Oshawa Daily Times, 18 May 1932, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1932 PAGE SEVEN THROUGH THE ¥ as ee ING Rdv'Y > 7 7 -- pp Pi CLASSIFIED MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan. 11 King St. East, Phone £82. Residence 798. (17 teb tf) GONANT & ANN.s BABRIS- / ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public. Ete. Conveyancing and general practice in Law, Office 7% Sim- soe Street South,, Oshawa. Phone t. G. D. Conant, Bia LL.B; A. Ff. Annis, B.A, LL.B, TE. N.S *(, R.C., BANK of Commerce Building, fo . MANGAN, B.A,, rister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Conveyancer. Money to loan, Of- tice 14% King St, East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. BI N Fraser. Barristers, Ete. Bank of Commerce Bldg, 8 » ' Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe Street North. Phone 67. mii hadi S, BAR- risters, Lg Ete. 24% Sim- coe St. N. Phcne 8160. Residence 3514. Money to loan. . J. . B.A, BARRIS ter, 123 Simcoe St. South. Tele phone 3038-565. . (*§ sept tf) é Medical DR. B J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, special atten- tion given to X-ray work and Electrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m, 9 pm. Residence 421 King Street East. Phone 2416. Ungertaking COKE BURTA} CO. 67 KING St. East. Arabulance, Residence 542 Simcoe street North. Phone 210J and 210W. i OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M, F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night, Phone 1082W. 87 Celina, (att) Architects & STENHOUSE, GENERAL By worl. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Residence phone 909J. Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W, J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, S., Oshawa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patronage solicited, Watch Repairing ¥. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT 8 watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage 18 solicited. Hemstitching HBEMSTITCHING, 17 CENTS ON embroidery work, alterations, dressmaking, eté. The Dell Shop, 263; Simcoo 8S. Phoue 1656, (6 {ly 81) Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- ages warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. Radios Repaired PHONE 3350) OSHAWA RATIO Service for radio repairs. Fully equipped to give reliable service. Ches. Wales. (10 june c¢) YOUR RADIO SCIENTIFICALLY hic Ly ten years' specializing in repairing on all models, Cal 2806W. Certified radiotriclan, (22 may c) FOR FIFTY CENTS WE WILL make a careful inspection of your aerial and ground and test the tubes of your radio. John Mea- gher, 92 Simcoe Rows, Battery Se BATTERIES CHARGED 7bc with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered Batteries $2.75 and up. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 960. Baby Chicks BABY 'CHICKS CUSTOM Hatching, White Leghorns, Bar- red Rocks, Blood tested, bred to lay. Cockerells ten cents, Phone 1337). Oshawa Hatchery, 144 Park Rd. N. (20 may c) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency 'n Oshawa. 30 reputable Fire Companies. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Alex. S. Ross, S. F. Everson. Phone 1834. (15 oct tf) === wh Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND DECORATING, Reynolds and MacDonald, Paint- ing and paperbanging. Graining and sign writing. Pbone 5567J. (19 may c) Marvelo DIRT AND STAINS GO FROM Marvelo. Phone 774W. Prompt delivery, The sensational tiquid cleanser. 