AGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1932 TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Doraty A.C. Play Markham Here Tonight in Inter. Game Gravenhurst Intermediates Come Here Saturday Night Junior O.H.A. Semi-finals Start in Toronto This Week-end Fp-- TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Canadiens Regain Lead as They Win Inter-City Title N.Y. Rangers Gives Detroit a 2-1 Defeat at Home Manitoba Wins Canada Curling Title From Alberta 0.H.A. PLAYOFF TOMORROW NIGHT -- SCHOOL TEAM FINALS the tly pice with their On the was the on the defence teamed up well v Dell to give their goalie it Brishoy showed some th, nets mt victory, Hare so ood and gave then chalking up a win for their On the losers' team Wilson on defence a4 good rusher and not getting goals lines Maga also good while Fr vell with Wilson on they set in age and strength winning team MeDor Gravenhurst Plays Here Saturday Against Locals | Both Teams Have Run Up| met Camp Borden who last year | tection extended the R.M.C. Cadets in a a Long String of Vie. our game series of which two rames were played at the local tories -- Neither Have arena to break the tie after two Tasted Defeat Yet--Osh- games and it was a real battle, .. La | After the Cadets eliminated the awa Have No Injuries On| j'lyers they weny on to win the Li | 0.1 A, Championship. This year the ine-up (Camp Borden are sald to have practically the same team go the Gravenhurst outfit must be quite | rear fast to beat them out this T'h mn mthucked in on the forward Mage: tearned up werd The next ruard opponents to be put fn Oshawa's path to the top of the O.H.A. heap in the Interme- diate series will be Gravenhurst. The first game was announced in yesterday's O.HL.A. bulletin to be | fn the Sanitarium Town tonight | but at noon yesterday there wa no ice there ) Inattes was 8 tled and the first game will played here Bion night, urday, and rink should packed to rafters with porters, those who Queen's series and ly heard about it, The Gravenhurst outfit get up an enviable record this | year but it will mean nothing to | the local aggregation as they | have no mean history for this | scacon themselves, The Northern | team have won seventeen games | in succession this season and | have not tasted defeat yet but if | the showing of the Maroon squad keeps or he CGiravenhurst | the lads will their | hrat first dose which | eidminated the gpells defeat or and | of 10 an open tech for the team The two teams on their 1 which administers the dose to | shculd put np a strennou them, The Gravenhurst team | tie and the locals will nave gone Ii their yuping | to the limit win thi in an impressive style and will be teams are worthy for the Overy tep up After weir the playdowns year, ne-up rt} Brishoy Centre vings, Ratke aud Wilson, Parker, Wright 1, Clapp: I Wilson; Centre, Ma Kir nd Spraggs: alter Keller a (soa, Dell y Simcoe Osha season that eason thelr one of and this Now for cchievements of all they showed cseant business thi met Markham, | querors last year in an exhibition || oF 1t at the local rink and heat them hy a large score, $4--2 In an lawn cxhibition game on *Jo-Jo' night hes beat the fast Hydro-Eleetri from Toronto 5 Ther First 1 they | wnen | Loberts and they Cotl= wdale. Cron he Sat- MeQuaid, he sup- saw,.the 4 those who ot their league games they didn't : A oul game but were forced to ' 01 shit the Lhe both Mary Street Win in Overtim team to do | 080 a designating Du fw neeessive n in thirty they won w " near- | I 8 vO games both resulted minute overtimes but one 2---1 and the other coreless tic That was the est they to defc a sor as they won the games with Bowmanville iy with the scores being 5-3 and 10 0, to give them the round by connt of 15H Next round of th Queen's 2 on the have cary ind they came eda moving 1 ns not t long r playdowns they team by round cord bhat- forced erie medicine one team Of that 5COre sire throug to le the ge local fron they | opponents winning t group Exciting Hockey Played in