Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Mar 1932, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1932 , PAGE FIVE If it's to be Bought or Sold -- Times Classified Ads wil do it Lop Dental For Rent Work Wanted STANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- | BRS. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS. | HOUSE FOR RENT APRIL 1st. | YOUNG, EXPERIENCED FARM TIME TABLES AUTO LOANS ter, Solicitor, Notary. "Money to | set's. Special attention to X-ray | Apply 145 Burke st. Phone 854. | hand, Canadian, desires position. d loan. 11 King St. East, Phone | york (Gas xtriction. Nurse in at- (56¢) | State particulars and wages. Box an | CARS REFINANCED 282%. Residence 798. tendance. Phone 959 House 1312 | FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS | 418. (hdc) (17 feb tf) = Simcoe Manor and Victoria Apts., | YOUNG MAN, HIGH SCHOOL ' WHITBY. ORR LinESWMANVILLE Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering a period up to twelve CONANT & ANNIE BARRISTERS Insurance completely modern, and very | education, knowledge of tele- 2 Wee k Day Sc TOE tr po TD drive. Tou Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete cleanly. It will be a pleasure to | graphy, bookkeeping, ete., desires / (Effective on and ter Samary zu, 1932) {| car. Conveyancing and general practice | DAVIS AN D SON, INSURANCE. | have you inspect them. Open [office position. Box 296 Post Of- Leave: Loring Wey Arrive {| CAMPBELL AUTO FINANCE . CO., LTD., in Law.. Office 7% Simcoe Street. | 19 King St West, Oshawa. The old- | throughout the day and évening. | fice, Whitby. (561) Bowmanville Oshawa 6.20 a.m. 6.55 am, 10 am, Disney Block, King St. E. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D.|est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 re- | Bradley Dros., local mgrs. . YOUNG WOMAN WITH ONE So : T" : p Conant, BAA. LLB.: A. F. Annis. [put.ble Fire Companies. ' (4 apr ¢) | poy 13, would like to get a posi- . 2am. ot 3 Biba. % H, A. MacDONALD, BA. LLB SUN LIFE ASSURA COM- | APARTMENTS, FURNISHED OR | tion as housekeeper in mother- 10am. Joan, 108 am. Representative, Mm ome eR Branches Throughout Ontario. W E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C.. BANK | pany of Canada, Dominion Bank unfurnished. Low rentals. Disney, | less home. Box 422 Times, BULK 1.15 1.45 pm. 2,00 p.m. of Commerce Building. ENanbe Phone 1834. Alex E. 5 0n0 1560 (14tf) (56¢) JOSEPH P. MANGAN Pir BAT | Ross, S. T. Everson. © oct tf) | TO RENT--5 ROOMED 'BRICK | CAPABLE GIRL WOULD LIKE $40 pum. rister, Solicitor, Notary | lig bungalo, all conveniences, fur-| position as cook, general or Ibs. 10.00 Dm, 'veyancer. Money to loa... ce | nace, gas, hardwood floors, Rent | housework. References. Apply 11.30 p.m. 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phore Beauty Parlors cheap for reliable tenant. Apply; I.0. Box 329 Bowmanville. 445, Residence phone R37. 79 McGregor St. (530) | ; (55¢) | ri * Lif an be - GRIERSON, CREIGHTON &| BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, I -------- CT AYLMER BRAND " Ham. 60am 72am, Eaton Groceteria £.15 a.m, C Fraser. Barrister. Ctc. Bank of | specialists {n all lines of beauty All. convenience é T 4 es. 'Frigidaire. 