8 3 THE OSHAWA DAILY 1IMES, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1932 rAGE SIX TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Everton Won Championship of English Soccer League The United States Make Sweep of Davis Cup Matches Lionel Conacher Will Devote All His Time to Wrestling TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Hamilton Collegiate Makes Clean Sweep of Penn Meeting Edmonton Grads Won From Border Cities 60 to 32 | Torento Championship Teams Were Guests at Banquet eafs Terminate Road Trip with 7 to 3 Victory Reading, May 2. -- Toronto's hopes of getting home in the .500 class were dashed to pieces as wet grounds postponed both ends of a double header with the Reading Keys yesterday and ter- minated the Leafs' first round jaunt of the 1932 season. Having swept through strpight games with the Keys, Tom Daly's rejuvenated youths were confident of maintaining their timely hitting and sensa- ticnal flelding streak in the bar- sain encounter, but Old Man Weather put a crimp in their as- pirations. A double win would have boosted Toronto's record for the initial invasion of the south- ern end of the Intérnational Lea- gue wheel to nine victories and nine defeats, a record that any clul, reorganized as thoroughly as the Leafs, could be proud of. The Leafs climaxed their Southern trip with a twelve-in- ning triumph over the Keys on saturday by the score of 7 to 3. Ralph Michael's home run smack over the left field wall in the twelfth inning was sufficient to break up a long hurling duel be- tween Glenn Liebhardt and Car- ro!l Yerkes, but his mates pound- ed out three more tall to defin- itely sew up the Jlecision, Mich- relg, by the way, was quite the fair-haired boy the Leafs' over- tine conquept, Michaels the Star But for Michaels, now the lead- ing sticker on the Toronto team, three the Leafs would have been shut- | the regulation route by a southpaw, who once wore the livery oi the Athletics, His sharp single to left in the third inning was responsible for two runs, the only ones scored by Toronto in ten franies. One the runs was donated on schel Bennett's fumble of drive, but it took the out over Yerkes, the runners on first and when Ralph The To- in There were second, with two out, smashed a liner to left. ronto sensation also doubled the fifth inning. Deserts Other Sports for Mat It is likely will spend ca- 9 Toronto, May that Lionel -Conacher * the remainder of his_sports reer in wrestling. football, hockey and lacrosse star is delighted with the progress he has made in his training for his professional wrestling career and iz confident that he will make sgood in the monied division of this sport of which he was Can- ;adlan Amateur ¢hiampion some years ago. Conacher gets his first ilug test tomorrow night he meets Karl Pospeshil, clever jand capable veteran, in the main { bout of the show to he held at the Arena Gardens, Mutual Street «in conjunction with the six-day bicycle race. It he cap beat the wily Pospeshil there will be no donbt but what he is a real pros- peet, for Karl knows most of the -tricks of the sport and has met them all, champions and near- champion® included. If he makes good as a wrestler, Conacher proposes to devote all his time to the sport; und forget about lacrosse and hockey. He realizes that there is a fortune in the mat game if he can carry on a successful campaign, and congiders that wrestling holds more remuneration for him than 'any other branch of sport, A Conacher must hc ready for a hard bout, or Ivan Mickailoff, Who holds his contract, would not gllow him to meet as good a man 'as Pospeshil, nor would he him engage in a finish hout. Mickailoff is delighted with the progress made by the "Big Train," who has, he says, improv- ed far quicker than he had unti- cipated, Mickailoff knows wrest- lets, and he considers he has a teal find in Conacher, The lat- ter is a natural wrestler, and did sot take long to put into practice wrest- when the tricks taught him by Michail- Off. There was, of course, a good groundwork, for Conachér was considered a stellar amateur wrestler some years ago. win Operate Deseronto.