Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Mar 1932, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1932 |:ASTERN ONTARIO NEWS | AGE EIGHT "remium By-Product Coke Orient Imports Huge Amount of War Material from Europe | { | Premium Offers Great Economies in Heating Oshawa Homes ~ The high cost of home heating is one of the big problems which face the Canadian householder dur- ing the winter months. The neces- sity of keeping furnaces or st 5 going for considerable part of cach year creates 2 financial pro- blem, and every householder is keenly alive to the necessity of find- ing the most economical type of fuel for his own particular needs. In past vearS, Ontario has, to a large cxtent, been wedded to the use of anthracite coal as the proper fuel for the home, but that view- point has changed radically in more recent times. ] The answer to the problem of ec- onomical heating in the home has been found in the growing usc of by-product coke. This fuel, much fighter than anthracite coal, there- fore providing much more bulk to every ton, although selling at a con- siderably lower price, has gained rapidly in favor in the last few years, The previous disinclination to use coke as a furnace fuel, owing to a mistaken idea that it was not suitable for this purpose, has dis- appeared, and in hundreds of the homes oi Oshawa it has been found a real money-saving factor in these days of reduced ingomes. oves Light which is also the the Ontario Shore Gas many Oshawa homes Comy have | Pren This is a mistaken impression. ( oke requires no extra attention a® com- pared with other types of furnace fuel. A brief experience with it can be depended upon to maintain x satisfactory fire for long periods of time, and used in cenjunction with the cheap pea coal, or buck- wheat coal, it gives just as much satisfaction. Worth a Trial With a fresh spell of winter wea- ther now on hand, many homes in Oshawa which have not yet tried Premium By-Product coke still have ample opportunity to test it ror themselves, to be convinced of the economy of using it. In the an- nouncements on this page today, interesting facts .are 'given as iw reasons why the people of Oshawa should use this coke, so as to de- velop for it the market which js essential before the coking plant, to which the citizens are looking for- ward, can be established in the city. From the standpoint of civic patrio- tism, as well as that of actual dol- lars and cents savings, then, it is worth while for the people of Osh- awa to give Premium By-Product Coke a trial in their homes. There are other winters vet to come, win- ters which may be much more sev- ere than that which is rapidly draw- a close, and it is suggested who have not yet tried Byv-Product Coke, and learned of 'the economy provides in heating prob- r the balance of the ing to that those cil | present winter, So as to find out for added to those using coke as the | themselves, as hundreds of others proper and most economical hea fuel. This company last. summer imported a large quantity of co yy water, and, by having this distribut- | | brought | Limited, ed through some eleven d rs in the city and district, it has intro- duced coke to homes which had not previously given it a trial. Rc from hundreds of consumers i cate that the e riment has been eminently Successtul. People who had always used c al for their furnaces, have y perience that they can secure ju as much heating satisf 0 greatly reduced cost. Tl two things: --first, € co 1e to of coke as compared with coal, and | | damaged by fire that spread rap- secondly, the splendid he r qu ties of the Premium B; Coke which has been brought to the city bv this company, and which is being distributed by most of the local dealers. Not Hard to Handle Some people have had the idea that it is difficult to use coke satis- factorily in the ordinary furnace. { years which lie ad ris | his 1s due y eral shirts were : lower price | interfor of the Woo Sung laundry | v- Product | they can save e heating in the how hor have done, joney in their Pi ium y-Product Coke, by Canadian Fuels, Yo distributed b advertisen who are co-o; | pany mm m | to the citizen Blaze in Laundry The talls of sev- burned and the Lindsay. Wiiliam Street North, was badly idly when some gasoline blazed fiercely, There was not a great deal of smoke, so "Chuck" Percy, armed with a chemical extin- guisher from the Curtis and Humphries garage, entered the building and did a great deal to extinguish the fire while the fire truck was being called. | dry own | continued To Build sew School Lindsay. -- The Fenelon Falls school Board have approved of the preliminary plans submitted by by J. T. Hornsby, ot Peterbor- ough, for a new Continuation school. * It is understood a Pet- erborough contractor will tender for the building. 