THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1932 " PAGE TWO i News of Nearby Places | poe Brougham (Mrs, T. C. Brown, Correspon- dent) rougham, Mar, 7.--Mlss Jean Nan spent the week-end with her grandparents, T, C. and Mrs. Brown, Some of our high school pupils Bbave not been able to go to Markham this week, being victims of "flu, while many are suffering from very severe colds, Our pastor, Rey, Mr, McLellan, being 111, Rev. Mr. Stevens of Claremont filled his appointment here very acceptably on Sunday ernoon, Bite Muriel Shepherd has been a guest of the Gerow home during ast week. el congratulate Miss Margaret Duncan, who won special prize in dressmaking course at the recent classes in agriculture in Plcker- ing. She speaks highly of the ad- vantage derived to the students, pttending any of the courses. On Thursday afternoon, March &, the W.M.8. of £t, John's met at the home of Mrs, George Dun- can, the attendance being excep | tionally good. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Geovge Philip, past president, occupied the chair pnd was assisted in opening devo- | oo po ana on Sunday was Alona) exercises by Miss Bate and Mrs, Holtby. By an unanfmons yote it was decided that the W, M.8. would invite Greenwood Dramatic Club of the church to resent thelr drama, loves," here under the auspices 'of the W.M.S,, ning, March 29, The program for the convenership of Mrs, John Miller, who gave a very interest. dng paper on home mission work Jn our own North West among the Indians, Roll call was | | | | | "Her | pinch wag unable to enter on Tuesday eve-| and | answered by name of missionary | And field of labor, Mrs. Genree Jdecture by eminent speakers in Toronto during the past week, on ihe prohibition question in the 1,8.A. Mrs, Harvey cle relating to the work done at the Ethelbert Hospital. conclusion of te program Miller closed the meeting prayer. =" Mrs. James Malcolm, Mrs, John Stewart and Mrs. Walter Benno of Markham were guests at the 'meeting. 'served a tea of rare excellence, The next meeting is to be a work 'meeting on March 24 at the home 20f Mrs. George Philip, Mr. Jack Gerow is holidaying fat present, and spent several days at his home here this week. Mrs, with Philip gave a good resume of the | { on Mill Sf. read an arti- | At the | | Wm | Hancock and will ha¥ Miss Margaret Duncan | Misses Doris Johnston and Vir. | ¢ginia White have not beén able #0 attend school during the week, both being victims of tbe prevail- ing epidemic, Mr. and Mrs. A, Moffat Torosto visitors on Sunday, were 1 Courtice News Courtice, Correspons dent) Courtice, Mar, 7.---Mre, Ed. "Werry and Master Wesley, So- na, were Sunday visitors of Mr, (Mrs. W. R. san Short, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Flintoff and family, Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs. Howard Flintoff, Sunday, . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hicks and LMr, and Mrs, Clarence Hicks, To- ronto, were visitors at the home | of Mr, and Mrs. L. J, Short, on annual congregational § meeting was held in the Sunday 4 school-room, Friday, Tables were spread with many good things gan, When all were satisfied the reports from all the different de- partments of the church were glven and some programs inter- ! spersed. Choruses were nicely sung by the seniors and juniors of No, 4 school and Miss Velma Pearce played a pretty plano solo, The evening was quite an success * ! although several people did not get there on account of the con- dition of the roads. The services on § very well attended, considering i § the impassable roads. Numbers of people took to walking Sunday both to church and 8undav school. Our pastor, Rev, H, C. Wolfraim, continued his course of short ser- mons to the children Sunday mors ning, his talk being om "The right kind of feet," after which Miss June Marshall sang very sweetly a most appropriate little song, "Little feet, be careful." Our pio) ho cares as long as you have i Life Savers Sunday were LL | and pastor delivered a fine discourse to the older members afterwards. The Sunday school session in the afternoon had a good attend- ance. During the session Mr. Cy- ril Weyrich of Oshawa favored with a solo in his usual fine voice, Sunday evening our young peo- ple went in other directions 10 church, some attending Trinity Church, Bowmanville, and a number attending Pickering Church. We hope for better roads fu the near future, Newcastle News Butler, Correspon- dent) Newcastle, Mar, 8, --Misg Helen Lyeett was home from Peterbor- ough Normal School for the week- end as was Mr, Dick Cowan from 8.P.8., Toronto University, Mre, Stinson and Francis, motored down from Tor. onto and spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Ellback. Mr. George