Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Feb 1932, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1932 omPen's Interes ts in the Home and the Com 't BE --- slive: Ma aught Ary Store Yat season 4 Can- tary Chap two ance, - were at mu. -----ltrney BEy and pave of v greatly y all in * Mont- lightful y even- Guugher, f little tes were per was with its centre of t crowd of the he Thursday ig Legion dance in afin there being close to ju" hundred dancers in Many favoruble sami heard bs by Bernard 1. hestra, ond Dt sances were a feat)514, the program , and added to the pleasure taken DER, the dance, .» vey. Mrs, Norman Hamlyn, of 3 Avenue, gave a ¢ birthday party on Wednesds ing for her four year old Norma Joan, A number Miss Norma Joan's playma 40) the guests, When the pn 3.13 served the birthday cake four pink candles was the delight for the children Toy' site] E. Collier, Messrs J. Loney ang, Collier Bay, were wee yoi-end gue Sou, and Mrs, H, MEY Bhp 00s "Mas. a St week-end of The lar attended th son Street, on the February the Sixth, + Jawa people are rts being given corihe Mendelssohn ul Hal, under Je orship of Dr, Fricker, Ma- conductor Pel Spry, soprano soloist of this city is J Li only Oshawa re- presentative in ANT the choir, Last night Mr, and Mrs Tord Rr, 8, McLaughlin were noticed Mk n the audience, Dr, Grant Berry and Mr, D, Suarks were also th*®Wre, This evening, Mr, and Mrs, #3105 Ewing, Mr, and <Jland and Mr, and Mrs, , M. Kirlt® : yn FURof this city will attend A number of Os} attending the conc this season by Choir in Massey Alpha Group of Albert Street Church Ladies' Aid Society ulaa very successful tea at the et of Mrs. R. Burdge, Centre A, vesterday afternoon, While 'guests were seated in the draw- \ room they were entertained by nds. J. Lee, soloist, Mrs, Alyin Peght. rry, elocutionist, Miss Irene own, pianist and, Mrs, E., Hol- d, soloist. Ladies of the group ved the guests with tea, On Tuesday evening of this week, rs. C, H, Aston, Bruce Street, en rtained at a delightful Valentine arty for her son and daughter, Lenneth and Marjorie, [live schools chums of Kenneth and Marjorie were the guests that en- joyed every minute of the party with Valentine games and contests nd delicious refreshments served efore they went home, WOMEN'S wi n 5 KING STREET UNITED | CHURCH LADIES' AID J SOCIETY Wing Street Ladies' Ald Soclety 4 yesterday afternoon and It with great delight that mem- bers ly Of the Boclety saw the presi. dente Mrs. 0, D, Friend, in the chair, for the first time in some weeks Lioping to illness. During the time of Wier absence her work has been emeiClently carried on by the vice-presia Fent, Mrs, J. R, Booth, Mrs. Booths read the Scripture les- son yesterd |8y. The business meet- ing which tPbllowed was very brief, as there wafy® nothing of great jm- portance u for discussion. Mrs, 8. Stephenstuegnd Mrs, Fouvar charge of th rogramme pre- 30d oh i the entey rtainment and enjoyment of the Society mem. pers yesterday after;{ioon. A violin polo was rendered byl Mrs. Forres. ter, accompanied at he plano bh, Mrs. L. Ferguson, Mrs. BarTe Trew gave a reading} Mrs, H, Barker and Mrs. L.§ Ferguson played a plano duet ant Mrs, C Crozier and Mrs, A, Legge sang a vocal duet. Albert Greghnlaw, the singer, who has heen ght King St, United Church speclalf evangells- tic services during thie past two week, was a guest al tist at the meeting yesterday. Hijy two vocal solos were of a particular delight, Tea was served by Mis. Clayton Ashton and Mrs, ArmAur, RTHMINSTER WOMEN'S Nol ASSOCIATION The members of Northiminster Women's Association assembled in MEETINGS | president, Mrs, S, Perry, occupied the chair and the devotional exer- cises were conducted by Group Number One, Mrs, E. Dafoe read the Bible les- son and prayer was offered by Mrs, Perry, The reports from the Group Convenors were very encouraging, proving that already a splendid start has been made in the work of this party, 3 ' ; The croquinole party given by Mrs, Cowie's group recently was a great success and the ladies are well pleased with the result of their ef- forts, Mrs. Perry lent her home for a very pretty Valentine tea on Tues- day afternoon of this week, Jt was well attended and a financial suc- cess, The Association authorized the treasurer, Mrs, Smith to hand the usual cheque to the church Board, Mrs, L, Richer kindly consehted to represent the Association at the Women's Prayer service at St, An this after. noon, Mrs. R. Stevens and Mrs, W, Webster were appointed as a com- mittee of two to take charge of the church calendars which are be ing used again this year, It was announced that Grovp number Two will have charge of the March meeting, Mrs, Dagoe and her assistants served afternoon tea at the close