'armers Organized 5 4 Picton. -- Cherry Yalley Unit- ed Farmers Club has been organ- ized, 8. P. Dodds &r., being elect- ed president and Will T. Blake ly, secretary-treasurer. This is an Athol township organization and is designed to benefit the far- mer. There was a large and rep- resentative attendance. The club is non-political. The presi- dent and secretary weré author- ized to draw up rules and regu- lations and to secure a charter. Building Destroyed Brookville. ----- Fire cf unknown origin on Saturday morning wip- ed out the office building of the Percival Plow and Stove Co., at $10,000, The fire was discover- ed in the upper part of the build- | ing, a frame structure covered with ashestos shingles, at 7.40 o clock by the manager, H. E. Hunt, and members of the staff were able to remove the greater part of the office equipment and records, although the building was soon consumec. The connected with the plant | not now in operation hut there wag a staff of nine in the office. Irgurance was carried on the property. Find Stolen Car Lindsay. -- Lindsay police have a mystery on their hands At 2 o'clock Sunday morning Constable A. Hodgson noticed ~| car go down the main street wit nly one headlight burning. The driver turned. around and tra velled up the main street again, ana Constable Hodgson got hi car and. followed but ght of the visitor. His search until 2.40 a.m., when he found the car parked Peel Street with parking lights His suspicion was aroused he found a .32 automatic on the floor of the car in front compartment, been in a collision, the left head- light was dangling, the light smaghed, fender dinged and left front door damaged. In the car was found the driver's license of Dr. J. J. Healey, 47 Wellesley Street, Toronto, and on commun- lost on, bullet icating with the Toronto police it | 52 KING ST. E. Are Your Dollars Hard to Get ? Does your fuel cost loom too large? Then why not cut 1/3 off this expense by using CONGER'S PREMIUM BY- PRODUCT COKE? You can keep your house comfortable in any weather, and at the same time encourage local industry. COKE" COMPANY emiumBy-Product Stove or nut--cash price _-- 71 Today Conger Lehigh 00 ton 11 Coal J.H.R. LUKE, Manager. | aay year he has been vice-president. Merrickville, with a loss estimat- | ed to be in the neighborhood of | | dian foun- | when ! | Lridge, the | The car had | cowl | {| bration | months of | eral prominent men have already | meeting its death in the flames. was ascertained that the car had been stolen Saturday afternoon. Search is'being carried on for the driver of the car. Five Cows Drown Brockville, -- Loss of five cows through drowning fis reported from Crosby where the animals with four others broke through the ice of Neboro Lake while be- ing driven by their owner, Ken- nctb Brown, to ar island. It wus found impossible to rescue five of the nine animals compris- ing the herd. Will Be President Ottawa. --- W. Elwood Mac- Donald, city waterworks engin- eer, has been chosen by the nom- inating committee of the Cana- Gian section, American Water- works Association, for the office of president for .932-1933, and will likely be elected as such at the anngal convention in Niag- ara Fall next Wednesday, Thurs- and Friday. For the past To Investigate Death 3rockville. -- Crown authori- ties have ordered an inquest to be opened here, before Dr, T. IV Pobertson, coroner, in the case of Miss Mazie Conlin, aged 20, who died in a local hospital a week SEO Leslie Williams, an alr- craftsman with the Royal Cana- Air Force at Ottawa, was Erought here to face a charge in | connection with the Saw Wild Ducks Kingston. -- E. Farmer of Place d'Arms, reported on Friday | afternoon that he had seen a flock of ahout 200 black ducks in | [light aver the city. Mr. Farmer ! ollects that about 18 years ducks were in this vicinity | as early 'in the year as this but they been noticed | h later in the year in the In- ervening time, azo r have Demand For Holsteins Brockville, -- In month Herb Cuthbertson, sales agent for. Lanark County Hol- | n Breeders' Association, was ible to sell 25 head of purebred cattle to James A. Coulter, Cam- N.Y. The cattle were se- | cured from the herds of Goeore | Robertson, Almonte; WwW, BJ] James, Almonte; Herb James, Al- monte; W. J. Ewart, Perth: Cameron, Perth: James hs Fa James Merrickvilla; Clifford | Merrickville, and A. D. Jurritt's Rapids the last talph, irockville Celebration irockville. -- The committee in charge of the proposed cele- | during the summer | the centennial of Brockville"s establishment as a | | municipality last night decided to | | endeavor to procure the presence | at the celebration of either the | Governor-General or H.R.H. the { Prince of Wales should the latter | vigit Canada this year. Loyalists to Celebrate Belleville.