| | £. i 4 ! i ! i | : : i |] : PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1932 a a a EA FUE HA ii de cc a a Ontario and Durham County N ews Raglan (Allie Avery, Correspondent) Raglan, April 5. -- Master Lloyd McGaphey, of Lindsay, spent part of his vacation with his cousin, Master Lloyd Evans. Mr, William Luke celebrated his 80th birthday on March 31, #t the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jaines Latimer, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James Luke are spend- ing a few days visiting other rel- ativeg in Toronto. Mr, Leonard Caird, who has resided here for the past three years, has returned to his home near Kingston where he has se- cured a position, Miss Allie Avery entertained at a birthday party on Wednesday afternoon, March 30, in honor of her little neice, Miss Doris Bray. The afternoon was spent in games and contests. After all sat down to the birthday supper when a cake with eleven candles donned the centre of the table. Doris received a pumber, of pret- ty gifts, Master Lloyd 'Evans recently ¢pent the week-end with his grandparents in Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cook attend- ed the funera] of a friend in Osh- awa last week. Miss V. 'Hodgson and Miss Jazel Pierson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Pler- £20, Miss Twilla Turner of Toronto was the guest of Mr. Lloyd Hugh- son over the week-end, Migs Ila Wilson visited with friends In Oshawa last week, A number from here attended the euchre party and dance in Myrtle on Friday evening and re- port the usual good time. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Avery visit- ed with friends in Enniskillen one day lact week. The new mail man commenced his duties on Friday, April 1, We are all sorry to lose Mr. Thomp- son as he has held that position for a number of years. We were reminded of coming epring with a thunder storm on Saturday evening, accompanied by a sleet storm whieh weight- ed down trees and telephone wires, although no serious dam- age has been reported. The warm sun on Monday soon melted the snow and ice and once more the bare fields cas be seen: and before long, seeding operations will be commencing. Mrs. D. Macken and son Billy spent the week-end with relatives uear Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Towns and family, of North Oshawa, were Sunday guests of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Heaps. Miss Florence Heaps spent last week-end with friends in Port Perry. Seagrave News (Mrs. L. Scott, Correspondent) Seagrave, April 5. -- There passed away at Lindsay General Hospital on Friday April 1st Mina Belfour, of Omemee, a for- mer and highly respected school teacher of Seagrave. The late M!ss Belfour while here, made a host of friends, her kindly per- ¥onality won many hearts, amoung young and old, was active in all lines of church work, which she capably filled. The funeral was held at Omemee on Sunday. The late Miss Belfour was an only child, the parents have the sympathy of Seagrave friends in thelr sad and recent Dbereave- ment, Deepest sympathy is extended by friends and relatives to Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Reynolds, who are mourning the loss of their ipfant son, which occurred on Thursday, March 31st, at their bome. School has opened again: for another term, after an enjoyable holiday with Miss Graham, of Fenelon Falls in charge. "Young People's League on 'Tuesday evening as usual, with 'the president, Bert Wanamaker, presiding. Meeting opened with 'bymn and devotional peried by 'Rev. Mr. Green, Bible references 'by Miss Norma Moon. Toplc con- 'ducted by Mrs, Bert Dowson. Bladder Weakness Getting-up-Nights Quickly Relieved! 'Pleasant Home Treatment Works Fine; Used by Besta for Many oars What a wonderful comfort it is to sleep all night and not get up once from Bladder Weakness and Ieritation. . The daily annoyance, restless nights of misery, backaches and ueivous jrritability that result | | { her. We hope she will soon be ou | tbe road to recovery, | entertained a few of their friends | to tea on Monday evening last. A Business session. Miss Graham was put in as convenor of rd sionary, Miss Jean Harding fa- vored with a plano instrumental. Meeting closed with hymn and benediction. Enfield News Enfield, April 6.