programme tca was ser- ved. Mrs. R. J. Andison, president of the Oshawa Club moved a vote of thanks to the Port: Hope Club members for their hospitality and delightful afternoon's entertainment, Women's Meetings SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION Mrs. A. McDonald, Simcoe Street North, lent her home last evening for the monthly business meeting of Mrs. A. E. McGilvary's group ot Simcoe Street United Church Wo- men's Association. Miss Marion E. Ross provided the main feature of the evening with lantern slides and talk on her trip and sojourn in France last summer. Miss Ross showed a number of excellent pic- tures of Fontainbleau where she studied music for several months, and then took her audience on a trip through Southern France, tell- ing interesting incidences of her trip as she went along. In connecc- tion with her lecture, Miss Ross sang a group of French folk songs, that were a delight to the audience of ladies present. BERTHA TAMBLYN TO SING HERE The members of the Lyceum Wo- men's Art Association have a treat in store for them at their next meeting when Miss Bertha Louise Tamblyn, of Toronto, will give one of her delightful lectures on music and song and in conjunction with it, i DODD'S KIDNEY ~ AGAIN PRESIDENT MRS. R. S. MCLAUGHLIN Who was last night re-elected pres- ident of the Oshawa Home and Schopl Council. Mrs. McLaugh- lin has held the presidency since the organization of the Council, twelve ycars ago. a recital of some of her own com- positions. Miss Tamblyn the composer of the music for the pleasing children's songs in the book, "We Are Seven". The words were written by Edith L. Groves. Miss Tamblyn's songs are among the best for children and are very widely known. It is a delight to hear them sung by rin her pleas- ing manneg. C.G.L]T. Notice! I. Council next Friday. II. Meet at Ross's Corners. III. At 4.45--sharp, IV. All presidents and sentatives should he out, V. Everybody bring her cup! Look out for yourself, VI.Hostesses are the Kitchike- wanna Group of Northminster, VII. Supper 25¢, as usual, VIII. Don't forget to come! Rainbow Group Why did it rain both Saturday afternoon and Tuesday night? Maybe because our group had planned a hike for Saturday mor- ning and were going to cook our dinners out, but postponed it un- til Tuesday night, but more rain. So we had a business meeting, at which we decided to have a rummage sale in order to make money for missionaries and our group pins. We also planned a special meeting to close the year. We'll let you in on that later. Margaret Kewin gave a special reading prepared by our leader, Mildred Cowie. It was "Worship in a Girl's Life." Besides being interesting it was something for us to live up to. After two or three more readings we sang Taps, but those that didn't stay for the games missed a lot of fun, 18 repre- own Rainbow Group Friday evening at four-thirty, the grbup met at the corner of William and Simcoe Streets and left for Rogers' Woods on a hike. The weather was wonderful so was the lunch prepared by our leader, We arrived home ahout nine, a tired, but happy bunch, with lots of wild flowers. We are having another hike next Satur- day morning, if the weather is | still nice, and are taking our din- ner with us. So come on Rain- bows and bring a friend. Same place at ten. -- Don't forget your dinner. To Keep Slender You Must Be Clean Inwardly Let ENO keep you well regulated and you will have the normal, slender body nature intended for you. ENO'S "Fruit Salt" will keep the body normal by ridding the intestinal tract of poisonous waste matter, Be ENO. conscious. ENO is the safe, sure way to normal health--and slenderness. Caw2 ICE _FRUIT SALT" AMBROSIA SPECIAL Ambrosia Flask ......... J. & J. Couettes ..... Ambrosia Funnel ..... Ambrosia .....................51.00 Value $2.00 VALUE FOR $1.00 KARN"S DRUG STORE PROMPT DELIVERY Phones 78-79 vee.530c Vaiue ..35¢ Value ...15¢ Value we Next P.O. ANNUAL FESTIVAL AT THE COLLEGE Students to Choose May Queen at Victoria Day Event Plans are complete for the an- nual May Court Festival to be held at the Ontario Ladies' College on Victoria Day, Tuesday next. The students have for some weeks been looking forward eagerly to Lowest Price SALAD "Fresh from the Gardens" in 15 Years the event when they wil their May Queen, crown her and hold a program of exercises in her honor. Prior to the election of May Queen in the College Hall, Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, of Oshawa, will address the students on "The Ideal Woman." Following the address the students will by ballot choose their May Queen and Councillors, and proceed to the lawn, if the weather is favorable, for the cor- onation ceremony and the exer- cises in connection therewith. A very fine program has been pre- pared this year. will leave the college for their an- nual picnic, and in the evening there will be the usual fireworks display. What New York Is Wearing OF COURSE DAUGHTER WILL HAVE A GUIMPE Dress--Because Elder Sister and Mother Have Taken Up This Vogue This darling dress calls for the minimum of material, and as far the making--well, you can see for yourself, it's child's play! Style No. 435 is designed for sizes 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. Size 10 requires 1 7-8 yards of 39- inch material for dress with 1 3-8 yards of 35-inch material for blouse and 2 3-4 yards of bind- ing. Price of BOOK 15 cents. Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is prefer- red). Wrap coin carefully. Address orders to: Pattern Edi- tor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa. The final meeting of the "Live Wires" group of Northminster, was held as a social evening at the home of Mildred Perry. An enjoyable programme was deliv- ered after which games were played and also contests. The winners of the different contests being, Helen Battle, Ruth Fergu- son, and Phylis Corrick. After the games and contests, a de- lightful lunch was served. Simcoe Street Aketa Tuesday night we played 'ball at the side of the Sunday School. What fun we had! But what an uneven score! The President was captain of one gide and the sec- retary captain of the other side. For some unknown reason most of the good players were on one side, or maybe it was because one side played harder than the oth- er, but anyway, the game ended with the score 43-14 in favour of the President's team. However, we didn't go down to depths of despair, and still wish to play more ball, Next Tuesday, 24th of May, we are going on a hike and what a hike we have planned, but you will hear more about it next week. Look for it. Painful Piles Go Quicky No Cutting No Salves It takes only one bottle, of Dr. J. 8, Leonhardt's presecription-- HEM-ROID -- to end itching, bleeding, protruding pMes. This internal remedy acts quickly even in old, stubborn cases. HEM- ROID succeeds because it [heals and restores the affected parts and removes blood congesti'n in the lower howel--the causé of piles, Only an internal medjcine can do this, that's why salves and cutting fail. Jury & Lovell says HEM-ROID Tablets must end, ) After the program the students' By Thornton SETTLED ONCE MORE Adventure for the young Is best; I'd rather stay at home and rest. Jerry Muskrat. The water fell rapidly in e Laughing Brook and the Smiling | Pool until they were quite thems- | selves again, laughing merrily | and smiling happily. oerdy and | Mrs. Muskrat didn't gait for tms | however. Just before the water | | Kellogg's have this patented take some time for it to dry out t Mrs | | | KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes are' sealed in a special WAXTITE bag which is placed inside the red-and-green package. It brings the flakes direct from the toasting ovens fresh to your table. It's a patented Kellogg feature. Some other foods have inner bags of a kind--but Kellogg's is sealed top and bottom... perfect protection. Compare | Kellogg's. The flakes are dif- ferent in appearance, taste and | freshness. | Unconditionally guaranteed by W. K. Kellogg: "If you don't consider them the best corn flakes you ever ate, return the package and we will refund your money." Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. y [ | x . . She's Up in the Air Again Those she loves . « . are first to suf fer when monthly pains shatter her nerves. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound would case thatawful agony. your Pile misery or money back.' | talk. | be alive. felt. W. Burgess em -- had dropped low them to very busy. 'Shall Smiling to al- became far enough work they we rebuild out in the Pool?" asked Jerry. Mrs. Jerry shook her head in most decided manner. **No, ' gaid she. "That is, we won't rebuild out there mow. Perhaps we will at the end of the summer £0 as to have the house ready for winter. Now we will do a little remodelling on this house in the bank." "What is the matter with this house ag it is?' demanded Jerry. "It always has been good enough ns and I don't why good enough now. any in doing a useless and foolish work." "Who said anything useless and foolish work," Mrs. Jerry rather sharply. "Well, work that isn't neces- gary is both foolish and useless," declared Jerry. "What was good out still to good a sir,' for see isn't sense lot of apout said enough be enough." "It ought to be, declared Mrs. Jerry. with, that bedroom thoroughly flooded but it isn't," "To begin has been and it will for a nursery, and that it will have to be if we use it. Then, when we left it, we dug out way through the roof, so here we are with an entrance right out on the Green Meadows, where any one who happens along can enter." "We can cover that up with a lot of sticks and some grass," said Jerry. Jerry didn't even take the trouble to reply to this sugges- tion. "The thing for us to do is to make a new bedroom with a ecret entrance hall connecting with the main hall just below the water line," said she, "Then we will