rAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1932 Ontario and Durham County News Prospect News Prospect, April 18--The farmers are glad to sce the weather "some- what warmer as they have been anxiously waiting to get on the land. Sceding is about ten days later than last year. With so much rain and snow the land is slow in drving out, however the roads are getting passable again and with a yew warm days we will forget about the mud. Fall wheat is looking very good and has seemed to have stood thee heavy frost and taken on new life the past few days. Mr. E. Dearborn had the mis- fortune of having his buggy broken ane day last week coming from Port Perry, when his horse took fright at a truck and upset the buggy in the ditch throwing Mr. Dearborn at. But he escaped unhurt and "was able to stop the horse from getting away. Mrs. Charles Wilson and daugh- ter Jean, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clemence, at Seagrave. Mrs. Lorn Thompson is spending a few days with her parents, Mr, add Mrs. Williams, at Prince Al- bert. Her father and mother are both suffering from an attack of the u. Miss lla Wilson of Raglan, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Eugene Dcarborn, has returncd home Mrs. H. Orpwood of Oshawa, spent the Mr. and Mrs. J. Barbe Mr. Charles Webster, been attending college in Guelph the past year, returned home on Saturday, the school having closed for the summer. The Ladies Auxiliary are holding their monthly. meeting in the church on Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. The organized Bible Class is be- coming real interesting. Next Sun- day the class is to be divided into two sections and captains chosen, to see which side can answer or ask the most questions on the les- son, Mr. Arthur Orchard and Mr. T. Martin being captains. The Young People's League is holding its meeting in the church on Friday at 8 o'clock, when a de- bate is being held, the subject being "Resolved That City Life is more Beneficial to the Individual than Farm Lite" The girls taking the side for the City while the boys chose the farm. Every one is in- vited. Come and hear this debate as we think it will be very inter- esting. Courtice News (Mrs. W. R. and who has Courtice, Correspon. dent) * Clhurtice, April 19.----~Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short, Brampton, €éalled on relatives here, on Sun- y. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Soules, Masters Donald and Billy, Toron- to, were Sunday visitors at Mr. 8. 8. Brook's. ait and Mrs. Chas. Webster, isses Gladys and Elinor, and Mrs. Hurley, Toronto, visited at Mrs. A. F, Rundle's, Sunday. Saturday afternoon the C.G.L T. met in the home of Mrs. L. J. Courtice. A short meeting was held in which Misses Annie and Florence Wilkins played a piano duet, and Miss Louise Courtice gave a reading. Some time was spent in practice after which dainty refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed. Mrs. DODD'S DL IA / / ACKaCHLE JER. T ™ ' My A ROU , WW HEUMATIS ih j k! DRL Ld Try LIFE SAVERS Cooling and refreshing to smoke-tired PEP-O-MINT WINT-O-GREEN CL-O-VE LIC-O-RICE CINN-O-MON VLO-LET | ' {a talk which was enjoyed. children, | veek end with | | land 80 that some of our farniers | haye started to work on the land, | Joe Avery is in the Toronto Hos- Courtice and Miss Louise in their usual happy way welcomed the girls in theirghome. The services on Sunday were fine. Thé roads have improved so much it was again possible for cars to travel. At the morning service the story to the children was told by Mr. Cecil Found in a very interesting way, Our pastor, Rev. H. C, Wolfraim, afterwards preached a beautiful sermon on "Daniel." In the evening the de- votional exercises were in charge of the C.G.I.T. The Scripture les- son was read by Miss Louise Cour- tice, A chorus was nicely sung by the girls, also a quartette by Mrs. Cecil Found, Misses Ada Annis, Annie and Helen Wilkins. Our pastor spoke very suitably on "Mary and Martha." Sunday afternoon several of our ladies attended the service at Maple Grove which was for the W.M.S. and heard Rev. J. H. Stainton deliver a fine address. Mrs. Stainton also sang a pretty solo. A ladies' choir sang with Mrs. Jack Stevens at the organ and it was an enjoyable service. Tuesday afternoon the month- ly meeting of our W.M.8. was held in the Sunday school room with Mrs. Blake Oke's group in charge. The chapter from the study book was given by Mrs. Blake Oke; readings by Miss Sadie Muir and Mrs, R, Gay and our pastor gave Kedron News (Miss Beatrice MOungjoy, Corres- pondent) Kedron, April 20. Mrs. Lee