i GT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1932 PAGE THREE 3 Bowmanville Daily Times C. LARMER,; REPRESENTATIVES Office Telephone No. 744 ; | [omar 2 emia NELLIE MCLUNG SAN OPTIMIST Gave Most Interesting Ad- dress in Town Hall Last Night Mrs, Nellie McClung, who lec: fured in the Town Hall on Thurs- day evening under the auspices pf St. Paul's Association of St. Paul's United Church, took as her subject, "Silver Linings." Mrs, McClung, in her opening remarks, sald, "It is especially pleasing for me to appear before & Bowmanville audience, as this was the home of the McClung's whose family I joined so many years ago that you would not be- lieve it if I told you how long," ~upplause, "Mr, McClung mov- ed to the west and it was in Man- ftou, Manitoba, when I was six- teen, that 1 met his son, who was iwo years my junior, I learned that he was working in a drug store. 1 madé up my mind to see him, 1 had only three dol- iars and I spent it all in purch- using a fountain pen from him, but it was the best investment I vver made, Mrs. McClung's . optimistic views of life were cleverly blend- ed with humor and pathos, She tcld of a man sentenced to a number of years at 8ing Sing who said that "things were not so bad there, he hadn't found any long hairs in the soup, anyway." She declared 'Silver Linings' were to be found in everything, the cultivation of selectivity and the reading of books. The lib- raries were never so busy. Peo- ple were giving up their expen- give luxuries for the finer things to be found in reading. "What was the cause of the depression?" she asked. 'The granaries were full, fruit and po- tatoes were never harvested in many cases, It came not from God but from the mismanage- ment of man, People said what about the drought areas of the wost, had they not cultivated the land and worked hard to produce crops and still there were fail- ures, The answer to some of these questions was that a con- siderable amount of the land should never have been put un- der cultivation' in the first place, but should have remained as pas ture land instead of being used to produce wheat, She believed that science in the years to come would find a solution which would eliminate crop failures." The speaker went on to say there was a remedy for the de- pression, A great many are studying the economic conditions. We could become what we want to become if we ail put our hearts in it. We all want to do something we can be praised for. Commandeer the sense of glory that people are imbued with, We are going in the right direction when older people are showing leadership to the young in the Boy Scouts, the C.G.I.T, and all the different organizations of the young. The dynamic power of the sec- ond mile was the spirit that should be manifest, Show the good will the people are want- ing and ready to accept, and let your thoughts be right, thoughts sweep like currents, Since the beginning of the war, continued the lecturer, we have lost our rense of security, We thought we were the chosen people, but we have found that we have no the sovereignty of the world and that God plays no favorites, all races being preclous in His sight, There are some who say, there will always be war, but you éan change human nature, We have to make peace as lLeroic as war. Are the people going to be wall builders or road builders. A road says "come on," a wall says "halt." Mrs, McClung expressed her heartfelt appreciation fer the way fn which the people of the East assisted the stricken areas of the West, The speaker was introduced by Mrs. A. 8. Kerr, with a few well chosen remarks. Preceeding the lecture a short program of local talent was en- joyed. John Hunter, of Peter. borough, Premier of the Boys' Parliament, also addressed the gathering, MASONIC FUNCTION HELD R.W, Bro. E .F. Farrow, accom- panied by brethren from neigh- boring lodges, pald an official visit to Jerusalem Lodge, A.F. end A.M, No, 81, on Wednesday right. The visitors were wel- comed at the lodge room by a splendid attendance of members and after the usual ceremonnies were completed the brethren re- paired to the banquet hall where toasts were proposed and ree sponded to, The toast to the Grand Lodge was proposed py Bro, G. W. James and responded to by R.W, Bro, E, F. Farrow, eyes today, . C. H. Tuck, Opt.D. Eyesight Specialist Disney Block Opp. PO. 1316==Phone----1516 R.W. Bro. ¥, C. Hoar proposed the toast to the visiting brethren, W Bro. Youden, of St, John's Lodge, Cobourg and W. Bro, Prosser, of Cedar