Oshawa Daily Times, 2 May 1932, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1932 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home and the Conmimunity Miss Marjory Moore and Mrs. J. M. Wilson of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Miss Moore's parents, Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Moore, of nie eity. Those from Oshawa who at- tended the Chalmers-Scott wed- ding in Woodstock on Saturday were: Mrs, J. Chalmers, Miss Jean Chalmers, Miss Jessie Chal- mers, Miss Margaret Chalmers, who was the bridesmaid, and Messrs, Alex. and Angus Chal mers. Lil Reginald G. Geen gave another of his very popular organ recitals in Simcoe Street United Church on Saturday afternoon, when he played a varied and well chosen programme, On this occasion he was assisted by Miss Marion E. Ross who was heard to good ad- vantage in the contralto aria, "Eye Hath Not Seen" from Gaul's "Holy City." Mr. W. Scoog sang a very stirring tenor solo from the contata, "Rebecca." Miss Genevieve Conant return- ed to the city last evening after spending a few days with Miss Frances Bell of Toronto. OSHAWA GUIDES AT TORONTO RALLY Brownies of Age Have Birthday Cake With Candles Seventy-five Oshawa Girl Guides and Guiders attended the grand rally of Toronto Divisional , Girl Guides, held in the Varsity arena in Toronto bn Saturday. With dances, drills, pageantry and song the Toronto Girl Guides, more than 3,000 strong, enter- tained a capacity audience. Displays of drilling, folk danc- ing, fafryland scenes, first aid and physical culture demonstrations, covering practically every phase of the Guide movement. All were carried through in excellent time and giving even the tiniest Brownie and the oldest Manger an opportunity to take part. Mrs. H. D. Warren, Chief Com- missioner of Canada, took the sa- lute in the march past, and the closing campfire scene called every Guide in the arena. Al- though impressive these were not more appreciated by the audience than the fine training displayed in the folk dancing and first aid events. : It is against Brownie rules for the younger sisters of the Guides to appear in public at night, but because this year is the 21st birth- day of the Brownie movement in Canada, two specially chosen members of the 40 packs of Tor- onto staged a fairyland scene in which the movement was present ed with a birthday cake. Cake From Fairyland While 80 small Brownies fell asleep at the Sandman's touch be- neath a giant toadstool, an old owl flapped his wings, gave the Brownies' call, and signalled in the cake which wag four feet in diameter and held 21 candles, A knife six feet long was required to cut a slice, which, when remov- ed, revealed a scroll of greetings from fairyland to the 1,21] Brownies of Toronto, Demonstrating the internation- al aspect of the movement, a map of the world was spread the length of the arena, and Guides from Trinity and West Toronto districts, costumed in the dress of 53 countries, took their place up- on the map, and joined together in a march to international airs. At the close of the program the arena was darkened as Guides took their positions in a gigantic circle, A spotlight, lighting the centre of the circle, revealed the Gutldeg enjoying a campfire carni- val. Miss Kathleen Harris of 31st Cadet Company, danced a solo in Mexican costume, and a group in peasant dress danced a folk dance, The entertainment closed with the Guides' song, Taps. Awarded Contract Alfred.--Contract for reinforced concrete work on the © industrial school being erected by Christian Brothers, was awarded Tuesday to the firm of Farley and Grant. Ex- cavation work for the new school, which will cost in the neighborhood of $200,000 has already started. Special! 