----m ---- I --. , t £0 Bt 7 = 4 I AGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1932 TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Oshawa. and Bowmanville Intermediaets Clash Tomorrow Sea Fleas Eliminate Dukes and Enter Sr. O.H.A, Finals Winnipegs Defeat Crescent A.C, in N.Y, SPORT PAGE] TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Maple Leafs Lost to Maroons 3-0 on Saturday Stayner and St. Mike's Win Junior Double-header Bowmanville Finished Schedule in Second Place BOWMANVILLE QUALIFY FOR INTERMEDIATE GROUP PLAYOFF I Sport Snapshots | At last the group play-offs will start after many hold-ups and to- morrow night the Oshawa Intermediates go to Bowmanville to play the first of a two game series for the group championship and the right to meet the Queen's Intermediates in the next round for thé O. H.A. Intermediate Championship, The return game will be played here in Hambly's Arcna on Thursday night and as there has not been a game here for almost two weeks there should be a good turn-out t see the Oshawa boys in their first important game of the season, » » Bowmanville are no set-ups and only secured their play-off berth by a number of wins at the end of the season, Lindsay and Cobourg on Friday and Saturday nights the means ofthe Bowmanville aggregation getting into the out additional games to decide ties . - The winner of this group will meet Queen's the Intermediate play-offs and these te: part of next weck, The Queen's as were in the Senior "B" series in ago and have a couple of big defen should be well remembered by local » Ld Flea Seniors created the The Sea when they defeated favored third game, if necessary, will * Saturday afternoon he "Fighting Irish" from St, Kingston Juniors and only won th, they secured in Kingston last weel will meet In hal outfit defeated the Juniors in the next round hut the next, the other North team b til a protest from the North Foronto 1c Imps ecutive. The Conquerors of the Bh go a long way this season and it s . » quite Marlboro favorites to cop the senior title all season, Port Colborne Sailors with the first night and the return fixture in Toronto a week be played at a « Map! ike's College w h Their two wins against wert wit] respectively finals standing mm the . first 1 und of games should the first are pract bunc! Osha im which ur e players, Mur hockey LJ fans, ® night the meet Saturda surprise ot te The National Port Colborne tomorr Wednesda a who liad been will game in Irom * Lea round b cannot teal uld be LJ] LJ In another junior O.H.A. playdown Hamilton Vi play off to see who meets the round will clash with the LJ Wednesday evening the Blue In will meet the Sea Flea Juniors of LJ tertainment provided by the Kiwani: Ot! of Os] Carnival that night at the Arena behalf of the underprivileged boys broomball game between the Prost Marlboro 1 Ju Irs, of 1 % » and tl Toror ins wl Firemen game will give the Juniors a chance tu "Nats" gave them in the S.P.A, serie the score on that occasion being 2-0 i St. Mike's and | Stayner are in| Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Feb, 22.--Saturday was upset day at the Maple Leaf Gardeng for beside the unexpected win of Na- thgnale over Marlhoros in the sertlor test at night two surprises were supplied in the Junior 0. H.A. double-header in the after- noon when Kingston Frontenacs held St. Michael's College to a three-all tie and gtayner defeated North Toronto 3 to 0. The tie did not halt the Celts in their challenge for the junior crown as they took the round by a 6 to 4 score, holding a two-goal margin from the first game of the home and home series in Kingston. North Toronto was eliminated with the defeat as the first game in Stayner ended one-all, al- though the Northenders still have hopes in a protest {n which they "Claim one of the Stayner players ineligible. St, Mike's Off Color 8t. Michael's Colleze looked anything but a play-off team Sat- urday afternoon with their com- bination wrecked by the King- ston checkers and their speed and pep absent, The Irish seemed woefully weak and far from the form that has beaten every rival this season, The Saints looked stale, over-conditioned and suf fering from a little mich hockey, and It only occasion al flash¢ good hockey that saved them from defeat, Northenders Weakened North Toronto was under strength with two of best players out of the game and they faded in the latter part of each period, The Northender had a good share of the but good work by Jeffries Stayner stopped: them, Jef- fries handled himself well and muet be credited with a star part in the Stayner win, McCaul, with two goals, Armstrong at centre and Swain on the defence were also good for Staynr, shelly, Re an and Fraser were about the best for North Toronto. too wa ot its nets Amazing Amerks New York, Feh, 22.