40c gal. (1141) 3 May ¢) I TT TT TR Room and Board TURNISHED "ROOM AND Loard for gentlemen in private home. Garage available, Apply 154 Division St. 117e) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, Permanent Wave $3. 50 ug. "Cro- quinole and Spiral". Marcel 60c. Shampoo, Finger Ware. and trim $1. Expert operators on'y. 79 Sim. coe St. North (note mew ad- dress), Phone 2968. (8 aug tf) GE N O SH A HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall. experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00, Finger wave and shampoo $1.0v., Marcel 60c. Fac- 'ais, scalp treatments and mani- cures. Coffee Shoppe entrance. I'hone appointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo) CORENE JOHNSON, HAIR- dresser, 92 Church St, Marcel ling 35c and finger waving b0c. Phcne 2188). (14 SL c) PENBER'S BRA NCH HATR- dressing and Beauty Zuiture, A 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 8%, Osb- awa, Ontario. ; (28 nov t!) LILLIAN MCLEAN, MARCEL 35c at your home or 735 Albert St. Phone 2105. (28 may c) THE McNERNEY BEAUTY Parlor, 3 Simcoe St. S, Phyllis E. McNerney, proprietor, form- erly of Lucille Hairdressing. Finger waving, permanent wav- ing and all other lines of beauty culture work done, ment phone £215. (23 may ¢) MAYFAIR BEAUTY SALON, under new management, Per- manent waves, finger waving, marcelling and all other branches of hairdressing. Jean Winter, 143; King St. E. Phone 2020 for prices and appointment. (4 juné ¢) MISS McKENNA, HAIRDRES- sing and beauty culture at your home or at 156 Roxborough. Phone 1230F, SALON, A 3b6c. .50c, .10 .Prince, (9 june e¢) REAUTY PARLOR, We specialize in per- manent waving, mareellin:, finger wavinz, hair cutting, ete. Permanent waves $4 to $10, All work guaranteed. For appoint- ment phone 2653. hairdressing, Finger wave Phone 688. WATSON'S | 5 Celina St. {9 june ¢) PERMANENT WAVES SPECIAL for 1 month, $15 Cuel Oil Treat- ed, $6 or 2 for $10: $15 Luster Wave, $5 or 2 for $9; $10 An- toinette Wave $4, or 2 for $7.50; $7.50 Our Oil Treated Wave, $3.50, or 2 for $6.50; Plerrette Wave $2.75. Arthur Huvek, formerly Modernistic Wave Shonne, Celina St. Phone 709W, (17 june e¢) NORMA'S™ BEAUTY PARLOR. shampooing. haireutting, scalp treatments, ete, Special mareel- ling Monday and Tuesday 35e¢, balance of week 50c. Finger wav- ing morning A0c, afternoon 31 King St, E. Disney Phone 2525. 105 Tac. Bldg. 117 "Articles for Sale GOOD SOUND DRY BODY HARD wood, Guaranteed full measure, 1% cord, $3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft wood, $2.50. A. Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 2628F, (8 june e) FRANK McQUATD, COAL, CORE, dry body wood, hard, mixed slabs. Soft wood. Phone 2423W. 115 Annis St, (2 june ¢) DRY SLABS 32.2 25 3% cord, No. 1 Body Mrzle $3, Coke. 79 John St. Phora 3108). june ¢) ec) (21 may co) DRY BODY WOOD, $3 % cord. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert St. Phone 1079J. (19 may c) GRAVEL, CINDERS, Quality and service, Phones 1045). 332 R 1-1. (20 may ¢) FOR SALE -- STRAWBERRY plants, Senator Dunlop. Good strong roots. $4 per thousand or 75¢ per hundred. 8S. R. Perkins, Solina, Phone 1652 r 4 (1141) FOR SALE--148 SIMCOE ST. S., near Loblaw's, second hand clothes bought and sold here. Also lady's goods slightly worn. (1 june ¢) TIRES;--ALL SIZES FOR SALE, exchange and vulcanized, Also bieycles. joycyecles, fishing tackle and accessories, 90 Simcoe St. South. Telephone 1077W. (12 june ce) FOR SALE -- STRAWBERRY plants, Senator, Dunlop, Glen- nary, and Willlams. 