PAGE SEVEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1932 THE WHITBY DAILY TIMES Advertising, subscriptions and mews 'will be veceived at the Whithy Branch Office at Gazette and Chronicle. Telephone 23, After Business Hours Phone 850; WHITBY EDITOR---JAMES H, ORMISTON INCREASE OF $14,000 IN ASSESSMENT IS ] SHOWN FOR THIS YEAR || == The total assessment liable for all taxes, including prop- ing exempt property, for the Bldgs, $683,807 338,269 460,140 126,921 676,445 167,739 1,810,700 Sub, Div, Land 1 $155,631 2 107,904 3 102,669 Assessment Story of 1932 Briefly Told By subdivisions the assessment for all purposes, includ. Total Azsessment Including Exempt Property year 1932, ip as follows: Totals $769,979 493,349 620,115 41,990 018,751 1,712 1,326 1,981,476 Business $17,420 34,446 36,680 Income $13,615 12,740 20,626 19,390 $660,864 $3,868,852 Property Liab) $68,083 $131,871 $4,783,670 ' le for Taxation | | | | | Board of Education Asks Council For | Reduced Budget! Ask For $7,000 For High Schools and $1,500 Less Than | Last Year for Public Schools--Reduction Amounts | to Nearly Half a Mill on The Board of Education has ad- vised the Town Couneil that it will require the sum of $7,000 for High School purposes, the same as last year, and $1,500 less than in 1031 for public schools, The news, con- veyed to the clerk by Dr, C, F, Me- Tax Rate and mean that a larger sum would have to be spent next year, Included in the estimates is an item of $2,000 for the transporta- tion of pupils to the High School from outside pointe, with only $1000 revenue from the students. Th ds of bonnie, b erty listed under the farmers' agreement, amounts to $2, 633,686, as follows: Sub, Div, Land $141,777 106,364 03,400 112,046 109,834 ing Canadian babies owe their health and strength to Christie's Arrowroots . . . the ideal baby food. Absolutely pure , . . there is no substitute, Gillivray while Council was in ses- sion, was received with gladness, in view of Couneil's determination to lower the tax rate this year, The reduction in the Board of Edu- cation's estimates amounts to ap- proximately half a mill, In the reduced estimates for this year the Board has made no provision for salary reductions, Every item of expenditure, how- ever, has been carefully gone into and economies effected wherever Totals possible, Totals $677,125 471,809 H18,400 627,376 328,971 $2,035,686 Business $17,426 34,445 36,680 41,996 Income $13,615 12,740 20,626 19,300 Bldgs. $504,307 318,260 267,640 463,945 216,100 1,712 1,825 $563,480 $1,870,252 $68,083 $131,871 Lands and Buildings Exempted : Property exempt from taxation in the town is divided as follows: A contract has been awarded to W. H. Little, Ltd,, well known To- ronto contractors, for the complete renovation of the property known as Lakeview Hall, owned for many years by the late John Rice, over- ooking Rice's Hill, just north of the town limits, The work, which will cost $3,000, is for Mrs. Nes- bitt, of Toronto, the owner of the | lace. The contract calls for instal- | ation of new stucco ceilings, all | 1,609,630 The Board has provided a sum |oak floors, Bteplaces, new hot | 107,285 for necessary school repairs, as! water boiler, and many other im- 109,250 very little work was done last year | provements, The contractor is pur-\ 92765 in the school buildings, It is felt, | chasing all his supplies in Whitby. | 112,561 however, that to neglect these | Mrs, Nesbitt is fixing up the place 64,500 | further would be false economy 'as a private home, | Totals Exempt Properties Bldgs. $1,668,000 03,600 104,000 85,000 103,000 60,000 Land $66,630 13,688 H,250 7765 0,551 4,600 Govt, Munieipal Schools County Churches College $2,006,084 J days' work each week, OMI The total eost of material for Totals $97,384 $1,098,600 this work is $1276, and other sup plies $184.68, making a grand to tal of $3,361.01, The Commission is now making application to the Un employment Relief Fund at "where Quality Counts', CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL (€7 2 IT'S CHEAPER TODAY THE "DOMINION" WAY! "Specials" for Thursday, Friday and Saturday "Where Quality Counts® . Rlaitasy Despite Loss of Similar] The total amount assessable for Whitby has $2,095,084 worth of NATURAL INCREASE to the fact that there is no taxa- tario Hospital, those owned by the New Revenue College. In