--On July 1, a mon- ter United Empire Loyalist cele- ration will take place at Carry- | nz Place and 12 O'clock Point, | iccording to plans made by a Committee, Magistrate Mikel, K.C., stated that over 1,000 Loy- alists will be present, and sev- heen approached with a view to making speeches, among them Hon. R. B. Bennett, Disastrous Farm Fire Belleville. -- Fire destroyed a barn, 13 cattle, 10 sheep, 8 lambs and a horse owned by Henry Vangesen, Bay View, .North Marysburg, about eight miles 1 from Picton, Ada Vangesen, aged | fourteen, saved one horse. She entered the burning building and | untied the horse, one following | out, the other remaining and | A sheep also escaped death, [ Another addition to Winnipeg's | steadily growing list of dress manu- tacturers is the Royal Dress Mig. Co., Campbell Blk, manufacturers of cclanese dresses The Nu-Mod,. Garment Co. open- ed its new Winnipeg factory in January. Ladies' coats and suits will be manufactured under the brand "Nu Mode" BUY ~ Premium y-Product Coke Least Ash -- More Heat -- No Smoke REDUCE YOUR FUEL BILL IN COMFORT Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines For Fast and Courteous Service DIXON COAL CO. iif \ 3 v say Rr, RAE ior Ni) London, Mar. 5.--An immense | Cermany amount of war material is being shipped to the Orient, it is re- vealed here in despatches. Guns of all calibres, ammunition both for guns and rifles, verey lights and airplanes have been for some time now arriving at Japanese and Chinese ports worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, it is confidently stated. During the last six months of last year armaments to the value of more than $1,770,000 has passed through Shanghai and in addition airplanes valued at over $8,400,000 have entered. During the whole of last year, official fig- ures state, only twice that amount of military esuipment went into all the Chinese ports put together. --apart from Japan itself which sent nearly $3,000,000 through Shanghai, destined preshmably for its own use--was Germany worth, the Britain sent value of $285,000 and way, $235,000, I'rom' the United States planes valued at $1,400,000 we shipped through Shanghai, whil jin the | Britain exported to The principal source of supply | | a large number of which sent more than $2,000,000 | material to | Nor- | ajr- | | with 'planes costing £120,000 almost doutred the ex- ports of Britain, It is difficult to find details of | the export of arms from Britain, | however, owing to the fact that | the firms supplying them seek to | cone the destination of their | exports and the British Board of Trade concur in this attitude say- | ing that as "the manufacturers | of the materials are of infinite | help both in peace and in waf| they are entitled to special treat- | ment in' regard to published fig- ures and their wishes are respect- ed." The President of the Board of Trade did, however, state recently | House of Commons that | Japan last | year wir materials valued at $1,~ 014,055 and to China $227,390 worth. Meanwhile throughout Europe factories for | munitions. are springing up fo | countries which are not signator- | fes to the Geneva convention. of 1925. Norway, Hungary, Belgium | and Switzerland are among these | In Holland a huge firm known as | | "Siderin By-Product COKE is sold in OSHAWA -- by -- W. J. Sargant 87 Bloor Street E. Premium By-Product COKE The Fuel that has been Tested and Found OK': Tryit! Product Coke. Above view shows Premium By-Product Coke being screened and loaded by modern mach- incry to ensure absolute cleanliness in your fuel, BOOST YOUR COMMUNITY Oshawa is locking forward to the day when Ontario Shore Gas Company establishes a by-prod i in the city. To hasten that day, a market must be created for Premium By-Product Cok y product coking plant money-saving fuel to help in establis! Use this clean and hing this new industry in Oshawa--but be sure you order Premium Bys ENCOURAGE LOCAL INDUSTRY Ontario Shore Gas Company has become one of the substantial employers of labor in Oshawa d $300,000 in improvements and extensions in this district in the last nine months. IE Jheit pues concefn to spend more by using its Premium By-Product Coke for all heating purposes. You can enccurage this SAVE MONEY BY BUYING . PREMIUM BY-PRODUCT COKE Premium By-Product Coke gives you equal heat with anthracite coal per ton, the price is four to five dollars less per ton than anthracite coal. fuel bills by using Premium By-Prcduct Coke. ASK FOR IT FROM YOUR FUEL DEALER DIXON COAL CO., Albert St.,, Oshawa. CONGER LEHIGH COAL CO., LIMITED, King St. E., Oshawa. W. J. TRICK, Albert St.,, Oshawa W. J. DAVIDSON, Charles St., Oshawa. G. WHITE, North Oshawa, W. J. SARGANT, Bloor St. East, Oshawa. E. V. LANDER, King St. W., Oshawa. McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, King St. West, Oshawa. with much lower ash content, yet You can take advantage of this saving in your CANADIAN FUELS, SUBSIDIARY OF ONTARIO SHORE GAS CO., LTD. 67 SIMCOE STREET NORTH PHONE 3300

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