Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Feb 1932, p. 14

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oT 9 JAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1932 ! St h O h S h [ 1 C k 1 | d E 1 j ime halt 12 commission hearings were con. | lon on Maritime Claims again | adoption of the principle of half- | cluded at Halifax, and the work | brought bin in touch with the in- | yearly wage-scale revision. | of getting out a report was be-| dustry. No mutually satisfactory plan Sun Nothing Taken Vor Granted for the half-yearly revision of the | if et . It ean be safely gaid, however, | wage-rates was arrived at in nego- There was no reason for speed; | i sd vO id Bide boty oon company - ad SFT OBJECTIVE the extended contract between |iBat no broad principle wag taken | tiations retween 2 yasy and | 1eh, | for granted in the present in-| men, however, union and company expires Db. > ct shoe fi and th 1d method of 66 99 -- 4 y findings | stance on the basis ol evidence | check-ofl and e 0 No R 1 bo ol as Sostrabl Tig Bi Wg given at the 1925 inquiry. On that | arriving at contracts remained in es Time Wasted by oye 15 a basis on which to work in ceasion 112 witness were | effect, Ha : ow 3 ot | Beard at Sydocy and Halifax, and The 1925 commission found Commission in Nova | drawing up ind gid mine areas were visited in Cape | that the double role of employer a J i L . . . We | con~ | Breton, Springhill and Pictou | and landlord, assumed by the cor- Will Be i mn Pro: ress This Al K t h Ut 1 S;otia : relevant had heen said, a eh { County, Th operator's plant at | poration in the maintgnance of | 8 uminum 1 C en ensi 5 | clusion of the BYansy of tings | M al was inspected and pur-| company houses, was unsound. | Afternoon, Tomorrow | : | which included Bight Seay ih | chasers of coal were interviewed | Since that tinré a number of com- | nd Thursday (By the Canadian Press) % j2udrev remavked Yoois tliare we, This year, somewhat the | pany houses have been sold to the | a Halifax, N.5 The question as | L ole Was Do no. necessity for | procedure was followed, | men, dnd during the recent Syd- . to what constitutes a epee ye Yas i ewite Lo. [ate eviderice | Witness after witnéss was called; | ney sittings General Manager H, J. This. afternoon, at threa ocloch Brg 1a the proceedings of 8 Royal 1a) ight be brought forward, | they numbered, in all, between | Kelley announced a plan where- | long-awaited Oshawa School of Commission has been raised by that mig 1 7 be STOLE A bly ww : 75 and 80 Again the commis- | by the cash price of houses was ] 1c CoE na 4 is va E06 the dispateli and thoroughness | Representative Bo ' 204 pany i | loners travelled to Montreal to | being reduced 20 per cent, Again | ooking anc A oo Didenced vy ig Antlpe i Rae and a all ils ey Hii | look over the field of purchasing | this year, the commissioners in- opened m the 'Masonic uncan and his associates in the | raised s d - ple Au- [) [J] : 20 p » Glace ay | ditorium, on Centre Street, ) T} le op > ~ | and transportation and the po spected housing in the Glace Bay |¢ , Sidhe luking of evidenco relative to the | ed pertinent to th inquiry, 3 bilities of Coke manufacture, | district, Their six-year-old report | hour, Mayor P. A. Macdonald, iia} ISS [ ] e om son problems of the Nova Scotia coal | One reason for the rapidity Three | kindly sented "to ass h are used exclusively by dave were gpent there, and | had recommended improvements | ki cor Industry. Sir AndreW arrived | with which the commission's | the return, sittings were held | in sanitation and other aspects of | opening ceremonigs trom England on Jan, 2¥, and | werk was done may be found in Springhill and New Glasgow housing. Within the last year or [the school and Miss i i waited on no formalities The | the fact that Sir Andrew was a! a lon onliion. throush | two, sewers have been laid in| zan her lectus at the following night he was on his way | ready possessed of an extensive a autiew 2b Are : that | som mining districts previously | From the y f ctical | to Sydney, and- the next Horning background to the problems i an eh raat He ial 16 Be y : began the first of five days' hear-|{ volved, In 1925 he had gone into winds AER a Didi ome areas these facilities hi i schiools condaeted : Pa 4 h 1 f C k ings in which tho bulk of the evi- | the coal-belt situation as chair- | iis dia won de Lot been connected to the houses ware rated very high \ k Oshawa Sc 00 (0) 00 ng dence bearing ou the questions of | man of the first Duncan Commi I a am ia ee Naver iki ah The first commission also sug- | ever tl Vins cen] bund wages and the Dominion Steel | sion on coal; in the following id ES : A nat ted troduct| f "local h te v dorist Lot wee he | Bested re-introduction o "local and Coal Corporation's re-alloea- ! year his activities as the presid- 3 A veen 1h | contracts" in certain of mines tion schemg was taken. On Feb, ing officer of the Royal Commis- Bhioh hit of gheraios Ti Li end this was done, Abolition of halls whos hiv | : oid WEAR-EVER ( 19} | "a iy hins . LIE, | § V I 1" \ or md -- r-------------- | HAE Cronyn. and Dr. H. P Mac. | company police followed a ve- | wi ' : i ' A without water systems, but fn |ialue to th | I ! hf For best results, cook with yi the commendation advising thi Day a oy Course avg ate, urged to be on hang "Wear-Ever" Kitchen Utensils Hiner éat vassibl t the utensils Miss Thompson 4 ad for the ttlement | (ie neta) gev lopment ; plan of Iicly y iored will be given away at every ALUMINUM uses--sold by leading depart- 16 operators, tho ecommi 1 FIRST AID E UIPMENT , iy Bt dia Th Y hi ; thought, were sound, and in OD. : Li i y is scssion of the Cooking School, 5 2% ment and hardware stores. contin : Eth a nection. with physieal conditions, National ote 0 Ero uld be divided. int noted that "the Sraeey VE - a } is : 4, far Vill TRADE MARK hia improved considerably, ar wo p or J reements, he 1 1 ei procul ! rat g . "one dealitiz exc ivel ith pro W ren the ongwa system of vee: all ess " cedure mar Pe n ' ort] working. the seams becomes r Ue Raha 4 ia a €« r IS A NECESSITY IN debi Wa ii | keneral the property will at At ea on Al sor The Mark of Quality for 32 Years oy highe , a. | will actuall should be extended to cover ven to a higher standard of ef fs ca, I il | | elaims of & more general chi ac- | Cheney," {7 tor or cls Yoga re Be Tal 3 ! Did Extensive Probing Bi cal whi i reactions of In this connection, it is notable = 1 n ider nature; th ther agree that extensive probing was done | 1001 are ] quested brit wit MS ---- . - -- TTT ment to dea xelusively with gen hy Sir Andrew in the course of | them pencils 2d 1 ly wi f . f 408, A the number was decreasing, he re wottld undoubtedly decreaze * . ter 1 eanditie of the last commission's sittings, to | Wake notes the tur jen ho pid apn 11 ate at which the ducks were When these unavoidable and unexpected acci- ™ 1 e ORY OF SELY. | nara n Lodo aou 8 Ailing, to | lage notes OR the ctu 4 . : wh } ducks vers ( ts under t ] l the per t 1 1 n ment i dd ' e long-wall system engronchm uld do no more that dents occur, when there are cuts, burns or 0 aong-wasl i fio more than ment t y yu le i Pposed to the old room-and vl ade ' h S ATE farmer left the duck less room 6% ut oy rake ? upon the bruises, pain can be relieved and danger of infec- rag 107 HECURRION | pops elaimec: os 1 UY 61 Th ar IN REA ED R for his nests; very hun- | juevitable trend. : ; ters were annua que 1 imi H 44 : 1ianent chara n « part of men and officiale, | number y wn a p Hoacr: the tion eliminated, by having a complete Fiirst Aid i : {of eatning experience x tho 1 aw A : | the fe atiiere ; it poly : ¢ nethod, They believed the future | . ! ; : He Hid : Kit ready for all emergencies. n A mn 4 i p giv, | for long-w all operation ge ior uri t t ( Migratory Evpert Suggests) 192 In roanins Pi g ad- Is )l In 1925 : Hur or th Scotian was brigh iva h A me polson- existing arranger VaR that Hof a bright. ' for t Sanctuaries for Their ing which follows in the triin of many varied matter I'he report of the Royal Com- | IE I oo MISS E. FRANCES THOMPSON combderation a the wiv Gm, | asios on' Maritime | Claim, | Defend Fwo Cups Preservation the drought of 1531, which gener I fuctuation : OF AL sommended to the Dominion gov- | Morrlshurs 18 1 at the or down, depender ECS UDI crnment the advisability. of re- | are in po cups, | © Montreal, Que.--Drought fe cond newing a subvention granted in| which the ited | guns of game hunters and the ex- OSHAWA SCHOOL OF COOKING AND | [| mistion rucommendcd s sions | 1024 on conl ex-vessel at St. Law| for the past tna years, Tho Mo 3yde of dis liven through ge. panding of agricultural opera- | privinz the birds of many of the : 1q | renee ports for inland. further- | vispurg Badn on Club hold : 3 ' woul . fd 3 a Which | Wage. 4 ance, Figures to show what sub- | iy Top Trophy, which the ! : U ans avs r a wider Bren of this |yittie lakes which s ould have HOME ECONOMICS hy ld Ld, eds or ie industry, | | } v WHEW § continent are taking a heavy 1 t of : p 3 p y y " toll | been the feeding bottl thei J ! Sion Alda hay be hE A ihe eh bo puy i fender hind of wild ducks declared Dr, Har- | newly-hatched young, Dr. Lew! will demonstrate and recommend Would bx ed on the. industr ubmitted at the 1932 inquir: Masqinan ang Son donated rigson F. Lewis, chief federal mi- | pointed out.. The mother birds. proceeds utder. given six months' A subject jealt with by both fst season. And the Morrishure | oratory bird officer, In a recent | he said, had frequently to travel * Dering «the fluctuation to. take the 1925 mes and the ) uring A ub havi te Christie | address before the Province of | 20 and 30 miles with their youn co thre ont} BY "nu f i l ithe Op Which. thas . : . 3 brie OUR HANDY A SE | Wn oy Sat ME, Cn BH Ge ch ort | S00 BLE Th her i of teh & Boheme of coking plants, The first report | - | 0 ; irds r. Lewis intimated 3 | succum e righ the wa) ) al r, to A. " id: "We recommend that the : : i fii hel fof that the birds that dive, Dr. lewis thought the estab- ) | ST ID at Nim 4 h Ua Provision | provincial government should en- Fraser wrgh Golf ub lias i Jt strut and fly, must: sooner or|lishment of sanctuaries, of res- 1 Yue aia dy hiv 1 ny event | yap nto. active co-operation with | ¢d to have Sunda pl ( i bili t 4 er t | later become a prey to progress. | ervations and the possibility that sreed | the Dominfon Fuel Board, for tha | bie Ha course Prairie Provinces and into the United States, had taken thons- | | en w-- lee dr over southern partg of th the nom Inetuation Although there were probably | gome means for the artificial ¥ : ron nurpose of exploring the possibil- | vers 100,000,000 left fn North Ameri- raising of ducks might be discov- AS THE BEST AND MOST CONVENIENT ' I Heular commenda- | tiles of an immediate develop- : tion of the 1925 Comn n wag | ment along the lines indieated , , ; - nevep t » eff I'he iny {| The necessary coal, up to a furth- | FOR ALL HOME PURPOSES. gator, also recomme er million and a half tone, can be ed abolit I rtain excep- | obthined from the existing esuip- | tions, of ti , under | ment in Cape Breton, and such | which mine { had a pro-! an extra demand would stabilize . . . . . portion of their puy withheld to | employment throughout the year, These Kits are sold in various sizes ranging from provide for medical care, church | and add eonsiderably to the wok. ( are, h | | tees, education and coal, | ing eficiency of the mines." union dues and go "Wo. be- The report on Maridme