Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Mar 1932, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1932 [EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS| Real Efficiency Ottawa.--The efficiency of the Ottawa police department was brought into evidence again when an antomobile owned hy James Kyd, 109 Aylmer Avenue, was stolen from in front of the Masou- je Temple, recovered and brought to the police station, although neither the owner nor the anthori- ties knew of its being solen. Prominent Farmer Dead Metcalfe A prominent farmer of Metealfe for many years, Rob- ert MeKendry, died at his home here after a lengthy illness. Born at Vernon, Ont,, 80 vears ago, he a lifelong res trict, Following miry ¢. Lo Iilen Miller of Willinmsburg, Ont. he removed to Metealfe, She predeceared him six years ago, and for the past 12 vears he had boon retired from active farming. hi Faostey Dance Pembroke.--A large crowd en- foyed the annual Easter dance of the Pembroke command, B.E.S.L., held in the town hall. The large Auditorium was tastefully and ef- fectively decorated for the event, ind music was provided by a local orchestra, Is Chief Constable Deseronto.---Frank Smith, who has been residing in Deseronto for the past few months, has been appointed chief constable in suc- cession, to former Chief Consta- ble Thomlison and will assume his duties at once. Wrote Own Obituary Ottawa, --Thomas H. Burgess, 82, who died at his home here, made sure the facts of his life would he known correctly. He placed no trust in obituary writ- ers, 80 wrote his own last Sep- tember. The sketeh of his career was duly forwarded to local news- papers. Suggest New Rector Brockville, - the St, Prescott, The committee of John's Anglican Church, has submitted the name of Rev. Harry R. Pettem, incum- bent of Sydenham, to be succes- sor to Rt. Rev. John Lyons, bish- op of the diocese of Ontario, as rector of the church. Archdeacon Lyons has announced that the committee's nominee meets with his approval It is expected Mr. Pettem who is a native of Lyn, Leeds co., and a graduate of Trin- ity University, Toronto, will take charze of the parish of Prescott about the middle of April, Appointed Judge Ottawa.--Trevor H. Grout, of Arnprior, has been appointed County Court Judge for the coun- ty of Peel. Official announcement to this effect was made recently. He ig the son of Rev. Canon G. W. ident of the dis- | and Osgoode Hall, being called to the Dar of Ontarid in 1894, leaving Pastorate Winchester.--Rev. John Ostrom, retiring pastor of the Baptist (Church here, preached his fare- well sermon before leaving to be- come pastor of the Cornwall Bap- tist Church, His new duties begin April 1, Mr, Ostrom was ordained here and for the past three years has been pastor of both the local and South Gower Baptist churches and both he and Mrs. Ostrom have won many friends during his pas- torate, Mr, Ostrom's successor has not vet been decided on. Operation Ottawa, Convicted of the magistrate described: as "a major bootlegging operation," Harry Low, of Walkerville, Ont,, was sentenced to serve six months in jafl at hard labor. The sen- tence was pronounced by Magis- trate Glen E, Strike. It will be ap- pealed, A Major what River Opening Up Gananoque.--The St, Lawrence River opposite Hay Island, is be- ginning to open up, This is one of the first places in this vicinity where open water appears. The ice in the Gananoque River below the lower dam has disappeared, giving the river front alovg by the swing bridge and Inn a spring- like appearance Had Narrow Escape Tweed.--George Frost, furni- ture dealer, had a narrow escape from death by asphyxiation re- cently. He had started the car in his garage and returned to the house to procure some water for the radiator. The engine was left running and the garage doors were closed, so that when he re- turned he was quickly overcome by the deadly fumes. His plight was fortunately discovered by his partner, B, B. Ryan, who had Just returned from a trip to Sul- phide, Mr, Frost was unconscious, but was removed to the open air and given medical attention, He Is able to be around again but is still weak from his experience. Wife Is Heroine Belleville.