connection with the From Taxation in Year pay on an assessment of $6,000 on | An assessment for all purposes | ty included in the famous farmers' Pringle, who recently returned his | The largest exemption iz on the . | | 7 loss of about $8,200 through de- | lands, Whitby orkmen Queen 8 Park, Toronto, for half of t mid out to Whithy workmen by | ance of the money appropriated -- -- Amount on Income and | income is $08,083, and the total | exempt property, an amount al- SAYS ASSESSOR tion on the huildings of the On- Town of Whithy, the Federal gov- college it should be noted that they | When Most Needed {the farm, only the buildings being | of $2,633,186 on which the 1932 |agreement, which enjoys a rate of roll for this year to the town clerk, | buildings of the Ontario Hospital creased income and business as- Population Same ' $ | The population of the town is | Paid 1900 by nis amount, Practically all of the we Publie Utility Commission for | for the work will he paid out in wer extensions in the north part | [ the town during the month of I Mareh, Three shifts of men, all [heads of families, were given two . | Assessments | Much Fxempt Property Last Year | taxes can be collected, This is due | of Ontario and the Ontario Ladies' Mean The total assessment on proper- by Assessor and Collector H, L.| other properties, is $140,767. $14,000 over last year, despite the | This figure, of course, include The sum of $1,900 in wages was | has been paid for, so that the bal "Where Quality Counts" an amount for labor at this time Our Own Biend RED PACKAGE means much to the town, Although somewhat hampered by unfavorable weather, good prog vy "2 | TESS 1 being made on the sewer ir some icant hoses and apart Whit by te Ni a | DOMINO ' Deliciously Zestful and Nourishing ents, t ne t in other | Re bot hia in self i a en | it y 1s ow | G i KRAFT | couragi act, , g i | ke od » pointed out that the | Supplying Power d Na CS | increase in the assessment is a ! ' | WITH ALL THE natural one, realized for the most to Large Ar H Se wf . { BH BRAN OF THE = 20 mma 15. tax: revenue producer, The decrease in the amount of Weiners Mayfield Choice Sausage ib, 1§¢ mm, 12 1-2¢ 12 12¢ ib. 12 1-2¢ SRT Seytl SAUL tt ts part on buildings and plants. For WHOLE WHEAT OF COURSE IT FLOATS neome tax is due to families mov- FRAY BENTOS ois "ri Pork Butts ib, 1 §e ib, 17 and simply must express himself through "song." | business assessment is $131,871, Business | most as large. as that on which Added Assessment Will | ernment, the churches, the County empt, tax rate will be based, is reported | seven and a half mills less than This is an increase of about|which are assessed at $1,608,130 sessments, | LJ 'P.U.C. in March EE material for the sewer extensions labor. The expenditure of so large | A new era in connection with the development of eleet- ric power in Whithy, and one which can rightly be said to add another link to the chain of success which unites the town of Whithy te the great Hydro electric power enter. prise, was ushered in on Nat. urday last, when by the simple throwing of a switch Whithy's municipal power station on Brock Street South began to supply power to Broeklin, Myrtle, Ashburn and all rural customers of the Hydro west of Highway No. 12, Formerly the power for this has heen supplied from the Owhawa sub station, New switching equipment Imported from the Mother Land was installed at the lo- cal station, and without cere. mony of any kind, the "cut in" took place with great success. Reports from the places named indicate that the power supplied from the Whithy sta- tion has greatly improved the voltage, that the power supply is steadier and the lighting better everywhere, LGE. BOT, RICH AND DARK Weather works 365 days . « « Does 2 year Balsam int? i Lean Boneless our Paint! Lion Spero: ws BA " WR Ital ipl k Shoulder Steak Ib, from Jnastoid, ye ho ve she will | soon be restored to health, Rolled Roast Beef Mr. Cecil Jones entertained the FRR RIO A STL, Small Links Rump Roast young men's class on Tuesday ev- | ening of last week. The evening | was spent in checker playing, | April is sure doing her best to make us believe it js still winter, Sorry to report the Broome | family are still confined to the house and under the doctor's care, | THAT ARE REALLY The young people here visited | the Kinsale Community Club