Oshawa Daily Times, 2 May 1932, p. 2

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1932 'PAGE TWO Oshawa's "Clean Up" Week, May 2nd to May 7th | | | | | So ----A-------- in The Finish that Endares' FOR USE ON Wood, Metal, Brick, Cement, Plaster Exterior and Interior FLO-GLAZE PAINT covers 25% more surface, gives 25% better appearance, and service, and self- levels to a smooth enamel-like Surface without brush marks. There is a definite reason for these claims, been proven on every FLO-GLAZE PAINT job, The use of owr exclusive scientifically treated linseed oil in FLO-GLAZE PAINT has done away with unsightly brush marks and the lack of a lasting gloss which are two faults commonly found in the average paint made with commercial yaw linseed oll. W. W. PARK 82 Simcoe St. South Telephone 3082 which have Ec | | | | | | ETE Make Your Home Sur- 'roundings Beautiful with Grass and Flowers a -- RN WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE SEED. CAR 5 0 RS - » ---- Cooper-Smith Co. 16 Celina Street Phone 8 ic HS ES ET Dry at Low Cost K/\ Let Us Clean Your Curtains and New low prices. Almost unbelicvable, Yet not the slightest sacrifice in the superior quality of workmanship, NEW SERVICE CLEANERS . : AND DYERS PHONE 707 Cleaning | | | | | | | | clean-up 1 many angles | ties in the city which are crying | as the time to clean up, | and garage need attention, and the clean-up must be completed { In all departments in order to be wm, wv ZN "Clean Up Oshawa' 7 / 7, lr Zz TA / 7 / 7 2 i is Slogan for Campaign Inaugurated Today by Mayor Hawkes and Chief Elliott Citizens Are Asked to Join| in Campaign to Clean Up| and Paint Up the City, and Thus Help to Pro- vide Work for Many of | the Unemployed | | | This Is clean-up week 'In the city of Oshawa, Today a proc- lamation, signed jointly hy Mayor Thomas Hawkes and Fire Chief Elliott appears in The Times, calimg upon the citizens of Osh- | awa to co-operate in an effort to ciean up the city completely, and | make it ready for thé summer beauty whieh Is coming This week has now hecome an annual event, and this year it | Eas special significance, for its possibilities of helping with the | | unemployment situation, as well as cleaning up the city are tre mendous, The campaign of this week has There are proper- out for paint, and this is a splen- did opportunity to have painting Jobs done at low cost, Materials are cheap and labor is plentl- | ful, so the time is opportune for getting that house or store glven a fresh and beautiful appearance Ly doing the long-deferred paint- Ing. To the housewif., spring clean- | Ing time is a busy season, hut she knows it {s worth while, Duripg | the winter rubbish and dust ac- cumulate to an amazing degree, and this week has heen set apart | prom cellar to attle the whole house needs a thorough going over, not ! only for the sake of cleanliness, ' but to see what repairs have to he done to increase home com fort. To the man of the house it is algo a busy time, for garden ficetive, ire Chlet Elliott is especially ilerested from the standpoint | of fire hazard. Accumulationg of paper and rubbish are danger- ous from the viewpoint of fire | roesibilities, and the chiet asks | PROCLAMATION Clean-Up-Week The week of May 2 to May 8 is hereby designated as "Clean-Up Week" in the City of Oshawa, and all citizens are urged to take whatever action is necessary to elimina fire hazards by the removal of all rubbish and waste mater. inl from thelr premises. The by-law governing the lighting of fires on private premises for the destruction of rubbish is held in abeyance ouring "Clean-Up Week" in order to assist in this general movement for greater safety, WwW. R. ELLIOTT, Chief of the Fire Department, ASKS CO-OPERATION HEADS CLEAN UP MAYOR THOM Ing upon the « wa to join in AS HAWKES Has issued a proclamation call" itizens of Osha. the "CleanUp Campaign', this week, J | "Spring-time"' THOMAS HAWKES, Mayor. FIRE (MEP ELLIOTT Who is taking the leadership in Oshawa's "Clean « Up Cams. palgn," this week. SPRING CLEANING HAS DISADVANTAGES TO MALE POPULATION Spring Cleaning! ing Is being discussed! Dad is get. Houseclean- that these be all cleaned out this week, s0 as to make Oshawa a ier city, | In many homes, extra help will | o required to do the painting ind cleaning up. Hundreds of unemployed men ar. waiting for | the opportunity of giving thelr | services, at nomina) wages, for this type of work, A call to the govarnment employment office, No. 547 or 548, will immediately bring capable and efficient work- cre for any type of employment This 18 your opportunity to de | your cleaning up effectively, and also to glve a deserving man a job, = Lawn l Grass | ture, Government tested for | wd | blended according | own formula from twelve Hi | purity germation, | | Our choice Lawn Grass Mise | | to our | | different grasses. | FORMERLY I 40c per.lb. | NOW i I | Ib. | I C [] i i i We recommend the use of | VIGORO | PLANT ¥0OD Hogg & Lytle Ltd. | Phone 203 | WE DELIVER | annually, | Red Cedar Why Moths Leave Home Tough luck, vou certainly shift in this even if you were committed to Portsmouth for life it would be too good But it does make for you, us feel good to Housewife Mrs, ravager. Like every | teed him and | to remain, starve him and | | he leaves home Mothe destro dollars' worth Moths, not stay in they are not assurad a sum- | Seed I | mer's free