Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Apr 1932, p. 2

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TRILTAETTS BE Sk Era ya ~ de SENS rR eg TR DLN AT IN TIA < PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1932 {Ontario and Durham County News Hampton News (Miss L. Horn, Correspondent) Hampton, April 25.--Mr. and Mrs, Lane, Regina, who spent the winter at the home of his sister, Mrs. Silas Williams, returned to their h'ome last week. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Clarke, 'Greenwood, visited relatives on Sunday." Mp. and Mrs. Milton Avery and baby, Donna Kay, were Sunday guests at the homes of W. : Horn and R. Avery. Dr. and Mrs, Russel Davies. Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wilcox, Misses N. and lL. Horn accom- panied their brothers, C. F. and W. W. Horn in attending the Odd Fellows' parade at Bowmanville Trinity United Church on Sunday morning. The monthly meeting of the W. M.S. was held on Tuesday after. noon, April 19th, at the home of . Mrs. Gertrude Virtue, The presi. dent. Mrs. J. Colwil, Jr., was in the chair. The usual form of busi- ness was conducted. Mrs. J. G. Burns was appointed supply sec. retary to fill the office recently vacated by the loss of the late Miss L. Reeve. Mrs, F. G. Kers- lake was appointed also to take her place as group leader of No. 2. A communication was read _ from Mrs. Stinson, expressing the wish for the <iampton branch to take charge of the devotional per- - jod at the Presbyteriyl at Black- stock on May 5th. The last ehap- ter of the study book" was ably "taken by Mrs. Bick. The program SALES VOLUN HAS INCREASED * Quaker Cereals in Big De- # mand--Advertising Im- portant Factor The Interesting fact that the "sales volume of Quaker cereals if, not only maintained its normal * level but acually increased dur- ing the past year was revealed in an interview recently with George A. Macdonald, Vice-Presi- dent, Peterborough, Ontario, Mr. Macdonald pointed out the significance of this fact, It means, he stated, that despite the sensational drop in the prices of other staple foods, the price reductions which have been made on Quaker cereals are entirely patisfactory to the public, More- over, it means that the public realizes that, for economy, Quak- er cereals compare favourably with any other food. For in- stance, Quaker Oats can be served for less than a cent a dish, Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour makes two biz pancakes for one cent. Quaker Corn Flakes cost under a cent a servingz. And Muffets cast but a cent apiece. Another factor which Mr. Mac- donald mentioned as having heen effective in maintaining and in- creasing the acceptance of Quak- er cereals by consumers is the . high standard of quality which The Quaker Oats Company has * always maintained. People know that Quaker package cereals are not only among the biggest food values but also that they are in every respect pure, clean and de- pendable, The steady advertising of the Quaker products is recognizeed as another important factor in their success. The Quaker Oats Company is ona of the pioneers ¢ among food advertisers, It ix the largest cereal advertiser in Can- ada. It recognizes that quality was In charge of Miss M. J. Ka- terson, Mrs. Barron, Mrs, Curtis, Mrs, Cole, Vera Kerslapke and Mrs, W. Horn taking part. A dis- cussion on "What the Study Book has meant to me" was responded to by several of the members, The, May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Curtis, Zion News (Mrs, J. W. Balson, Correspon- dent) Zion, April 25, -- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton were visitors in Lindsay one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe and baby Jean Were Sunday guests of relatives In Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Balson took a trip to Cobourg on Tues- day afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton helped to celebrate the 88th birthday on Sunday of his fath. er, Mr. Thos. Stainton, in Oshe awa, Zion friends 'ish to con- gratulate Mr, Stainton sr. A very pleasant party at Mr. Ceorge Hilts, Oshawa was enjoy- ed by several Zion friends on Friday evening last, when sever- al of the favors came to our peo- ple A good crowd from here at- tended the Eldad Church service Sunday morning and partook of the sacrament. Rev. Mr, Bick save a splendid addregg om the words found in Acts 2618. 