Bonathon was home from Toronto for the week-end, Miss Nellie Garrod and VN Gladys Shaw spent Sunday wv their respective parents. Mrs. Thos, Gibson has been in town for several days on business While here she stayed with Mrs the guest of Mrs, R, W. Gibson, Mr and Mrs. Cannon of Oshawa algo visited with Mrs, 1, W on Sunday. Owing to fliness (Miss Cora Migs Irene spring Training Class for Nurses at the Hamilton General Hospital and Is a seisting Mr. M the afternoon was by group under [354 1s again ase low In the drug store, Mr. George Meadows has taken over the bakery business from Mr, Harvey Britton and while using Mr. DBritton's | will continue to bake alro deliver as well Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooke have recently purchased Rev, and Mrs. J, Beott Howard property They do not Intend until warmer occupying the same weather, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Hancock have rented Mrs. Thos. Gibeon's house on Mill 8t. North. They tend moving on April first Thomas will again oc her house vacated by Mr, and Mrs with her Mrs, Kernaghan and sr | daugh- ter and Miss Rena Thoma Rev. A. Gi Emmett of John's Church, Port Hope, t the service here in St, : on Sunday night, the rector tak fng Mr, Emmett"s place {n Hope, The Harmonica Band very successful banquet Recreation Room of the munity Hall on Friday evening The guest of honor was teacher and leader, Miss Mason. A great part of the success of the Band is due to the ahility unfailing interest of Miss Mason since she started the Band some time ago. This banquet wae 'a slight token of the regard which the members have for their lead- er and after the usual toasts and speeches, Miss Mason wa pres sented with a gold ring suitably Georg held a in | engraved, There were about sixty andres. Jack snort and Mrs, Su- members of the Band present. The home of Mr, and Mrs, Jim Smith was the scene of a very party on Monday evening last. The affair wag in the form of a show- gay {er in honour of Miss Betty Gar- Brown whose near future, beautiful gifts rod and Mr. Tom wedding i In the Many useful and were given the voung couple and | the remainder of the evening wus spent in dancing. The regular monthly was held In Sunday school-rooms on Monday afternoon, The president, Mrs, W, R. Rogers, was in the chair and owing tn the Inclement weather, daughter, | Gibson the | shop, | Port | the | Com- | meeting | of the Mligsionary Soclety of the | and at 6,20 p.m. the supper be- | United Chureh |BIG BROTHER MOVEMENT 18 URGED FOR CITY | (Continued from page 1) { Canada, Mr. Sharpe ¢ald that | these men were simply misdirect- ed youths, He had been secretary of an association which had been | tormed, he said, to find out why | these boys were there, and many definite lessons had been learned from the studies which had been | made, It had been found, for in- stance, that the majority of these | youths were pot foreigners, but | were Canadian born, of Canadian paren's, #o that it wag a Cana- dian problem. Citing cases in thwarted ambition had been responsible for the Initial delinquency, Mr. Sharpe sald that 'this in jteelf constituted a prob- which ouzht to be solved, Three Peak which lew Periods There were thrée peak periods for fuveuile delinquency, sald the speaker, The fir wag at the age of eleven, and boys in group usually came from broken in which there wags no or no guldance from Tho second came fourteen the homes, harmony purents peaks nt of age, lass were usual y of which not assimila the school currieulum, fell behind In thelr s¢ land b ant in their out. authorities this problem, we, and were doing conditions so is hoy type could ame v loo} were re said Mr, thelr hest is to decrease delinquency in this to meet third g that of from age, boys who ut had industry fit in oup was teen wera no con sim- ywhere made to ed tr It was possible if carefu] guid to cut I M Sharpe, youth, down nur | voulez n n the peniter As. a re l the terested individnal had heen reage the an iven in we tremendous wor! and it possi 1 to ar ppenring b cD per « achlevemer eventive yenal institutinne of hut 7 was that re-education aid the done } ng man ad prison gates, the speaker forg the you | reacl | country mendpn of money «by. saving f m tarting in And, added was no guarantee that a r criminal would he any het. un he got out of the peni- Man tentiar who eome out view of re law-abiding citizens Need of Prevention need of nreven venee nevey niade tion of Hnquency Is great, sald and he knew from own experience that hovs he prevented from becoming criminally, They needed he sald, one to could look up "We | enough men who are taking an Interest in our boys, #0 the han. dit and kidnapper who Is