{ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1932 WAGE SIX EE . Of Interest to Women - : Social and Personal Readers aro invited to sub- and personal office hours to Miss Lois Mundy, Phone 312. Dinsmore, of Hunte- est of her daughter, Buckingham "Mrs, RG. "Wille, is the guest o Mrs. Harold Coppin, Manor Apartn ents, f& Mrs. John Beaton, Connaught Street, and her son, 'John, left { %his morning for St. Marguerites, Quebec, to take part in the win- fer sports. Mrs. Beaton will join her husband and daughter, Dor- ¢as, who have heen at St. Mar- Euerites for the past week, Thurs day ® evening of last Mrs. Warren, of Brock entertained Mrs Mur- group of Simcoe Street Church Ladi Aid So- her home, « next week, the members of the Sunshine Mis- sion Band of Simcoe Street United Church will pay. a visit to the Children's Shelter and enter- tain the kiddies there with games and a party supper. . * Mrs. Jack Smith, of Hamilton, was the guest of Mrs, Evelyn Bateman, Simcoe Street South, over the week-end. Mrs, Smith, a former member of Simcoe Street United Church Choir assisted that choir at the services yesterday, LJ On week, Strees, floch's United clety, at ol On Tues dur Hart, the Miss Margaret Road East, spent in Toronto, -end week no» Mr. Willlam Hufnal, who has been in this city for the past few weeks, returned to Mone- ton, New Brunswick, on Satur- day. R. G. GEEN GIVES ORGAN RECITAL * one hour to the music was the who stopped To listen, for finest of organ privilege of those fnto Simcoe Street United Church on ' Saturday afternoon while Reginald G, Geen was giving one of his popular recitals, The pro- gramme inciuded a Bach num- ber, and a "Prelude and Fuge in TF Major" by Buxtehude, His second group of selections var- fed from a 'Funeral March" by 'Mendelssohn to a, "Wedding March" by DeKpven. In this group was Lemalire's 'Spring Song from the South" and Kreis- sler- James' 'Liebesfreud." i, Mrs, C. M. Mundy, contralto, and Mrs. R. Leo Gray, soprano, were the a isting artists of the afternoon. Mrs. ( ave a beau. ¢iful rendition 'Some Sweet Day" by Edwards and Mrs. Mun- dy sang "The Cry of Rachel" by Salter, The nett orzan recital by inald Geen 11 he the Joon of March the ninetent) of ' on after- Doctor Tohnson neve putation for paving but it is related tha Mrs. Siddons call Court, and t! fly bring her a chair, | see, madam, is fare no led on servant di scat "gan . . 4 Splitting Headache Agonizing pain . , . spoils her 'dates' wad robs her of youth and beauty. By taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl ¥ RE. Tablets, cramps arc i in Busy JAN D/ tasks gay in in and day out. Persian s the skin soft and iy emoves redness and relieves irritation. At your Drugglst PERSIAN... BALM \ T FASHION HINT da "How to make my old short Q skirts conforin to the new length was a problem to me until I hit on this plan. I dropped the hems; and as the part that had been urned under was darker than the rest, 1 redyed 'the entire 'dress, after having bleached the oods, following directions in the "Plamond Dyes package. "I used Diamond Dyes for the I have dyed ii: 'redyeing, of course. many things with these wonder- | ul colors. They have saved me Jnany dollars and have never fail- v1 to give perfect results-- fmooth, even colors--fast to wear tand washing. Friends think my "things are new when I redye or tint them with Diamond © Dyes, They do give the most gorgeous golors!" Mrs. G. C., Levis, Quebec. Kingston | Reg- | i | snappy | | DANCE AND SONG FESTIVAL AT MASSEY HALL | New Canadians Thrill the | Audience With Folk Songs and Dances ee cp Flash of color over Massey Hall's stage--- song strains ring- ing true to a people's commugity joy and dance rhythm pulsing with ingpiration--the Ukrainian Festival on Saturday night was a thrilling thing. A large audi- ence saw it--a small percentage of Old Canadians interested in folk art, and a great numbez of ! other nationals happy in being "at home" for a night, The ap- plause came in delighted bursts, like exclamations, not just ap- proval. Among one and na- the sixty singers, hundred fifty dancers orchestra, all in handsome tional costumes, were many new Canadians from Oshawa, The festival was under the direction of Victor Moshuk and Ivan Pihul- vak, The latter is of this city. The choir of the Ukrainian People's Home Assoclation was conducted by Dr, Burtnyk. The dances were for the most part, arranged by Vasil Avramenko, and the performerg, children and