--Mr. Walter Ferguson had a very succeseful wood-bee one day last week. Mrs. John Sepsic has returned to Torento after spending sever. al days at her farm here. Mr, and Mrs. Weir and family and Miss Elsa Bowman, Listowel, spent the Easter vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bowman, * Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Prescott's two small children are 111 with the whooping cough, Mr. and Mrs. Prescott are also on the sick list, . Mrs. Percy Langmald and Miss Bernice, Oshawa, were recent guests of hersister, Mrs. Fred L. Smith, Mrs, Cecil Branton, came out to spend Easter her parente, Mr. and Mrs. Ste- phen Page, but has been since staying with them on account of their {liness, We wish them a speedy recovery as they are our village's oldest residents. Oshawa, with | Toulse's Several residents are on the eick list, battling with that mod- ern enemy--the 'flu, It is to be hoped that everybody will soon be better. If spring would only make her appearance and the last vestige of snow disappear, and | thinks generally dry up, the 'flu | would soon he routed. The robins have been in this vicinity since March 25. Where they found shelter during the re- cent blizzard 1s a mystery, but | these last few fine days 'have | brought them out in force again, | Thelr cheery song is a welcome harbinger of spring. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Gilbert were recent tea-guests of Mr. and Mrs, Hoskin Smith, Enniskiller, Mr, Arthur Ormiston is ahle to sit up a short while each day. The most sincere congratula- tions and best wishes are extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Braithwaite, Toronto, on thelr recent marriage in that eity. Mrs. Braithwaite was formerly Miss Myrtle Hobbs of this village, Her mother, Mrs. John Hobbs, and sister, Miss Vera attended the wedding, Mrs. John flobbs returning home after » | lengthy visit in Toronto. Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson is under the doctor's care, Mrs. Bruce Ferguson, Hampton, is nursing The debaters, Mrs. Alfred Pres. cott and Miss Ella Tamblyn and their opponents, Mr. Fugene Beech and Mr. Russell Gllbert are geining quite a name for themselves. Their famous debate ~"Resolved, that women spend more money on pleasyre than men"--has been given four times --and each time it gets better and better, Each side has won twice. The debate should really be given once more to finally decide this momentous question, As it stands, one is rather undecided whether men or women really spend the most, although we are of the opinion the men do. Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Ormiston very jolly time was spent playing 'Lost Heir," The debating team and their opponents are staging another de- Late here in the near future. This time the subject is: "Resolved, | April seems to iA. that the city is more dependent on the country than the country is on the city." A quartetts from Orano will furnish musiz, both vocal and {nstrumental. Judging by the interest in the last debale and already displayed in this one, we expect an excellent conéert and crowd. The debate Is to be | given on April 15. Watch for par- ticulars later. Last Friday afternoon Mr. Tames Stark had a very success. ful wood-bee. Twenty men were present and displayed their pro- wees ob a large quantity of word and also on a most excellant and appetizing supper served by Mrs. Stark and Miss Helen. In the eve. ning their number was supple- mented by over fifty of their friends and neighbors who enjoy. ed a real old-fashioned square | dance til] the "wee sma' hours. At midnight an appetizing lunch was served to all by the host and hogtess, and everybody present had a most enjoyable time. One of the local boyr, Norman Stinson, is developing fame as a fiddler. Norman was on hand the other night and did his share to- wards contributing to the even- ing's pleasure, He is in great de- mand all through this country. side and certainly knows how to deliver the goods. Mr, and Mrs. L, C, Pascoe spent a day recently with Brooklin friends, Owinz to the bad condition of the roads, the attendance at church and Sunday school last Sunday was smaller than usual. Rev, J. M. Whyte preached an ex- cellent sermon and administered the Sacrament of the Lord's Bup. Pearce at Newcastle on Saturday cvening. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Courtice en- tertained at a "Lost Heir" par- ty on Friday evening when all hod a pleasant time, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Colla- cutt and Master Lloyd, Oshawa, zrd Miss Ethel Potter, who is their guest from U.S.A, visited on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Kenneth and Thelma, visited with Mr. and Mre. Werry. Misses Velma and Louise Pearce spent part of the holidays with their grandparents. Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Oshorne and family, were among the puests in attendance at the for- tieth wedding celebration held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, T, C. Prugg, Shaw's, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmald and Mrs. Foster Snowden and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearce on Thursday and helped to celebrate Miss birthday at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Esli Oke, Mr. Jesse Arnott, Maxwell's spent Tuesday as guest of his sister, Mrs. Blake Oke. School re-opened on Monday nfter the Easter holidays with a fair attendance, many of the chil- dren getting back again after be- ing out for a time with the "flu." Since Saturday there has heen ra!n, lightning, snow and periods of Lright sun and gentle winds, be the tricky month instead of March this time, the roads being in a very Werry, Salem, A. B. | unsettled condition for travelling just now, Solina News (Mrs. W. T, dent) Solina, April 4. School] at Eldad opened by sing- ing the hymn "O Day of Rest and Giadnens," and "Come Ye That Love the Lord," and 'Hark the Voice of Jasug Calling," was used as a lesson hymn. 85 present depite the terrible condition of the roade. Mission- arv study period next Sunday also m'ssionary collection. At the later service the Sons of Temper. ance of Solina attended in a body --ihere were some 31 preeent, all wearing the white re- pa'ia of the order, A choir com- posed mainly of members of Di- vision sang two splendid temper. ance songe, "The Song of the New Crusade" and old." Rev. Mr, Bick took as hls text several verses, 1, 2, 3, 22, 24, 34 and 356 of the 23rd chapter of Proverbs and a special text, "Look Not Upon tha Wine When It i» Red, When It Moveth Itself in the Cup." Mr. Dennis Pickard, Maple Grove, visited in the neighbor. hood on Sunday. - Among those who attended Mr, Hillis' birthday celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Isasc Chap- man and Mr. and Mrs. Orval Chapman. Orono. Mr. and Mrs Frank Thompson, Kedron, and Mr. and Mrs. Car! Wilbur, Ralph and Alan, Solina. Miss Helen Baker, Messrs. Thos and John Baker and Mr. and Mrs, Will Baker attended the ' silver wedding of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Pearce at Newcastle on Saturday night, Mr. W, J. Bragg, M.P.P.,, Bow- manville, visited Mr. John Baker. The Young People's League meeting was in charge of Mrs. E. R. Taylor, 1st vice pres. Three of the young people read the les- son and Mrs. Roy Langmaid took up the devotiona. topics. Miss Margaret Scott gave a reading. Mesers, Will Nichol and George Werry sang a duet, Rey, Mr. Bick took the topic. The group sang a chorus, and Mrs, Taylor put on a Bible contest. Nearly all answered the roll call with a verse on wisdom, Mr, A, DP. McKessock led in prayer. Meet- ing closed with the League bene- diction, Port Perry News (Mrs. M. Cockburn, Correspon- dent) Port Perry, April 2nd.--Spec- lal services were held in the Unit- ed Church on Easter Sunday. At the morning service the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Peel and ten young people were baptized, Later in the gervice two elders, Joseph R, Baird and Jo- seph Peel were consecrated to the ofice of eldership. A reception service followed at which twenty three young people were received into the membership of the church, At the conclusion of the above services there was the ad ministration of the Lord's Sup- per at which a large number of Baker,. Correspon- | Sunday | There were | members | "Safe 1n the | communicants were present, Spe- {oa Easter music was rendered at morning and evening services, | On Saturday, March 26th, a [quiet wedding was celebrated fn | the Church of the Ascension when | Joyce Margaret, eldest daughter | of Rev. T. A. and Mrs. Nind, be-! | came the bride of