THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1932 PAGE THREE Bowmanville Daily Times J. C. LARMER, REPRESENTATIVE Office Telephone No. 744 FUNERAL HELD OF | ACCIDENT VICTIM iit fic a Last Tributes Paid to Ron- | ~ he coming night un ho was ald Gilchrist Yesterday he one "just past. eve FINANCE REPORT WAS ADOPTED BY many a tourist, without the wor- ry of a means of transportation other than his legs, drops in for v bowl of hot soup, bread and a to lay his weary head. In morning another free lunch he again starts out without ce and Ro ar 'The funeral of the latc Gilchrist, two and a half ¥ son of Mr, and Mrs, T, B ehrist, whose death ure Saturday morning, followin injury received when he struck down by a truck on day previous, was held fro family residence, Church Bowmanville, yesterday after The service was condu Rev. E. F. Armstrons Trinity United Chureli, ' tributes were numerou tiful, Because of circumstance tragedy and the the family is held, ceeded the capacit The minister most impressi ing of yn throughout the he felt very deeply would feel the great | the morrow, he through ti¢: ordeal there was one comf that all children Christ and all are p from sin. There wus but that they go to the await the ones that® Every morning, hofore he of his crib, the little would sing "Jesus Love I Know," and hee loved this hymn Mr read it through. Ie length on the spirit of « which he said, ' religion, "In the beautiful spirit of find also the spirl which is the God saw fit away at a 1 membrance will. be their i days to come, but the rich sustain them, | ot heaven is the land of Every one w t iparation o solo softly rendered b NV i to he sold for Cawker. vices of the Audi he The pallbearey vere "Alex. 1 tha rato of (including ex- Birks, Boyd Y $1.75 par hour and Robert not 10. excoed ad Bede no action he taken with and the Rotary the communication Interment was at the B nan- | Hennlck acting on be- ville cemetery of Harry Adams in connec- rangements with the maintenance of the rection of I, Adams hoy in the Training School - Bowmanville, (Continued from page 1) Council that an applicatipn would made to the Supreme Court mandamus in connection budzet for 1932 be re- and filed with the Fin mittee, he for a the e th their gurrounding t ed este iin ow *h nee CO tremely the « of Revision Bradley of 432 he appointed to evision to fill the can the resigna on of Mr. I, 1. Mason "That the statement from the ited Counties of Northumber- Durham showing In- to $56.14 received On Court "That Mr. E St North, ad by for mounting . Cit the me the City he having Auditors, nd file udited commendation ef Committee, the r Rell M lier Armst dy h co-oher of b yepital ting them admitted to the ho tlitation Local Department a the for hospital accommoda- with the Relief Depart financial status ept in cases of atizr re ind! to have st nital only with the to to ti ! nder ace, hut the 1 ne ' it 0 fm eX wenrring hours the 1. action of your Com- I approved requesting Auditors to nroceed with f n list of lands taxes, the tors to Slemon, Corbett, Tl rent Y thirty mem! Men's As gard to Club | from 8. J the $1 maxi- nm cost 50.00, ot "om hat efation Tl half tion Meet. Utilities' Overdraft the overdraft of $2. carried hy the Public Util- Commission in the gas ae- dng to outstanding to the the fonds held by the erve for the gag plant the halanecs of $7,989.99 I for the gas plant ferred to current surplus, transfer to date as at 1031 RB. Goedike, anthorized NEWS ABOUT All business ville remained cl 8.30 yesterday, that time of the funeral late little Ronald Gil TOWN pla count acs ounts, paid ion o The "pussy have been a making their willows" ap ir to] "That le Ie held appearance litt <OTVE tran vid {1st, "That F. ineer, be The free-lunch county police station is boing patronized thesq cold 0 inkliiila) City En- : ; to sign all drawn on the pay roll the Canadian Bank of and that cheques signed by J, B. Goed- drawn on the sald pay onnt are hereby confirm. that a copy of this reso- forwarded to the Cana- dian Bink of Commerce, Oshawa, y the City Clerk." pay cheque | aeconnt in Commerce, he Ie FUNERAL AND ! AMBULANCE SERVICE Oshawa Burial Co. M. F. Armstrong & PHONE 1082W tofore nd 1 ac ul, and | Son ition ba SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH CHOIR CONCERT Thursday Evening, March 10th Assisting artists--Charles Wilkinson, well known English composer-organist, Beauna = Somerville, child violinist, talented TICKETS, 25c. Extra ~~ Wednesday Special! 