2.30 a, 45 m,m, ii] Commerce Bldg. FARRISTER Saljure Permanent Svaves 34.99 Splendid locality, Possession April | WANTED -- POULTRY OTE NO. 2; Zam. 03am. 1000am. It Pays To Shop LOUIS S. HYMAN, vjand up (Nulurelle r | 1. Apply Apt. 3, Caso Loma, 161 | killing, must he fat. 10e charged Ol & eans TINS CR oom pn 'Leon 'iim Here Al A E at, Ei +12 Paths Goes Li La ere ways Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan. | Marcel 50c. Shampoo, Finger 4 King St. E. (54¢) | for handling. Could use 50 week- 30pm. 33pm. 8 om 16 Simcoe Street North, Phone | wave and Trim $1.00. 86 Simcoe aa $ 67. Residence 2544W. St. North Phone 2968. TO RENT--5 ROOMED BRICK ly. Geo. Reynolds, Courtice, 445 p.m, 5.05 540 p.m. . 45 p.m, , .m, 40 p.m, 8 aug tf) | cottage. All conveniences and gar- CATELLIL 3 0 GREER & HUMPHREYS. BAR- tS ZUNE age. Immediate possession. Phone | ---- PEAR DR ZiSoam ITWome alm Jove ters, Solicitors, Ete. 24% Simcoe [GEN OS HA HAIRDRESSING 2 Suge = EE ° f m a nN Pra 3160. Residence 3514 | Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace 606F, 132 Ritson Rd. Sia) Real Estate For | a C k d ti ; 10.45 p.m. 11.00 p.m, 11.30 p.m, in al kinds of Bin | (1 Ypagnettl Cooke ns £J¢ Royal York Mai shall, ts in all kinds 5 " AO PIIN TF A TIT a Tovey Money to loan Sau sha) Coens I oe {FOR WENT -- 1 RODNED $3950 BUYS A NEARLY NEW 7 SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FRANK S EBBS, BARRISTER r Eade: s apartment. All conveniences. Lo- | Yoomed brick house, ; minutes Al ; I wave a specialty, $500, $7.50 and nent. conveniences, Lo- | oom ; . / Solicitor, Notary Public, Tonvev. $10.0. Finger wave and shampoo | cation very central. Private en-| Walk from Motors. Modern. HAPPY UPLE | Bowens & bo . flive univ, Orange ancer. Money to loan. Third floor I'e4%50 nrarcel 50c. Facials, scalp | trance. Possession April 1. Ap-| Double garage. Easy terms, Brad- . 34 0z 8.00 a.m. B45 a.m, Pekoe . » et 1.00 a.m. | vA Alor Evilding, opposite Post treatments and mamcures. Coffee | ly 26 Church, + corner Church ley Bros. ~~. ~~ (G4c) ° 5 am 2,30 pan 5 Tr es ~ | Sliuppe entrance. Phone appoint- | and Bond. (55¢) | FOR SALE--MODERN SEMI- | IC es . S40pra. GiSpm. 6.30pm. 6.45pm, S.J. HENNICK, B.A., BARRIS Fe RENT -- FRONT BATH. | bungalow, nicely decorated. Good | 1 jars ¢ x 918 pon, 9. & pom: 10, 5 p.m. Vp, | Half 1b. 28¢c meets 1973, FOR RENT "RONT BATH- 2 ben 12% Simeot =t. South. Tele- (15 may 1 mo.) | room flat with every conveni- | location, north end, No reason- 1L40 p.m. 12.1 dein 12 Pkg. one HE End . a D 5 - 0g x a » BY re se Ap 4 x 417 » LJ (»3 sept tf) | CORENE JOHNSON, HA ences, furnished or unfurnished, | able offer refused. Apply Box 417 |B (yor p Pic bY. v0 dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel | Immediate possession, Apply 29 | Times, (hdc) i h - TUT 9.25 a.n ) 45 a. Medical ling 35c ane fipger waving 50¢. | Brock East. 55¢) | SMALL FRAMI COTTAGE IN | Half or 2pm ZiSpm. 1248 pm. Superior Phone 2188J. ONE BEDROOM TO SUIT LL 0 | Oshawa to scll at a bargain price. ¢C h ¢ Ridem pom Rpm Bem DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, I'HY- (14 mar ¢) J} erjande or two rooms for light | Conveniences, hardwood floors. | ohoe Who! e Ib. 1035 pm 1055 pm. 110 pm. 1140 p.m. Stores sician and Surgeon, special atten: | FENBER'S BRANCH HAIR- | housekeeping. Phone 1586J, | This is worth your investigation. 