Public School Finals look too slow right 10t North Simcoe Win Chimp" oul ry a Samir ionship on Fluky Goal--| 1, tc the tear Mary Street Cut Down 2-| *'4rc 1 goal Lead and Win in] there 8% Overtime--Some Good | uch work to do 1 because th or game O.H.A. Prospects on} ices, gave them goon Protection lon. ed Teams fixtur, and tried t ith the "result close check not first off fast Hav werd id buch period he en he meth the ind Nee play yi scored took After four minutes of ne last John A. McDonald North Simcoe when he rubber into: the corner and two ny 1 a ' out to in pupils and their. parents ected Jast night the Public Schoo! Hockey [skate deague finals were played; in two citing games North Simcoe Street Sanior and Mary Strect Seniors Won the respective championships. In the first game which was for the Junior title the Mary Strect clan scored a fluky goal and then shut out the Cedardale team for the re- painder of the 'game and won the t of breath w end r lied at the | Before a throng of about thoussand | l ( Brinnin ) M ely |! E him & 1 as Auk and I bh ni ! fective lentally the only ! ( MeDonald numerous and w the man or is he could well and ways in there backchecking, almost counted for Cedardal secontl period when 'he beat t! defence ( hot fre lose 1 | itle. In the second number on the 5 Sgn 30, shot drom elo aa hut og Sard the Mary Street Blue team [the goalie cleared inst | his Jarl; %eanmc from. behind to nullify a two |, d o a fomaY { " alter goal lead and then went on to win Could gel to it Ia the fom) fran { the game and championship in the | casions and boat the d first ten minutes of the overtime | fence shot into the woalie's pad period. Both games were very fast | and had tough luck in not getting eonsidering the and size of the |p goals for his team. Both fe ms players and showed the fans | tried to get goals and decid the | 1oreed 1 some smart boys who will be ready | game more decisively but they were | tHE Junie to Step up into OH \. company in | not successful in their { ine he @ dew years and a few them | teams were almost exhausted st counter. of the scored meu Hamme again on best rush Wilson; and Ogden; Young and West, Colton, Kelly and SHNCOE ( Clark and wings, Herci nates, Hodgson, onke "Arm games Ie Da Da wal Keeler; gq; and Sudd Lang and Hobbs, ence, Arms and keut and ke all times, nd out tw while tron having the to boys knittin He | {ast pace Ww ag ore a 1 1 as wogam, in the Have about er ut attempts, ot whe i Winning Streak HE NEW MARTIN TODAY ONLY 1s yr Or 3 to 1in a dazzling IRENE DUNN | Spoke Lam ue Hockey match be MYRNA LOY | 000 spectators -- IN -- Detroit, March winning streak of cons ended here | 4A long the Detroit st night when Rangers downed the hy Today and Saturday "THE RECKLESS AGE" Featuring BUDDY ROGERS RUGGLES Previous to last night's game Falcons had won or tied 18 h games, CONSOLATION Erna, Whigs. MARRIAGE {and Art Somers scored the Ranger 'goal midway in the sec SILVERWARE NITE TONIGHT (DINNER KNIFE) V sec RICHARD BENNETT FRANCIS DEE | [ Session, Detroit's lone the final goal came carl session when Danny Comedy and Newsreel in the Rar | # sensational game | nets, hest ( hay penaltie came finished as a result of the | col mparison ald most dangerous while Grey with good pro- pro and earned his shut and Parker were school the was and and aser the de Mo are defence ee; | nates | 1! Patter e Hast pat the r & wis was mg 4 wth Per and 1 on de- centre, rey; vies, vis de- | Centre, ard ; Me- refereed both their pt the games at their only $ in . Ma Neill, Ends at Detroit] ome Fal- the De- Na- tore the ome ving first period, ond ond y in Cox | be at John Ross Reach, who put up ger "Blow yourself to a few pairs of MERCURY SOCKS At 50¢, 75¢, $1.00 and up, Mercury Socks have everything backed off the map for smart patterns and real wearability. | Sport Snapshots | Intermediate, series AC of off in the will be Doherty game Markham, of w League are mostly consisted in the Mercantile against Fatons, players who Markham {lost the first | «it