Oshawa Daily Times, 9 May 1932, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 9, 1932 PAGE THREE Bowmanville Daily Times G. K. BROWN, Representative Office Telephone No. 744 Jiis sermon on "Mother" at the morning service, Tribute was paid to the mother for the build- ing of a home, the mother who is prudent, pious, industrious and considerate, Comparison was made to the foolish woman who neglects her home and children 'MOTHERS' DAY' | INTHE CHURCHEY | Suitable Services Attended by Large Congregations" Yesterday i The Mothers' Sunday. to "mother" buttonhole gage or music in keeping with the theme. In the morning at Trinity Unit- well F. Armstrong, delivered an inspiring of Love," ed Church, filled when the pastor, the pews were Rev. E, address on "The taken from the text as found fr John 16: 25, "and at the of' the Cross stood Mary.' whole theme was mother The speaker in the first showed the love of God for world throveh His son Jesus; love of Je for mank through the er love of Test love, us cro Mary for her son at Invalids, have the home, C. H. Tuck, Opt.D Eyesight Specialist Disney Block Opp. P.O. 1516--Phone--1516 Cripples, ete., may eyes examined at Day services in the local churches were well at- tended as well as the special pro- grams in the Sunday Schools on Fitting tribute was paid in the special ad- dresses which were delivered, and tlie wiiite and red flowers at cor- was the dis- tinguishing mark of the wearer's present or departed mother. The by the choirs and hymns throughout the services were all foot The for worldly affairs and examples were given from Biblical referen- ces. On this mothers' day, said the speaker, let us make new vows, that Gold helping us, we shall live a better life in our Fomes, not only because God is constantly calling us and promis- ing us help, but because our chil- dren deserve it and nobody else can do it, To the children he the foot of the cross. He en- treated the sons and daughters to honor mother with obedience, as too often disobedience was the starting point to lives of dishonor and degradation, The most aoble men, those who had attain- ed prominence in literature and art, gave all honor to mother for their successes. The young peo- ple of today had a duty to repay ; said, respect mother and never by living Godly lives for her} do anything which mother could sake, and the speaker enjoined | not approve, The Mission Band them to live and pray that in the | jed in the singing of hymns, the life to come there might be or | congregation joining in the unbroken circle. The choir under chorug, the band being under the the direction of Mr. I, Sutton | leadership of Mrs, D. F, Henry gave a suitable anthem and al and Mrs. F. 0. Mcllveen. At ladies' quartette, in which the | the evening service Mr, Hallman parts were taken by Mrs, Thomp- | sang "The Songs of Mother." The son, Mrs, Foster, Miss Argue and | text was taken from the 12th Mrs. Andrus, gave a fine number, ['salm and the subject dealing THE WHITBY Advertisfng, subscriptions and WHITBY EDITOR--J Whitliy Branch Office at Gazette and Chronicle.~Telephone 23. After Business Hours Phone 830. DAILY TIMES news will be received at the AMES H. ORMISTON ODDFELLOWS AT CHURCH SERVICE FOR ANNIVERSARY Place Wreath on War Mem. orial--Told of God's Kingdom To mark the one hundred and thirteenth anniversary of the "My Mother's Prayer." Beauti- | with "The Cause of Bad Times." ful flowers were In evidence at | St, John's Anglican the altar rails~and white lilies | A gp, and pink tulpis were formed in-| 4. Rey, C, R, Spencer used the to a cross honouring the moth- | 1axt "Honour Thy Mother' ers. the basis for a timely theme and At the evening service the urged his listeners to obey the choir of St. Andrew's Church, commandment that they may at- Oshawa, under the leadership of | tain the promise that goes with Mr. Henley presented a service of | obedience, The text wag found song that was an inspiring de-| in Ex, 20:12, The mugic was In light. The usual addres was | keeping with the thought of the dispensed with, the pastor, place the the and the moth- | | {- musle | that