Oshawa Daily Times, 4 May 1932, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1932 "PACE TWO Ontario and Durham County News Haydon (Mrs. BR, vost, Correspon- May 3, -- Mr. Doug- Haydon, Mr. C. fas Bond, Toronts, visited 's on Sunday. Ave Lloyd Thompson, Cadmus, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, L. Disney and family, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at her uncle's Mr. John ight's. Vr. and Mrs. Harold Gay, Osh- awa, visited i and Mrs, Charlie rd vecently, : Gtr. and Mrs, Fred Adams, Oshawa, Mrs, Frank Coulter, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Crossman, Mr, Harvey Crossman, Kedron, were recent visitors at Mr, James Crossman, Mr, Ben Flaxington, Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs, Silas Trewin, Mr. Leonard Stantion, Hamp- ton, visited Mr. A, McNell's, Mr. and Mrs, John Graham ang sons Kenneth and Milton, Maple Grove, Mr, Fred Tabb, visited Mr, David Graham on Sunday. Mrs, H, Ashton spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr..and Mrs, James Crossman gre visiting friends at Kedron, A number of our public school scholars attended the musical festival which was held in Hamp- ton Church on Thursday night, getting two first prizes and one gecond for singing. Mother's Day service was ob- served in our Sunday School last Sunday when a good number were present, Mr, Thos, McGill of Enniskillen being the speaker, taking for his address the words which were found In Exodus 20, 12th verse, "Honour Thy Moth- or." Sunday School session next Sunday at 2 o'clock, A short temperance program will be giv- en by the young men's class. Church service at 3 o'clock, when our pastor, Rev. A, M. Wotton, will be In charge, Enfield News Enfield, May 4, Mr, and Mre, Larry Braithwaite, Toronto, spent the week-end 'with her mother, Mrs. John Hohbs, . Mr. Albert Niddery, Master Alan and Miss M, Niddery, Tor- onto; Mr, A, Virtue, Regina, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Hepburn, Miss Evelyn Stinson, Toronto, was a week-end guest of her mo- ther, Mrs. Harry Stinson, Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson spent Monday with Mrs, Bruce Mont- gomery, Solina, Misses Helen and Bessie Pas- coe were recent visitors with Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. Richard "Pascoe, Solina, ~ ' Congratulations to Mr, and Mry. Bruce Montgomery, Solina, ~on the arrival of a haby girl, Mrs. Montgomery wag formerly Miss Elva Ferguson of this village. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. George Cochrane on the death of her brother, Mr. Daniel Knapp, Columbus, Mr, R. Garland, Columbus, has rected the pasture farm of Mr. George Ormiston for the coming season, Mr, Edgar Prescott, Castleton, ASTHMA THIEF OF SLEEP sitively relieved, : Rey folieved Just swallow RAZ. 1 Harmless, $1atall druggists, For comfort use RAZ-MAH (Wash Away | That Ich With a Penetrating Antiseptic Now Jeu san stop Jurning lebin fy ee re, 6 pure cool LD. De Pci SE rd TR TANTEY, Ihe heal elements penetrate the skin and sooth the frrie 201 forms of skin trouble Tuickly 7iasd. to th18 famous antiseptic, A 3B Poth. on ite Merit or your druggist gives your money back, THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Prescott, His two children, Margaret and Donald, who have teen visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, George Gibson, ac- companied their father home, Mr, and Mrs, Fred L. Smith attended the funeral of Mrs. James C., Smith at Newcastle re- cently, Rey, J. R. Bick, Hampton, preached to an appreciative audi- nec on Sunday last, Some beau- tiful flowers decorated the altar. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Page, Tor- canto, spent Sunday with his par~ ents, Mr, and Mrs, Stephen Page. The swallows have returned! And on May Day too, The old saying, "One Swallow Does Not Moke a Summer," is not adapted to this happening, for they are here in numbers. It fooks as If we may get some warm weather which will be very acceptable to everybody. The odour of burning brush and leaves is in the air these days. The yards are getting a good hauling over and the sound of the carpet-eater resounds through space, The fences are decorated with feather ticks and home-made quilts; the housewife waves a broom madly and mere map must watch his step. By all these signs ome knows that the time of housecleaning has ar- rived, Mr. W. J. Ormiston bas car- ried out a very commendable ser- vice for the residents of this vil- lage throughout all the winter months and up to two weeks ago. Twice a week, rain or shine, snow or sleet, and worst of all, through knee-deep mud, he has been the medium whereby all household supplies have been transported from Burketon, Going