«~Mrs. Albert ley, 2nd concession of saved the lives of her and ten members of the Dunk- | Rawdon, | husband | family | when she awoke to give the alarm | before fire destroyed their home | PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices: Eggs -- Ungraded, cases re- turned, fresh extras, 14c; fresh firsts, 12¢; seconds, 10c¢, Butter -- No. 1 Ontario cream- ery solids, 27% to 27%¢; No. 2, 26% to 2614 cents, Churning cream --- Special, 24¢; No. 1 23¢; No: 2, 20c f.0.b. shipping points, Cheese -- No. 1 large, colored, paraffined and government grad- ed, 11% to 11%ec. Dressed Voultry-- Alive A D gpring broilers, over ° 114 1bs, Chickens, over 5 1bs. each . Under 5 Ibs, each "itter hens, over 6 Ibs. each Over 4 to each .. Over 3 each .. Young Turkeys, 8 to 12 1hs. .. ... Ducklings, over Ibs. each Over 4 to each .. roosters, Ibs. each Cuinea fowl, 1hs, each 16 10 14 ivr 19 b Ibs, 11 07 Old over 6 over 2 (Selling) Toronto dealers are produce to retail dealers at {following prices: Eggs Fresh extras, rons, 21c; fresh extras, 19¢: firsts, 17c: seconds, Butter No. 1 prints, No 2 prints, Chees the in car- 15¢ creamery, 29¢c; creamery New, large, 13¢; fatalitic The but there malin, might of the is an have fire employe, resulted is unknown, "| Pineapples, { Chicory, | Cucumbers, offering | loose, | | Lettuce, | Must | Onions, : | Rhubarb, origin | twins, 13%c; triplets, 13%c¢c; new stiltons, 15%ec. Old, large, 18¢; twins, 183c; triplets, 184¢c; stil- tens, 20%c Poultry -- Chickens, 3 to 6 lbs. 23c 1h.; 4 to b 1bs., 22¢; 3 to 4 Ihs,, 20c; under 3% lbs, 28c. Hens over 3 1bs., 20 to 23c; 4 to 5 1bs., 22c. Ducklings, 22 to 25¢. (ieese, 15 to 18c, Turkeys, 23 to 2he. TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are, the quota- .ons, retail, in effect on the St. lawrence Market, Toronto: roduce-- Izgs, extras, dez. .. Do., firsts, doz. Do., pullet extras "utter, dairy, 1b. .. 0.20 Do., creamery, 1b. 0.32 fruits and Vegetables-- Apples, bus, ; Bananas, doz. Cranberries, qt. Grapes, 1 Ibs. Vos Oranges, doz. 0.26 l.omons, doz, ves each Tangerines, doz. Beans, green, qt, . Brocoll, bunch ... ves Frussels sprouts, qt. Cauliflower, doz. ('elery, head head each Cress, 3 bunches ... Cabbage, doz. Carrots, hasket Do., new, bunches "r ureen peppers, 3 for Ilggplant, each ,... Herbs, bunch head irooms, lb. gs, basket ... new, 3 1b basket Parsnips, bag . Radish 3 bunche 3 bunches Strawberries, Squash, "ee soe ve "on three l'otatoe Do., some suspicion of incendiarism, | Tomatos UEHLE 'BROS, LIMITED early the other morning. They | were only able to make their exit in night attire, as the "flames spread quickly through the struc ture, and found temporary shelter at the home of a neighbor. Loss is partly covered by insurance. Suspect Incendiarism Pembroke.--Further particu- lars regarding the fire which de- 12 KING ST, E. BLADE i 7 Rib VEAL CHOPS, Ib. Friday Specials Butt Perk ROAST Ib. SIRLOIN STEAK 20c 1c | PHONE 1147 Pickled a PORK 10c | TOMATOES | No. 2 Size Can | 3" 16¢ What New York is Wearing sty « of 39 No. ¥l1--For ydel has a the lar No. 899 1 Segigned in sizes, ars, 30, 38, Delightfully e is 40 and 42 i re. Size Ig requires 39-inch material with inch contrasting 2 of A sided 1 one t the fascinating that bows " der that does it 36, 38, 40, 42, bust measur No. 365 sle 5! ho Ch nderizing Ieatyres ulders w lice and p led ned in sizes 16, 18, 20 nart Matrons.' Model. It ha as the de revers, cross skirt effect years, JO, | 5-inch ¢ is the t colorful seas All the me have an our new vou the Of c Fashion way urse, there ns, tor , children, ch n in sizes 8, se 8 a stouts, aterial mirasting., most ir n re reason wh authentic gu Maga in design, re styles for af- | or h ete Drug Pri PENNY SAVERS 50c French Balm .. 60c Velvo 1.30 Scott's Emulsion 75¢ Kruschen Salts 69¢ 75¢ Absorbent Cotton 49¢ 50c Gin Pills .,....