Lodge, Oshawa, responding, while the toast to the newly initiated candidates was proposed by Bro, A, J. Whalen and responded to by Bro, Irving Hefkey. Mr. Owen Nichols de- lighted the gathering with sever- al vocal solos, OLD RESIDENT IS CONGRATULATED David Keith, Hale Hearty, Nears Centenary of Birth Birthday congratulations are being offered to David Keith, Concession Street, Bowmanville, whe has passed the 98th mile- stone today, Mr, Keith's mem- ory is still keen and he has no difticulty in recalling events which happened in hig boyhood days. He was born in Scotland and came out to Canada with his par- ents in 1860, at which time he was 16 years old, The family set- tled here in Bowmanville and Mr, Keith worked with his father on gurvey work until he was twen- ty, He then took up carpenter work, but eventually qualified himself as an accountant and took a position with J, O, Guy Co., at Oshawa, with whom he worked for a number of years, (ater buying out the company. He spent thirty years in Oshawa ag city auditor and chairman of the Public Library Board, return- ing to Bowmanville sixteen years BRO Mr. Keith enjoys good health and with the exception of five years spent in the Southern States, has resided in this locals ity since leaving his native land, Whitby News COUNTY GRANTS FOR EDUCATION ARE APPROVED Nearly $10,000 For Whitby High School--Oshawa Claim Laid Over k The Committee' on Education, through its chairman, deputy- 1eeve Allan Moore, of Pickering, recommended to County Council on Thursday the following pay- ments to various High and Con- tinvation Schools, for the edu- cation of County pupils for the year 1931: , Whitby High School ..$0,658.98 Uxbridge High School , 7,901.78 "ort Perry High School 5,316.97 Orillia Collegiate 2,119.51 Markham High School , 1,767.80 Newmarket High School 325.00 Pickering Continuation 1,368.26 Claremont Continuation 1,409.51 Hrooklin Continuation , 1,874.78 Sunderland Contin'tion 782.81 Cannington Contin'tion 1,538.87 Reaverton Continuation 1,757.46 Stouffville Continuation 780.38 Mount Albert School ., 1,046.04 A communication from the City of Oshawa referring to par- tial payment of the claim of the city for cost of educating pupils at the Oshawa Collegiate Insti- tute was not dealt with, the committee recommending that in the absence of necessary certifi- cates, no action be taken. Allans Moore was appointed to attend the Ontario Education As- nociation as a county delegate. Sccured Adjournment John Fialka, who was to have appeared in city police court this morning on a charge of havin liquor in his possession illegally, has secured an adjournment through Loui Hyman} his counsel, this morning. Too Late To Classify WANTED--COOK, GENERAL, for 8 in family, Must be over 25 years of age. References required, Apply 8 Bond St, W. (36¢c) COMING EVENTS 8 Cents per word each in. sertion, Minimum charge for each insertion, 35c, SQUARE AND ' ROUND DANCE Barnhart"s Pavilion Saturday night, Joe Spencer's Ophetis, (86d) OSHAWA CITY SOCCER CLUB, round and square dance, West mount Pavilion, Saturday, 8.30 until 12, Bernard Tierney's Orchestra, Admission 25 genta. . 3 LEAP YEAR MASQUERADE ICE Carnival, Monday, February 29, Oshawa Arena. Handsome prizes for costumes ang speed skating races, Admission, adults B0 cents, children 25 A 1 cents. Tickets on sale at Mike's Place, the Arena, and from Canadian Legion members, A32-34-36), HONOUR ROLL PROMOTIONS (Continued from page 1) Tucker equal, Ella Houston, Gordon Lott rec. Teacher, I. G, Bone, Jr. 1L--Harry - Bircham, Marie Smith, Billie Melnyk, Hardy Jesper- son and Joe Laroque equal, Mary Stelmack, Pearl Tyrrell, Jessie Pat- terson, Irene Gordon, Jack Brown, Norman Pringle, Eugenia Kamentz- ka, Colin Rolson, Stuart Mackin rec, Teacher, 1. G, Bone, Sr, Primary to Jr. l.--Sammie Collins, Kenneth Parish, Doris Chapman, Francis Newman, Doug- las Whiting, Evelyn Chessell, Verla Tucker, reida Spratt, Clifford Hopkins recommended, Donald Heard recommended, Charlie Cowle recommended, Teacher, M. Morison. Ceodardale School Sr, 1IV.--~Joe Hectichshen, Peter Wysotski, Elsie Lloyd, Lloyd Bar- riage, Annie Kuzmeliuk, Dorothy Henderson, Gordon Gray, Victoria Goulding, Jobu Spraggs, Arthur Sargant, Teacher, L. E. Smith, Jr. IV.=Doris Szewczuk, Pearl Starczewski, George Goulding, Ver- na Stire, Grahame Clapp, Ian Fras- er, Mary Bartichuk, Carolyn Cook, Steve Paconick, Noreen Arnold, Teacher, J. R., Patterson, Sr, IIL.