PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1932 | [EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Goods Returned Belleville.--Two ten pound hags of suzar,. which were re- ported to the city police as taken from the warehouse of the Graham Cold Storage plant early Sunday night, were found on Monday near the plant's zarage door, The sugar was missed shortly after men, who had been lingering in the warehouse, had sone and who when followed and called to by the night man, re- fused to stop and drove away in an old motor «a Centenavian is Dead Kingston A pioneer of the northern part of I'rontenae Coun ty. My Peter Thompson, died Saturday at Arden after cele- 100th birthday little Her first died 72 hus- more on brating hey more than husband, John Pringle, ago, and her second Peter Thompson, {0 years ago. a week ago, vears hand, than Large Freighter Passes Proekville wrature was chilly even for carly spring a decided "sum- mery"" scene was witnessed Tues- day nizht at 8.40 o'clock when a large freichter, the second boat to. pass down the river this sea- son, and the first going eastward at night, sailed serenely past the town over the surface of the river which was without a ripple and as pleasing to look at as on any June evening. Only Five Cases Lindsay.--Chief of Althonzh the tem- | | between Police R. | H. Lawler's monthly report show- | ed only five cases from town in court last month--the any month for a lone time. In the average month there heen about twelve cases In in various ways and also gave least in | have | \ { who has been court during the past year, The | in this distrie Police Department collected $192 | eral months, has shelter to 251 men in the month. Broke Window Perth. Thieves hurled a bot- tle through the plate glass dis- play window of Rudd and Neil- son's jewelry store, Foster street, last week, reached in and stole several watches and small pieces of jewelry from the display, and made their zetaway. Officers Are Elected Smiths Falls.-- The following officers for the current year were elected at the annual meeting here of the Smiths Falls Liberal Association: President, B. H. Soper; vice-president, John Clark; secretary-treasurer, John Bolton; excrutive, M. McGlade, W, Campbell, D. Condie, J. Jor- don, J. Shields M, Salmon and F Sheppard: honorary presidente Dr. J. 8. McCallum, Dr. E. H Wickware and R. J Brodie Heavy Damage Done Kingston.--The sleet storm of Inst Saturday nicht was one of the worst the Bell Telephone Company had experienced in vears, Officials of the company sald more than 400 telephone poles were broken in this dis- trict, while 250 telephones were put out of commission in King- ston. It is expected that all the services will be put in rood work- ing order in two or three dave. Between Kineston and Belleville 110 poles were broken on the Montreal-Toronto division 4 Belleville and Picton, i hetwr ton.and Cane ent, 21 Harrows n Kinz n hetween Kingston nd mith Received Lindsay Apnointment Patrick O'Connell, for the past sev- heen selected ac a member of the Roval Canadian Special Visit - OF -- Col. Dalziel Chief Secretary of the Salvation Army for Can- ada East to the Oshawa Corps. SERVICES ON Sunday, April 10 AT 11am. 3&7 p.m. SPECIAL VIMY SERVICE will be held in the REGENT THEATRE AT 8.30 P.M. The Band will give musical numbers. COL, DALZIEL WILL SPEAK Capt. the Rev. Sidney Lambert of Christie Street Hospital will preside over this service supported. by Capt. the Rev. L. Harston, Simcoe St. United Charch, and other ministers. Silver Collection Will Be Taken At The Door. ALL ARE INVITED COL. DALZIEL Preventive Officer | Mounted Police, and will rep- resent this force in the counties of Victoria, Haliburton, - Peter- borough and Ontario, with head- quarters at Lindsay, The Ire- ventive Service of the Customs and Dxcise department passed out of existence on March 31 and the work was taken over hy the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Carleton County Afluent Ottawa.