i PAGE SIXTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1932 Get Your Coupons for the Prize Draws Each Day ALGMINOM WARE UTENSILS HAVE MANY ADVANTAGES Beauty, Combined With Safety in Cooking Their Chief Features What are the advantages of aluminum cooking utensils? They are many. Lightness, strength, and durability are some of the outstand- ing ones, but there are many others. First and foremost among these is the fact that aluminum ware is ab- solutely rust-proof. It is seamless, It practically never wears out. With 4 everyday useage aluminum ware will not dent, especially if it is of good quality--substantial, not flimsy. The smooth, seamless sur- face makes for ultra-cleanness. Again, aluminum is a wonderful conductor of heat, Heat is distri- buted through this metal much more rapidly than through tin, iron or steel, From the standpoint of econ- omy of fuel alone this is regarded as a not inconsiderable factor. Also, the heat is not concentrated at one point, hence foods cooked in alumi- num vessels are less apt to scorch Of course, it goes without saying that, like any other cooking utensil, aluminum ware must be kept clean or foods may adhere to the surface and burn as they do in other ves- gels, The advantage of aluminum for cake pans, pudding dishes, and saucepans, and tor cereal; milk, and egg cookery is apparent. Many large hotels and bakeries use only alunu num ware for their baking opera- tions. Aluminum also holds the heat for a remarkably long period. That is one reason why it Is such a popular material for fircless cook- ers. It also explains why beverages, such as coffee, chocolate and tea, keep hot so long in aluminum pots. I'he matter of thecost of alumi- num ware as compared with other wares is wholly a relative one. While the initial cost may be great- or in some instances, the low cost of 'upkeep of aluminum ware Is a momentous item to consider in the purchase of cooking utensils, The economy of aluminum ware in the Jong run has been oiten remarked by expert observers. lts usability 1s well nigh perpetual. It does not break or crack or burn up; hence, if it is kept clean and not otherwise abused, an aluminum utensil is good for many years of wear, Safety of Aluminum Utensils It is a matter of common knowl- edge that cooking certain foods in aluminum' vessels, or even heating water, may cause darkening of the interior of the vessel. This 1s purely a chemical discoloration, the forma- tion of an iron oxide resulting from the combination of certain elements with the aluminum or with metals contained 1in foods or in water, It is of no significance what ever so far as its effect on health is con- cerned, and it is easily overcome, as will be shown later. Some people suppose that this discoloration has injurious properties, but that belief is wholly fallacious, as will #e shown more fully in what follows. Suffce it to point out here that there is not a single authentic case on re- cord of poisoning arising from the cooking of foods in aluminum ves- sels, Cooking is an art. Much thought time, and money are being expend- ed annually on perfecting methods of cooking, and the choice of cook- ing utensils is a paramount consid- eration in this connection. Cooks are extremely anxious to have the best cooking utensils from every standpoint. In fact, the use of alu- minum utensils in the preparation of foods is an indication of the highest efficiency in the science of cooking. That aluminum ware is regarded more and more as being the best ware for cooking utensils is evidenced by the fact already cit- ed, that hotels, hospitals and other . public institutions are rapidly re- placing other cooking utensils with aluminum ware. Housewives, too, are coming more and more to pre fer aluminum. That fact in itself is one of the most weighty argu- ments in favor of the use of this ware. The "household departments" of well known periodicals have spent time and money on investigation of the worth of aluminum cooking utensils, which have been endorsed by all of these cooking cxperts. Various lines of aluminum utensils carry the seal of approval of the Good Housekeeping Institute, which is not granted to any device or piece of equipment until a very careful study of the device has been made from every angle by the In- stitutes. staff of workers, Wear-Ever aluminum ware sold by Flintoff and Son, King St. West, is being used and demonstrated by Miss E, Frances Thompson at the Oshawa School of Cooking and Home Economics. GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO PROVIDED BY WILSON & LEE The General Electric Radio which is being used at the Oshawa School of Cooking and Home Economics to provide music while the crowd is assembling, and during the inter mission, 1s a particularly beatiful model. This model is supplied for the school by Wilson and Lee, the local distribtutors of Canadian Gen- eral Electric Radios, who carry an exceptionally fine stock of these high qgfality receiving sets. The firm of Wilson and Lee is co-operating whole-heartedly in the school, by supplying this radio set, and also by contributing generously towards the ~rand prize of a C.G.E. range, or CGE is to be given away ing day of the school, FLAVOR IMPORTANT IN CHOOSING TEA; on the clos ROYAL YORK CHOSEN | "The important thing about tea is its flavor" said Miss E. Frances Thompson, who is conducting the Oshawa School of Cooking and Home Economics, in discussing the selection of a good brand of tea for her demonstrations. After very careful consideration, she decided to use the famous