THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1932 PAGE FIVE; omen's Interests in the Home and the Community Social and Personal Readers ate viied to sub- mis social and personal items for publication in this } | office. Phone 85 or after office hours to Miss Lois Mundy, Phone 813. Mrs. F, Parker and twodaugh- ters, Misses May and Rose of Chi- cago were wiek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Cleve Fox, Simcoe Street North, ~ Ld Mrs. John Chalmers and &on, fan. of Norfh Bay, formerly of this city, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. James Cormack, Elgin Stree. . LJ Mr. and Mrs. James Richard- son and daughter, Joan, of Tor- onto, wefe weeli-end guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. W. R. Derveut of Fisher Street. Y.P. M.--~ . . Mr, apd Mrs, W, Huxtable and daughtegr, Migs Dorothy Huxtable, Mrs. Hmxtable, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jacinally and Mr, Lloyd Maclnally of Oshawa, were among the guests at the Price-Aunis wedding in Toronto last evening. * - * Mr, and Mrs. Harold Coppin of Buckingham Manor are in Belle- ville to-day attending the funeral of Mr. Coppin's father, the late T. B. Coppin of Belleville, whose death occurred on Sunday after- n'oom, - LJ Ld fhe members of Simcoe Street Urgited Church Young People's Sgeioty enjoyed @§ skating party ats thé Arena last night. After the slgating the party returned to the church for an informal sing-song Su a hot supper that was served Yo them. . Mrs, H. Calver and Mis: Hattie Calver of London, Ontario, who were in town on Saturday for the Bruce-Sutton nuptials, have re- mained as guests of Mr, end Mis. E. Humphrey, Westmoreland Ave. w LJ rq Miss Peggy Hendershot of Ham- flton who attended the wedding of Miss Margaret Sutten on Sat- urday was a week-end guest in town of Mr. and Mrs. E phrey, Westmoreland Avenue, . LL LJ Among the Oshawa people who attended the Toronto Skating Club Carnival last evening were: | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hambly, Mr, | | D. Rowden, Mr, Anderson, Miss Parl Hazle and Mrs, Yvonne wood, Mr. Byng Spencer, Mr, and { : Mrs. G. McLaren, HOCKEY PLAYER DEAD (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Feb 23.--- Gerald (Jer- ry) Esdale, 25, well-known hoc- key and rughy player, died in hospital early today, He suffered a fractured 'skull last Friday when he was. knocked down at the Lansdowne Park Rink. Insure Your: Health Take regularly The Vitamin-rich SCOTT'S EMULSION of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil To Build Resistance Easy to Digest | REVISE M | SCHEDULE Hum- | AKE-UP Complexions Change With Fashions Paris couturieres, with the everkeen French eye for business, carry their own lines of perfumes and cosmetics, Their cosmetic sa- lons are beautifully appointed, presided over by svelte and love- ly saleswomen who, evidently, were born with the gifts of gab and flattery highly developed, The American cagi-customer--deeply impressed if it ig her first visit to the maison of the distinguish- ed designer--selects her frocks and then is shuttled int the pow- der-and-paint shop to fling a young fortune on special make- up, a set of toiletries for each robe, It is an expensive diversion, but the thrills may be worth the money. An American woman just re- turned from the city of sartorial raptures is lamenting, Her com- plexin problems were worked out for her by an expert. For the ereen frock there was this pow- der, that rouge, a certain lip- stick, a divine eyeshadow, or the mauve frock, another outfit of synthetic beauty, Six grouvs in all. Then, in the madness and con- fusion of hasty packing, she lost the precious combinatione, all so carefully written out! Doesn't know what lipstick goes with which rouge. Doesn't know any- thing about any of them. She only knows that she has them in { half dozen lots, and no two arti- cles are precisely alike She'll have fun putting them to- tether like a jig saw puzzle any- h'aw, observing results, trotting them out when the girls come in for a little chat, telling about the big time «he had getting them, watehing her visitors greening with envy. And it will influence her to ehuck