Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Feb 1932, p. 18

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PAGE TWELVE Oshawa Dollar Days THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1932 Thursday, Friday, Saturday i = EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS| . Old Age Pensions Trenton.--Trenton will bene- fit considerably under the new Old Age Pensions plan which has been announced. As there are about one hundred old age pen- sioners here, the town will save about two thousand dollars a year and will also receive more than a thousand dollars for al- lowances since last August, C.G.LT, and WM.S, Trenton.--On Friday night, in the school room of the church, the Grace Churph senior C.G.LT. group was affiliated with the W.M.S. The meeting opened with a hymn and the affiliation cere- mony began, After this, Hilda MncMillan took the girls and ladies on an imaginary trip to Korea. This splendid address re- vealed the conditions prevailing in that country, Eva Van Meer told a Korean story which was very interesting. . Centenary W.A, Belleville.--On Thursday even- ing, Jan, 28th, the Women's As- sociation held an "At Home" at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Job. Clapp. Mrs. Clapp has alwafs been so kind to offer her home for such large gatherings, Plates were laid for sixty-five in the beautiful spacious rooms, One table had to be set the second time. A good program was pre- pared with Rev. Mr. Butler as chairman. The February meeting of the Women's Association was held on Thursday at the Church with fourteen ladies present. A good dinner was served by the ladies of the lower second and lower third, after which Mrs. Rob. Hart, the president took the chair. Prayer was led by Mrs. Phil Ray with a few minutes sil- ent prayer for Miss Helen Ray . who is sick in Hamilton. The rest of the time was taken up with business and closed with the Mizpah Benediction, oN'l Luden's Menthol Action relieves coughing in just 10 seconds. LUDEN'S MENTHOL COUGH DROPS | sults, Buc 1 Services Belleville.--Sunday at the Sal- vation Army Citadel, annual ser- vices in connection with the work of the Sunday school took place and were in charge of the Sunday School workers. At the morning service the Scripture lesson was read by Mr. Stanley Lessells, who also preached the sermon. At the afternoon meeting the following officers received their commissions for the year 1932: B. W. Brown, treasurer; H. Mol- lison, secretary; D. Wardle, band- master, The members of the band also received commissions for this year as did also the workers with the young people of which de- partment, Mrs. D. Lessells is Sergeant Major. At the evening service Mrs. B. W. Brown read the Seripture lesson and preach- ed. Mrs. D. Wardle and Mrs. A. Breach also took part in the ser- vice, Business Men Attend Dinner Trenton.-- Trenton business men and the citizens gemerally were well represented at the meeting of the Trenton Rotary Club at the Hotel Gilbert on Mon- day evening. Non-Rotarlans join- ed with members of the club and taxed the large dining room of the hotel to its full capacity on the occasion of honouring Mr. J. H. McClocklin, manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, who has heen transferred to the head office of the bank at Toronto, "Jim" Me- Clocklin was former]y secretary of the club and during his period of service in the club endeared himself to the membership, but a large number of other citizens gladly availed themselves of the opportunity to honour one who during his seven years of resi- dence in the town has made many friends. 'Hold Annual Meeting Almonte, Ont.