'lhe young people expect to visit El- dad young people on Monday night, May 2nd. Mr. Wesley Wood, Orono, call- ed on Mr, J, W, Balson on Wed- nesday last. Visitors at J. W. Balson's on Sunday were Mrs. R. Rich- ards, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Fergu- son and Bobby, Miss Marion Gummow, Mr. Fred Oldfield, Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Trick, Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, George, Jack and Ila, ali of Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Flintoff, Wesley, Donald and Glenn, of Ebenerer, Mrs. Richards is staying for a time, Mrs. Shaw of Lakeport ig visit- ing relatives around here having accompanied Mrs. Elmer Wibur home last week. Mrs. Elmer Wilbur visited Mrs. Make Oke, Ebenezer, on Friday and price alone will fall short in securing maximum sales, Con- sumers must be constantly re- minded. Every month in the year the advertising of Quaker cer- eals appears in all classes of publications, This confidence quality, built up over a long period of years, is one of the reasons for the world-wide repu- tation for strength and stability which The Quaker 'Oats Com- pany enjoys. The users of Quaker cereals throughout the world number hundreds of millions. Because the public has con- tinued, throughout the present depression, to purchase Quaker products in increasing quanti- ties, The Quaker Oats Company has been enabled to maintain the scope of {ts manufacturing activities, While the operations of many companies in a variety of industries have been slowed down, The Quaker. Oats Com- pany provides regular employ- ment and Income for its large staff of employees, According to all available. re- ports, the sales of Quaker ecer- in Quaker eals continue to be well main- | tained this year. Consequently the company has every reason to belleve that 1932 will prove to be another year to add to the long list of successful years for Quaker cereal products, # / / ' / 4 Oatmeal's the Feed for Big, Chicks We've studied the chick feed business, and we know that the best and most nourishing rain feed is pure, fresh oatmeal. vv of Quaker Ful-O-Pep Growing Mash. In addition, Quaker Ful-O-P. Mash contains MOLASSES FORM~--rich in potash and vitamin B, it chicks free from digestive troubles. also, which - the nourishment of all the other ingredients ki Cod. Liver Meal, right to the spot. Quaker Ful-O-Pep G economical, because it est in the and have early layers and market birds. For a grain ration to go with Ful-O-Pep Growing Mash we recommend Ful-O-Pep Coarse Chick Feed. We can supply you ga Quaker " FUL-O-PEP GROWING MASH COQPER-SMITH CO., with both. 14 Celina St. Strong Itis the Growin N DR Mash is most uces the great« time. Feed it, Phone & D438 & BUY THE FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS vy D 4 and Mrs, Leslie Snowden, Maple Grove, on Saturday. Mr. Wilbur having auction sales in those communities on those days, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Verney and cliildren Toronto were week-end guests of Mr. Elmer Wilbur's, Mr, James McMaster, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. McMaster entertained sev- eral ladies at a quilting for the W. A. on Tuesday last, Several from here attended the Institute meeting at Solina on Thursday and they are packing old woollens this week for blank- ets, Mr. and Mrs, Thre, \avtin ole with relatives on Sunday, The public school pupils are competing in a singing contest at Hampton on Thursday night and it fe to be hoped that all the par- ents and Interested friends will be there, Newcastle News ------ Mrs. A, D. Wheeler and child- ren of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. D, J. Galbraith. Miss Dorothy Ragen, of Toron- to, spent the week-end with Miss Dorothy and Miss Evelyn Rick- ard. Dr. W. J. LeWay was In town for several days last week eall- ing on his old friends. Everyone was very glad to see him looking g0 well after his recent lengthy i1Iness, Mr. Scott Montgomery, of Rloomfield, visited Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jamieson last week Mr. and Mrs, Sutton, of Col- borne, and Mr. Alcorn, of Lind ray, were recent guests of Mr Wellington Foster. Miss Salome Howard home for the week-end as was WAR Diek Cowan, Miss Olive Thorn is visiting Miss B. S. for ten days Mrs. R. W. Gibson Toronto for several week. Mr. and Mrs, Pall and recently living on Mr Rickard's farm of To rpnto ted days in last family Frank ed to have mov und family were visitors in Tor- | golf | solos tspecches hy those present I 4 also Miss Nellle Parrod and Mr. | McIntosh | the village and are occupying the north side of Mrs. Baskerville's house. Mr. Ball's' place has been taken by Mr. Ford who with his family has moved here. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Branton and family have moved io the farm on the third line recently rented by Mr, Clarke. Mr. and Mrs, Richards have rented half of the house owned and occupied by Mr, and Mrs. Wally Eddy. Mr, Gordon Parrod, employed at the J, Anderson Smith's box factory, narrowly escaped loos- Ing one finger of his left hand when he was badly cut by a sharp chisel while at his work. Mr. David Noden was home from Orono for a few days last week, having severely cut three fingers on his hand while In the employ of his uncle, Mr. J. No- den, to whom he i= apprenticed at the blacksmith shop. Mr. and Mrg, Harry Couch and family have moved to thelr farm on the Kings Hizhway East for the summer 11onths, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Couch are océupying their home In the village for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley entertain- ed a large number of thelr friends at an evening party on Friday last. The guests of honor were Miss Dertha Kellar and Mr. Emerzon Fisher and in view of their approaching marriage their friends surprised them with a shower of presents, some being useful, gome ornamental hut al- together a lovely collection of gifts, Mr, Fisher - thanked his friends for Miss Kellar and him- fn a particularily pleasing and appropriate gpeech and after a delightful supper, the avening was finished off th a number of piano selections, recitations and a fow fmpromptu hazaar held hy the Par mittee of St. George's Parish Frall on Thursday last was n very sueceas- ful' and pleasant event, A goodly number of St. George's congrega- tian nttended and also a number of kind friends from the other congregations in the village and a number from Orono. The fancy work tahle was in charge of Mre t ard A\rre, J n of ex- was pre- Eranton and Lindsay The ochial Con Chareh in thelr cookine ry Mr Thomas while Mrs {and Misx Trenwith had charge of a verv ueeful stall that of aprons and 1 An attractive candy table managed by members tows Brougham (Mrs, T. C. Brown, Correspon® dent ent) Brougham, April 24.- -The rate- payers' association held a meet- ing in the town hall on Baturday evening, which had 3 good atien- dance. The Temperance Fall has been re-shingled during the week. A few farmers have begun their work on the land, A meeting of the cemetery committee was held at the home of Mr. E. Holtby on Saturday evening, Mr. O, McGreggor, of Toronto, and Mr. Walter Percy of Milligan, coming here for the meeting, The Young People's Soclety are entertaining the Claremont Y.P.8., on Friday evening in the town hall, The 'Albert Gray family visited Mrs. Gray's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ben Carter, of Green River, on Sunday, Mrs. Carter being on the sick lst for several weeks. There was a great dearth of teachers at Bunday school last Sunday, 5 being absent. Professor and Mrs. Burton and daughter, Toront's, were guests at the Barclay home on Sunday. Miss Jennie Duncan of the N. York teaching staff, spent Sunday with her people at home. Mr. Grant Malcolm of spent the week-end at his er's home, Mrs. Philip and Miss Brodie visited their sister {in Deaverton, on Sunday, Miss Dorothy Yates of Toron fo was a visitor at the Gerow home, on Sunday, Mrs, David Stevenson visitor of Mr. and thews this week, The Shepherd family spent the week-end at thelr residence here Mr. and Mrs, O. MeGreggor and Mr, MeGreggor's nephew iverns Brougham visitors, on Saturday, Mr. McWhirter, T, C. Brown. I. Johnston and G. L. MiddJeton attended a Masonfe meeting in touffville, on Friday evening, Galt moth- Was n Mrs. L. Mat- of the girls' auxiliary with