75¢ per hun- dred, $4.50 per thousand. M, E. Lane, phone 1460J, (116¢) FOR SALE--ELECTRIC STOVE in excellent condition. Phone 27351, (116b) HOLLYHOCK PLANTS FOR sale. 75c¢c a doz, Phone 1610J, (116¢) NEW AND USED FURNITURE and stoves bought and sold M. Collis Furniture Store, 78 King St. W. Phone 1030, s (18 june e) CINDERS, SAND, black loam. Egsery Bros. SAND, GRAVEL, black loam, stane or manure, Phone 2906J. 550 Mary St. (117¢) FOR SALE--COLUMBIA BERRY tips, 656¢c per doz. Also Cuthbert tips. Will exchange for incubator, hens, stock, wood or what have you? 31% Gibbons St. Phone 2097. (117¢) WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET clover seed. Price low, Seed: de- livered. Phone 163-13 Ww. FURNISAED SINGLE ROOM OR large front room with twin beds. All conveniences, central, board optional, Phone 3175J. BY (117¢) 9677. Leask. aim Notice UARTH FREE FOR CARTAGE at 122-124 Church * St, Phone (116¢) For appoint- For Rent A NTS, F ISHED OR unfurnished. Low rentals. Disney, phone 1550. (140) IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR an apa. tment, we invite you to fuspect 'the Victoria and Simcoe Manor, Very reasonable rates, July Bros, (22 Maye) FURNISHED ROOMS FOR fant housekeeping, reasonable rent, Phone 1586J. (3 june e) FRONT APARTMENT, SUIT- able for hairdressing, furnished or unfurnished in business sec- tion. Box 823 Times. (111t0) FLAT TO RENT----BEAUTIFUL North Simcoe residence, sun- room, fireplace, shower and laun- dry tubs. Rent reasonable, Box 2 Times. (116b) TO RENT--BRICK HOUSE ON Brock St. East. Apply 119 Brock St. E, Phone 287, (115¢) § AND 6 ROOM APARTMENTS, electrically equipped, chestnut trim, fruit cellar, continuous hot water, garage, Low rental for summer months, Phone 269, (116c) FOR RENT --THREE ROOMED ground floor apartment, 3 plece bath, large garden, centrally lo- cated, $17 per month including light and water, Apply 110 Church St, or phone 2641W,; ao Se (115¢) WISH TO RENT A really nice home, located on good residential street close in, we have a seven roomed brick, new- ly decorated and painted inside and out, hardwood floors at $30 per month, Bradley Bros, i ie ( 115¢) APARTMENT TO RENT--CEN- tral, June 1st. Apply Dr. Rundle Phone 83, (116¢) STORE TO RENT, IN BUSI- negs section of Oshawa, Phone 2214. (116¢) HOUSE FOR RENT AT 12 MILL St. Tmmediate possession, Phone 309. (116¢) FOR RENT -- 6 ROOMED | house, all conveniences, partly furnished or unfurnished. Reas- onable rent, Phone 711M or call at 122 Huron St (118¢c) REFINED COUPLE (AN HAVE furnished housekeeping room, board if desired, A real home, 46 Kenneth Ave, (117¢) FOR RENT --5 ROOMED BRICK Modérn conveniences, (117¢) IF YOU RENT--6 ROOMS, 89 Bond St. W. Im- mediate possession, Enquire 8% Bond W. (117a) FRONT FOUR ROOMED APART- ment, downtown. low rent for summer, Phone 2349W. BE TO very central. Work Wanted GEORGE a, h North, Whitby, Shoeing, genera) blacksmithing, springs and bum pers welded, Setting spring for car. Phone 449, (8 june ch. |} TAWNS CUT, ROLLED AND | | fixed, edges trimmed, driveways filled. Prices reasonable, Slater Bros., phone 3193W, (22 May ¢) RBPAIR SERVICE -- RADIO, M washers, cleaners, irons, toasters, stove, awnings, etc, Phone 25. We deliver, Cleve Fox. (6 jupe ¢) FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESg DE- sires family washing, Box 10 Times. (116b) . Dental DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's, Special attention to X-ray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in attendance, Phone 959. House 1312, Clean raning and | Pressing NORMAN LAMBERT--FRBNCH dry cleaning and repairing. Goods called for and delivered. Pbone 523, 66 Bagot Street, (23 May ec) Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR pauline, everything In canvas First