--The New York Americans came back from a six-game losin streak last night to defeat their local rivals, the Rangers, 3 to 2, in one of the Jbest-played games of the Nation- al Hockey league season, The Rangers had won the three pré- vious intra-city clashe A goal behind after 11 seconds Clothes Measure by Clothes New Spring Tailored to Your Cambridge From a wonderful range of high- grade Tweeds and Worsteds. $97.50 Johnston's of play, the Amerks ran the Rangers ragged through two per- fods, then held off thelr closing drive with a fine defensive dis- play. - Roy Worters, American goalie, played the game of his Ifie, and Vernon Ayres, Red Dut- ton and Allan Shields more than made up for the absence of Bill Brydge, veteran defence man, who was kept out by an injured hand, Cadets Swamp Students 5-1 termediates created a surprise at the City Arena on Saturday night when they defeated Queen's; local O,H.A. group winners, hy 5 to 1 in an intercollegiate intermediate game, The game counted ag two victories for. the (Cadets, the | teams having agreed to this plan | instegd of home-and-home game The Cadets now leading the group with two wing and one de | feat, while University of Ottawa | have won one and lost and Queen's have one lost two | Kingston, Feb, 22.--~R.M.C. in- | | | are one won and Collegiate Sport Shorts ! | | | | | fivet mir Though the uflered thelr y of the Friday wv bhoyr' basgke group title oe wins and not certain Peterbm i" lo in Bowman | ball { with a re anon ile on LA] cord of thr Lhe tenn aeleat | In wil probabilith will he their nex If tha wit} ' 1 { lent « Al] ingle | but in ou } op) | nents tis 1 ase the play Gurnet to produce ofl games and "(rev five are ome exc on Fast wep) v vill rotary wternool series wil fe 1n of thi v High » Intersch In the past th lay of Quis district ha repre ted in the Inter series hy Belleville 1 veal tar as we know Minted. But toda | In the Belleville paper an a hich seems to imply 'that vill be baek In the contention and | will defend their title as Eastern Ontario Interscholastic cham pions, "choo i beet Nolusth but t are not notie Tele they -- Friday afternoon in the school 'gym the: Girls' Basketball | Team entertained the Scarborough ! with Senjors coming through with a victory and the Juniors losing out in a close game, These were the last games of the season and the Juniore's record is a win and threo defeats while the Seniors boast of three victories and one loss, Thig leaves the Senfors tied with the East York girls, but are out of the run ning as their league has the un | heard of rule whereby the total points declare the champion of | the leagne when two teams are deadlocked for first place, What a rule! irls | With the arrival of the wrest- ling mat, the boys' "gym" { Popular place when the wrektling classes are being held. So far, the | I'ech. boys are the only ores who | hase used the mat, hut classes fo \liirie, and Commercial students [V [1 get under way in the near { future, Mr. McKenzie 1s looking | nfter the Tech. matmen while { Mr. Chilcott will handle the other "wrastlers". It is thelr plan to | nave an inter-departmental show, That is the Commercial, Techni- cal and Matric, Divisions of the school will be represented and the winners of each class will represent the school in outside competition, | | | | Hockey Scores | The scores of hockey games | Played during the week-end wore as follows: National League Montreal..,, 3 Maple Leafs ... sCanadiens... 1 Detroit ....... sAmericans.. 8 Rangers «....., 2 gChicago.... 2 Boston , Senior O.H.A, zNationals. ., 4 Marlboros .. zNationals win rcund, 7-4, OHA, Intermediate XHamilton... 3 Paris c.00.4.. x10 minutes overtime, Bowmanville, 4 Cobourg eee. | | O.H.A, Junior | 25t, Michael's 8 Kincaton ..... z St, Michael's vin round, 6-4, | ZStayner,,,, 8 North Toronto , 3tayner wins round, 4-1, { Preston, ,.. § Listowel vu... zl'reston wing round, 6-4, | International League Buffalo, sesv 6 London «ec... Windsor... 2 Pittsburg .. aSyracuse.., 6 Buffalo .... sWindsor.,.. 4 Cleveland ,... Canadian-American League Bronx Tigers. 3 Philadelphia oSpringfield... 3 New Haven ,.. sNew Haven.. 4 Springfield ..,. American League Chicago. ,... 2 Tulsa | Duluth. ..... 