of the business discussion, drew's United Church LEGION AUXILIARY The weekly meeting of the La- dies' Auxiliary to tke Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Legion was a highly enthusiastic one, Three new members were initiat- ed into the auxiliary, and six ap- plications for membership were received and approved, The mem- hers of the auxiliary are going in a body to Bowmanville this evening to attend the birthday party of the Bowmanville auxili- ary. Plans were discussed for a bazaar to be held on March 17, while keen Interest was also shown in the Leap Year Masquer- ade ice carnival which is to be held on Monday, February 29, under the joint auspices of the Legion and the auxiliary, RITSON HOME AND SCHOOL Jn The regular meeting of the Rit- son Road Home and School Club was held on Tuesday night, One of the main features of the even-- ing was the drawing of therlucky ticket on a beautiful centre-piece donated by Mrs, Howard, Mrs, Crowells was the winner, Several committees gave brief reports, Two very energetic work- ers, Mrs, Howard and Mrs, Hilts, raised $44.30 to increase the club fund, Mrs, McPhee and Mrs, Johnston offered to raise money for the club this month, Mrs. Barker and Mrs, Hawes are to have charge of the pro gram for next meeting, Mr, Knight's class won the prize this month, After the business session sev. eral pupils and ex-pupils gave a very pleasing program, Instru- mental solos by Misses Madeline Joynt and Irene Brown, two very "suing recitations by Miss Gla- Vandervoort, and a solo by Ass Jean McQuarrie, were much enjoyed, DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND Daughters of England met for the annual installation of officers by District Deputy, Sister Simons, on Teusday evening. At this meeting a Valentine party was arranged for to be at the home of Mrs, George Corden, 290 Arthur Street on Tues- day of next week, and a quilting party on Tuesday afternoon of the following week, A euchre party was held after the meeting, when when prizes were won hy Mrs, Cockerham, Mrs, Wright, Mrs, George Madders, Mrs, Hubble, Mrs, McDonald and Mrs. J, McCullough. MUSIC TEACHERS HOLD MEETING Mrs. Baldwin, 214 Kendal Avenue, lent her home for the last meeting of the Oshawa Music Teachers' Association. meeting on Wednesday morning, Eleven teachers were present, Reginald G. Geen continu- ed with his series of talks on Fun- damentals of Piano Playing ex- plaining how the pupil must be de- veloped along technical lines in order to meet the difficulties they meet in more advanced composi- tions, It was announced that the March meeting will take the form of a discussion of vocal teaching. OSHAWA PEOPLE ATTEND MUSICALE On Tuesday evening a very de- lightful soiree musical was given by the Ladies' Guild of St, Gorge's An- glican Church, Pickering, when Mr, the church forsthe February » ing on Wednesday afternoon. The The SAFE, COEEDY, PROVE! REMEDY uu | RAINS A - { 3M and Mrs. E, Price, graciously open- ed their lovely home for this event. The program was whmeusliy fine, and most enjoyable, The following irtists assisted :=-Miss Kilby, con- tralto, of Toronto, Miss Phoenix, Soprano of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Toronto, both artists from Miss Winnifred Hicks-Lyne's stud- io, accompanied my Miss Eugene Quehan and Miss Gertrude Webster of Vaughan-Glaser players contri- buted several most engaging sket- ches and Mr, Clement Hambourg of the Hambourg Conservatory of Music, Toronto, was the solo pianist of the evening, A number of peopls from Oshawa and vicinit attended amongst whom were Yor. W. E, N. Sinclair, Mrs. Hazelwood, Miss Yvonne Haz- , Mrs. W, H. Moore, Mrs, . H. Ross, Miss Alice Ross, and iss Elsie Ross, Miss Velma Kais- Mrs. Edmondson, Mr, Arthur acock, Mr. Byng Spence, Mlss 3 McBrady, Miss Rittenhouse, of Bishop Bethune College Staff, ss Marion Ross, Mrs, Geo, Flem- Mr, Reginald Geen, ter the me the Ladies" i} A BAD GLAD TIME The difference "twixt me and you May merely be the point of view, ~Danny Meadow Mouse, How an a bad time be a glad time or a glad time be a bad time? I don't wonder you ask, You see it all depapds on the point of view, The vert same thing can and often does ardyse emotions that are ex- actly hv Bog So a time that brings nt joy may be a bad time for you & it may be the other way around, t was just this way with Mr, and Mrs, Monkey-face the Barn Owi and some of the little people ofthe Green Meadows, the Old Orchad and the Old Pasture, Monkeyface and Mrs, Monkey- face had ptablished themselves in Farmer Bbwn's big barn and were very comfrtable there, They had left the nighborhood wherein so far they Id spent their lives, and traveled f¢ several days in order to reach armer Brown's, They had movedbecause getting enough