THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1932 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home and the Comimunity k Margaret McQuade, graduate of Classics, Mise M, B.A, an honor Queen's University in obtained at the Annual Spring examinations first class honor standing in the M.A, work in Lat- in, in which she has been engag- ed, Miss McQuade is the daughter of Rev. G. C, R, McQuade, Minis- ter of Centre Street United Church, LJ . Mr, and Mrs. Willis Tait, Aber- deen Street, left last night for New York and are sailing today for Europe. They will spend six weeks touring England and France, . . LJ] Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Crowell, of Holy Trinity Church were hostesses at a very successful whist drive in the Parish Hall last evening when the prizes were won by Miss M, Harvey, Mre, P. Kilburn, Mrs, D, Atters- ley, Miss Fitches, Mr, Fitches, Mr, Holt and Mr. Pennington, Young People's Societies CENTRE STREET YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY The Centre St, Young People's Society held their meeting, on Monday evening, at the home of Mr. E, E. Watson, Mary Street, The program was in charge of Miss Mary Dearborn, leader of the group on Christian Fellow- ship. Miss Ella Kushnir presided, The meeting opened with a brief service of worship. The hymn, "For the Beauty of the Earth," serving a treat Just Dhste these sun-brown flakes! They're full of the famous flavor of Pep -- the matchless taste that makes PEP Bran Flakes the best you ever ate, Full of whole. wheat 'nourishment too. And with just enough bran to be mildly laxative, Great for kids, for, for everybody. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. logs' PEP BRAN FLAKES PRC OE BEA EE EE TO-DAY 18 ALICE'S BIRTHDAY Though several invita- tions were sent to Mrs, Regi. nald Hargreaves--'Alice in Wonderland"~--asking her to. pay a visit to Toronto, this famous woman has written to say that she cannot pos- sibly come across the bor- der to accept them, A letter to this effect, written from the New York hotel where she is staying, was received yesterday by an old friend of her girlhood days in Ox- ford--Mr. Frederick Plumb. Another letter expressing her regrets and containing fuller explanations was sent by her she said in the later note from the Berengaria, the ship on which she sailed from England, but this has apparently heen delayed in transit, As to-day is Alice's birth- day, which she ig celebrating in the precints of Columbia University, New York, Can- adians would like, if ghe will allow them, to offer her the warmest felicitations, LE SE TE EE EE TE EE TE TENE WE RUE NUR UE NUE EW » . Ld L Ld LJ » LJ LJ LJ w Ld LJ * » Ld * » » Ld Ld » Ld L Ld * Ld Ld LC] Ll Ll LE LJ * » ' LB BE BBE EE BE BE BE was sung. Miss. Vera Watson read the Seripture lesson, The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison, Mrs. Roy ¥, Bennett and Miss Louise Bennett gave a vocal se- lection, Mrs. G, C..R. McQuade presented the topie, "What ft means to be a Christian in the home," The hymn, "Faith of our mothers,"" a reminder of the ap- proaching Mothers' Day, was sung. Miss Hazel Dec Guerre con- ducted the business session, There followed a pleasant hour of contests, game and refreshments, On behalf of the society the presi- dent extended to the hostess a vote of appreciation of the graci- ous offer of her home wherehy it was possible to hold such a suc- cessful meeting, NORTH SIMCOE ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. Ewart Cornish Leads Home and School Club Mrs, Ewart Cornish was elect- ed to the office of president of North Simcoe Home and School Club at the annual election of officers held on Monday night. Mrs, W. R. Fisher's name past president, was added to the list af honorary presidents of the Club, Mrs. A, Metcalfe, was elect- ed the new vice president and Mrs. J. H, Beaton, the second vice. Miss 8. Taylor 18 the new corresponding secretary, Mrs. W, G. Corben, the recording secre- tary, Miss H, Batty the treasurer, Mrs. 8. Ayling the planist and Miss S, Fox, the press reporter. Mrs. U, Jones, Mrs, F. Chap- pell, and Miss J. W. Garrow, principal of the school, wera ap- pointed as representatives to the local Home and School Council, The convenors of the different committees are as follow': rink, Mrs. Dell; sports, Mrs, Willlam James Smith; flower, Mrs. Nore val Willson; membership and so- clal, Mrs, H. Smith; programme, Mrs. F, Chappell, The executive for the coming year is to consist of the following ladies: Mrs. C. F, Cannon