2 St, Louis Kastern Canada M.A, | Three Rivers. § La Tuque ovies 8 | one | Marlboros' L derwood | big | When it wa ere | { 1 of Sea Fleas Meet Ports in Finals r-- Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, I"'eh, 22,--Nationals and Port Col- horne will battle it out for the 0. H.A, senior championship, the John Ross Robertson trophy and the right to enter the Allan Cup playdowns, Nationals tossed Marlboros in- to the discard holus polus and with much glee before 10,000 spectatory at Maple Leaf Gardens Saturday night, Given hut geant chance by a host of hockey fang to turn back the Dukes, the Sea Pleas won the { second and declding game of the semi-final series 4--1 to take the | round 7-4, the first contest hav- | ing ended in a 3-3 draw., "Chin" Lough shot three of Na tionnls' four goals and Norman | Lamport whistled home the other Buzz Boll accounted for | orphan tally after a! by Ted Oliver | wag a clean-cutwone | They played the | more sound hockey against na feam that wns more le dl organized through the ahgence Freddy Robertson, Marlboros' fance who was unable play o to illness, i rt ont Boll was ealled defence, and the Thoms Hue passing plas The victory for Natjionals | of | de- | | | ) of it the tn wi Joll-1'n- | Marlboros' | intact, | looked | team, Natinn- | than the crown | tm to take advantage of | happened to b | | | | help out seldom on th seorl threat wa the Dukes ke a hockey more 1] nls wer ted te quicker any that lying around loowe Natlonals Hold Upper Hand From t! three if time 1! Lon from ( onth 1 ) h too if the first stood if in rol | | much | | | in t as added chul r r With 46 gi Marlboro conds Jel players all neeessful sniping. oc frst and third pep middle weongior to ket a lot of mean tem, And the the hol t of thelr sys Winnipegs Beat Crescents in N.Y. York, Feb hockey chanpfons g8, continued their suc cess in exhibition games with I'nited States teams by defeating the strong Crescent Athletie Club representatives in Madison Square Garden yesterday afternoon, 2. The Pegs on Friday posed of the Atlantic City. Sen Gulls, 6 to 1, To-night they will meet the Bronx Hockey Club at the Coliseum here, The world ehamplons turned on too much speed for the Crescents, otting up a 3-1 lead in the first period Norman Malloy, Walter Monson, Stoney Wise and "Spunk" Duncanson dazzled thelr opponents with fancy stickhand- ling and thelr smart all-round play Maroons Blank Maple Leafs 3-0 New Olymple Winnip na Canada's the | 0 10 night dis- | Montreal, Feh The teams weakened through the absence of | two stars on each side through | injurles, the Montreal Maroons | outfought the Toronto Maple | Leafs in a fast and furious Nu tional Hockey League game hero Saturday night and managed' to shut out the redoubtable Toron- to squad 3 to 0. Charlie Conach- er's absence robbed the Toronto line of counsidrable potency, 20 kid while Red Horner's absence from the defence was also very appar- ent. The Maroons were without Nels Stewart and Hooley Smith, both great playmakers and the mainstay of the Maroon attack, The gamo was a thrilling bat. tle packed with exciting. moments as the Maroons ran in three goals and then fought off the Leafs till the final whistle confirmed the whitewashing, Tt was sweet res venge for the Maroons, who were ARR HE NEW MARTIN Playing Today "THE SKY SPIDER" with Glenn Tryon Blanche Mehatfey Bert Mercer Starting Tomorrow Wheeler & Woolsey in "PEACH O RENO" con | worth | on | 4 to | fect | resulted | Referee | handling the game satisfactory beaten 6 to 0 at Toronto the pre- ceding weekend, Despite the excitement the game was cleanly fought, The major penalty handed out to Baldy Northcott of the Maroons | in the second period was for carrying a high stick that caught King Clancy under the chin quite unintentionally, Seibert Scores Two Belhert accounted for the Montreal goals and Dave Trottier notched the other one, presenting almost a perfect per- formance for the Brydson-Trot- tier-8ichert line that was thrown two of into the breach with Stewart and Smith on the sidelines Detroit Held Canucks to Draw Detroit, Feh, 22 Montreal Canadiens, although they led the play during almost the entire game, were able to get no hetter than a I to 1 with the I) troft Falcons in a dazzling over time Natlonal Hockey league mutch here last night befor: 12,600 spectators, the largest crowd that has seen a Nations! League game in Detroit thi HEARON A spectacular' goal hy Frank Carson, Falcon wingman, who took the puck from near the Fal net early in the firet period and battled hig way the length of the ice to heat George Halns- in the Canadien net, the Falcon record of only one lo home fee intact, The Falcon the first game of the seaso and have not since, although the have tied meveral times, tie lost here, game heen IC obourg Finish Winless Season on Cotourg In- OHA Cobourg, Veh termedintes wound up the ason hero Saturday nignt inst Bowmanville and