Insertion---135 cents Each subsequent Three !infmum charge for three Box number Professional |e ar grrr i \ Rates For Classified Ads. per word. infimum charge for one io- sertion 30c, consecu- tive insertion 1c per word, consecutive inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents 8 word), insertions 60c. "0c additional or Business ECLIPSE MAY HELP IMPROVE WIRELESS Noted Graduate Will In- vestigate Here For McGill | TIME TABLES | Weel Schedule (Effective on 2) Xi January 24, Nos2) Arrive Hospital Leave | Bowmanville Oshaws Jam 6.9 an, % 20am, £058m, Bi5am, 905am 10,00 a.m. 10,30 8.10, sl210 pm 1.15 om, 2.20 p.m, o Spm, Montreal, May 18, McGill University will teke advantage of | the solar eclipse that is expected {to occur here on August 31, to INQUIRE about our Free Washing and Greasing. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 86 King St, E, Phone 900 -------- " J. C. YOUNG | GENERAL INSURANCE | 4; Prince St., Oshawa Office Phone 7908 Kes, Phone 2895 a f { gather data that may lead to a | | better understanding of the | K cauges of fonization and to Im- proved wireless communication i | particularly in stormy weather 013 ! This was reported by Dr, John | | Tasker Henderson, I'h,D of | King's College, London, son of Cards, $2.60 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per month for each additional word, PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department ht E Fraps CH EE | the late Dr, John Henderson and {Mrg. V. V, Henderson, of 575 | { Roslyn avenue, Westmount, ™ ! Henderson returned to Montrea) {on the Duchess of York on Sat- | urday and will take up this work for the university within a { time, { "1. will conduet a number | general experiments in wireless tin Canada," Dr. Henderson | "repeating ROM ¢ SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Arrive Arrive Whithy Hospital B45 an Leave : Leav. shou | Bowrianvile Ovhava / to exten Phone 2104. George Reld, 66 in meas- | of the | Hospital | work 1 did in Londor r ft Oshawa Bowmanville {uring the jon Bond West. J. J. Turner & Sons Representative, (25 may c) | itie HOUSE ~ AWNINGS," STORE Awnings, Tents, Tarpaulins, Wedding Canopies for rent, T, Pike Co, Ltd., Toronto, Oshawa Phone 377. and cer uring Jake c) (1 "Barber Shop GUS BANKS BARBER SHOP, 180 Celina St., corner of Ash. All haircutting 15c, Closed Wednes- days 1 p.m. agri Way W weat cond (28 may ec) | mal Lawn Mowers Sharpened | LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and repaired. Scissors, axes ete, calied for and delivered. Slater | and Pree. phone 3193W. (21 Maye) [whe LAWN MOWERS™ SHARPENED vr repaired. Six months' service for $1, Phone 1848M, nd (116b) LAWN MOWERS, SHARPENED and repaired, Bought, sold and exchanged. J. O'Regan, 58 Prince | St. Phone (116h) | CROPS MAKING toba 768. exce port (117a) --~CATTLE "TO PAS- $5 for season ac- cording to age. Isaac Hardy, Bowmanville, 167 1 4. (1172) "Real Estate For Sale MUST BF SOLD-- SIX HUN: dred and fifty dollars buys fully equipped chicken farm, Incuba- tor brooders, three hundred hlood tested chickens, number hens, one cow, Government tested. Good buildings, Fruit of all kinds, Close to Oshawa. Peebles & Schroter, 12 Kinz St. W, Maes (114-118-117) FOR SALE FOUR ROOMED acre land, small fruit bearing, T. Solomon, Jr., sacond year, North Oshawa. Apply after six. (113-115- 117-119) ~ Female | Help ! Wanted HOUSEKEEPER FOR FAMILY of three to take full charge. Apply Box 11 Times. WANTED- ture. §4 and = (116e) Wanted to Buy WANTED--AUTOMATIC ELEC- tric water pump. Apnly 386 Pine St. or phone 1727TW, (116¢) RAPID PROGRES and | im pros ! Briti | | Growth Rapid i in West Due | nave shied their blossom, and the 8 | | fruits to Ideal Weather } field Winnipeg, May 18.