--For some - little time there has been some pessim- ism as to whether the Associated Quality Canners would operate this summer, as it is expected that a number of canning -fae- tories will not operate this year. However, the news was given out hy Mr. Seals, manager, that the plant 'would, as in the past. operate this year, and this news will be welcomed hy a large num-{ ber of people in this community. tion. Homelike Comforts. Fine loca- . tion, one Block to Ocean. Breathe Deep the Bracing Ocean Air. Cour. tesy, Politenessand Serviceare Yours + for Less Than You Think. Write now. Baseball Scores INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE on Lost P.C Newark 75 I3uffalo .. Rochester .. Baltimore Toronto .. Montreal Peading .. Jersey City .. Yesterday's Resalts BaJtimore 10-3 Rochester Other games postponed---r Saturday's Results Toronto .... 7 Reading . x12 innings, Montreal ... 3 Jersey City Baffalo 6 Newark ! Rochester ,.. 11 Baltimore . ! AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost 4 oy A 267 267 seen 3-7 ain, Washington New York Cleveland .. Detroit of | Her- | hit to put | tlie Leafs in the scoring column. | The former | heavyweight | let | St. Lou. .. | Chicago Philadelphia 10 Doston . . . Yesterday' s Results Washington 4 New York St. Louis Detroit .... Cleveland .. Chicago .... I"hiladelphia at Boston saturday's Results York 6 Boston ('leveland 10 Chicago Washington ..2 Philadelphic Detroit ... { St. Louis NATIONAL LEAGUE Won 10 HG § New L 0st Itoston Chicago Philadelphia Ss Cincinnati 9 New York . i) Pittsburg .. +. 6 St, Louis .. .. 6b Erooklyn .. 4 Yesterday' s Results ('incinnati .. 7 Pittsburg St. Louis .... 7 Chicago ....1 Other games postponed--rain. Saturday's Results New York St. Louis Brooklyn' ...7 Boston Chicago .... xPhiladelphia 8 x13 innings, Ofncinnati af at Edmonton Grads. in Top Form Pittsburg. rain. May 2.--Two clashed with night in the series to basket- the Do- Edmonton, teams in top form fury here Saturday first of a three-game decide the girls' senior ball championship of | minion, and Edmonton Grads, rseeking their eleventh title, out- | scored the eastern challengers, Windspr-Walkerville Alumnae, 60 to 32. Three thousand fans | packed the gympasium and watched by far one of the fastest and most fiery battles played on an Edmonton floor. Without a dull minute in the whole game, Grads were given a severe. test by the Windsor-Walk- erville girls--an even more sev- ere test than the 60-32 -score in- dicated, but the favorites were in splendid form, shooting at the basket with accuracy and balk- ing the fast-passing easterner: on asaults that looked like points: Led by Isabel Leishman in brilliant form, and with the aid of "Big Bil)" Churchill, the Windsor-Walkerville queens fought every inch of the way to show that basketball is an art in the east as well as in the Albera capital. Leishman scored 12 points to head her team's list, while Fisher and ged six points each Alumnae 24 of their to give the 32 points. Three Champions Were Banquetted Toronto, May 2. ----- Toronto's three championship hockey teams from Maple Leaf Gardens, the Maple Leafs, world's professional champions and holders 'of the Stanley Cup, the National Sea "leas, Canadian senior amateur champions and Allan Cup win- ners, and the Marlboro juniors, titleholders in the junior O.H.A., were the guests of the directors of the Gardens at a banquet in the Royal York on Saturday evening at which the trophies won during the past season were officially handed over and the members of the, various teams were presented with souvenirs of their successes, The banquet was attended by men prominent in the sporting world and hy sup- porters of the differct clubs and he gather over which President J. P. Bickell of Maple Leaf Gar- dens presided numbered nearly 400, The various trophies were dis- played on the head table and made quite an imposing display. They included the Stanley Cup, won by the Maple Leafs; the Al- lan Cup, John Ross Robertson Trophy for She senior O.H.A, and the senior S.P.A. Trophy, all won hy the Nationals, and the John Ross Robertson Trophy for the junior O.H.A. and the junior S. P.A. Trophy, won hy the Marl- boros,- In addition the T.AH.A. and T.H.L. Trophies won by the Marlboro bantams and National midgets were in the collection and were handed over to repre- sentatives of these two clubs, It was an imposing array of hockey trophies won by clubs with headquarters in the Maple Leaf a "DOC C. | Club, 5 | jury Churchill bag- | ROWDEN | Whe is practically place on the Oshawa Basel His hitting should be big factor in the assured of a hall ran League Race, | | emphatically claimg that home of and the the Gardens stantiated Gardens pions, ) is ab | the cham ou McDonald |' Was Imp ressive May 2, featured the amateuy Toronto wrestling the Ontario {ghips concluded a MCA. on Saturday large and enthusiastic howered acclaim on the crowned champions, finals ch night The feature, | action 158-pound final