Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Feb 1932, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1932 E33 SPORT PAGE] COLLEGIATE SEXTETTE DEFEATED B. C. I. 5-2 LAST NIGHT | O.C. V.I. Get Three Goal Canadian Legion Will TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Hamilton Victorias Advance, Beating Bolton, 5-2 | Kiwanis Carnival To-morrow Night at the ,Arena ' Sr. O.H.A. Finals Commence Tonight at Part Colborne KIWANIS | Margin for Return Game 1 Tricolour Secure Lead in | Second Period and In-| crease It in Final Chuk-| ker -- Maundrell With] Three, Chapell and Jack- | son Score Oshawa's Goals -- Oke and Veal! Score for B.H.S. | Collegiate Lagt evening the well-earned | fouckey team won a victory from Bowmanville Col-| legiate by the score 6-2. The] game was played in Bow manville | and was the first of a homo and | wome eeries to docide which 'team would represent the district [ fn the Eastern Ontario finals. The ice, contrary to expectation», was in fair condition with excep- tion of being qhite rough In spots which played havoc with team play, In the first period, beth teams resorted mainly to one-man rushes and the period ended in a one all score, In the second period the green, gold | and red squad added an addition- | al counter from Maundrell's stick, | The final period produced the most thrilling hockey of the ev- | ening with both teams striving to | gain a good lead for the return game here in Oshawa, The Bow- manville boys held the Tricolour team in check until mid way | through the period when they faded badly and Oshawa ran in three goals while the hest they could do was to score a single counter, Play started with Shel- lenkoff taking the puck up cen- tre and checked by B. Bagnell. Play ranged around centre ice and neither team could get going | and the play was very ragged. Shellenkoff wag robbed of a goal when he split the defence. Gra- doski was put off for a minor for | bodying at centre ice, Law re- colved a pretty pass from Chap- | pell and Hackney made a heau- tiful save. Gunn cleared and rushed up centre and the shot | was off the net, Law cleared | and a close-checking game ranged uround centre fice. Willlams rushed down centre and passed to Oke and he sank the puck | fa the twine for a counter. Ted | Bagnall took the puck from the centre off, shot and hit the goal post, and Law and Chappell rush- ed and Chappell got a shot away but it was ineffective. Craboski got a rebound and passed In| front of B.C.L's citadel but there waen't any receiver there, | B. Bagnell rushed and was hody- checked by Jackson, Law rush- | od and was body-checked hy Dr. | Willams, but he got a weak shot away, 0,C.V.1. gained posses- as $22.50 7 KING ST. EAST Scotland Woolen Tailors SAM ROTISH, Monager } ry. fin) [% \ KLOLN] THEATRE Three: Days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ' "MATA HARI" with Greta Garbo Ramon Navarro Lionel Barrymore and Lewis Stone Added Attractions "Oh My Operation" Burns and Allen Coming Thursday Marie Dressler "looking rush, | gathered up a ¢fon and Graboski received u stiff body-check from Williams, who stepped a dangerous rush, Oke rushed up the fee but ways skat- ed off into the corner. Muun~ dretl made a one man rush and vax robbed on a beautiful rave by Hackney, Chappell tied up the score on an assist from Smith i a centre off in front of the B.C1. net. Smith got a rest in the box for heavy body-checking. I'cterzon made a wonderful save while Kashul lifted around the rafters on a stiff body- check, Hearn broke away and rot # weak shot. away which dribbled into the corner, Smith gnt the rebound and skated into the defence as the period ended, 1-1, second Perlod slhiellenkoff zave a fine dis-play of poke checking and broke up a number of B.C.1.'s rushes, Gra- voski gained possession and passed to Shellenkof( but he over- +kated the puck. B.C.I, made a dangerous rush which was stop- ped by Peterson, making a sensa- tional save, Grahoskj and Maui drell rushed and Maundrell reo d on a marvelous pass from Gra- boski, B.C.I. rallied and went on Bagoell up| the offensive and made many nice | rushes but not any of them were effective, Graboigki rushed and passed to Shellenkoff who over: skated the puck again, B.CJ rushed and Law received a pen ulty for charging. The break were against the B.C.I. while O. C.V.I1, were fighting, one man short, Dunlop 'tcok a trip to the pen for slamming Smith into the boards, B.C.I, came back strongly hut Peterson was {fm- pregnable in the nets, The play started to rough up and teams played ragged hockey but got quite a number of shots, but not effective shots, Each team were rushing nicely but rough ica made it bad for team play. They were both weak around the nets, T Bagnell got a nice shot away but Peterson was the pro- verbial stone wall in the O.C.V.I. rete. B.C.I, ond had O.C.V.I, disorganized. Oshawa tied B.C.I. in defence and 0.C.V.I, were rushed off thelr feet aud checked hard in thelr wn blue line area. Smith shot on a pass from Chappell and it lonked good but the play went on. 1t looked like a nice goal but was not counted, Green, gold and red began to find their feet ond become accustomed to the small, bumpy ice surface. 