--=Annie Gulenchyn, Myron Fectichshen, Barbara Wilson, Helen Krawee, Stella Zochodne, Margaret Jenkins, Ada Lloyd, Nick Schodis, Mary Waduck, Jack Shaw. , Teacher, E, J. MacDonald, Tr, 11L--Ena Matthews, Jimmie Topham, Willie Wenglarz, Annie Waduck, Jack Goulding, Robert McKenna, John Markew, Frank Harasymchuk, Adeline Carey, June Magee, Teacher, H. M, Oke. Jr. III. -- Wallace Kosowsky, Frank Henkelman, Stanley Skirrow, Loretta Dungar, Catherine Wad- dington, Violet Milne, Helen Hre- horuk, Teacher, G. S, Newman, Sr, IL--Ruby King, Edith Green- field, Grace Gillard, Phyllis Smith, Teacher, G. S, Newman, Primary.~Jack Crandell, Dorothy Otto, Barbara Clark, Joan Reeve, Caroline Frolick, Harry Andrews, Willie Saychuck, Billie Gulenchyn, George Kurelo, Mary Olesey, Teacher, U, Ritson, Jr. L--Ernest Rogers, John Ko- lebnok, John Gooding, lred Ding- ley, Billy Kurelo, Bedford Thomson, George Bloomer, Norman Cook, Grant Cheseboro, Billy Millar, Ber- nard Lack, Jennie Greenfield, Nick Waduik, Teacher, M. }. Hancock, Sr, 11.--Florence Singer, Margar- et, Millar, Alan Tutin, Alex Say- chuk, Stella Wenglarz, Jack Johns- tone, George Harper, Paul Ketella, Norman Mager, Marion Thomson, Adam Morris, Robert Cook, George McKinstry, Kenneth Meikle, Irvin Galt, Douglas Curry, Eva Sharky, Donald Leavitt, Winsome Tutin rec, ill, Annie Henderson rec. ill, Ethel Hoy rec, ill, Teacher, M, E. Oke. Jr. IlL--Peggy Knight, Sheila Harper, Jack Bessie, Mary Frolick, Wanda Meringer, Richard Barriage, Frank Hughes, June Hester, Mar- garet Shaw, Mary Kellar, Douglas Crandell, Jean Waddington, Fern Todd, Richard Lack. Teacher, M. E. Oke, Sr.L-Ill, recommended on term work.~Jack Sloan, Joe Clark, Joan Gillard, Celia Goulding, Jennie Kuz- meliuk, Jack Huggins, By examination.--Douglas Wal- lace, Marie Huzar and Annie Mag- alushen equal, Jean Patterson and Robert Arnold equal, Olive Jackson and James Brewster and David Pugh equal, Ilean Gay and Ludella Harper equal, Thora Shaw, Olga Magalushen, Ernest Brooks, Robert Hoy, Florence Dobring, Mike Mucha, John Maga, Lorne Chese- boro, Douglas Kennedy. 'eacher, M. J. Hancock. Centre Street School Jr. IV~Ruth Sparks, Barbara Smith, Hazel Minard, Jane Mur- dock, Donald Morris, Verona Nich- olson, Teddy Miller, Gordon Hobbs, Margaret Bone, Donald Valentine, Teacher, A, W. Jacklin, Sr, IV.~Lloyd White, Joan Reed, Florence Savage, Mildred Robinson, Ruby Cook, Verdon Badgley, Abie Collis, Gwelda Moynes, Huda Doug- las, Henry Dell, Teacher, A. M. Power, Sr, IV.~Marion Young, Ellen Alldrid, Robert Johnson, Dorothy Birchall, Winnie Rice, Albert Burr, Irene Hartford, Roy Starr, Robert Hendrie, Lloyd Short, Teacher, E, Aileen Found, Sr. 1II,--Eileen Ford, Jr. IV.=Dorothy Clark, Henry Reed, Peggy McKibbin, Billy Sut- ton, Angela Toth. Sr, IV.~Myrtle Beckman, Neil Bennett, James Beaver, Doris Thornton, Amy Disney, Teacher, C, O. Mallinson. Jr. IV, = Jessie Kidd, Miriam Squires, Stewart McRoberts, Charlie Johnson, David Gentry, Ernest Adams and Kelvin James equal, Margaret Boddy, Gus Lakas, Chris- sie Walker, Lance Pugh, Teacher, S, A. Moise, Sr. IIl.--~Margaret Breakell, Nora Patten, Joyce Bryant, Frank Ball, Violet Kirkpatrick, Alex McNab, Rosie Healey, Harold Taft, Vimy Pearn, Emerson Salter, Teacher, C. Stinson, Sr. Ill.--=Lorraine Towns, Tom Bartie, David Cooper, Max Graham, Ronald Manning. . eacher, W. Gillespie. wir JIL, -- Betty Melland-Smith, inifred Edwards, Donald Stuart, Fred Pearse, Marion Gray. Teacher, W. M, Gillespie, Sr. 11I,~Marion Groves, Edmund Patterson, Pearson Andrews, Mar- garet Ackerman, John Wilson, Hen- ry Hewitt, Helen Poil, Roy Spratt, Russell Wilson, Billie Reynolds, Teacher, V, File. Jr. IV.~Clara Schubert, Lois Grif- fith, Lloyd McQuaid, Laura Clem- ents, Joan Gorman, Vernon Ellicott, Margaret Harding, Lillian Watson, Margaret Smith, Vera Richards, Teacher, R. M. Robinson. Jr. 11l,~Freda Richards, Tom Bingham, M Beaton, Maedwyn Rowell, James "Ritchiey - Caroling Brown, Betty Compston, William Hastings, John Hughes, Cecelia Smith, Teacher, P, M, Sonley. Sr, 1IL--Clifford Wilson, Basil Henry, Sally Hughes, Joy Babcock, George Thompson, Jack Neill, Irene Davis and Warren Thalt equal, Vivian Hill, Teacher, E. M, Ramsay, Sr. IlL--Frances Jones, Marie Shields, Helen Bukoski, Grant Beal, Dorothy Wright, Theodora Borg- ford, Teacher, T. P. McEachern, Sr. Primary to First Book --Jack Gammon, Gordon Pilkey, Jr. Primary, ~Geraldine Barrow, May Pearce, Charles Hall, Doris McQuaid, Lloyd Hooper, Russell MacKay, Ray Wilson, Allan Dun- can, Teacher, E, Latimer. Sr. Pr, -- Bernice Wilson, Billie Gibner, Jr. Pr, -- Betty Brown, Nora Wright, Jane Wilson, Billie Knight, Glynn Pearse, Billie Dick, Albert Hall, Hilda Henry, Teacher, Ethel T, Hoar. Primary, ~Florence Swartz, Violet Logeman, Lorraine Reed, Marguer- ite Healey, Douglas Wilson, Joyce Burnett, Margaret Hele, Dorothy Long, Jean Fish, Jim Murray, Teacher, ©. Ramsay. Sr. II--Anne Clark, Jack James Tommy Bryant, Betty Smith, Rae Petley, Bruce Askew, Bill Harris, Farle Danzey, Joan Curtis, Walter Sunderland, Russell Kenedy, Gert- rude Robinson, James Wilson, Mor- ley Irwin, Bobby 'Wannamaker, Francis Cooper, Bill Maidman, Bet- ty Blake, Mary Walker rec, Teacher, T. P, McEachern, Sr, II.