Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Apr 1932, p. 6

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* RE _ PAGE SIX ~ . PEAS ji THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1932 Women's Interests in the Home and the Community Social and Personal Readers are invited to sub- mit social and personal items for publication in thie column. Kindly send or phone them to The Thnes office, Phone 85 or after office hours to Miss Lois Mundy. Phone 312. Miss Maudie Cornwall is enter- taining a number of her friends to- morrow evening at her home, King street west. * * L Mrs. Frank Robson who was in "Toronto attending the sessions of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Clubs at the O.E.A. convention has returned to the city. * . Mrs. Stanley Walker of Windsor, formerly of Oshawa, is a guest of Mrs. Frank Robson, Simcoe street south. CO Mrs. James Hall, of little Britain, visited her sister, Mrs. Pinkham at the home of Mrs. Clifford Bowson, 84 Gladstone Avenue, during the Easter week. *- Ll] * Mrs. Clifford Bowson, 84 Glad- stone and Mrs. Jas. Hall, Liftle Britain, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rowe, Hickory street, Whitby, on Wednesday. WOMEN'S MEETINGS CEDARDALE UNITED CHURCH LADIES' AID SOCIETY The Ladies' ditle United Church met on March the twenty-eighth for its: regular monthly business meeting. Mrs Day presided ahd led the devotional session, during which the scripture Jesson on the second coming of Jesus Christ was read, The treasurer's report was very satisfactory. There was a large num- ber of the Society members pres- ent for this Spring meeting. Mrs. Kaiser gave a very interesting read- ing on "Beacon and Church Talk" which she followed with poem en- titled "What." A vocal duet that leased the audience was sung by rs. A. Singer and Mrs. Platt. During the business session, among | other things discussed were plans for a rummage sale that will be held in the near future. CONVENORS APPOINTED " Besides having been elected to the presidency of the Ontario Federa- Her Past Life Far From Happy Rescued From Misery of Cruel Indigestion and Bad Nerves by Fruit-a-tives RS. H. D. writes: "For years 1 suffered knife-like pains from in- digestion, was badly constipated and a nervous wreck. I decided to try Fruit-a-tives, In a short time my h pped bling me, m nerves calmed down, and constipation dis ared." What more could she say in praise of Fruit-a-tives? They stimulate five vital organs to act naturally--the stomach, kidneys, liver, bowels and skin. Completely overcome indi, {! an i i! .25¢ and 50c, Sold by all druggists. Try them. Aid Society of Cedar- tion of Home and School Associa- tions for another term, Mrs. R. McLaughlin will serve as convenor of the finance committee and of the organization and extension committee. The convenors of the committees were appointed yester- day and are as. follows: 'Sccondary schools, Mrs. E. R. Brisley, Tor- onto; Department of Education, Mrs. A. B. Silcox, Toronto; finance, Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, Oshawa; religious education, Mrs. H. R. Kingston, London; home education, Mrs. Gilbert Storey, Riverside; League of Nations, Mrs, Farquhar- son, Windsor: (ourtice memorial library, Mrs. J. S. Burgoyne, Tor- onto; school science and physical education, Miss Margaret Pettigrew, Toronto; visual education and bet- ter films, Mrs. IV. C. Brunke, Tor- onto music, Mrs. Newton Magwood, Toronto; recreation, Mrs. H. W. Price, Toronto, organization and ex- tension, Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin. Mrs. H. Maltby was re-appointed as secretary-treasurer, and Miss L, Payne as editor of The Review. WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING SWANK LITTLE SPORTS TYPE | That the Sub-Deb Will Love A school girl frock of deep bright blue woolen, assumes a military air through its gay vivid- red trim. Note the attractively shaped collar that is partially responsi- ble for its smart individuality. The circular sleeve caps are chic detail. The bone buttons tone with the collar and sleeve cuffs, It follows the adult mode in the wrapped movement at the front. The right side of skirt