visited her parents, Mr Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Zion. Miss Leona Flintoff, Mrs. Del- bert Flintoff and children, Ebene- zer, visited at Mr. W. N. Hoskin's, on Monday. Mrs. George Scott, Ray and Grace and Bessie Mountjoy visit- ed on Saturday at Mr. James Scott's, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lavis and Mr. C. Davidson and Miss Kath- leen Condin were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Conlin, Monday | night. Mr. and Mrs, H. I. Pascoe, | Columbus, visited on Wednesday | with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Miss Emily Lawrence, Colum- bus, is visiting her cousin, Miss Beatrice Mountjoy. Mr. Wesley Wood, Orono, visit, ed at Mr. W. N. Hoskin's, on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werry and family visited her father, Mr. James Scott, Columbus, re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lawrence, Myrtle, and Mr. James K. Lawr- ence, Toronto, spent Wednesday at Mr. John Mountjoy's. Mr. Fay Conlin, Oshawap spent Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. 8S, Conlin. Mrs. W. N. Hoskin is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs, Delbert Flintoff, Ebenezer, Haydon (Mrs. R. Crossman, dent) Haydon, April 20. -- Mrs, A. Montgomery, Toronto, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. H, Ash- to: Ress and Correspon- n. Mr. George Creeper and wife, Toronto, are spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. A. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton. Cartwrignt, visited with Mr. Les- lie Graham. Miss Alice Ashton, Enniskillen, spent Sunday with Mabel Beech. Mr. John Slemon, Sr., Ennis- killen, called on friends in the village on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Maple Grove, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Graham, Mr. John G@Gilbank, who has spent several weeks with friends in Bowmanville, has returned home, Mr. Arthur Trewin has with Mr. Johnson the summer. Mr. A Beech has heen dragging the roads which makes them much better for traffic. The recent high winds and the fine warm dayg have dried up the hired Cadmus, for We are sorry to hear that Mrs pital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burketon, visited Mr. John Wright. Mr. Fred Ashton, Mr. Louis Ashton and friend, Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here. 'Mrs. Milton Slemon's friends will be sorry to know that she ic not feeling so well, being under the doctor's care again. The Young People's League met ag usual on Tuesday night. The meeting opened with the president in the chair. After some business was dealt. with, Miss Re. ma Bradley took the chair. The Bible reading which was found in Proverbs 20:23, 31, 32: 31-32 Ro. mans 14: 19-23, was read by Ro- land Thompson. The worship per- fod was taken up by Mrs. Theron Mountjoy. Two piano solos were given by Miss Grace Trewin. Readings were given by Misses Helen Hall and Ada Beech, The topic, "Is Moderate Drinking a Handicap to Healthy People," was nicely taken up by Miss An- PIMPLES Hudson, and Mrs all try nie Trewin. Meeting closed by all repeating the Mizpah benedic- tion, Manchester (Mrs. E. L. McKee, dent) Manchester, April 21, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Walker visited her mother, Mrs, Coultice, and sister, Mrs. Harry Real, Green- bank, on Sunday last. Messrs. Will, Ernie and Rob- ert Holtby attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Robert Mof- fatt near London, recently. Mrs. Loren Thompson spent a few days at her home at Prince Albert, her father, Mr. Williams being sick. We hope he may goon be better. Miss Marion Goode, Port Per- ry, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Albert Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dring, Raglan, called on their daughter, Mrs, Lloyd McKee, recently, Mr, and Mrs, Don. Sutherlan and son, Jack. Brooklin, spending a few davs with M Mrs. James Mitchel The W. M.S. will hold t ular monthly meeting church on Friday afternoon, ril 22nd. We hope the ladic and be present Mr, Virtol. Crosier spent the week-end with ents, Mr, and Mi { 0 1 The inshine eld in th hall ¢ Vi good The spent in community singi recitations and two interes contests, a social and enjovable time being spent by all. Refresh- ments were served at the close of the program. The weather the last few days has been more spring-like roads have dried up and are again being used by cars. Seeding Correspn- 1 ( vill To Stamp Out National Evil Thousands No Longer Fear Constipation N view of that menace to health, constipation, there is special sig- nificance in the discovery made by a brilliant Canadian doctor, licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin. burgh, and post graduate of famous European hospitals. This doctor's personal research last ing 15 years, resulted in the formula of Fruit-a-tives, which has had astonishing success in correcting con- stipation, indigestion, sick headaches and skin troubles, also uric acid diseases such as Rheumatism, Try Fruit-a.