was with Danny aftor wonde | liminarie thi preceding On the ht before an to his knee was ag and had ca pa itd te hi rful | old erava ni the fact 1! Fact] va and | took hi cond to win [The tog minry forced hi fault in the final of the 1 pound clase, which went to Ts Evan of West Fnd YMC who had nrey def Mike Chen fek of the Arg Rowing Club, Two champions repeated Thompson of Central "Y" r ed his 191-pound crown Gar Fuller, fla 123-pon grappler from End * held his title The West ling Club won five ships, the 118-pound, 123-pou | 145-pound, 158-pound and 174-pound clazses, while { Y.M.C.A. took the other th classes, 1! yound, 191-pou and heav ht Hamilton Boys 6.01, 1 N the he m to te champli 2 rd along title Philadelphia, May inter-scholastic rec two-mile relay, Interscholastic and in the class "A" high school relay' fell prowess of runners of the flton, Ont., Collegiate Instit at the 18th annual University Pennsylvania relay carnival, After winning the scholastic medley relay on | day, the Canadians came ri [back to make a clean sweep all events in which they were tered for the two-day meet, Bill McGillivray, W. Dowr Earl Moore and Fred Sha raced the two miles yestérday eight minutes 10.1 seconds clip six and one-tenth seco from the mark set hy Ohio, in 1920. The spread-encled the rival schools, win vards from De Witt New York City, with race of Schenectady, Hamilton four, Hall, Downs, in the class clared winner qualification of High School. The appeared to have won hy a y In a thrilling finish, but judges at once disqualified team for fouling on the turn the anchor leg, in which Hicks, negro star. cut down vards on the Canadians, toona's time in with to Canadi field of ine hy Clinton Nott N.Y. made up "A" mile was through the Altoona, hy the disqualification. N.J.. West Philadelphia third. ampic t West Ek in that ev one-mile Shaver and Burr Spectacular | in mn nd A crowd newly- Everton Won | | | | the McDonald in | Wre- nigh in- ted 12e41 him considerable hat 184 do- "4. ain. while ina Y End Y.M.C.A. Wrest- | 8 | | Fred | ) nd, | the ree nd Set New Records --A world the the the Ham ute ol Inter. Fri ght in en- nes ver ,in to nds Lakewood, ans 40 100 of Ter- third, of ow de- dis- Pa., Pennsylvanians ard the the on John 15 Al- of 3.28.2 set a new record hut was volded, of course, Kearney, High School was second and erie il MARTIN With June Clyde, Zasu Pitts, Norman Foster Other Attractions ent | | ance | | | for which will be pected to bring roster, make much progiess as several of the teams had not held their urgan- ization since then it is practically assured that the league will be back in oper- ation again with Whitby the newest yr | Sport Snapsh: Ladies' Softball effort will be made this in the Oshawa held in the Motor Cit two more teams into first meeting Another the season At the some meetings, With the informa » 0 Meeting at the Genosha some considerable enthusiasm over the There seems to be establishment of reason why city to Whitby of organising a the the "no t should not be a «rs in the make wp strong team to be attendance 0 Oshawa executive can pm. and a larg the season,' #* L Ladie a a hardball league SICCESs a tcans entey secured should be togethes meeting evening to get a league 5 Softball League. The y Bowling Alley, at 8 p.m. the told and complete the it was possible is CX- league not to time ago tion that has been in circulation dition, Ld 4 prospect of There of play- talk permission called yor | tart 1! yr! in Oshawa this summer, there are plenty also some mn the meeting 1s There is in the league if The on hand to make a s * » First Softball Practice Local ion of the scaso It is hoped to form a of Mike's Place, the ers on the ch softball playe of junior se under way at t g at 5 il the p.m place who ber of sO that » The Major gl vhich was to hive ater 'that coll amount of w with Kenw ratimg strong teas Game Called Off * of § ¢ be been played in Jor ALEX GREY Whose past experience in playing the outer gardens will be of ald to Oshawa this year. He is a capable batter at all times. their first practice | Stadium this ey will Motor get City n this ugh he 1 ably Quite year that will went thr last year, Osha mito on dati I on the field at 045 ning next, Championship l.ondon, Wolverh: the so 1 next season ultham of plonship of | |) rd div cond divi- | ay's [= at home against Her i hoisted a new flag over | office buildings, Ful- | 3 third division, | | | | | from ) wi vie- Lory erg they their main ham, champions, southern section, However, it is not Reading to win the unitkely, They