--With revenue total- ling $731,184.62 and expenditures of $721,795.31 'the County cf Carleton finished 1931 with a surplus of $9,389.21, according to the annual financial state- ment issued by H., R. Washing- ton, county treasurer, In addi- tion it is shown that the county at the end of the year had a sur- plus of assets over liabilities of $311,274.57. The deficit of $193,193.30 carried forward from last year was retired by a deben- ture issue. Celebrated 92nd Birthday Lindsay.--Mrs. Matthew Wil- on celebrated her ninety-second hirthday quietly on Tu the home of her son, W. E, son, 93 Melbourne Street West, where she resides. Mrs. Wilson fs in fair health and enjoys being busy and takes an interest .in reading events of the dav an old pioneer of Ops Township and can recall many incidents of the growth of Lindsay and surrounding country Had Narrow Escape Belleville Tumbling from apartment window high over Front street, an empty mille hottle crashed to the con crete walk underneath just a f feet ahead of a pedestrian wh had been walking underneath nat a few feet ahead of a pede sian who had |) darneath, and epattered him wit | the flying The bottle had { evidently been pushed or blown | off the window sill but the exact location of the window in the apartment wa rved 18 lall windows ro and no worried te looking out to see | tle had fallen quart een walkin glass not ot wer closed nant seen where the bot was Prominent Man Passes Prescott Thon Bruce, a well known iizhly e resident of I home, Henry urday. after a was born at guay county 8, 1864, a and his wife, Cat} { had resided his died at street west, on lon« Aubrey Quebee on of "I mas Ie Chautean- Auzust illne on rine Robb, He cott fo the r more thar Ars was an emplovee of | Dominion L house Depot during that period was | of the gas | Superannuated one 3 in eh department | | Fruit Growers Meet Picton Monday | Shire Hall, at the ings, was packed to cay fruit grower: | Caesar and Howitt of the Ont | Agrieultural Collene Gn were present. They very in teresting and instructive addr es on orcharding trol of insects Charts were * | the talks, A | conducted and olved In this when profe gave methods, and disease used in illustrating questionaire wa many way. con- problem Died In North Bay Brockville Word | received here of tha North Bay, on Sunday of J. Alfred Champagne, of Brockville, and for has been death at afternoon native goveral Week-End Specials MEN'S FINE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS In stripes and plain; collar attached and separate collar styles; good quality. While they last 69c¢c MEN'S STRWED AND NAVY WOOL SERGE PANTS pockets; belt loops; bottoms. Owtstanding value, $2.95 Five cuff Manufacturers' Qutlet Stores Ltd. 24 Simcoe St., N. BE SURE OF THE ADDRESS! BOYS' Combinations In natural shade. 32. Sizes 22 to Exceptional value. Suit 39¢ GIRLS' SPRING COATS One hundred only to be sold at the ridiculonsly low price. Each $1.95 Sizes 6 to 14 years. Make Your Selection Early, Week-End Specials MEN'S WORK SHIRTS In navy and khaki materials flannels. Wonderful values, MEN'S STRIPED WORK PANTS Five pockets; belt loops; cuff bottoms. Sizes 32 to 42, Good quality. L'4- Yo pair also in fancy stripes in Suit $1.59 MEN'S FINE BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS $1.29 EXTRA SPECIAL plain 'colors Suit JERSEY SUITS In Navy, Fawn, Copen and Red. serviceable Suit. 69¢ suit BOYS' A real Sizes 2 to 6 years. Your Choice TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices: Eggs -- Ungraded, cases re- turned, fresh extras, 14c; fresh firsts, 12¢; seconds, 10ec. Butter -- No. 1 Ontario cream- ery solids, 27% to 27%ec; No. 2, 26% to 261; cents, Churning cream Special, 24c; No. 1 23c; No. 2, 20c f.0.b. shipping points. Cheese -- No. 1 large, colored, paraffined and eovernment grad- ed, 11% to 11%e. Dressed Poultry-- Alive A D Spring broilers, over 33% ba, ula 23 Chickens, over 5 1bs. each .. 12 Under 5 lbs, each 10 Patter heng, over b Ibs. each Over 4 to b each ,. Over 3 each .. Young Turkeys, 8 to 12 1bs., She is | the | itehtly | teemed | 4... 12 1bs. .. : Ducklings, over § Ibs. each Over 4 to each .. 