feel reasonably safe and comfortadle, knowing that visitors can reach us excepting by diving and swimming." This was sound sense and Jerry knew it. So they went to work, Mrs, Jerry taking the lead. In a surprisingly short time they had the new bedroom completed. I.ike the old one, it was just un- ler the sod, and partly protected by the roots of a tree. A little iir-hole led to the surface and this was hidden micely mass of drift stuff that the flood had left there. When the last bit of digging wag finished, Mrs. Jerry sighed. "There," said she, "my spring housework is done and 1 begin to fee] settled once more. 1 do hate thig unsettled feeling." "So do 1," sald Jerry. "Now that we are all settled, what do you say to looking for some clams." Mrs. Jerry agreed and together they swam to a certain place in the Laughing Brook just above where it entered the Smiling Pool, dived, and when they came up, each had a clam, They swam down to the Big Rock in the Smiling Pool. The top of it was now above water. They climbed up. and settled them- selves in comfort, Then for a few minutes. each was too busy to The clams were opened and eaten and the shells pushed to the edge of the Big Rock into the water to sink to the bottom. Jolly, round red Mr. Sun was just going to bed behind the Pur- ple Hills from which the Black Shadows were starting out across the Green Meadows. A thousand enough is what relatives of Peeper the Hyla made | a mighty chorus of rejoicing from the Smiling Pool and the swamp above it. Redwing the Black- bird was singing from the top of an alder bush, It was good to And it was good to be right there in the Smiling Pool and to know that they were set- tled once more. Anyway, that is the way Jerry and Mrs, Jerry (Copyright, 1932, by T. W. Burgess) New Wonderful Face Powder Prevents Large Pores-- Stays on Longer For a youthful complexion, use new wonderful MELLO-GLO Face Powder. Hides tiny lines, wrinkles and pores. New French process makes it spread more smoothly and stay on !onger. No more shiny noses, - Purest 'face powder known. Prevents large pores. Ask today for new, won- derful face powder, MELLV- GLO. that suits every complex- it | I don't | no | under a | H. AND $. COUNCIL ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. C. A. Kinnear Named | as Honorary Presi- dent At the annual meeting of the Osh awa Home and School Council held last night, Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin was again elected to the presidency by a unanimous vote. Ever since the beginning of the Home and School Council .in this city, Mrs. McLaughlin has been at its head, and her return to office again last | night met with great favor. Mrs McLaughlin has spent much time | and energy in her work for the| Home and School Clubs 1 and refult of her great interest in the | work, was her election to the pres- | idency of the Provincial Federation of Home and School Councils Mrs. C. A. named as the while the two vice preside as in former years, Mrs. DB. ( and Mrs. j. C. You R. Fisher, : rdi 15 a ne as a | 1 again Kinnear was lonorary pres t « pus Ww. tarv cutive elected Miss V. treasurer a5 corres Langmai and SHREDDED [= LOTS OF FOOD FOR THE MONEY Made in Canada with Canadian Wheat THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. dent, | 3 1s a rumor that the walk- return. But what in automobile. -- There ing stick is to se is a cane an Toronto Globe A village in North Carolina has { abolished taxes salaries, It carries a Scottish name.--Toron- and civic certain Whether for picnic, house party or need for the holiday meals is at your nearest A & P Food Store. OUR OWN SILVERBROOK BRAND--Carefully Selected to Give You Complete Satisfactiom BUTTER SUNNYFIELD WEEK-END SPECIALS "just at home," every HOLIDA » 10: 1b. 21¢ PASTEURIZED CREAMERY PICKLES OLIVES CATSUP MUSTARD oLD TOWNE SWEET MIXED 37-02. Jar 2 Je 20-0z. Jar ] 7c 2 Bottles 1 Q¢ 2 5% 1%7e VICTORY BRAND Queen Chef Brand 13-0Z. Golden Arrow 5.02 Surprise Soap 10:43 MARSHALL'S BRISLING SARDINES + AN EXCEPTIONAL WALNUT MEATS 3 VALUE--NHALVES CHOCOLATE CREAM DROPS 2 lbs. 25¢ GOLDEN ARROW 32-02. PEANUT BUTTER 5" 28e¢ Tins 25¢ 1b. 3%7e¢ CHEESE Kraft Velveeta " 15-LB. PKGS. 25¢ BANANAS WAX ONIONS CHOICE RIPE LARGE FRUIT J ws. 21c 4 ms. 25¢ JUST IN TEXAS SWIFT'S CIRCLE "S" BRAND SMOKED SHOULDERS PICNIC STYLE (SHANKLESS) w Ble HAMS SMOKED SUGAR-CURED--I12 TO 14 LBS. AVERAGE Half or Whole Ham w. 1 de BACON SELECTED YOUNG ROASTING CHICKENS 4 TO 6 LBS, AVERAGE (WHILE THEY py 2 le 14+1b. Pkg. §e SMOKED BREAKFAST STYLE FINEST QUALITY A & P SELECTED BEEF ROAST Prime Rib BONELESS AND ROLLED, LB. 23¢ 1b. 18 VEAL FANCY MILK-FED VEAL AT EXCEPTIONAL PRICES LEGS Whole Se Halt 1b. 1 de LAMB AGAIN WE OFFER CHOICE ONTARIO LEGS 20 THE GREAT ion. TROUT Fresh Georgian on 1b. Best Prices Paid to Troducers for Eggs--Ask Our Store Manager. ATLAN ied TEA (ode) i i (or. "a =F -Yod I 3 Ke: LIMITED OF CANADA

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