¢ 35¢ Rexall Bronchial Syrup .25 Bon-Tone (Tonic) 40¢ Castoria Genuine Meloids . . SPECIALS 25¢ Mi-31 Tooth Paste and Tooth Brush Holder Both For 29c MALT AND COD LIVER OIL (Our Own Brand) ' 2 Ib. Jar --- $1.25 (Good for Young or Old) FOR BABY A soft knitted washcloth FREE with Three 10c¢ Cakes TINY TOT SOAP All for ---29c U0 ces Jasmine Specials Jasmine Body Powder, and Bath Salts £1.85 value, Both for $1.25 JASMINE FACE POW. DER and PERFUME $1.50 Value. Both for - - - $1.00 REGESAN FRUIT SALINE The Renowned English Health Salt. $1.00 value For 79c FREE ' FREE A Bottle of SKRIP Writing Fluid will be given FREE on request to each customer Friday and Saturday. Be sure' you STATIONERY SPECIAL Large Box Myra Stations ery containing: 72 Sheets fine paper 50 Envelopes 75¢ VALUE 49c CANDY SPECIAL (CHOCOLATE TPEPPER- MINT PATTIES Simply Delicious 29c Ib. .39c 39¢ 99¢ get yours. FOR For the man who shaves himself A Tocket Knife with Strop 4 requires vaterial wit] FREY 5 Auto Blades 10, requires 134 with nportane, the mn on should | e, such zine, to show | colors, et a King E. Phone 28 Me wear Fashions. | For the Best in Drug Store Service Phone JURY & LOVELL Rain, Hail or Skinc We Deliver. Simcoe S. Phone 68 | Mealed 40 and 42 inches bust measure Price of BOOK 15 cents | Grout, CER ERRT Ei i TT BE TORT who was formerly of King- ston, Ont., where he was clerical secretary of the Diocese, Mr. Grout was born in March, 1871, at Stirling, Ont., and was educat. ed at the Brockville High School stroyed the home and store of N. T. Cooper near Point Alexander disclose the fact that some bers of the family had a narrow escape and but for the prompt and heroic action of Peter Ro- mem- | BEEF ROAST, Ib. 17¢ FLANKS, Ib. 9c For Stewing BACON Ib. Sliced 18c¢ Ib. COOKED | eer, n18c 16¢c # Ron All patterns 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). pers This | Address orders Wrap coin carefully, , Oshawa Daily to Times, + 1 attern Fdit- | Oshawa. | Toronto. --Sleeping peacefully | on an old carpet in an apartment | home for two days was awaken house at six o'clock one evening, | ed by a detective and taken to his nine-year-old Ovide Robichaud, | house. who had been missing from his % Large Galvanized PAILS ¥ Canadian Owne Canadian Employees LARGEST CANADIAN OWNED CHAIN 5c to $1.00 STORE IN CANADA Formerly Steel's Chain Stores, 21 Simcoe St. S. RE-ORGANIZATI Friday and Saturday~--It Pays to Shop at People's--April 1st. & 2nd. ~ People's - The Store of Big Values - Low Prices - Better Assortment - Guaranteed Quality ~ 95% CANADIAN MERCHANDISE. Do your bit. Keep your money in Canada. Every dallar that LTD. Good Values goes out of Canada for something that could be bought in Canada is a drop of life blood out of the Canadian Capital body of our national welfare. When you patronize the PEOPLE'S 5-10-15¢ TO $1.00 STORE, you are aiding an ALL CANADIAN COMPANY to reach the peak of success. MANY FLOWERS P SOAP VELVET CHOCOLATE BUDS LADIES' COTTON HOSE LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES LADIES' 'HOOVER APRONS OILCLOTH 1% Yards Wide. 25¢ vd. Only a Few of the Outstanding Values to be Offered for The 2 Big Days 95 ¢ Canadian Merchandise INFANTS' DELIGHT SOAP CREAM CHOCOLATE DROPS LARGE WASH TUBS 2 5c Each 1 bye Each Ghar: 25¢ 1 ye pair Gb; 25¢ ery HA ---------- ELECTRIC BULBS 25-40-60 Watt 1 5c Each Beautiful Framed PICTURES PILLOW CASES 1 Be Each COCOA DOOR MATS A §ec Each | 4 9c Each 1 wl ib. LIPTON'S BLACK TEA A49¢ 1b. Outstanding Values LADJFS 4 SIL ber to bal e first ste /ation of world bsperi'v were & been successfull ares were publish LADIES' FULL FASHIONED HOSE biye pair LADIES' COTTON APRONS 25¢ Each 4 9c Each LADIES' CELANESE DRESSES $2.95 ea. 49¢ Each a a BEAUTIFUL WINDOW CURTAINS 49 Set SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION Little Flower of France Perfumes -- Creams -- Powders RUBBER Baby Pants and Sheets 10¢ GOOD SIZE TURKISH TOWELS 49¢ Pair 1 §e ib. NEW CROP SALTED PEANUTS 1 2¢ ib. PREPARED MUSTARD 16 2 10c¢ Jar TOILET 'PAPER 10rolis 25¢ OUR MOTHERS COCOA 1; Pound Tin 15¢ BIG ENAMEL DISH PANS 2 5c Each LADIES' SMART SPRING STRAWS Choice Qc Each

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