01d roosters, over 6 Ibs. each Cuinea fowl, over 2 l Ibs. each (Selling) Toronto dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the !lowing prices: Eggs -- Fresh oxtras, ns, 21e¢; fresh extras, loose, 'ie, firsts, 17¢; reconds, 1bec. lutter No | creamery prints, 29 No cream 27¢. Cheese 06 15 in car- prints, de; new New, large, triplets, 13%¢c; old, p twins, «tiltons, 1: 210 3c member of He Ottawa for some time as a mem- | years, a | police force was stationed at PRODUCE PRICES * + Bapanas, | | | twins, 18%c; triplets, 1815¢; stil- tens, 20%c. Poultry -- Chickene, 3 to 6 1bs. 23¢ 1b.; 4 to 5 1bs., 22¢; 3 to 4 ths ,, 20c; under 3%; Ibs, 28c. Hens over 3 1hs., 20 to 23c; 4 to 5 1bs., 22¢. Ducklings, 22 to 26c. (ieese, 15 to 18c. Turkeys, 23 to 2bc. TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are the quota- tions, retail, in effect on the St. lawrence Market, Toronto: roduce-- I'ggs, extras, doz. .. "ir Do., firsts, doz. . ves Do., pullet extras "vs I'utter, dairy, 1b, 0.20 Do., creamery, 1b. 0.32 I ruits and Vegetables-- Apples, bus, doz ' . Cranberries, qt, +e» ves Grapes, 1 Ibs. Oranges, doz. l.emons, doz. ..... "imeapples, each .,. Tangerines, doz. Beans, green, qt. .. Brocoli, bunch Frussels sprouts, qt. Cauliflower, doz. Celery, head Chicory, head Cucumbers, each Cress, 3 bunches (Cabbage, doz. Catrots, basket Do., new, bunches A (ireen peppers, 3 for Eggplant, each .... Herbs, bunch {ottuce, head Mushrooms, 1b. I'otatoes, basket Do., new, 3 lbs, (.n'ons, basket irsnipe, 'bag itadishes, 3 bunche bunches 0.26 three ithubarb, 2 Strawberries, pt Squash, each 11 ! Tomatoes, 1b, the locals number of men the Canadian National in- ion department and from t Capital was transferred to North ber of the fami Basco and aunts sole relatives an uncle, Oshawa; and town, his | two Mrs Mr James In and | James Dunlop, Margaret Palmer am, Brockville, Bruce | | Tee Breaking Up Kingston Twenty rame over to Kingston Wolfe Islander on Tuesday morn The trip was made in al time. The along the shore is breaking up quite to get on the ice at was able the shore to- and the in 200 yards of Fishing Opened and sion Belleville Grapplers men have taken banks of the river this keeping their eve out for run of fish, which they claim started with the removal of from the Bay. Just below lower bridge several of the armed with long spears quietly on the wall with spear poised, every time a shape was sighted, and many of the fish had a number of narrow escapes from th prong several of them were not y Tuelky ar of the week, the has | the the posse ice men tood stone darting vhile barbed Trees Damaged Deseronto As the result of the severe storm which prevailed an Saturday evening and early Sunday =~ morning the trees | throughout the | much damage, the yards, could be seen broken limbs. which had heen ainable tn tand the weight of the sleet, The Hydre power was off for some time, but very little inconveni- ence was caused, Wires | out the district were down, and | the necessary repairs were made on Monday. | town and in many | Work Nearing Completion Kingston.--A report recelved | here states that work is well ad- | vanced in the Kaladar district lon the Trans-Canada Highway. A | Gas in the Stomach Is Dangerous Recommends Daily Use of Bisurat- ed Magnesia to Overcome Trouble Caused by Acid Indigestion Gas in the stomach accompanied hv a full, bloated reeling after eat- ing are almost certain .evidence of the presence of excessive hydro- ehloric acid in the stomach, creat- ing so-called "acid indigestion." Acid stomachs are dangerous be- cause too much acid irritates the delicate lining of the stomach, often leading to gastritis accompanied by scrious stomach ulcers. Food fer- ments and sours, creating the dis- tressing gas which distends the stomach and hampers the normal fuactions of the vital internal or- gans, often affecting 'the heart. It is the worst of folly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat with ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralizing effect on the stomach acids. Instead get from anv druggist a little Bisurated Magnesia and take a teaspoonful or four tablets in water right after eating. This will drive the gas, wind and bloat right out of the body, sweeten the stomach, neutral- ize the excess acid and prevent its formation and there is no sourness, sas or pain, ° Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet form---never in liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and