took a 2 beating, The jee was in per shape, Cobourg did not ame during the series on ave count of the shortage of hit nut up a good claws of hockey con Idering the advantage other clubs have had in ice conditions I'ew penalties were handed und all were of tho minor A. Armstrong of Oshawa win a ice, clans, to hoth clubs, \ Chi. Hawks Move to Second Place on possession Chicago's 0 Chicago, Feb Nlack Hawks took ocond place in the American division of the National Hockey League last night hy taking an exciting contest from the Boston During, 2 to 1, while Detroit was playing to a tie with Cana- diens of Montreal, Most of the thrills were pre- vided by Eddie Shore Boston de- fenceman, who became warMke and finished the evening in the coop serving out a. match pen- alty, He had done two turns in the box In the second selon, and later in the third, again was ordered off by Cooper Smeaton, one of the officials, Shore pro- tested and finally swung a left at Smeaton, who made the pen- alty a mateh one, Les 5 Postponed Meeting Is Held Elgin The meeting of the Women's Institute of Elgin which was postponed from Thursday, I'abruary 4, on account of the death of Dr, Dunn, was held Tuesday, February 9. There was in good attendance and some very interesting features enjoyed, Kingston ---The ferry Wolfo Is. lander left the drvdocx of the Kingston Shipbuilding Company on Thursday morning to resume the servivce hetween Wolfe Is- land and Kingston. The vessel was forced to go into drydock to have new sheathing plates placed on her hull and therefore streng- then the vessel in the annual hat- tlo with fee In the harbor. The wind from the north eleared Kingston harbor of fce on Thurs. day morning and only broken feo lined the wharves at the city and the shore of Wolfe Island. Three Days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "MATA HARI" with Greta Garbo Ramon Navarro Lionel Barrymore and Lewis Stone Added Attractions "Oh My Operation' Burns and Allen Coming Thursday Marie Dressler kept | dropped a | - Wi' Besom and Stane -- The Oshawa Curling Club was the centre of great activity on mNaturday with the weekly ana saucer competition and game in the Colt's Bousplel ing the centre the glug | the cup and pauce; honors went to 1, ( who had jority of hot rink, winning rinl Although thi derable miurgin rinks 1wely of the winning rink cup oni take In the of amey le and bi atext [ urly the gi ma over a from | core of opporiy Bulles and 15 to 4 quite con iis h A wa n everal of the othe) wera closes 1€ In the only game played in the | Colt's Bonsplel, C. W Deten ack and hig rink defeated McDougall and his quartette hy a core of 11 The results of played are as follow to 7 | the game Colt's Bonsplel W. Ross I A. McDonald A liversor J. Carnwith Detenheck ( MeDougall 11 Cup and Saucer W. larmer H, Hogarth rtor n cCullough rlyle [t} skip kip Beaton Young Behell W. Armour Dann Dr, Henry Lander A. Germond skip 10 skin Gay Geo, Wright Garrard I, Btorle Young J. Thompson Lane skip KID eves Jamey Morisor illen R 12 and a good, fast game | out | * . H. Cooper C. R. Balles kip . 15 skip Hasting A, Bonnetta Gay It. Gay Lambert WW, Karn Michael It. Henderson skip skip 'os 8. Flinton I". Roberts Plath W. Moysi Southwell W. Lambert Parsons I. Dixon kip +4. 13 Bkip +.... 0 PAID HOMAGE T0 BRITISH DEAD Funeral of Bluejackets Held in International Settlement Saturday an While the was at It a colorful through Lo shanghai, Feb, Jupaneso offensive halght on Saturday funeral corte went crowded settlement streets Holy Trinity Cathedral, where services were held for two Brit. {sh seamen, I'rancis and Prior, killed by the explosion of a Chin. ese shell at Hongkew wharf Admiral Montgomery M, Tay. lor, ranking naval officer here and commander of 'the Unfted States Asiatic fleet, and Vice Admiral Sir Willlam Kelly, com- manding the Hritish forces, were resplendent fn gold braid and cocked hats. British Minister sir Ee | Rok: | nefag members of an unlawtul | #sociation, | Shackled two by two, with two- | foot handcuff chaing dangling be iween thelr wrists, the eight men | topped smartly down the plat torm of Danforth CNR, station 1 the brisk morning alr and ourded a private compartment r. A small corps of sheriff's of- ers and detectives had charge | thém, smoking, chatting, joking witl; | | their escorts and reading their | morning newspapere, the group tppeared more like a holida party than men destined to overnl years between the grin valle of Portsmouth, Tim Buc) fom Ewen, Malcolm Bruce, John | Boychuk, Amos HII, Matthew lopoviteh and Fam Carr will erve five years and Thoma Wasis two years, "Ouy sacrifice Is not in valn | called Tim