Monday | hum [0 ha emerged home to have just game night to come out on tc the at team as climinated were supposed to bo cdiate bunting | Inter: | % # the there that the Ihe | terda managenient at noon that Friday night will meet mn town local | game i team here serie m Ihe flig Maroons, Oshawa's entry have emerged on te en's and have ru full strengt! ¢ » players all feel quite I can sec nothing but victo ertheless the ire Not over h headed mewhere t] uy I" whi a break for the the the quite of a i) eries ot importanc layed p in have will ¥ local North be here * nd gat Qi player OH.A. te mewher« their ability nd | Mary | by the faster Street seniors gave n dangerous rushes, i * ¥ semi-finals Mike's Midgets in The en junior OHA market meet Stratford New St, | play the Two out-of-town teams will clash tonight in a second round play- Toronto and inated Oshawa in the play-downs last season after Oshawa had lost in The Doherty A.C, aggregation arc a strong, fast outht and hay from Willowdale locals going local inter |] hi in the p of two play confide ver mfide nt tans home rin arranged to play tl Arena the will and Hercia aa South IME. other players but regardless of this broki at the local Arena, The the Markham team which «lim participants the the Nervice the Cities team finals ho are on ¢ been in of league LJ] . hectic series in which they then went to Toronto Markham have the | Just. when | playdown and op in the round, im a two game Series places in the for the * t 0 wediate am was informed yes in Gravenharst and therefore the Ti the the to be changed and now two on Saturday night in first | the % OHA ff se score Intermediate race for and this es in their league will ed and $ enter cam has receiv injuries of % eries | of the tep on nt of the outcome next tim. the the ice. but the irit { playdowt right O.H.A. and have 1s year in tl of any town or city t to have both ¢ which the th Graver } Gravenhurst rtunately have h unf eis t Oshawa [yesda LJ School ext night ¥ Public hele o| make | | bo the) | Hockey League the junior title with the 1 overtime ¥ their lineups w game ho would ams and 1 years will if their playing last night was they Nenors little Ye closely when Simcoe be get a and 1 and watch exhibitions were away quite iter LJ LJ] under and te the in Te Marlboros get way tonight sronto morrow afternoon other semi-final 3 : | Curling Title Manitoba Wins March 4 ~For the fifth consecutive year, and for the third time in a Phe off, Manitoba cap- | tus ed the Canadian single rink curl- | ing championship and the Macdon tld Brier tankard when Jimmy Con- | gallon's Granites, of Winnipeg, de- | ieated Art - Hollinquist, of Three ! | Rivers, Alberta, by 13 to 8, last eve- ning at the Granite Club after the two rinks had finished their seven- game schedule with five wins and two As Manitoba was not in the initial competi- when Professor Murray of Halifax, was the win victory gives the Gateway West a perfect record in competition, It was also the | third time that Alberta has partici- pated in a play-off, the extreme | western provinte that has competed in the event finishing second to | Manitoba in 1928 and in 1930, with | Toronto being the third party in the first play-off, Yesterday and those started MacNeil l'oronto, | Insse represented nm in 1927, ner, the ol" the | the was a reversals, even of Wednesday, in the day of upsets greater than Wlien play morning Professor was in front with four | wins and one loss, while Ontario, Alberta," Manitoba and New Bruns- wick were grouped in second place with three wins and two 'defeats, The competition was opened up and at the same time reduced, as far as the number of competitors were concerned, by the morning games, the sixth round, First of all Al- beita tied for the lead by defeating Nova Scotia 13 to 10, while On- tario kept up in the van by defeat- ing New Brunswick, 17 ta 6, with the winners counting four on the last end to kee p in the running, and Manitoba made it a four-cornered tie, with on, game to play, by de- feating