if Tm nd Hr Bn REAR a ' iy pia uy A nN aap : hs Bs AT rome err aes EE tr the Sy Sa of heb be eg a or opi =r CE ------ PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1932 See the Electrical Demonstratios: at the School : » ng i shame or 'deserving character' of those | agea considerably in the year | ' PRESIDENT SPOKE pom. got hg Jus bead | hv mn IS ACCUSED OF aided", are cited. Among them FORMER KIN one: he wa wept from a i "fa rrp 1 hi s were: ; irone hy the Kepublican aval- Jlteg ee con - Hee bio pom 10V "A refined woman still in her inche acre the Pvrenees. His ] its quaking knees, ig heavily mortgaged home but pen- TOUR | lungs have been troubling him Through streets where 40,000 flags niless, foodless: and--except for ne his 8 phy teians have forbidden | | flapped, the presidential car rushed! a half ton of coal contributed by sipation in hi favorite | | a neighbor--fuelless; ineligible ---- Broil ions, polo and horseback | 1 | irom the Ww hite House to the Capi- : Mr. H e Te k Part in|") Curious Charge Laid in 2 219, becans she is 3. property Alfonso Has Greatly Aged | ridin: r. oover 100 | st P had b t . » Azgravation over the romance pa aye Ea Fr a New York Court on "A man and his wife in their During the Last of If yavaLwoy. over anced up a stand draped and iastooned Bi-centennial Program (2 stand, ag ay ti i . . ; : wit dw t the | seventies occupied a home mort anta Bont v has not helped wit hd ot jte and blue. In aie Saturday gaged beyond the possibility of Year a vaical condtition Hon ped | Yesterday sale on the present market, ineli- re | za t te er docond cous -- v Lt: Mm " : 1 'YF b. 24-8 { | gil aid until they abandoned BEEF STRENGTH directio hi Sonsa an nd | Mincola, N.Y., Feb. 24--Sale of | gible to aid u they aba Fontiineblest. France wo ; ih : a ol : of 10.000 his von fe to a lonely bachélor | their shelter and become waifs. | ' Pe y lean mnouneed last wed Washington, Feb. 24--Presid : for $5000 was charged Saturday! "A hungry 'man subjected to | er King Alfousq of Spain is be- |, talie, aunt of SOUPS AND GRAVIES ferbert Hoover in celebrat i Ros- | exhausting quiz of 80 questions | Syming tired of ers ca i he bi-centennial oi George W + {vn : : only to be told that nothing can | 7 ¢ ington's 'birthday yesterday aiter Cocistant District. Att PR ci to dogs vor Din ton." noon made an address of tribn 3 4 SE Tee or { ec } Ad ER TY) Pr 3 w ia ht ; 9, The s ) wag signed b o "the father of his countr 8 y statemen ore a joint session of the House 0 RG ated fo: on v and | the . Rev. John Haynes Holmes | ™ : re Re presel ives and the Senat f J 1 a 1 I ios L 1 An and the Rev..Lon Ray: Call, of |products you sel?" Ur States | 4 ny Ban ois ja the Community Church and J. E. "No, sah, 6 don't." ' he The Presi ident said the at on lou as Soletaito..a. 40. year aid McAfee, director of the commun- "Why. Sam, I ' surpriscd at jations "of divine inspiration laid | Dy Pen! i three id ths ity service of the church Yo 1c tand hehir w our forefathers a lel by | Reaches New Low Level elor t rormmce ) pn B ql : tare yi to llowers | | » na RNC exp ame "So you' re the salesman now, el ratehing ey in Repnubli- Washington, our nation, has build- | . - y ee te < ing? the Fonta an ros hy 1 luring a century and a i If | mn England and br A oe 4 's an lis Sambo? TI) 1 stand behind the "Mules." elling in Y in ring | can Spain, hopeful at some Is ) Wales : draw n up the massed | iv and navy t | . F.30me w the majority, resting open the LON ). 24.-- Babies hever | ctrange p ugh he had | luties of individual men to th wap y will be in fashion in Eng- | ney cr 5 ormico and did nunity, and of loc: lc mmunities to 1d a y we 1 Victorian | not kno iis newly-found friend i nen day vhen familic f eight or od ? | he nation. It is a governme Sd Vi . : hp ) rit to 1st jal | *f eed It embr: based on the jom and stimulation to init Daniel "Web Celebration ther iy vill cele brat hi is birt voi | uss int w ges Sa ined 4 k i i ; (That time 'was here. "Proudly, others ars 'a ono ania SEVENTY HURT EMONSTRATIONS are now being conducted forefathers that t entibh Hl - 1 vie \ more secure, more constant, mor 4 t1 Ai ig : Sod y 4 i 4 a ; IN STREET RIOT 3 : pow erful, more truly great th t Ioast: England fs rrowded on LIA | LL of General Electric home appliances. See them me in its history." "3 . ha} hington's Qualities ict : : . 