PAGE TWO mp---- ae Sh THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1932 Ma -- ¥ Ontario and Durham County News News from Zion (Mrs. J. W. Balson, Correspoy- dent) Zion, May 18.--Miss Stainton is with her aunt, Mrs. Willis Gladwell, Toronto, who has blood poisoning in her hand. : Miss Sybil Langmaid, Oshawa, yisited Mrs, Anson Balson over the week-end and contributed a Jovely bouquet of narcissi and fulips for the church service on SundaV. The service on Sunday was well attended in the morning and Rev. Mr. Bick gave us a splendid message. After the serviee we started to practise ginging for the anniversary which will be held 'on Sunday, June 5th, afternoon and evening, when the Rev, Char Jes Plewman of Toronto will be :present. A thanksoffering will be 'received instead of the usual tea 'meeting. Bernice During the heavy windstorm or miniature burricane on Mon- day aftermoon, a 'arge elm tree in the yard of Mr, William Fice was 'blown down and the chimney was also blown off, Mr. Russel Stainton also receiv- ed injuries to his face and mouth having several teeth loosened, when trying to get his barn doors closed. The wind blew sb hard on the doors that the standard which Mr, Stainton was trying to put up, which had a staple in it blew shut striking Mr, Stainton in the mouth, We are glad it was no worse 4s the storm of dust wae terrible, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Stainton and Master Lloyd and little Misses Detty and Doreen Balson motored to Peterboro on Sunday afternoon and visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Frost and brought home Miss Eileen Stainton who has been in Peterboro for two veeks Miss Jean McMaster, pent Sunday at ho Toronto, The school trustees have spok- en to our teacher and she has de- cided to remain for another year. She is putting in extra work hours now with the. entrance class. Newcastle News Butler dent) Newcastle, May 17.--Mr, and Mrs. Swaisland of Windsor were recent guests of the Misses Wil- mot. Miss Hazel Barrie, who has heen staying with Miss Tucker Couch and has been convalescing from her recent {llness, has re- turned to Oshawa. Miss Meta Couih, R.N., has moved into her home on King St., previously rented to Mr, and Mrs. F. Butler. Miss Couch intends spending summer here. Mr. Cowan Ardagh of Toronto (Miss C. B. Correspon- the months | with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Couch. Mrs. Marjeirison of Sudbury is visiting her mother, Mrs. Robert Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Awde, who have been living with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Couch, have taken the north half of Mrs. Sam Bonathon's newly renovated house on the corner of Emily and Church Streets. Mrs. J, H. Jose has been visit- ing her grandmother, Mrs. John Lord at Maple Grove. Mr. Cecil Carruth is making ex- tensive alterations to his home on King Street A number of Newcastle citi- zens attended the Durbam Coun- ty Musical Festival, held in Bow- manville last week With one ac- cord they declared it to be most enjoyable and a decided success. Several of those competing from Newcastle were successful, Gold medals were won by Gertrude Bonathon for mouth organ solo and by Alden Haw for bass solo Silver medals were won by Kath- leen Spencer for soprano under sixteen and by Gladys Pollard for xylophone solo. The Women's Association of the United Church held their reg- Utica The United Church congregation were delighted on Sunday, Mgy 15, to have their minister, Rev. Mr. Denny, in the pulpit again. The young people journeyed to Roseville on Friday night and pre- sented their play, "Headstrong Joan." Mr. Johnston and Ken- neth Reynolds entertained between acts. A goodly