to the store with dozens of eggs in all canner and variety of contaln- «rs without breaking even one, apd returning laden with bags of flour, salt, loaves of bread and other necessities, Mr, Ormiston has proven himself a real friend and neighbour. It would have meant 8 great deal of inconveni- ence for all, if Mr, Ormiston had not thus performed such a worthy deed, On behalf of al] benefitted we thapk him, Mr, oskin Smith, road over- seer of the eighth concesslon, has mnde a good job of the lower half of the road south of this village. This piece of road has * been in. a terrible condition all winter, but thanks to several hours of good hard grading and scraping, all traces of the ax): deep ruts are now obliterated, and it is possible to spin along without testing all the springs in the car, The butcher truck of Mr, John Albert's, Oshawa, is again tooting its siren outside the doors of the village houses. Those who do not belong to the beef ring wel- come its musical (?) notes. Brougham News (Mrs, T. C, Brown, Correspon dent ) Brougham, May 2, -- The fine Sunday brought out a good many city joy riders on the highway on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, McWhirter en- tertained Port Perry friends dur- 'ng the week. Mrs. Cowie and John returned Lome on Saturday, Mr. Fred Cowie and family accompanying them home for the day. John | 1eports work prospects very poor et:1l, in Toronto, The health of Mr, and Mrs. T. Perryman still continues very un- satisfactory. Rev. Mr. McLellan purposes | preaching a serles of sermons on the Beatitudes, His Sunday af- ternoon discourse was an intro- duction to the series. Do not mits these interesting and worth while talks, Mr. Warren Wilson and Mr. and Mrs, Beech spent the week- end in Western Ontario, wuear Hrantford, the former home of Mr, Reech, The Everest family of Toronto, and Miss Thornton, of Orono visited Mr. and Miss Gammage on Wednesday. Mrs. Pugsley, sister of Mrs, BE. Wilton and her son and daugh- ter were guests at the Gannon Any Time is Camera Time We have made arrange. ments to distribute a lim ited number of these beautiful EASTMAN HAWKEYE "CAMERAS | in Rainbow Colours As a special offer to our Customers The kind yow have always wanted Let the Ever Famous Eastman Hawkeye Camera Record Those Beautiful Scenes and Happy Moments Size 2% x 3% Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning . Company, Limited PHONE 2520 i DRY CLEANERS COR, MILL, & CENTRE STS. ERERS AND LAUND! ALITY and SERVI home on Saturday. Mrs, Wilson returned to Toronte with them to visit relatives in the city. The W, J. Brown family were with their people on Sunday. The Frank Malcolm family of Toronto, visited Mrs, Malcolm Sr, on Sunday. r. McKionon is sporting # new car these days, Quite & number of the public school children are at home with the mumps these days, The annua] meeting of the W. I, will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Holtby on the afternoon of May 9, A good attendance is requested for this meeting. Next Sunday being Mother's Dsy the church and 8.8, services will be combined, service begin- ning at 2 pom. Rev, Mr, McLel- lan wil} deliver a suitable ad- aress. Regular Mother's Day programs followed, The Y.P.8. entertained Clare- mont Young People on Friday evening in the Town Hall; the visitors giving a fine program, which was appreciated, after which a very enjoyable hour of sacial intercourse was spent, The Brougham young people served 1afreshments to thelr guests, The Dalrymen'. Association held a meeting in the Town Hall on Saturday evening. Farm seeding and gardening are leaving few {dle in the coun- try. Mr. Lamb, of Markham is now installed as proprietor or the (Cterow garage, he and Mrs. Lamb baving taken up residence in the rooms vacated by Mr, and Mrs. Walker, in the Mathew"s house. A number of our villagers have turned fishermen these days, making good catches of suckers. Mrs, Lemon has been a Toronto visitor during the week, Mr. Albert Harvey underwent a successful operation for appen- dicitls on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey went to the city Friday, Mrs. Harvey remaining over for the week-end, Roy Miller and Annple. Bayles, measles patients, are hoth con- valescent, Raglan News Raglan, May 3 Mr John Bhight and family im, were Sunday Mrs, Geo, Bray, On Monday evening a4 congregas tion meeting was held in the church where important business wag trans- acted. Un thursday cvening the church board are requested to at tend a special meeting in Myrtle Church, Mr, and Mrs, R. Way, ol daugh ter, of Ushawa, were Sunday visit- ors at the latters home here, Lhe many triends or Mrs, Wm, Bright are pleased to know she 1s convalescing enough to take a short drive in the car, after beng cone hned to her home ior the winter, Mr, and Mrs, LD. 