--<Recommended, Ill--Al- fred Schubert, Noreen Wilson, Clif- ford Smith, Doreen Perkins, John Edwards, By Examination. -- John Miller, Jean Mason, Ina Simpson, , Betty Phillips, Jean Critchon, Roy Allen, Helen Bowden, Peggy Thompson, Islay Ross, Florence Williamson, Doris Wilson, Clifford Pilky, Ross Gonlfrey, Clifford Cowan, Paul Me Kay, Billie Woodhouse, Raymond Holbrook. Teacher, E. M. Ramsay. Sr. IL--Phyllis Carroll, May Weales, Roland Locke, Alan Brash, Shirley Smith, Max Fine, Lynn Williams, Gabriel Qilgisser, Dorothy Williams, Joan Nash, Carman Brown, Cecilia Haynes, Louise Loa, Fdith Austin, Harry Butler and Joy Aselstine recommended on ac- count of illness, Teacher, Stella E. Ross. Jr. 11.--Frances Gibbs, Jack Mc- Lennan, Jean Whattam, June Clarke, Kenneth MelInally, Edgar Tremble, Dorothy Brooks, Jack Logeman, Dorothy Shepherd, Helene Spratt, Gerry Blackwood, Evelyn Sellick, Eva Wotton, Percy Snudden, Florence Henry, Harry Austin, John Burch, Violes Man- ning rec. Wilfred Edwards, Velma Long, Burt Edwards recommended on account of illness. Teacher, Stella E. Ross Sr. 1--Donald Holloway, Marion Irwin, Irene Breakall, Eileen Ire- land, Victoria Simpson, Floyd Fore- man, Jean White, Loig Coleman, Hyrum Dalgleish, Bill Harding, Patsy Smith, Johnny Turner, Don- ald Williams, Murray Collis, Doreen Graham, Margaret Forrest, Bernice Faulkner, Allen Gunn, Thelma Mit. chell, Meredith McMillan, Donald Terry, Raymond Elliott, Betty Gif- ford, Marjory Brown, Alice Hay- ward, Arthur Poulter, Billy Haves, Myrtle Murray, Gertrude Butler, Gordon Winstanley, George Weales, Clarence Black, Harold Laycoe, James McNab, Ray Cowle, Betty Dewland, Peggy Dewland, Donald Brown, Jean Gow, Shirley Prit- chard, Margaret Childs, Marian Perry, Jackie Cockburn, Lorraine Covert, Stewart Keetch. Teacher, Ruby Knight, Sr, I.--~Mona Broadbent, FEileen Missett, Tommy Hamilton, Diana Phillips, Mavis Munckton, Evelyn Swartz, Eleanor Sparks, Wilma Stevens, Jack Taylor and Donald Langton = equal, Eleanor Gavus, Jackie Mann and Keith Scott equal, Eva Berman, Stuart Tutton and Mariam Swartz equal, Dorothy Wil- son, Kay Elston and Herbert Wil- son equal, Margaret Cormack, Dav- id Thompson, Charles Hunter and Joyce Wilson equal, Helen Whiley, Pauline Cowan, Lillian Wilson, Stanley Fenton, Blanch Tremble, Bobby Petley, Gladys Carew, How- ard MacKay,Gerald Kimmerley, Tan Wilson, George Lem, Tommy Scton, Doreen 'Glover, Norman Creamer, Lester Stapely John Smith, George Hoskin, Jimmie Lakas, Alhert Vass, Recommended, Glendon McMaster, Evelyn Peters, William Lem. Teacher, K. Macdonald Jr. I.--Ruby McMaster, Francis Edwards, Donald Wetherup. Teacher, Q. Ramsay. Jr, I--Bernice Wilson, Billie Gib- ner, Bruce Stuart, Allen Clarke, Gloria Rorabeck, Howard Smith, Teacher, Ethel T. Hoar, Form I, Jr.--Jack Gammon, Gor- don Pilkey, Vernon Trimm, Buddy Miller, Jackie Duncan, Mary Lem. ere, Bobby Broaks. Teacher, E, Latimer, King Street fchool Sr, IV, == Jean Jarrell, Pat Zieman, Jules Steiner, Elma Mer- rick, Richard Thomas, Billy Mc- Grath, Douglas Norris, Roy Cliff, Evelyn Weir, Dolores Krantz, Teacher, E, M. Holmes. Jr, IV, -- Keith Krantz, Raplh Mechin, James Pickup, Joyce Carnell, Mack Switzer, Annabelle Baird, Jack Lockwood, Wanda Gamble, Margaret Meck, Grierson Hayton, Teacher C. M, Cruse, §r, III. -- Doris Bone, Helen Wilson, Betty Jarrell, Jean EI- lott, Peggy Henry, Virginia Rob. son, Vernon Shaw, Ray Trew, Donald Sandford, Jack Berry, Teacher, V. G, Kaiser, Jr. III, -- Hugh Mechin, Gor- don Ball, Jack Sage, George Lean, Donald Millard, Phyllis Ed- wards, Francis Rundle, Betty Roy, Ross Edmunds, Olive Cain, Teacher, BE, A. Lyon. 8r, II, -- Bbb Armstrong, Don. ald Leach, Jean Callaghan, Ron- ald Mackenzie, Dorine Cricknell. acher, M, E. Adair, 8r. II, -- June Graham, Doug- las Clemens, Aldwin Ashworth, Kathleen Irwin, Calvin Grimmon, Marion Trew, Bill Alchin, Laura