Buck, as. he cheer hoarded the train "Read the | morning papers Many changes wa predicted are alvead way, The news today just struggle," uf spend of the the our on NEWS REPORTER TE | Preacher Toronto, Fel) ' That the proses was a mightier power than | pulpit in moulding public opinion was ion of Fev, A. H. Ferry, ar e) pressed in a sermon delivered at Eastwood Park Ujiited Church, Long Branch, last night, to a | crowded congregation, Taking for hig theme, "Is the press mightier than the pulpit?" Mr, Ferry said that the persons who were harsh in their criticism of the press were invariably those who gought to destroy man's inherent (ree dom, "Often we hear of men com- plaining that they have been mis represented In the newspapers," ha declared, 'but in the majority of cases the reverse is true." Iq suid that its opponents ware those who shunned publicity "of the truth, for reasons hest known ft themselves, Confiding to hi hearers that he was once a new paper reporter himself, he tinued: "There {8 no greater pub He servant than the news report er, although his services often go unpraised and unappreciated To public men the press ren ders the necessity of being ecare- ful to speak of facts and use sane utterances, he added. HIGH OBJECTIVE FOR CHEVROLET | the con= Detrolt, Feb, 22 February's production total is not being guessed at, but there are som¢ sound indfeations that it is going to be quite cheerful, Chevrolet, for instance, is setting out for 55,000 for the month, Hudson has accelrated production and, working a full eight-hour day Aix days a week, {8 running at a rate hetween 15,000 and 20,000 weekly, Graham-Paige {s turning out 130 cars a day, higher than its February output {gs expected to run around 2,300 These new colored rubber tires are oxpected to get a considerable play in the sport and de luxe model field. The Goodrich Com- pany, which {8 manufacturing them under a patented process, | churia | hur PLAGUE SPREADS IN MANCHURIA | Suffering Millions of Chin- ese Harassed by Sickness and Persecution Mukden, Feb, 22=Up y iron weary, hopel PUBLIC SERVANT | People Shun Publicity For, Secret Reasons Says |" s broken wns of t} ot humans bundles « the unhesitating opin- | emigrant ! kee y ma in the extensive fertile Liao valley, yw they are destitute refugees who make hur thou ands of terrified pe struggled uy Ireds of ople get away from enemy bayonets an machine aer De Ch guns and bomb-droppii plane treachery and fea cause the Ja Krouj 15 ! whud ubject tc Japane | country Whil cal atte chance turn Chines dow who can't take a are not hand death is their gu there It heen ickness to vill is the plague. definitely proved thu: now spreading. fr » 45 an epidemi 1 tficial commu. Hooper Mad ts 1m touch with t the m Is ng from definity * where they « hasn't the village real pl disagree Four people I'h | are kept away ne male 1K ti tic centr crogeupic ¢ anung The Hooper Medical Four exyedition-has found half a « hungry and half-starved Chines man and 'women, threatened | Chinese bandits, Tapanc soldie and pre plag at umonic ue ------------------------ declares that ten shades whic! are absolutely sun-fast and other. wise weatherproof will be pro- duced, Miles Lampson, United States Minister Nelson T, Johnson, and French Minister M, DoeMartel | wera present in cut-away coats | and top hats, | Brig. Gen, George Fleming, commanding the British forces here, Col. Richard 8, Hooker, commanding the Fourth Marines, and other military officers were | present in uniform. Consular of- | ficiuls and captains of the British and United States warships in port, attended the services, De- tachments of all settlement de- fence forces excpet Japanese were represented. Massed bands from British ships played the funeral dirge, Hundreds of civillans lined the streets and surrounded the cathedral, COMMUNISTS * G0 TO KINGSTON Leaders Travelled From To. ronto to Penitentiary on Saturday Toronto, Teh, 22. "War in China, threatened destruction of the coal mine industry in the maritime provinces, overthrow of the government in Ireland, tur- moil and confusion. among the powers at the Leazue of Nations It will be a different world when we are free again." Such was the parting shot of Tim Buck, leader of the eight convicted Communists who satur- day were taken to Kingston penis tentiary following failure of their Benefit of Und KIWANIS Ice Carnival erprivileged Boys OSHAWA ARENA Wed. Feb. 24th HOC SEA FLEAS National vs. Oshawa KEY JRS, Fancy Skating BROOMBALL Firemen vs. Kinsmen A REAL NIGHT FOR A REAL CAUSE ADMNI Adults 30¢ - Doors Open appeal against a conviction for = J hs ne Be ra i SS10N: Children 23e¢ at 7.80 pan,