REAIAPP YE REA, rm, amp de THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1932 50,000 SURPLUS STOCK LF] T [el[e]N] BROS. DIAMONDS| = ¥J7 mwn| WATCHES Ladies' Watches, Men! A really fine Strap Watch, 15J A Big Special group of ! y a: ; ) 3 4 Fo . few left of Bes. A ir movement, accurate and smart Dia H EN roa = "a you hurry, Fine look- vs looking. All formerly priced pretty mond Rings i (ip i A <: pon po 154 Watches, Rec- \ X from $10.00 to $12.50. With that sold from $20.00 to 3 ve Ha A 4 . : ' tangular, Oval and out exception this group $22.50. Newest styles wk a f Round shapes. Regular priced for Saturday. : g Seg prices were $i5 to $18.50, 18K mountings. Your Yor'll have to be here choice, Don't want to miss J «coe $0.50 A : 2 SATURDAY |.. ial Z placed in one big group. All 15-J. movements and fine time 28 pncther group of fine diamond | If you ever wanted to own a fine Diamond--a beautiful Watch-- Silverware or [i 15.3. mevemunts and fine, tin 4 rings either in ladies' or men's. | some wanted piece of fine jewelry, and felt you could not afford it, NOW IS $9.85 Sold formerly at $30. Choice, § YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Practically our entire stock, "Needless to speak of Gon this group, the Quality". Every one residing within a trading radius of Oshawa knows | $540, Sp or Lorie Mine styles. Beautiful engraved % 1 4 . Sh that the name of FELT BROS for over 50 years has stood for only the finest. J 15", ney diate Splen- . . did time k . Liquidati mn quality. gid time eepers. Liquidation Beautifully mounted Diamcnds NOW ON SALE $ 14.75 that formerly sold from $35.00 Kh 'B Ladies or Men's $35 Gruen or to $37.50. Choice, Lorie Wrist Watches, gold- - filled cases--engraved or plain styles. : Accurate time keep- ers. Liquidation Price, ~~ $ i 9.50 "A few contract lines excepted'"'. We are taking a staggering loss by putting $19.75 Our prices never were high though our quality is always so. on this sale and sincerely trust that our friends and customers will bear this in We offer every guarantee that a responsible house conld give Ladies or Men's $50.00 Gruen UE a reasonable person eoulil. ask, mind--if some of the prices quoted seem ridiculous on account of their low- J or Longine Wrist Watches. 9 Truly a wonderful and life- $50.00 Diamond Rings--Filigree design mountings, Solid 18K ness, it is safe to say that a sale like this comes but time graduation gift. Liquid- gold of course. A splendid value 'at $30.00. ation Price, Liquidation price is sensational ..... $ f 32.50 [J ® 875.00 ismond Rings are all placed in one group, Beautiful bine white flashing stones, 18K solid gold \ n ce n a I e Im & $100. Gr r Longine Wrist monntings. Now .o $44. 50 w ® peaking Ladies - Me . No finer watches made. 2100.00 Diamond Rings. Perfect blue white quality. Lacy We invite you to come and inspect these jewelry bargains. It is an opportun- J Liguidatiop Price, "lligree mounting, Priced during ; : .... $51.50 ity that will not come again for years to come, if ever. All fair-minded people $62.50 Liquidation Sale . $150.00 Solitaire Diamond Engagement Rings. Beautiful blue will realize that at these prices we cannot extend credit. However, a deposit Several fine looking Pocket Watches for Men. Excellent white Diamond set in the latest 18K Solid Gold : 8 3 1 1 a uid et. In, the Tatest 11 $87.50 § will hold any article a reasonable time if you cannot pay cash. timepieces." Sold from 3160 to 20. oice, $3.95 8250.00 Exquisite Diamond Engagement Rings, "Two Only". ° ° ® Exceptionally fine color and quality, 18K solid LL da Graduation and Wedding Gifts Every Ladies' Diamond Set 8300 Magnificent Solitaire Diamond Ring. A real value at 1 \f this prize. If you are looking for an investment don't fail to Wrist Watch or any Men's fine on (10 tmncing value... $325.00 § SHOULD BE SELECTED NOW WHILE SELECTIONS ARE THEIR BEST | Pocket Watch in our stock. for .... a . CHINA : FOUNTAIN LEATHER WATCH COMPACTS CUPS AND: ; silk Lined PENS A P RSE. A 3 Imported v 5 BANDS Dainty Loose ; SAUCERS MESH BAGS Beautiful color- ed china cups a nd saucers. Ladies' or Men's 4 All colors and 1 liegular $2.30 to Powder C 0 me Boautitol nw style new shapes 1 shapes. $3.00 to h $3.00 Bands, pacts. All colors. shades and pat- and colors, 2 j $4.00. Bargain 4 Ladies' or Men's Regular $1.00, Scxular 250 terns. Regu' ly ] . to $3 Regular ¢ | just for Satur. § styles. Each, ; tegular 75c. A priced at $3.00. AT Elgin, Gruen, Price. day, each, . ; 4 Saturday, { Walthams, Lon- p ¢ ' f y $1.50 . ines, P $1.00 $1.00 § 50¢c e. AY ihe. Al ONE CLOCKS \ ' Any fine self-wind Mantle or Chime Clock in our $ 4.50 Pyrex lined Pie Dishes $ 2.45 H wi p a stock, regardless of make or former price, ONE 6.00 Heavy Plated Pitchers 3.95 HALF PRICE. 6.50 Pierced Sandwich Plates ur THESE vA Th |W ELECTRIC CLOCKS : : va f 4 All new Electric Clocks in stock, 8.00 Set Knives and Forks 3.95 yh A ONE-THIRD OFF 6.50 Pyrex lined Casseroles 3.95 deli == = 110: 12.50 Large Well & Tree Platters 12.00 Large Size Shakers .... . 12.00 Double Vegetable Dishes A 26-piece Set 7.85 Complete service fc i TEA SET 250 Tcificid Gravy Boats 16.20 people. Handsome new pat- Benukital diapions 35.00 Sheffield Vegetable terns. Regular price $13.50. Tea Service. Engraved Dishes 5 design, low English 50.00 Four-Piece Tea Service 32, 50 . 0 style. Regular price, 65.00 Sheffield Serving Tray 39.50 | $22.50. Now $11.25, 100.00 English Tea Service .... 65.00 il this department, All One-Half Price. SPECIAL . RINGS | ese | COSTUME JEWELERY > F or L a di es y | Necklaces, Vitaeersio Magnificent Sets and combinations, individual necklets, pen- y 100. Choke, dants, bracelets, etc., also your unrestricted choice of gold EE SS Any man's ring either = LE a 5 y Beautiful stone set stone set or emblem. . (4 \ \ : c I'ancy rings, styles to J © . * Your choice of the ee. sult the most discrim- jewelry, One-Half Price. house. we inating. Your choice, . james rove evil