Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Mar 1932, p. 6

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sE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1932 TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Intermediate Hockey Team Secure 3-Goal Margin wvitation Bonspiel Opens at Curling Club Today tford Juniors Hit With Flu Epidemic SPORT PAGE TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Marlboro Juniors Blank Hamilton Victorias, 5-0 Stratfcrd, Port Dover and Markham Win Inter. Rounds Wrestling Show Was Success at Arena Last Night SHAWA EARN THREE GOAL LEAD AT KINGSTON LAST NIGHT ] i | i ueen 's Lose to Locals in First Play-off Game OP eee ee Arr n's Goalie Had Off| Night and Let in Some y Ones--Rugged De-| ce of Tricolor Offset by Locals' Speed--Kelly With 2, Bond Were Goal-getters--Reist Scor-| ed for Students Rowden and Oshawa's | yelound | hi Queen's Intermediates were t 80 hot as they were suld to down East and the Oshawa m stepped In and gave them fice hockey lesson last night | en they pulled out of the mestone City with a pretty id victory, At one time in the me the locals had a three-goal id and Queen's did not score til the last period and ther hawa came right back and nul- ed this counter when Bond, @ player who Queen's thought $ not so hot, put his Alma Ma- ® in arrears again to the tune #-1 to end the scoring for the was a battle between two 8, one with a fast, superior giof forward lines and the oth- the losers with a rugged mping defence which were not fte smart enough last night to ptect their goalie who Incident ly. had an off night, 0 the een's supporters stated The ghawa forward lines showed up was expected and gave the op sition all the hockey thé) anted in one night, The detence vo their goalie good protection pd he was there in the right ace at the right time when | af threatened at close range secure Two-Goal Lead The game started off fast and th teams gave smart exhibi- | long of combination and the fans hich numbered about 2,000 re shown something worth eir money. Both defences were epping into everything without the ay of favor Lee made rst dangerous attack when he ot In pust the Oshawa defence t" Tommy Johnson came back | # check him before he could any damage, Play had only | en under way a short time | en Reist got the first penalty tripping Bond after he had it the defence ana thén Bond me right back to shoot at the ence -and Morrls was careless barely saved when he gave fazy kick at the puck as it was the defence on a pretty but he was bodied from be- just as he wa going to Kelly cheeked Lee at line and ghot from out- defence and the rubber flight. helfind Morr the twine for the ond time in the, right end of rink for the O hawa team, Bob McCully burned a from the ylue line and it was ing so fast that it took off bal und he his again the and ave most rush nina rhoot own blue tide the ended it bulging by the goalie had not regained when Kelly missed 1 mart pa hack to on gol net to Kélly him but ind onds re poise he i ed it crson g who pas he missed with only HE the k then main the two open net a fe Queer lt the lee, the am shot and t cis with the put up fhe kated off fitting fn a oriabli re p Locals nerease the bead I from middle played m Johnson 0 ue to start the Morrig stil] 13 Refst he broke wing flanking split the Ww and Bu Lior net chiulhker he hot pret with nn ana weal ide a play when away two him 1 Ie open, il pave to clea 0 pu iine made a trl kK and Mon Wit m il Squires, bh and Bur: int doing a niart circled the net ro behind the | t JOH apped him lool itwder in from broke away t ti fit ng the corner 0 nd lhe can ish by Osh up pict pu goals up on the gam his shot on this goal and fit yeautiful goal, Houck Wis i came up the defer t and called to the defe o hot bho