lodrmineg. clothes have been carefully | cleaned, 'aired and packed away with our Moth Preventatives $1, $1.50 Larvex IMly-tox Wly-kil | Moth Gas Moth Bags 15, Moth Flakes and Balls Oil Lavender Flowers, ounce O11 of Cedar oz, When in need of Drugs "QUICKLY" 'Phone id | 'G STORES REXALL DRU Jury & ing E. | Phone 28 absolutely, homes Flakes 2 Ibs, Mr. Moth--- gel a short city, Why Penitentiary gee the way treats the other male, | he's content y millions of | of clothing | will where Where | 40, .60 39, 29 15, .65 25 65, .98 25 29 29 "ew Lovell Simcoe 8. Thone 68 ting resigned to a bad day or two while Mother tackles what she calls his "pig-stye of a den' and "tidies up" his beloved pipes, books and so forth, with the re- sult that, for some time, he fis unable to find anything he wants! Ilut he, like everybody else, wel: comes the blessed comfort of a plek and span Home radiating "Healthful' Cleanliness," The Good Book says that Cleanliness is next to Godliness, and It is a fact that clean and sanitary surroundings make for a | feeling of comfort and well-being that generates a-satisfled state of mind. So, when Spring comes around, there is a general atmos- phere of relief in the air--a feel ing of dark days gone and health. ful sunshine ahead, Now ig the time for every Indi- | vidual in the community to clean up inside and outside the home even to the lane. Without health- ful cleanliness one cannot enjoy healthy growth and Springtime is growing time for all Nature. As a matter of safety if not of | personal pride, start your clean- up work now, Clean-Up Week has become a | national institution, Every house- holder who values his family's and his own gelf-respect will take pride in pushing forward the campaign for cleaner and bright- er surroundings, | | | | ' Gives Key for Cleanliness "In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love". 8b sings the poet. And just wateh Nature, Buds bursting in the sunshine, plants pushing their heads through the earth, birds busy getting their homes cleaned up for the tenants to come, everywhere the signs of re- juvenation and healthful encrgy. | And so in the home the house wife thinks of the past furnace king, the dirt dust that must be lying in all the hard-to-get-at corners -of even the most carafully looked after home, the litter in the yard and all the 1ecumulations of a dark and Winter, She, too, sense Ll pring atmospher of reju- enation-~the urge to have na reneral clean-up. The house must o made spick and span from cel- Inr to attle, outside and inside, the yard, the garage, everywhere, She knows that healthy growth can only come with healthful 1 eleanliness, She knows the health. i ful results of "chasing dirt.' And so the «a regular feature of our soci life, The housewife takes a per- sonal pride in making her hom credit to the community and Laven of safety for her family hy practising healthful cleanliness at all times, Dirt is a breeder of disease, and a destruetive element, Where {rigld cleanliness is practised ft cannot exist, Henca the | "Healthful Cleanliness | hearty eo-operation of pushing | | men in and the medical ha "Clea the Clean-Up El Week campaigns. | - | Cheese Factory Opened | Belleville - The Factory opened for coming season on Monday with Newburgh Cheese the ng charge, Protect Your Garments Before packing way your garments and furs for the summer, be swore that they are well protected from MOTHS We can supply you with all the necessary articles which will keep the MOTHS away. Naptha Flakes, Gum Camphor, Moth Balls, Cedar-Naptha Flakes, Larvex, Sapho, Fly Tox, Etc. Moth Balls 15¢lb. - 2 lbs. 25¢ KARN'S Drug Store ~We Deliver Promptlye-- Next P.O. Phone 78 FURS Stored, Repaired, Cleaned Protect your furs from moths, heat, dirt, theft, damage.... store them in White's cold air vaults, Modern, scientific, the last word in storage equipment, Remodelling, repaiving and cleaning at the | t prices ¢ Let us call for them before the moths do. PHONE 314 WHITE'S Better Cleaners, Dyers, Furriers, 80 King. St, South, .Oshawa L. White & Sons, Limited. t with quality service, months of | and | Johnston Bateman in | | Tern-Up Weel | phrase | morn= | | AR RR | | | { These Merchants . Will Save You Money Make Your Home BEAUTIFUL Now is the Time to DECORATE Indeed, you can have as beautiful a home as you desire at the extremely low cost of some few rolls of smart wallpaper and some few cans of cleverly-applied paint, Ask usl | H. A. PATTE 85 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 125 om Old Dutch Cleanser for Clean-up Week It is your most important aid. Its fiat-shaped particles are natural cleansers that quickly capture and remove both the visible dirt and the dangerous invisible impurities, assuring spick and span appearance and wholesome, hygienic cleanliness. Old Dutch contains no igarsh, seratchy grit, coustic or acid. Sefe for all your cleaning because it doesn't scratch fine surfaces or roughen the hands, yet it will do the heaviest scouring tasks easily and quickly, Costs less to use because it goes further. You take care of the yard. Old Dutch will take care of the house and garage. LISTEN S1e0W Suich Gb errs Mandar the Columbia Broadcasting System. Tune In Torente Station CFRE 8145 a.m, flandard Time HIGH SAFETY wr GEM LYE ie OPENS CLOGGED DRAINS + KEEPS DRAINS OPEN AT ALL GROCERS ---- EN IRAE

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