10 Days Only, Naturelle Method Large Soft Waves With Curly Ends Shampoo, Finger Wave and Trim $1.00 (Expert Opera- tors only) BETTY LOU (New Address) 79 Simcoe St. North Oshawa's oldest established Permanent Wave Shoppe Friend's Advice Brought Good Health to This Lady Was Suffering From Stomach, Friends Recommend Dr. Kidney and Liver Troubles-- French's NU-ERB--Tell of Relief "It was through a friend that 1 first heard of Dr. French's NU- ERB," says Mrs. Mary A, Bed- ford, 218 Hamilton Road, Lon- don, Ontario, "At that time my troubles were so chronic that I didn't think there was any help for me at all, I suffered continually from neuritis, rheumatism and stomach trouble. My kidneys must have been in a weakened condition, for my back ached all the time and I suffered from fre- quent headaches, I became ex- tremely nervous, slept poorly at night, and finally my entire system became so run-down that I was too weak to do anything. "However, Dr, French's NU- ERB has completely relieved each one of these troubles. Now I can eat many things I wouldn't dare touch before and I have no trouble with my - stomach. The dizzy spells, backache and head- aches are a thing of the past. My nerves are stronger than they have been for years and my entire system has improved in every way. [I cheerfully recom- mend this splendid medicine to anyone." MRS. MARY A, BEDFORD A NU-ERB Specialist is located in Oshawa at Karn's Drug Store, King St. E., . (opposite post of- fice), who will be glad to explain to you the merits of this amaz- ing medicine, His advice is FREE! Sec this Specialist at once! . | wood JERRY CHANGES HIS MIND Wisdom will her plans arrange Subject to a sudden change. --=0ld Mother Nature. Plans that cannot be chang- ed on short notice, or no notice at all, are unfortunate. The best plans are those which pro- vido for sudden change to meet unexpected conditions. And it iz just as bad to have no plans at all as it is to have plans that are so fixed that they cannot be changed. Jerry Muskrat, who had been visiting the pond of Paddy the Feaver deep in the Green Forest, having followed up the Laughing Brook after being driven from 2is home in the Smiling Pool, was now beginning to he a wee bit homesick. He had enjoyed his Weddings CHALMERS--S8COTT A lovely spring wedding took place Saturday afternoon at Knox Presbyterian church, Wood- stock, when Jessie Margaret, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Scott, 15 Huron street, this city, was united in marriage to Colin Campbell Chalmers, son of Mra, |. Chalmers, Oshawa. Rev, E. Gilfil- Jan Thompson officiated and Mr. C. H. Walker was at the organ. The church was beautifully dec- orated with pink and white car- nations, potted ferns and hy- drangea, the guest pews being marked with bows of white rib- bon. The bride, marriage by her father, winsome and charming in her gown of white French crepe, made period style, with cape ef- fect of Irish lace, and full length veil of embroidered silk net ar- ranged in cap effect with orange blossoms, She carried a colonial bouquet of butterfly rases and lily of the valley, white heather and maiden hair fern. The maid of honor, Miss Mar- garet Chalmers of Toronto, wore a gown of Marquis blue taffeta with dainty floral trimmings, Her slippers were of blue moire and her hat white mohair with blue satin bow, She carried a bouquet f pink carnations and fern, The two bridesmaids were Miss Mar- jorie McPherson of Ingersoll and Miss Marion Tod, this eity, the former in almond green georgette with an overdrape of matching lace, and green moire slippers. Her flowers were pink and white carnations. Miss Marion Tod was gowned in coral pink chiffon with blue velvet bow, and carried a houquet of pink and white carna- tions. Her slippers were blonde. Mr. Angus Chalmers of Toronto acted as best man. The ushers were James Clarke and Alex. Wis- hart, Mrs. A, Lamble ina Wedge- blue crepe ensemble, sang "I Love You Truly," which was followed by the wedding music from "Lohengrin," played by Mr. C, H. Walker. During the gigning of the register, Mrs, H. Hep- worth, who wore a green crepe frock, sang 'At Dawning." Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents, when abput 50 guests were present, The rooms were prettily decorated in a color scheme of pink and white. Mrs, Seott, mother of the bride, was gowned in Wedgewood blue canton crepe with cream trim- mings and corsage bouquet of Sunburst roses. The bridegroom's mother, Mrs, Chalmers, was attir- ed in a flowered chiffon with black lace trimming, her corsage bouquet, sweet peas. Friends of the bride who assisted in serving were Misses Muriel Fordyce, Thel- ma Ferguson, Jean and Jessie Chalmers. Later, Mr, and Mre. Chalmers who was given in looked '| left for a trip to Windsor and De- troit, the bride wearing a brown crepe frpek, monotone tweed coat with op0ssum trim, and accessor- ies in matching tones. On their re- turn they will reside at 692 Dun- das street. The gifts were ag follows: bridegroom's gift to bride, a neck- lace of brilliants with matching bracelet; bride's gift to bride- groom, a hand carved bloodstone ring; maid of honor, antiqce jade necklace; bridesmaids, period link necklaces; soloists, strings of pearls; organist, English leather handkerchief case; best man, mo- ther of pearl pen and pencil set; ushers, green gold cuff links. Guests were present from In- gersoll, London, Oshawa and To- ronto. subjects, and what was looked wu year, is surpassed to-day, suffering from Deafness ob : of A NEW DISCOVERY FOR THOSE SUFFERING FROM DEAFNESS ao HEAD NOISES Experiments and experience bring forth new lights on old as the best possible ntil recent years those i and their often aggravating Head Noises were the least bothered about. A trumpet or a large clumsy ear phone was the only help he A T IRON the world, accompanying the will* for the or hoped for. and Hear all the world olf radio, talkies; etc. Equally' Chosen for use by many profi ten ri mn voung, middle-aged, or old. That day is gone. Ve have opened the door to new hearing newest invention: the rejuvenation of the auditory system by natural use, a method described by eminent men, boon to mankind, combining all the Deaf have ever wanted You forget your Deafness; remove strain sound, conversation, music, beneficial to young or old. y means of our First showing in Oshawa, The smallest Hearing Aid in g 'its in the oute i . the Youd, Kits iy outer car without head band, Re reater part of your difficulty. y now what can be d it to know what this will mean to you. FREE PRIVATE TEST ' Hours 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. The use of this small aid will offset By actual test you one, You merely have to test by leading Aurists. Head Office for Canada, 11 TUESDAY, MAY 8rd, ONLY. Inquire at the desk for C. O. Bean Genosha Hotel, Oshawa 12 Star Bldg., Toronto, Ont, visit with Paddy and Mrs. Paddy. He had learned a lot. He admir- What New York * . iS W earring If Not--Here's a Fascinating One . You'll Love Could anything be easier or quicker to fashion, with its sleevelessness? Sleeves indeed become unne- cessary when there is a modish cape collar---as there is here--to cover the upper part of the arms in the manner of the moment. The cape may be finished with picot or it can he bound with self-fabric tiny bias bind at the edge. And see what a slender line is is achieved by the deep pointed hip yoke and panel skirt front. Printed crepe silk, plain flat or crinkle crepe or heavy sheer silk crepe 'are darling for this model. Styld No. 370 is designed for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36 and 38 inches bust. Size 16 requires 314 yards 39- inch material. Spring is the most important, the most colorful season in Fash- ions, All the more. reason why you should have an authentic guide, such as our new Fashion Magazine, to show you the way in design, colors, ete, Of course, there are styles for afternoons, for stouts, for home wear, lin- gerie, childyen, etc. Price of BOOK 15 cents, Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is prefer- red). 