are pehind but have a game | Everton achieved a | hefore accomplished by win { ning the second and first division | ndership in successive seasons, | erpool did this In 1905-1906, | Relegation battles are-still be- ng fought out, especially in the | first division where Blackpool, | ht [ Ham and Grimshy Town are ized in intriguing struggles which: will leave the Issue in doubt until the last match of the searon next Saturday, 1931-1932." impossible for honor though two points in hand feat only Harness Racing Opens May 24 har- Toronto, May ry -- The nese horse supporters in West. crn Ontario announces the open- ing of racing at Sarnia, Mitchel! and New Hamburg on May 24, and at Stratford on Wednesday, June 1. The Imperial Racing Association at Sarnia have two $500 stakes closed and a 2.28 pace and 3-year-old pace. New Hamburg will give a 2.17 pace, 2.20 pace and a 2.28 pace, with trotters allowed 5 seconds, Mit- chell will give a free-for-all, 2.18 and 2.28 pace, On the following week at Stratford a 2.15 to free-for-all handicap, a 2.18 pace and a 2.28 pace and a half-mile run will complete the card. Harness horse plants have certainly been greatly improved hy the unem- ployed relief at New Hamburg and Stratford. The New Hamburg Park Commission have turned their plant into a beauty spot, building new barns, improving the tourist camp at the park and giving the entire plant a real brightening up with green and white paint, Stratford has paint- ed and improved the course until these parks are second to none in Canada, The admission and entrance fees have been lowered considerably, and these early Today and' Tuesday Edna Best Herbert Marshall | "MICHAEL AND MARY" REVIVAL NIGHT Monday Norma Shearer in "STRANGERS MAY KISS" > aro looking crowds, Alread 1 number of in training at these points Jamburg, which boasts the st spring trac. will be sup- ie, d. Bud Gratton, Pearl | Partisan, Pinegrove Ma« Chili and a three candidate for tracks holiday for bumper horses are NEW wtton, ool National EFFECTIVE IN PINCHES dB Ii REDS WIN UPHILL STRUGGLE | I ) to a lead of | Canadians Lost eas : Both Matches -- | Dr | and al, | 2 May of Van of Washington, "ack Wright, arcel ainville, lost five straight United States Davis team | 'ere 'when they succumbed to | Frank X. Shields and Ellsworth | Viues on the courts of the Chevy | (Chage Club here Saturday after noon by scores of S--6, 6-1, | 10---8, 6--1, and 63, 6--3, 6 --ty It wag obvious to anyone who |, kad seen the Canadians play in | other matches that neither was | in top form on the courts at Chevy Chase during the entire eres, Wright, the old Canadian mas- er, put up magnificent battles azainst Vines on Thursday when he forced the United States cham- pion to five sets, and again Satur- dav against a regenerated Shields, Wright was the hero of the crowd, Yet it was appar- ent he was by no means in mid- season form, He had difficulty with the easier shots and his an noyance as the ball found the net or slipped over the boundar- ies by inches was manifest, He changed his racquet and called tor new halls Incidentally all the matches were played with American balls which are slight ly different to those used in Can- ada, hut it was no use. American SENATORS LEAD LEAGUE Washington, May 2 -- The rast- travelling Washington Senators took the league lead from New York yesterday as two hurlers held the Yankee sluggers in check to win a tense 4-to-2 game, Lloyd Brown, left- hander, sub- dued the Yankees with seven hits and one run, until the ninth, when Fred Marberry, big right-hander, rushed in and quelled a threatening rally, -- Ruffling for New York way ef- fective after the first two innings, but those were enough for the Sen- ators to win, TIGERS NOSED OUT St. Louis, May 2--Making his de- but in a Browns uniform, Irving Hadley, who came to St. Louis re- cently in a trade involving Ralph Kress, struck out 11 men and twirl- ed hig team to a 4-to-3 victory over the Detroit Tigers here yesterday. Gehringer and Rogell slapped out homers for the Tigers and Burns for St. Louis, INDIANS IN HIGH GEAR Cleveland, May 2---The. slugging Cleveland Indians continued to burn up the American league base paths yesterday by combing three Chicago pitchers for 13 hits and an 11 to 1 win, their eighth in a row. It also was Wes. Ferrell's: fifth consecutive pitching trinmph of the season, nver Monty Cup International DIVIDE TWIN BILL Baltimore, Md, May 2 -- The Orioles divided the spoils with Ro- chester in a twin bill yesterday win- ning the opener, 10 to 3, and drop- 'him an 1 the Fre matches to the |* 1.41 Lindsay His Worship famuel Alcorn who on a his old home pried at his home | bers of the informal visit, pleasant holliday and him with a steamer trip yv the him a sented made Mayor to in Ireland was sur- mem-= town council who paid wished pre- rug in Lindsay for the journey. | 100,000 European Criminals Hopewell, N.J., April 30.