Rev. | sermon. In the evening Mr. E. F. Armstrong, reading only | spencer spoke from the thoughts | (he scripture lesson, Rom. 16, the | in the 121st Psalm on the Ascen- antire pervice being taken by the | sion Tide. choir. { Four well renderea an- | St, Paul's Church thems ¥iven, solo and obligato Rev. A. 8. Kerr, of St. Paul's | parts in which were taken by | United Church spoke at the morn- Mrs. Berry, Mr Weeks, Mrs ing service on "Be Good to Your Hurlbut, Mr. Gray, Mrs, Berry, Mother." The text was taken Miss Maxwell and Mr. Morrison. | from 1 King 1-19. The | Other numbers were: S0prano sang a suitable anthem and Mr. | solo, Mrs. Berry; alto solo, Mrs Hallman sang a solo, | Lesy, and a male quartette, 1st | Mine," In the evening the pas- | tenor, Mr, Morrison, 2nd tenor, | {or's sermon was on Mr. Weeks, 1st bass Mr. Henley, | znd bass, Mr. Cray. The pastor Mr, Armstrong, on behalf of the | congregation expressed deep ap- preciation for the well rendered and expressed the hope similar services might be | eld from time to time. St, Andrew's Church "Every wise woman buildeth | her house, but the foolish pluck- eth it down with ner hands,' was the text chosen by the pastor Rev, | W. J. Todd, at St. Andrew's Pres byterian church for the theme of | ¢ Mothers of the Bible." At this service Mr, Henfy Knight sang 'Memories of Mother," and the choir gave a splendid rendition of "Watchman, - What of the Night LEGION BANQUET Canadian Legion staged a Father and Son night on Friday evening in the S.0.E. Hall at which a goodly number were pre ent President Cotton presided at the banquet and Maj, Hoar act- d as chairman for the program, The Phone 2968 (Open Evenings) Special-10Days Only Large or Small Waves with r Wii Curly Ends Guaranteed Oshawa's Oldest Established Permanent Wave Shoppe | Finger Wave Given Within 2 Weeks of Date of Permanent. s150 94.00 Betty Lou Special Reg. $10.00 $7.50 "BETTY LOU" || New Address: 79 SIMCOE ST. NORTH || Naturelle Wave Reg. John's Church, the pas- | as | choir | "Mother of | "Three Great | establishment of the Independent ! Order of Oddfellows in America, members of Eastern Star Lodge | No. 72, and Benevolent Rebekah { Lodge No, 132, held their annual church parade on Sunday after- i noon, attending service in a body | at the United Church, where they listened to an appropriate discourse by the pastor, Rev. A, IL. Richards, B.1), The local Odd- fellows were joined in the parade by brothers from Oshawa, Brook- [ lin and Pickering The parade | | was headed by the Whithy Citi- zens' Band, En route to the was made at the on Dundas Street wreath wag deposited in honor of members of the Order who | gave thelp lives in the great war, | The memorial prayer was offered | by Bro, the Rev. John Lindsay. At the church the visitors | were welcomed by the minister on behalf of the Session and con- gregation, The special music in- | eluded a duet, "My Mother's Bible," by Mr, Arthur W: Lynde {and Mrs, William Heard, and a | solo "Rock of Ages' by Mayor | C. E. Bowman | Taking as hig of Christ "The Kingdom of | Heaven is Within You," Rev, Mr. | Richards defined the Kingdom as | referred to by the Master as the | rile of Christ in human hearts Christ's kingdom, he asserted, is | a kingdom where love is supreme, | and wherever in ac- tion, there yon have a manifesta tion of the Kingdom, The minis tep asked his hearers to think of | the rule of God in Soclety as it embraced all species of human life and all sorts of conditions, It was infinitely hetter to make | friends than a fortune, Love wae lite,--the life of the home, of | the community and of nations, | The trouble with the world to- day was that thera wus not enough love to go around. The | world was literally bankrupt of | love. | Continuing; | stated that a | Kingdom of { here. and now vocated that church, a stop war memorial ast, where te the words vou gee love Richards the had rd- the Rev. Mr realization God could Jesus nevey enming of of he ZsWA The address of the ¢ given by Chief Sydney who related his e<Perience war prisoner in Germany he was held for over three A good program hy talen Oshawa wag provided and after the program dancing was enjoy- ad The prize for the veteran vel Venton as where years, to T. H. Gibb for having the were divided hetwoen GG and E. Hoar (Newcastle), and the honors most sons present Meadows with Continuing With Unabated Energy FELT | BROS. LIQUIDATION SALE Times are unusual "We Know It' takes a little longer that's all. Actually hun- + dreds of the choicest selections on sale at One Half Price and Less DIAMOND A SPECIAL PRETTY GROUP OF DIAMOND RINGS that sold from .