between luyer ind ed but th off oul wa de, Thi Oshawa working tek fo ended forward an with pertod weond Hui well going Mh wa Both Teams Score The final account throw fee, The line gave moments and then Conlin up three dangerous rushes the Queen's forwards came three abreast Relist finally scor- ed for the Tricolor when he stick-handled through the whol was held clown and uoins out Black ome period the up the on the Rowden nxlous of ing Bond Morr| broke when down | hig | soc | the | Pot- | and | Dukes Jrs. E | M kh Wi 1 ukes Jrs. Earn 'Markham Wins restl ers Provide Muc Five Goal Lead POY t naps ols from Willowdal A L al A Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, | Maple Lea! Gardens, Toronto, Murch 1, -- Marlboro sharp- . March 1, Two gouls in the | Good all shooters gathered in a 6 to 0 vie- During the wrestling show last night at the arena, the fang were | first period, gave Vo rrham in- Bouts Put on by Cori was only called hack by he count ' ! st ' 2 Mi . t ( ( VC € tory over Hamilton Vietorias last | treated to au little over sixty-two minutes of actual bone crushing, It | termediates a 2 to 0 victory over adian Legion rr Jack |" Je ret H . The Savorite a nizht In the initial contest of was a pity that the final bout 'did not go | The fan (| Willowdale last night at Maple Abt So 5 as 3 : b ( ( wo longer. The fans were ju waa asl night at Maple | irs hold and hammer loc I'he | the ir Juntos OHA, Payot series Leginning to get warmed up to the Montell-DeVito struggle when it {ent Gardens, and also muve them | Adams, Sam Cordovana sibs aly ved Irie ul-the Maple Lea iardensg and " | the OLA. play-off round by 4 | ¢ Wi ' al v ; 3 ) IN| something ranging very close to a emed to have enough ability to 5 a's LYLE . . . to 3, In the first game at Mark- and Joe DeVito PA I both men taking i By . vere an { { 4 4 oe, 4 uke the round, hat the homesters were beaten | Matches and Impress the ws at his opponent's head, Cor Vies evidently were playing a One possible explanation of that short bout was that De Vit is 1 8 to 2, Last night's tussle was a | { dovana went out of the ring onto defensive game, walting for their | 11 and ¥ouchv as a bear and fe w the better" man he | thrilling affair throughout, both | Fans--Large Crowd Sup- ce und appeared tr Ye in great cuanea on thelr home fee, Marl- | : An | teame displaying plenty of speed . y : "i ce, { lished Fh onvonen auwickl RP ls wm i ple J peed | t Aff ft Lis time coming boros did a great deal of the at- ! d | adel b i 4 4 | | und aggressiveness Rennle was | por ar + {ot} { » he fir hy ' YR] ( 1 e the ring fore tacking and for much of the game | 11¢ ire, ; the initial scorer and his tally | s-- od 1 ie by a series of flying pay was in Hamilton territory | * ¥ LJ Ld { come as the result of 4 combina- t that letely bewildered ' J: " ing show snot cid copie y i I'he hag we Dies M ore without | | 1 great show with Young Bull Montana and Jack | tion dash with Ktewart, a de- o The ¥ re sti; hoy ; on : 0 ul awd in maze of flying wo 0 weir regular players 1 } Y y feneeman, | the shaw bra ' ! ! rr dovs inned Snill, whose work on the front | ya ther, 41 J vas ow those bouts in whi | dian Legion held last ht ! Foor i ne 4 ana ' ; Lig ne lends a deal of strength to |" men were badly hurt hut then turned around | { Arena was all that it was advert ¥ Is 0 lz Hid, a t tt! '4 an end fast the team Konl- coring punch, | a | fought all the harder when it appeared that the wld be out Golfer Breaks { ed to be. me of the best 5 1 Sati al dy . vir away with the "flu" ug was tteh for the night with permanent uric Bull Montar | ers seen in Osha : ' I It w so sudden tein, the regular net-minder, | iat ' Lat tf (0) ' Vo { were on the card at pave the f bi Hii b iil's play wag not necessary for | Py i i F' ile © y . ut into erse| t showing to think about f a I : oh d ere oo t night's game and Worters, | ih » % -------- | me to com e yariet ih Ht to ne. : vho wis in the net: for the win- At one point Adams slugged hi nt chest it elle 1 and the showmanship of the wre : ; I Wag A ae he he in ik ! ' ! ! : The following verses, written | was dns t EN Final Bout Short ! left little to bho desired In | Montana must have thought hi art . lace 1 . lis ers was something to rite ' 1 m v | ! Cease n hy an Oghawa man, appear in the | { 1 us vhol il | f t or rd 1 hee holding of the hemp, i ediurownd wo "hold ' : a g , oo | about dnd the night as a ol | I'h il bout on the card be around the ris wlding his n fontana al A ! current liste of Ihe Canadian live long in the memory of the ok Ie DeVito at t hundred il exhibition by howling loudly whe 4 ject t Golfer | hundred 1 } 4 | st 1 ' . V J 4 "nt » Old Man mndred rans who ture out, L ' } ml Lou ana e. It all added to the ext ent i Foo Late, Ol iad The st orelis {the ll Mont t two hundred Champions End ll a he excitemer | Youre mink" The first prel e {1 at two hundred and . 0 | » # " # Now golf's a game | never played, {the lot ot Iv in p Ire ' tn dust i a of te our with Win! Referee Jack Forbes had his hardest rl the evening in t I thought it was the bunk, - nd Yack 'Adit i ln 14 ya 4 : Lh ; wl ' J - i But I went round the course one |!" J& Mame JEYINE ua : hy : Mr imi Dut be h i bout when hé had to give an bition { tay ff | ay oun knew for a win The match went | Vito so t ed his anponent that 1 1 1 1 A 1 s 1 1 : De Vito who had taken a great disli) » he | ft. Montell, It] And now, by gosh, I'm sunk, to Adams after twenty-one minute le to t the first fall Port Arthur, March 1 Win- | gave the funs a laugh at any rate { [ and twenty six seconds of fast f minutes and forty sec- Neg Olympic winners closed , ™ » . | There's nothing to the sly game, | with a head chancer I'he secor {or | second and deciding wir exhibition series en route One of the plea y the : You stand there with a smile match went twenty -t tes and | 1 : nutes, 'The mate eo from lake Placid here last 4 2 a : 4 : yd And think how easy it must be firteen nds wit! 1 Cord irted off with the men tr eht with a 1 to 0 victory over Mena management 'u the ¢hoar » use to keep I'o knock that pill a mile ana n reat comeb ! : ut the ability of the other, tie Port Arthur Pitting thelr | fans in close touch with the tre the ke i i} vin from Jol B hul The f But the » close quart- ' and : vatamatic defence | The tear ¢ ig cheer nth . | | ir ' ; And then you pull your club up |bout £hedule d for a two | ters and Mon reed DeVito to iinst the Port Arthur peed, | » a 3 high | was 'polished off | ort order th { do about as fine a marathon as we : 2 po | : { as w world's champions succeeded | i And take on mighty swing | Joe De Vito taking the di ! ni have on 1 some time DeVito nothering an attack that kept ireat things were predicted f (ue | t t ne I'he chances are just ten to one | straight falls from Dick: Montell, | y demonstrated that he was fast em on the defensive most of | the Kingston Whig-Standard be \ | IT Inde t look You'll mizs the damned old thing, | The first fall was in thirteen jon h Is and kneeg and did the time meanwhile, they found | ed a " ' yall Kingst ted p Ones | f ' mutes and forty ( i | th crab t repre ted] to the amuse icky break when a pass out I" carry 4 throug t} : ; You try fn, and still you nd in five nfinutes flat nt of the It apparent rom the corner meant for a Port a 1 UR } bed a ! ! ' thin) Fast Bout that DeVito was the better man and rihur forward got away to the ag it ks. as though Osha pr : tis. thie next und | You'll zive yourself a t ' I The bout be en Montana and | 1 t the first fall with a double ue line, so that Monson could | It 8 a hard assignment to go right to t rer fell and | Put you either slice it ° in the ms opejcd las with Adams | Nelsor rick it up and run in on an un- com nt ith a In th 1d day 1st w t dor ronkn | ta ¢ the upper hand i th the rest peri DeVito vered defence with Wise at hs | three woul Jead: Oshawa with tl " . : Or "top" it twenty fec tart ; Both men f | the pice to the ving w th the idea of de, the latter taking a pass that : M + lund they were on the 1 re the bout fF iy lat tal 3g.a..pass thal own fans should be able to-hold their dead. if Lita | ir fron shots are just as bad | I he 1 ¢ t off in short order docided the issue | , f edly and t looked as though they Monte ve a Kame | » » a on mi it Just the ame would go through onto the ice be i ; Ye Wad tnt : 4 gam | x . And vou wonder why in hell vou SAC é 110 th I'he standout performance, if ther . ! i 4 1 vicht's | roll | Montana proved to be a great | hest 1 nly minutes of ; I'ricolor supporters and play | kame was put on by the second ard : Por such o foolish: same Jo Won 3 Save she fans 2 great vrestli i when DeVito floored hig re centre, and Kelly and Peterson « \l t tos baie whe ol ito 2 1 oh thal mare Kelly, Peterson and Houck on 4 ; il 4. tra Pl Wall. after twenty strokes or se | PHD when he got into a tight situa second string vere all effec | *Peed and backchecked Queen's into tl | gave 1 little char You: rench the gress. in. foi | tion, "At one . time it 1 a tive hoth on the defense and on |! cl awa The much vaunted eed of tl | ( + ut And oF \ 4 : vw | though Adams pulled na H, h Res l it nd you swear that If you n't | attack whige Rowden, Bond [ly for naught with that style to conter vig wink this : Sat i | hair and Montana jumped through oc ey esu ts 1 Black ol the oth r line give » " l In two, you'll play no more. | ta rope and refuse d to returs Hoel rears ' + smart showing in the Harty il referce Forbes was well on wit ockey games played Ia ' . At ¢ 1 . $ Ww | | : rena, last night Johnson 'and n ime Peterson was ght ) 1 Ouect ne i | But now vour self-control i gone, the count, At the lose of the bout | night resulted as follows: HI Conlin on the defence were | I'ri-color player breaking awa att blue lin it "H ght | Your mind Is in a daze Adams Jace I Montana ar nnd the | O.H.A, Intermediate good and protected well Vie Burr | Lim before he got to the Oshawa blu i "ha . fontle And von're looking on a sour |T'mE with a series ol cad | «Markham 2 Willowdale , 0 wlio w sensational in the nets, |, tv tHe DOVE Woks . ( ce} fa ey world logks and finally pinned his oppor Markham wing round 4-3, aking some miraculous saves, [ = . ° i ¥ 4 10% 4 1 the leaders a ! ¢ | Throngh a misty blood-red haze. | ent's shoulders down with a head | zPort Dover' 1 Ham, A.H.A. 0 iy McCully wag also very effocs |" ° LL 1s Kel Ll Nive 5 | I an exhibition as ha cert | chancery, 7Port Dover wing round 2-1 tive on both forward and de- seen thi ear He was right up « his war ind sel the fir You know darn well you're beaten In the semi final bout Sam C« Port Colborne 2 Grimsby ,,. 2 fonee, and almost scored more | tw als of the night on pretty effort He caught thé eve of 'tl But you Just ean't give up, dovana weighing 198 pounds dnd | atford .., 3 Preston .,... 2 than once with his bullet shot, Kingston tans and that i , al : "CLT you've sunk that most mis- | John Borchuk weighing 190 pounds | stratford wins round 7-3. . ¥ i I une ' J met ] 5 n 1" 1 1 Leist, Hugging and MacDowell . ii a " \ b va | guided ball gave a fine exhibition, The bout | Oshawa , 4 Queen's .... 