number attended. The monthly meeting of the La- dies' Aid was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds on Wed- nesday night, with Mrs. Walker, the president, in the chair. After the business meeting a lengthy program was provided and a social hour spent. About forty-five were in attendance. Mrs. A. Steer and family were vigiting at Mrs. G. Mitchell"s on Sunday. Miss E. Hosie was at her home, Roseville, over the week end. Sorry to report Mrs. T. Sonley is not as well as usual. The annual meeting of the Blue- bird Club will be held at the home of Miss Rose Reynolds on Wednes- day, May 18th. FORMER CITIZEU OF WHITBY DIES SUDDENLY William Eldridge Chatterson, 171 John Street, London, dropped dead on Friday, May 13th, while at his work, barely two hours be- fore he was to leave the Canadian National Railways carshops, a su- perannuated employee, Over-excitement at leaving his work and bidding farewell to his fellow-employees is said to have been responsible for the seizure. Mr. Chatterson was born at Whit- by, where he resided 20 years. He first entered the employ of the Michigan Central Railway and later the Canadian National. He has resided here for 15 years. De- ceased was a brother-in-law of Miss: A. Warkup and an uncle of Mr. Robin Nicholson, of this town. town. -- Another LOBLA W Feature / 10 Carloads !' \ 23-Piece TEA SET 7% An Opportunity You Can't Afford bo Miss/ Several of our ladies attended Institute meeting at Solina Thursday, Mrs. McMaster j= t for this vear spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H, 11. Ardagh at "Ardrarum." | Mrs, Ben Moise aticnded Young mecting | W, A. Annand meeting in friends from Zion, Solina and | was fairly well attended on Tues- [to on Friday last { 'Oshawa met at the cemetery |day nizh!, when the nresident Mrs. J. Scott Howard and Miss | when the body arrived. Mr. Coo- | Mr. Ralph Glaspell, presided, All | Butler spent Friday in Toronto. lidge was twice married, his first | sang the hymn, "All people that {| Rev, Frank Mason motored to wife being Ella Neads, who pass- | on earth do dwell," after which Toronto on Friday last. Mrs. Ma- | Brighton. { ed away several years ago when | Rev, Mr. Bick led in nrayer. Min- , Who wag a delegate at the It is understood that the City they lived, where Mr. Fred Rob- [utes were read, Miss Eileen Stain- A. annual meeting returned | Fathers are not in complete | bins mow lives. His second wife | ton then took charge and we | with him. agreement on the question of day- was Miss Lyn Morsett of Bow- [sang "For the beauty of the| Mr. and Mrs. James Grace, ac- | light saving. There is some ru- | manville and Toronto and who |earth." Mrs, J. W. Balson gave | companiéd by Miss Isobel McWil- | mour that a petition will have to survives, also three daughters, | the devotional topic on a '"vine- | ligms, motored down from Poron- | be circulated and signed by the | Mrs, Everett Hall of London, |vard." All gang the hymn, "The | te and are staying at their farm | ratepavers in order to show the | Ont., Miss Mildred Coolidge, | world looks very beautiful." Har-|on the Kng's Highway East | #ald City Fathers that the eiti- nurse in London Hospital, amd |vey Balson read the Scripture Miss Marion Allin wag they are supposed to repre- Mrs. Rev Dartlett, Toronto His | lesson from Isiah 5: 1-7 Mise | for the week-end, t are in favor of lo only son, Charlie, was killed hy | Helen Lew ad a selection of George Gait lightning at Gull Lake poetr part] h, and very | from WI for about twenty rears ago, A mus sang a Kenneth many friends and' relatives ac-|solo, "Where he le: I will | Bank of Comn companifed the remaing here from | follow." Rev. Mr, Bick explained | Perry, has heen removed