the best form of magnesia for stom- ach purposes. It is used by thous- ands of people who enjoy . their meals with no more fear of indiges- tion, suffered | of | through- | | Bay. He was the surviving | of Mr, and | Champagne, of this | are | "| News Letter is { Branch passengers | the | » 4 {a tota 1 349,024 who went on Job from this district have turned home id they de conditions under which worked throughout as eminently the wii atisfactor GETTING MORE MILK The issue of the ued by the Cold contains an the place in current Dairy Domin- jon Dairy and Storage Interesting reference to which herd througho 1900, In that yea dairy numbered 0 head and showed a to roduction of 6,864,909,- 100 1b average f 2,995 per cow, with a butter-fat content of 105 Ibs, In 1929 the total num ber of cows was 3,684,766, giving | production in milk of 14.- | 000 Ms, an f 8, per cow, with a butter fat content average of 136 hs, growth has taken dairy and milk production 'anada since cattle milk average of 1 Lp [} A SPRING DRUG mane Yinvmenr "Spring," to housewives means Moths, Moving and Mopping. Let us lessen these worries by offering you many labor-saving specials for Housecleaning and Moth- Proofing. LARVEX Mothproofs woollens of the most delicate nature. Simply spray it on and Larvae will absolutely leave the material alone. Complete Outfit, includ. 1 50 ing Sprayer .. $ [1 Refill $1.00 and $1.75 DICHLOR BENZENE The new chemical com- pound which drives away MOTHS and kills LAR- VAE in confined spaces. Pure white crystals may be used with delicate woollens. 5 9 c One Pound Tin . Perfumed ROSARIE Toilet Soap HAWES' FLOOR WAX One Pound Tin... Completely 4 cakes 23¢ HOUSEHOLD RUBBER GLOVES 39¢ Heavy Brand, 50c Milk of Magnesia ....39¢c Choice of Colors 35c¢ 30c Dodd's Kidney Pills ..35¢c 75¢ Coty's Face Powder ..59¢ 50¢ Pepsodent Tooth Paste 39¢ B50c Houbigant Face IP, ..39¢ 25¢ Seidlitz Powders ....19¢ 35c Odorono ............32¢c a B0Oc Magnesia Tooth Paste 39¢ sess d0c 30c Pond's Creams 39¢ 353¢ Sloan's Liniment ....20c 50c Klenzo Shaving Cream 39¢ 50c¢ Fly-Kil (for Moths) ..39c 85¢ Pure Olive Oil .....69¢ 35¢ Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 20c 60c Toddy ..49¢ Tooth Brushes 35¢ value--West's shape. 40c Castoria 50o Gin Pills 35¢ Italian Balm Soe Gillette Blades 60c Vitone 19¢ each 9c 25¢ BSc . 23¢ Scott's Emulsion A.S.A. Tablets, for headache, etc. California Syrup of Figs .... Moth Camphor Balls vesses49¢ and 24 for ORIGINAL ONE CENT SALE NEXT WEEK--APRIL 14, 15, 16, AT THE REXALL STORES JURY & LOVELL KING E.--PHONE 28 SIMCOE S.--PHONE 68 An Opportunity for Oshawa Housewives --ON-- The Ontario Shore Gas Co., Ltd. And the Oshawa gas stove dealers listed below, are presenting to the Housewives of Oshawa an unique opportunity to hear and see Mrs. Florence Gray, internationally known lecturer on home economics, lecture and demonstrate on the most up-to-date cooking methods. The program daily will consist of actual cooking and lectures which will help to make your home cooking and baking a pleasure. This is an opportunity no housewife can afford to miss. There is no charge for admission, and on each of the three days of the school handsome prizes will be awarded to the fortunate women in the audience. Watch the columns of The Oshawa Daily Times for the details of these prizes, and remember the dates, April 11, 12 and 13. Luke's Furniture Store Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday April 11, 12 and 13 Remember the Dates THIS SCHOOL IS SPONSORED BY The Ontario Shore Gas Co., Ltd. And the following Oshawa Gas Stove Dealers: BOWRA ELECTRIC AND HARDWARE, 19 SIMCOE ST. N, R. S. VIRTUE, 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ADAMS FURNITURE CO., SIMCOE ST. SOUTH FLINTOFF AND SON, 13 KING ST. WEST HARRY D. WILSON, 23 KING ST. WEST GEORGE ALLCHIN LTD., 26 SIMCOE ST. NORTH NO ADMISSION CHARGE COME EARLY . APRIL 11, 12 and 13 MRS. FLORENCE GRAY Specialist in Home Eco- nomics and modern meth. ods of Gas Cooking. Grad- uate of the Home Economic Department of Columbia University, New York, will be here for three days to demonstrate and advise on all associated with Home Cooking and problems Economics.