is laid in plaits, a youthful idea to give ample width to the hem, The Paris It's so easily fashioned. saving 'over the original model is enormous. Style No. 715 is designed in sizes 11, 13, 15 and 17 years. Size 15 requires 3 1-8 yards of 39- ORANGE PEKOE BLEND 'SALADA TEA "Fresh from the Gardens" COUNCIL ACCEDES T0 BOARD REQUEST (Continued from page 1) cept in discussing the matter prior to the vote being taken. Ald, Hawkes did not vote, stating "I would not vote for that motion the way it is worded." Ald. Clarke did not vote, explain- ing that he was not in favour of taking the sum necessary from the reserve fund of $40,000 set up and aimed at in the original budget. Aldermen Morris, Hyman, Bunk- er and Harman were not present, Ald. Harman being a patient in the hospital. The formal resolution was moved by Ald. Boddy and seconded by Ald. Jackson. : Explained the Situation At the commencement of the meeting the Mayor explained that it had been called with a view to "clearing up the situation as re- gards the Board of Education." He reported to Council that 'he had taken upon himself to call on Mr. Cummings, and as a result Mr, Cummings had come to Oshawa and had an interview with the Mayor, Ald. Boddy, the City Treasurer, Trustee Donevan, chairman of the Board, Trustee Anderson, and Mr Fuller, "At that meeting we went over the whole situation but did not get very far," said the Mayor, "owing possibly to the stand taken by the Board and more particularly the Chairman of the Board who was very autocratic in his attitude. He would not talk, take or make any suggestion except legal ones. "The case is to come up to-mor- row in Osgoode Hall and the ques- tion for us to settle is are we to go ahead "Mr. Cummings has made the statement that possibly, if we op- pose this action, we mizht "have some success on the grounds that inch material with 7-8 yard of 35- inch contrasting, r Wool jersey, rayon novelties, woolly type cottons and flat crepe silk in plain or«print are nice me- diums. Spring is the most important, the most colourful season in Fashions. All the more reason why you should have an authen- tic guide, such as our new Fash- fon Magazine, to show you the way in design, colors, ete, ot course, there are styles for after- noons, for stouts, for home wear lingerie, children, ete. ! Price of BOOK 15 cents, Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps 'or coin (coin is prefer- red). Wrap. coin carefully. Address orders to: Pattern Edi- tor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa. MY BOB'S AT THE AGE WHEN HE CRAWLS ALL OVER THE FLOOR. THIS HAMPER IS JUST FULL OF HIS GRIMY CLOTHES. WASHDAY IS NO JOKE TO ME NEXT WASHDAY | NOTICE YOU'RE THROUGH WITH YOUR WASH EARLY. DID YOU USE RINSO?7 YES IT'S WONDERFUL IN OUR WATER! IT SOAKS CLOTHES WHITER. 1 USE IT FOR DISHES NOW, TOO THE GRANULATED HARD-WATER SOAP d ri BIG «ey just lasting ITS SCRUB, SCRUB, SCRUB ON MONDAY UNTIL I'M ALL WORN OUT! Millon bio lke this soak every Rinso su whiter th CHANGE TO RINSO, THE HARD-WATER SOAP. YOU WON'T EVER NEED TO SCRUB AGAIN neo in thick, Clohes come for whiter washes | Millions use it in tub, washer and dishpan I the estimates of the Board have not been wholly prepared according to law. I do not know about this. Gracefully 'Back Down "It seems to me that there is no- thing else we can do now but grace- tully back down, although I do feel that our cause has been correct and just from the very first having in mind the financial condition of the city. It seems, very reluctantly, that we have to give in. We do not want to put the ratepayers to any unnecesary cost for litigation", said the Mayor in explaining the situa- tion as he saw it. Ald. Boddy, the chairman of the Finance Committee, in introducing the formal resoltion which event- ually passed, drew attention to the fact that Mr. Cummings had only visited this city "in a purely advis- ory, although we had some hopes settlement being the outcome The Board, on the other hand, has placed the whole matter in the hands of their solicitor, and take the stand that there is to be no change in that policy. They are going to abide by that action "I suppose they think