--The annual Trin- ity Church congregational meeting was held recently with a goodly number present, The minister, Rev. A. J. Terrill was in the chair with R. A. Jamieson acting as secretary. Ilach of the seven organizations re- ported favorably; $986 was contri- huted for benevolences and $2,201 for the church. A young men's and voung ladies' club were organized during the year with successful re- Repairs have been made to | both church and manse and, taken as a whole, the past year has been very successful. At the close of the meeting the ladies of the church seryed refreshments. Gasolene Fire Brockville --After washing a pair of overalls in gasolene in the rear shed of 'his residence, 14 Maple street this morning at 9.40 o'clock, James Lameront carried the drip- ping garment into the kitchen and was about to put it into a pail of boiling water on the stove when the overalls ignited burning Lameront severely about the face and hands and settling fire to the double frame residence, His wife and 'child were asleep upstairs at the time and were forced to flee in $3.00 for, per bundle ...... $1.00 Specials WALL PAPER room bundle lots. Reg. up to 30-inch Sunworthy Plastic Papers. for, per Roll-.....icci.coconnciinniriniiinnciniivininiini iii Reg. 35¢ Best stock window shades with guaranteed Hartshorne Rollers. Plain white, green and cream. Reg. $1.25 for te don a ee. 31.00 Imperial Curtain Rods-- Genuine Kirsch Curtain Rods (Stipple Tone Finish). Single, 28 to 48 extension. Reg. 29¢ each for 6 for $1.00 Doubles 28 to 48 extension. Reg. 50c set for 3 for $1.00 Singles 28 to 48 extension. Reg. 15c each for 8 for $1.00 Doubles 28 to 48 extension. Reg. 35c¢ ea. for 4 for $1.00 Complete Stock of Rods, Tubing and Drapery Fixtures. Old English Wax, 59¢ Ib. Pure White Lead: 1 Gal. Pure Linseed Oil. 1 Qt. Pure Turpentine. 25 lbs. Government Standard LOT . $3.95 1 Pint Cilux 4 Hour Enamel. : $1 111) 1 pint Turpentine and 1 Brush all for ........... 904 ¢ PATTE'S Fhone--125, 1846 Established 1871 85 Simcoe St. N. EAA Produce Prices on the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto dealers are buying pro- duce at the folowing prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases return- od, fresh extras, 16c; fresh firsts, 14c; seconds, llc. Butter--No. 1 Ontario cream- ery solids, 1814 to 19¢; No. 2, 17% to 18c. Curning cream--Special, 20c; No. 1, 19¢; No, 2, 16¢c. Cheese--No. 1 large, colored, parafined and government grad- ed, 10c. - Dressed Alive M.F. Sel. AB AB Chickens, over 6 Ibs. each..... 121816 1512 Over 4, to b s. each.... 12171614 11 Under 4% Ms. each ....... 10161413 10 Fatted hens, over 6 i.. «+1714 asel ....sv- 13... 4 U1 Over 23 to 4 Ibs each ........ Over 3 to 3% fs. each ... 08... Young turkeys, over 15 bs . Do,, 8 to 15 bs, Young geese .... .. .. Ducklings, over § bs. each .... 13 ....14 1} old Toosters, over 0....1209 +0 1007 eves 1712 ++ 2015 .. 1008 Ms. .. (Belling) Toronto dealers are fering pro- duce to retail dealers at the fol- lowing prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in tons, 23c¢; fresh extras, loose, 21c; firsts, 19¢; seconds, 1b6c. Storage extras, 16¢c; firsts, lc; seconds, 12ec. Butter--No, 1 creamery, prints, 23¢; No. 2 creamery, prints, 22%e, Cheese -- New, large, twine, 12¢; triplets, 12ic. large, 18c; twins, 183%c; triplets, 1815c; stiltons, 20%c; new stil- tons, l4ic. Poultry--Chickens, 5 to 6 Ibs, 25¢ Ib; 4 to b hs, 22¢; 3 to 4 bs, 21c; under 2% Ibs, 2Rec. Hens, over- 5 ths, 20 to 23¢; 4 to © Ibs, 22¢. Ducklings, 22 to Zbc Geese, 156 to 18c. Turkeys, 23 to 25c. TORONTO PROVISIONS Wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices | to local retail dealers: | car- Pork hams, 11 to 12¢; shoul- ders, 91ic; loins, 12}ec. Cured meats--Long, clear ba- cons, 50 to 70 hs, 19¢; 70 to 90 bs, 17¢; 90 to 110 Is, 16¢; lightweight rolls, 18¢;. heavy- weight rolls, 17c. Lard--Pure tierces, 914c; tubs, 10e; palls, 10%c; prints, 10 to 10%e, Shortening--Tierces, 10c; tubs 10c; pails, 10%e. : Special pastry Tierces 15¢; tubs, 16e¢, butts, 10%ec; shortening -- 154c; pails, their night attire. The interior of | the houge was gutted by the flames with no insurance carried on the contents. Lameront is receiving treatment in hospital. Barn Burned 0 Brockville, Ont--Fire last night destroyed a new barn on the farm of F. Connors, near Spencerville, along with hay, grain, six pigs, and 50 hens. - A lantern left hanging in the building is blamed for the fire, which caused an estimated loss of $2,500. The farmhouse of William | Kavanagh of Sheatown was also to- | tally destroyed early this morning. | Elected Trustee Kingston.