THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1932 PAGE FIVE Meeting the Test ~ ~ Life Insurance, the great stabilizer of human welfare, carries on ~ ~ EACE OF MIND, with which to face the present and plan for the future, never has meant more than it means today. These are trying times. It is difficult to believe that anyone has escaped the effects of a world-wide deflation of values, contraction of enterprise,social change. That life insurance companies, during the past year, have been able to show an increase of insurance in force is indeed a tribute to the high purpose which these institutions serve. It indicates a growing national consciousness of this reliable form of financial protection. Life insurance is, in a real sense, an investment in peace of mind, with interest payable in future comfort. It paves the way to education; to replacement of earning power cut off by death; to establishment of credit; to Amedis ho of indebtedness; to estate creation--to these and other family or business objectives. Metropolitan Life Insurance policyholders, representing about one-fifth of the populations of Canada and United States, should derive deep satisfaction from the accompanying state- ments of their Company. It must hearten them to realize how sound their life insurance protection continues to be. 3,590, 115 ), 653 J. 72 (Larger than any other financial otis n in the world) Liabilities Statutory Reserve . . . Reserve for Dividends payable in 1932 upon Industrial Policies $47,463,634.00 $3,085,308,878.00 Financial Report to Policyholders for Year Ending December 31, 1931 (In accordance with the Annual Report filed with the New York State Insurance Department.) Total Bonuses and Dividends to Policyholders from 1897 to and including 1932 . . $723,377,180.89 Life Insurance Outstanding Ordinary Insurance , , . . $9,848,994,131.00 Industrial Insurance (premiums payable weekly or monthly) 6,822,317,171.00 Group Insurance 2,776,032,647.00 Total Insurance Outstanding $19,447,343,949.00 (Larger than any other life insurance company in the world) Policies in Force (Including 1,401,981 Group Certificates) . 44,520,810 (More than any other life insurance company) Ordinary Policies 52,406,629.69 Accident and Health Policies Total Dividends All Other Liabilities . Unassigned Funds Growth in Ten-Year Periods EE end sks dvi (Position at End of Year) 2,530,500.00 102,400,763.69 175,135,774.51 227, 270,23 237. 52 ) "$3.5 590,11 115,653.72 bg 670,009. ry ond (he unassigned funda. ... §908,833,876. Income in 1931 Assets Increase in Assets during 1931 Paid for Life Insurance Issued, $1,102,700.73 Revived and Increased in 1,978,047.08 1031 3,430,199,381.00 18,626,9/8.91 (Excluding Increase on Group Policies) 1,076,977,205 74,771,768.66 2,809,878,087 858,018,477.36 7,006,707,839 1,115,683,024.5} 19,447,343,949 3,590,115,653.72 Daily Averages in 1031 907,093,871.37 ; 280,093,835.55 2,177 per day, Claims Paid. 18,959 per day, Policies Issued and Revived, $11,320,790 per day in Amount of Life Insurance Issued, Revived and Increased. $2,226,280 per day in Payments to Policyholders and Addition to Reserve. $924,402 per day in Increase of Assets. Accident and Health Insurance Outstanding Principal Sum Benefit . $1,519,460,528.00 Weekly Indemnity 14,969,413.00 Insurance Outstanding $14,080,682 278%: 068 258,707,768 Policles in Force 181 11,299 1881 196/678 189 28,281,640 1901 6,884808 191) 18,007,188 1021 25819846 1931 44.520.810 Business-- iy In Covenmci Lees $231,036,523 ! $ 42,713,524 Canadian Tv in force in Canada at end of $569,724,0567 303,080,651 72,422,220 Insurance Issued in Canada in 1931. . .. (Includes business revived and increased) OrGINarY oo ov seve ivs iss nna Industrial . P: $1,036,135,928 All other Investments... 79,051,376 Policies In force In Canada (Including 42,628 group certificates) meh to Canadian Policyholders 224,743,789 CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE: OTTAWA METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Canadian Head Office: OTTAWA HARRY D. WRIGHT Third Vice-President and Manager for Canada Home Office: NEW YORK LEROY A. LINCOLN Vice-President and General Counsel FREDERICK H. ECKER ¢ President All of its assets are held for the bench) i pit ia a This Company is a mutual organization. It has no stock and no stockholders,