they are in the right, and legally speaking, of course, they are right," said Ald Boddy. Ald. Caunt,--"I do not like back- ing down. Have you any idea as to the costs of this case, Mr. May or?" The Mayor,--~"No, I have not" Board "Very Selfish" Ald. Caunt,--"It seems to me that the Board is very sclfish and the teachers are selfish. They don't to know anything about the suffer- ings of the people, if they did they would take steps to cut expenses, and when I talk about suffering | do not mean the working classes alone, the business men are suffer- ing too, and yet are expected to pay their burden of taxes. "It has come to my knowledge | that they employ a milliner at the | High School, teaching them how to trim hats, at an exorbitant salary This may be apart from the sub- Education, as it exists to-day, leg- ally constituted 7" of $40,000 in the original budget, then, it is good business for us to : retain that reserve fund intact. | Mr. Hare, 50 far as I know." am not ready to vote for this reso- Ald. Clarke,--"Is there any way of lution yet." findinz "out if the Board is legally Ald. "Clarke read extracts from | constituted?" . the editorial which appeared in The Ald. Hawkes~"I think I can an- Times under the caption "A Bal-|swer that. I am certain that no naced Budget". "This editorial says | member of the Board of Education Great Britain could only balance her | would take a false oath." : ; budget by 'reduced salaries for all The Mayor,--"As a City Council departments of public service, made | it is none of our business." drastic cuts in expenditure possible' Mr. Hare,--""I might say this, cer- and this is what we have done", said | tain questions have been asked re- Ald. Clarke. cently and the City Solicitor's opin- "In another 'editorial to-night The |ion obtained. The whole thing, ap- Times says 'there is a limit, "of | parently, hinges on the definition of course, to what people can pay in |a 'ratepayer'. The Statute says a taxes', and I believe this city has | ratepayer is: one whose name ap- reached that limit. pears as assessed on the collector's "If there is anything that will [ roll. Now as regards a woman mem- bring industries to Oshawa it is the | ber, the Statute says a woman is reduction in the mill rate. qualified to a seat if her husband "I do not think the Board of Ed-|is qualified. If the husband is en- ucation has given Council any help | titled to sit she is also but they at all," said Ald. Clarke. cannot botle sit, that is clear." Mayor Macdonald--"An increase Following the motion being put in the mill rate at this time is, | nd carried, the necessary bylaw think, unadvisable. It would mean [named in the motion was also given a delay of a month of six weeks in fit ordered signed sending out the tax bills, whi Mayor and sealed you know, we pl: C. G. lL. 1. to-morrow. There is a lo ntinued from page three readings, the in preparing about 9,000 think, personally, it well to let things Ald. Boddy budget we took the ability of the I firmly believe y fect reducing the Il rate i "Foursquare" very considerable, it 1 ur in 1 day iast, the "Foursquare" nab! trensthened the fit group « t held a very | ancial position of the cit } ; a ting Mrs, Tait, majority of | 1 in a devotional period been raised t i | z theme lowered as here 2" time" 6 aw ning of HO ds § "In pr mto const ration ( hat your taxpa that the 3) treasurer gets it and | handed . to Miss Moore y please, of questi laces the 1 yea Oshay VCC couple Would Be Money Well Spent Youp i v h prov Ald. Clarke,--"1 don't } that | fun at ent the cost of th not be money we lead to the it municipal control over do think that we sl move in that dir other municipalitic support or sometl The Mayor, taken up, as presentatives with Premicr ly, did not gestion should be dos matter basket, : led much sub) Holidays or. Fast ALL ONE PRICE--AND THAT PRICE ONE THAT MOST CAN PAY. GIRLS' STYLISH SPRING COATS = $5.95 The splendid quality cloths, plain crepe chongas and flaked chongas in admiralty blue, green, tile and sand are from Canadian Woolen mills. The linings and the buttons are made in Canada. These coats are 1007, Canadian made, and the best value we