Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Feb 1932, p. 6

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| f ' i 3 & P--------"r IY of a Zamna nm TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Trenton Intermediates Play Here Tonight at 8.30 Blue Imps Win Game in Aurora and Cinch Play-off Position Hamilton Srs. Defeated Port Colborne Last Night, 1-0 ------ TODA y's SPORTING FEATURES Canadiens Win from New York Rangers, 4-1 Marlboros Srs. Win From Varsity and Move Up to 1st Place Good Games in Volleyball League at Armories Last Night 0) LUE IMPS CINCHED PLAY-OFF PLACE IN AURORA GAME | Trenton Team Have Made - Good Showing in Group Teun Has Engaged in Sev- eral Contests of Late and Made Peterborough and Lindsay Work Hard to Win -- Local Players Hope to Extend Win- ning Streak at Their Ex- pense This evening's internfediate fix- ture at Hambly's Arena is the last of the home games of the local focal aggregation and will be the first game the Oshawa sextette have played against Trenton in a number of years, The Trenton squad have been greatly strength- ened this year by the acquisition of eral players who last year trot- ted their stuff with the Camp Bor- den team and they have added a scoring punch to a team that was always noted for their speed and persistent attacking power. Taking a line on the last game in which Trenton took part a good idea of the strength of the team may be reached. This game was played in Trenton on Monday night when Lindsay were hard pressed to win by a score of 6 to 5. From ast experience the Oshawa' team mow how good McClory of Lind- say, is in the nets and Trenton therefore must have scoring punch to get five goals on this goalie who layed several years ago with the Dor Arthur team at the head of the lakes. Oshawa experienced all kinds of trouble with his ability in Lindsay last week and rate him among the best. This Trenton team has been making all the teams in the group work to beat them. In Peterborough on the other night they were only nosed out in over- time by a score of 3 to 2 and it was a fluke goal that turned the trick. The Trenton team is well balanc- | "Peg." ed with Steenburg in goal. He has. a rather awkward style but is hard to beat even on the close in shots. In front of him are Filion and Cul- verson both of whom play steady JA ng hockey as well as packing in the odd goal to help the for- wards along. Bohan at centre and Johnson at left wing are both tricky players who are ably supported by Parnell at right wing. On the alter- nate list are York, Anderson, Mill- er and Bowen, The game will give the fans a chance to become accustomed to the new uniforms of the local sextette in which they made their debut last Thursday night in Lindsay.) It is a good looking team that will repre- sent the Motor City fvom now oh and they will be called Maroons or something similar and no longer the Red Shirts as in the past, The whole team will be out to-night in an endeavour to keep the win col- unin intact. At the practice on Monday night the team worked out in preparation for the game and looked fine. A possible addition to the number of players who have been playing in the games so far this season will be Theo. Elliott, who has been taking no chances with a bad knee sustained in rugby. He will be an addition to the roster of the defence players, having play- ed with the club in the past. It would be hard to pick the team that will take the ice.as the man- agement have made no announce- ment but it is a possibility that Hurst will probably play in the nets. He has been carried all season and has not taken part in a full game. With this the last ut the home games it would seem likely that he will be used to give him the necded practice. Johnson, Den- sem and Walton are all eligible for defence duty while Bond, Rowden and Black will probably make up the first string forward line with Houch, B. Conlin, D. Conlin, and Morison in reserve. - Soft Ice Impaired Game | Featured by Morton 's Play | Avrora Opened Scoring Early But Goals by Maundrell, Drinkle De- cided Issue -- Morton Played Great Game in Goal Holding Back Gang Attacks of Home Team At Aurora last night the Blue + Imps had some difficulty in ckeing sut a 3-1 victory over North Yonge Btreet Juniors on account of the mall ice surface and the poor ice. Fhe Aurora team were lighter than the Oshawa outfit and as a result were able to skate over the soft, shelly ice a little easier than their opponents. The two teams relied to a great extent on long shots but even these tactics were not much use because the players could not © seem to get their shots off the ice * due to the water and shell ice which in stick- play. was no little hindrance handling and combination ® Aurora scored first on a pass out from the corner in the first period but the Blue Imps tied it up before the end of the first stanza. The game was slowed up by the bad ice which incidently was the first of the season in the Aurora 'rink, On account of the narrowness of the