Mrs. Lynde, Mrs. Farncombe, Mrs, U, Jones, Mrs. C. E. McTavish, Mrs, Leo Gray, Mrs. H, Begg, Mrs. W, A, Coad, Mrs, A. McDennld, Mra J, Beaton, Mrs. ¥, Chappel), Mrs, Durie, Mra. Geo, Henley, Miss Pierson, Mrs, A. Barton and Mrs, McLarty, ' The election of officers took place at the annual meetine of the Club which was held on Mon- day night, Miss J. W. Garrow présided over the election, A mother was discussing with her daughter the: qualities of men, "Oh", said the daughter impatiently, "but they have no self-conrtol!" "All the better," replied the mother, "If they had there would be a great many more spinsters." BROS. LIMITED (8) 010183 5 12 King E. THURSDAY SPECIALS Phone 1147 Mealed Back Bacon Ib. 16¢ Smoked Back Bacon Ib. 21¢ Freshly Cut SPARE ~ RIBS 1 1." Prints 3 1b. 25¢ |2 for 15¢| 4 Ib. 25¢ Pickled PORK HOCKS Fresh Pork Ham Roast 1b. 13¢ Best Blade Roast Beef 1b. 12¢ Leg Roast Veal, Ib. Boneless Stew Veal, Ib. Stew Veal. 2 lbs. Veal for Loaf, Ib, 13¢c PHONE 1147 What o'er for others; you may do In time will be wit § to you, ~Old Mother Nature, Tt is nice to think that anyway. It may not always be true, but it often is, perhaps more often than not. When Jerry Muskrat saw the danger of the young gander who, fast asleep with his head under his wing, was drifting ashore where Yowler the Bobcat was waiting for him, Jerry's one thought was to wart that young gander. So he slapped the water with his rubbery tail and then plunged under water with a great deal of noise. Honker the Goose and his flock, including the young gander, were awake in- stantly and swimming to the middle of the pond, It had been a narrow escape for the young gander and he appreciat- ed it. He told Jerry so and that he never would forget it, "It was nothing," said Jerry in some confusion, "You would have done as much fore me." There was some wabbling among the Geese after this alarm, but be- ing used to such things, they did not think about it long and soon were asleep again with their heads under their wings, Only the young gander remained awake, He had had such a narrow escape that he couldn't forget it and so couldn't go to sleep again right away. He swam over near Jerry, "Do vou live here", he asked, "No," replied Jerry, "I am just visiting here, My home is in the Smiling Pool down on the Green Meadows, but I was driver out by a flood. Have you travelled far?" "Yes," replied the young gander, "We have come all the way up from the Sunny South and we still have just as far to go before we reach our nesting grounds, There ig one comfort, and that is that we haven't had such a hard time so far as we did on our wav down last fall "When I think of it I wonder that any of ous are alive to oeme back, "Meaning what?" asked Jerry, his curiosity aroused. "Hunters with terrible guns," re- plied the young gander. "Almost from the day we started from the Far North until we reached the Sunny South those terrible guns banged and roared, Had it not heen for him (the young gander nodded toward Honker I don't believe any of the rest of us would be alive to- day. All I ask of life is to grow to he as wise and smart as old Honker is "Haven't those terrible guns been just as bad on the way back?" in- quired Jerry, "No., replied Honker, ewho had awakened and drifted pear en- ough to hear this question, "There is little to dread from the hunters with terrible guns in the spring now, but time was when it was just as bad then as in the fall. This young fellow thinks it was bad last tall on our way to the Sunny South, He should have lived a few years ago when all winter long and all the way back in the spring we had no peace from those terrible zuns. When [ think of it I wonder that there is a Goose alive today, It is bad enough as it is, but we can at least be thankful that we are al- lowed to journey north in compara- tive peace" At daylight the next morning there was a great gabbling among the Geese and Jerry gathered that they were trying to decide whether to. go on or rest for another day. By Thornton W. Burgess As usual it was Honker who settled the question, It was decided tg re- main, So the Geese scattered about the pond, some feeding, some swim- ming about, and some squatting on the shore. But always there was at least one, usually old Honker, on guard, Later that day as Jerry sat on the end of a log on the edge of the water half dozing he was suddenly so startled by a loud hisg almost in his ear that he plunged frantically into the water with a loud splash. When he at last came up to look around he discovered his friend the young wander, still hiss- ing angrily at Reddy