Plancke, Dorine Townsend, Ron- ald Henderson, Doris Elliott, Roy Hennessey, Ethel Dart, Ruth Batbe, Jack Bathe, Billy Metcalfe, Stanley Lawrence, Bernice Elliot, George Boyce, Eileen Leggatt Jean West, James Howard, (rec- ommended), fll, Teacher, M. E. Adair, $r. 1 to Jr, 11, = Audrey Craw ford, Lorne Berry, Peter Dzen- drowski, Jean Hanna, Nelson Vaillancourt, Billy Clark, Peter im, Andrew Jones, Albert Har- ris, Donald Wilson, Arthur Pur- dy. Billy Preston, Jr. IL to Br. II, ., Geoffrey Anérews, Donald Daniels, Fran- ces Zieman, Jack Ledger, Grace Hutchins, Hugh Haverson, Kel- vin Edgaf, Douglas Forrester, Fred Middleton, Annie Dzen- drowski, Gerald Krantz, Jr. 1, to Br, I, -- Margaret Pel- low, Jack Jarrell; Dorothy Virtue, James Skinner, equal, Betty Flin- toff, John Valleau, Millicent Blackburn and Leone Palmer equal, Ruth Sadler, Jean Michael, Grace Irwin, Eileen Wilce, Roy Bunker, Freda Rob- son, Peggy Fields, Willie Gaynor, Ruth Preston, Teacher, E. J. Bayne, Jr, First to Sr, First -- Mary Miller, Norman Wilton, Joan Roberts, Charles Rundle, Irene Graham; Margaret Soanes, Dor- othy Huxtable, Doreen Gilbert and Jackie McDonald (equal), Harry Grimmon, Helen Brown, Bobble McElroy, Violet Hutchins, Ray Mason and Douglas Free- man (equal), Marion Luke and Loftus Papineau (equal), Gladys Vanzant, David Bathe, Norma Frizzell, Joan Salter, Mildred Warren, Jr, Pr, to Sr. Pr.--Hector Bal- lantyne, Sherley Cousins, Eileen Roddick and Dorothy Stephen-~ son (equgl), June Blow, Kath- leen Burp; June Cain, Jackie Switzer, Jean Sheridan; Dorothy earn, George Burk (reec.). Primer B to Primer A -- Lois Reddick, Ross Hill, Gerald Ma- Jin, Herbert Elliott, Clarence Hig- gins, Arthur BSleeman, Jean Taylor, Willie Elliott (rec.), Mil- dred Burgess (rec.). Teacher, M, L. Bchnick. gr, Primary to Jr, I, -- Marg- arel Metcalfe, Mary Lim, Bobble MacKenzie, Cameron Millard, Eli- nor Patterson, Velma Purdy, Norman Carr, Kenneth Brown, Margaret Sleeman, Intermediate Pr, to Sr. Prim- ary -- Allan Eadle, Warren For- rester, Barbara Zufelt, Donald Lander, Betty Reynolds, Wilson Sloan, Douglas Palmer, Patsy Thickson, Grant Fisher, Lloyd Chapman, Donald Morrison, Hazel Salter, Anna Marle Mat- hews, Helen Smith, Pauline Soares, Maxine Thompson, Nettie I rizzell, Clara Vaillancourt, Jr. Pr. to Int, Primary--Lloyd Perry, Ray Berry, Winnifred Langfeld, Marguerite White, Francis Hancock, Rodney Pey- ton, Gladys Burridge, Madeline Burridge, Eugene MacKenzle, Joy Beaumont, Jennie Bushby, Teacher, Irene Mitchell, Mary Street School Sr, IV = Anna Hellberg, Jane Crossman, June Fetterley, Keith Smith, George Davis, Gordon Young, Evelyn Tole, Herbert Sund- quist, Hazel Hopps, Bills Evans, Teacher, ik Clinton Fetterley, Tr, IV--Dorig Crowe, Edel Olsen, Edouard Bartlett, Edwin Branton, Arthur Cory, Malcolm McMechan, Barbara Winkworth: Raymond Stevenson, Norman McBrien, Law- rence Wragg. Teacher, A. I. Warne, Jr. II -- Alice Brown, Thomas Warburton, Beatrice McLean, Sr. 111 -- Douglas Hopps, Ferne Dewell, Jack Palmer, Douglas Love, Annie Scimarseth, George Camer- on, Helen Kirby. Teacher, G, I. Doan, Jr. III -- 'Ruth = Brown, Orval Berry, Sidney Smallbone, David St, Andrews," Mary Turnbull, Helen Dobney, Gordon Wiley, Betty Hill, Leroy Peyton, Irwin' Tomlinson, Teacher, Myrtle A. Wilson. II Class--Ronald Compston, Flor- ence Anderson, Gordon Mcintyre, Jack Fetterly, David Cameron, Syl. via Copping, Vernon Hopps, Mary Wright, Ruth Hilts, Marie Arm- strong, Teacher, B, M. Laidlaw, Primary~Evelyn Pearson, Mar- ion Campbell, Ronald McEachern, Mary Bouckley, Vera Ostle, Teacher, Jean B, Hoover. Primary--Shirley Stewart, Tove Olsen, Marion Larson, Gerald Win- ters, Alvin Humphreys, Keith Mait land, Phyllis McNeil, Robert Tole, Joan Werry, Violet McKay, Teacher, G, C, Hanley, . Sr, 11 «= Ronald Compston, Jack Fetterly, David Cameron, Sylvia Copping, Vernon Hopps, uth Hilts, Margaret Collins, Arthur Hawkins, Clifford Butt, Joan War- burton, Muriel McGarne, Doreen Colbourne, Betty McFarlane, Mor- ris Love, Russell Andrews, Dor- othy Hamilton, Jack Wirby Mar- aret Clarke, Raymond rthey, arjorie Pollard, Donald Crossman, Betty McCullough, Douglas Kewin, Ray Branton, Teacher, Beulah M, Laidlaw, Jr. I to Sr. I--Audrey Gray and Douglas Wales, Bruce Sherrard and Florence Densem, Thelma Sharp, jean Jobb, Owen McMurtry and onald Bouckley, Alyn Elliott and Evelyn Gerrard and Elva McLean, Pearl Winfield, Florence Munroe, Muriel Cameron, Ernest Sundquist, Evelyn young, Donald Belknap, Jack Cory, Margaret Mac Mena- min, Jean