Claims | ¢ (4) o lieve it 18 be tter for the inde pen- | sald: "There can be no 4Aoubt that | dent and respousibitity of the! the establishment of coking individual that he should. receive plants, under the assistance of his earnin in full, and that the | the Dominion Government for the | discharg« of hi obligations | coking of Canadian coal, would | sliould be a matter so separated | go far toward solving the eoal | | from hig emplo ag. not to | proble m In the Maritime prov- | cause embitterm in his mind | in { and confusion 314: cor ture of | In "both reports, the establish- | 1 hlig: nent of coking plants at Quebec, | TELE- A union vote y taken on -¥eh | Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Ham- | * 00a na tw contract | Hiton, Port Colborne, and London | PHONE ORDERS DE. ot r woul ciyinated the to take an annual amount of 1, | heclk-ofl exc pp med- | 376.000 tons, was suggested. | LIVERED PRO TLY f ol oli¢ ' and Present customers of the Nova | MP hurel: al vould have provided | Scotia mine for coking coal aro | oh yearly revision of the | the Lasalle plant, Just now begin. | BY | e. The proposal 3 re< ning to take a smali amount | the from the Cape Breton flelds , and THE REXALL STORES | "ehock-oft ai a sort of insurance. | tho small plant at Haltas. uent agotin JURY & LOVELL ||° 0 "iNTOBA" 1S King E.--Phone 28 Simcoe S.--Phone 68 | mission had found thay a 14 per INDIAN WORD cont reduction. would have heen | -- ARATE -- | If 1924 earnings---- re- - - ce -- | justifieq on ARR a tention of the echeck-off, and the m---- Derived Front "Manitou THIS NEW CHEVROLET SPORTS SEDAN Woban Meaning the | Voice of God . . Has been presented to Miss E. Frances Thompson for her use during CANADIAN GENERAL | { Ottawa, Ont.-- During | her stay in Oshawa. the | course of his discussion in the ELECTRIC RANGES | || House of Commons in the debate |']] on the speech from the throne AND HOME recently, J, M, Stitt, (Cons, Sel. This car will be on display in front of the Masonic Temple, Centre Street, at each ses- kirk) painted a glowing picturg . : 1 of the past, present and future sion of the Oshawa School of Cooking and Home Economics. |§| of his province and, perhaps, ectyr («7 | most interesting of all was his story of the origin of the worl |! Manitoba." A representative of the Ontario Motor Sales, Limited, will be on hand to demonstrate Appliances The first Inhabitants, the In- . . | | tans, hati ign i ig the many new and amazing features of the beautiful God, the Great Spirit, "Mani- Are used exclusively by tow." The co-called "Narrows" new 1932 Chevrolet. on the Manitoha Lakes, the In- MISS E. FRANCES THOMPSON | dians called "Woban." When the wind swept down through these |')§| narrows it set up a curious, AT THE J crooning sound which the super- « WE ARE DONATING A ONE ||| stitious Indians believed was the | voice of their God sending his GALLON CAN OF MOTOR OIL | 1} vote across the w n Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville Oshawa School of Cooking Ty ol the DAILY AS AN ATTENDNCE PRIZE. snawa, yung {i other, when the wind blow, Representatives and Home Economics | | to shorten this saying to "Mani- | je 'Manitou Woban." | io, » ° " Canadian General Electric Ranges and other Appliances demonstrated are supplicd Bro tgn) --s Spi ntario otor a es imite and sold by | ie Rio Rogers Asiote: ; ) It was a simple matter, Mr, | Stitt said, for the white settlers . tion has appointed the following ar GEORGE C. ALLCHIN LTD. |i (AT THE MERCURY GARAGE) treasurer, John Collins; pat- }| rons, the Eas of Ossory, 'Major 84 King Street East Phone 900 26 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 1438 1|{ Dermot McCalmont (M.F.H.), Ma- g . { jor Arthur Kavanagh, Mr, FJ. D. | Q'Hanrahan, mayor of Kilkenny, lind Chief Superintendent Murphy.

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