--The announcement of the election by acclamation of Mr. | Jackson Booth of Ottawa, as a trustee of Queen's University, b the Bencfactors of Queen's, and th election of Mr. J. M. Campbell, b acclamation, as the Benefactors' re presentative for the Faculty of Ap plied Science, has been announced. | The names of D. D. Calvin, BA, and M. T. A. McGinnis, B.S¢.,, as candidates to replace the late H. A, Calvin, of Toronto, who had re- tired from the Board of Trustees shortly before hig death, have been placed on the ballot which has been set out to those who voting power in the Benefactors' elections. Valentine Tea Gananoque, -- The members of Grace Church Fidelis Club held a very successful Valentine Tea, in the Sunday School room on Friday from 4.30 pm. until 7 pm. The room was very appropriately decor- ated with hearts, cupids and red and white streamers. Mrs. G. R Booth very ably presided at the tea table and was assisted by several of the young ladies. Mrs. William Belfie the convenor of the social committee, had charge of the un, dertaking and to her careful plan- ning and untiring efforts the suc- cess of the tea wag largely due. The nroceeds amounted to over thirty dollars. Perth, -- A large attendance of members of the L.O.B.A. were pre- sent at a snecial meeting on Tues- day evening, February 9th, with W M. Mrs. M. Wrightman presiding, to entertain the R.W.P.G. Mistress, Mrs. Gillespie, of Perth, who gave an inspiring and instructive address on the progress of the Lodge, fin- ancially and socially. She paid high tribute to the management and di- rectors of the orphanage ard to the educational as well as the physical care riven the children, helping them to be better fitted for life and better citizens, Wedding Anniversary Wilton, Ont, -- In honor of their twenty-fifth or silver wed- ding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Connors entertained a large number of their friends at thelr home on Tuesday evening of last week. The bride and groom of twenty-five years ago were the recipients of happy feli- citations by their friends of whom there are many in this vi- cinity and a very enjoyable even- ing was the portion of every guest. Cards and dancing form- ed two of the main features of the evening and before the eév- enirg was concluded dainty re- freshments were served. Before leaving for thelr respective homes, all wished Mr. and Mrs. Connors many more years of wedded life, health and happi- ness. Shower For the Bride Bonarlawe. -- On Thursday evening, Feb, 11th, the large farm house of Mr. and Mrs, W, '8. Btyles, 12th line of Rawdon, was filled to overflowing when a large number of friends and neighbors turned out despite the slippery roads and bad weather, to "shower" Grace, the eldest daughter of the family, who was recently married to Mr. Elmer Cotton of Harold, Many useful and valuable gifts were present- ed, A real social evening was enjoyed by all. Games were play- od, instrumental and vocal mu- sic, and an abundance of good things to eat and hot coffee to drink. a i » pa _ En i ii i at | AUBREY E. COOPER | Cooper-Smith Co., flour and feed | store, 16 Celina Street, D. F, JOHNSTON P'roprietor of Johnston's Cloth. ing Store, Simcoe Street North, Meets With Accident Westwood. Edward Mec- Grath met with a painful accl- devt on Friday afternoon, 'While carrying a cross-cut saw over his shoulder he