the old pigment that sha had been ten vears, Fashlons change. plexions change. Would-be ties must step lively That the eolor of the frock di- rects make-up to a tin extent avery woman of discernment found out for herself For the red hat the skin, hence Com beau- cert in- low » to A grey throw it is v irmine v with plenty of stuff, but not The mirror It does if the stance pon oft-pedal on the k can ruddy get aw COM hrown honld * trained selee- to wortance powder and roseate, t olor and ht darke than the 1 tone of the skin ti pows lould be, if # {a to veil im. fection of skin texture Rouges run through coral range, red and rasnherry tints. i'o pick a sham blush at random is like buying a pair of shoes without a fitting, The installation in department stores of cosmetic rooms where one ean have one's complexion tried on ie mercy to the sisterhood, the mem- bers of which are too often be- fuddled as to what pretty cheeks should be, and just what tint will make the Cupid's how chow up to hest and most kissable advantage. NON-STOP FLIGHT FAILS (By Canadian Press) Boston, Feb, 23.--The tri-mot- ored aeroplane "Lone Star" which took off from Old Orchard, Me., on its projected non-stop flight to Buenos Aires, landed at the East loston Alrport about 11 o'clock. The landing geay was badly dam- aged. 2 Uppercoutr House and demesne, Freshiord, County Kilkenny, one of the most beautiful country seats in Ireland, has been acquired by St. Toseph's Missionary Society for Foreign Missions, Mill Hill, London, Our tea-tasters jealously guard our modest but famous slogan.-- REDROSE Such litle THE CANADA STARCH CO,, Limited, M Send me copy of "Canada's Prise Recipes' | enclose 19¢. for mailing using for tho last be | chojen fs | Miss Recipes Being Used by the Cooking School Today Frances Thompson at ORANGE SPONGE 2 teasp. gelatine 2 tablesp, cold water Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon 4 eggs egg yolks. ens slightly, Add solved, Place in, refrigerator to cool, Chill then unmould and garnish with and orange sections, CINNAMON ROLLS Make up a quantity of Baking generously butter and sprinkle Roll de cinnamon and chopped nuts. baking sheet, 175 ozs. (squares) chocolate 2 cups rich milk 1% 2/3 cup sugar Few gv 1 cup whipping cream 1 cup orange juice 2/3 cup sugar Soak gelatine in eold water 5 minutes, juice and rind, orange juice and sugar and beaten Cook over hot water wntil mixture thick elatine, stir constantly until dix begins to thicken fold in stiffly beaten egg whites + whipped cream If preferred this dessert may be served in small quantities in individual glasses, dough. Roll dough % inch thick, Spread with melted with toll, cut in slices "and place cut side down on greased Bake about 15 minutes in hot oven, CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM J) tablesp. cornstarch; teas Melt chocolat; and add scalded mil cornstarch with sugar and add to the tire, Cook several minutes stirring Cool then add vanilla Place in fr refrigerator until partly frozen (abo Fold in whipped cream an Mix lemon "4 cup cream cheese. 4 oenp ¢ ces Ci fd pineapple Creel When mixture b slices canned pineap) reen | 3 cup mayonnaise ) de the cheese until moot spread easily, Mix it with Pile on to pineapple Cream enough to and cream. even layers, Garnish with strips of green pepper, Powder Biscuit brown ugh ar 2 to 3 Ibs, fresh haddock ! cups tomatoe L cup water (unless canned tomatoes are used) 2 few clovds Prepare and wash fish and place i pan, Add tomatoes and water i ne liced onion over fish es, Decorate fakes of r, B oven about | hour, : sugar; for jelly 2 tables 1 teasp, 1/8 teas p. vanilla ains salt with enough Arrange on crisp lettuce or watercress ke in k slowly Mix chocolate mi until thickened cezing of ut hours), tray freeze until stiff, EMERALD ISLE SALAD cream, and soft the mayonnaise im thick u BAKED FISH WITH TOMATOES sliced , butter alt n. pepper tin a alt and pepper moderate greased Place What New Yorkis Wearing 660 \\ | | has | | an aet of | | shade thelr | No. 847---Adorable Pajamas This style is designed in sizes 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. 