Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Apr 1932, p. 6

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PACE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1932 TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Ladies' Softball Meeting Tonight at Motor City Alleys Oshawa Bowlers Break Even at Peterborough 4 Mann Cup Final To Be Played Under Seven-man Rules SPORT PAGE IE TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES West Toronto Senior Loop Announce Schedule Brampton Excelsiors Lose Bill Anthony to Maple Leafs Niagara Falls Will Held Spring Training to Footballers WEST TORONTO BASEBALL LEAGUE ANNOUNCE SCHEDULE Ladies' Softball League Annual Meeting Tonight | tzams represented last year will be on hand this evening together with representatives of the Whit- wy Rangers, who it is hoped. will cuter a team this year, Presi- dent Walker stated emphatically last night that it wa; most essen- tial that all teams should have representatives at the meeting in view of the fact that a start for the season will have to be made in the very near future, Norman Walker, president of the Oshawa Ladies Softball Lea- | gue, has sent out an order asking that the representatives of all |) teams wishing to enter teams in the league this season be on hand this evening at 8 p.m. at the Mo- tor City Bowling Alley for the annual meeting of the league, "While nothing has been heard | of the intentions of some of the teams it is hoped that all the Guelph Enter Boxla Group) would include Kitchener, ford, Stratford, St. Mary's Hes- veler and*probably Galt, The | organization meeting last waz: addressed by President A, E. Lyon, of the C.A.L.A, and W. J. Marriott, of Hespeler, convener yf the district, beth of whom of- 'ered suggestions in connection with the formation of a new group. Guelph, April pril 21. -- Decision to enter a Guelph team in the 0.A.L.A. box lacrosse series has | ¢ been reached by promoters of the | game in this city. With the sen- jor series closed at eight teams, | there is every indication that the | local club will seek admission to a rew intermediate group which Final organization plans will be held Friday night. AGNEW-SURPASS om "PLUS FOURS" FOR YOUNG MEN The shoe that volume business built. See how decisively 1932 has increased the buying power of your shoe dollar! . . . inspect Agnew-Surpass "PLUS FOURS"! You will agree that these smart, scr- viceable shoes represent the last word in SHOE VALUE for this Spring. Illustrated below arc thre smartand distinctive models, in good grade black calfskin, with extra stout Goodyear welted leather soles. Avail- able with leather or rubber her ls your desire. A complete size range from which to choose. as Styled with Springtime dash for men who appreciate high quality at low cost. The $5.00 quality of 1931 now at All The outstanding shoe value of the year. Brant- | night | he completed at the meeting to! Oshawa Will Games at In the schedule of the West Toronto Senior Baseball League which has been issued by the league executive, Oshawa has been awarded nine home games which will be played at the Mo- tor City Stadium here. In all the Oshawa Club will participate in thirty games, with the other zames being played at either Earlscourt Park on St. @lair Avenue or at the Goodyear Grounds in New Toronto. Under the schedule each of the other teams in the league will visit Oshawa three times, Sixty zames in all will be played in the reg- ular schedule. 7th--=2 Saturday, May 10th~ 12th--New | Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, I'uesday, To Wednesd | Thursday, | Saturday, 17th-- New h--New 19th--0Oshawa vs Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, 25th--New 26th--Nati J1st--Native 1st--Oshawa vs Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurstlay, Saturday, June Jyne June June June © June Tuesday, Wednes Thursc Saturday, 8th--New 'I 9th-- 14t h( )shawa vs th--Ty J i6th--Native S Tuesday, June \ « 1r JOS VS June New $c ey) ursday Saturday, --)sl hu i 7th--Native Saturday, l'ues uly 12th Wednesd 13th--Oshawa Uhursday, i4th-- Native § Saturday, ly luesday, Wednesday, hursday, y 19th--=Oshawa vs 20th -New Saturday, 26th-- Oshawa vs 28th--0Oshawa vs | Sat ay Tuesday, - August Wednes sday, August 3rd--Oshun a vs I'hursday, August 4th--Native Satur ar, August ) ght schedule, 1 2nd tears play off for I"ach team play each other 15 pm.