slipped on the ice, cutting a nasty gash in his neck, only one-half inch from the jugu- lar vein. First aid was adminis- tered by Mrs. William Morris. Anniversary Services Napanee, Ont, -- Rev, Harry Pawson, of Trinity church was in Gananoque on Sunday preaching the anniversary services in the United Church of that town, The services in Trinity church were taken by Rev, T. P. Perry, of (*ananoque, and splendid congre- gation were prosent both morn- ing and evening. Mr, Perry is the president of the Bay of Quinte Conference, Under the ieadership of Prof. W. R, Gray, organist and choir leader, splen- did music was rendered by the choir, Pancake Supper ; Tweed. -- A Pancake Supper under the auspices of the Angli- can Church of Tweed was held on' Shrove Tuesday in the opera house. This interesting event wag well patronized by the mem- bers of other churches, who re- ported a splendid supper, In ad- dition to pancakes, salads, pies, cakes and innumerable other good things were provided to sat- isfy the most fastidious palate. Following the supper, which was rerved from 5.30 to 8.00 enter- tainment in the form of dancing and cards was provided for those who desired to participate. The ladies of the Anglican church are to be congratulated on the "uc- cess of their undertaking, Search Continues Belleville, Ont. -- Provincial Constable Stringer, of the Belle- ville district office of the Provine T. A. GARTON Proprietor of Garton's Bug Serv- ice, Whitby. Oshawa- Bowman. ville, cial Police, was at Stockdale Sunday in connection with the arowning at the place on Satur- day of Delbert Anderson, seven years old, Close to fifty persons were engaged. in searching for the bedy, Up to Monday afternoon the body had not been found, ACTISUPHELD BY PRIVY COUNCIL Allows Appeal of Alberta | Attorney-General in London London, -- In a judgment de- livered recently the judicial com- | mittee of the Privy Council up-| held the validity of the Security | Frauds Prevention Act, of Alber- | ta. | Their Lordships allowed the | appeal of Hon, J. F. Lymburn, Attorney-General of Alberta and | J. J. Frawley, solicitor for his de- | partment, against a ruling by | Chief Justice Horace Harvey of the appellate division of the Su- | preme Court of Alberta, The Alberta decision upset hy their lordships today, was that | the Alberta Security Frauds Pre- vention Act was ultra vires in part; that {t had no application to a Dominion company. On the contrary the Privy Council found there was no ground for holding the Alberta Act as an attempt to encroach vpon the exclusive power of the | Solway | thelr Dollar Day Specials - at the --~ Dominion Clothing Company 68 KING STREET WEST 10 p Boots. ly Coats. Special . Men's Fleece-lined Combinations. Special Men's Navy Blue Work Shirts. Special ............. 3 doz. only Men's Heavy Sweater WE DELIVER dcloth PHONE 2141 Shirts $1.95. Special ...... Wisisninisien $1.00 ....$1.00 $1.00 Men's All Wool Worsted Sox. Reg. 50c pair. Men's Work Sox. Special ...... 15 pair only Men's and Boys' Oxford Special ....3 pr. $1.00 Reg. 25c pair. reiiars virerseen 6 pr. $1.00 Special ................ rath iahes 2 for $1.00 Reg. up to $3.95. Special, pair $1.00 Special Men's Suits made to your measure, $19 Dominion in criminal law, The Alberta courts had grant- ed an injunction to Albert May- land, president, and Mercury Oils I.imited, restraining the attorney- ganeral's department from inves- tigating a stock deal between the Mills interests and the Mill City Petroleum company, in which Mercury Oils was involved. The attorney-general's depart- ment had sought to mstigate the inquiry under the provisions of The Security Frauds Prevention Act, In dismissing the attorney-gen- cral's appeal from the injunction the appelate division ruled the section of the act relating to Dominion companies was ultra whereupon the attorney-general filed an appeal to the Privy Coun- ell, Their Lordships granted leave to appeal on May 6 last. The arguments were haara by lordships last December with Viscount Dunedin, Lords ijianeburgh, Atkin and Russell of ivillowen, and. Sir George Lown- des present, "Didn't you have any luck at the races " "Luck! When my horse passed mo I leaned over the fence, poiut- ed, and yelled: 'They went up that PREMIER PRAISES QUEBEC SOCIETY Emigration Organization Active for Fifty Years Montreal.