food promed to be easier here than wherghey had been living, The prome was realized, There were very any Meadow Mice un- der the, sbw that covered the Green Meipws, the Old Orchard and the Ol Pasture, There were many Ratsjround the farm build- ings in spitef Black Pussy the Cat and Flip thTerrier, Yes, indeed, there was lenty to eat for such clever hunys as Mr, and Mrs, Monkey-faq The latter had not intended toftay, At first she had been hometk and had fully in- tended to s back just as soon as she was reed, But the hunting was so goofthat she kept putting off the starback until at last she ceased to thk about it, You see she was nopnger homesick, The p-- WhatNew York is Vearing LONG SLENERIZED LINES IN ART M Model nla Sheer Woolens ofrepe Silk ByANNETTE And how sididly the skirt cons centrates itsfness in a front in- verted plait | give height to its wearer, The bodice §ly wraps the figure and note hf the shawl collar meets the waline, It's marvel} 'in sheer woolen materials, but many possibilities to be carriedyt in rough crepe and plain and |ted flat crepe silk. makes it Its simple smart s or the equally suited to tl matron, Style No, 975 is de: 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 46 inches bust, Si 3% yards of 39-inch 3 yard of 35-inch Spring is the most most colorful season All the more reason w have an authentic g our new Fashion Mag: you the way in desig Of course, there ar afternoons, for stouts wear, lingerie, children, Price' of BOOK 185 ¢ Price of PATTERN stampg or coin (coin i Wrap coin carefully, Address orders to: ter, Oshawa Daily Tim for sizes , 44 and requires ial with ing. ant the ashions, ht should uch as 0 show rs, ete, es for home its in rred), Edi. were responsible for t hing's entertainnient and thos were age By Thorton W. Burgess truth is, she was smart enough to J know that she had a far better home inside that big barn than ever she did in the old church belfry in which her home had been, So it was a glad time for Monkey~ face and Mrs, Monkey-face, Yet this very same time that made the Owls glad was a bad time for Dan- ny and Nanny Meadow Mouse and all their relatives and friends, on the Gree. Meadows, and for such of these as lived in the Old Orchard, the Old Pasture and along the edge of the Green Forest, Also it was a bad time for the Mice and Rats who lived around the farm build- mys, Danny and Nanny shook thelr heads when they talked the matter over, They had been fortunate enough to see Monkey-face when he first arrived and from that time on they were constantly on the lookout for him, They had known him when he went back to get Mrs, Monkey-face and had rejoiced thinking he had gone for good, But this didn't prevent them from keep ing watch just the same, s0 it was that they soon knew when Monkey- face returned and that he had brought Mrs, Monkey-face with him, "It will get so that we will need eyes in our tails," said Danny with a little sigh, "We had to watch out enough as it was, goodness knows! I don't know what this world is coming to, It is a blessing that Owls can't sce down through the snow, Irom now on we'll have to keep to our tunnels pretty closely," This is' what. Danny and Nanny did, Often they were tempted to climb up to the surface, but would remember the great claws and the strange face of the strange Owl and that would be enough to keep them below, Almost every day they heard of one or more of the neign- bors who had failed to return home and they guessed why, So if you had asked Danny he would have told you that this was indeed a bad time for the Mice, There were others who had no welcome for the new-comers. "As if times are not hard enough now without having them made harder by adding two more to the list of hunters!" exclaimed Reddy Fox to Mrs, Reddy when he heard of the arrival of Mr, and Mrs. Monkey- face, "I heard that Mice are their favorite food, as they are ours, and every one they catch ig one less for us, They are just making bad times worse." (Copyright, 1932, by T, W, Burgess) The next story: "Reddy Claims a Mouse." DODD'S CmaAac HE | tr rrovh I'M 50 GLAD AMY TOLD MB ABOUT THIS BASY WAY TO WASH cLornes | Se «"g, a= See my lovely snow-white wash and I didn't scrub a bit! * A MY always was up to the last minute! A When she told aps about Rinso and how it saves scrubbing, I knew she was giving me good pry So I changed to Ringo, and now see what snowy washes | fe! Without scrubbing, too. This way is certainly easy." Saves the clothes yy rab Sothes--twhou Rinse soaks clothes, spares your bands, re She And Rinso is a real thrife . C He cup. i Sives buwice a mach Jods FA v pulied-! hy Creamy, lasting ph Mow in ho alley Marvellous in washers, too. The makers of 40 famous washers recoms tn it. And ----- ust try f H 'se