ni s THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1932 PAGE SEVEN LE WITH A SEC wr % | WHY GAMB Goodyear tires You can get out of a tite only those miles that are built into it. Mileage is not a matter only of weight, size or tread design. It is a matter of construc- tion--the fabrication of correct materials and their proper mating. Unbalanced tires will not stand the shock and speed of modern drivin Goodyear tires are balanced, The same tire engin- eers and workmen who gave you the famous elastic. like Supertwist Cord and the All-Weather tread, build tires in which every part is moulded into one complete unit. In tires as Goodyear builds them, carcass and tread are one. Strong Supertwist Cords, protected by Good- year-processed rubber, are built up layer by layer-- evenly -- uniformly -- defying separation and friction, The man who drives on Goodyears is free from the troubles he has had with unbalanced tires. All risks are lessened. Most risks are eliminated. Goodyear Tires are safe at higher speeds. They are non-skid. Their balanced construction defeats the attacks of modern brakes. The cause of the dreaded and dangerous blow- out--inner friction-heat--is conquered. Goodyear Tires give thousands of miles of extra service because these miles are built into them --by Goodyear--the greatest name in rubber. Thousands of extra miles in these body-balanced Goodyear Tires are the first choice of nearly half the motorists in Canada, which means that in Canada --as elsewhere-- more people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind. In every industry there must be a leader. In the tive industry the leader is Goodycar--the greatest name in rubber. A simple enquiry of your Goodyear dealer will convince you that the leading tire costs no move than second-choice tives. | MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODY {a EAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND THOUSANDS ENTER GOODYEAR CONTEST ALL OVER CANADA Keen Rivalry Is Shown in Estimating Number of Supertwist Cords CASH PRIZES OFFERED Thousands of people in all parts of ing Sa as bunks ¢ poole imate pum; in the sverage Goodyear tire, a i rd 3 pril 26th by the Goodyear Company has aroused nation-wide interest. The challenge to skill ingenuity and' the lure of $3,000 in money, have brought men and "women in every walk of life to Goodyear dealers to obtain entry blanks and information about Supertwist Cords, Tha fast tint there are no conditions attac & con! regarding ZH chase of tires, no en fee r= obligation of any kind, has everyone on an equal footing. tire dealers, all employees of rubber com- Sebarred. Testing Supertwist Cords Much interest is being shown in the ingenious little device with' which Goodyear dealers are demonstrating the strength and resilience of Buper- twist Cords. This mechanism stretches: 8 length of Supertwist along with ®, length of ordinary tire cord, and indi- cates clearly the respective elasticity and toughness of the two, The sections of tire fabric showing the Supertwist! Cords are assisting contestants in arriving at their estimate. . It is stated that not even the em- ployees of the Goodyear Company are aware of the actual figures re the number of cords in the gix types Goodyear tires selected for the contest. These figures, secretly aectrtaiuad BY | the development division of the i year factory, have been placed under! weal with a Toronto trust company, and will not be revealed until the contest closes on June 6th. Learning about Tires One thing the contest is certainly doing--it ist teaching people a lot abou$, tires. Even those who were Fzviouly unaware that there were such things as "cords" in tires are entering the con- test, and finding out what an im Bupertwist Cords play in the con- striction of Goodyear tires, Thousands ol ple are getting a new conception of Lv, measures taken to make the modern automobile tire safer, more comfortable and longer-wearing. will do their touring this summer wi new confidence in because they know more about Supers twist Cords. 1st Prize $1,000.00 cssh 2nd Prize. $500.00 cash § 3rd Prize $200.00 cash: 4th Prize $100.00 cash 5 Prizes each $50.00 cash 95 Prizes each $10.00 cash Go to any Goodyear Tire Dealer's and see the dis- play which will help you to win one of the cash prizes. e 0 0, Ask fora booklet of simple contest rules and entry blank. Do it todayl Get in on the $3,000 prize moneyl Contest closes June 5th.