1 are the hest on the forward line 9 : y | In that small, round, iron cup. was scheduled for forty-five minute O.H.A, Junior for Queen's while their defencs Vie" Burr turned in another great performance, In the last month | with ene fall for a decision, Cor-| Marlboros . bh Hamilton V, 0 ix strong and glve a hard ride to | lie has been showing greatly improved form | right now has never | What is there "in tho doggone |ovana looked to he much the he | Belleville District nyone going .in to thelr net. | heen better, It takes a real plaver et the puch .) O "i . Rame er boy but his opponent was long | Citles Service 9 Napanee ,., 2 - Murphy and Squires are the reg-|¢ 1 Her" ' dkny ek past him as Queen's | That makes its vietim talk? and lanky and had great speed | Frankford 2 Pioton .. +. { ( me 3 « 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 3 a ular defence but their sub de-| Ne alter time they were in close but always Burr was in : un't just he the exercise, which allowed him to parry many of | Exhibition fonce player, DeMocko, 1s a treat, | !"¢ Way either with a diving save or a cool and calculated movement tesulting from: the walk the holds which it seemed he w wld | Winnipeg ... 1 Port Arthur ,0 heing heavy and fast -as he plays ® Ld " » R i. triend. TH be forced to enter. Indeed it was | Ashbury Col. 2 Lower Can.,, 0 0 y ra > hoth on the defence and forward Jack Bond heaped coals of fire on the head of the Whig-S "I hope 2h 10: try and tell you, | somewhat of a surprise to the tan | ---------------------------- nes, Morrls wi alr 1 10 ' pi ne lig-Standard's | | pe you're not too thick that Cordovana finally 1 «| to | School CI ne rris was falr in goal Sport Editor when he | | : | Lu thing. that I X ina hina Manage to | oses and 1s really Detter than His| >) 3 a 1e scored a well earned goal in the final period y x . wt makes us all g0 | win out and the fall came with such | Picton~Picton Collegiate Insti nowing lust night indicates. ol the game. It just goes to show that when a man does not fit in| lato Ye hat 1 PHL "eltek" suddenness that it was hard to re- | tute was closed Wednesday for ut m . wi ax | 18 0 ) 'click'. . o " 1 : A s g ; ho LORIE: wm with ona team he always finds a place where he is "Johnny-on-the " I bs alize that the Lout was over, indefinite period owing to an epid- Quesn'a . Goal, Mozvis; de- | spot I'he Kingston writer stated several days ago that Jack was never | There's not a feeling in the world At t} Surpr se Decision a emic of influenza, Of the 250 pupil fend a, } arphy and Squires; cen- | ¢5 hot when in Kingston But' we 'insisted that he must be watched That'll make yon want to ging B a ie commencement of the bout but 135 were present for classes on tre, 'Relst; forwards, Gibson and and so it turned out didi irons Like seeing that ball rise and orchuk seemed to have a great ad Tuesday and as a result school was Lee; alternates, MacDowell, Pat- i t tu out, | Sour : vantage over his opponent as he dismissec 1 hy Principal Shaver. Pu- terson, Hugging and DeMocko, Like a living, breathing thing. seemed to be able to get hold after | pils have been taken sick in sehool Oshawa----Goal, Burr; defence, - -- hold without effort while Cordov-|during the past week and it had J N "1 1 t 1 Johns m and Conlin; centre, . Falls for the title. | Or when you're ten yardg from ana was powerless to do anything heen very difficult to teach elasses Hond: forwards, Rowden and ami ton eam The game was oie of the best | the flag to keep him off However, the [ Vomiting and high temperatures ace Back; alternates, Houck, Kelly, : . . anen this SoRion Iadividocts And you feel your game's a flop, bout was not to be all one led | company a cough in each case, l'elerson and McCully El d son, S| WHAT A GRAD AND GLORIOUS | and Cordovana soon showed that McCully, scored all the goals for ron AT A URAD AND GLORIOUS oe 24 Referee Bobby Armstrong is iminate spective toate Box Jor Lhe re be FEELING he had ability by getting a number ot Toronto, ns lod Swazey counted twice ihe To hear that ball go "plop" of scissor holds, but Borchuk was | _-- --_ ' 20) J co ( A MARES Jt oc St MMAR) H i . Grimsby and in the gecond ses- | And w " hig Pine Hie game and Joapped SUITS. 