livel Soo Rinso ihe BIC packs privileged to attend wf " M wi e Guild served refreshments. Mra. M, McGregor Mood apd mous in saying it st sougerts b ah era accident will will "Boy Scout News Scout Notes After a long period of silence, we are once again breaking out in Editorial fashion again, to place the news, past and present, before the Scouts of Oshawa, Of course the plans of the Local us, and we learn that there is to be an indoor Jamboree held during the last part of February, to raise funds for the payment of the Quota fees. Every Troop will be asked to participate, and it is up to the hoys to make this affair a success, A Scouters Club which has re- cently been formed under the guid- ance of District Scoutmaster J, H. Rigg, has been charged with the production of the programme for this occasion, Immediately after this event there will be an inter-troop oratorical contest, so the Troop orators had better get their throats oiled up, One thing which everybody must notice, is the fact that the passing of tests will count on the awarding of the Ernie Marks All-Round Trophy this year, and it will de pend on the work of every boy in the Troop, This does not look to be a bad start for the season, but the rest of year will be just as busy, and there will be no room for loafers in Scouting ranks during the next year, All boys appreciated the gener- osity of the management of the Re- gent Theatre when they were in- vited to the performance of "Sooky" two weeks ago, Mr, Osier, the manager, who has assisted the Toy Shop for several years with Toy Shop matinees, was presented with a Thanks Badge for his services, Nor must we only be grateful to the officials of the Theatre, for once again, the Regimental Band turned out to play the boys down to the Theatre, The Sea Cadets also turned out with their band, for which we are also grateful, Only those who have persistently walked at th, rear of an Oshawa Scout Parade with only one band, and that at the front, realise' the benefit of having a band half way down the parade, This support fronr all sections of City has greatly harkened the offi- cialy of Scouting in Oshawa, -- Things have also been progress- ing in other lines in Oshawa, and we are pleased to announce that the 3rd Troop under Scoutmaster Alex. Fisher has progressed wonderfully since its inception, and threatens to canture the All Round Cup, The new Troop which has formed in St. George's Greek Catholic Church hag also progressed wonder- fully, and was seen in its first public appearance on last Friday, The boys of the latter Troop are working hard to make themselves proficient in their Scout work, and are progressing very well, Things have not only been going ahead in the new troops, for we find that the 5th and 7th Troops have organized a Mothers' , Club which has already held two meet- ings, and is displaying a great deal of activity, Among other things we are pleas. ed to report that Mr, I. Hopkins has consented to take over the Sr. Troop of the 5th Troop and lead the boys in thgir work, A long era of improved Scouting is in prospect for these hoys, who arc at present busy creating a Camp Fund in anticipation of a trip to the Sea this Summer, The Troop Printing press is now working and progress cards are being made for use of the Troop Clerk, Mr, McEwan. The Troop regrets the departure if Mr, Biles for the North, to build ighways, but is pleased that he hag at last been able to procure some enployment, We hope we ghall have him with us again on his return, ---- While we are making announce ments, we are pleased to welcome Mr, H, Harmer into the fold as It Aid Examiner in charge of instrustion for all Troops, Mr; Harmer is around giving lec. tures about four nights of each week, and his work is duly appre- ciated, M* Harmer's son hag also ex- pressed his willingness to again take over a Scout Troop, and will be found very welcome in Oshawa, Third Oshawa Scout Notes The third Oshawa Troop met in the basement of Simcoe St, United Church on the cvening of Friday, Feb, §, at 7 o'clock. After a few games, the Patrols were organized, and the meeting came off in good order, with Mr, Harmer and Mr, McMillan giving lectures on First Aid, All were glad to see Dean Hall. Association are of great interest to can afford to continue the venture beyond the month of Febraury, it pays for Hosiery We are specializing in for Big Business-- larly sold at 70c. » Mercury Silk and Wool Sport Hose 59¢ pr. A plaited Hose in neat check designs, All first quality and our regular price is $1.00, Silk and Art Silk HOSE 49c¢ pr. A circular Xnit Hose hut excellent for every day wear, In a good range of shades, Regu- Sain Corner for the Week EL. Hose for Saturday's Selling and the prices are rif Men's Fancy Socks} 29¢c pr. In