- $20.00 to $22.50, Newest style, 18K Mountings. $9.50 Your choice ... ANOTHER GROUP OF FINE DIAMOND RINGS either in ladies' or men's, Smart modern mountings. Sold formerly at Your $14.50 Your choice . $50.00 DIAMOND RINGS-- New French style. 18K mount« ings. A splendid value at $50. Liquidation price $32.50 is sensational, Holmes and Edward "Debutante Yattern', 34 piece of Heirloom Plate (complete table service for eight people) in at- tractive green and gold serving .tray. Regular Hose $26.50 (Stainless Knives with Mirror Finished Blades) WATCHES LADIES FINE LOOKING WRIST WATCHES, 15J move ment, Smart rectangular shaped cases with metal brace. lets, Values to $5.00 $18.00 TO $22.50 LADIES' WRIST WATCHES, Hafis and Rolex makes, 15J high grade wovements, Rectangular and oval shaped cases. $9, 85 Sale Price ..... $35.00 'LADIES' OR MEN'S WRIST WATCHES. Choice of either green or white gold filled cases with Draseets, High grade movements ROGER'S TEA SERVICE Beautifully engraved, English. Pattern, 8 piece Tea Set. Complete in lined leatherctte presen- tation case. Regular $20. Sale Price $9.7 5 (10 only for sale at this price) Gruen or $19. 78 Lovie | Molstein | cutting fail because only an inter. three sons each The father with tha youngest son was Jim Abernethy, -------- RANTED CERTIFICATE Noble 1. Metcalf, Bowmanville, Ont., has been granted an 'R.O.P. ertificate for the seven year old cow, Jane 'Triumph, hred by James Sweeney, Peter- oro, Ont. In a lactation period if 323 days, this cow produced 2,630 1bs. milk, eontaining 618,- {5 1bs. butter, giving her the sreditable average test of 3.63 per cent fat, Ter record was on twice a day milking. Piles All Gone Without Salves or Cutting Itching, bleeding, protruding piles go quickly and don't come back, if you remove the cause. Bad blood circulation in the hem- morrhoidal veins causes piles by making the.affected parts weak, flabby, almost dead, Salves and nal medicine can actually correct these conditions. Dr, J. 8. Leon- hardt discovered a real internal Pile remedy. After prescribing it for 1,000 patients with success In 960 cases, he named it HEM- ROID, Jury & llovell says one bottle of HEM-ROID Tablets must end your Pile misery or money back. TODAY "The MIRACLE MAN" SYLVIA SIDNEY CHES TONIGHT--10.45 p.m, Wheeler & Woolsey a from | with the oldest son present went | present | | kingdom should be postponed for another generation, The bringing about of the kingdom in the hearts of men was a new way of lite for men and nations, The social gospel of Christ, said Rev. Mr. Richards, reflected a passion for the gAhings that con- cerned men, women and little children, Today if He were here He would be interested in the problems of unemployment, de- cent wages, proper hours of la- bor, fit homes to live in, educa- tion, economic justice, prison re- form. How concerned He would be of the thousands of little children in all lands who know nothing of Him. In closing Rev. declared that if then the day must come when men will love also. Jesus Christ must "see of the travail of His goul and be satisfied," The min- ister told the Oddfellows that in their work for mankind they were doing their part to usher in the Kingdom of which Christ spoke. Mr, Richards God is Love, . Weddings SNOW---VANLOTT At seven o'clock Friday evening Rev. 8. C. Moore united in mar- riage Eveline, daughter of the late Mr, Vancott and Mrs. L, Van- cott of Court Street, and Henry Samuel Snow, son of Mr. and Mrs, William Snow of Ireland. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's mother, Gowned in pale blue georgette with inserts of lace, the bride looked very charming, She car- ried a bouquet of tea roses and carnations, Miss Flossie Vancott, her sister, was the bride's only attendant, while Mr, George Snow officiated as bestman, After the ceremony the bridal party and guests which included only immediate relatives of the bride and groom parthok of wedding supper. Mr. and Mrs, Snow left later in the evening on a short wedding trip and on thejr return will make their home at 230 Court Street. Women's Meetings STALTER "Y" The monthly meeting of the Stalter "Y"" was held on Wednes- day evening of last week, at the | home of Mrs, A. J. Stalter, King Street East. At this meeting the TRUCK LOADED WITH AUTO PARTS TAKES THE DITCH Truck Drivers © on Sunday | Were Being Checked Up by Gov't. A truck loaded with automo- bile supplies, valued at and said to be owned by the St. Lawrence Oil Company of Gan- anoque, skidded into and landed on east of Whitby about nine o'clock Saturday night It was nine o'clock Sunday was raised and brought to a local garage. The driver of the truck it is alleged was not on the scene when Traffic liard arrived, and the officer is investigating, The truck was badly damaged and it {s nothing short of a miracle that the valu- able eargo was not spilled on the ground, It was being taken west, Traffic officers on instructions from the Department of High- ways are checking up on all trucks travelling the highways on Sunday. Complaints have reached the Department, fit is sald, of the unusual heavy truck traffic on Sundays, Not a few trucks were stopped and search- ed on Sunday at the scale house at West Hill by the traffic offi- cers to ascertain if the cargoes romnly with the Lord's Day and Traffic Acts. Furniture vans are rote to be hig offenders. $1500, | the ditch | its side a mile | norning before it | | WANTED Officer Sidney Hil- | | State age, election of officers took place and | Miss Velma Harris was re-elect. | | ed to the office of president, Vice- | President, | treasurer, is Miss Lily Phillips; Miss Marion Rodgers; corresponding secretary, Miss Bernice Bulmer; recording sec retary, Miss' Reta Hawes, The programme committee is to be composed of Miss Madeline Too- ley, Margaret Bulmer, Amy Man- uel. After this business session and an hour of amusing enter- fainment, Mrs, Stlalter presided over the serving of delicious re- Iresiments, BLINDFOLDED Counsel Den't you know 't of law is for? Ww {ness It's a place w! the di: nense with justice Too Late To Classify | | what a | Ye were EXPERTENC ED raleslady for confectionery store. Must have pleasing personality references and salar) Box 914 Times, (1090) THE expected. LOST--IN FRONT Manor Apartments 'or Hamlin's residence, a blue ring. Phone 394. Reward, (109a) TO LET-- LARGE COMFORT: | able room with board In private home, Convenient to. G.M.C Phone 1204F. (1084) WANTED TO BUY----A CHEAP dependable truck, any model, coupe or cabriolet 1928-29 model | Apply at once. Box 915 Times, (109h) FOR SALE--ELECTRIC RANGE, wicker stroller. Good condition, OF ear Apply 652 Christie Ave, (109%) YOUNG MEN'S CLUB INSTALS OFFICERS The last important meeting of | the season of the Anglican Young | Men's Club was held at the Parish Hall, Centre Street, Thurs- | day night, The installation of officers was the highlight of a | very interesting meeting, under | ihe immediate past president, H. Macdonald. All the past presi- | dents of the club assisted in the | installation, Harold Smith, Ol- ley Milles, Clive File, , Gibbie and H. Macdonald, the | past presidents, were all called on to say a few words and brought back memories of the dayg when they were in office. Mr. Brown was also present and gave a short address, congratu- lating the club on the progress it liad made during the last year or so. All the new officers were called upon to say a few words, and assured the club of their wil- lingness to do everything in thelr power to assist during the com. ing season, The new president, Phil Phillips, asked for the sup- port of everybody, including the older members, so that he would he able to carry on just as effec- tively as his predecessors aad. After the