featur. ed on the front page of our newspapers has hecome the hero of the young hoy of today. With all thesa there is gnme way In which wa can direct thelr ten- deo. Mr his The Frome whom they have hovs, the | the members were not well rep- | resented, was taken by Mrs, Rogers spoke on the "Kingdom of Movement" which has been taken up by the Missionary Focleties throughout the United Church. Miss Mason and Mrs, Bragg gave a duet and Mrs, H. who Hancock gave an Easter reading, | Mrs. Chas. Hancock told a most Interesting story of the "Around the Throne of God Heaven, Little Children Stand." (Mrs, J. Arnott, Correspondent) Taunton, Mar. 8,--=Several of our hockey enthusiasts attended the game In Oshawa between Oshawa and Gravenhurst on Sut- urday night. Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Mae: Gregor, Mr, and Mre, G, Trevail and family, Mr, and Mrs, Jesse Arnott and family attended the twentieth wedding anniversary ot Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Osborna, Dar. lington, on February 27th, A few from this locality at- tended the "Lost Heir" and eu- chre party, given by the Colum- bus Skating Rink, on Friday eve. Ding, in the town hall at Colum: us, Mr. and Mrs, O, Chapman, Osh- uwa, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Wilbur, Lindsay=Triangular "hali-bottles" went on sale at the local store of the Liquor Control Board last week for the first time and rye in the abbreviated bottles was avail able for $1.25. When the small bot- tles were first forecast it was an nounced that they wanld be of such construction that carrying them in a hip 'pocket would be inconvenient. That the Liquor Control Board was quite correct in assuming that the triangular bottles would not be pop: ular packet models will be borne out by those who have already seen the hottles. They are shaped after the fashion af a huge beech nut and would be about as comfortable in a hip pocket ag a fully inflated bas- ketball. The small bottles are meant to meet the needs of those who find it. necessary to purchase liquor for medicinal purposes and who are desirous of buying less than one quarg, hymn, | In | The devotional period | God | recently | this | hool work | to eighteen | out | PF But In ( "| hind if this wera | tra- | in | of penal institutions with anti-gocial | conld | friends, | not | dencles and thoughts If they are' SPORT National Hockey League Games Boston, March 9.--The Boston Bruins, with a play-off berth probably hinging on their play this' week, got off to a great start last nizht hy outbattling the stubborn Detroit Falcons, 2-0, fu a bruising contest, The Falcons resisted stubborn- ly, although they were Without the services of their outstanding scorer, Ebble Goodfellow, for 14 of the 60 minutes, Goodfellow drew two minor penalties and received ten minutes additional for talking back to Referce Jack Cameron New York, Wareh 9.--The New York Rangers all but elinch- ed first place in the Natlonal Hockey League's United division last night as they swamp- ed the Chicago Dlack Hawks 6 to 1. The victory left the Rangers needing only one more victory to | he sure of finishing ahead of the Rtates Hawks, the only team whicli has! do better than it Chicago wins 1a chance to tie them, even ull and | | taken hold of properly, titude can he changed, work that fs well worth In Toronto, 1 would not need to make an appeal lke this, because we are embarrassed by number of men who are forward and volunteering sistance in meeting thls pi and it i» the coming b= Saves Expenditures this wo we not "In | have the work satisfn . on « a hut we are a alities Ir keeping xpend dol In Toronto, threa dnl. education for va protect] alsting {own 1! ' nditure of [and cent lars are spent on every dollar on. Ir doll are pent for lie protectin y dollar spent on fe, whe ealaries n the teachers thelr and vat wonld he- "11. "You area bury men | vou must all feel that you to leave memorial you," rald the yon out, manhood ke Oman neaker when pars you |i imprint of vour personality on some i! » nf memorial tha! 1 von have of by ri them 14ON 8 tha urze that makes formed husiness worth heen tray n havi leaders linquents, into the and Indus'ria while, in Oshawa Jarrett, in In the sneaker for his snlendid nddress, alco thanked the Kiwan- fans for having Invited the nests to ho present, aud added big eon. vietion that the work of the Big Brother and Sister movement wa greatly needed in Oshawa men Needed Kev, 8. C thank- Stop Itching Skin Trcubles A Real Antiseptic Gets Results Fegema, chafed skin, rashes, and other skin troubles quickly yield to DDD. TI cooling liquid penetrates the skin, » aud healing the irritated tissues BTOPS INSTANTLY D.D.D. 1s clear and stainless A 38¢ bottle proves Its werit or your druggist gives your money back, 0.D.D, ves akin health, (Useounly D.D.D. Bosp), THOMPSON DRUG STORE GRAY COACH LINES LIMITED- --supplies you with service at the | cost of providing it. --pays its full share of the ex- pense of Ontario's highways. --has never received any form of | subsidy. --is providing a convenient and necessary service under strict Provincial regulation. Single 85¢; Daily Coach Service OSHAWA -- TORONTO Return $1.55 . b9.30 10.30 -di1.20 Eastern Stendard Time LEAVE TORONTO AM. P.M. aldo 8.30 9.30 2.30 a~Daily except Sunday, b-Saturday, Sunday and Holidays only. d--Sunday only, COACHES STOP AT ANY Falls, Hamilton, lund, Jackson's Point and POINT TO PICK UP PAS. SENGERS. SIGNAL PLAINLY BY HAND TO THE Y DRIVER, Coach connections at Toronto for Buffalo, Niagara Brantford, Detroit, Schomberg, Brampton, Barrie, Orillia, Mide London, St. Thomas, intermediate points, Genosha Hotel GRAY COACH LINES OSHAWA Phone 28253 its remaining games, . Cecil Dillon, "Dutch" Gainor, and Ott Heller, ghared scoring honors with two points apiece. Dillon scored twice, while Gainor and Heller each had two assists. Vie Defjardins was credited with a "ghost" tally when he appar- ently did not touch Galnor's drive for the first goal. Montreal, March 9.--Eddie Gerard's New York -Americans were practically pushed out of the race for a National Hockey League play-off berth when the Canadiens beat them 6 to 1 here last night. The amazing Amerks can still einch a berth mathe. matically, but they are six points behind the Montreal Maroons, with only two games in hand. The Canadiens waded into the New Yorkers with workmanlike precision and after a goalless first period put four goals into the twine In the middle session and another two in the last period. The Americans saved themselves | from a shut-out by 12 seconds. Volleyball Their at- | while, | | Textile , large | thefr | | Mike's Placn for | education | ge! | ive the | and | hov, von | Standings the games played the standing in the Regiment Volleyball as follows: Group "A" P.W. L. Pls 21 16 16 .20 18 12 .20 12 12 21 $13 8 °y 1.14 7 21 615 ¢ Results Andrew's 0, Regiment 0, Bimecoes 1, 3 Following Iast night Ontario League Paleon Simeoes "e St, Andrew's Regiment Firemen Last Firemen Falcons 3 Textile 2, Group * ¥ Night's fit. WwW. L. 18 3 18 17 4 11 +21 11 10 1} 21 912 3% 25, +21 B18 5 0. veel 23 18 3 Last Night's Games Times 2, Signallers 1 Mike Place 6, AY. M.C. 0, Ft. Andrew's 3, Falcons 0. Pte f Andrew's AY.) is Wearing LESSON FURNIRHED WITH EVERY PATTEKN By Annabelle Worthington The smartest Paris houses fav. the crepe silk dress of specta- ports character clever diagonal lines Nole the ee vd neon Sonne eRe stat sesh Seas repo rae of the npodice closing in thls youthful model, The skirt gives rather a straight slender appear. ance cut in gores that are slightly circular toward the hem, It pro duces a flat long line, much ap- preciated these days, when slen- derness is so important, Sheer wooleng and rough crepe &llk are also nice mediums for this simple day dress. Style No. 2656 may be had in sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 Inches bust. Size 36 requires 3 1-2 yards of 39-inch material. Our new Spring Fashion Maga. zine is out! Every page from cove er to cover is in colour. You can save $10 In patterns, materials, ete, by pel] ivi 10 cents for this book. 80 wo hope you will send your order to-day. Just write your name and ad. dress clearly on any piece of pa. per. Order one book. Enclose 10 cents in stamps or coin and mail your order to Fashion Depaft- ment. Be gure to fill in the size of the pattern, Send stamps or coin (coin pre. ferred). Price of book 15 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents. No, 2656. Size,.c:om: * Htreet Addre "city Prov Address orders to: Pattern Edls tor, Oshawa Dally Times, Oshawa, For the cup of rely on LYONS' BLUE LABEL, a fragrant blend of matchless flavour: the favoured of tea drinkerstheworldover. And it is economical. 