Charles Hadsor | de Velmar, son of Mr. and Mrs, | Charles Marshall, of Toronto, The ! caremony was performed by | bride's father, Nev. T. A. Nind Mr. John Doubt spent Faster in Oshawa, where ha was the | Ruerct his brother, Mr. Henry i Doubt, Miss Margaret | Whithy, was home end Mies . of Forman, of for the weel PF. Cohbledic)k to, was the guest of My I'. W. Brock for Faster Miss Irva Nott, of M wrt, gpent the Tolidas w parents, Mr. and Mrg, W, I Mr. and Mrs." Sparrow, of Tor ont, were guests of Mr, and Mr W. 8. Short, recently. | Mr. and Mrs. MeCangland, Toronto, wera week-end guerts ¢ Port Perry friends. [ Mr. and Mre. A. Walker. of | London, and Miss Florence Wal ker, of Brampton, were giests of Mrs. E. A, Walker lart week, | Miss T.aura Ingram, of Toron- to, was homa for the week-end Renort. of Port Perry High School: Form I.-=-D. Lakey 90.5; Kirby 75.5; M. Kight 71.3; Luke 71.1; L, Fralick 71; 1. Lea- 70; K. Currah 69.5 I. Ryan P. Palmer 66.5 . Figar ND. Roper 65.72; Brent 5. C. Bradley 64.9; Hub bard 64.7; 1. Coates 64.1; BP. Caw- ker 63.9: A. Turner 62.2; M. Vie W. Leahy 60.8: DD. Steer . Carnegie 60; C Martyn B59 x th her Nott M M | Peare I. Reesor | Zones 68.5: M. Crosier § 1 Cooney (6.3; K. Midgzeley 53.8 0. Martin 53.2; K, Murphy 51.5; R. MarFarlane 51: R Prentice | 50.6: HW, Brookes 50.2 Viek- | ery 49.3; J. Poo 48 Gerrow 46.5; R, Oke 45.8; Camphel! 40.2: J. Black 39.6; Aldred L 6 G ...for fine flavour QUAKER CORN FLAKES stand alone --their subtle taste will win you... Flakes you do not know how delicious Unis you have eaten Quaker Corn corn flakes can taste, Here is the highest quality flavour ever put the | 36.6; R, Carnegie 36.4; H. Hall 24; R. Ewers 33; L. Beare 26.1. Form II.--D, Willlams 73.2; R. Milner 70.2; M. Beare 71.3; I. Young 68.3; A. Crosier 65.7; J. Orde 65.2; A. Dowson 64.3; A. Balfour 62.8; G. Moase 63.8; V. Nasmith 61.3; H. Platten 60.3; D, Suddard 59.9; V, Wells 67.6; R. McCrea 57.0; R. Willard 56.5: M. Eagleson 56.4; E, Williamson, 655.2; R. Pickard 55.1; E. Robin- son 64.1; W, Cawker 52.0; W. Heayn 50.4; L. Kight 50.4; F. Martyn 50.4; M. Harper 50.1; R Mclean 49.3; N. Hooey 47.0; C. Osadauk 46.3; E, Hoolc 44.4; A. Anderson 41.2; W. Oke 34.4. Formg III. and IV, -- 8, Nind 79.9; E. Wallace 73.8; O. Lakey H. Partridge 67.8; A. Hood 5; M. Prentice 67.4; H. Kight 67.1; V. Lyle 67; R. Willan 64.6; I. Currah 64.4; E. Symes 61.0; M. Pvatt 60.2; O. Bradley 59.6; P. Orde 57.8; R. Emmerson 57.5; D. Reesor 55.2; A. Cawker 55.0; R. Lyle 548; M McKercher 53.9; T, Woods 53.8; H. Willlamson 52.8; 1. Reynolds 52.7; 8. Small- man 3; 0. Cliff 44.3; F. Bown 50.2; M. Hooper 49.7 . Harper 49.7; W, Reynolds 49.5; N. Me- Millan 49.5; E. lee 48.7: 8. Moore 48.0; M. Black 46.4; M. Smallman 44.4; RN. Nottingham 42; E. Meneely 41,4; M. Jones 41.4; O, Michie 41,1; C. Ward 39 6; J. Farmer 31.6. Form V.--E, Nasmith 80.6: B, Smallman 75; H. Nind 70.9: F. Raines 70.1; P, Ferguson 66.5: V. Lapp 66.4; M, Currah 65.9; L, Harper 63.5; W. Harper 62.3: R. McMillan 58.1; D, Shepherd 58.0; D. Emerson 56.2 ". Corner 55.9; R. Cawker 55.7; T. Harris 55.5; 8S. Beare 54.8; G., Tinsley 63.5; W. Lyle 52.2. | Mr. and Mrs. George Heusler and family, of 'Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr Percy Rolph. Baggotsville The Greenwood young people are 'presenting their play "Her Gloves" | in the Audley church on Thursday evening, April 14th. Keep'this date in mind. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Middleton and little daughter, of Buffalo, visited with rank and Mrs. Puck- | rin last week, Mrs. Harry Willis and little sons visited at her home in Toronto over the holidays. Misses Blanche and Lottie Cen- dric visited Toronto friends last week. . Mr. Raymond Le Mesurier left | on Saturday for North Bay, where | he has secured a position. | Mr. C. Homes has hired with Mr. Geo, Collacutt, of Bowmanville, | for the coming season and hac | moved with his wife and family, | The Industrial Development Board of Manitoba is endeavor- ing to have radium ore from the firest Bear Lake District refined in Winnipez, where the lowest hydro-electric power rates in Canada are available. St. James, Manitoba, a suburb of Winnipeg, is develping a new industrial area, See § what you buy Look at the spice you are buying through McLaren's clear glass, shaker-top