grown-ups, came from Toronto, Oshawa, Thorold, St. Catharines, Buffalo and Detroit, The contrast between this ese tival and the first Ukrainian pro- grams, remembered from several years ago in Toronto was mark- j ed. This wi "Ukrainfan" {| Evidently, nationals tario, the more numbers of had increased in Canadianization hal not blotted out the native art of these people but had affirmed. it to add to the real wealth of Can- ada. The program opened with Eas- more properly, Spring 8, reminiscent of a pre- Christian idea of thanking the | sun-god for awakening nature from its Winter slumber, Next came the social dance and song of a community party, its songs weaving in story of politi- cal and military sufferings, and human jo, The Cossack sword dance, es F in the work of M. Mishkewych, was expert dancing, "Echoes On- or of the Highlands," from the Carpathian Mountains, was the theme of part three, The men's ritual dance, as round a fire at a festival of the goddess of fire (led by V, Moshuk) cap- tivated emotions, and when the many couples flung debonairly into the Kolomeyka probably only the rows of seats prevented a thousand people from trying to Join in. The dancing of a group of young boys from Hamilton roused round after round of ap- plause and the young girls were also admigable, Then there was a "Garland of | U krainlan Folk Dances. The sing- "God Save the King" in an language, gave conclusion to a signi- WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING Isn't this a tive new type school and college suitable for types It displays el ribbed angora fresh and attrac- for the smart miss? It Is also youthful women ever of | vivid wool jersey in light green with blending of plain self fabric trim, The new wrapped bodice cut is and slimming too. The skirt with front and back panels, by the way cut in one ! that FStoyveLy 2A | the hip seetion, give youthful' height to the figure. It's charming too, fashioned of rough or flat crepe silk or the thegs | a | manipulation | | with By Thornton W. Burgess replied Timmy, and the sleepy note had gone from his voice, Instead there was an angry note in it. "You went off and left it, s0 1 took it, and now it is mine, What are you going to do about | id "I'm going Be not too sure of what yon'vé got Lest disappointment be your lot. --Tapper the Bapsucker, "Somebody has been using that house of mine apd has made the doorway bigger," thought he a------ Tapper avgrily it. Just try it," retorted and his voice soubded just as angry, "I havg lived here all winter, It suite mo and | I am going to stay. If you think wag in in the that Tapper the Sapsucker high spirits, He was back Green Forest and he felt that was enough to put any one in high spirite. Furthermore the sap was running, already lip had tapped a maple tree and he was sure that when he returned to it he would find each those little holes filled with sweet sap, the very thought of which made | his mouth water He first flew in a hig dead tain big tree in est, He and Mrs that hole there had occurred would be just his nights n cold 'and a snug such as that would place to sleep in He alighted on that branch a 1it- | tle below the doorway and at once his sharp eyes noticed that it was bigger than.wben he had last seen it. Then had Just large enoug hiy through that We wouldn't at all Timmy, but when to any one, Just tty to house, free BO | This was your | vou left it it was | Now it is mine, | drive me out!" Tapper knew beaten. He kn might he couldn't | out of that snug home would useless to try, over knew that Timmy right. He knew that that house having - been empty, Timmy had u perfect right to move in, So he got what satisfaction he could by beating a sharp rat a-tat-tat the outside and flew away to look | for some other place wherein to spend the cold nights He found another old house had helped make long ago this was empty. He Inspected been decided th would do, yt hat time he better, so favorite drum drummed for a while When he grew tired of } this he decided that holes z that \ v ' the | Be had drilled in the " he filled with sap. they "I'l have feast on that and won't then I will do some more tapping a8 to be sure of having plenty whenever | want it," sald he flew to. the big maple of when that tr dr he to his old home branch cer- the Green For- Tapper had cut | ast spring and it | .to him that fit | the place to spend | They were still | warm house be Just. the real comfort and More was of a he he Ov he it