'Made | First Period | H amilton, March 1, -- The | jin Kilpatrick tied the count | BA. whieh You're on the way back | S0t of every Roll thal cane lis Way. 22 50 | 1. Oshawa--XKelly (Houck) 8.45 | Hamilton Amateur Hockey Asso- | with iy two tallies. In this | y hanie Cordovina thrilled the fans with a{]| to measure ..., 4 2, Oshawa~--Kelly .:.... 16.15 | ¢latlon's representatives In the | uriod the goal fudge tndicuted | ou play the game once more, series of flying tackles but the i ! f Penaltleg Relat, Houck Pat- | Intermediate O.H.A. play-downs, | {hat Grime "had red 4 at vl Let's woe, 1 got 51x on the eighth, [ity of his opponent enabled him to Scotland Woolen Tailors 4 tergon, Huggins, | i Crescents, wore eliminated but the referee overriled Arioh J houid do that In four, Bee But of the Nay of tae pajor] oe] 5 KING STREET FASY i SOC » ere ™ dor rar v 1 0 he | Second Period %) la t night, as Por t Dover | ya get the fssue on the gumeo to | Ang so it goes, c lay you' of them, . Barchuk got the splits] I SAM ROTISH, Manager | . Oshawa--Rowden ,,, won the return game of their |, ninved du the Port to-morrow The 8 Roes, one day you're on, {on Cordovana and had him groggy yo £ A Penalties Murphy, Bot? | flret round series 1 to 0 estab wht > I | The next your game's the bunk. |and he went outside the ropes and z pages ol 2 5 Jolinson and Squires 2. | lishing a greater superiority "| | You swear you'll never pla) Third Period general play than the score indl- he. again : | Too late, old man, you're sunk, 1 fig into the corner of the net, | Oshawa team and pleked the cor rphy broke away with ouiy | ner of the net to end a pretty sor- liv. on the defence and beat | tie, Johnson passed to. Black but when he got to Burs: ne | who went around the net and al- e out to make a sensational | most did an "Andy Blair" by | ee. lig came on ang Hhiot | heoking the rubber into the | m e blue line and when the | twine, The Oshawa forwards | fek came out behind the net, | were gaining confidence and were | Ly got jt amd passed it bach io | kating into the defence and the | ® Who hi the post, elly | wetators were glven some good it a loose puck and went in and { Vodying exhibitions to wate i, n Murphy hodied him he took | Huggins was robbed of a goal | big defence player down with | when he got in close on Burr! and came back a minute lat- | who saved with a smart head dive | 0. knock him down to raige | which was a feature. of his play | eat round of applause from | 1ast night In goal. He made an- | crowd, : Two pe nalties fol | other diving save when Murphy | d in short succession, one | passed to "Red" MacDowell who | ch team and play slowed up | con ted in dn him Murphy tried | tle and both teams tried some | Lard for the rebound on this play shots. Houck made a pret- | and went into the net reaching! ash Bnd shot, and then Kelly | ing for fit Rowden did some | he rebounc and Morris | smart stlekhandling and went | le two. good saves to keep out, | right around the defence and | ore, After almost nine min- | passed out to Bond from hehind of play Kelly and Houck | the net and Jack took his time ed a melee In front of the Land whizzed the rubber into the n's net and Kelly finally | net for the final score of the eve-| porter give the ial Oshavs ex 5 With only one minute left | orters something 0 voice 0 play the Oshawa team shot the @lr approval abont, Shortly | puck up the ice and the game | er this counter Black shot | ended with the score 4-1 in fi p 4 I NO ( favor om the blue line and It almost | of Oshawa and giving the lacnts | font in when Morrls played it | a three-goal loud for the return | @lessly. Gihson got in to close | pame lhere 'this week and | ge twice in succession and on | tie boys should he rewarded with | h tries Burr was too good and | a full house to geo the Queen's | bbed him of goals. DeMocl ol uggregation come to town and shed and gave a pass to Lee | try to bump thelr way into a vie- | 0 was right In but the play | tory on the round which Is not | offside Peterson was al- | yet a forloin hope in the minds of | i. Queen's Relst .... 