0.C.V.I. tied them up around their net but failed to score out of many pretty trys, B.C.I, rushed up and had Peterson down on his knees ht he saved sensationally. and cleared, B, C, I. had them on the run for a few minutes, A B.C I. player received a pass and scored hut he was offside and the tally did not count, B.C.L had the best of the play as the period ended with Peterson turn- 'ng aside thrust after thrust, 3-1, Third Perod Oshawa were reht at home hy then and kept B.C.I, In their own area for threas of four mnuies Gunn made a few nce rushes for B.C.I. but. they were turned oxide. B.C.I. were pressing hard to tie the score up but the Tri- colour were fighting hard to hold their one goal lead. B. Bagnell pot a penalty for tripping Maun- drell, Law rushed and passed wildly to Graboskl on a nice Bhelenkoff got the rebound and Hackney saved nice- hoth ly for B.C.I, Veal received a pen- | ulty for tripping Grabosk!. The B.C.1, hoys were roughing it up in thelr score, B.C.I, wore two men ghort but covered up beautifully and averted certain disaster, Willlamn loose and then lost the puck Alter breaking through the local' hoys' defence, R,C.1, fad the edgo on the play I'eterson Hearn passed hard and veteran, rushed but aved Hke on cleared and | ~NEW MARTIN -- STARTS TODAY BERT WHEELER" With DOROTHY LEE in "PEACH- Their latest avalanche of mirth ROBT. " WOOLSEY 0-RENO" OTHER ADDED ATTRACTIONS COMING THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Stepping Sisters' with Louise Dresser were checking nard efforts to tle up the | puck checked hard and | { Jack- | {| ron got a penalty for holding. B | C.1. pressed PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS COMING | | | est Monday evening, at the Oshawa Avena, will provide Oshawa | port fans with a great night of professional wrestling bouts under | he auspices of the Canadian headliners in recent Toronto | great. wrestling show, Sport Snapshots Leglon, Oshawa Branch, Som shows will be of the seen In action at this [onight at 8.30 o'clock is the mighty men will invade Bowmar vampionship of the local OHA wht to enter the playdowns for th Queen's Intermediates, LJ » This morning The Tunes wa 1 Ananical statement , in full, of tl cnefit held about a month ag f next week. Soine ing in the money from different difficulty in compiling thi » LJ awa Firemen will tussle with the of the LJ] » Lawn Tennis Association Club, but is also a feather in the lac knowledgement parent hody has taken this Oshawa in the last couple of y zero hour s clan for tl and Neil Hezzelwood ille in the first of two games intermediate group and also for the he pro 5 of the "Jo-Jo" o will of the persons who had the re SOUrces wert and for thig reason the persons at the statement Tomorrow night at the arena the Sea Fleas in an exhibition game as part arranged for thé benefit of underprivileged boys of th city this should be a grand old jumble of humanity. program is the fancy skating which is to-be put on by of the best skaters in Toronto and the province, | son, of Oshawa, had been appointed to the executive of the This appointment is not only a great honour to Mr. Everson, who is one of the live members of the Oshawa Tennis Ontario title, 1 cek against th nr | wed by authentic authorities that | Graboskl | n this paper the first part | of turn- | appear ponsibility very lax in doing so liead of the arrangements . | { . . Blue Imps will play the National wram which is being The Osh- of the pr Kinsmen in a broomball game and Also, another feature some | It was announced in the Toronto press yesterday that Stanley Ever- Ontario cap of the Eastern Ontarrio Tennis | League of which Oshawa is a member, of the brand of tennis played in this district. and the The appointment is also an opportunity of paying their tribute rs has become a centre to be recks onto tournaments in which they performed with credit to themselves |an to the club roster has also improved due to the improvement in facilities and this year the club earned provincial recognition with the | winning of the Ontario Ladies' Junior title by Miss Ruth Fishleigh, wildly at the defence. BCI uressed hard and whooped It up and made Peterson work hard Jackson shot a Jong one from hls own blue line and scored. The lighting was poor and it ovozed by the goalle. B.C.I, camo hucl irom the centre off and scored, muking the score 3-2 in O.C.V.L's favor, This happened from a scramble in front of O.C.V.I's not, Peterson did not have a chance, Shelenkoft broke away trom the centre off and had Guon to beat and was tripped, Gunn recelved a two-minutes rest, D.C.1. fought hard to tle up the score but were outlucked on uu- merous rushes, B.C.I, hard and ag a result the play roughed up considerably, were selling the game deamy. Clift Maundrell scored on a henu- tiful pass from Graboski and put the Tricolour two goals up, He received the puck from the cen- tre off and made a rush lone- handed and scored again, 0.C, V.I. were certainly taking advan- | tage of B.C.L's four men up. The game ended with B.C.I, in posses sion and score 5.2. Coals count on the round and the Tricolour are playing their home game with a 8 goal lead B.C.1. are expected to make the game tough at Hambly's