4 Special Busses For All Occasions X-ra work and y . ust Apply Bo q 8. 3 | Ressovills Rates and Carefui Drivers tion giveu 10 v ) dressing and Beauty Zuituro, No. (22 mar ¢) pply Box 419 Time (54d) GARTON. PROPRIETOR Electrotheopy. aes, Disney Block 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 33, Osb- | TG RENT--FURNISHED FLAT, | FOR SALE -- SEVEN ROOMET | FANCY NO. 1 BOWMANVILLE PHONES. 417 or 348 Phone 2050 ICE ODED Bat 0 | awa, 'Ontario, 2 or 3 rooms. All modern con. Prick house, all conveniences, Oshawa Wailing Room, § Prince St, 9 p.m. Residence 421 King Street (23 nov t*) | ve Jwous « . - fences, inecludin rarage, Ap- | ~arage, north end. Four roomed East. hone 2116. -- ) ey yen : EE o AD= A A oe = q Ir 106 Frederick s:. Ge) | Cottage, furnace, lichts, garag BR HckAY, PHYSICIAN, SOU | LILLIAN MeLEAN, PRONE 8105 (0 1 rtuiick 8! meal Tr AR a hs, parade, me S Ib. c CRRY CATH LINES REPAIRING : ; I'ine Watch Repairing marcel 35¢ at your home or 735 geon, Accoucher. Office and yes) art St. 2 ar ¢ Female Hel consider car or truck on elther (Effective, Nov. 22, 1931) dence King St. East, corner Vic: Albert {23 mar £) RE E--------a p Wanted Pox 423 Time : (56¢) (Eastérn Standard Time) Our Specialty toria St. Oshawa. Phone 94. | MISS McKENNA, PERMANENT | CAPABLE WOMAN WANTED | + h { Phone 2825 waving, finger waving, marecell- | for general housework. Sleep in. FOR SALE---§ ROOMED BRICK A. & PP, QUALITY BEEP LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO | FELT BROS. 45 50 hd 4 Established 1886 Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist ing and beauty culture. 156 Rox- | Phone 425. (55e) hot e. Will trade for a small cot- " ! : OVER. Ave NODE fi Palio ~-- age or take good: car as par h PR FT _LDRVANS OF 1] tough, axe. Phovs, sppoint. FALESLADIFS] SEED ¢ 14D. paymen:, Phona 2558M for Yum | | a E +30 PE 12 Simcoe St. South Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be | 0 -- = re es between the ages of 25 and | ther particula (56¢) 0.30 5.30 ja ; : 10.30 "30 CROQUIGNOLE PERMANENT | 35 to complete a Ww b at his office over Jury & Lovell's | 2% Ee : ! p a crew now being Drug stor re cach Saturday from 1| Wave special $5. Finger wave 50c. | organized to cover Oshawa and | Battery Servic | | 130 b730 | til 4 p.m, for consultation and Marcel 35¢. Call 3369, 4 surrounding town with crew man- | : y e 12.30 4 1230 b9.30 || Chevrolet Heavy Duty Truck treatment of diseases of ear, nose (2 apr c) Jager. If you are honest and in- | FLASH CHARGED CHARGE 1b. C tb ; 1.30 10.3¢ || with dual wheels, 1930 model. an. throat only. Appointments telligent, with a little hard work | batteries, No rental Stops sul 3 1.30 || Stake or dump body price $650, may bs made at drug store. Phone Articles For Sale To fan earn. from. $15.00 to! nhath dd« power, radios and T "aDaity xan Sunday, b Sa Jase ox 'TAR TOR 8 Ridin, 0 325.00 per week. See Mr. L. W | : AT On: a i | day and Holldays only, a--Sundsy only. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES : GOOD SOUND DRY BODY HARD | Richardson, 204 Bond st. E.!si phone 2736w, 4c) . c : ling St. (b ---------------- 80 King St. East Undertaking Wood. Guaranteed full measure. Mio m (5c) N 4 Ss 3 p .15. Soft | CAPABLE GIRI, OR WO) AN . CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST | % cord $3. Mixed $2.75 IAN | otice to Creditors East. Axbulance Resi fence 542 | wood $2.25. A. Wall, 292 Cour- for general housework, family o 1b Effective Fobriary "h three. Phona 2 a . J . Cc | EASTBOUND Simcoe Street North. Phone 2107 jcellette Ave. Phone 2628F, 2 No 272 or apply 144 [In the Estate of Alfred Fernie and 210W. : (8 apr ¢) | Brock St. E. (50h) | Hope, Deceased. : Ly, Oshawa, £m. frcent Sunday A BURIAL CO. M. F | FOR SALE--HARDWOOD §3, % rr ' All n 3 having elaims | 1.44 p.m. Except Sunday, SoHAWA & Son, Proprietors | cord, W. H. Thompson, 507 Kinz Partnership Wanted against the estate of Alfred Fer- | 1b Daily, Funeral and Ambulance Service dav | St. W. Phone 742J. (55¢) { WANTED -- P ARTNER WITH in Hope, late of the City of Osh- or er ouse . C | 3 and night. Phone 102W. 8 | Grp QE MeQUAID, COAL, COKE, | Ome money to start plumbhine | #¥7. eclanie, deceased, who or 1.01 a.m iis Celina. (41 | dry body wood, hard. soft, mixed | "usiness. Good salesman. Apply d on or about the 10th day | {~Flag for passengers Monires a and East. | : slabs. Phoge 2423W. 115 Annis | Brosins, 322 Euclid Ave, Tor. Of Mov. 1 Te horehy notified | shi y Architects q St. (2 apr ¢) onto. (56a) | ! mn the undersigned | The an iC acl ic Ly, Oshawa, 3 Ei Patty. TENE SE GENERA en - - 1 Representative of the | x6.30 a.m. Daily, CC STE ou a4 DRY SLABS $2.25 3% cord. No. dd d on or hefore the Greatt eo Po] pre Daily. Sunday Architectural work. Second floor i p4 " gy - Royal Bank Building. Phone 149% 1 Body Nagle hz. Coke. 79 John eae], Sth dov of March, 1932," full LIMITED OF CANADA 7.20 p.m. Except Sunday St. h particulars of their claims. Im- £.17 v.m. Daily i929 Plymouth ; 900 | Residence phone I (21 mar ¢) Rates For | mediately after the said date the | Woes Flag for vassengers Port Iluron and | Auctioneer DRY BODY WOOD $3 1 cord. said Per onde Representative will yo TS only to detrain from Montreal Sedan TE y Claude McQuaid, G54 Albert St. Cl ified tatri} o the assets of the said ] and East y DO oh Seon SC SIL. | Phone 10757, assiri | deceased. having resard only to| NEW ART IS SEEN Libs. linoleum, carpets. cetamics. | - oo anyam PACIFIC RAILWAY Row, Ames & Cavishote a Ont. Special attention wiven (9 mar c) claims of which it shall then | wi all suitablo 1 for mass Effecti No ICA 031 : HUDSON PSSIX big n i Fie Nitare sales and} DRY BODY HARDWOOD, have notice to the exclusion. of all AT EXHIBITION | produc Api but not imitative of! ec od vf 1931 ! 185 King St. W. Phone 1160 4 i NS i Your | Beach and Maple. Stove length. |} Ads f others, and it will not be liable hand-made work, Eastbound arm stoc kh ey $3 1 cord Robert christy. {li ° | to any person of whose claim fit 9.25 patronage solicite . Son 197OW . shall not then have notice for the " Philadelphia, Pa.. - An Nii ig Nanitoba holds great promise for 2% 3m, Day a) Dally, &%. Sun. . i 4 warals a of ) striz ar ) | : , C y Watch Repairing Qs. mas oO First Insertion--11; cents assets go distributed or any part | | O% oi andvs i ele tron bei al and _electro-metal- | = xb18 p.m. Sails. such diversified objects as home | rBical industries, The province's 1.05 a.m. Daily. SPECIAL! per word. thereof. | low cost Iro-electric power and x For Ottawa, Montreal and East ouly-- N' St | I S ny : i 1 ME S f. AA VON GUNTEN, EXPERT | CANNED TOMATOES--DIRECT |]| Minimum charge for one in- | Dated "at Toronto, this 26th Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at|from grower and canner. Best |} sertion 30c, day of Fehruary, 1932, furnishings and. gasoline > iin | available natural resources, have Flag. THE IMPERIAL TRUSTS COM- has just opened at the Penngy Y already ditracted the oteartior ue Westbound ; MADE TO $19 44% King St.eet West. Your pat- | canned tomatoes on mark Each 1 tf n of: subsequent consecu- Frigid anfa N . oe choited $1.60 case, large tins, toh. PANY OF CANADA, [rats Museum of Ant. several United States concerns, Who | Jia: aly: {| MEASURE tive insertion 1c er . Brighton. Fred Doonan, Ty BI Battery Service (540) word. x Three consecutive {inser- BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢ FoR SALE= i tions for the price of two with rental $1.00. Repaired and re- first insertions (three (50. EG. 62) v% 0b, Bel | which could better be done by }h, Mid-West Glass Co. of Winni- built, . Called for and delivered. Strain. $1 per setting. Phone (1 ove a word). Prompt service, Stan. Bligdon, 20 1897W. (4 apr c) {fi Minimum charge for thr | hand, directors of the FERIbIMION | pox is now making a complet line AR. Mill St. Phone 960. FOR SALE-- NEW GURNEY [li ji certions 600. | said. i "bottles and presery R irk Furancett Heater, burn coal or ns 60c. Canada's enly factory for the Obieets on v! include home | jap de epa o ng Hemstitching wood. Never used, Guaranteed Box number "0c additional. ||| manufac ture of Matzo (unleavened | furniture, gas boilers, scale work- |° [ | WwW fIBMSTITCH TCHING, 7 CF CENTS ON | Al. Also a new leather couch in {}i Professional or Business bread) has just been established in | ing models of an ocean liner, an | CoD LIVER OIL atches ALTY oromiory work, alterations, [ 800d condition. 207 Simcoe St. S. Cards, $2.50 per month Winnipeg, About '20 men will be | autogiro, an automobile, bath- | FOR POULTRY a Alina ete. The Dell Shop, | Oshawa. (55¢) |} for 20 words or less, 10 [}| eniploved | " | | If Your patch is not siviig 3 FOR SALE NOR 7 (|| cents a worq per month [ | satisiaction We can Peps 261% Simcoe S. Phone Lo38, oT) Yom Ss BLE VIOLIN VERY OLD | for each additional word, | ee A Wanted 1. Gal ........ coi. and make it tell the correct ! § . < . gents Want time | ' KARN fi 1 quart : wood-working machine with at- | Ey re : Transportation tachments and motor, wheel bar- FHONE 35 =Z[OMPSQ RELIABLE MAN F OR ONE RUN: [| 1pint...nnn. 8 D. J. BROWN row, lawn roller. Phone 1124, 1 Oe OT hs unt THE JEWELER Ca™ TACK 'Bonn West. Speck o 56a) {1 PRU STORE experience unnecessary; no Sail THE THE DRUGGIST] | Hogg & Lytle Ltd. | Official Watch Inspector for ists in furniture moving. Storage FOR SALE -- ONE SIMMONS || Ask for Classificd Ad PHONE 22 NE; 1 gisttiiyte ' 3 collect FOR SERVICE SERVICE Phone 203 '@ Canadian National and Osh. warehouse aud moving van equip steel bed, one waysagless spring, ||| Department WE DELIVERY Iy. ouly wet "Mit : i Li "Ne v | awa Railroads Also good mattress, bargain. 