ice surface combination at- tacks were broken up at centre ice "and long shots would result, Preston Scored First «ue initial stanza both teams -. In ¥ : 4 started out cautiously relying on an aerial attack a great deal and rare- lv attempting to, work in past the + defence. The home fans who made .a surprising noisc for a small crowd nearly raised the roof when Pres- ton, scored at the end of a combin- joh, blay the puck coming from orner for him to bat it past n. Three minutes later Drin- kle laid a sweet pass over to Maun- F. drell who skirted the defence and ed the corner for the equalizer, : Spice ranged back and forth at cen- tre ice for the remainder of the "period and the two squads skated off the ice with the score tied up During the rest period most of Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fautsine "The Candia' . Added Attraction News Reel and Comedy Second P 3. Oshawa, Drinkle (Kelly) .. 7.00 hird Period Scored Smart Goal the shell ic. at least, was cleaned front the and play started out a little faster in the second chukk After many dangerous attacks on the Aurora citadel Oshawa finally | went ahead when Eddie Drinkl took a pass from Kelly outside the blue line and shot the puck between the two defence players and then skated around to recover it and pick a corner for a smart goal. This was the only score of the period but as three penalties were handed out by Referee Jack Christie, of Tor- onto both teams tried hard to make the most of their advantages but had to go unrewarded. Maundrell Decides Issue The third period slowed up con- siderably as the icc became quite heavy. Cliff Maundrell scored his second goal of the night. after twelve minutes, He recovered a loose puck at centre ice .and let a shot go from outside the defence and it glanced off an Aurora skate into the net to put Oshawa two goals up with only eight minutes yet to play. During the second period a flying stick opened an old cut over Mc- Cully's cheek and Wilson relieved him while he came off for repairs. For the Blue Imps all players gave their best to secure the win which would cinch a playoff posi- tion for them. Maundrell lead the goal-getters with two while Ed. Drinkle had onc goal and one as- sist for a good night's work, Kelly also was a point getter with his as- sist on Drinkle's marker. All the forwards got in some good back checking and the defence handled themselves in a capable fashion, Grainger in the nets for the home- sters kept the score down a great deal . with his scnsational saves. Preston, Heaney and Foote also looked good while Rae on the de- fence showed up well for the North Yonge Street aggregation, The game was surprisingly clean considering the condition of the ice and Referee Christie only handed out five penalties, all minors, of which Oshawa received threc and Aurora got two. Teams: Aurora--Goal, Grainger; defence, Rae and B. Scott; centre, Heaney ; forwards, Preston and Flicker; al- ternates, Vanclieaf, - Foster, Foote and Scott, Oshawa--Goal, Morton; defence, Ainslie and McCully; centre, Drin- kle; forwards, Kelly and H. Peter- ice | Stadium on the night of June 16. | side posted forfeits of $25,000. Twin Bills are Out in National New York, Feb, 3.--The sched- ule for the 1932 baseball season was adojted yesterday by the Na- tional League at its annual meet- ing here. For the first time Brooklyn will play the Gianis at the Polo Grounds on a Sunday. Another change was made when the schedule committee de- cided that teams no longer would he compelled to spend eight days fn the metropolitan area while meeting New York clubs. Instead of meeting Brooklyn and New York in that order, or vice versa. the schedule calls for games with other teams between these two New York appearances, the meeting President Heydler reappointed Walter F. "Dutch" Carter as the-fifth and During controlling director of the Brook- lyn Baseball Club, The appoint- ment resulted from factional dls- cord displayed In recent Iyn deals. Resolutions passed on the of regret were illness of Barney Dreyfuss, owner of the Pittsburg Pirates, and the meeting was halted momentarily in memory of the late William Wrigley, own- er of the Chicago Cubs, The number of season passes to be issued by any one club was limited to 500, and a drastically worded rule calling for a heavy fine to players who converse with spectatorg from the playing field was passed, Articles Signed " New Yi eb, 3.