Mclsaac, Martin Krkos, Betty Wolfraim, Georgina Day, Du,id Wragg, Irene Burnett, Ross Mills, Joyee Wilson, Norman Grav, Jessie Cameron and Fred Lodge, Marian McEachern and Mae Perry, Ruby Anderson, Joan Bouckley, Claud Statham and Joyce Plowright, Atsent through illness but recom. mended~--Muriel Boddy, Raymond Clarke, John Eyre, Arthur Harmer, Winnie Hall, Rhea Hall, Nan Irwin Ronald McDonald Jimmy Noxon, Bertha Reid, Dorothy Young. "Teacher, AM, Kiln. Sr. I -- Milma Garrard, Lois Yourth, Beatrice Farrow, Bobby Luke, Billy Shultz, Glenna Wilson, Doris Ward, Jean Boyd, Gordon Tryon, Margaret Rennie, "Eileen Colton, Earl Gay, Ray Cowan, Grant Stroud. Tacher--Jean 1B, Hoover, North Simcoe Street Sepior 4--Heolen Evans, Robert Wiggins, James Ashworth, Sybil Coutlburst, Robert Gray, Donald Burns, Roy Hamilton, Joan Ayl- ing, Dorothy Lawrence, Ids Clif- ton, Teacher, J, W. Garrow. Jr, 1IV.~Florence Watts and Mary Manning (equal), Audrey Morphy, Joan Mason and Max- well Yourth (equal), Fred Hart. nett, Thelma Stauffer, Keith Rem, David Copeland, Ella Cow- e, Teacher, B. L. Ford, ~ Jr. IV.--~John MacDonald, Con- stance Farncomb, Teacher, L. J. Plerson, Br. 1Il.--Donald Fox, Miller Alloway, Marguerite Bradley, Gordon Lofthouse, Ruth Fergu- son, George Fisher, Sam Fox and Lois Knight (equal), Teacher, L, J. Pierson, Jr. Third--Elizabeth rphy, Robert Stewart, Pauline Little, Harold Topping, Willlam Rich ardson, Br.' Third--Barbara Morphy, Dorothy McTavish, Kathleen Wal- lace, Harriet Coulson, Francis Corfe, Teacher, G. M, Kidney. Jr. 11L.--~Gordon Bryson, Anita Gilbert and Willlam Smith (equal), Stuart Jacobs, Ralph Jones, Jean Lindsay, Jean Wal- lace, Peggy Stuart, Barbara Wor- rell and Bobby Shirk (equal), Teacher, A, H, Kelly, Br, 11.--Philip Ayling, Dorothy Sharp and David Wilson, Robert Devine, Vivian Gray, Donald Burden, Douglas Favell, Jean Dafoe, Norman Raike, Teacher, L, ¥. Cordick. Sr, 11,--Margaret McDiarmid, George Corfe, Gordon Tomlinson, (ladys Gerow, Raymond Topping, Emily Holdaway, John Peters, Dorothy Smith and Clarence Ger- ow (equal), Campbell Ross, Teacher, K, K. Hezzelwood, Jr, 11, to Sr, Il.--Margaret Mann, Billle Carlyle, Bernard Morrison, Kenneth Andison, Har- old Gilbert and Nesta Chappell, (equal), Muriel Morrison, Marion James, Dorothy Smith, Jean Bradley, June Bellis, Mavis Thompson, Leslie Gouldbourn, Basil Rose, Philip Patterson, Mavis Wallbank, Arthur Stone- bridge, Joan Wilkins, Ralph Marks and Lorne Galloway (equal), George McLaughlin, Rae Jonse, Florence Copley, Ilean French, Ivan Lee, Recommended--Barnie Carlyle, i, Teacher, I. P. Cordick, Sr, I1.--Doreas Beaton and Jossie Coulthurst (equal), Mer- vin Perkin, Billy McLarty, Ruby Devine and Hazel Shirk (equal), Ormand Yourth, Billy Blight, Billy Datoe, Jack McMullen, Ed- ward Blakely, Joan Nott, Wilfred (iillette, Barbara Small, Eleanor Patterson, Betty Corbett, Jack Wilson, Joan Ross, Garnet Rey- nard, Grant Anderson, Murray Newhall, Billie Johnson, Teacher, K. K. Hezzelwood, Senior First-- Ruth: Swartz, Ross Alloway and Eileen Owen (equal), Connie Brocklehurst, Donald Hill, Joan Mercer, Dor- othy Soanes, Alton Kellar, Jose- phine MelIntyre, Billy Ross, Dor- othy Smith, Robert WHson, Don- ald Wells, Bobby Hegadorn, Billy Lane, Bobby Burden, Webster Johnson, Jimmy French, Bruce Stevenson, Adelaide Wilson, Bet- ty Hope, Paul Wilkins, Jean Dingman, Billy Burns, Recommended, {11 Joyce Burke, Lorraine Harmer, Mervyn Nichols, John Norris, Teacher, E. M. Johnston, 8r. L--Dorothy Blight, Fred Fox, Helen Pepino and Jean Wig- gins (equal), Josephine Wallace, Alec Ewing, Bob McNab, Doug- las Langmaid, Jack Ratz, Bobby Rutherford, Flora Govan, Jose- phine Sargent and Jack Cook (equal), Ann Mills and Jeanette Coad (equal), Lionel Johnson and Frie Lindsay (equal), Shir- ley Vickers, George Jackson, Joyce Brocklehurst, Albert Bouckley, Charlie Brick, Donald Smith, Dorrie Stuart, Walter Thom and Donald York (equal), Reggle Brault, Noreen Lawson and George Tomlinson (equal), Billy Cox, Gordon Jacobs, Allan Yorrest, Gordon Peters, Rena Craig, Lois Adair, John Reid, Mary Hurst, Larry Barton, Absent through illness, recom= mended-- Donald Lynn, Billy Mills, Gerald Patterson, Bertie Nell. Teacher, HG. Ball. 8r. Primer--Freddie Prell, Is- lay Gillsepie, Fay Brooks, Helen Leavens, Jim Morrison, Elinor Richardson, Stevie Morphy, Frank Bartlett, Gerry Daniel, Roy Hill, Bobby Lockhart, Freddie Sturch, Olive Jones, Billle Hayball, Ir- win Burns, Joan Cuthbertson, John Beaton, Boyd Valleau, Irene