meeting refresh- ments were served and a social hal: hour was enjoyed by all, Birth PASCOE---To Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Pascoe, Taunton, Ont, on Sajurday, May 7th, a son. (109a) "Death PARKS---In Oshawa, on Monday, May 9th, 1932, Irene Taylor, beloved wife of Mr, William E. Parks, aged 57 years, Funeral from the family resi- dence, 340 Buena Vista Avenue, on Wednesday, May 11th, Service at 10.30 am. (Daylight Saving Time). Interment at Deseronto, COMING EVENTS 8 Cents per word each in. sertion. Minimum charge for each Insertion, 88c. RUMMAGE SALE, WEDNES- day, 2 o'clock, King St. United Church, (100b) RUMMAGE SALE IN BASEMENT of Simcoe St. United Church, Tuesday, May 10th, 2 o'clock p.m. (1092) HOME COOKING SALE AFTER regular Women's Association will | In="THE CUCK0OS" Meeting at Simcoe bi Tuesday. (1098) A Depression? Yes-at your Diaphragm And the only sensible way we know of achieving the new scooped-out effect be- low the bust --is to wear this new MisSimplicity. It's designed with an extreme uplift bust, while the famous. cross-over straps never fall to eliminate every sign of the diaphragm -- no matter how prominent. The above model is of fine peach batiste and woven elastic with an uplift " of lace. MisSimpligity created by Gossard | have {on Wednesda | ten thirty Mrs. | Also | OBITUARY DEATH OF MRS. W. E. PARKS The death occurred this morn- ing at the Oshawa General Hos- pital of Irene Taylor, wife of Wil- liam E. Parks of this city, Mrs, Parks who was In her [fifty- seventh 'year, succumbed after a heart attack brought on by pneu- monia. She was ill for two weeks before her death, The deceased js the daughter of tne late N. P, Taylor of Nap- anee, She is survived by her mother, who lives {in Napanee, her hushand, who is employed Motors in this city, by two sisters, Mrs, ¥. Calder, of St. Catharines and Mrs, D, Stint- son of Napanee and by her geven ¢hildren, Glenn, Leon, of Ogh- awa and Earl of Toronto, and Mrs, A. Burns, Mrs, J. Woodman and Mrs, H. Gray of Oshawa and Mrs. W. Logan of Toronto, The late Mrs. Parks was horn Newburg, Ontario, Before com- to Oshawa, she resided in Since by General in ing Desgeronto, city, Mrg, Parks attended King Street United Church, Rev. C, BE, Cragg of that church will charge of the funeral that will take place from the family residence, 340 Buena Vista Ave, , May the 11th at o'clock. Interment will be made at the cemetery in Des- eronto, living In this | the | FUNERAL OF AN INFANT The funeral wag held at 2 p.m. today from the family residence 223 Bloor Street West, of Doroe thy Arnold, infant daughter Mr. and Mrs, Sydney Arnold. The small gir] died yesterday, The funeral service was conducted by Rev. A. E. Thornley, of Cedar~ Gale United Church, re eet veel CITY NEWS GOOD FIRE RECORD The fire record for the montn of May still stands at three calls. During the week-end the fire de~ partment were not galled out. The wet weather has reduced the chance of grass fires breaking out for which the men are duly grateful, AUTOMOBILE STOLEN It was reported to the police during the week-end that an automobile the property of Nore man Littleproud, Hibbert Street, had been stolen, No trace of the missing vehicle had heen found hy the police this morning. Card of Thanks Mrs, McGregor and family wish to thank Dr, D, Archer, Dr. | Hazlewood, friends and npeigh- | hors for their kind assistance and | expressions of sympathy during | their recent bereavement, | (109a) ABSOLUTE CLOSEOUT PT MENS EE re Le Entire Stock Goes wo AT = 30c to 50c on the dollar SAVINGS EVERY HANGER MUST BE BARE-- EVERY SHELF EMPTY--NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE BOUGHT BEFORE WE DECIDED TO TAKE THIS STEP--AND WHICH COULD NOT BE CANCELLED INCLUDED NO RESERVE Store for Rent - Fixtures for Sale SENSATIONAL LOW PRICES! Less Than Makers' Costs Prevall on~ SUITS VY po La 8 MENS WEAR COATS FURNISHINGS - HATS Come Tomorrow~Never Before and Never Again -Oshawa's Greatest Mon- ey Saving Event For Men ARR. Buy For Now~Buy For Summer~Buy For Next Winter's Useage LIMITE

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