THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1932 PACE ELEVEN If Fit' s to be Bought or Sold -- Times Classified Ads will do it LTA "Legal Dental PENNING ¥, SWARTZ, BARRIS- Solicitor, Notary, Money to King St. East, Phone ob. Sidhe 798. 4 (17 feb tf) T & ANNIE/BARRISTERS tors, © Notaries Public Ete paveyancing and general practice i BO w, Office 7% Simcoe Street, Phone 4. G. D at. B. BA LLB.: A F. Annis, Bo E ANGAN, B.A, BAR- er, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- ncer. Money to lvaw.. Office King St, East, Oshawa. Phone pmmerce ; DUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER. plicitor, Notary. Norn. tp loan, Bp Simcqe Street -Nor on 7. 'Redidence 2544W. REER & ATUMPHREYS, BAR- ters, Solicitors, Etc. 24% Simeuve N. Phone 3160. Residences 3514. oney to loan Epes, ARRISTER (4 Dt it! ublic, Convey cer" Money to Bs Third floor pw Alizer Building, opposite Post fice, A hone ("5 sept tf) "HAZLEWOOD, I'HY. ian Fry Sfirgeon, special otten on given' to X-ray work and ectrotheopy. Office, Disney Block hone 2050. Office open 9 ain to p.m, Residuge 421 King Street jas - Phone R. MoKA Y. PHYSICIAN; SUR- on, Atcoucher, Office and resi nce King St. Bast, corner Vie ria St. Oshawa. Phone 94. r, Nose, Throat Specialist RL F. T. BRYANS OF 160 lloor Street West, Feroato, oa 1 his office over Tupv ovell's rug store cach Saturday from 1 | + dip op for: consultation and afment of diseases of ear, nose hoy throat only. Appointments ay be nfade af drug store. Phone 35 po uis vast ne ime E BURIAL CO. 67, XING ST. by AL Ce igmec 542 mcoe Street North, Phone 210 pd 210W, SHAWA BURIAL CO. M. 3 mstrotg & Son, Proprictors efatand Ambulance Servite day d night. Phone 1082W. lina. 20nd gun : ' Architects C. STENHOUSE, GENERAL chitectural work. Second - floas Bank "iudne 1 Phone 1498 R. B. (49 ONE 716], W. J." SULLEY. hi .'oneer, 346 Simcoe St. S. Osh- Special attentlorh wiven "ips of farniture 'sales and iodo ¢ solicited lo gnd implements, © Your Watch Repairing A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT watchmaker, repair shop: at po St.eet West, Your pat age is solicited "Battery Service TTERIES CHARGED 75 h rental $1.00. Repaired and re- led "for "and delivered. £2 Stan, Blizdon. 20 ; Hemstitching MSTITCHING, 7 CENTS ON broidery work, altérations, bssmaking, ett. The Dell' Shop, 14 Simcoo 8." Phone 1658, (5 Jly 81) "Vinsportation GE AND STORAGE rn 05 Beha West. Speciale ig "furniture moving, Storage ehouse: and- moving van equip~ pp Plgte 82 Music Lessons GINACD G. GEEN, ORGAN: hg rg Simcoe. United lano, 'organ, singing, one 3328. Residence 765M. (28 mar ¢) s & Feather Beds ATHER BEDS MADE INTO ttresses and down comforters. ttresses rebuilt like pew. Rep. entative here now. "Box 224 mes. (1 mar ¢) 'Wanted to. Buy. ANTED TO' PURCHASE-- Pl hi le; 2nd hand in good con- Heap' for cash. Apply to OT P.O. Box 338, Oshawa. (38¢)) yo For Sale : EEN HUNDRED BUYS § med frame house. Large lot, ctric. Good cellar, Very small ment down. Apply Box Bu nes. R SALE-- R SONIC, dern up-to-date 6 roomed , an ck veneer housé. Every con- hience, hardwood = tloors, all hipment, garage. Overlooking f course. For full detalds call 07 and 1508, (39¢) Motor Cars INERAL GARAGE WORK. ces right on trucks. Car for ht by hour. 9 Prince St. em 8 hE ~:(18: may e). we #7 | st. DR. S.J, PHILLIPS, OVER JAS: |: set's. Special attention to X-ray work. fend nee. 1. DAVIS 5 SON, Ji INSURANCE 19 King St West, Ol wa, The old- est Fite Agency in Oshawa. 