Fox, who was standing with his forefeet on the very log on which Jetry had been dozing, The young gander had seen Reddy creeping up and had waken- ed Jerry just in time, (Copyright, 1932, by T. W. Burgess) The next story: "Reddy Fox Loses His Appetite," OFFICERS ELECTED FOR W.C.T.U. Christian Temperance Union members were at the meeting in St. Andrew's United Church yes- terday when the annual election of officers took place. Mrs, John Booth, was elected to fill the office of president and Mrs, D. Cook, the vice-president, Miss M. Burns is the corresponding sec- retary and Mrs, A, Wright the recording secretary. The office of treasurer will he filled at the next meeting, During a short business ses- sion, which followed the election, the president, Mrs, Booth, was A GOOD Permanent Wave Specially priced at $3.50 || for the first two weeks in May a hair cut, shampoo and finger wave until 11.80 for $1.00. This is a special scr. vice which we have brought you to Oshawa. Consult Mr. Rafferty on hair treatments, permanent waving and special halr cutting. Telephone Oshawa 88 for appointment. || THE W. T. PEMBER | STORES LIMITED ® Bradley Bldg., A large attendance of Women's | 'Phone 38 Oshawa, Ont. RA & Ae fr EE. | Sed BUMBLE at "Dr. French's -- Says The following interesting and unusual experience was recently related by Mr, Roderick Gordon, 29 Gaudin Ave.,, Toronto, Ont, He says:-- "The wonderful improvement that 1 have enjoyed in my health since [7 started taking Dr. French's NU-ERB has heen a positive revelation to me and cer- tainiy far more than I ever ex- pected. It seems mighty good to be able to find a medicine that exactly fits my case and upon which T can depend without fear or hesitation. "For about five weeks I took NU-ERB regularly three times every day and no sooner had I started to do this than it segmed as though I could actually feel a new invigorating , health-giving process going on through my body. Today my stomach is in ex- cellent condition, my food digests properly, T can get the utmost nourishment out of what I eat, my nerves are quiet and severe bilioug attacks that used to give me a lot of trouble have not bothered me once since I started my NU-ERB treatment, "All last winter 1 suffered from neuritis, but that's left me too, and I ' guess Dr. French's NU-ERB is what drove it away, for that is all the medicine that I have taken." Hundreds of other people just like Mr. Gordon have foond that Dr, French's NU-ERB' provides a wonderful relief from their ills. It sweetens sour stomachs, tames torpid livers and straightens out Finds Prompt Relief: After Much Suffering Through Use New Herbal Medicine Now Being Introduced Here Nu-Erb a Great Revalation to Me" Toronto Man of those unruly kidneys in a jiffy, Headaches, backaches, dizziness, nervousness, etc,, disappear, new energy, strength, appetite and happiness make your days joyful and your life worth living once again, Consult the NU-ERB Specialist at Karn's Drug Store, King St. KE. (opposite post office) today. Let him give yow the plain, truth. ful facts abput this famous liquid herbal proparation and tell you how yow can use it to get rid of those ailments which are mak- ing you sick and miserable, Mr, Julian Van Pays, 56 Wood Street, Chatham, Ont., also en- dorses Dr. French's NU.ERB and "This medicine has made a " improvement in my health," FL : "oo appointed as the delegate to at~ tend the Dominion W.C,T.U, Con- vention that is to be held in Montreal in June, Mrs. R. J. Robertson, a past president, presided over the elec~ tion of new officers, CHRIST CHURCH W.A. IS FOUR YEARS OLD The. May Day Tes and sale of work, and the anniversary of the fourth birthday of Christ Church Women's Auxiliary were com- bined in a very successful after- noon held at the Church on Tues day. The display of quilts and other useful articles 'wére proof of the work accomplished by the W.A, members and the result of the sale was very gratifying. Tea was served at small tables which were dainty in their color scheme of pink. A beautifully iced birthday cake with four pink candles was cut at a side table at which silver vases and pink sweet peas were the decoration, Everyone was served with a plece of the delicious cake, During the afternoon a very good musical programme wag en- Joyed, Selections were played by Miss Kinder, violinist and Mrs, Carnell, pianist, Vocal solos. "May Morning' 'and "The Gifts" were delightfully rendered by Mrs. Willlam Fry, The Junior Choir of Christ Church under the leadership of Mrs, Wallace Morrison = gave eight numbers, sweetly sung