Walbank, Joan Carncrose, Robert Reid, Ralph Bramley, Jack Ful- ler, Lilllan Pritchard, Patsy Thomson, Loreen Adair, Doris Fenton, Louise Shields; Pauline McGovern, Frank Hastings, Dor- een Jenkins, Dorothy Kirk, George Roche, Marilyn Coad, George Frazer, Renee Newhall, Teacher, Sadie Fox, Sr, Primary-- Jack Cannon, Mary Metcalfe, Bruce Findlay, Jimmy Drummond, Muriel Stacey, Millicent Gilbert, Marion Rams- den, Donald Hill, Ross Lofthouse, Myrtle Jones, Harold Kitson, June Cook, Gwen Corfe, Bruce Drummond, Lois Bramley, Bobby Sennott, Betty James, Dorothy Haines, Eula Wallace, Beverley Owen, David Govan Jack Lee, Jack Bresbois, Gwen Fawbert, Bruce Chapman, John 'Wanna maker, Gloria Burden ,Margaret Tinker, Tommy Reid, Howard Beamish, John Alexander, Buddie Moore, Mary Mason, Shirley Da- foe, Annie Tait, Dorothy Cox, Betty Collis, Kenneth Reeson. Teacher, F. A, Taylor, Ritson Road School Sr. IV.--Juna Stone, Audrey Boon, Patty Ritzle, Mary Olinick, Donald Brown, Peggy Roberts, Bernice Jarvis, Mary Siwakowski, 'Olga Steban, Fred Stovens. H., W. Knight, Teacher Jr. IV.-~~Emma Thomson, Shir« ley Forbes, Annie Kalynko, Victor Lokies, Jessie Tudge, Gladys Vandervoort, Eleanor McEvers, Madeline Joynt, Mae Gall, Evelyn Higgins, © C. Msun, Teacher, | Sr, 1Il,--~Jean Watson, Natalie McGranaghsn, Nellie Wells, Glor- ia Rogers, Marie Proctor, George Oblinsky, Annie Brooks, Norma Western, Mary Antonyshyn, Jen~ nie Yanowski, V. Forsyth, Teacher. Jr. 111.--Dorothy Milne, Nor- man Webster, Bobby Mitchell, Kenneth Eccles, Billie "Willits, John Jardine, Margaret Glad- man, Rosle Kawala, Annie Wil- son, Douglas Hall, E. 1. Allin, Teacher, Jr. 111.--Robert Moon, Doug- las Vann, Dorothy Carey, Mary Wells, Edith White, John Martin, Billie Rutherford, (Connie Trib- ble, Dorothy irving, equal), Mary Longbottom, C. Bproule, Teacher. Sr, 11.--Flaine Hazelton, Bud- 4 Gall, Nellle Dubyk, Frank elemen, Mike Kowaniuk, E. M, Robertgon, Teacher, Jr, IV.--Dona'd Maidens, Ar- thur Pitman, Ernest Hilts, Jack Menzie, Sr, I11,--Bert Budaf, John Mec- Phee, Roy Corhyy Joe Bapinski- and, Beverley Heard, Tom Biwo- kowski, Heartly Magill, David Brown, A. M, Smith, Teacher. Sr. II.---Lilllan Hawley, Jack Wood, Gloria McKean, Elaine Dash, Olga Kalynko, Charlie Par- fitt, Milton Fountain, George Ka- zuk, Marcus Moon, Margaret Ca- rey, June Perry, Helen Vago, Harry Slck, Sammy Broad, Mary Rogers, Kenneth Dawson, Greta Clement, Gordon Donabi, Evelyn Engel, Douglas Corby, Elmer Luke, Betty Proctor, recommend- ed 'on account of fliness, E. V. Robertson, Teacher, #. 11. -- Dorothy Burnham Alex, Walker, Olga Porayko, John Kemp, Roddy McFee, Peggy Mit- chell, Norris Dafoe, Margaret Bweeney, Nick. Olinick, Doreen Stacey, Delphine Harmer, Lily Chandler, Mary Sheyan, George Jones, Olga Katuzki, Annie Du- hyk, Jack Babcock, Vera Shelen- koff, Lillian Stringer, Ruth Ste- venson, Bruce Pym, Sylvia Kowa- niuk, Bela Buda, Danny Charuk, Daniel Potipco, Angela Mason, Billy Fallka, Hilda Hall, Jack El- sle, Beryl Jeffery, Mary Febbrinf, Marga et Kitchen, Harry Fernley, I'loyd Dafoe, Grace Hoar, Ruby Heard, Nick Savage, John Wilson, Peggy Nelson, Mary Korknush, re. commended, B. W, Stinson, Teacher. Jr. 1, to 'Sr, I.--Mary Wilson, Bruce Fulling, Annie Blenkoskl, IRteta Chambers, Franklin Latta, Arthur Bathe, Stanley Smegol, Frnest Barker, Keith 'Taggart, Jack Anthony, Violet Wilson, Joe Snowden, Stanley Gadyk, Violet Wright, Buddie Morey, Bobbie Smart, Lillian King. 8r, 1. to Jr, II.--~Jean Murray, Lilian Marshall, Rosie Hutehuk, Janet Grandisox, Aldene Dash, Mary Ritzie, Phyllis Brown, Ruth Schwartz, Jean Reinkoester, Elsie Saunders, Rhoda Wright, Eileen Calver, Raymond Johnston, Boh- bie Ostrowski, June Tonkin, Reva Schwartz, Mary Kelemen, Jean Loreno, Eddie Corby, Billie Twee- dle, Billie Loreno, I. H, Fox, Teacher, Promoted to Jr, 1, -- Slawa Konczas, Audrey Wheeler, Don- ald Moon, Mary Kazuk, Jacqueline Rogers, Lena Kvoulchuck, Winnie Reinkoester, Bill Fenton, Vera Northeott, Jack Coombs, Lily Reukiewics, Jack Thompson, George Ballan, Bill Baluk, M, Kelly, Teacher. Sr, I.