'Lhompson 'were in Toronto on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. QUriniston, Mr, Geo, Mclaren and accompanied by Mr and Mrs, D, Urnuston ot Ush- awa recently attended the funeral ol the late Mrs, Charles McLaren mm loronto, Lhe sorrowing husban™ and daughter have the deepest syni- pathy: ot friends here, Mi, and alrs, McLaren were residents of Raglan until a few years ago, when they moved to Loronto, Mr. and Mrs, John Kellington and son, Ronald have returned to their hone here, atter spending the winter wonths wu Ushawa, Mothers' bunday wil be observed in our church on Sunday, May 8th, Sunday School church services will be combined and held at the hour ut three ocluck, 'Lhe Mothers' vay sitects published by the Ontario Ke lgious kducation Council of Tore onto will be used, Special music is being prepared, Everybody will be made welcome, Honor your Mother by attending church oa that particular day, 'Lhe pastor, Kev, 'lotton extends a cor dial invitation to all mothers to be present with their intants as he would be pleased to hold a baptism service in connection with the other service, Mri, A. J. Grose was in Toronto on Saturday. 'The hnal gathering of the Liter. ary Society will be held in the hail on Wednesday evening of this week and will be spent in progressive crokinole after which refreshments will be served by the ladies, Lvery- body welcome, 'The drivers for the Brooklin Bak- ery, Messrs. Vernon and Kivell, are spurting new trucks, Mr. and Mrs,. Thos. McKee, of Manchester, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Evans, A number of farmers have finish- ed seceding operations for another year, Now, if the warm sunshine rain comes along it will not be long before the tiny seeds will be sprout- Mr I Brook Mr, and anda Rucsts ol s < ITROPHY IS GIVEN 10 $EA CADETS (Continued frcm page 1) many followers of the movement {.11 away as they could not see the need in peace times; but certain lessons had been taught by the war and many mothers and orphans had been left by sailors who had not returned and it was the Navy League who maintained them until 1929 when certain moneys were re- ceived from war reparafions which hag since taken care of them, Other branches of work included the care of sailors in homes and on the Great Lakes, 3 It was with the idea of building character among young boys that the Navy League started the Sea Cadet movement, which was result- ing in the formation of an esprit de corps, discipline and a respect for law and was tending toward the development of sound citizen- ship. Mr. Harris paid tribute to the work that Commander Worrall and his officers were doing among the bovs of the city and impressed upon them the responsibility that rested upon them in fitting the ca- dets to enter lite and fight their own battles in a courageous man- ner. Col. Williams Tribute to the work of Mr. Har- ris in the work of the Navy League was paid by Col, Williams, who said that in 1924 when the league was in difficulties it was Mr. Harris who accepted the leadership and had guided its destinies so well that to-day there was not one cent of debt arainst anv of its properties, Back of the Sea Cadet movement was the Union Jack, the speaker asserted, which was made wp of three crosses, the cross of St George standing for chivalry: the cross of St. Andrew standing for justice and the cross of St. Pat- rick standing for generosity. No nation could have higher ideals than those to follow he asserted, while the red, white and blue standing for service, purity and the sea were at standard to follow in life, Congratulationg Col, Williamghexpressed his con- gratulations toe Oshawa Corps. for the high standing they had made in their work and expressed the hope. that with a rigid course of training they would be able to an- nex the honours for rifle work from the 676 other corps in the Dominion next year, In presenting the trophy to Com- mander Worrall, Mr. Harris stated that it was the greatest honour that could be conterred upon a sea cadet corps. It was the first time that the trophy had been placed +n competition and it was a noteable fact that it had been won by the second youngest corps in the league, It was a great privileze Mr, Harrig asserted, to meet a man of the cali- bre of the commander of the local unit who had been able to intpire its members with hig enthusiasm to such a degree that they had heen able to annex the trophy against the determined competition of other units. He hoped that Oshawa would maintain their record of attendance and have the honour of keeping the trophy after winning it three times, Commander Worrall suitably