Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Apr 1932, p. 5

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"THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1932 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home and the Community Social and Personal i Readers are invited to sub | mit ial and p J | items for publication in this column. Kindly send or | phone them to The Times office. Phone 85 or after office bours to Miss Lois Mundy. Phone 812. On Tuesday evening the Junior Branch of the Women's Auxiliary cf Holy Trinity Church staged a very successful concert and play which was enjoyed by 'a large au- dience of parents and friends. The little girls were under the direction of Mrs, Jack Penning- ten and the entire program was a great credit to them. At its close the members of the audi- ence were their guests and were eniertained to refreshments and ¢ delightful social time. * * * Mrs. Gordon Conant and Mrs. B. A. Brown, of this eity, mem- bers of the Family Welfare Board wili be among those attending the York County Social Welfare convention that is being held this week at the Royal York Hotel In Toronto. Miss Grace Jackson of London, formerly exocutive sec- 1elary of the Associated Welfare Soeities of this city will also be in attendance at the convention. LJ] LJ LJ Mrs. 1, O, Cowi:, Somerville Avenue, was hostess recently to the members of her group of Northminster United Church Wo- mer.'s Association. The ladies heid a business meeting and en- joyved a social time together. WOMEN'S MEETINGS HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The Women's Auxiliary of the | Oshawa General Hospital mét for its regular monthly meeting on | afternoon. Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin the president, was in the chair. The main topic of discussion for the afternoon was Monday the plans for the Lyric Singers' | concert that is to be put on un- | der the auspices of the Auxiliary on April the twenty-sixth. Mrs, B. A. Brown, convenor of the Training School Committee, that was organized to plan enter- tninment for the undergraduate nurses, reported that something of a social nature is being plan- ned for the near future, It was with deep regret that the Auxiliary accepted the resig- nation of Mrs, T. W. Joyce, who is going to Torontc to live. Mrs. Joyce has been an active mem- ber of the Auxiliary for the past five years and many of the mem- berg expressed their regret at her leaving. LANGUAGE WAR IN MALTA Whether English or Italian should be the ruling language is a question which has started a war of tongues mm Malta. "Ignorance of the Eng- lish' languae is a fatal social draw= back in Malta. but' ignorance of Italian is unnoticed because one has no occasion to display one's. ignor- ance," declared one newspaper. Champions of Italian say it is necessary to those wishing culture and refinement. What New York Is Wearing Are the Attributes of This Smart Model It simulates a bolero which is such a youthful smart fashion for street for spring. 5 And its so utterly chic carried out in black and white crepe silk print. The cross-over white crepe silk vest has two self-fabric buttons. The bias skirt seaming creates undreamed of slimness. I'he hemline displays graceful ful- ness, Style No. 412 may be had in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 10 and 42 inches bust, Size 36 requires 33% yards 39- inch with 8; yard 35-inch con- trasting. Plain crinkle crepe silk now 80 much favored, lends itself ex- cellently to this model. Flat crepe silk, he vy sheer silk and thin woolens are also guitable. Spring Is the most colorful season' in Fa- shions. All the more reason why you should have an authentic gnide, such as our new Fashion Magazine, to show you the way in design, colors, etc. Of course, there dare styles for afternoons, for stouts, for "ome wear, lin- gerie, children, ete, Price of BOOK 15 cents, Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin Is prefer- red). Wrap coin carefully, Address orders to: Pattern id- itor, Oshawa Daily Times, Osh- ewa, Ont, The killing of pigs by electri- city mav b~ introduced into Bel- fast, Ireland. A £5,000 Complexion An Amazing New Idea In Face Powder _ Scientific research has now revealed a timple easy way to make face powder stay on all day. This marvellous discov- ery will enable any woman to keep her complexion fresh and lovely--with not the sligh trace of shi all throug} a whole evening when dancing in the hottest ballroom. The ingredient which makes this amazing difference is called mousse of cream, and the patent rights to its use have been acquired at enormous expense by Tokalon. Thus, Poudre Tokolan is the only genuine Mousse of Cream Face Powder. It gives a perfect romplexion that is not affected by the worst windy or rainy weather. Every beauty prize winner for several years has used this particular kind of wder. Senorita Yo- da Pereira, Miss Universe 1930, de- clares: "This simple complexion secret gnabled me to win £5,000 and helped make me Beauty Queen of the World." FREE: B ial arrangement with the * manufacturers, any woman reader of this paper may now obtain a De Luxe Beauty Outfit containing ular shades of Tokalon "Mousse of Cream" Powder so that she may test-them on her own face. The outfit also con tains Créme Tokalon Skinfoods for both day and night use, Send 10 cents in stamps to cover cost of postage and package, etc, to Agent for Can- ada: H. R. Madill and Co., (Dept. XD» Lister Bidg., Hamilton, Ont. 5 Convalescence is hastened b V4 the most important, | THE VAGABONDS The vagabond knows naught of care; He has no duties anywhere. Jerry Muskrat. Up the long hall that led from the bottom of thé Smiling Pool to Jerry Muskrat's snug bedroom just under the sod in the bank, rose the water. It crept up and up and didn't stop. Every few minutes Jerry went to look at it end each time it was a bit high- er. At last it began to trickle intc the bedroom, Jerry wait- ed no longer. He awoke Mrs. Jerry. v "What's the matter?" she de- manded crossly, for she was still sleepy. "It is time for us to be going," replied Jerry. "Going where?" demanded Scugog (Mrs. D, Hope, Correspondent) Scugog, April 18,.