-----Helen Sutherland, Doro- thy Read, Annie Pohribny, Ruth Passebols, Henrietta Howard, Stella Wayecuhorka, Betty Me- Cabe, Peggy Clarke and Olga Go- lomgoski, equal; Viola Brooks, Mary Porayko, Helen Richards, Patsy Bathe, June Bowers, Jean Newell, Sycil Kozak, Carmeleta Loklec, Kenneth Herd and Mor. ris Rozko, equal; Francis Naden, Helen Makh, Pearl White, Annie Rogers, Mario Western, Billy Cor- bett, Teddy Filipowicz, Billy Car- ter, Jean Layton, Harold Tubb, Albert Waite, Marion Kilhank, Offley Jardine, Catherine Martin and Jean Western, recommended on account of illness, L. G, Forsyth, Teacher. South Simcoe Street Sr, IV, -- Jack Shortt, John Kalenko, Eugenius Salmers, Gordon Clark, John Rowe. Jr, IV, -- Robert Stuart, Erne ost Langtree, Ernest Wilkins, Alex Bourne, Ralph Wescott, Teacher, F, Lycett, Sr. IV, -- Thelma Norton, Adele Cebulskl, Dorothy White, Neska Sheplac, Jr, 1V, -- Grace Holwes, Kath- leen Nash, Annie Gurnichi, Pau. line Glazier, Emily Myles, Emily Matthews, Teacher, Jean E. Kerr. Sr, III, -- Griff Ford, Joyce King, Edwin Olark, Teddy Mar- tn, Zenovi Salmers, Norman -ble White, Smyth, Mary Andrianiuk, Stanley Lockey, Elsie Arnold, Ernest Simkins, Teacher, N, B, McConnell, Jr, IIL -~ Doreen Stewart, Mike Sebulak, George Swofley, Marie Williams, Erma McMurter, Mary Rutka, Kathleen Iwssnf Michael Coutuk, Dorothy Parker, Albert Hyde, Teacher, V. A. R, Langmaid, Jr, III, -- Julius Drawez, Don~ ald Lawrence, Richard Walker, Andrew Peter, Bernice Wileox, Helen Hercia, Ruby Adams, Helen Blake, Dorothy Maxymink, Billie Nagy. Teacher H, Barrie. gr. 11, -- Zelda Code, Mildred Lalonde, Jean Ford, Audrey St. John, Broum Haydu, gr, II, --Jimmie Nash, Marcel- 1a Kapszynski, Vera Bennett, An zelda Bhoychet, Ivan Wheaton, Mabel Reyner, Roy Holland, Louls Haydu, Josie Luczka, Alan Salter, Mary Younos, Gordon Bennett, Jack Claus, Annie Cebu~ (ski, Bobby Henry, Percy Dalby, Joan Harvey, Mary Brynzan, Irene Barrow, Royal Zillon, Vive fan Radway, Annie Sibuluk, John Kochany, Sam Stark, Annie Maec~ Donald, Harry Moat, Clifford Johnston, Sam Dmytrow, Sophie Chrustawka, Peter Bohoychuk, Mike Turesk!, Peter BSzoldra, James Dravez, Rose Younos, John Powlenzuk, Helen Lokey, Mary Hirehoruk, Lena Blok (ree), Hayry Drogomatz (rec.), Teacher, G, L, Annund, 11, ~~ David McKibbin, Gwendolyn Hayward, William Miles, Violet Marsh, Laurence Langtree, William VanAllen, El- sle Kostur, Rowland Arnold, Helen Kalynka, Teacher, A. Strickland, Jr, 11, -- Lorna Hinton, Lil. lian Derewaniak, Annie McLean, Thelma Howie, Gertie Smyth, Audrey Wilson, Douglas Howle, Margaret Pennington, Frank Suddard, George Powlenzuk, Marion Crawford, Fred Elliott, Lede Muzika, Annie Elizuk, Ethel Henry, Nick Klems, Alex, Peles- hok, Mary Sloholzian, Promoted to Sr. I. -- Bernice Mackew, Olga Sayshook, Orace shaw, Lawrence Sullivan, Fren- ces Hester, Eldon Thompson, Margaret Dalby, Fred Zachrow, Marguerite Willlg, John Powlen~ zul, Vernon Cruse, Helen Marsh. Teacher, A. M, Hope. To Sr, First -- Moira Wilcox, June Parker, Edris Stewart, An- nie Dmytron, Mary Wozney, Mar~ forfe Charlton, Doris Cameron, Victoria Sheplac, Mary Symholuk, Jimmy Goodes, Eddie Smith, Helen Barta, Luther Locke, Mike Kalenko, Doreen Trainer, Mar- jory Blake, James Morgan, Bill Sworiak, Betty Shoychet, How~ ard King, Winston Wheaton, Ted- dy Smith, Elore Salmers, Stella lioreia, Frank Carr, June Stark, Winnie Everitt, Edwin Everitt, Margaret Flintoff, Lul Barta, John Popowich, Dorothy Myles, Retty Johnson, Archie Cochrane, Nick Tutkaluk, Lawrence Andily, recommended, ill, Teacher, A. Barrowclough. Primary to 8r. Pr, --~ Paul Szoldra, Martha Bye, Rose Shoy- cett, Olga Kupnicky, Gloria At- tersley, Doris Colledrick, Jean MacDonald, Georgina Hurdsand, Teddy Simpkins, Bert Suddard, June Grey, Dorothy Zufelt, Bud- dy Whitebread, Clarice Trehern, Billie Boyko, Dorothy Mandryk, George Hepburn, June Howie, Ruthie Claus, Billie Craig, Alex Khniski, Sr. Pr. to Jr. I, = Patricia Jones, Nora Lang. 7 Pr. to 8r, Pr, -- Doris Gibson, Bruce Smith, Joan Baxter, Teacher, R., E; Mutton, Jr, I, -- Dorothy Daniels, Ken neth Coade, Madeline Kotyk, Jack Logeman, Lois Cordon, To, Sr, Pr, -- Tony Cebulski, Annie Gutt, Florence Bell, Joyce Carrington, Barbara Smith, Olga Rutka, May Bowers, Jack Wil ron, Jimmy Kemp, Joyce Oke, Adeline Durno, Benny Hallowaty, Teddy Suddard, Doris Smith, Edith Moring, Gertfude Adams, Lillian Crawford, Bill Penach, Teacher, I. I, Kneeshaw, Jr, I, == Geraldine Norris, ¥ve erett Thomas, Arthur Ladd, John McDonald, Tony Sibulak, Fromoted to Sr. Primary -- Victoria Yourkieviteh, June Claus, Lena Sheplac, Wesley St. John, Marion Arnold, Orville Blake, Lillian Stovin, Douglas Swolfer, Nettie Lukosewes, Paul Chevehuk, Marion Prescott, Ane nie Chomik, Glen Maunder, Bob- Elsie Shaw, Annle Tutaluk, Norma Hall, Bobble Jen- nings, Polly Blok, Katharine Moring, Bill Hrehoruk, Donald Robinson, Teacher,Beatrice Minaker. Br. Shirt Sale $1.20 2H +H tH : HH 3 ti . ger 1 Li a g