30 re to WHE] 1 consult R, N. Johns, 8) Simcoe St. North, Your iisutafice. wants at- tended to and vour interests pfo- ecte oN T pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Phone 1884. Aléx 8. Ross, 8. F', Everson. (15 oct i) N gh in Ni For Rent TURNISHED OR Safuraifbed. Low rentals, Disney, 1650. (14tf) TWO PARTLY FUR- fished rooms. 18 Cadillac Ave. Phone 2838W. (40¢) For Sale or Rent [¥) ENT--HOUBE md lot, North Oshawa, Lot 12. hone 920 r 2-2, Reasonable terms. (39¢) Fur Coats Repaired + {FUR COAT8 REPAIRED, RE- modelled and relined. Linings, buttons, ete., supplies. Crescent Furriers, 119 Huron Crescent, Phone 632M. (1 mar ¢) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU B specialists fn 811 lines of besuty culture. Permanent Waves $4.00 and up. "Naturelle Method". Marcel 60c. Shampoo, Finger Xare and Trim $1.00. 86 Simcoe , North, Phone 2968. _--ew aug tf) te) ENOSHA HAIRDRESSING LE Betty Ward an Tact Maishall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Ou, permanent wave 8 Jpeelaity, 3 BR and 10. vr wave ah oe 00. Maree] §0c. Facials, SAlD treatments and mamcures, Coffee Shuppe entranee, one appoint ments 1973, (15 ma 0 A dresser, 92 Church St, Marcel ing 36c snd finger waving B0c. Phone 218487. " mo.) ar ¢) PEMBER'S dressing and Beauty "usture, No, 9 Bradley Bldg. Phone 38, 'Osh: awa, Ontario. (28 nov tf) ILLIA 1 marcel 36¢ ri your home or 736 Albert St. (28 feb ¢) UT wave special $5. Finger wave 50¢. Marcel 36c. Call 3369. "(25 feb c) cele ox- oint- be) waving, 'tinger waving, mst ing and beauty culture, 166 } borough Ave. Phone Xy ments 1230F. Articles For Sele FOR SALB~DRY BOPY Woop, $3 3% cord. Miked wood, $8.76 14 cord. A. Wall. Phone 3628P. (mare) FRANK MCQUAID, COAL, CONE, dry body wood, hatd, soft, mized slabs, Phone 2423W. 115 Audis (3 mar ¢) DRY SLABS $2.25 3% cord. Body maple $3. Coke, 79 'John St. Phone 81097. . (91 feb ¢) DRY, BODY WOOD $3 1% cord. Claude McQuaid, B54 Albert St. Phone 1079J. (0 mer ¢) DRY BODY HARDWOOD, Beach and Maple. Stove ledgth. $8 3 cord. Robert Christy. Phone 1979 : a mar c) R BALE heifer, 2 geese ain hz i) Apply 72 Royal St. E 336 Service for radio tépairs. Fully equipped to give reliable sefvice. Chas. Wilés. (10 mar ¢) YOUR R RADIO SCIENTIFICAL- ly repaired. Our methods are skill ful and our prices moderate. Ten years $peciblizing in joni work. Frée inspection, Call 2206. : Cer- tified radiottician. Rio) Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR- paulins, everything. ip canvas. Phone 2104. George Reld, 86 Bond West, 3. J. Tuther & Sens, 'Representative, : (88 feb ¢) Help Wanted. EARN .UPWARDS OF $25 weekly, growing mushrooms for us this spring, - in cellars and - sheds. Begin now. Illustrated booklet free. Canadian Mushroom Company, To- ronto, (40, 42) ! Nursing : PRACTICAL NURSB DOCTOR'S reference. Maternity or general ursing, assists with housé work, harges moderate. Phone 2033J. (8 md mar 0 Barber Shop GUS BANKS, 180 CELINA ST. corner of Adh. All hair cutting 15¢. Mr, Gtahsm, formerly of Mary St. is now assisting. W alm to please, . (32 i) <) S BARBE Albert St. Halrcutting adults 25e, children 15¢, Saturdays 20c. Open all day Wednesday. First "clasy work work done. (40¢) = Work Wanted IDOW WIT: oY 6 old, would like position on farm, or in home, around Oshawa or Bowmanville. References. Phone Lombard 3469 Toronto, or writé 521 Concord Ave. (39¢) HAVING MOVED FROM BOW- manville to Oshawa I would be pleased to meet old customers as well as new. A choice assort- ment of patterns for quilt blocks and sofa cushions. Mrs. Alpha Pinch, 22 Gladstone Ave. (40¢) ABLE YOUNG OMAN Wanted WANTED --A SMALL HOUSE IN Oshawa that will take lot as part payment Will exchange house in south end clear and $1200 cash for good house north of King clear. Have a 2nd mortgage and cash for good house. north of King. Have farm of 100 acres and stock to trade on clear house in Oshawa. Box 319 Times. (40c) Palmist GONBULT MADAME BROWN, almist, on matters of {mport- ance. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Business private, Lost LOST--IDBAL DAIRY ROUTH book with back off. Reward. Phone 708. (39h) COST--LADY'Ss TAN LEATHER glove, black fur trimming. Finder phone 1069W. (40¢) i i aad Educational EXPERIENCED TEACHER UNI- versity graduate will tutor in Collegiate subjects. Private or group instruction, Phone 2416. (40¢c) (mare) Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NURSE in attendance, warm home, terms reasonable, 80 Brock St. W. Phoue 3293 Responsible Agents Wanted ! for distribution of first-class food products. A very inter. | | esting preposition. Write NATIONAL COMMERCIAL | CO. LIMITED 333 Bt. Nicholas St Montreal, Que. Rates For Classified Ads. ll First Insertion--115 i per word. | Minimum charge for one In- sertion 30c. Each subsequent tive insertion word. | Three consecutive. inser- | tions for the price of two first Insertions (three cents a word). cents consecus lc per Minimum charge for three insertions 60¢. | Box number '(0c additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month tor 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per month for each additional word. | PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad ent Newcastle News (Vora Butler, Correspondent) "Newcastle, Feb, 15.--Mrs. Wm, Purdy and Mr, Frank Rickard were delegates at the annual meeting of the Ontario Horticul- tural Society held in the King Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, last Thurs- day. Mrs. I R. Fisher, Mrs. Percy Hare, Mrs. Chas. Cowan and Mrs, Chris, Law also motored up for the meetings. A public meeting of the rate- payers was held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening last, Reeve F. Rickard was in the chair and the councillors were also present, it being the regular meet- ing of the council, Mrs. George Eilbeck and Mr, J. E. W, Philp were reelected to represent the ratepayers on the board of mana- gers of the Community Hall. The Council then proceed to re-elect the civic officials with the excep- tion of the town clérk. This office was left open until the next meet- ing. All those taking office did so with a reduction in salary, it be- ing economy year in the village. The officers re-elected were: Dr. Junier, Medical Health Officer; r. Freq Fligg, Tax Collector; Mr. Dudley, Assessor; Mr. John Garrod, Caretaker of Community Hall, Sanitary Inspector, Weed Inspector, Chief of Police and Trafic Officer. The Committee Chairmen for the year are: Fi- nance, Mr. J. E, W, Philp; Roads and Streets, Mr. A, O. Parker; Bridges and Culverts, Mr. J. H Gibson; Sidewalks, Mr, F. Bran- ton; Parks, Messrs. Phllp and Gibson, On Friday evening last, the boys and girls of Mr. Rodger's room of the Public S¢hool held a Valentine party in the recreation room of the Community Hall, It started off with a moving picture show on Public Health which was at six o'clock and was followed hy a high tea after which the even- Ing was spent in games and var): ous contests, A very gay St. Valentine party was held in the recreation room of the Community Hall on Satur. day night when the Literary So. clety of the High Schnal enter- tained the members of the Board of Education and thelr wives and She Was Almost Unable To Move In Her Bed Ontario Lady Jy Gove Dodd's Kidney Pills A Trial Mrs. A. Hyndman, Jr, Found Relief After Taking Two Boxes Hallville, Ont, Feb, 17--(Special) Among the hundreds of testimon- ials