Peter Lyall's Quebeckers, 13 to 8. Canadiens Win Montreal, March 4,--The Ken- nedy Trophy, emblem of the pro- fessional hockey champlonship of Montreal, wag retained by the colorful Canadiens for another year when they beat the Maroons 2 to 1 in a National Hockey Lea- gue game here last night, Larochelle put the world's champlons ahead in the second when he swung at Pit Lepine's pass and beat Walsh handily, In the last period, Jollat came trick- ily down the right side of the ice and fired a shot at the defence as he cut across their front. Johnpy Gagnon came in fast, spilt. through the defence and rammed home the rebound, from Maroons | George Hainsworth, who play- ed a sensational game otherwise in the Canadiens' nets, was bheat- en by his own gymnastics In tho third period George spread his legs wide with the Maroons shooting at him from all angles in a wild fracas inside the de- lence, In a heroic effort to cover both sides of the cage, George was caught with his knees open and Jimmy Ward sniped a goal neat- | ly, directing a perfect shot be- | tween the goalies' knees as he | made a gallant effort draw him- self vertical, Tragedy Spoils Gains K. O. Win London March 4, larry Gains, glant Canadian negro, to- night retained the British Em- pire heavywelght boxing cham- pionship, outpointing Dan Mec- Corkindaleé, South African title- holder, in a thrilling 15-round bout at Albert Hall, Tragedy marked the evening when Jack Goodwin, one of the most noted hoxing trainers in the country, who was Gains' chief second, collapsed at the ringside and died ag the fight neared its close, Galnsg and McCorkindale fonght to a draw several weeks ago and tonight the referee's de- c¢lgion was greeted with boos from the crowd, which appeared to think the South African had again carned a draw, Gains, of Toronto, Ont, and Canadian heavy champlon, was clated with his victory, He said: "1 thought I would have won by a knockout, but McCorkindale is 4 game fellow," McCorkindale said: 'It was a 1eal good scrap, but I think they m'ght have given me the decl- glon." Henry Ford Sees Ist Hockey Game Detroit, Mich, March 4--Ilenry Ford attended his first hockey game last night, watching the National League match between the New York Rangers and the Detroit Fal- cons here, from a box seat at Olym- pia Arena "My, it's a fast game," said Mr, Ford, as he watch the two teams through their display, which includ- ed one fist fight. The Ja.s are determined, If they have enough troops, to drive the Chinese out of Shanghal. They have been unable as yet to tell the world why they want them out, ~~ Owen Sound Sun- Times, | W | barded Ottawa Valley Finals are Tied | Brockville, March first game, of District Hockey ior finals here wull Holy Name vitle juniors 'ers tio in hodied every In a) the Ottawa and A ciation jun- last night Corn- team and Brock- played to a score contest which em- imaginable kind of hockey and which only on a couple of occasions stirred the large audience to any degree enthusiasm Buffalo Wins 3-1 4. oa After Overtime Buffalo | Pittsburg, March 4 nigkated and outpla burg in tonight In cague hockey gamo to 1 in a ten minute riod The BI first Pitte= tional win 3 to overtime up In netiing puch Jackets tied it Proudloc) marker In the Buffalo counted twice round, and the hung Godin ons period and one the on second, the overtime Martin making the in Gross points, Tecs and Stars in 0-0 Deadlock | Syracuse, wnd London March 4, Syracuse battled thfough 70 rinute play in the Interna- tional Hockey League thout a Th London's net rubber but Stuart why he is rated as the best er in the stemming tide each time, tars bom- endlessly core with lpague, Lindrum Gives Uncanny Display Narch 4. ---Spotting opponent 1,750 points in a match, Walter Lindrum world's English bil- had reduced the former Ottawa, his three-day of Australia, llards champion, lead of Tom Newman, British champion, to 653 points at the close of play last night, the firs: day of the match, The score stood: Newman (spotted 1,760), 3,078; Lindrum, 2,125 Lindrum delizhted with hig uncanny play afternoon and evening sions, He scored high runs of 886 and 866, making 127, 75 and 26 nur- gory cannons in the latter and 96 In the former, in which he exhibited brilliant top of the table game, Breaks of 3 and 221 were nade by Newman, who played teady through- out, pectators at both n game Timmins Took .0.H. A. Final March 4.