8 re quires 3 5-8 yards of 20-i terial with 3-8 yard of light contrasting and 3-4 yard of 35-inch dark contrasting. No. 873--Smart Pajama En- semble, This style is designed i sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 3 and 40 inches bust measure, Siz 36 requires 3 1-8 yards of 390 inch material with 2 1-8 yards of 39-inch contrasting. No, 660---Basque-Like Bodler This style is designed in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36 and 38 inche bust measure, Size 16 require: 4 1-8 yards of 39-inch material, No, 624--School Frock. This style is decigned In sizes, 8, 10, 2 and 14 years. Size 8 raquires 1 3-4 yards of 39-inch materia! 1-2 yard of 33-inch con- i hr 750---Moqilded Hipline, This style is designed in sizos 14, 16, 18, 20 years 36 38 40 42 44 | | | TEA is good ted 2 CHOICE QUALITIES -- Red Label & Orange Pekoe Whe Greatest Bargain in Nourishment | No other foed you can buy will ofuch delicious nourishment for cost as CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP -« the famous economy food. Every grocer sells it. Send 10c for "Canada's Prize Recipes' 200 practical, home-tested recipes. and 46 inches bust measure, Size 36 requires 4 7-8 yards of 39-inch material, 1 1-8 yards of ribhon: Spring is the most important, the most colorful geason in Fash- fons. All the more reason why yon thould have an authentic guide, uch as our new Fashion Maga- KING STREET UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE The regular meeting of the King Street Young People's Socie- Ly held last evening was in charge of group D with Mise Marjory Blewett presiding, Following the singing of a hymn, Miss Jean Mec- Quarrie told of the "Calling 'of Gidean" ad Miss Dorothy Lang read the ipture lesson, which was the story of the 'Calling of Amos." Business was then taken up by the president after which Miss Marion Stephenson gave a reading. The topic of the even- ing was divided into two parts: first, "The Advantages of Coun- try Life," related by William Ed- die, and the second, "The Advan- tages of City Life," as told by Miss Hilda Milner. Bert Wood gave a talk on "Condition in Rus- sla." The meeting was closed by the singing of a hymn and the Mizpah benediction, Northumberland county council has opposed a plan toerectelectric nower lines on Flodden Field, where JJames IV of Scotland was defeat- ed in 1513. Mr. Bennett has been called to the Ontario bar, They can make dH - | touts, The third vening' at Nort Church proved te he last two. It w th Parker's H for complete arra Ira Gillette, Willi the leading solol tanding number My Neighbour," MN an "In tha Gar choir vent "pl ti hymi | ran} titled, I mn n After the Hong gave "The Mode i on nied | in de , there ns, for | lingerie, | you the way + Of i zine, to color styles for for home children, ete. Price of BOOK 15 cents, All patterns 20 cents in stamps (A preferred), Address tern Editor, Osh- , Oshawa, are aftornog wing, coin | orders to awa Daily Th FRY'S COC gives What do we mean by that 'extra nourish ment'? Well, you know how nourishing milk is. FRY'S Cocoa increases that nourishment by nearly one half. The two together provide just the extra support your children need to keep pace with A gfowing bodies. FRY'S is the cocoa with the chocolaty flavour -- and the most economical food-drink you can buy. J. 8. Fry © Sons (Canada) Limited, Montreal, Que his calling sure,®but not his elec- tions, a ri) Made by the oldest Cocoa and Chocolate House in the world SETH PARKER PROGRAM IS BIG SUCCESS easant Monda) hminster United y be better than as an evening in ome and credit ngements Ig due am Harmer wag #t and his out- was 'Jesus Is I I, Germond and. the ie folned eth Parl play was a recitation en 1 Church," Myre, played guts BABYS rub on \/icks exira nourishment that OA PUR OREANFAST Cocoa a eh N 0 Searets ------ Write for free Recipe Bool. over, | | Hop 1 them, Weddings BRUCE--SUTTON A very pretty wedding, but quiet, owing to the Lenten sea- son, took place on Baturday after~ noon in St, George's Anglican Church when Rev, Canon dePen- cler united in marriage, Helen Margaret Sutton of Oshawa, daughter of Mr.