~Typos vs. 4.00 p.m~Oshawa vs. Oshawa vs. Toronto vs. 14th--Typos vs Oshawa (Opening game at Oshawa) Native Sons vs New nto ve Oshawa Toronto vs Native Song (at Goodyear) 21st--Native Sons vs Oshawa Typos vs New Toronto Toronto vs ve Sons vs Typos 28th--New Toronto vs Oshawa Typos vs Native Song Sons vs New 7th--0Oshawa vs 'uronto vs Native Sons ot GO Open date. 11th--0Oshawa vs Typos Native Song vs New New 1 ons vs 1 18th--Native Sons ve Oshawa 10ron os vs Native Sons )shawa vs New 23rd--Typos vs New 1 25th--New Toronto vs Oshawa I'ypos vs Native Sons >ons vs New 'for 9th-- New Toronto vs Oshawa Native Sons vs Toront 0 VS 2lst--Native Sons 23rd--Native Sons vs Oshawa New Toronto vs Typos 27th--New Toronto vs Nat Play Nine the Stadium The opening games of the sea- son will be played at Earlscourt Park on Saturday, May 7, when Oshawa will meet last year's champions, the New Torontd team, in the second game of a double-header at 4 p.m. The opening gam® of the season here will be played the following gat- urday with Typos as the visitors. A factor which should appeal to Oshawa fans is that all the home games of the local club will Le played here on Saturday after- noone, commencing at 2.45 p.m. The home games of the Osh- awa Club appear in black type in the schedule. Native Sons, New Toronto, Native Sons. Typos. Toronto Typos (at Oshawa) Typos (at Goodyear) (at Oshawa) Toronto New Toronto (at Goodyear) 2nd--Typos vs Oshawa 4th--Typos vs New Toronto Native Sons lycar) (at Oshawa) Toronto. Native Sons ronto y pos (at Goodyear) (at Oshawa) to vs Typos Toronto onto, (at Goodyear) (at Oshawa) ! YPos vs (§] wa r Toront -Native Sons vs Typos l--Oshawa vs Native Sons hawa vs ' 6th--"Typos vs New 1 » vs Native Sons 0s ronto lycar) nlo (at Oshawa) I'ypos pos vs Native Sons vs Sons vs Oshawa 16th-- Typos vs Oshawa ew Toronto vs Native Sons New Toronto (at Goodyear) (at Oshawa) Ty s at Goodyear) Toront New (at Oshawa) Typos ve Sons (at Goodyear) Native Sons Dey y JUth--New Toronto vs Oshawa 2nd--Native Sons vs Typos New Toronto (at Goodyear) Sons vs Oshawa th=Typos. v vs Oshawa, championship, best two out of three. I a named is home-leam in every case, 10 times. Flach team visit Oshawa 3 times. Each team visit Goodyear Field 4 times. Seven-man Game for Mann Cup Guelph, April 21, for ~ Playoffs the Mann Cup, emblematic | surts. Made ums wie §99 50 50 Scotland Woolen Tailors | 5 KING STREET EAST SAM ROTISH, Manager il Hil All WEATHER: SERVICE: -On the Kings Highways -- of the Canadian senior lacrosse championship, will be conducted this year with the new box var- tety of the game as the official form of play, according to an an- ncuncement made here yesterday by A. E. Lyon, of Rockwood, pre- sident of the Canadian Amateur Lacrosse association, While it hes been rumored for some time .that box lacrosse would supplant the field variety as the mode of playing the Do- minion titular series this fall, it was not until yesterday that voles received from various asso- ciations throughout Canada ex- pressed approval of tho change. In reply to a mail vote taken on the question President Lyon received answers from Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and Manitoba Agrsoclations, naming box lacrosse as their choice. British Colum- bia, Ottawa and Saskatchewan arsociations remain to be heard from, and it ig considered fairly certain they will also favor box lacrosse for the playoffs. The C. A. L. A, head announ- ces that the Western Canada win- ners must be ready to come east by October 15 to meet the HKast- ern winners for the title either in Toronto or Montreal. { Can | out ¢ of 1932 Edition of Oshawa Players in Senior Ball The following biographical sketches of the prospective mem- Falls Plans Spring Work bers of the Oshawa Baseball Club this season will serve as a remind- er of the past prowess of the play- ers as well as a criterion of how the team will