'Wrap coin carefully. Address orders to: Pattern Ed- itor, Oshawa Daily Times, Osh- awa Ont, ed their house and their two dams and he liked their two ponds. Despite all this he was getting homesick. A pond in the Green Forest, surrounded by trees, might suit Paddy the Bea- ver best, but Jerry had begun to long for the open stretches of the Creen Meadows around the Smil- ing Pool. The arrival of Honker the Goose and. his flock on their way to the Far North had made Jerry 1aore homesick than ever. You see he never had met these big feathered folk before. He was 'bashful and felt out of place. fforker and Paddy were old friends and were glaa to see each other, Paddy and Mrs. Paddy didn't seem to mind the noisy gabbling of the Geese, but it got on Jerry's nerves. He never had known anything like it. So, as he fleeted in the Black Shadows close to Paddy's house and listen- ed to the gabbling he sudaeniy decided to go home. "I've had enough of thought he. "The flood must have gone down by this time, If it hasn't I can find a hiding place not too far from the Smiling Pool and wait there until the water has gone down enough, I'll start this very night. I'll wait until all is quiet and then I'll start, | can't get lost." All I have to do is to follow the Laughing Brook for it flows down through the Green Forest to the Smiling Pool. I won't even say goodbye to Pad- dy and Mrs, Paddy, I'll just snp away quietly, No one will miss me." So Jerry kept out of sight in the Black Shadows by Paddy's house and waited, After a time the gabbling ceased. In the starlight Jerry could just make out the dim form of the big fea- this,' thered folk floating on the water. | There were no long necks to he | geen now, for heads were tucked | under wings. Jerry waited un- til he was sure that all asleep. He was just about to start to swim around them so as to reach the dam when he heard | Paddy and Mrs. Paddy climb om cn the other side of the roof of | their house. Then he heard Pad- dy speak. "I just swam along past the cam," said he, 'and Buster Bear is over there." You should have seen Jerry prick up hig ears at that, He had a sudden doubt about start- ing ter Bear was prowling thet dam, "I've told Honker over and over again how foolish he is to make such a noise when he is tra- veling and to allow such a gabh- bling when he and his flock ar- rive," continued Paddy. By this time everybody in the Green For- est knows they are here and this pond is going to be too popular for our own comfort. Buster Bear is already here, and I'll ven- ture to say that Old Many Coyote 15m'°t far off. Yowler the Bobcat is sneaking along in the Black Shadows close to the edge of the pond this very minute and Reddy and probably Mrs. Reddy are hid- den somewhere close at hand. 1 guess we won't do any going ashore until after Honker leaves. By the way, I wonder where Jerry Muskrat is. He ought to be warned to be extra careful." Right then and there Jerry Piles Go Quick Without Salves or Cutting Itching, bleeding, protruding plies are caused by bad circula- tton of the blood in the affected parts, The parts hecome weak. flabby, almost dead. Only an internal remedy can remove the cause--that's why salves, sup- positories and cutting fail. Dr, l.eonhardt's prescription, ° HEM- ROID, succeeds because {it ro- moveg congestion, restores cireu- lation, heals and strengthens the direased parts, HEM-ROID has sach a wonderful record of quick- ly ending even piles of long standing, that Jury & Lovell say one bottle of HEM-ROID Tablets must end your pile agony or money back, around 310105183 BROS. LIMITED WE DELIVER PHONE 1147 12 KING E. TUESDAY SPECIALS BUEHLER QUALITY BEEF Sirloin Steak ib. 20¢ SWEET PICKLED PORK HOCKS 4 bs. 25¢ SHOULDER ROAST BEEF 1b. 1Qec LOIN OR RIB Veal Chops ib. 1c Choice Quality No. 2 Pack BUTTER | Tomatoes Ib. 12 1-2¢| 3 cans 16¢ PEANUT Machine Sliced COOKED HAM Ib. 27¢ were | for home right away if Bus- | ETHING -~ ~ by w.B.LAW OH JOE, DID YOU KNOW JIM 1S GOING TO HAVE AN INCOME OF $100 A MONTH GUARANTEED TO HIK FOR LIFE P MRS. JOE STARTS SOM no! -- mow IN THE WORLD 15 HE GOING 10 DO