we receive from grateful users of Dodd's Kidney Pills the follow- ing is typical, "I was troubled with backache" writes Mrs, Alex. Hyndm: an, Jr, resident of this place. "One mht last sprivg I could hardly move in bed, so decided to try Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. I took two boxes and found great relief, I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all persons who suffer with their Kidneys." Don't wait until vou get those pains in the back again, Start now and make yourself "backache proof" once and for all with Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, the remedy that relieves all Kidney troubles, They cannot injure the most delicate constitu- tion, and act on the Kidneys only Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure- all. They are purely and simply a Kidney remedy. Ask vour friends and neighbours about them, They know, the teachers of the Public School The room was decorated in red and white and after cards and other games a delightful supper was served at small tables guit- | ably decorated and with charm: | ing favors. The annual W Day of Prayer was Sunday School of the United Church on Friday afternoon. There was a good representation of ladles from the United Church and from St, George's Church. Mrs. W. P. Rogers was leader and a very enjoyable and Inspiring service was held, consistibg of appropriate hymns, prayers by various ladles present, periods of silent prayer and meditation and prayers in unison. Mr. Murray Eilbeck has return: ed to Port Colborne after spend- omen's World held in the 74 HORSEPOWER SYNCRO-MESH ENGINE DECARBONIZER SOUND- PROOFED {010 ] | 3 | -- | Fe W-N-N N-N:EN a -- Roger L. Corbett Ltd. 26 Athol St. W. Oshawa TEENIE RIDE CONTROL TRANSMISSION ore Phone 428 ing a month with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Ellbeck, Miss Nellie Garrod was home from Toronto for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Collwell have returned" from their hopey- moon in Montreal and are living with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. A, Collwill, Mr. Samuel Alcorn of Lindsay was a week-end guest of Mr, Wel- lington Foster. Miss Elizabeth Hancock of Bt. Catharines spent the week-end with her parents, Miss Ruth Han- cock wag algo home from Bow- manville for Sunday. Mr. Wilbert Teeple of Ottawa was also a guest of Mr, and Mrs. Hancock for the week-end, Mr. Dick Cowan came home trom Toronto for a few days. Master Dick Anderson spent TIME TABLES WHITBY. OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES Week Day Schedule | (Effective on and after January 24, 1932) Going West Leav Leav Arrive Arr Bowmanville Ouhawa Whitby Hospital 6.20am 7.10 3.m, 7.20 a.m, 8.15 a.m, 10,00 a.m. 1.15pm. 2.20 p.m, 4.40 p.m. x 5.40 pan. 7.15 p.m, 10.00 p.m 11.30 pom. Leave Hospital t Leave Arrive Bow. manville 533 ARRAS; PIT PP POS = EERE E 5.45 p.m. 2.3 p.m. y 15 p.m. 30 X 10,45 p.m 1", 00 p.m. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Arrive Arrive Hospital 8852s Leave Leave Bowr.anville Oshawa 8.00am. 83am 10,15a.m m. m. 9.45 nom. 1210 p.m. ing Leave 10.05 p.m, 11.40 p.m. 12.30 p.m, Leave Hospital 250 p. bP. ; Busses For All Reasonable Rates and Carefur Drivers T. RTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Room, 6 Prince St. ne 22 -- GRAY COACH LINES (Effective, Nov, 22, 1931) (Eastern Standard Time) Phone 2825 LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM PM, AM, P.M 7.30 0 1 +=~Dally except Sunday. b--Saturdasy, Sun. day and Holidays only. ¢--Sundey enly. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Fob Februa raary {th 3 55a Ly oy xcept Sunday, 9.42 a.m. Daily. 