- weather conditions in the West has brought on growth of early wheat rapidly, most distficts shown the new growth up two inches, If these ideal conditions hold, seeding throughout the Prairie w i | be practically completed early this week, In most districts coarse grains are | now being sown, but some farmers are waiting for weeds to Kerminate before sowing oats and barley, A day of high wind velocity in Southern Saskatchewan and South | rn Alberta induced considerable | nervousness but no appreciable soi drifting resulted, although in some Idea! growing | SOW | not about | eye the yet a little re al turity, Repo wheat submitted parts Railwa were uninterrupted during the week Manitoba's at crop Sask grains cent of oats under cover and Mani barley is anywhere from cent, Ww show Slight decrease in balanced coarse grain er feed crops. have The newspaper-publishers has | tising as they They | rather take its sales ta too early for the of these grubs so hatching in infested the warm weathe; izes the close of the week w many 1c Grass are Weekly department \ wrding to rt issued by th ulture, Canadi innipeg, May 18 her and generally i everything points development 1 crop, The by the of the states n the West weekly agricultural d Canadian seeding of ent eratic cent, of now in the 95 per ground itchewa Alberta 63 proceeding, Sowing with 23 15 seeding Sto23¢ in the lead, The fly in Manitoba wheat is rmination states ti chi here § even ge llent appearance, gleaned « ground and is ab wheat by. increased seeding Higher temperatur growt! alread hastened the live stock are grazing sh Columbia soft fruit tre apnears to be setting we trees are in heavy blocs crops in excellent gre a about radio adve were a the public as shaky feel that wou than in the ear,--~The Yorker. If prizes were awarded for ap- propriate headings In newspapers, honorable mention should go Boston Herald Seen in Intern Scien Squeeze Shoe. '-==Christian activ. hoppers as which char millions of eggs to ma- -W th warmet | tavorable to nor- report Pacific ns n claims 72 per cent, of coarse er he re wer all Western lines ACTeage is , sweet clover and ot} I ras finding rand | Year. ago. 1ks in the Ne for a recem | financial story whieh was headed, "Short tional 1 | Monitor, nn am, 1045 a.m, pper | § pam, practic4l 2.50 px tn give | fonized layer atmosphere, interest of thi You a pleturs method propogation of wireless y and bly, improved communi- | | cation." The n 10,3 nl X Special Busses For 'All Gecasions Reasonable Rates and Carefus Drivers , A, GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Room, § Prince St, Phone 2 of | ill PORE Conditions Vary Dr. Henderson during an eclipse tain anomalous effects £X pected to take place that would ordinarily find during night time conditions, There actually two fonized layers snrround the earth and ditlons of these layers vary ing day and night "During an eclipse Dr. Henderson said, "van a fine idea as to night actions." Dr expiained that of the sun, cers GRAY COACH LINES (Effective May 1, 1992) (Eastern Standard Time) | LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE Tomogr | AM, . 