-tives yourself, 25¢ and 50c, At all druggists will soon bs under way {if the weather continues. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Wilson and daughter were week-end guests at Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gerrow's. Church services were well at- tended last Sunday Rev. Tottem preacehd on the parable of the lost sheep found in St, Luke's gospel, 15th chapter. The choir rendered two 'beautiful anthems and were much enjoyed. Mr. James Mitchel and Mr. Don, 'utherland spent a couple of days in Toronto recently. We are sorry to hear Mr. Frank Lambe is not improving. We hope to hear more favorable words soon. North Oshawa (Mrs. T. H. Solomon, Correspondent) North Oshawa, April 20--Mr. and Mrs, Jack Westover and daughter, Velma, of Toronto, were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Westover. Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Blight, of OUsh- awa, Messrs, George and Archie Blight, of Oshawa, Mrs. Gordon An- derson, of 'Loronto, all with Mr. and Mrs, Will Glover and Mrs. W. Jhight, on Sunday. in the Ap- | Friday 1 t Iz Was a |u po | The Mr. Richard Wilkins, of Oshawa, | conducted the Sunday evening ser- 2 vice r League were honoured meeting by the pres Bell and Mr. Durie, of r Church. The program three short plays put berg also re- ven by some cague members. was [ass i dat All had meeting : a large number ere were guests of urch at a social ev- . and Mervil Hare and , Wilired, and daughter, Evelyn, 2 Ontario, visited with Mr. lomon, Sr., and family on Mrs. Hare and Evelyn re- for a week's visit w here in town Walker, Kenneth the week-eni Bruce Glover Mrs. ith and Bruce )shawa, ister spent Mrs Was Promptly Arrested Pembroke. Chas. Kganville, walked into the County Court house for the pur- of making a settlement with authorities for having as- aulted William W, Wilson, Gov- Resmer, ernment e District wn, Renfrew, house of was at the court | Resmer reported to him, the ma- zistrate had him escorted to a cell and locked up. fously, complaint pn a liquor vendor, at Egan- | Magistrate 8. T. | at the time and when | Just prev | Provincial Officer Kenny, | from Eganville, | | had left for that village to place | under arrest. The first repertory theatre to tablished in the East End of has just heen opened Patrick Hamilton's "Rope." | Kesmer } of [London «itl n EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS| Will Visit Deseronto Kingston. Right Reverend Jobn Lyons, Lord Bishop of On- tario, will pay his first omicial visit to the parish of St. Mark's, Deseronto, on Sunday evening, April 24, at 7 o'clock. In addi- tion to preaching in St. Mark's he will dedicate the handsome altar curtaing presented to the church by the girls' branch of the Women's Auxiliary, of which Mrs. Malcolm is president. The organist and choir will render special music for the occasion. Nominated For Moderator Kignston. Rev. W. T. G. Brown, Kingston, and Rev. W. L. Armstrong, Toronto, were no- minated for moderator of the United Church in Toronto. Chamber Executive Gananoque, The annual meeting of the Gananoque Cham=- ber of Commerce wag held when the following officers were elect- ed: President, George P. Hay; vice-president, George D. Gil- bert; secretary, W. J. Wilson; 'reasurer, W, H. Pratt, The of- fleers will appoint the standing coomittees for the year. | tspeedboats Out Kingston, - Speedboats have | perintendent J. Protect Your Garments your | No Salary Reduction Before packing away garments and furs for the Summer, be sure that they are well protected from MOTHS We can supply you with all the necessary articles which will keep the MOTHS away. Naptha Flakes, Gum Camphor, Moth Balls, Cedar-Naptha Flakes, Larvex, Sapho, Fly Tox, Etc KARN'S Drug Store --We Next P. O. Promptly-- Phone 78 Deliver | cral budget recently. | West Sending Team | terio | sending a selected team to King- | with a made their appearance in King- ston harbor. One boat was out on Tuesday and preparations are going forward at the Kingston Yacht Club to have the dinghys in shape for the season. A num- ber of the boats are ready for the water and it is expected that sail- ing will start very shortly, Deanery Met Kemptville. -- Clergy from the various