1 1 1 rh 7 we marked | Jirtheates in Europe now Renewed Trouble Reported and you will realize what a convenience these ico: \ y Vasting ton f E] mr mor tal] v, pared th Eng! : ; | Frem Bombay, G E lis . 1 it : } x l } w pectacular, he continu rance it is 1 nd Ir ma = app 1ances can pe in your nome---now mucn He had courage wthout excitement : ei tay phout passion. The | The ponutation douttess would time and labor they will save you every day. GENERAL varied problems to him "because | iv. hit for the deslitte in the. in iit ae Dh ies charac- | f tality rat Nath A a ha REFRIGERATOR 1ad more character, a finer char af Cr ter, a pt character In any mas bd Sus § f . Aid th Vin Svat "What Time next tain | dehly renewed an_intence With heat "clean as sunshine" you can cook In all, the shifting pressure denver >" Ine with I fice in 4 street. rot It . ; oe his generation all men ac g-| Ticket Azent: Two-tw Wich 70 persons were injured, delicious meals on the G-E Hotpoint Range-- cd the ona irrestible force was th in sing ou no understand' Police rep ph charged the vervhelming impact of his mora known tlain go 0. ask jonstrators, who heseiged the only range designed by women for women. Stander fell Terle : phon! how he go ¢ when trect 'carz, get fire to Dritish goods and threw stones at for ods and, are ; For a few cents a day you can keep all your M 1 ong were arrested | The deinonstrators were attempt- perishable foods healthfully safe in a General ling to t Bovis traders d 3 nt 1 ed of de- . . . ri aug I Electric Refrigerator--the refrigerator that never ted by the im ain ster needs attention, not even oaling. m the unsuccessful und table conference. Washday becomes far easier--clothes are washed Pastry Flour CROWD iT LD T more thoroughly--with a General Elecivic Washer, ROYAL COUPLE famous for its exclusive "Activator". Cleaning Newlyweds of Sweden is simplified by the General Electric Cleaner. Milled from the finest Ontario Fall Wheat by Given Great Farewell at Stockholm Come to the demonstrations at the time and place Ld The Hampton | Stocknoim, Sweden, Feb. 23. | indicated below. You will also see the General Prince 1 art, a grandson of Flour Mills |: i552 Diane Serlomp which brings sou heath our ) | S sweetheart, Karin Nisswandt, to . . . . "indoor sunshine" and you will hear the General i & $ t ¢ i) ! En r p he married in spite of Royal dfs- approval, The romance has touched the 4 4 : hearts of the wetter geome ana| Electric Radie--winner of tone tests, a great crowd assembled at the station to wish the pair good luck, almost smothering the bride-to-be in flowers, ¢ After the marriage in a reg- | : : istry office the couple plan a F R E KE Pr R | 7 E L) | GENERAL honeymoon -tour of Europe Ruder ; ; | ELECTRIC the nimesg of Mr. and Mrs. Bern- WASHER tdotte, and will then live in al 2 % : i . { Oe a i teh le fn a Many valuable prizes to be given daily, with grand prize, | at . : 3 » » pig TEN royal | choice of General Electric Range, General Electric Radio or prerogatives and his tenuous | . rights to the throne inasmuch as ; General Electric Sun Ray Lamp on the final day King Gustaf has refused to con- sent to the marriage unless his | MASONIC TEMPLE AUDITORIUM | grandson agreed to a long delay. : Ji will be demonstrated by Miss E. Frances Thompson AT THE OSHAWA SCHOOL OF HOME COOKING. | Migs Nisswandt is not of royal i jor pastry : retailed all of Oshawa's RELIEF SISTEM . N $ a er wd vd SRE | Tomorrow the Closing Day i New York Organization : Coop er-Smith Under Fire From | SCHOOL STARTS 3 P.M. --~ DOORS OPEN 1.30 P. M. Company | Churchmen | 16 CELINA ST. ) New York. The charge that | thousands of @gstitute persons | are sufferinz 11'® ships and hum- AND iliations from relief agencies he- - Se ieee J port The General Electric Radio clagsifications which have | refere nee to the patent human | | need", is made in a statement is- . . . - - Hogg & Lytle ee Sateen I Demonstrated at the Oshawa School of Cooking and Home Economics is supplied by |'churchmen, - 2 . » Limited | "So far' as cour knowledge | goes , said the statement, "the | ' / "A CHURCH ST VE So mney Be | ; . : ad so complete a dem- | % VA ; pHs ation of ihe breakdown of 71 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE NO. 2388 ts charity system." awa for Over 50 Years Sovoral Tomantes Mu Which! LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS OF GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIOS "mistaken zeal has heen. mani- . tested to jmsure the 'worthiness' L]