15.45 | v6 mn 7.30 8.30 } are nne are that con. dure | m of course," ] can get. | 230 time 13 excent Sunday, SET, : | unday and holidays only, d--Sunday only, Henderson said that he --Except Sunday and | holigays, worked on atmospheric electric. | - ftv for his degree as doctor of philosorhy, and in that fis'd paid particular reference tricity of thunderstorms. He measure the quaptitie fty involved in a liehtning flas! and to determine the amount of interference such a flash vo 1a} cause in a wireless got | I At King's College, Dr. Pender son carried on his Fanerime nial work under | | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service Effective May 1, 1932 (Eastern Standard Time) . EASTBOUND Ly, O » an, Except § 1 Except § I of Lo elect | was able to | | | of electric. | it of Ma I» WESTBOUND ot Prof, F Avple ; fia ton, F.R.3., on He also spent t YI Radio Research Slough, Rurking is part of the Selentifie search of ment he wireless problems es vo years at the Station at which Denartment of Re. Govern | Tia J 1 imahire h F=Flag T Mor es Industrial i and the CANADIAN PACIFIC Effective May 1, (Standard Time) Eastbound RAILWAYS 1932, 1 ritish i" 1028 Graduate Dr. Henderson entered University in 1928 and in 1028, received the degree Master of Science, submitting thesis "On the Properties Tourmaline Crystals used Plezodectric Resonators." following year he won a scholar. | y "hip that, sent him to King's Col | lege, where he received his Ph n. severhl months May, MeGill | of re re Id w Py 330 4.30 & xl 10 Simcoe St, 8, 10,30 1930 ESSEX SEDAN in beautiful shape Ross, Ames & Gartshore | HUDSON-~ESSEX 15 King St. w. Phone 1160 | Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make jt tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Rallroads 20 Simcoe St, 8, Phone 189 Joe hr 8 | | wes 22 WE DELIVERS We Deliver | TT i NEW LOW PRICES ROYAL YORK TEA Y2 Ib. Pkg. 24¢ 1 Ib. Pkg. 47¢c at all Superior Stores Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop Here Always SEER "We buy Old Gold ana Silver | We pepair anything bought | | in a Jewelry Store BASSETT"S | Jewelers _On_Oshawa's Main Corner | cx to [thesis at King's College was nego The subject of Dr, Henderson's = | "Measurements the Rapid Changes in the Earth's Electric Field," written in two parts on a- ce FOR RENT | SUMMER COTTAGES -- at districts more moisture is needed, otherwise the next high wind will move soil particles. Seeding is gen- | {erally two weeks later than in an | average vear, hut moisture condi- | tions at the majority of points have | made farmers optimistie, Predictions, however, indicate that | serious outbreaks of pale western cutweorms may result in many of the more southerly districts, but it is 4REPAIRING Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 | 12 Simcoe St. South Bonniebrae Point, Oshawa. Sercened porches, City wats er, electric ranges, fires places and all conveniences Immediate possession, DD, CONANT, Oshawa, a KARN THE DRUGGIST | FOR SERVICE , PONE $78, NEXT VE POST OFFID Ce Ah lO LAWN GRASS SEED A good mixture, properly blended, of the best grasses 30c per 1b. HOGG & LYTLE | 54 Church St. Phone 208 TILLIE THE TOILER-- ZAT BRS VERRE IA BUY HOw ABOUT, wour FAIR SecrETARY By Rum, Westover AH, 2ere C'MON: LET'S SPRAKN YS =E 'Pai SEX ZEES AMERICA - ALWAYS HURRY .' EVEN \AIMEAN Be ALTY caLLS THAT SOUNDS) ] NOVEL, rl TOST py CLD FE ENCH SU STom COUNT For NO ACCOUNT » \Nm DOM DO THAT BRINGING UP FATHER IN WELL FLL NOT WEAKEN = 1 GIT WP EARLY EVERY MORNIN I'LL SHOW THESE OTHER TENANTS | GIT TO WORK BRIGHT AN' EARLY, TOO © 1932. Xing Features Syndicate, Inc, Gredt Britalo rights reserved. rr ee --_-- [MAGGIE 1D ALWAYS TELLIN' ME ABOUT HOW EARLY ALL THE MEN IN THE MORNIN-BY ELRUATOR fini INT RUNNIN YET JET Got HOME FROM THE CLUB. | AW TRANS D NRIGHBOR + THE DOOR ii WAS LOCKED WE COULON *T // ); GET IN: Jalili Sl 1 GREAT NIGHT En FONG T

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