--Miss Reta Milner of Toronto was the gues of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J Milner, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, 8. Sweetman and baby spent the week-end with hi: { parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Sweet man, with Mr, Milton Demara. Mr. Sydney.Chandler was the guest of Mr. Ray Milner, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crosier Manchester spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs, George Sam- ells. week-end, Miss Elva Elford of Toronto spent the week-end at the par sonage. Miss Aileen Sweetman Sunday with Miss Z. Hope. Mr. Roy Dodsley was home on Sunday. Mrs. Hayes of been a recent guest of Mrs, W. Milner. . The Women's Association held its April meeting last Tuesday af- ternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William Milner, In spite of the unfavorable weather there 'was a very good attendance. The usual devbjlonal exercises were followed by a literary program. A prose selection by Mrs. Robert | Reader on "Mother's Prayérs"; | 2 poem by Wilson MacDonald en- | titled, "Molly Mahone," read by [ Mrs. Elmer Ploughman; a mathe- | matical problem conducted by Mrs, George Samells. A letter was read from Mrs, W. Mark who un- til recently was an active mem- ber of our society. A very special item of the meeting was the con- test on the lovely fruit-cake, don- ated by Mrs. Hayes. Everyone was very anxious to get their guesses in so they could sample it but was decided not to cut it till the next meeting so others could get their guesses in, There were 39 names put down making $3.90. It seems very Interesting. We all had a very enjoyable time together. The supper, which was in charge of Group No. 4 of the Foot appointment whb are Mrs. Joblin, Mrs. George Jackson, Mrs, Dawson and Mrs. W. Milner. There was no league meeting last week on account of the con- dition of the goads. . Mr, Charles Danlels has decid- ed t'» return to his home in Eng- land. He leaves Montreal Friday on the Duchess of Bedford. All his friends wish him a safe and pleasant voyage. He spent a few years with Mr. R. D. Burnham, and the past year with Mr. J, A. Sweetman, Sunday school was well attend- ed at the Centre appointment on Sunday, A very interesting feat- ure was the treat the girls pro- vided for the boys as they were the winners in the tug-of-war that had been going on for some time. After the lessons were over the girls passed around home- made candy of all kinds and pea- nuts. But the boys were good sports and shared up with the girls. It was also decided to try the tug-of-war again to see if the girls could win next time. A very special invitation--everyone to come to Sunday school and help us out, The lessons are very inter- esting just now--about Abraham, a man of faith. We are all very sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Charles Po- gue,'s nephew, Mr. Rich, of Oak- wood, who was buried last Sun- day. Our assessor, Mr. A, Sweetman, is busy calling around on his friends again on his yearly visits, Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Oshawa, Mr. W. Pearce and Miss C. Craw- ford of Blackstock were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, Pearce. Mr, John Reader and lady friend, of Tordnto, visited his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, O, Reader, on Sunday, Mr. George Lane and Mr. Rob- ert Fowler visited in Bowman- ville, on Sunday. Miss Tressa Fowler is spending a few months in Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. T. Redmgn {is vis- iting hig sister, Mrs. Rogers in Kingston and attending her hus- band's funeral on Monday. All her Scugog friends are very sorry to hear of her loss as she lived here many years. spen! has and Toront Mr. | | By Thornton W. Burgess Mr. Percy Jeffery spent Bunda) | of | Miss D. Williams was the guest | of Mr, and Mrs. J. Joblin over the | 1194 the hola Mrs. Jerry. Then she added peovishly, "I'm not going any- where." "Yes, you are," retorted Jerry. "Who says 1 am?" demanded Mrs. Jerry, now very much awake, : "I do,' replied Jerry. you are going somewhere. I hope you are going with me, but whether you do or not you are going somewhere and the sooner | we start the better." Mrs. Jerry opened her mouth to say that she had no intention of going anywhere but back to ¢leep when she felt the water creeping around her feet. Shé didr't have to be told what that meant. There was nothing to argue about now, continued to rise, "I say! If that water | and there was | no reason to think that it would | not. they couldn't stay here any- | wore than they could stay In their other house now under wa- ter in the Smiling Pool. So in- | stead of saying what she intend- | "All Where ed to, she meekly said: right. I'm ready to start io we go and how?" "We'll go to the higher land | vond the Green Meadows," ed Jerry. "We'll follow ughing Brook up in the Green orest, Then when the water gins to fall we can come down he laughing Brook to the smil- ng Pool. We'll hy just digging this air hole big ough for us to get "hat will be better than swim- down through the hall where the it mi we ming the Smiling Pool ter is go swift that ns far from where Ps