0 Oshawa--Bond den) .. .. Fenalties (Row- - 20 for 25¢ 12 for 15¢ Also Flat tins of 50 and 100 L. O. GROTHE LIMITED Purveyors of finest tobaccos os uted, | Port Dover held the Hamilton- 3 jut 1s Lo a 1 all seore | las tFriday, and id by 2 to thus win the round 1. | |Stratford Oust Preston Inters. Stratford, March 1, Strat ford Indians eliminated Preston Riversldes from tho Intermediate O.H.A. race when they won here last night by a score of 8 to 2. This Success, coupled with thelr victory In the first game of the Froup play-offs 4 to 1, gave the ludians the round ¢ to 3, Strat- ford will now meet Kitchener Green Shirts In a home-and-home game serles for the champion- ship of the group, with the first game here on Wednesday night and the return game at Kitchener on Friday night, : Sailor Inters. | Tie Peach Kings Grimsby, Match 1, -- Grimsby end Port Colborne intermediates battled to a 2 to 2 tle here last night in the first of a two-game series to decide possession of gec- ond place in the group standing and the right to play Niagara Stratford Jr. in Port Dover | | Star Very Ill Stratford, March 1. hg from an attack of the flu, | With a temperature which yester- day went as high ax 105 degrees, Harvey "Red Stapleford, | contre ice player for the Strat ford Midgets, was taken to the General Hospital yesterday morn- ing, HE NEW MARTIN NOW PLAYING \ LAUGH RIOT IASU PITTS. UNEXPECTED FATHER Other Added Attractions COMING "Consolation Marriage" WOULD PROBE suffers | at ve Ww th | he t! by \ te a Motion on Order Paper in ness transactions of the North Am- er Companies, especially in relation to cles, Luchkovich said, he had been actya- ted' solely by a desire to ascertain the truth or falsehood of charges made against the two companies by sion of the privy council that exist. ing federal insurance legislation was improperly drawn, tow bills, "B 1" and into the Senate, Al, Horton, Oshaw I"ebruary, 19 Ont, INSURANCE ©0."§ Parliament For In- vestigation Ottawa, Mar. 1.--A motion re- wsting the banking and commerce ymmittee be instructed to conduct strict investigation into the busi- ican and Sun Life Assurance cir investments in common stocks, ws been placed upon the order of ie House of Commons in a motion Michael Luchkovich, MP. for cgreville, Alberta, The motion has aroused much in- rest in federal parliamentary ecir- In presenting his motion, Mr, monthly financial publication, As a result of the recent deci: "C 1" have been introduced Final Times--TONIGHT WILLIAM POWELL in--"High Pressure" REGENT | REVIVAL NIGHT THURSDAY Each Thursday Night after our regular nine o'clock show is over a revival presentation of a R vopuler recent screen production will be given. You are in- vited to remain at no extra charge! George Arliss in "The Millionaire' The Strangest of Love Stories! From The Heroic Stage Play "THE MAN 1 KILLED" By Maurice Rostand BROKEN LULLABY Magnificently Directed By ERNST LUBITSCH Daringly, Significantly PARAMOUNT, Enacted By This Inspired Cast of Stars Lionel Barrymore Phillips Holmes TOMORROW! Playing Day and Date with "the TIVOLI THEATRE, Toronto, Produced By Nancy Carrol! Added Treats! CLARK and McCULLOUGH ripe | "Scatch As Catch Can" im If SCREEN SOUVENIRS nS -- pia -- yer

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