on Fresh Tuesday evening last. All report . having had the usual good time. Mr, Allen Manderson, of Toron- to, is moving this week to the W, Fresh TS develop C.I.L. New Process Paint required years of intensive research, thousands of tests. And the result was a new paint . , . not merely new in name, but new in performance. Every batch is thoroughly pre-tested before it leaves the factory. Wooden panels, painted with New Process Paint, are exposed to the weather year in and year out. And these panels instance, the plant of the Ontario Shore Gas Company in Whitby i ECONOMICAL AND NOURISHING : Made in Canada with Canadian Wheat pi | pli So ummary of the As- CORNED BEEF MAPLE FRUIT "T's All No! 1 - SYRUP 57 CAKE LB. 25 Fresh Minced STEAK WHEN THAT RHAPSODY IN "A" FLAT STARTS 4 IN AIRTIGHT SEALED CARTONS "DOMINO" assessed this year for the first | time, and in future will be a good THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD, ment roll appears elsewhere in| I-------------- Delicions Beel' PORK SHOULDERS 1b. Qe o Choice RIB BOIL Ib. 8c 2 ibs. 2%7e You can be quite sure that the "artist" (0) Is feeling pretty Sond: for no man sings whily Fruits and Vegetables lbs. 1-LB. PKG. Manufactured by Paint and Varnigh Division CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED prove that months after ordinary paints have failed, New Process Paint retains its fresh, bright color . . . its clean, unbroken surface! Your master painter can tell you why. Profit by his professional knowledge. He will advise you which C.I.L paint or varnish is most suitable for your requirements. FOR TRIM PAINTING If you are interested in 30%, to 100%, greater durability, better color and color retention for trim painting, you 'will investigate C-1-L Trim and Trellis Finishes--a modern miracle of chemi- cal research developed in C-I-L laboratories. SOLD BY W. H. A. PATTE 85 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, H. D. WILSON 23 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, H, Jones farm, east of the village, School apened Monday after the Faster holidays, with a rather small attendance owing to so much sickness in the neighbor. hood. No More Piles You Can End Your Awful Misery Quick Without Cutting or Salves Thousands of Pile sufferers do not know that the cause of Piles is ins ternal--bad circulation of blood in the lower bowel, That Js the scientific truth about Piles--the real reason why salves and suppositories do not give pers manent relier, why cutting does not remove the cause, Your itching, bleeding or protruds ing Piles will only go when you ac. tually remove the cause--and not one minute before. 'lixternal treat- ments can't do this--an internal medicine should be used, HEM- ROI, the prescription of Dr, J. S. Leonhardt, sold by. good druggists everywhere, succeeds because it stimulates the circulation, drives out congested blood, heals and restores the almost dead parts, Dr. Leonhardt's HEM«ROID has an almost unbelievable record of success right in this city. So why waste time on external remediés or worry about an operation when Jucy & Lovell invites every Pile ier to try: HEM-ROID * with guarantee of money back if it does not end their Piles, no matter how stubborn the case? oe 20c 2% 0c. doz. 29 c Ibs. 19 Cc for TOMATOES Leaf LETTUCE .. Large Ripe BANANAS Sweet 4 POTATOES California La CELERY 5 23c Head Each LETTUCE : 10c Fresh Bunches ruvsarsd ™ 25¢ Seedless 4 for 25¢ GRAPEFRUIT Fresh Bunches CARROTS & "for Hc N Ibs. roratoes 4 ™ 19¢ New CABBAGE And ne woman with any sense of justice in her haah would dare to crush that roaring spirit by serving anything lav. than a perfect hreakfast, and that, of course, moans Mayfield Bacon. The delicious aroma of frying bacon upstairs will bring him down ef, and your worries abou: wetting him off to work on time wi disappear, But don't you dare disa t him --be sure ih Mayfield econ you serve. You can got it at any Dominion Store. FRESH, PURE LARD ONE-POUND- PKG. tb. 12Y/2¢ N SWEET MEATY PRUNES LENTILS .....2 25c BIRD SEED GOOD STRONG CHRISTIE'S THE HEALTH SO. I JCORICE 'lLAREN'S 10 "AKE OR POWDER 27c LB. PKG, LIFEBUOY SOAP. 3 cue 21¢ AMISORTS..... a JELLY POWDERS. 4 pu. 23¢ BON AMI - 25c S95CUVT® 1 0. RESH 25c COURS AND CLEANS DROCK'S Lge. Pkg. 18¢ YELLOW CORN MEAL ..5 Ihe, CLOTHES LINES . » » 15¢ FRESH TASTY FIG BARS --- - 2- 25-