ever offered. Sizes 6 to 14 years. skating ably be no more skatir day, eek vere able to hay o finish off the other things and are very sorry it We hope for t | : . juore next year, though, rink. As there will prob- | 7 after Satur- | is over for this year, t the we came are glad tl inthe | | las y "| Skin Loveliness Hy | Easy to Have. Famous Vegetable Pills Better than Creams Miss E. T. has proved it. She says: | "Carter's Little Liver Pills will do more to keep the completion clear than all | the face creams 1 have used." PURELY VEGETABLE, a gentle, effective tonicto both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are with- out equal for correcting Constipation, Acidity, Biliousngss, Headaches and In- digestion. 25c. . red pkgs., - py Ask for Carter's by NAME. plain Te ar in C.G.LT. : skating among s is our first ye have enjoyed the through palities, ' enti von 1 I | further ' wa and know that we tives, the future fting up, for Question Constitution Several quest revelant to the 1 ed and answered { f | was finally put, a d regard tates of happy 1gne . | ing the legal constit Simcoe Oketa | Board of Ed g of inter Spring is here a | est as tending I ! voul have been g of Board a parently ome of | ¢ at least | ay if iad seen us on We walked to the lake we have a wonderful time. ject, but the whole thing seems to me unjair to hundreds of people in | this city," said Ald. Caunt. Ald. Boddy,--~"The apswer we | meet with from the Board is; of | course, that these things are regu- | lated by departmental regulations | which call for so-and-so. So far as) | reducing the staff is concerned the | Board claims that they have many pupils, and the regulation: say so many teachers, and so on." Ald. Jackson,--"I do not feel very | much like backing down, and if I] thought there was any chance of winning in this lawsuit I would say go to it." g Ald, Cawker, -- "I am going to back down, but I want it thorough- ly understood that'l do so under protest." "At the Last Ditch" Ald. Boddy,--~""You may look at this as 'backing down', but we took the stand we did take in singleness of purpose,--economy. To cut down expenses, cut the tax rate and main- tain the city's-credit. We are up to the last ditch. If we are going to revise the budget then we must take action to-night. We have run up against a stone wall. "If the Board obtained a man- damus against this Council it would mean an increase in taxation of three-quarters of a mill, perhaps a special levy. In taking the means which we propose it will bring our reserve fund down from $40,000 to $28,000, which financial duthorities tell us is hardly enough. I think, however, that this Council would be well advised to take this method of getting out of the difficulty, Much as I hate backing down, and still believing that our stand has been just and right, this appears to be the only step left. We have tried to do the best we could for the taxpayers, and for the other Boards taken care of in the budget. We can do no more," said Ald. Bod- y. Quoted Times' Editorials Ald. Clarke--"If itywas good busi- ness for us to set up a reserve fund HOW SHE KEEPS HER WEIGHT DOWN "I do secretarial work, and therefore lead a more or less sedentary life," writes Miss LMA, "I find a small dose of Kruschen Salts every morning keeps me perfectly fit and in good condition, My normal weight is 116 Ibs,, and having taken Kruschen Salts regularly for three years, I never put on surplus weight.' * .."You cannpt put on superfluous flesh when you are as healthy and active as you must be if you take Kruschen Salts. Activity is the enemy of fat, When you take vitalizing Kruschen Salts for a few days that old indolent arm- chair feeling deserts you--it doesn't mat. ter how fat you are--the urge for activity has got you--and you're "stepping lively." And best of all you like this activity --you walk a couple of miles and enjoy it--you thought you'd never dance again, but you find you're getting as spry as ever--the old tingling, active feeling reaches even your feet. One bottle is enough to prove to you that Kruschen will make you feel young- ér--spryer--more energetic -- you'll. enjoy Ald. Clarke, Clerk a