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. Special Blend TEA 1b. 25¢ SUPER SUDS Butt Pork Breakfast Pork Spare Ribs 3 Ibs. 25¢ Limit ¢ pkg. pie to a Customer Sunglo | Baeon Chops Butter Pork 1 Ze | | 8c 2 Ibs. 39 ATON GROCETERIA Liver OPERATED BY «~T EATON Cle ~ for CITY GOUNGIL beecn | Commis | BANK MANAGER ENDS OWN LIFE 3. R. Meggs s Found Dead in Cellar of Millbrook Branch Mar. 8--The body of who Friday became Millbrook office of the Bank of Toronto, was found Saturday in the cellar of the branch. He had died from re- volver shot through the temple, The weapon was lying by his side, Meggs was in seemingly excellent spirits when he went to bed Friday night at 11 o'clock, H, arose short- ly before seven o'clock. Saturday and went directly to the bank. No one heard the revolver shot. His hody was found by clerks coming in to work about one hour later, Until this week he-had been in the supervisor's office of the bank in Toronto, In ill-health for several vears, he had been granted leave of absence in 1931 and, since his re- turn, had several t 8 complained he did not feel he was doing justice to his work, The transfer to the Millbrook branch was® d own request, th, pector eid Mec Peterhoro, J. R. Meggs, manager of the a Gore's Landi tention to moy 1 A i nl i i | OBITUARY DEATH OF ROBERT 1LWING Rohe rt Ew ing » of eighty-threo Hospit y clock niorhing resident of this « thirty year I'revion ing from active work, | years ago, the late Mr. Ewing wis employed by the Fittings | Limited, He has been residing late, with Mr. and Mi Wal- ter Calford, at 196 Albert Street The deceased was a member of St. Andrew's United Church and regular attendant, until only two weeks ago when he was tak- | en suddenly ill with pneumonia. | His wife predeceased him a num- | ber of years ago. One son, Earl, | und a daughter, both of Phila- | delphia are the only immediate relatives surviving Mann of 40 Colborne neice and D. G. Bo Street r-ephew, vho died gt the ug int General il a re of Brock a COUNCILWILL ~~ HOLD CONFERENCE (Continued from inally placed -as th, Commission In making this request mission did ing that the page the und so on the relicf works un en by the City Council have practically discontinued, with | tion of the inlet sewer for | osal plant, and there- { | | been the | the | | | excej proposed dis tore a larg. proportion of the mon ies allotted to Oshawa the pur- pose of financing such projects will 10t be used by the Board of Works | it was thought, having this condi- | tion in mind, that the funds pg o ble for relief work might therefore | be advisedly expended on the filtra- | tion plant for the relief of unem ployment, In discussing this matter night's meeting of council A dy, the chairman of the Finance Committee, moved that the letter from the Utilitics Commission be referred to his committee with the understanding that a conference be irranged between that body and the | Commission tor. a diScussion of the | matter from every angle | Request Doubled | "The estimate for this | about $135,000, for the whole worl, | £85,000 coming from relief funds," said Ald. Boddy, "and this request for $150,000 is practically doubling it I think this communication should be rererred to Finance Com- mittee "This council has taken certain steps to curtail capital expenditure, and if we grant this request from Commission then we for at last | Id. Bod work was the Utilities would certainly appear to be waver- ing from the general principle | which we have adopted." In Memoriam HHOWARD--In loving a dear wife and mother, Belle Howard, who away March 8th, 1926, Time may come and Dring its changes I'resh with every coming year, Jut her memory will be cherished In our hearts that loved her dear. Sadly missed by Husband and memory of Ida passed daughter, (67a) COMING EVENTS 3 Cents per word each in. sertion. Minimum charge Jor each insertion, 35c¢, MADAME NEVADA, Ross Corners, Phone PALMIST, 2804, (56b) SCIENTIFIC osha Hotel ubility, health. till ten, $1. WESTMOUNT PAVILION night,, Jimmie Riddell's ular Toronto orchestra, mission 26c¢. Dancing free. PALM Know yourself, Room 209, ten (a7a) TO- pop- Ad- thirteen | oo | earg and tried to force inuocent of the charge. Page stated that he was not at the Cock home on either Friday or Saturday night, He sald he had not seen Mrs, the presence of the scratches on his faco hut did vot know how they got there, The Crown At- torney for further evidence called William Igel, court interpreter, who stated that after the first statement was taken Page was returned to the cells