4d Lyons & Co. (Canada) Ltd., Toronto. that always cheers tea BLUE LABEL 30° HALF POUND. AN INTERRUPTED FEAST | Who knows that he has done a wrong, | Has little piece of mind for long. | 7 -=0ld Mother Nature, | | £eldom is there any real satis- faction in wrong doing. If con- xs sclence doesn't hother, fear of | will, So it doesn't pay. No, sir, it doesnt' pay. You may tnink it does for a while but in the epd you find it doesn't, Chatterer the Red Squirrel! |! hasn't much of a conscience I |! suspect. Just go long as | dnesn't get caught he has no re grets for the mischief he gets m. | Just the same there many timeg when he findg that his mis- | chief doesn't pay for it leaves him with little peace of mind; he has to be constantly on the watch for enemies he has made, are Chatterer was greedily lapping | sap from the litle holes Tapper the Sapsucker had made in a big maple tree .in the Green Fores Those little holes had heen made for the express purpose of gather. ing sweet sap of which Tapper i= very fond, Chatterer {x just as tord of it when {t firet hegine to run. He bad watched Tapper work hard to make the hole and made his plans to help him- self to that sap when he got the | chance, Now he had the chance, or thought he had, and was mak- | ing the most of it, He was lap- | ping up the sap just as fast as he | could because he knew that he | | had no right to it and wanted to | get away as soon ag possible, He | was stealing it and he knew that he was stealing It. | How good it tasted! ¥or the momen: hs quite forgot that. he hud no right to it, le had It | without the trouble of hiuself | gnawing places for it to run and | be meant to get his fill ag quick. ly as possible and then get away #0 that Tapper should not know who had taken ft, Once he chuckled as he thougnt of how surprised Tapper would bé if he should return before those holes had filled agaln, He had taken the sap from one hole and was lapping it from an- | other when his feast was rudely interrupted. He was struck and | struck hard by something sharp that hurt and almost knocked | hiro from the tree. He dug his claws into the bark and held on then dodged around to the other | vide gs a black-and-white form dashed at him. It was Tapper himself and Chatterer knew tna: it wag Tapper's sharp bill that had hurt so "Thief! Robber!" screamed Tapper. | Chattérer sald nothing. There | was nothing to say, Tapper Innded on the trunk of the tree | aud started around after Chatter. | er. He was very angry and Chat- | terer bad no desire to he within to get tho het Ballevi! 34 « 1 tor ter of Tapper, t an offer Police serving three an jail on a Arrested with him Frances vew London, Wis, & 4 ssing bad cheques, admitted ar ed room Ww " At a meeting of the "nl held on Thursday n vas decided to accept Navigation Opens ( no orget | Elderly Gentleman Buried being found out and punishment | Ot Y Milk ie Man Arrested f + Neurat Tur agonizing aches from neuralgia can be quieted in the same way you would end a headache, Take some Aspirin tablets, Take enough to bring complete relief. Aspirin can't hurt anybody. Men and women bent with rheumatism will find the same wonderful comfort in these tablets. They aren't just for headaches or colds! Read the proven directions covering a dozen other uses; neuritis, sciatica, lumbago; muscular pains, Cold, damp days. which penetrate to the very bones have lost their terror for those who carry Aspirin tablets with them! All drug stores, in the familiar little inanoque, - Prices George Dowsley ionor of opening the i navigation at Ganan= 8 out last Weds rin 5s boat, ¢ in the : went into und Tremont He river some b#at ice, the out to his untering 1t er Down "The three large dairies Iz to the people of /e reduced nt a quart, nts will instead Ee ------1 GIA reach of that bill again. He could move on that tree faster thun Tapper could so he had no trouble in keeping out of reach. Ronnd and round the tree they dodged, Tapper all the time call- ing Chatterer thief and robber. Tinally Chatterer found his tongue. "How was I to know that that war your sap?" he demanded, "Yon knew hecause you know me and that these holes were my werk." retorted Tapper. "The sap in this tree belongs to whover can get it," barked Chatterer, "True enough, but these holes belong to the one who made them, That {s why they are mine, and you know it," declared Tap- per. By this time he had decided that chasing Chatterer around the trunk of that tree was a waste of time and foolish, so he #topped by the holes he had tap. ed and. began to take the sap rom them. Chatterer would peer around the trunk and threaten to make a rush at Tan- per, wheroupon Tapper would dart at him and Chatterer would dodge back. He didn't like the looks of that sharp bill nor the feoling of it either, Having emptiéd the 'holes of sap Tapper made himself come fortable right there where he could guard them. At last Chat- terer decided that he would get No more stolen sweets thére that day, and. scolding angrily and promising to get even with Tape ver, some day took himself off to sulk and try to think of some way THIEF OF ASTH MA SLEEP fouitively selieved. Just swallow RAZ. AH Capsules. Harml $latall druggista, Fot comfort. rio Yo RAZ-MAH BODY B CET distinguish the new OLDSMOBILE LONGER WHEELBASE ROOMIER INTERIORS SOUND -PROOFED BODIES RIDE. REGULATOR (i: PRODUCED IN CANADA ROGER L. CORBETT LTD,, 26 Athcel St. W, Oshawa Phone 428