--Records i 100,000 criminals in Great Britain \ustria, and Germany are being Hheched by Scotland Yard and con- inental police authoriticg in an ef- ort to trace the kidnappers ol harles Augustus Lindbergh, ir. ol, H. Norman Schwi zkopf, co - manding officer of the New Zealane tate police say The check-up of records is the esult of a visit to the foreign coun- tries by Major Charleg H. Schoeffel, 5 cond highest ranking officer of the Jerscy State Police, who has A from the trip abroad. Major Schoeffel took with 'opies of the handwriting in ite left by the kidnappers him the on Checked in Lindbergh Hunt stole the flier's and demanded March 1, when they on from his crib P0000 for his return, Schwarzkopi said European authe " tics have pi ed Major Scho- cffel uty co-operation in cartying on investigation," Aside from es hing a liason vith forcign =choeffel's ine tation § pe "did not ree I ar fi Schwarze the st this tablis kopt said, Salvatore Spitale and Irving Bitz, who were designated by Col, Linde burgh to act as intermediariesin the negotiations for the return of his kidnapped son have withdrawn from the hunt, Doukhobor Sects Stage Battle Nelson, seen men of Universal ercnts to the Sons fac tion of Douk! hobors B.C.--A pitched battle be- ibers of the Community Brotherhood and ad- of Freedom was staged Doukhobors trict, the attempted mo: ol « yt Or wielded according to at least onc casual- Clubs were the report, and When Evictions are Attempted serious to require hospital treatment, William Wals- off, 53, an independent from Grand ks, was laid low with a club and elie inh 4 bad scalp wound, Peter Veregin, pres ident of the I 1 lity of Universal said to mn of all Sons illiant for alleged and general being to tova, above community allowed for ty was sufficiently it Kre ere were ntrate then Pleasant Valley, houses and land theiv use Widow Denounces Soviet Plan at Husband's Grave dramatic funeral Moscow.-- A occurred at the famous Moscow chef Pudovkin, when his lan outburst against Pan at. the graves 'gory Pudovkin, "King of presided over the kit- the Savoy Hotel at Mos- He had long :arded a good worker for the Soviet was friendly with many So- officials. Since the funeral, the press has '"'unmasked' him, charging him with secret hostil- ity to the proletarian govern- ment, When he died the Restaurant Workers' Trade: Union gave him a fine funeral, Soviet officials praised his "social-mindednegs." One of the wreaths wag inscribed: 'He zave his life for the Revolu- tion." Madame Pudovkin, startled the mourners at the end of the funeral, She rose and ac- cording to the newspaper Trud, made the following speech: of the Gregory wife made the Five ide, ¢ 1 of neen and viet however, "Dear Citizens: You see lying before you my hushand Pudovkin, scene | whose health and life "ere ruin ed by the Soviet tempos, This is what Soviet tempos and Soviet industrialization bring for the best people, Don't follow my hus- band's example, Struzgle against the Dolshevik five-year-plan, ( will kill you just as it killed him." Now the secretary the Restaurant Workers' Trade Union has been dismissed for failing to reply to this outburst, and the ne per Trud, after making an investigation into the family and friendships of the dead chef, has denounced him as a counter--revolutionary, The Society of Veterans of the Revolution, which Pudovkin{ founded for former restauranty' owners, chefs and hotel managers in 1929, is accused of being a hot-bed of anti-Soviet propagan=- da. This Society {is a strange organization, which devoted it= self to such "cultural" work as studying the art of feasting from the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans to the present-day proletarian system of - bread itherw of cards, Ive rybody lives EARL Gol you about our without. Hello Mothers! This is Johnston's Clothing Store broadcasting a welcome message to Kiddies' Wash Suits They come in blues, greens, yellows, whites and navy colours, some with sleeves, some You'll want three or four for your kiddies when you see them and the price is so reaspnable--from 75c up to $1.50. See our selection of over 200 Suits at once. ping the nightcap, 7 to 3, This gave the Flock three victories out of the