but later asked to make another statement aftor being warned by Constable Mitchell, In thig statement which ASKEDT0 JOIN IN DEPUTATION T0 SEE PREMIER (Continued fro from page 1) and further that the Councils of ur- ban municipalitie s shall be given the right to revise the estimates of all hool boards, subject to the right of appeal to the Minister of Educa- tion Unenfployment Insurance A petition will also be presented to the Dominion Government to im- mediately inaugurate a scheme of contributory unemployment insur- ance on a basis to maintain a fair standard of living, Mayor In Favor Commenting on these recagimen- dations which will be discusesd with Premier Henry, Mayor Macdonald stated "I am in favour of them all though | think the recommenda- tion regarding the continuation of work on the trans-Canada highway should be carefully considered from every angle, "The wark undertaken on this highway has helped very materially re lief of unemployment, and measures should be the other hand, Md other equal nearcoe stafed that the first statement was not trne. Page stated in this ttatement that he was intoxicat- ed ¢n Baturday night-and that he wae in a house in the Harmony district with a woman but could not remember about it, or what he was doing, he was under the influence of liguor, CALVARY CHURCH SPECIAL SERVICE (Continued from page 1) but instead of that it is the man ot wheel. "The eure for depre the speaker, "is found Chronicle ' which are Hed neces 1 humble them : and geek my face, ar vicked vill T hear from heave: ! forgive their Hn the tray their land', nst ince . Bridge "I helley poaker way ¢ "! "that the con Lord is Th Hover is the that time service and many w hear as for in peopl name, and id turn then and will ins and will heal sald t! nz o 1 eo "no optimistic these Tho Ing wi ver nterest Il return thi FACES TRIAL ON iran SERIOUS CHARGE ob" norercn wz TRYING TO PHONE LINDBERGH HOME him away, and in the melee she thought that he seratehed him: around the car, on th Ih the at- 1) he Tuesday ¢ ith them since (Continued fre took hold | of page he one o conch anit alleged to have wtioned by OC vn Attorney J. A. McG : Mrs, Cook stated that the prisoner had been at her home offering her a job as house- 'per on the Friday night and that ghe recognized him | ( y after t Hy (Continued ome b rappers since Ww fron ing 10ft kid- nd of note last ty contact be | tine Later, throug! If any No however, the the 3 ymin police sald, me Hee ked Nn po rht and a ring Answers At the last pres the day officials n to any questions two phases of the case, could confirmation or obtained at the Lind it wearing Accused Identified After the struggle at her home Mrs Cook stated that she dressed herself and her children and went to her mother-in-law's on Wilson Road South The police were communicated with on Tuesday and later Page was brought to the house by Provin- cial Constable Mlitehell and Coun 8 conference of ade no cover ing Neither denial ergh home elf, One of the men sald he trying to telephone Colonel 14 tergh tell him he knew mar who knew where the missing ty Constable Saunders, and jaen= | Lindbergh baby was hidden, The tified by Mrs. Cook as her men identified themselves sailant ! Parle Edwards, 40, of Derby, N Corrohorative evidence wag | H,, and Samuel Black, 5/1, of viven by Mrs, Rachel Cook, mo Lawrence, A man using the tele- ther-in-law of Mr Cook, to | phone book at the station overs winom had told her story, | heard Edwards pass Norman Saunders, county con- | Lindbergh home "table, stated that he was with { NJ., from the adjoining booth, the provincial constable when the | He warned the attending pounce. arrest was made and testified td an and traffic officers in the cratehes the face of the ac- | vieinity were gathered and they cused and to his nervous condt- | surrounded the booth and arrest- tion, He said that when Page | ed Edwards and Black, Edwards wag bronzht hefore Mrs. Cook ald a man in Haverhill had con- that as soon as he spoke she gaid, | vinced him he knew where the 'Yes, vou were here on Saturdas missing baby was being held taht." he, (Edwards), Evidence was hergh, to communicate H. M, MacDonald who testified ! ilaverhill man, as to the presence of scratches Inside Job Possibility ahout the left ear of the acensed. Hopewell, Mar Police re- Contradictory Statements vealed today that were still Chiat of Police O, D, Friend investigating the possibility that who wag called by the Crown, | ome member of the Lindbergh tated that he saw Page when | household was {involved in the he was brought to the police sta- | kidnapping of the Lindbergh fon on March 1 He stated that | baby a week ago today, That such he had given the accused the sta- | an investigation was still going 'utory warning and that he had ;n was acknowledged by Col, H. voluntaritly stated that he was | Norman, Schwartzkopf, superin- nd- to of a she at Hopewell, on also given hy Dr with the they Beth's Shoppe WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ONLY Here is your chance to pick up a smart little Sport or Afternoon Dress We are clearing this line. Reg. $4.95 and $5.95. Sizes $1.95 14 t0 38. For ........: Printed Crayshenes. Sizes 14 to 44. We have just received a new ship- "COATS Cook and admitted | wig taken down by Mr, Igel, Page, | the ternoon hockey { market that | these | be | was a call to the | and | M t | was calling Lind- | And made a special buy on a line of tweeds to sell from $895 4p Sizes 12 to 44. Ask to see our semi-gigolo Suits at $14.95 OUR HATS--SOME OF THE SMARTEST SPRING STYLES. FROM $1.25 UP, (67a) | King § Street East Newmarket Won Round Toronto, March 8--The wail of the. banshee, the Irish ghost f death, was heard at the Maple Lear Gardens last might, signifying the death of another Celtic hope whe Newmarket completed ble » in the OHA. junior serics to eliminate College The Redmer Yofk won 2 and added a 1-0 victory is «se ond meeting to take the rot ( Newmarket's fiery force that sur vived the series of speed with the paints now pla Mar Ihoros, ver Stratford, for the OHA x championship, the first at the Maple Leaf Gardens Wednesday night and the ice a dou wit sen finals | Michael Lon Frida on {1 North h nig jun- Zam on second on Saturd ay al same surface St. Michael's last lad end of the did everything scores win games. | Irish v far from present, though Newmarket deseryed credit for shutout on liant defensive itted that improved the played night, kept hemmed in their » must of the time but score The luck New own and And of the id al every "a 3 wark, it must | the S 1 onc shou! hv tinng wa press this hwartzkopf{ at ome. He made lephona after he Lindbherghs tives hlished ques stato police i submitted hy morning Col. the Lindbergh h replies by ultation with their repre [3 to cor The child who sees easily is the child who learns, , Dent neglect their eyes, C. H. Tuck, Opt.D. Eyesight Specialist Disney Block Opp. P.O, 1516----"hone--1510 "| fied of en- | THE WHITBY Adverti-ing, subscriptions and Whitly Branch Office at Gazette oy 23. After Business Hours Phone DAILY TIMES aews will be ceceived at the and Chronicle.~Telephone 359 WHITBY EDITOR~-JAMES H ORMISTON ESCAPED FROM. + CUSTODY BUTIS SO0N CAPTURED al victors | | County Jai! Inmate Work in Court House Sought Liberty in the Cour the supervision « George Kerr on Tu Clifford -Melhe of the County jail, | and was While at work House under Caretaker day afternoon, on, an inmate made his escape from the building half an before he was missed. Five minu tes after Governor H. Lucas, the County. Gaol, had heen not the pre ho mit onth MUCH BUSINES) BEFORE COUNE! ON MONDAY NIGHT Harbor Matters, Salary Cuts, Damaged Lands on Civic Docket Considerable routin transa ouncil at for la on The | vote duced by | aupre n of the Council M. Pringle, chah nance Committee, nd hereavem th his wife, set forth not only had P'ringle and his sen sustained great loss but the communit well, Apprecigtion v ex ed of Mrs, Pringle t in various organizations town during her lifetime, gret was expressed that heen called away so ear A copy of the ols forward 1 ine wil cted by Town its first week Monday « Council by adopted a re Reeve the neet three ae Bg. unanim olut Ww, a on intr Jackson, de my with Counc an o in t great thi nis dea The resolu- rion that Ma active the » had re go It takes a lot of wallows o make a spring! But one good swallow of REXALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP will keep that hard, hack- ing cough you com racted after your seige of the Grippe completely under control, When your head bumps cvery time you cough, as if you're going to raise the lid off--when your eyes and nose commence to run a perfect stream---when your legs and back hurt like a tooth ache--then you've got. it; "The flu' ", Why suffer longer when yon ean get such quick rve- lief and lasting results, so onsy. Here's how: Napuroe coves esa 90¢ Rexall Grippe Tabs. 25¢ Bronchial Syrup ... '50¢ Chest Rub coins '50¢ A. P.Cs,1doz +. '25¢ When in need of Drugs HQUICKLY" 'Thone REXALL DRUG