wa- Jer et to work rut poked his head out fer tha little nila of sticks that from those "ht 13 that way, awled ort snd Mr, Jerry tol- Once out on the Green radows thov ent for a few n vier gtovin~ ar tt! > waler that now the usually on'nt Tool. Alpendy over the farther Jerry wed, swept through the water w bank, 'so all. The water was running level with the top of the bank on their elde and in places was hegimning | to trickle out through the grass. | "If 'we stay here" said Jerry, | "we'll soon have to be swimming. Then when we want to rest will have to find somethine climb out on and perhaps ourselves being carried away. I've been through all that I'm going up in the Green Forest, If you don't want to come yon my stay here, but I advise you to get to high land." "Oh, I'm coming." replied Mrs Jerry, "You neadn't think you can leave me behind." So they started off, Jerry the lead and Mrs. Jerry follow- ing close behind. along beside the Laughing Brook. It wasn't laughing now, No In- deed! It was roaring angrily. There were places where the wa- ter was far over the banks, and they had to go around or swim. Sometimes they did one and sometimes the other. The alder ewamp was filled with water and here they swam for the current was not swift, save in the middle. They were homeless and they did not know where the next meal was coming from. They were just a pair of vagahonds nathing ' re- | the | get out of here | through. | to | to | and in a few | who | that there was no longer any pool at | we | tn | find | happy. in | They followed | |a linen weaving industry. | | with ! they could call their kinds of cloth and bags. Always in vogue, we no achievement Whisper Stoc sheer and delicate "Duller than ever' Fashion for silk hosiery, give to "Whisper absclutely the dullest finish possible to produce. '""WHISPER"' The Newest Supersilk Creation Made of Genuine Silk Crepe advance, anticipating the w offer ladies the supreme in silk hosiery '., 80 we call it "The king." is the dictate of therefore we These really marvellous creations are of finest pure silk crepe, with extra high They look super-sheer, yet wear twist. longer. triple-ply reinforcement toes. All crepe silk to "The Whisper Stocking' is faultlessly made 7 every popular shade. leading stores from coast to coast SUPERS {Hosiery of Distinction for Women Who Care" The New "Whisper" Crepe Silk Stocking is Manufactured solely by Supersilk Hosiery Mills, Limited SOLD EXCLUSIVELY IN OSHAWA BY > on heels and Picot Top, Sold by Yet, somehow they were It was fum not to know where they were going or what would happen next. And the | feel of spring was in the alr! | (Copyright, 1932, by T. W. Burgess) own. The next story: "A Slap In Time." LITHUANIA TO BOOST LINEN Lithuania is endeavoring to create Accord ing to reports from Kovno the Goy- ernment is taking active leadership in the plan. .Beacuse of the drop in flax prices large stocks are ready to he used. At first a thick cloth of linen and tow yarns will be pro- duced. A linen weaving plant at Telsiai has started to weave various CANADA BREAD Nourishes men who work hard » Even the water used in its making is purified and sterilized in the Eddy $400,000 Filtration Plant, Regular "White Swan" is wrapped in dust-proof rolls of 750 creped white sheets. Look for the Swan on the wrapper--and be '* size to fit safe. Also made in "Recess built-in fistures. What New York is Wearing SEVERAL ARE THE SCHEMES THAT WILL Be Smart for This Model Printed crepe silk in navy and white is especially nice. The bind- ifigs 'are vivid red to tone with the vivid red leather belt. It's a dress that is extremely flat- tering. And incidentally, it's a type that suits the miss or the matron. The crossed bodice and the plaits at the tront of the skirt, stitched part way are decidedly "slimming qualities, you'll like, White promises to be very fash- ionable for summer. And this model would be adorable in flat or crinkie crepe silk and novelty cottons that resemble woolen, Style No. 870 is designed for sizes yards of binding. Spring is the most important, the most colorful season in Faghions. All the more reason why you should have an authentic guide, such as our new Fashion Magazine, to show you the way in design, colors, ete. Of course, there are styles for after- noons, for stouts, for home wear, lingerie, children, ctc. Price of BOOK 15 cents. Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. Address orders to: Pattern Edit or, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, Ocean travel is to become cheap- er. Everything is coming down ex- cept taxes. -- Brockville Recorder A consumer is a boob who howls when he pays his own tax of $4.30 and makes no protest as he pays $430 a year passed on to him br the big taxpayer. -- Albany (Ore) Democrat-Herald. ¥ early. The Pember Special Permanent Wave 3.50 No. 9 Bradley Building Si This is ¥= season that your hair should look beautiful for your new hat and costume: This is a good perman- ent wave specially reduced to suit your pocket-book. Telephone Oshawa 38 and make your appointment Special for mornings until 11.30 a.m., hair cut, sham- poo and finger wave $1.00. We have brought you an expert service to Oshawa. The best value and work at most reasonable cost. Branch Store NE L 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches" bust. Size 36 requires 3% yards of 39-inch material with J VALTI . ol TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE £3 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fowler have 9 Bradley Bldg., Oshawa, Canada Telephone 38 moved in the house on Mr. C | Reader's farm. LxAl Pe "AN EDDY PRODUCT"

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