1.44 p.m. Except Sunday. 42 p.m, Daily, 22 p.m. Daily. 3 a.m. Dail, {1.01 a.m. Daily, {=Flag for passengers Montreal and East WESTBOUND 4 45 a.m. Daily, 5.55 am. Daily, 6.30 a.m. Daily, 4.06 p.m, fair. 648 p.m. Extept Sunday, Ly. Oshawa, 14, 10 12. Lv. Oshawa, 7.20 p.m. Except Sunday 9.17 ing Daily f~Flag for passengers Port Huron and West x--~Stops only to detrain from Montreal and East, CANADIAN PACITIC RAILWAYS Effective Nov. 22. 1931 (Stands. d Time) Eastbound 98 am. ally, 2A SDs wocal Daily, ex. Sun, p.m. Daily, hiv iy Daily. 1.05 a m. Daily, = For ave. Montreal and East only-- Flag. Wes! 5.56 a. Daily. 7.13a.m. sil. 3.12 p.m. Daily, 7.32 p.m. Daily, ®8.5¢ p.m. Daily, w Toronto sad West ouly<Sag. except Sunday, | new venture, the week-end in Toronto with bis | mother, Mrs, Stella Anderson. Miss Mary VanDusen is visiting | relatives in Toronto for a few | weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Cutler and daugh- ter, Vera, have moved into Mr. Geo. Jamieson'e house, recently occupied hy Mr. and Mrs, Cooper. The Women's Assoclation of We buy Old Gold and Silver We repair anything bought in a Jewelry Store BASSETT'S Jewelers On Oshawa's Malin Corner i the United Church held their reg- ular monthly meeting on Thurs- day last at the home of Mrs, John Douglas, Thers waz a good at tendance and Mrs. Fred Lovekin's group gave the programme and served tea. The Board of Managers of the Durham County Musical Associa- tion held a meeting last week at the home of Miss Hockins in Port Hope, The Musical Festival is to be held on May 6th and the vari- ous committees are going ahead with their plans for the event. Great interest and enthusiasm Is being shown everywhere in this There are certainly some un- usufl ways being adoptea to raise -------- oyal York 0 ranTea nl 28e Superior Stores money in these times, Kentucky State, for instance, Ig considering a tax on ('olonels, And as The | New York Sun remarks, " tax. a guh Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop Here Always uehler ros. Ltd. 12 King E. Phone 1147 bois 1b. 22¢ REPAIRING Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South Buehler Quality BREAST OF VEAL With Pocket for Dressing Fresh Side PORK | 1# Simcoe 8t. 8. OMP DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY We Deliver Machine Sliced COOKED HAM BREAST OF LAMB to stew 1b. . 5c SEL 2 lbs. 19¢ Chevrolet Heavy Duty Truck with dual wheels. 1930 model. Stake or dump body price $650. ONTARIO MOTOR BALES * LIMITED 86 King St. East Our Special High Quality New cneese ». 121/2¢ pipers oo Shankless PICNICS Ib. 121/5¢ AUTO LOANS an CARS REFINANCED Can be arrpnged at Hor jo prevailing 1929 Plymouth Sedan Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON--ESSEX 185 King St. W. Phone 1160 rates, covering a up to twelve months to pay Lied you drive your car, CAMPBELL AUTO FINANCE CO., LTD,, Disney Block, King St. E. H, A. MacDONALD, Representative. Branches Throughout Ontario. SPECIAL! MADE TO suirs neasore $19 DOMINION CLOTHING 68 King St. West PASTRY FLOUR 24 Ib. Bag, 60c Hogg & Lytle Limited | Phone 203 We Deliver Repairing Watches ¥ OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St, 8. Phone 180 on, NOTHING iM All. COME ON, BREAK DOWN AND TELL ME WHY vou FAINTED IY DOE A CISTERN. THE NEXT TIME SouRE | GOING TO FAINT WAIT UNTIN, TVTORY * | AM GOING, AND ('M TAKING You ALONG AS MY WANTING TO CARLYON TO 3 \DEA OF Sours - By Ruse, Westover SEND MY SORNEOC/ JOH, WELL V wants housekeeping ) or dally.| one 1463ke 0 |". (Abad). MATTER WITH YOU? ITS THE FIRST TIME \ EVER Saw YOUR GOGO MORNING. MRS- NGA WE RST DROPPED