By he 1 for Rqueezo Nov large sque ming y and thosa "Somebody has been us : maple must house of mine and has made doorway bigger," thought he wonder who it is. Well, if are not living there now It matter." | He climbed { head Inside out in a hurry. occupied! "Go away," He knew that voice of Timmy rel his ap it poked pulled house was | up and Then he That there such a Tapper had, bit of say were prac. But when he got Isappointment There was only those holes, They tieally empty That was bad "What Are dohiz in. my enougiL but whit was worse wa house?" he demanded ang e coertainty that tiey had heen " filled and that somé had I don't know who you 11 but whoever you are you're mis- 1 taken. This is my replied Timmy, still in a sleepy volee, "No such thing!' retorted "I per and his voice wag more than before. *'I cut out with my own doesn't belong like to know "Because it 1 as volere wee the sald a sleepy voice, It was the Flying Squir- | Vol : I one else are, $ tolen (Copyrig ap. 1932, Ww, bouse," ap- = Dis- tory: Thief BURYY | overs the "Tapper this house Lig) me "1"wouid | FALCONS TIED ongs to me," hill, to the hel March of New York, crowd Hockey scant 3,000, alcons and can yards | tes yard of last New gue the orl | thin woolen weave | smallest Style No. 2671 may be National | sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 2 | and 40 inches bust Size 16 requires 314 39-inch material with 1; 30-inch contrasting orks Our new Spring Fashion Maga: | 11406 zine out! Every ij rom | Canadian division cover to cover is lour, Custofl player You can save £10 Yn erns, | ed Important | materials, ete,, by 10 | . With the score tied at centg for this book. hope in the third period, youn will send your order toda) and Happy Emms, former Just write your name and ad ans together to put dress clearly on any of Ir lead, Carson get paper. Order one hook. Enclose Ten minutes latey 10 cents in stamps an ex-Detroiter, mail your order to partment, Be sure to the pattern, { Send stamps | ferred). Price of Price of No. 2671, season, Detroit Ameri through 70 minn hockey to a 2-2 tle draw left the Am behind. the Maroons in tanding. of both teams role {in the 1-1 of 4 night, The six points Montreal is son | Americ Detroit ting the goal. and | Bert McInenly De tied the count a | Tommy Filmore getting an assist The first American goal wa cored by Jackie Keating on I nent unassisted play in the first period, while Alex Smith tallied | for Detroit in the second, QRONCHITIS BP AR OG At bedtime rub the throat and Street. Address | chest thoroughly with-- i CAUCE | Address orders to Pattern Vi RS i Editor, Oshawa Dally Times. oy NRO RUS got got the piece } or Fashion coin fill in of or coin (coin pre book 15 cents patterr 20 cents, Size ,. Name Tuesday and Wednesday Specials Shoulder Shoulder Pork 'Chops VEAL SHANKS ib. "ec Veal ib. 10 Chops 121/nn Special all this week, Pes the Cor of cans in our window and win a case free, eas, Corn or Tomatoes 3 cans 23 81.75 per case delivered CHUCK OR 3or4Lb. siouioer BEEF TS, 10¢ Breast of VEAL With Pocket For Dressing 1b. Oc RIB-VEAL FLANK CHOPS STEAKS 1b. 19¢ Ib. 15¢ Pure Beef Pure Pork HAMBURG Sausage Meat pound. 10C 12/2¢ Ib. Phone 1147 12 King E. QUALITY to drige you out of here | | you cay drive me out just try fit. on | MAROONS GAIN 3 GOAL LEAD --Larsen, ish With Plenty Thrills Maroons p in their marcel the Intermediate ht by lefeat nthe Hambly' one ot } local admini hurst Indian The game wa rilling and | er pat] hard, wa 1 tremely net lines wa the first to: tire. cas) up the pace wards for four goals, Black doing tl per | the on combina dding showing hack WITH AMERKS |: n uld be Osh third- |r the | Frank | In with another, | aft ie | missed tl casion Play Was Fast The play at the start of the period spend very fast teams resorti to k Rowd, en and Ih ned rush ils hut the first both illing pace first 101 bodied sitors did stand: the forwards after former wa of the play The vi seem to be able to | and subbed the three minutes of play Myers got in close but Burr faved nicely and {again came to the rescue in scrambl, at the goal mouth, The second Oshawa line came on after | five minutes of play just 2% the In- | dians regulars came back. The Kids opened up the play with Houck and Kelly rushing well together, How- | ever, Houck was penalized for trip- i ving Millar but Peterson and Kelly held the fort with their consistent buckcheeking, Minster was lucky on a shot rrom Johnson, just