fancy checks and fn all sizes, Come and examing I ) I shaaer {| them, Don't judge by the price. BADMINTON 39¢ pr. Pure Botany Wool in solid colors and ne Regular price 75¢, CHILDREN'S HC 19e pr. A good wearing Hose in 1x1 rib in a wool ar ton mixture and a good range of sizes in Sand Full Fashioned SILK HOSE 79¢ pr. Of pure silk in light service weight and all first grade, In a good range of shades. Full Fashioned SILK HOSE 98c¢ pr. A Rervico Weight Hose of the purest silk fabrics, And can bo had in all the good shades, A regular $1.50 value, § | the right hand, the other boy the left hand and will tie the knot, the one aiding the other, Don't forget the Cub Blind Con- test for teams of 2 Cubs, The best exhibition wins, Everybody be out to the Cyclor- ama on Wednesday evening, Feb, 17, at 7.00 p.m, C.GLT Twice With the Simcoe Rainbows There weren't as many members as usual out a week ago Tuesday, so after a short meeting at which Helen Johnston was elected to give the report of the group work at the Congregational, Wednesday night, the group proceeded to the vacant Jot beside the church and made good use of the snow in a| lovely snow fight, Next week, a merry 'group met | at the home of their leader on | Alexander Street, at seven, and then continued to the Golf Links to toboggan, The hill was good and the tobogganing wonderful with lots of spills and thrills, Those who didn't make good use of the Tuesday and the hill surely missed a lot of fun -- we had a whale of a time--so good that we hated to leave, Afterwards, how- | ever, we were glad that we had, because Mrs, Cowie, our leader's mother, had sandwiches, little cakes and hot cocoa ready for us--it was good, too, At nine-thirty, a happy band of girls, wq left for home, hoping the snow: would last so we could have another toboggaming party soon. The Old Reliables Who pre the old reliables? Auy- one 'who attended the Oshawa C.G.- LT, week-end conference can tell you that, They are the Aketas of Simcoe Street, under the leadership of Miss Nellie Johnston, The Aket- as had the highest standing in at- tendance throughout the whole cone ference, Signing On Hello Everybody: this is station C.GLT, broadcasting the weekly doings of the Skita Searcher Group of Northminster, Next week we will bg under a new leader, Miss Bernice Dunford, We are sorry our leader is leaving town, We had a very jolly meeting on Monday night, We did more on our bottles, and got our contest started in cops (coppers) large and small. Wg also sang and played games. Under our new leader we expect good times, and still to get bigger and better, Rink Money Falls Due It is time to call in the money for the C.G.I.T, skating to see if we If if it doeg not, itself, yes; i aN. ta leep it up, we qv n k after a short absence due bw ahs to il received in a PRMANNL rf cr vo slip od y meeting to show youl The next | meeting is at St, Andrew's, Guess |. the connection, and be glad it is 5 you who are the representative to council this month, 4 Money Talks I But listen to how! If you have brought. in your, C.G.LT.-W uo money to Marg, Patte bélore Fridet « day of this week, at four o'cockd | you will receive a picture for youl 4 own group, a picture done by po less an artist than Miss Doris Mee # Carthy, whom you know. So now, 8 be sure it is in on Friday, your cons" tribution to the Girls' Work Board, and wait for your recognition, = Si endl The Greatest Bargain in Nourishment | No other foed you can buy will give you so much delicious nourishment for such little cost as CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP »« the famous economy food, Every grocer sells it. Send 10¢ for "Canada's Prize Recipes' 200 practical, home-tested recipes. tice a similarity in the names of groups that hand in write-ups each week, We should be thrilled at the appearance of a new group name for the column, Please thrill us; En Avants ' Leaderless though they still are, the En Avants still go forward in usefulness, Embarked on artistic endeavour, they collected around Miss VanLuven's kitchen table? and decorated invitations for council, Some are darkics, some are not, but oh, how graceful they are, and how suggestive! If you do not know what they suggest, ask vour Pres- ident to bring hers to the group ¥ MONTREAL Send me of "Canada's Prise Recipes' I enclose 10c. for mailing MERCURY HOSIERY Wil ii hod TY The next meeting will 7 o'clock sharp, Friday, it is of the utmost iny cvgryone be presen ---- =} Seventh WolRIST- WATCH Th. 7th Cub SENT FOR usual on Fridayg DOCTOR: QW, 12th, at 630 Pari' Hall, | Sea Members [lense : e h nstead ofp SME TRIED TO GET UP ©N MY DRESSER TO GT MY WRIST WATE YEGTERDANY [STEN CONRAD! BUT THI THE ATTIC THE FIRST THI

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