Fran- ces Brenton and Mary Nan Du. Sen as convenore, One part of the Hall was marked off by a very rea 3 cedar ledge and served by a num- ber of very capable and attrac- tive lookinz maids in uniform under the direction of Mrs, W. H. Gibson The sum of ninety dollars realized with little to be deducted for expense tie 1 e lookin ki there tea was wi as ed a tea of excellent quality, be- ery | Several from here attended the funeral of thé late 8, Carlton at Salem on Saturday. Mr. and "Mrs. Wlker moved back to Markham, on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, Bob Rawson and children are back to their home, having spent several months in Markham and Stoufivill There are several cases of mumps and measles in the neigh- barhood at present, The April meeting of the W. M.S, was held at the home of Mrs. George Philip with an -t- tendance of 25 members and vis- itors. In the early part of the af- ternoon the ladies quilted 2 quilts for missionary bale. The devotional and business meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs. Phillips. Roll call was ans- wered with" 'A Prophesy." Little business was transacted and the usual program was omitted to ex- pedite the work. At the close the hostesses, Mrs. Philip and the Misses Brodie and McKinnon gery- ing both satisfying nd dainty Our meetings are heing well at. tended and are a real hond of friendship among the ladics of the community and church, Mr. and Mrs. A, Moffat spent Sunday in Toronto, SAMPLES LEARNING IN SIXTH CENTURY Sydney, N.S. Mary daughter of the United consul here, should tionally minded She her travelling between school, but not ih the st manner of stundenis on dried world erulzer was horn at Islands; at Ottawa, I'nited States, wa Ivately tn tored in Mexico, 1a dies' {institute In ntevide U'rngnay, and graduated from high school in this city, She then Marsh, St te interna has taken terms ot "eof he ped cut-and Miss Marsh Philippine ar school the after every Y meal ... See how much better You will feel... __ 'WRIGLEYS | | | tended a two and one-half years terrupted attendance, will graduate from the University of Strassbourg. Her 'father, O Gaylord Marsh, has heen appoint. ed to' the consular post in that Wietoric elty Teacher --- Johnny, th "My Mother" is as your brother's Johnny---Yes, ma'am the same mother, a1 fust the Manchester, England, had 1, fire at Halle. | 032 new cases of measles in 8 re- 1.000.000 bottles were . In a glass factors Kenya Colopy, Africa, ha pated a bounty on iermi ny, butte; WHEN MEN CALLED attracted by her pretty face, their interest vanished before the evening was over. And they seldom came back again. Tragic to think she never sus- pected why! v7 AT DANCE she had to stand aside and see other girls receive all the attentions. Though she danced beautifully, partoers never asked her a second time. . WITH OTHER GIRLS it was the same story. Polite snubs, Smiling coolness. An occasional last-minute invitation to fill in at bridge, but no real friends--never really one of the crowd. hat a difference li TrERE'S not a more Populay more sought-after girl he finally discovered her fault and the easy way to overcome it. As soon as "B.0." (body odour) was ended, loneliness vanished, too! Play safe! Take no chances with "B.0." Make Lifebuoy your toilet soap--end all danger of offending. Lifebuoy's creamy, abundant, penetrating lather purifies and LIFEBUOY Yd " in the whole town. (Charming but unwelcome _ +... was'B.0. to blame? 4 HEALTH SOAP stops body odour (Body Odour) deodorizes pores--removes every trace of odour, Its pleasant, extra-clean scent -- that vanishes as you rinse--tells you you're cleaner, safer from head tofoot. An ideal complexion soap Lifebuoy's rich, cream-like lather, massaged into the face every night, keeps complexions fresh and lovely. Gently frees pores of clogged impurities--makes dull skins glow with healthy, radiant beauty. Removes Germs Too Remember -- harmful germs lurk on things we touch. Our finger prints put them on food we eat and so they get into our system, Wash your hands often with Lifebuoy, its abundant antiseptic lather renders germs inactive and keeps us safe. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto \

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