Orange Label Royal York Tea, which is sold in all the Superior Stores of Oshawa and district, This tea, she said, has all tl. requirements to make it popular for use in the homes of Oshawa and the surrounding district, and. she will use it exclusively at the school in the Masonic Temple Auditorium. In addition, the Superior Stores are providing standard size packages of this superior blend of tea, the same as ysed by Miss Thompson, to be included in each of the ten prize baskets .to be given away daily, so that more Oshawa housewives may have an opportunity of enjoying ex- ceptionally fine flavor of this tea. TELEPHONE IN THE KITCHEN USEFUL AS LABOR-SAVER The use of the telephone as a convenience in the kitchen will be demonstrated in an interesting man- ner at the Oshawa School of Cook- ing and Home Economics in the Masonic Temple Auditorium Housewives who have busy days will find an extension telephone in- to the kitchen a worthwhile labor saving arrangement, and the cost of this extra extension is so small as to place it within the reach of every home. Misg Thompsén, who conducts the school, is convinced that every woman should have a telephone in the kitchen, within easy reach of her hand, as such an installation would save countless steps every day. Watch for the telephone demonstration which will be an interesting part of the cook- ing school program. The Municipal Players of Bir- mingham, all employees of the cor roration, are to have a theutre Po their. own in Cambridge Cres, Rosetta \Vigwins. aged 14, who disappeared from Brentford, Mid- dlesex, on November 4, has been found working at Shepherd's Bush, London, A copy of Oliver Goldsmith's poem, "The Haunch. of Venison", publlished in 1776 at 1s, was sold in of London for £78, Radio or sunray lamp, which | S.R.O. Sign is Suspended at Cooking School BT hihi) Last week a school of cooking and home economics was heldat Windsor under the auspices of the Border Cities Star. The above photogiraph shows the great crowd of people who filled the Windsor- Walkerville Technical School anditorium to capacity on the opening day of the school, when close to 1,000 women were unable to se-cure admission, It is likely that similar scenes will be enacted next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, when the Oshawa School of Cooking and Home Economics will be conducted in 'the Masonic Temple Auditorium on Centre Street, The school, with Miss KE. Frances Thompson in charge, will open at three o'clock dally. WOMAN WAS THE | | 1 BANDIT LEADER Chinese Preacher Describes | Curious Adventures in | Native Land | | London.---Dr, Cheng Ching v a well-known Chinege preacher, describes in Overseas the adven- | tures that sometimes to | missionaries. | * 'The. bandits are here!' was | the ery that aroused one of the | mission stations of the Chinese | Home Missionary Society not long ago, Sure enough a body of rag- ged soldiers was lined up round | the little walled city, rifles in hand. The townsfolk refused to open the gates to parley with the | invaders, and it looked as if those rifles might actually be fired, when the missionary had an idea, | He would descend like St. Paul | in a basket and hold parley with the handits. "Arriving in thig unusual equipage, he was amazed to find that the leader of the bandits was a woman, Her husband had | heen killed in the course of his professional occupations some time ago, and she was now lead- ing a series of reprisals through-« out the district, Having patched up terms and smoked many cig- arettes in her company, the mis- | sionary returned in his basket to the rejoicing townspeople, feel- ing that even for him it had been an unusual day's work. "It is nothing strange wireless aerials hanging from the roofs of mud huts in some of the poorest quarters. Birth control, evolution ahd a hundred other 'modern' topics are discussed daily, There are women barrig- ters. doctors, preachers, "Today Kuo Yu, or the come to see 'Na- | ers tional language," is the rer nized dialect ail over China. Tl young people fresh from unive sities and mission school ofi« show scant respect for the suc long civilization of China, bu a few vears guch eruden: leaves them, and they realize t richness of their national he age. "The a divorce question, 'Have yet?' shows si supersed| the old query many wives have you?' But beauty of Chinese home life exists, Home life in China all-embracing word. It mean living together, not of one ily, but of three or even four gi erations with their branches, [ have y parents, parents, uncles amd cousins in harmony." PROFESSION NOT OVER-CROWDED London There sion for women at not overcrowded, women have a nne least and in I great advant { over men, Corporations and | or public bodies all over En have heen most active In re in the establishment for wag te ) years of new housing estates According Jeffery, of fice, 22 muni gaged women ment of were needed the work we now through irranged hy the Chartered In stitution. It was easler for women Crow theses estate Qualification poss examination Surveyors than into houses al all times more readily convey her troubles that the get at men to go A woman tenant would to another woman, so woman manager facts more directly w tiee arose could hen difficul- Wednesday and Thursday of ne with Miss E. Frances Thompsor general prizes offered, as the lis prizes for the housewives who h woman attending the school will be collected at the intermission tions, the prizes will be drawn, home their awards. The follow One package Rinso. One package of Lux. One