shae up this season. EE ("Duke") Dainty -- Pitcher; Ni Falls, April 21 left-hander; veteran of team; ] ave va Falls Rugby Associ- starred with Oshawa C.0.B.L.; | ation got an early start for the entry, 1923-4-5-6; bats left, geagon by holding their organi- Lefty Wills--Pitcher; a smart | zation meeting at the King Ed- left-hander; a Toronto boy; prod-| ward Hotel last night, Twenty- uct of McCormick Playground | five players and nearly as many Juniors; played in Oshawa for | gypporters were in attendance, last few years; fast breaking The election of officers result- curve and change of pace; bats | aq as follows: --President, B. VP. left. I'h'llips; Vice-President, Pp. Matty Mathews--Pitcher; right- | pienso: Secretary, Ed. hander; another Toronto boy who | preasurer, E. Langley: Executive migrated to Oshawa at an early Committee, W. Reece, R. Lock- age; plenty of smoke on his fast | a a'a" Goott: Coach ball. Matt also plays a good game Shaw; Trainer, G, Sadler; 'p 'hy- I ovtield and is a hard hitter; sical Trainer, Col. Vandersluys LL. > ioity Pr {ck yy ("Dozy"') Ogden--Right-hand- Pud)icity Azenl, mM k Damo / e er; local boy; played for St An-|, *"" gu . oe EpINE rin drew's Juveniles of Oshawa who | 'PE W0S Fd 3 uD BIG it wa were Juvenile champions of On- decided 0 have Veo Host : tario 1926; fast ball; change of | Wes In May for tack , for- pace; bats right. ward pa sing and running. No Lefty Gower and Maggie Frink | fiknal work will be done at this are two capable pitchers who time. The hard sessions will take care of relief work nice- | tart early in August. An effort will be made to get every player in the city to attend these work- cut The meeting w trong ly cpposed to the 25 per cent tax at Oakes Stadium, and unless the catcher; hitter; Whitley-- Smart long distance ly. Bull good arm; bats left, Theo boy; can also Elliott--Catcher; local play short and | eanseq Peckham; |? Art | ers three | will | | charge is brought down, an ef-| Three-room apartments in the tort will be made to get the use | largest apartment building in Eu- of the Bridge Street field, | rope, now' being built in Vienna, ---------- | Austria, will rent for $4 a month. Chinese Government has weted with a Gérman group » erection of a $20,000,000 1 steel ple in Anhui London Cagers | Defeat at Quebec Provie ADDITIONAL SPORT ON PAGE TEN es | 1 | is int London, April 21. verdict gave London Y. / Canadian intermediate championship by 6 round last night handed the Quebec CN. R.s 16. defeat Monday night in first clash of the set, It is Lon- | don's first Dominfon basketball erown, though London junior teams in the ar days, won three tive championships in the 0.B.A. as it was then constituted 'nd won permanent possession of the trophy of that time In last night's gam wa little to choose hetween the tw quads and, had the Quebec pla showed anything like Tues- day night's form in the first | game, the results might have been alferent, Certainly they would ave heen less one-sided, Heavy checking had the doubl ffect of keeping the score down! and the foul record np, it was not. a rough game, exactly, but it wa very energetic, At the start bot! teams had a pretty poor idea of he exact lbecation of the basket | and missed a lot of easy dogs and | shots from the misdemenour mark, Later they settled down a had somewhat better luc] | | | there FACE PORES are filled with dirt, The pores of your skin are third; good arm; consistent hit- like a net. They catch and ter; bats left. Scott Hubbell---First baseman local boy; played St. Andre Juveniles Champion; throws right, bats right. Scott can pick them out of the dirt with any - ~| REGENT hold dirt, bringing blacks heads and skin eruptions. Ifyouthink soap and water alone will remove pore-dirt, try this: first baseman in League;danger- ous batter. Wink Gummo w-- Inflelder: thi'hws right, batg right. Wink is another lad who learned his ball with St, Andrew's; good hitter lay them down or hit them asfon demands; smooth 4 fielder, Bert Peacoc) Infielder; bat right, throws right; eame to Osh awa from Windsor last year; very od arm; good hitter, Sutton -- Infielder: has played several