--T 1g awaited signing of articles (ui the | Max Schmeling Jack Sharkey heavyweight championship bout this summer was consummated yesterday, While most other such milestones in pugilistic history are passed to the accompaniment | of 'varied kinds of hooey intend- | ed to produce favorable publeity, this one had all the glamor of a marriage before a Justice of the | Peace. | Representatives of Max Schmel- | ing, which is to say Joe Jacobs and friends, and representatives of Jack Sharkey, i.e. Johnny Buckley and lawyers, met in the offices of the New York State Athletic Commission. They agreed to fight 15 rounds for the title held by Schmeling at the Yankee Ag cvidence of good faith, each International to have Award New York, Feb. 3. national League, fal session yesterday, award $1,000 to the ing the best spirit on during the 1932 season. The award will be made by vote of the eight club presidents and of newspapermen representing each of the eight league cities. Speed, snappy lay and the scar- city of complaints of fraterniz- ing. with players of other clubs will be the chief factors in the award. The --The Inter- meeting in spec- decided to club show- the field for the league also renewed one year the contract with American Association for the Little World's Series which this season will be played in best four out of seven games instead of best five out of nine. Officials said the contract was renewed for only one year he- cause both the International League and the American Associ- ation hoped to persuade the Paci- fic Coast League to participate in a three-cornered fight for the double-A championship of the minor lemgues. Sam Colacurcio, 'owner of the Jersey City Club, announceq he was considering three offers for purchase of the club, two of them from major league outfits, Baseball obgervers helieve the club would he sold, possibly within the next few days and probably to Brooklyn. HE NEW MARTIN DBrook- | to | first 13, | Young, Today Only "SMART WOMEN" Thursday and Friday son; alternates, Maundrell, Guilti- nan, Chapell, Wilson and G, Pet- erson (sub goal). Relerce~Jack Chaise Toronto. First Period 1. Aurora, Preston (Rae, Van- clieaf) | wiivisuiasys 3.00 2. Oshawa, Maundrell eli (Drink) 3.00 T 4. Oshawa, Maundrell . .12.00 Penalties: First, period--McCully; second period--McCully, Scott and Foote; third period--Peterson. There's more fun in being an or- dinary sinner who doesn't really wi at to be reformed at all--Bran- don Si UNDER with Warren William Anita age Regie Toomey Comedy Her Wedding Nightmare One More Time Fox News i sharp, | Hamilton Exciting Play Fea tured All Volleyball Games Simcoes, Falcons and St. Andrew's Now in Three Cornered Tie for Leader- ship in Group A--St. Andrew's Also Lead in Group B -- A. Y.M.C. and Mike's Place Did Not | Play The armories were the centre of interest last night for all vol- leyball players in the city with the second nights play in the On- tario Regiment Volleyball League, Some very interesting games were played with the teams that lead their respective groupe last week still continuing show the form that enabled them to go out in front in the night's play. Simeoes still continued at their fast pace taking two games from the Textile boys and losing only one, Falcons stayed right in there and also won two and lost one to the Regimenbeers. St. An- drew's made the biggest gain im group "A' winning all three games from the luckless Firemen who have yet to win a game, With the results of the games Simecoes, Falcons and St, An- drew"s are now tied for first place with five wins ang only one loss each, The only other change in the tiles moved out of the cellar posi- tion leaving the Firemen to hold that doubtful honor alone, In group "B"" Mike's Place and A.Y.M.C. as the in This move up into first place ahead of Mike's losing The other standout perforn of the Signall from T The after Simcoes Falcons st. An Regiment Textile ... Firemen St. Mike's Falcons Signallers Times AY. M putting last night's games follows: | ONTARIO REGIMENT VOLLEY- Andrew's Maroo here 1 with Ameri standing is that the Tex- tional fore a was were not on the floor Anglicans were engaged on "a minstrel show, St. Andrew's to | into o roal tageq The 0st enabled winning two avs from Fa! Place one game, uto tallied evening was that ers who took two he Times, standing of gam teams | of the quickl of the ag gcorin BALL LEAGUE notehi Group "A" Played Won Lost Points .6 5 1 bh .6 o 1 b drew's 6 b 6 .6 1 6 0 Group "B" Played Won Lost of Co Detrol Warqg y ly 1 4 b 6 to th > ' Points | ows 6 from lace ¥ lace Onl cons third went North passin Hoole C. Had Ten Shot Over Arthur Winners Margin Germond's Quartette ---- | tungers | Chicago Winners Received Love-| ly Silver Cake Baskets--| Runners-up Were Pre-| seroles W. C. Young's rink won the KE. W. Drew Trophy at the Curl- ing Rink last night, beating the for Title Bout| yr C Young's Rink Won E. W. Drew Trophy Final tricky the Americans Montreal Detroit Boston | Wednesday--Maple sented With Silver Cas-| Chicago, Boston at Americans. Saturday | diens, Leafs, Sunday co troit, .301212 31 916 { American Section i 3118 8 589624 | ' | | | 6547 6 88 © Bos ++ 301010 104757: 321216 465 82 2 811 911 hind t | cans eriod Games This Week Po Leafs at | Burch -Montreal at Cana- | the Boston at Maple The Americans at Montreal. Maple Leafs at De- hicago at Rangers, a two scored Close Game Won by Maroons 4-3 Montreal, the Falcons, wide open with action. in a with Hooley kly foHOWa up their advant- e in the second session by | shot Into a wild scramble in front ing the