#and. Mrs, J. W. Sutton of Durham, England, and Mr. James Camphell . Bruce, gon of Mr, and Mrs. Robert H, Bruce of Birkenhead, England, The bride wag given in marriage by Mr, ¥, Humphrey, Mr. H, J, Carey was best man, Mrs, E. Humphrey and Miss Hattie Calver of Lon- don, Ontario, cousin of the bride, were matron of honor and brides- maid, To be married the bride wore her travelling costume, a brown and cream ensemble and carried white carnations and red tulips. The bridesmaid was In Spanish tyle with brown hat and gloves and the matron of honor wore black lace, Following the wedding . cere- mony a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hum- phrey and later in the honeymoon, Montreal They will reside In PRICE--~ANNIS Holy Trinity Chureh, Toronto, wag the gcene of a very wedding on Monday evening at even-thirty o'clock' when Doro- thy, €ldest: daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Annis, 421 Queen Street Kast, bride of Mr, William Price, son Empire Avenue, Toronto, The bride who was given in marriage hy her father, was lovely in pale green chiffon and lace with a pic thre hat of the sume shade, She carried bouquet of sweetheart roses and valley lillies and wore the groom's gift, a rope of pearls wtendant I IESE onl v. | Blackwell, was gowned in delph | | blue Crepe I'he a talisman Miss Thompson Uses Elizabeth Arden Skin Foods One house Vile 18 the !s in s of thy her own 3 h s r of 1} ter of vary her, also th through the rigors t the er h I Frances s conducting the of Cooking and has solved this r the f ms Liz Kin prepar s, which tor hands She vr and about keeping the it wa by the R Lovell on vimcoe Street South, n also insists on monstration a In preparation Far this pur- 1e also selected one from the d stock carried by Jury and well icidentallv, Miss Thompson was favorably. impressed by the + delivery service given by Jury ¢ Lovell's stores, having found that 1 telephone call ta 28 for the King : ore or 68 the Simcoe brings immediate delivery, tor store fticient and AS VALUELESS, SAID CUSTOMS "luable Picture Entered United States Free of Duty New York, N.Y.~The L'Elan Galleries entertained at. tea the other day and that made Emlin Pope Etting, a young man of 26 who professes no school but his own, a new factor in the galaxy of modern art, Etting just recent- ly returned from Paris, His first cities were customs officers, "How much are these pictures worth?" they asked, "Make your own estimate," sug- gested Etting, The customs officers turned the pictures sideways, upside down and oblique-wise, expressed the emotion of puzzlement as only customs offi- cers can and threw up their hands in admission of defeat, "No duty" they announced, In contrast to the official atti- tude, there were at the tea per- song who profess to understand what everything means and they said: "Marvelous!" But that only distressed Etting. "I mean," he said, "I'd much rather argue with people than convert I don't like to have people understanding." Of course, if people go so far as the customs officers and season their lack of understanding with lack of purchases, Mr, Etting can always go back to designing very orthodox book covers and still be perfectly happy. He said so. Anyway, even though he likes to paint pletures, he doesn't go in for them on his own walls, | { afternoon | the bride and groom left on their pretty | Toronto, hecame the | of Mr, and Mrs, William Price, 32 | | ten weeks ugo | plenty by any store in Canada t values. Only 60 pairs to sell--size or pink border. --NO PHON NO DEL THE PRICE FOR LARGE DOUBLE BED 'FLANNELETTE BLANKETS ON WEDNESDAY IS ONLY 3) 1 69 pair This price we believe sets a new low price record offered IVERY EXCEPT WITH OTHER GOODS. his year, the year of great 70 x 84. White with blue E ORDERS-- FAMOUS ACTRESS [= 5 ts WAS PUZZLED "Your Funny Language Is Wonderful" Says Eng- lish Woman New n't colle been in the drape hey dre luck charms and hasn't monkey, Diana W ard whether she can be a ' York, .N.Y.