64 | , rs ee | 10 Simcoe St, 8. We Deliver | Toronto, Ont. ! | pwowt 676, nxt apo NEXT T™E POST OFF ID exhibition. shows quantity | & 15 Richmond Boe West production objects which have | 7c NOW investigating the field. Mm Sus. except Sunda DOMINION CLOTHING oronto, « heen designed specifically to be TTT m8 54 p.m. Daily. is 68 King St. West | | | | Ny Smit : B . i Trt i P | nith & Boyd made by machinery, and not as| [In addition to its original line of | m Toronto and West only~flag. their Solicitors herein, machine-made copies of Work | milk, soft drink and beer bottles, ment. Phone 82. Ale ot Cites 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 180 5 Music lessons . . ie EGINALD G_GEEN, ORGAN Radios Repaired TILLIE THE TOILER--Something to Explain! By Russ. Westoves fst, choirmaster, Simcoe United - y | FHONE 3350 OSHAWA RATIO LISTEN, TILLIE, 'M NOT GOING TO YOURE A PEACH, TILLIE. A) fk TL gE rE IN ) Church. Plano, organ, singicg Servi Y 765M. § ce for radio repairs. Fully FUTURE LET'S [ier / - - LL : Phone 3128. RB mar ¢) Squivped jo give reliable service. E = WAVE Ve are SiN $e moa is SoTumRL GOING TO HAVE as. Wales. Z EACH HER Rt a FREE FIRST FIVE LESSONS | yGrRRATG SCTERTIFIOALLY Ts oes REY, THE ey ATER MATS , be alist canal | | ExPLAMING given with tife purehase of, ny repaired, ten years' specializing ToLo DE AL { ] joo THIS SITUATION Hawaiian Guitar and as in repairing on all models. Call SOUT VT "you : jo. Phone 7490. Raphis 2806W. Certified radiotrician, DIDN'T 2) r: = Store, 11 Simcoe St. 7 nis © (22 mar © DIDAT 4 i EARLS RADIO--TUBES, BAT- You Mattresses & Feather Beds ferles, short and long wave squp- For . eries charged. 0 FEATHER BEDS MADE INTO (repairs. Phone 12 , mattresses and down comforters. p ww (1 apr ¢) Mattresses rebuilt like new. Rep- = = resentative here now. Box 224 Awnings 1 apr ¢) Times, {1 apr AWNING §, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR- H paulins, everything in canvas. : Nursing Phone 2104.. George Reid, 66 rr ¢ fit I a. PRACTICAL NURSE :DOCTOR'S | Bond West, J. J. Turner & Sons, foi TT i : on . reference. Maternity or general | Representative, ! ld oi eh : | | ill i TINOVED | nursing, assists with house work, 25 mar c) . Charges moderate. Phone 3033J. sha BRINGING UP FATHER : By Geo. McManus mar ¢) Ri say Barber Shop : : Auction Sale BANK'S BARBER SHOP. COR- "LL BET THAT | [THATS A DONT YOu OM! ONCE CRIS Ig (ner Ash and Celina St. All hair- \ . = . TERT HCI ED ISSR heh 2 Md STD SE Sn {amu [Transeo Too vow Hone, Rt Oshawa, on Tues. {48Y 10. Mell Graham, formerly o : D2 J AWHILE. ME WAFE IN R GET 2%) a Sth. 1932. one piano, | °F Mary St., is now assisting. We ALL HIS LIFE- ; Yr TWO YEARS: HOME» SICK? gan Atwater Kent 8 tube radio, | 31D to please. (23 mar ¢) two wicker chairs, divanette, 8 a pieced dining room suite, Treas- Motor Cars ure heater, Quebec cook stove, r--res------ » " EE bed complete, dresser, wall clock, | GENERAL GARAGE & WORK, linoleum, © bicycle, dishes and {Prices right on trucks. Car for cooking utensils, lawn mower, (Tent by hour. 9 Prince St. combination' door. Sale at 1,30 (13 mar ¢) p.m. Terms cash, W. J. Sulley, | -- rma Auctioneer, (56a) "Wanted to o Buy CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist, on matters of import- WANTED -- GOOD WORK |ance, 93 Louisa St, Phone 2636F. horse, not over 1400, sound. Ap- | Business private, ply Box 421 Times, £56h) 4 LGmare) | A TOUGH TIME

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