cake of Lux Toilet Soap One pound Dumart's Bacon One package Windsor lodized One tin Bokar Coffee One package Orange. Blend R One 2-oz. bottle of Boyril, One tin Almer Infant's Food One jar Smith's Jam or Marmal One One loaf of Dr, Jackson's Roma Bakery. Packages of Canada Starch Pro One tin. Ovaltine, One aluminum Cooking Utensil The following special prizes w niture Company. Parlor, One gallon motor oil, GRAND On" the last day, the following Choice of C.G.FE. Electric Range large model stand Sunray La Bridal set of Wear-Ever Alumi One case, 24 packages, of Rinso erous spirit in their co-operatic iven at the school tomorrow, at the opening session. y I 14 TEN BASKETS CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING yal pound Oshawa Dairy Butter (in five baskets dail One seven poundbag Pastry Flour, SPECIAL PRIZES One three-piece aluminuy sausepan set, supplied by Ad ims Fu Order for marcel and shampoo, supplied by supplied by Ontario Motor Sales sy CG It Will Pay to Attend the Times' Cooking School The advertisers who are co-operating with the Oshawa Dail Times in making possible a'three day omics school, in the Masonic Temple Auditorium on Tuesda cooking and home ecot xt week, at three o'clock daily, 1 in charge, are showing a ge! mn Every day, there will he t given below shows. Each da ten prize baskets of various products will be given avay, as well three special prizes, while on the last day there will be gran ld the winning numbers, Every receive a coupon, and these w At the close of the demonstra and the Jucky winners will take ing 1s a list of the prizes to be ARTICLES ade n Meal Bread, supplied by Tod ducts (Wear-ever), ill also be given away ton Pember's Beaut PRIZES grand prizes will alse be Electric Radio or Rive CGl1 amp num ware. An acrial bomb dated 1916 and presumed to have been dropped by a Zeppelin during 1917, has been Mrs. H, | in Page Brook unearthed by her garden mn Lower St Winchester, England, to the remarkable ros supply of maternal milk; and for strength before and after bicth. t and nursing mother is well-advised te take Ovaltine Ie is the concentrated nourishment of malt, creamy milk and wew-lald eggs. Delicious and easily digested. A Happy Baby is Breast-fed Thee is only ONE best food for babies,~matet- nal germ-free and of 'correct composition, Natute's provision for healthy development and sturdy growth. No substitute equals it for safeguard- ing baby against nutritional diseases such as rickets, etc. The highest medical authorities the world over have testified qualities of Ovaltine for producing a rich maintaining the mother's OVALTINE Enables Mothers to Breast foéd their Babies A. WANDER LIMITED LONDON, ENGLAND aad ELMWOOD PARK, PETERBOROUGH, CAN, ; HEAR ABOUT OVALTINE AT THE OSHAWA SCHOOL OF COOKING. § Lectures starting tomorrow in Masonic Temple Auditorium. Ovaléing fs fold af all stores in alight tine ~=309, 79¢, $1.25 and + $4.50 (special family size). WOMEN HELP IN EXPLORATIONS Vancouver, jo n in arctic B.C.--Help of wo exploration is a real 'need, Sir Hubert Wilkins, | | distinauished explorer, believes In reminiscent mood, Sir Huber! gave several amusing and speci- | | fic {nstances of this need in an! | address to the Women's Cana- { dian Club here recently. Stefansson, he said, found that | fur clothing worn by Eskimos was the proper type for arctic wear, that no European-fashion- ed garments were so comfortable and suitable, To have those warm fur clothes, it was necessary to have Eskimo women In the party, because they alone had the abil- itv to fashion them properly. These women also wera the cooks for the party, because they alone knew how to prepare *the food of the country in a tasty way. Just hefore the take-off on Sir Hubert's memorable flight over the north pole, a 21-year-old girl stowaway was found, "She was a journalist," Sir Hubert remark- ed, and he wondered what would have happened had she succeeded in her venture, since at the other end of the 800-mile flight was another gir! who was to have ex- clusive rights to the story. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sharp, of Plymouth, who after 50 years of married life, died within eight hours of one another, were buried side by side, : Mr. A. W. Britt, a football ref- eree, blewthe alarm with his re- feree's whistle when fire broke out at his bungalow, near Bury St, Ed- | "The Chevrolet Six is not only Pleasant and Easy to Drive but also Saves Money" Miss. Frances Thompson Chevrolet wins the enthusiastic approval of the noted home economist, conductor of the General Electric-Oshawa Times Cooking School. MONG those women whose lead is widely followed in matters of personal equipment, the new Chevrolet Six is winning especially high favor for its remarkable economy as well as for its exceptiondl quality, For instance, there is Miss Frances Thompson-- conductor of the Oshawa Times Cooking School-- known throughout the country for her work in household economics. Miss Thompson has chosen, for her personal use, a new Chevrolet. "It is so atyactive and so comfortable," says Miss Thomp~ \ son, "and---even better--it costs less for gasoline, oil, tires and upkeep than any car | have driven regardless of the number of cylinders." Miss Thompson sincerely believes that the new Chevrolet Six is a wise investment for the modern woman. From every standpoint of quality, low first cost and matchless economy, it represents the Great Canadian Value for 1932. Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. 84 King Street East Phone 900 munds, Suffolk,