THAT ? | WHY, HE DOESNT MAKE ANY MORE MONEY THAN | vo' 1% 1 DONT KNOW HOW HE CAN DO IT EITHER -- WS WIFE SAyS ITS SOME KIND OF AN ANNUITY INCOME iL Ask JIM ABOUT THAT SAY, TIM, WHATS Tis | HEAR ABOUT You HAVING AN ANNUITY INCOME ? ILL BE GLAD TO TELL You ALL ABOUT IT-- BUT WHY NOT WRITE TvE CANADA LIFE? TEY'LL SEND you We Pay You $100 a Month -=-An Income For Life It will be safe, certain, regular, never reduced, never subject to loss of employment or to business depression. This sure income is guaranteed by more than $204,000,000 of well invested assets of the Canada Life. The income will start at any Retirement age you may select; Read our new book, "Getting the Income You Wane!" You may have it for the asking. COUPON WILL BRING BOOKLET BY MAIL Canada Life Assurance Co., Toronto, Ont. Please mail me your bookiet, 'Getting the Income You Went!" Name coven vsssarss , Mrs., Miss) Address. changed his mind, "I won't start | tor hime yet, No, sir, 1 won't do anything of that kind now," he decided. 'It would be ta teo great a chance, and nothing necessary chances." (Copyright, 1932 Burg | | | | | The next story: | a Friend." | EVER WEILOME SEWING CIRCLE The Ever Welcome Sewing | Circle, held their closing meeting | for the past year at the home of | thelr Leader, Mrs. C. Wolfe, on | Friday evening last. The mothers of the members were invited, and the fancy work s quite so foolish as taking un- | ewing which h girls, wa complimenta re made about th the prize careful consideratio difficulty decid judges, were 1 and by the Many wk, Isobel ; Marion Norris, - | and Enid Hall "Jerry Makes | ard y The Secretary bre yearly report excellent work membership at the the year when the ganized comprised new hoasts of twent Twelve for members. presented tendance. Mrs, Wolfe Were the winners which told done in addition to their as been done | on display. | ry remark |b e fine needle presented with an brooch, and a Bible members of the Club in ap- preciation of her work, After an enjovable programme which the girls exhibited fine ent, a luncheon was served. girls are now eagerly look- 2nd prize; | ing forward to the continuance of their work in the Fall, leader am 16 n and great ing by Ln Carlyle, 1st rize. ought ot by the ewing beginning of ) Was thirteen y-one r ar "Other" ping regular at- | Threatening Fire Lindsay.--Fire of unknown origin at Bobcaygeon destroyed one house, the sheds of the Pres- byterian church, and threatened the village for some time, accord- {ing to word received here, Frank | Forrest, with two other persons {in the house, escaped in their night attire when the residence enthusiastic | caught fire, [J CUT THIS SHIELD FROM A CAN OF JAP-A.-LAC $1500 Cash Contest. You can enter. First Prize $1000. $500 in other prizes. ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT THIS. TEAR OUT COUPON =] OF JAP-A-LAC.:. ENDURANCE HOUSE PAINT OR PORCH AND DECK OR FLORENAMEL [| With every can :of above bought at itl REGULAR PRICES we are giving FREE a can one-quarter as large. That means you get | quart FREE with pur« chase of a gallo n--and | gallon FREE with the purchase of 4 gallons. This applies to all the products in this advertisement. Note this--The free can may be chosen from any of the 3 products. For example, if you buy a gallon of House Paint you can get FREE a quart of Porch and Deck, or a quart of Florena mel, or a quart of House Paint. Come in at once and take advantage of this big FREE offer. IF IT GOES ON WITH A BRUSH, USE JAPALA HOUSE HOLD PAINTS AND FiNistes THE GLIDDEN COMPANY LIMITED Toront 0 Montreal Winnipeg entitles Name. COUPON FOR FREE CAN -- with regular purchase This coupon, properly signed, when presented at time of regular purchase, rer to FREE CAN 1/, as large as purchase. State Quantity of Free 'Address Goods and Color Dealer's Name 17 Coupon -expires after June I, 1932 JAP-A-LAC PRODUCTS SOLD BY: Bowra Electric & Hardware 19 Simcoe Street North Oshawa

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