ex- pressed the thanks of the corps, to Mr. Harris and stated that a deter mined effort to retain the trophy would be made, Program by Boys The boxing and wrestling show put on by the cadets brought out some fine contests, in which the ability and sportsmanship of the c ntestants was most amrked, The bouts proved most interesting to the members of the Kiwanis Club, but especially to the boys of the their favourites lending great ex- citement to the outcome, In the first wrestling mateh Lead. ing Cadet Chas. Peel was opposed by Chier Petty Officer Jack Norris, Both boys showed ability and gave plenty of action and were so even ly matched that the match wag a draw. The match between Chief Petty Officer Lesy and Cadet Brown at 152 Ibs, was worth watching with both boys mixing in at every op- portunity, Cadet Brown was de- clared the winner. The third bout on the card was a burlesque affair between Cadet Bye and Petty Offi- cer Little. All the motions would have made a toe dancer dizzy while a champion wrestler would have been proud to learn some of the holds employed, The wrestling bout between Lead: ing Cadet Walter Alexander and Cadet Jack Simmons for the tham- pionship of the corps was declared a draw. It was a highly interesting match and the contestants should develop into high class performers, The final boxing match on the card between Cadet Ogden and Cadet Maule was well worth watching, Cadet Ogden carried the action of the match to his opponent and gave a fine display and was awarded the decision, ai The thanks of the Kiwanis Club to the speakers and to the Sea Ca- det Corps for the program which they had supplied was proposed by Kiwanian J, L. Beaton and tendered by President R. N. Bassett, A polfer is a fellow who putters around with a little white ball all afternoon just for the sake of smacking it eighteen times, -- Galt Reporter, George Washington never told a lie, But nobody asked him how many strokes he'd taken on the long holes on the course, -- New York Herald Tribune, A modern can't hide behind his wife's skirts, but he can let her do the talking to the traffic cop.~ morrow morn HELP WANTED-FEMALE Experienced Sales People. + ANDERSON'S MEN'S WEAR LTD. Apply in person to- ing, 8.30 am. Hampton News' (Miss L. Horn, Correspondent) Hampton, May 2, --/Those who were forced to observe the day- light saving time which ecom- menced on Monday were chiefly those of our high school students, The Sunday services were fair- iy well attended. Rev. J. M. Whyte,of Enniskillen, occupied the pulpit at the evening service, taking his text from Romans, the tenth chapter, We were pleased to have some of the Blackstock friends who came to hear Rev. J. R. Bick, who unfortunately for them, was occupying the Ennis- killen pulpit, Mr. Jim Stainton, Sundayed under the parental roof, A number of our Junlor Far. mers and Junior Institute meme bers attended a special service erranged for them at Bowman- vilie Trinity Church on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Mr, ana Mrs. Arthur Wakely, Osh- awa and daughter ¥veline, visit. ed at the home of John Wakely, on Sunday, C. H. Burrows, Oshawa, spent the week-end in the village, Mr. Tsasc Johnston, Chatham, is visiting at the home of Mr. PREFERRED BY' MILLIONS People everywhere ere drinking "BLUE more and more Lyons' Blue Label Tea. They find its flavour and aroma so satisfying, the price so moderate. Britain's best Canada's Lye favourite. NS' TEA 4 J Lyons & Co. (Canada) Ltd, Toronto, ---- following the same plan, The service station which Mr, V/ilfred Greenaway and Raymon Burns, purpose taking g¢harge ol is well under construction under Mr. B. G, Steven's supervision, and will occupy the cozy little nook surrounded by cedar trees, located at the north entrance to one village, This service, with Mr. Frank Rogers' service sta- tion and a gas tank'st the south entrance of the village, operated John Colwill Jr,, on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, Dr, Davies and son, John, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Edger and daughter Rosena, Courtice, visited a' the home of H., Wilcox on Sunday. Rev. H.C. Wolfraim, Courtice, is expected to address our Young People's Leaguc on ¥ri- day evening. Mr. F¥. J, Gront, principal of our school, is putting in extra hours preparing his senior pupils Perry, have sold the old Calder homestead to Mr, Frank Bradley of Brooklin who tock immediate pos- session, Buses and trains are now running on fast time, This makes it fine for those who are attending the Whitby High Schoo! as they have an extra hour in the evening fo help with the chores, Mrs, Jack Kirkham and family are visiting the former's parents, in Perth, corps who took sides and