by the twenty-two little girls, dressed alike in paper frocks of pink, green and yellow, What New York is Wearing Delightfully young and smart {# this new slim-line model, Since crepe silk both plain and print is so charming it was chos- en for this fascinating model, It is light navy blue spotted in red, The soft crushed scarf col- lar gives it such a distinction in - -- plain white crepe, Another jdeal plain. crepe in soft self-trimmed, For summer wear, handker- chief linen prints, batiste prints and tub silks are nice mediums, You'll find it very simple to fashion, and cost unbelievably small. Style No, 899 is designed for sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust, Size 16 re- quires 3% yards of 39-inch ma- terial with 33 yard of 39-inch contrasting. Our large Fashion Magazine will help you economize, It ine cludes styles for the miss the What You Ask For-- You Get! We always carry a most complete stock and sel. dom have to excuse our selves for being out of stock. We try to keep our store bright, complete, up-to. date so as to give good service. Your order is given our best attention and sent out promptly and lowest prices quoted. Let us satisfy your drug wants. KARN"S Drug Store ' , Prompt Delivery Phone 78 Next.P.O, suggestion is beige shade hit new lows in our Greater Values On Parade A mammoth show of Spring merchandise at prices that 3 Big Days Sale Thursday -- Friday -- Saturday stout the matron and adorable ricdels for the kiddies. Also modern embroidery for the home, | licgerie, pajamas, etc, Price of BOOK 15 cents. Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is prefer- re). Wrap coin carefully, Address orders to Pattern ¥d- ftor, Oshawa Daily Times, Osh- awa, Ont, ---- Women's Meetings HOLY TRINITY W.A, Members of the Women's 'Aux iliary of Holy Trinity Church met on Tuesday afternoon and the meeting proved one of great im- portance. The first Women's Guild of Hply Trinity Church was formed and Mrs. A. Jones was appointed president, Mrs. Holt was voted the secretary- treasurer, EVER READY BIBLE CLASS The monthly social evening of the Ever Ready Bible Class was held at the Simcoe United Church last night, Mrs. D. Sleep's group had prepared a splendid programme for the entertainment of the Class members, and it commenced after a short husiness session which was presided over by the president, The Misses Courtice trio, recitations were Miss ;Gladys Hicks, Jack Sleep and Miss Gladys Ross. Mrs, A. M. Stevenson spoke to the moth- ers of the Mission Band members of the aimg of the Band and told how the meetings are conducted. A delightful voeal solo was ren- dered by Miss Langmaid and a plano number was played by Miss Geraldine Perrin, Miss Wilson gave a short talk on Travellers' Ald Work', After all joined in singing, "Blessed Be the Tie That Hinds," refreshments were serv od and an informal social time enjoyed, Sang a given hy Zion News (Mrs. J. W, Balson, Uorrespon. dent) Zion, May 3, -- Miss Eileen Stainton is visiting at the home of Mrs. Montcrief at Peterboro, for a week, The musical festival for gchoolg namely, Hampton, Hay- don, Php rid Burketon, Base- line No, 3 and Mitchell's, was a great success, The Sunday School room at Hampton was filled even to standing-room, All the schools did splendidly under their music teacher, Miss Marion Orchard Out of eleven contestants for girls' solos, Miss Marguerite Mar- tin of our school won first place, and Master Lloyd Stainton won first place in boys' solos, out of four contestants, and the schobl, as a chorus, won second place; we congratulate all our pupils most heartily, Mr. Stanley of Port Hope and Miss Mason of six in the near future in another con- test, Mr, and Mrs. Blake Oke and Douglas of Ebenezer were Sun- day visitors at the home. of Mr. Elmer Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Chapman, of Orono, accompanied Mr, Albert Hillis home on Sunday, after a holiday of about a month spent with them, . Sunday's services were well at- tended and Rev, Mr, Whyte gave a very worth-while sermon and everyone enjoyed his being with us, Our young people visited Eldad voung people on Monday night and put on the program. A nice evening was spent together, Rates, Special Weekly. Finest Food. Comfy Rooms. Relaxe tion, Homelike Comforts, Fine loca- tion, one Block to Ocean. Breathe Deep the Bracing Ocean Air. Cour. tesy, Politenessand Service are Yours for Less Than You Think. Write now. BEAUTIFUL STATES AVENUE AT PACING Newcastle were the judges, Our soloists will go to Bowmanville \\ Om, You See Back Page for Details