question 20 YEARS OF IL HEALTH Then Mrs. Duke Yiscovered Kellogg's ALL-BRAN meeting us would think we from a hool 'the way we i They also would nthe asylum the ation and watch- of interest we could w subway was new to Near the lake we noticed er in the distant field y ourselves at the lake? say we did. The sand was m and dry you would think had been shining steadily iths, We arrived back at h and enjoyed ourselves hot 3, etc etc, amused us until » to go home. ' Kitchekiwana » Kitchekiwana groups took ntage of their last chance for a < r party on Wednesday after- noon, most of the group skated from 2.30 until 6 After skating the group wended, ne knows how, northward to the + of one of the girls to spend enjoyable evening. It was a 1g among the girls to am barkin'", and I it after skating the le afternoon and then walking a good mile and 'a half before sit- ng down. What do you think? reached our destination we made quick work of the refresh- that been provided. After having been refreshed, you ked over to a big comfortable in the corner to sec one nearly ep, to another chair to find someone trving to comfort her tired "dogs." But on top of all our troubles we had a good time going later in the evening. The Zonta Skating Party Time: Easter holidays, 1932, Tuesday, 2 p.m. lace: The Oshawa Arena. Events: We skated from two till four and had a wonderful time. There were more of us there than of all the others put together, so we weren't bothered at all by a crowd. If fact we had just as much ice to ourselves as if we had a private sandwic COCOd Of her own accord, Mrs. Duke sat down and wrote us a glowing tribute to Kellogg's ALL-BRAN: "I have been constipated all my life, which has been about 20 years, up until last year when I started eating your ALL-BRAN. Since I have | been eating it, people tell me I am | looking better, and I an 1] feel a great deal bette Mrs. | L. W. Duke (address upon re- quest). Constipation is usually caused by | [°%] on lack of two things in the diet: | "O%" Wonder « "Bulk" to exercise the intestines; Vitamin B to help give them tone. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN provides both of these dietary necessities, as well as iron for the blood. Within the body, the "bulk" in ALL-BRAN forms a soft mass, which gently clears the intestines of wastes. ments vad How much more natural it is to enjoy this delicious cereal than to | risk taking pills and drugs--- so | often harmful. | Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily -- gerious cases with every meal - for most types of conatipation. ALL- BRAN is not habit-forming. 1f your intestinal trouble is not relieved this way, see your doctor. Sold .in the red-and-green pack- age. Made by Kellogg in Lendon, Ontario. home 3, ri t---_--A Jean Ruth Cake Shoppe WEEK-END SPECIALS HOME-MADE ORANGE CAKE .........ccoceininninnnenn 25€ MARSHMALLOW ROLLS .......... "eas eaeis warsinnnan 180 HOME-MADE DATE CAKES ...... sbi a BE FRUIT LOAVES, Choice Quality ..........ccou.. HOME-MADE BUNS .........ccocceninnns Shane HOME-HADE MEAT PIES JAM DO-NUTS, Filled with Pure Jam ... DUTCH BROWN BREAD, made with milk, very chcice, HUNNY DIPS, the ever popular Do-Nuts, Fresh Daily ............. i HOME-MADE EREAD ........coocnmmninminne PIES, Apple, Raisin, Date TARTS, Butter, Raspberry, Pineapple. Special....Doz. 25¢ FRIED TWISTERS, The Home-made Kind Doz. 25¢ 8 SIMCOE STREET S. PHONE 1421 life--every minute of it, hes k $14 ex i S Wwe al | 5 | | 12 KING EAST PHONE 1147 A Few of Our Saturday Specials Leg Veal Roast ib. 16¢ Rump Veal Roast. 17 Shoulder VEAL jp. 1 b- BONELESS AND ROLLED 2 1 8- Vl LOIN y VEAL CHOPY : 20c mb! 12- ROLLED RIB ROAST 23¢™> BOILING BEEF 8c 1b. LAMB STEW 8c 1b. Loin Veal Roast mp. FLANK OFF SHOULDER VEAL STEW VEAL CHOPS 9¢ ». 15¢ Ib. CHOICE ONTARIO BLADE BEEF ROAST ™ ROLLED POT RIB ROAST 15¢™ BEEF LIVER 1b, 13¢c FANCY FRESH SHANKLESS Pork Shoulders ™ 1 [ ETT FORK [910s DUMART 15¢™ . OLD CHEESE 23¢ 1b. LOIN PORK CHOPS Lamb Shoulder CHOPS 19¢ ™ DILL PIVKLES 2 *» 5c CORN or PEAY or TOMATOES 323% BUEHLER BROS, LIMITED Mealed COTTAGE ROLLS 11¢ib. 12 KING EAST PHONE 1147

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