parishes of the Anglican Deaneries of Leeds and Grenville, gathered Monday for the open- inz of the two-day conference. The new Bishop of the Diocese of Ontario, Rt. Rev. John Lyons, was present--his first official vigit to this part of the diocese since his consecration, Eleven of the clergy were present at the meeting. T'rotest New Tax Ottawa, -- A large deputation of nearly 30 members, represent- ing the Ice Cream Dealers' Asso- ciation of Ontario, as wel] as rep- resentatives from other provinces of the Dominion, interviewed the members of the Dominion eabi- net to protest against the impo- sition of the sales tax on ice cream as announced in the Fed- spending Time on Roads Kingston. -- County Road Su- E. Goodman, is very busy at present going over the road system of the county «nd also inspecting the suburban road area. Mr, Goodman is plan- | ning his work campaign for the vear and will tour the roads with 'he county good roads committee | in the near future. LY Kemptville, -- A motion that teachers' salaries be cut 10 per | cent, was voted down at the meeting of the Kemptville School Board here, after lengthy discus- | The teachers are to be re- | engaged at the same salaries as | last year, It was pointed out | that if .the general 10 per cent. reduction were to take place, it | would mean only a saving son. of | $1 31 to the individual ratepayer. ton The Western On- Badminton Association, which includes clubs in most of the cities in Western Ontario, is Kings ston on Saturday, to play a match team from the Kingston Badminton Club on Saturday ev- ening "HOW IS THE OIL" The service station man asks the inevitable question about the in o&he crankcase, and the rage motorist hesitates an in- before he is ahle to «ive 1 confident reply that hie lubri- | ction is in perfect condition. oil ave stant | ton pins receive oil under pressure SALADK BROWN LABEL SAME FINEST QUALITY lubrication sec nd private collection satisfactory in the world and was valued at ,000. It is expected to go to a seum, in accordance 8 reported desire. In- one of the only two imens of the butterfly "ournierae. This is the insect in the col- | lection, and was acquired by Joi- | cey in the Congo Forest a year | ago. Joicey, according to a state- | ment in court some years ago, was unable th live on $100,000 a ir, but he spent about $50,000 lly in butterfly collecting. This question of largest looms large in the upkeep of every car. The 1932 Pontiac has advan- tages in this respect which are! appealing very strongly to its numerous owners. One of the principal advancements is found in the fact that full pressure lub- rication is provided to every mov- ing part. Even the new national 1 with Joicey cludeq is known Charaxes spec most valuable constant-fit pis- tarough holes rifle-drilled in the strong webb-reinforced connect- ing rods, In addition to the pres- sure lubrication systems, the en- gine also provides the advan- tages of the splash | svstem, Oil overflow the lower connecting tarow a spray of o shaft turns which thoroughly lu- bricates the cyli gl { tons and rings I rgpecially valuable because it provides immediate lubrication for, the cylinders in cool weather starting. ves annua Sluggish Liver And Rheumatism Both Corrected By Famous Vegetable Pills "I received immediate relief from Carter'sLittle Liver Pills," declares Mr. Arthur P. "I recommend them to suffer- ers from Rheumatism and Indigestion." Because they are PURELY VEGE- TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little. i Liver Pills are without equal for cor- James John Joicey, who died ¥ecting pation, Acidity, Bilious- recently at Witlet, England, left Ness, Headaches and Poor Complexion. 1,500,000 butterflies. It is the oe. & Tix red pkgs. Sold everywhera vents in de HE LEAVES MANY BUTTERFLIES SERVICE begins when YOU Call ERVICE--is the motto of the Ad- vertising' Department of The Oshawa Daily Times. This newspaper is always glad to assist in solving mer- chandising problems, assist in the pre- paration of advertising copy and layouts, and then its many messengers will deliver the Printed message to the thousands of homes in Oshawa and district every evening, where a potential market is awaiting the story of those who speak through the columns of "The Times". The Oshawa Daily Times is always a welcome. visitor in the homes of Oshawa and District. Why not avail your- self Mr. Business man, of the many advantages offered and let us, at least tell to render. A telephone call will set the wheels going--it pays to use The Oshawa Times. It is at your service. you of the service we are prepared PHONE 35 Daily