--Congratulations from Right Hon. R. B. Bennett, Prime Minister, have been reccived by the Montreal tominjiies of the British Dominions Emigration Society on the philantropic work conducted by the society during the past 50 years, it was was announced today at a meeting of the Montreal committee in the board room of the Royal Bank Building. Reports tendered at the meeting showed that the society is still car- rying on its work of bringing the wives and children of British emi- grants over to Canada to join their husbands and fathers, The society still has the neces- sary funds to continue ' loaning money to British wives and children wishing to come to Canada to join the fathers of the families and no [interest is charged on the loans, if was announced, James A. Anglin, was elected chairman of the Montreal commits tee for the ensuing year and John Anderson was_named vice-chairman] Other members of the committe& present at the meeting were Lady Drummond, R. Gordon Burgoyney W. S. Leslie and Arthur Lyman, SAILS FOR ENGLAND (By the Canadian Ptfess) Ottawa, Feb, 17.--The Governs or-General and Lady Bessborough will leave Ottawa on Wednesday} of next week for Halifax. Her Ex cellency will gail from Halifax fo! England on hoard the Montclare on Saturday, February 27. The! duration' of her absence is not def-§ initely known as yet. His Excel lency will be back in Ottawa om Monday, February 29. A taxi-driver had a very stoul fare and experienced some diff! culty in getting her in and out off] the cab. 3 "I'm afraid I'm a bother tej you," she said, as he was helping} her out, ' "Not a bit," answered the man, meaning to be gallant, "J liked a fare wot steadies the cab." Wg FREE! Big Rainbow BALLOON by parents making to everyone FREE! FREE! | i) To every child accompanied pur- chases at our store during Dollar Days. Free samples [ FREE! i | | | Dollars Do Double Duty at 'The Rexall Stores" FREE! Containing 50¢ bottle Three Flowers Perfume. A week's supply of Face Powder and Vanishing Cream, Free with $1.00 purchases on Dollar FREE! FREE! On Request ACQUAINTANCE PACKAGE Pays FREE! Large 50c Mi 31 Tooth Paste and 35¢ 10 in. Playball ve, 50C LUNCH KITS A S---- Complete with guaranteed vacuum bottle. This week 98c Complete 35¢c Rexall SHAVING LOTION And 35c Tube Rexall SHAVING CREAM 50c¢ AYERST Cod Liver Oil New Low Prices 10 oz. formerly 89¢ $1.00 $1.24 for both 85¢ Value 16 oz. formerly $1.45 ,...... 25¢ Absorbent Cotton 2 ounce 19¢ 30c¢ Adhesive Plaster 1in x 21 yd. 19¢ 10 Seidlitz Powders 19¢ Rl 25¢ ABS. & C. Tablets 100's 19¢ 100 AS.A. Tablets 49c $1.00 Peptona Tonic 79¢ 50¢ Syrup of Tar 39¢ $1.00 Mi 31 Antiseptic 69c¢ Two Wonderful Soup Values SOAP "13" Large Round Bath Tablet. Smooth creamy lather Twelve 10c Cakes 79¢ ROSARIE SOAP Delightfully Perfumed Pure Hand Soap 4 cakes 23¢c 15¢ Powder Puffs 9c 50c Ipana Tooth Paste 39¢ 50c Gin Pills 35¢ 75¢ Kruschep Salts 69c 50c Hawes Floor Wax 42¢ 50c Riker's Milk of Magnesia 39¢ 50¢ Klenzo Shaving Cream 39% $1.00 Regesan Fruit Saline 79¢ SAVE WITH SAFETY AT The Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell KING E»~--Phone 28 50c TEK Tooth Brush and a 35c unbreakable' cole ored fibroid Drinking Glass 85¢ Value Both for 50c BOTH FOR 50c (This week), TWO QUART HOT WATER BOTTLE Marvelous Value or Green 809¢ A Red MODESS Formerly 49¢ PACKAGE OF 12 SIMCOE $.--Phone 68 Now 39¢

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