years with Oshawa; Native of Virginia, Matt is very smooth fielder and smart batter; bats right throws right. Clare Elljott. -Infielder; Osha- | wa boy; plays third; steady fleld- er: good batter; bats left, throws right. Ernie Goodall--Inflelder and cateher; a good reliable utility man; bats right, throws right. Lefty Wallace First baseman; with St. Georges, Toronto, last vear; looks like a real find; smart left-hander; first baseman; dan- gerous hitter, Nefl McDougall -Inflelder; tM fast g« Matt ith ' groin ngs them + first time! TOMORROW! , Barrymore Against Barrymore ng Ring Each Other? together Arsene | Lupin KAREN MORLEY After washing and shaving rub Pompeian Massage Cream into you skin--around the nostrils-- in the crease of your chin. Pink when you start, it soon rolls out in tiny pellets--dark grey with dirt. Result: A clean skin'-- clearly lighter--the healthy skin of the athlete in the pink of condition. s Around You can buy a jar of Pompeian Massage Cream for only 60c. Or you can have a& Pompeian Massage after your shave af any first-class barber shop. played in Oshawa all his life; | eT steady flelder, consistent batter. i | ("Tunney") Morifon -- Short stop; Oshawa boy; played Junior and Senior ball here; smart field. er; good accurate arm; bats right; dangerous batter. Reg. Fair--Centre field, Reg. MATINEES "Polly of the Circus" ENDS TODAY! Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchie & Co. Ltd.n 0-18 McCaul Street, Toronto, Ontario. Insist on the Genuine M3 POMPEIAN --And-- "Girls About Town' 25e has been playing ball for more vears than he cares to remember. He can still go and get them in the outfield with any one; good bunter; smart base-runner. The Original Pink Roll-out MASSAGE CREAM Doe. Rowden--Outfielder--Doc fs Oshawa's all-round athlete, starring in hockey, baseball and rugby; good fielder; hard hitter; bats right, throws right. Alex Gray ----- Outflelder. Alex learned his baseball in Kingston; good, fast fielder; very consistent hitter; hats left, throws right. « ("Peg") Hurst -- Outflelder, Peg is a new-comer to team this vear but he is a good, fast flelder and very hard man for pitchers to throw to; bats right, throws right. Bill Little--Outfielder; throws right, bats right; played Junior and Senior ball for Oshawa. ("Bob") Ross--Outfielder; an- other new-comer who looks prom- ising; hard hitter; bats left, throws right. Geo. Hill--Manager; has had considerable. experience handling ball teams in Oshawa and Regina. Does not tolerate any fooling dur- ing games and keeps players on their toes all the time. Walt Falr--Coach., Walt has a thorough knowledge of game, hav- ing played Senior ball for past 10 vears in Oshawa. Hig experience and knowledge of game will prove invaluable assistance to team. Sam Johnson--Trainer. Sam has the real knack of taking kinks and soreness out of arms and legs; wag trainer for cham- plonship GM.C, Lacrosse club, 1929; a real handy man to have around to keep pitchers' arms in shape. GRAY BLANKS WHITE SOX St. Louis, April 21 -- Sam Gray pitched his second shut-out game of the year against Chicago yester~ UBLIC highway transportation service has to be more than merely "fair weather" service to excel the private vehicle in dependability. Benedict Will Try Box Lacrosse Goal Montreal, April 21.--Clint Ben- edict, former goalie for the Mont- real Maroons of the National Hockey league, will try out here in a few days for a place between the goalposts of the Maroons pro- fessional lacrosse club. Benedict was a lacrosse player of note many years ago, playing with the Ottawa Capitals and Vancouver.. He retired from professional hoc- key two years ago. day as the St. Louis Browns de- feated the White Sox 5 to 0. ew 3s aid _NEW MARTIN STARTS TODAY MARIAN MARSH WARREN WILLIAM DAVID MANNERS "Beauty and the Gray Coach Lines services ar organized and equipped to main- tain scheduled regularity during all seasons of the year. GRAY COACH LINES More than 4,000 miles of roads in the national highway system of Italy were surfaced with bitu- minous dressing in the last 12 months, : o

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