to Brooklin and the flonvers bore'|the topic, "Socializing a com- | verton, silent testimony to the departed | munity," and it was very inter- Mr. and Mrs. one, We offer our sympathy to [esting after which the league |and son, Jack, spent Sunday the bereaved ones. The two Mrs, | benediction wag pronounced, Migs | Mr, and Mrs. George Eilbeck. Bunts of Oshawa are sisters of | Eileen Stainton was the pianist Mr, and Mrs. Stanley the deceased. for the evening. Bowmanville spent ular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Fred Graham on Thursday last, The members de- the | cided to put on a musical opera Toron n the Community Hall on May 27th. This is being stazed by a group of Brighton younk people and i8 very highly recommended | by those who have seen it in| Sunday afternoon the funeral of the late Mr. John Coolidge of | th Brooklin and formerly of Zion | last was held in Zion cemetery, when @ nice erowd of old neighbors and I'he vi N Ry with the Purchase of any Package Spbiays Jeas or. Coffees. = pre 1¢ I da I 1 People | | W. | home zor hour Sa hithy great lgon Pe me erce sta Poi Dea nbhey bers, 257; of books, (non-fic- | fiction, 1005; juven- | total, 1232; magazines fines on overdue | otal number of mem Eilbeck | circulation with | tion), 80 | le, 147; | loaned, 61 books, $3.28. Wiliam Set Consists of 6 Cups 6 Saucers | Sugar (2 pierces) | Teapot (2 pieces) I Cream Jug 6 Tea Plates Corden Sunday of This is the ONLY TIRE THAT NEVER WEARS SMOOTH, A TIRE WITH TWO ANTI-SKID TREADS Breakfast es Limit 5 sets to a customer--Any broken piece will be replaced if veiuodeDobigns 2 a are not the same in all stores, but there is no difference in quality. | SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 19th TO 25th \ SPECIAL -- LOBLAW"S Fresh MADEIRA Sponge Y) 1B. 7¢ The Picnickers Will Love it! Always Fresh! MARMALADE Always POPULAR at PICNICS | IARMALADE "A Marmalade for Men" Take along a carton of Spey 4c Alpine Club GINGER ALE oon 39¢c waNy prnwres "Retreshing as a Mountain Spring" 10. 60. TOILET SOAP oe 28¢ "lus 2c deposit per bottle, returnable SINIICHT SNAP 18¢.%.54¢ | . Purity i» Bar 6c Parshmars® Plus 5¢ deposit per bottle, returnable HERE'S THE FIRST ANTI-SKID TREAD WHITE SWANS BKAND WHEAT FLAKES 'Never Pail wo Satisle 19c TOMATO PASTE whee' 14¢ di 21c Large Plo 16-08. Jar Ween 12.02. Bottle Carton of 6 Large I Large Catton Family Size 30-0x. Bottle HAWES LEMON OIL Produces a Hard in Of Course You Want le Te E C O N O M Y tim Seiberling TIRES That are virtually Blow-out Proof and PUNCTURE PROOF AIR COOLED and AIR CUSHIONED South End Garage H. CRANFIELD Phone 355 650 Simeoe St. S. CANAPAR 23c¢c VITONF "The Delicious Mo-< Rey. "Tne Gontere Rol! erage" 1 we B16 Qure "Make: More CERTO and Better Jam *=* Jel In 29¢ 3 Bottles "Prepared enamel" Tin CLEANSER "When things look blac est ure SOS" 3c B-Pad Phe Bottle rURT ANTS PIINPINGS Mharalate and Cn. tard 8c SPECIAL--LOBLAW'S a Black Tea pis 29 LOBLAW'S Shield Brand SALAD DRESSING is Unique - - - - May be diluted with equal portions of milk or cream, "Real Tasty" thus going twice as far as ordinary 8 Salad Dressings. TRY IT THIS © °% 4v. WEEK-- New Low Prices. Jar 1 7c 2¢ | LOBLAW'S prowaiessr Due | 22. SPECIAL -- FRAY BENTOS--Ideal for Picnic Sandwiches! CORNED BEEF SPECIAL -- NESTLE'S EVAPORATED 5 t MILK EESE | SPECIAL-- SOMOR Brand Pimento Stuffed Olives 7 oz. bottle 16¢ Get a bottle or twe for the Holiday Plenfe. LOBLAW'S Pimento Mayonnaise 8 or, Jar ---------- 25c 10- 21 3c 12-0z. Tins Baby Size Tin Tall Tin SPECIAL -- A Suggestion for Picnic Sandwiches! Chateau =. C Cream Come in and let us show you this tire--then after having other 8 on Botberling Air Susitionied Tires you will be an- Fin io