arena. Bowmanville Oshawa Hackney Peterson Gunn Law Willams Jackson B. Bagnel! Shelenkofl Veal Grabosk! T. Bagnell Maundrell Hayes Smith Dunlop Chappel Oke Hearn Adams Kashul Hunt 'Conant Referee-- "Ginger" Ldgar. SCORING SUMMARY goal defence defence centro wing wing Subs | ouned with in tennis circles, sending their quota of players to the 5 | fought | They | { | Ist Period Bowmanville~Qke (Wil. + 9.20 | 11,00 Hams) .oavvvnneees Oshawa Chappel (8mith) Second Perlod Oshawa-- Maundrell (Gra- DOBKL) vane sivneas Third Period Oshawa Jackson (unas 80 Simple Remedy For Bad Stomach Gives Swift Relief No Need of Strong Medicines or Diet, Safe and Simple Home Recipe, Keeps Stomach in Fine Condition, It you are a vietlm of Stomach Troubles--CGas, Sourness, Paln or Bloating-~you may have quick and certain rellef hy following this simple advice, Don't take strong medicines, artificial digestants or pull down your system with starvation diets, For within reason most folks may oat what they lke if they wil keap their stomach free from souring acids that hinder or par- alyze the work of digestion. And the best and easiest wav to do this Is to follow every meal with three or four tablets of Bis. urated Magnesia----a pleasant, harmless, inexpensive, and handy tablet form of Magnesia that promptly neutralizes acidity and keeps your stomach sweet ard clean, A week's trial of DBisurated Magnesia tablets, which any god druggist can supply at triting cost, should quickly convineo you that 90 per cent, of ordinary stomach distress is a"solutely un- necessary, Ile sure to get Bluur. ated Magnesia Tablets! plige a show at the Oshawa Arena proceed put towards the to build the new Canadian Legion clubhouse lers will be on the program, grapplers who will perform here have tha Toronto wrestlin and ants, There will be three matehes, me a two-hour limit, and the oth- or one hour and one-half Lonr limits, This is not to be a show pat on in wrestling game will perform but onto to see and now the Sponsor Wrestling Show Outstanding Professional Grapplers to be Here -- Prices to be Reasonable --Proceeds to Build New Legion Clubhouse The Oshawa branch of the Can- adlan Legion are now going to enter into another field of endea- vor and on Vebruary 29 they will professional wrestling of this show are to he funds necessary Some of the outstanding wrest The been headliners in somo of exhibitions 15hin asple- inelude. champ! two bouts will be respectively which only beginners to the of high-clagr Louts go to Tore Canadian Oshawa to econxiet feh wrestling fan glon are giving the fans an opportunity to see the ime kind of entertainment with. 1 it the additional cost of travel- to the Queen City In the headliner of rhe even- Bisted) +4 os vers. 64D vil Veal (unas sisted) EWA »- hoski) .. ' hawa Maundrell (Gra- boski) «vss ou Cue ries 7.00 Maundrell (Gra- 14.20 17.30 "eee The | ing's program Joe DeVito will clash against Jack Burke In two-hour limit match and these exponents of the ancient pastime have appeared in Toron- to and have been highly praised for their performances, In the semi-final of the show Bam Cor- dovapa fs to meet John Borchuk and this bout is to go to a one- hour limit and in the preliminary Montara 1s wits with ment "Young Bull" selieduled to maoteh should rival the main the evening and al! in all the fans who support this entorprine contribution towards this worlhy ecauee, Fiven though the fang wil hoe helping a gond cause they will ha well repaid for thelr patron nze and shonld not miss this op portunity to fee a wrestling show without having to go to Toronto to sea some of their shows on which cords the same wrestlers perform as are to be here on February 29. Tickets are on sale now nt Mike's Place, the Arena and from all Legion members, These tick- ets are vary'reasonable and the fans ¢hould get their tickets ear- ly so that they can be in close and gee the fur fly on the 20th, The centre-section of the Arena will be reserved and these seats are to sell for 7fe The general re. served vection of seats are going on gale now for 50c while all the Indy and ehildren fang will be ad mitted for the small sum of 26c¢ This is the chance of a 1} time and all who ure (interested iy sport shonid 4 seo these famous grapplers pore | form in levening of February 29, mateh of the evening's entertain. n thie | thould be a thriller as both or | juck Adame and these two clashes | mateh of | should he well rowarded for thelr { high-class | | | Adults Boe . . SEA FLEAS SPEED SKATING Fancy Skating BROOMBALL Firemen vs. Kinsmen ADMISSION ; Doors Open at 7.30 pm Chifldren Ice Carnival Benefit of Underprivdeged Boys OSHAWA ARENA Wed. Feb. 24th HOCKEY National vs. Oshawa JRS, A REAL NIGHT FOR A REAL CAUSE 25¢ anada proves From coast to coast, Canadian smokers are b*coming more and more decided in their preference for Winchester Cigarettes. More rapidly than any other Canadian cigarette, Winchesters have won their way to the top in public favour . . . there is something in knowing how to make cigarettes. inchester CIGARETTES Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited Blended Right! ADDITIONAL SPORT ON PAGE 2

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