gett- ing his stick in the way in time. Play was lightning fast all the time with no apparent letup by either team, If anything Gravenhurst had more shots on the net but they were from the defence and weak, When ut not | pac "THEATRE Today and Tuesday ROBERT MONTGOMERY in "LOVERS COURAGEOUS" with Madge Evans, Roland Young Beryl Mercer and Jackie Tear] Coming "NO ONE MAN" Gravenhurst was Fast but Lacked Scoring Punch Oshawa Played Short Passe, Larsen drew a penalty four Oshawa Local Students Qualified to ing Game to Advantage and Solved Visitors' Hard-hitting Defence -- Bond, Black, Rowden and Johnson Scored for Winners on Neat Efforts | Cossey and .. Millar Were Best for the Visitors -- Game Was Fast From Start to Fin- of players camped on their blue line nd made lite miserable for Mins- but failed to get the puck by him With Larsen back, Millar made a good rush but missed the | net, Bond electrified the Oshaw | fans by s oring a smart goal three minutes from the end of the period, iter taking Rowden's pass at the The goal Seemed to gis nore punch and they varmed around the Indian' $s net until the end of the period Gained Three Goal Lead Pond opened the activities of the ' eriod with a long drifting hile Jolmson had another hot that brought Minster to Larsen dre Wd boarding Rowden, ) WAS Car McCully toc place visite Black ha Jlet ott and | hack 1 Iront of LL ire ) gave Bond a nice pass net but he missed Millar m a return rush as good for a nice shot, Mc hed well but hit the side of H hot was not consist hn on went oft for {Hippy the t while ude tw men back almost k, Kelly visitors back a great job of backchec) interval, The thrill game that even vere short handed Osh t let up on their attack and McCully peppered Rowden back to and got a great hand and nutes played took a ig il to drift in and pic a he second goal of on r had a close call soon he went to ston the his other nself 1 ang ng the the was did 1 Kelly came puck foot, Johnson ind crashed int Be nd uss with in Mins and l a oo for another goal second line in back Indians into exhaus- for the x 1 way oal final period con- apparent reduction rushed well but the defence ani forces ito the corner. from Millar * but Indians were img drew a rest When he came n the no Larsen neces of the rs when tripping hack {and Larsen Cossey Johnson. the vi scored the first and his team circling the t a high backhand into the upper corner of ti Although Gravenhurst took heart they could not get in a close shot McCully worked right in checked just as he shot and Rowden s from the goalie to beat and shot Tt was a tough break, Wick- drew a rest for tripping Mee who was right in 1 hot cleared, Johnson returned to the game and rushing well managed to barge through the defence carry ing the puck with him, to pick a corner when off balance for the final goal of the contest. The visi- tors still kept trying but poor pafs- ing threw away chances and 'the play slowed up a little at the close with both teams tired out, from the Pac al for to jret ily ® detence hat e new | ic the hut he ncts Conli n 's pass wide had ter The Teams Oshawa, «-- Goal, Burr; Johnson and Conlin; centre, Bond; wings, Black and Rowden; alter- nates, Houck, Peterson, Kelly and McCully. Gravenhurst, --~Goal, Minster; de- fence, Larsen and CoSsey; centre, Millar; wings, Harman and Woods; alternates, Wickman, Barnes, la Roche and Myers. Referee: Ernie Wortley, Toronto, UM Y First Period I. Oshawa-Bond (Rowden) ..17.00 Penalties: Houck and Larsen, Second Period 2. Oshawa-=Rowden (Bond) ..10,00 3. Oshawa--DBlack (Bond, Row- den) , vessevsscs S00 Penalties: Larsen, Johnson, Con- | Larsen, Third Period 4, Gravenhurst--Larsen ..... 5. Oshawa--Johnson ! Penalties: Cossey and Wickman, defence, wn 7.00 More new industries have heen ¢stablished in Manitoba during the past 12 months than in the same period in either of the years 1920 or 1930. "Sure," said Pat, rubbing his head with delight sat the prospect of a Christmas box. "I always mane to do 'mv duty" "I believe you," re- plied his employer, "and therefore | shall make you a present of all you have stolen trom me during the year." "Thank ye, yer honor," re- plied Pat, "and may all your friends and acquaintances trate you as libs crallye* penalty Lhe | which | _ | making I'he | Burr | for | Jitors opened up aga | and Oshawa forced | missed | corner with | Oshawa Beat Uxbridge in Intercollegiate Tilt drell flipped past the goal tender, The goal tender tried to dispute