cheered | for their midsummer examina- tions, Mr, Wm. Causely spent the | Thomas Rowe and other rela- tives, A heavy mist which the rain of Saturday continued until Sunday, when at sundown the atmosphere once more had a tinge of Jack Frost, Monday was for the most part full of sun- shire, However the frogs have heen tuning up and will no doubt be with ug soon, with thelr muse, weather permitting, Mr, and Mrs. W, W, Horn, and Myre. W, Chapman, attended the 04d Fellows' service at Orono Yerk Street Chureh, on Sunday A number of our village prop- erty owners have already improv- ed the appearance of thelr res! dences by removing the fences in front of thelr dwellings. Some of them are A, D, Langmaid, who | recently bought the property of the late Charles Stonehouse; Mr. C, W. Hastings and Lewis Pascoe, while Mr, I. Wray and F. G. Ker- slake are seriously thinking of by Mr. A. D, Lapgmaid and those operated in the main part of our busy little town, by Messrs. W. W. Horn and Geo, Barron, ought | week-end at his home at Port to provide plenty of accessories | Ferry (ly for the motorists who pass this | SE E-------------------- -- way, A number of relatives and | Myrtle News friends enjoyed a pleasant even- ing on Saturday at the home of | . S-------- . | Mra, Graco Clatworthy fn honor | Mvrtle, May 4 -- The Seagrave | dents " aff hi of her daughter, Mrs, W. Cun- negpie presented their play "Cyel the heavy motos tra ic on this clone Sally" in the Community Hall | stretch of the highway, There are ningham of Fenelon Falls, who is } Frida i / i | f children and others go- with her two daughters, spend- | "°/® il riday night when a most | a number of eid; Jind the Xo, ing n few days in the village, Payable Sie was shen by DA hr wr re Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Horn and Dt Te a rucktds amounted Ah pi od that this would dnughter Acy, were In Toronto |, ¢he ge TAY il RO = cost when so much is paid out by on Friday, : Mrs Cassidy of Asht urn, spent | the ratepayers for taxes, Mrs, Dorothy Davey, Toronto, | she week-end with Mrs W Phe Mr. Archie Parrinder who has visited relatives In the vinsage] Mr and Mrs, Fred Beadle and he Kent farm east of the over the week-end. I baby, of Toronto, visited Mrs, [village that was recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs, Gllbert Wilkin. | Beadle's parents, Mr, and Mrs, WV, r. Stewart Graham, is moving on son and son, Toronto, visited the | | Cook of Myrtle Sta, on Sunday. |it this week, latter's father, Mr. Irwin Trull, |" Mr and Mrs Gustay Hahn of| Mr, Gordon Pilkey who has been on Sunday. Toronto, spent the week-end at|atending Queen's' University, King- Mr. and Mrs, Firoy Creeper, | their summer home, ston, has completed his examina- Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs, Horton and Carnegie of Port Mr, Dave Leury hag secured thé position of road superintendent to succeed Mr, 12d. Dingman who had retire after six years of unusual good service on account of ill wealth, Witl superintendent and followed th a a councillor at this end of the beat | the much side walk connect~ A id fl Jd, before any fatal acci- to pedestrians, With all all tions there and ig at his home here, 'Here is the Opportunity You've Been Looking For Atkin's Hosiery & Lingerie Shop SALE FOR 3 DAYS ONLY 3 Thursday - Friday -- Saturday 700 pairs Full Fashioned Chiffon and Service Weight HOSIERY Here Is sensational value. A special that only Atkins Hosiery Shop can offer, offer. Wise women will stock up now. : " The chiffons are silk up to a picot edge top, while the service weights have a narrow lisle hem; the colors are all new and about 10 shades to choose from; French heels, Mail Orders 8c Per Pair Extra Sizes 81; to 10'2. Reg. Value $1.00. Buy One Pair for 81.00 Get an Extra Pair for 10¢ 2 Pairs for 81.10 Thursday, Friday 3 Days Only and Saturday . for Mothers' Day in Lingerie, Blouses, Special ! Gloves and Neckwear REAL SILK LIGHT SERVICE HOSE FROM A NATIONALLY FAMOUS MAKER All first quality--all full-fashioned to fit sn ugly----all a beautiful quality service weight, clear and even knit with double hem and form-fitting cradle sole of fine mercerized yarn, In Spring's new shades of pepper, lit ebrun, smoketone, gunmetal, brownette, grey- Cc Ladies' Hose 360 PAIRS DULL CREPE | = Re Hosiery = Lingerie Shop ° 11-2 Simcoe St. S. Phone 162 8.30 Special! CHIFFON THREAD SILK STOCKINGS $1.25 Quality, 69¢ First guality, full-fashioned, sheer and fine chiffon to silk picot tops. Sizes 8) to 10. Good sea. sonable shades, 69 8.80 a.m. Sale ...... c ATKIN Something New in HOSIERY NEW WAFFLE HOSE, 84¢c Sheer chiffon, dull finish, Silk et ta Se, Sin ne I 84c

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