bottles. You can see for yourself--the bot- tles are full to the brim with pure ground spices. Just |0c each, 1c McLARENS 'Spices in GLASS It's Such a Simple Step ...... to QUICKER CLEANING . . and Old Dutch alone can show you the way. It makes this time-saving problem .cll so simple by helping you to do your household cleaning = quicker than anything else. The flaky, natural-cleanser particles of Old Dutch come in.contact with dirt and impurities. A smooth, quick sweep, and the dirt is gone~--none escapes. Old Dutch contains no harsh grit or crude abrasives -- keeps lovely things lovely. Every day more and more Canadian housewives are adopting Old Dutch exclusively because it ... cleans more things . . cleans quicker . . doesn't scratch . . . is kind fo their hands... . goes further; therefore costs less to use. MADE IN CANADA For particulars of the Diamond Ring Contest Listen to the Old Dutch Girl every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning over the Columbia Broadcasting System. Tune In Toronto Station CFRB 8:45 A.M. Standard Time. HIGH ww GEM LYE OPENS CLOGGED DRAINS - KEEPS DRAINS OPEN AT ALL GROCERS SAFETY PACKAGE 102 Stores in Ontario | DAINTY | PUDDINGS | SPECIALS HORNE i { oF Plies. 25¢ FOR WEEK OF APRIL 7th to 13th $ Cc O.., Limited CARRIE SOAP FLAKES SPECIAL--Swift's Pure 1-1b. Carton oe SPECIAL-- AYLMER Fancy Quality HELPS-- BABBIT]'S CLEANSER "An excellent cleanser" DAWES' LEMON OIL Produces a Hard, Dry Lustre 13-02. bottle LAVOLINE "Makes things clean" EUREKA LARD SILVERLEAF DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT -- but De a Shaitssnds. of 2UStoMETS Who Evaporated Pride of Arabia COFFEE "So Good You'll Want More" G HOUSECLEANING LOBLAW'S "3 Little-Pig" Brand. SAUSAGC p--r-- Sl a 19¢ WATER SOFTENER SPECIAL--Real Good Value { | Superior Quality--Easy on the Hands! HP. SAUCE Bottle 26¢ SPECIAL-- CARNATION Brand oe MILK Tall Tin 10: 17- FOR HAPPY HOUSECLEANING A INSUCH STOVE POLISH "£1. No. 2 Squat Tin BRASSO Liquid Brass Polish None BAB.O CLEANSER Prepared especially for ena. mel "Something Cc New" Tin 14 CHIPSO k Suds--No Chipping. frcm functiopal Bladder Troub- des are wrecking the lives of { thousands who might otherwise "be in the best of uealth. To be at your best, you must have peacefrl, health-glving sleep and freedom from daily f{rrita- 'tica----that's why Dr. Southworth's t URATABS give such wonderful satisfaction. Made from a special formula "and used by the Doctor for many _ venre--~URATABS, now obtain- able fron your Siugsial or nex. _peusive home us ave broug Fred help and comfort to many (Mrs. Blake Oke, Correspondent) . thousan Ebenezer, April 5. -- Mrs. El- "No matter what your age may | ton Werry, Bowmanville, visited | he or how many medicines you | for a few. days with Miss Vera "have used without success, if you | Werry, Elton spending the week: sant to forget you have a Blad- | end at home also. "der and enjoy the rest of peace- Mr. and Mrs. George Pearce, fil, usbroken sleep, try URA- | Mr. Jim Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. "TABS today. Your druggist will'| Koss Pearce were in attendance retand the small cost if you are | at the silver wedding celebration fot well pleased} Quie No Bother ... Large Pkg. DIAMOND BRAN TOILET FLUSH in any corn flake. Special malt, pure CANE sugar and salt of crystal purity. A delicate, intriguing flavour, fully preserved for you by the triple seal and wax wrapper. . A delightful food at breakfast or any other meal... or indeed at any time of day." Nour. ishing, too. With this delicious dish children take more milk and cream than any other way. Use Quaker Corn Flakes. They cost only a cent a serving. MADE IN CANADA. Quaker _ CorN FLAKES They are made in our own Spotless Food Kitchens to the rigid LOBLAW standard of quality, Try a pound this per at its close.. Miss Helen Pascoe returned to ic her school at Wick after spending the Easter vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, I. C. Pascoe, School re-opened here last Monday with Miss Ella Tamblyn, Orond, in charge. Two new schol. ars made their appearance. » JO FRESH of. SPECIAL--The IRRADIATED CEREAL SPECIAL--The Health SOAP MUFFETS | LIFEBUOY 2 Packages 19- | Soap Cake 6c A Product of the Quaker Mills LIQUID VENEER "A Furniture Polish" Ebenezer held for Mr, and Mrs. Harry