-- Because t old hat hag ney fish business sing table dos doesn vith good pet wonde "howl SUCCESS The stately, 2 came to Broadwa) old Lo Picea yen fron The critic thing about Wynyard she wiped of show, Dut few doubt makeup today, "I'm just a normal girl," she sob bed in her best dramatic manne; "I haven't. an eccentricity to my name, I'm not a bit superstitious I never do erazy things, So what are my chances? "You expect your theatre peopl to be diffetent; you want them to be glamorous ereatures, unlike any one else, Id Wynn always wea two white - carnations, Somebody else rides elephants in his spare time, . This star drinks her cock tails--I ean her of a slipper, And where does that leave me"" She she talked Miss Wynyard kept her eyes closed or. addy her observations to her own image in a mirror surrounded by con gratulatory cablegrams, | "Your funny language is wonder | ful---so invigorating, but oh, so perplexing! The mald at my hotel the first day asked me if she could clean the parlor, I didn't know what the word meant, so I sald: 'Eh-uh-eh?" Now she things I'm deaf and writes out all her ques- tions, 'Someone asked like flopjacks: 1 they were something I said 1 have plenty thank you, "Another person said he was go- ing somewhere on a thought he was crazy, nice Mis voiced a off he me if T would thought maybe to wear, Bo of clothes, A boy from Philadelphia was tell- ing me about scrapple, it was some kind of a fight, "But the other day I went into a drapers -- a drapers -- well, what you call a woman's shop--and ask- ed for some silk panties, instead of knickers as I would have said in London. "So you see, I'm learning. But I can't figure out any way to get eccentric, and that worries me," WILL REPRESENT ALL ROTARIAN Ontario Physician Chosen to Speak for Inter- national Chicago, Ills.~~One of Canada's leading physicians, Dr. Crawford C, McCullough of Ft, William, On- tario, will be the official represen. tative of Rotary International at the Pacific Rotary Conference in Honolulu June 12-14, Dr, McCullough has taken a prominent part in Rotary for many years, He was international presi dent in 1921.22, and has since been chairman of many important com- mittees, This will be the fourth such con- ference organized by the Rotarians of all countries bordering on the Pacific Ocean, and Dr, McCullough will be asprincipal speaker, The purpose of these gatherings is to lay the foundation for the develop- ment of a better international un- derstanding between the peoples of the countries touching the Pacific, Dr, McCullough is a native of Gananoque, He has had extensive experience in European and North American clinics and is a recog: nized authority on diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. During the war he formed a food produe- tion and conservation association whose regulations were subsequent: , trolley, I| In England | it's the thing they haul luggage on. | I thought | 1 bh the Food Control adopted ronment at Ottawa CHOCOLATE CUP CAKES 4 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 34 cup milk 2 cups pastry flour (or 134 cups read flour) 2teaspoons Magic Baking Powder 34 teaspoon salt 74 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2)is feb unsweetened olate 2 ep 'ream shorter add sugar Id well-beaten egg yolks, ingredients together and y with milk, to e. Add vanilla and fold in egg whites beaten stiff. Put into greased muffin tins and bake in moderate oven at 375° F. about 25 minutes, Cover with chocolate icing. wocolate; gingerale---out | Why Miss Lillian Loughton's Chocolate Cup Cakes are famous "1 use Magic Baking Powe > der," says Misd TR Lillian Loughe | ton, Dietitian Wiki and Cookery ". Expert of the as Canadian Mag+ azine. "My successful baking results are due in large part to its freshnessy uniformity, and consistent high quality, | "My own recipes dre planned for | Magic, and I recommend it for all recipes calling for baking powder", Miss Loughton's high praise cone firms the judgment of other Cana< dian dietitians and cookery experts. The majority of them use Magie exclusively, because it gives cons sistently better baking results, | Magic is first choice of Canadian housewives, too, It outsells all other baking powders combined. FREE COOK BOOK = When y bake at home, the new Magic Cook B will give you dozens of recipes for deli€ cious baked foods. Write to Standard Brands Ltd, Fraser Ave, & Liberty Sty Toronto, Ont. bi. statement on every tin is your guarantee that Magic Baking Powder 4