STORES Jury & Lovell Simcoe S. hone G8 i King E. | I'hone 28 ind his family. Claims Property Damage | A letter was read from Mr, W, | R. Bradley, f: r with lands in | the stating that he was suf real hardship on account overflowing the property causing on the town, ering of the on his fields, honges Street which constituted a m | ace to his cattle, and setting | a denger contamination ol milk. supply. Mr. Bradley ad- | vised that he would hold the | town responsible for any damage { he sustained, and expressed the | | hope that the Council would sce | fit to,.have this: matter taken up | and remedied at an early date, | | | of K | and sewage of cred pasture | from | Wi side Brock | n up | of the | IL appeared from the discus-| | elon which followed that the age complained of comes cesspools which were in many years ago, but which now pra2hibited by bo iTealth rezulations. Coun stated that the matter of these cesgpools had been up before, and asked the mayor if there was any possibility of sewers north of the C.".R. in the near fujure aw with the cesspools, Mayor Bowman could hold ont no hope for sewers in that area for many years to come, A resolution was passed refer- ting Mr. Bradley request to the oard of Health with the request that immediete action be taken, Gas Co. Assessmints Council agreed to meet Mr, G. D. Conant, of Oshawa, solicitor for the Ontario Shore Gas Com- pany, at a speclal meeting on Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock, to go into the tion sessments of the companys ciuipment in Whitby, Salary Reductions Mayor C, E. Bowman referred to the fact that at the last mect- ng of the council' he had been requested to call a conference, of (ouncil, Board of Education, and Uablie Utility Commission offi- clals to discuss the question of salary reductions, His Worship announced that the Board of ld- veation was meeting on Wednes- day evening of this week to dis- cuss this question, when a coms- mittea would be named to meet the €ouncil. Tho Public. Utinry Commission would also appoint committee, His Worship ssid, Life Saving Equipment Coun, William Davidson intro- question of purchasing life saving equipment for the SOW = from | al aro rd ( Kenny to do | | duced the town had pment it should the bathing year in order for the citi- might get lack of this vid, and it would to lock the stable stolen, Mr, think that the cost much and be obtained, il the He fel hat even Wa not uld recalled that t Ottawa last 4 request from iis equipment on, there was not venue from the local arrant its purchase. felt that this was a and that the Govern~ asked again %o request What wn to buy equip- government ed, replied tizens he d on that should favored to the old request on this ne up again cnerally were cided to nment to the 1 15 de SMALL CAKES* made with Magic, win First Prize for Mrs. Jeanne McKenzie "Magic has always been my stand- by," volunteers Mrs. Jeanne Mec- Kenzie, of Toronto, winner of three first prizes at the 1931 Canadian National Exhibition. "In fact, I wouldn't think of using any other baking powder. "I make all my cakes with Magic. If I didn't, I am quite sure I never would have won so many prizes. Magic gives all baked foods an extra fine quality of flavor and texture that lift them out of the ordinary class," c Baking Powder is used ea- lusizely by the majority of cookety experts, dietitians, and housewives throughout Canada, In fact, Magic outsells all other baking powders combined! *Mrs. McKenzie's Prize Reolpe DELICATE CAKE 2 teaspoons Magic Baking Powder Whites of 6 egge 1 teaspoon almond extract '{ cup butter 2 cups fruit sugar i cup milk J cups pastry flour Cream butter and add sugar. Sift flour and baking powder together several times. Add flour and milk alternately to the butter and sugar, Then add egg whites beaten very stiff, Add almond extract. Bake half of batter in small cy cake moulds in moderate oven at L for about 20 minutes Pour other half i in layer cake line and bake in mod- erate oven at 375° F, 35 to 40 minutes; when cool, cut in fancy shapes with cookie cutters, Decorate as illustrated with icing, chopped nuts, candied orange peel, jelly, cachous, maraschino cher. ries, etc. "CONTAINS NO ALUM." This statement on every tin fs your guarantee that Magic Baking Powder {so free from alum or any harmful ingre- dient. home, take advantage of the ate tractive recipes in the Magic Cook Book. Write to Standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. & Liberty St, Toronto, Ontario. Lathing area at the local harbor.