--The Northern Ontario finale, for the right to reprezent the N.O.H.A. in the Provincial hockey playdowns, took place here last night hetween the North. Bay Wigilantes and the Timming Hu#kies and a fast, close-checking game resulted in a win for the home team by to 1, giving them an advantage of three goals for the second game here on Saturday night, The Bay boys played fast hockey fom gong to gong and willingly match- ed speed and stick-handling with the local aggregation, Timmins, game of the Work Will Soon Start Kingston.--As conditions permit, work will be started in preparation of the greens for the Kingston Lawn Bowling Club on the property on Napier street, purchased "a short time ago by the club, The property ig situated on the west side of Na- pier street, not tar distant from the Kingston Tennis Club property, It has a frontage of 350 feet on Na- pier street and runs to fi depth of 130 feet, soon as weather of | tonight | proved | goul- | the | first | 4 | new | Lindsay Won Possession | of R.S. McLaughlin Cup Coveted Trophy Won by, W. Aldous' Rink in Close | Contest With Dr. Henry of Oshawa -- Judge L.| V. O'Connor's Cobourg | + Rink Won Sykes Trophy From W. H. Woods of! Lindsay by Good Margin! Skip. 9 Skip . SYKES TROPHY Third Round Oshawy 12W, A, ( semi Final Oshawa Flint Hamilton 1. B31 Lindsay WwW. H. Wood day H. Woods. 17 of hid Judge O'Connor. 12 Final Lindeay w n Cobourg W. Titford F M. Booth | We «5. Pott LV. O'Conr kip Hockey Scores Hocke {| resulted as f | Naiional League 21 The Annual Invitation Bor of the Oghawa Curling ('lub hrovght tc a succesful close lato hour last night, The premier honors of Bonspiel went i« W. Aldous and hig rink, of Lind gay, who defeated Dr, F. LL, Hen ry and his Oshawa quartette by { margin of one shot in the fina round, The game was one of the most excitinz of the whole hon- piel, The rin) were tied into. the final end, victors to the Lindsay curler well-placed shot by the skip, Frank Carew, The sion of the fyi phy ear was Jud ( pie wa art ai ithe Cay tan adie 20 Internation: i yracu xOvertin xDuffalec x10 minn overt going going with " Lind ny an Learn w hy on hy Canadinn-A meric I'rn be 12] i 1 American Vea Wood f Li Lo: t marei O'Connor amassed a good lead in the early ends and ned his | hold on it winning ea At the fon-of the gr the trophie r presented winning rinks together he priz presentat ve Mela av, by a n "e yetal Hy to with coneln the The *hlin Tr lon ol io the the older club, The vas presented to J hy Dr, Henry who the curlers in Osh int Trophy Oshawa experience I'he Eaton to the Gilc : Ident of the elub, Great « 1 due President Parsons and Ed Hara who composed the eommit- tea In eharge of the hon oh 1 for | the manner in which the play wa carried out, D, M, Hall, who acted | ans clerk of the bhongpiel ial umpire, isted by Morley Jacobi, contributed much the necess of the cames by their efi | cient management, The resulte of the game od vesterdav are folln ' R. 8S. MCLAUGHLIN TROPHY Semi Final Round Oshawa COhon Henry 9 Judge O'Connor Lindsay Lindsay W. Aldous. .12 P, Skitch , Final Round Oshawa Karn pre and offi- nes to Dr Lindsay ' 1", Martin w W. Bryson '. FE. Hare I. J. Carew W. A. Hare W. Aldous Dr. Henry Wear a Pair and Carry a Spare Boys' Smart Tweed 2-PANT SUITS In all sizes frcm 7 years to 14 years, in nifty double-breasted models, at only, $6.95 Another splendid range of Boys' Suits with one pair of pants at ............. $4.95 NO PHONE ORDERS JOHNSTON'S PEE ETT EP PRT TTR | ALL that's good in cigareties rolled into ONF 20 for 23¢ 12 for 15e Also in Flat tins of 50 and 100 L. O. GROTHE LIMITED Purveyors of finest tobaccos