this one too, hut nobody paid any attention to him, It seemed that every time the puck was shot past the Uxbridge goaler, he was ready to claim that the play wag off-side, Ashenhurst made a nice rush but was stopped with a stiff tody-check by Jackson, Malone, for the visitors nearly scored on a niece rebound, but he missed the net, Jackson was sent to the i cooler for chopping, and Uzxe tried hard to score. Bur» broke through the Oshawa and went right in but amie out to make a mlce Play Belleville in Next Round -- Uxbridge De- feated Bobcaygeon in | First Game of Double- | header Played Here on Saturday Afternoon-- Locals Outclassed Ux- bridge Six bridge farted wnen ith Shi pa from Gra one past the 1/x- give the Trice The same second later, for off to long Play had just Laundrell took a hoskl to burn ricge goalie to first score was repeated a was called hack Uxbridge resorted from outeide the blue Iter in the Oshawa ne no trouble in stopping them Oshawa boys disgpla eccmbination attacl carried trem Inside the vi de on numer oceasic I drell seored minuteg of play thinking the play alter In the vi much gecond period the play faster and Uxbridge early scored when . Ashenhurst lrove a fast one at Salter. Salter came to his knecg 4 minute later to save another one, and the puck lost in his pads. Smith off for tripping, and made several dangerous s while he was off, Uxbridge reat chance to gcore hut der failed to lift the' puck the , although his shot ) me, | wos dead on, Maundrell took the off-side, | 'pack the whole length of the ice goalie in the idge net to another one und make it no attempt t the Joc alg, Oshawa gitors behind their ior it was seldom piayer got past remainder of play but de 101 but | found | Lecame 1 he Was sent xbridge an line yed some nice | ! rushe had A fend aun mn nl another core 1 ade to 0 Vi quite | wed. Burchell mad visitors, bu came ri back | pushed the purl de in front of th disputed thi was an off-s crell would not then to the surprise of ever; | the Uxbridge team sl ce and cefuged to cory t a lengthy disco | dressing rooms, it oth teams to conti on the condition that goals would n we t 1% | 1 for med the line, xhridge for the upset ; ule | her vin blue hat an U jee game the visitors' Burchell was their star, figuring in most of their attacks. Ashenhurst and Catherwood were also good, v} the O:haw entre and Chappell ne in fr or a team mia mm l xbridze goal, claij that de, Re Maun- uphold them and net feree Maundrell, with three goals nd Graborki with two assists, vere the t for the Collegiate, one the Af- elr hy gam t tw ated off be nie In t} reed the on The Teams Goal, Adams, de- Wherwond and Ashene Burchell; wings, Norton, Subs., Beare, Harwood $4 xhris fence, ( IT io ; centre, Anderson and nith, Malone, and Soper, Oshawa Goal, Salter; de Jackson and Law; wings, and Maundrell; centre, Shellenkoff, Subs,, Chappell, smith, Conant, and Gamble, Referee Doug, Maundrell, i the ur wi minu econd coun two score one of Oshawa sumed and Maurdrell ter to to no In fave Flay several | 'hi iegiate re ] fence, up After Graboski slop of three Oshawa laid man righe cored again when Gy down a pe aboski rect pa whi encounter with a dogged deters tion to win and improve thelr Maroons Improve : nerican fi tonal standing, but Play-off Chances ihe 3 iroons needed 'the points too and launched a feroci- ous attack remarkable for its speed and effectiveness. | Before the Druins recovered, the Maroons had two goals and the th ird period was under way, Togs sent four men up the ice on a long series of battering rushes | led by Shore, and Eddie finally came through with a goal and fvoided a shutout, Montreal, March chances for Montreal were brightened hy a 3 wer the Boston Druins urday night, while leampalgn to enter { Hockey League fl corresponding reverse | The Boston club went into the | | f HE NEW i 1 MARTIN SAVE MONEY! "Roll Your Own" with | : : Bm ZIG-ZAG | CIGARETTE PAPERS Peterson | shot right on but Mins- | 120 Leaf Book - §¢ The original automatic book. One "GIRL OF THE RIO" lcaf ata time. No waste. 120 leaves So Added 'Attractions Demand ZIG-ZAG refuse imitations neta TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Dolores Del Rio in Wear a Pair and Carry a Spare Boys' Smart In all sizes frem 7 years to 14 years, in nifty double-breasted models, at only, $6.95 Another splendid range of Boys' Suits with one pair of pants at . $4.95 NO PHONE ORDERS JOHNSTON'S BLE RTL LL LL EET I IIIT