puck stick-handling Conne him. The rest of the period went two goals gecond on a lone rush. later Carson swerved it from the hoards net. _|Bruins Lost to Amerks by 4-3 Bruins last night came from be- | with w | opening Star-Spangled victory. wide margin and "Rab- twice in by Burch Burch"s forward pass, bit" McVeigh counted the second, assisted and Wallie "Kilrea, Coming out for the third, the Bruins tossed caution to the winds. Cooney Welland raced up in time to send Marty Barry's pass out intg the net, Two min- utes later Barry broke up a New York attack in mid-ice and solo- ed down for an unassisied score. Dit Clapper and Eddie Convey drew majors for swinging their fists, and when the teams were again at full strength the Bruins tried to put on the pressure with a series of five-man rushes, Burch managed to outskate the Bruins for a pass that came out of a wild scrimmage and had an open net waiting for hig success- ful shot, HOCKEY SCORES Naiiona) League Canadiens.. 4 N.Y. Rangers Maroons. ,... 4 Detroit Americans., 4 Boston International League Windsor. ... 5 Pittsburg .,... 1 London.... 1 Buffalo H O.H.A. Senior Marlboros.. 1 1V.of T. . Hamilton... 1 Port Colborne O.H.A. Intermediate Durham.... 2 Owen Sound .. 0 Elora....,.8 Elmira sos... 0 London East 4 Chatham ,.....! O.H.A. Junior 2 Guelph ...... Aurora HE | seer ea Feb, 3.--Montreal ns garnered two points ast night and kept in step third place New York cang by defeating Detroit 4 goals to 3 in a Na- Hockey League match be- crowd of 9,000, The'game plenty of Detroit almost forced it vertime when, trailing one the last period, they a determined rush, locals held an edge for of the early stages, going lead when Jimmy Ward on a combination play Smith near the end The Maroons Preston.... 2 Oshawa.... 4 Georgetown. 2 Bolton eee 2 Pt. Colhorne 3 Niagara Falls., 2 Parry Sound 7 Orillia sens d N. Toronto.. 1 Native Sons ., 0 Thunder Bay Senior of World 5 Fort Willlam .. N.O.H.A. Senior *Haileybury.'4 Cobalt ,......3 "40 minutes overtime, Played Monday night. ' Upper Ottawa Valley on Pl, .4 Renfrew Ww. 1 first period. "Please 1 want a tooth | out," said the small boy. "Oh, they're' my pals. They're | paying me a penny cach to sce it done." | carlet | pulled Conacher he wice, Lionel the first g ng one when net and Cargon of into the goal carry- with him. Jiminy secured his second by deft- his way past who came out to meet nnell's t slid MEN'S Two Pant Suits In fine Botany Wor. steds. Blue and Black with fine shadow hair fine Blue 11, Falcons who rapped in in sudcession with getting the first on a pass Carson and Goodfellow the 0 y a goal behind, the Fal- pressed = doggedly in the period but the Montrealers two ahead with colt completing a neat g attack with Wargq and y Smith. A few minutes goals line and Serge. Walsh with the corner a of beat into to shot Men's Fine Shirts Scparate collars and collar attached checked or blue striped Broadcloth Sizes 14 to 17. ER RR I RI SP JOHNSTON'S ton, Feb. The Boston | New York Ameri- a determined third- rally, but, in pressing for inning score, left a wide which. enabled Billy to cage the tally that gave boys a 4-to-3 o tie the in fancy striped and 95¢ Bruins were outplayed by during the first | Bert McInenly | opening session on periods, in the rink skipped by Arthur Germond by 10 shots. The Young rink thoroughly deserved their win, as they all curled extremely well, In fact all through the seven games played they were as steady as rocks. The following ie the personel of the two rinks: Winners 1, Arch Muir; 2 2, Russ Yonng W, G. Brownlee; skip. W. C Runners Up 1, Sam Jackson; Schell; 3, Fred Arthur Germond. After the game were presented with gome Drew Cup and silver cake baskets, runners up received seroles. Art Germong In accepting his prize paid a nice tribute to the winners, but he thought with such a good 'Builder Up" Sam Jackson and H P, Schell able to "tan their hides" and Fred Gar- rard capable of 'stopping all the leaks" and Art himself being =o long In the barber business should have "trimmed' them to | a frazzle, but it was all in vain, | Great credit is due the Sommii- | | | r kip, 2, Garrard; the winners the hand- beautiful While the silver cag- as tee in charge, H. Morison, C, Davis ang C. G. McDougall, La the smooth manner in which the schedule games were carried along this year, there wasn't one | hitch anywhere and no "grous- | ing". While handing "bouquet | to the above I'd like to say that | our worthy President, Ernie Par- | sons, deserves no little credit for | the manner in which not only the schedule games but all the other games friendly and otherwise | have heen handled at rink, and it ix entirely due to his untiring ef- forts, his hard work, his sollei- tude for the other fellow, his careful handling of all matters pertaining to the welfare of the Club members that has caused things to run smoothly and even- ly along their course. Good luck to him, The draw for the Wm, McAdie Cup will be made at the Club house tonight. All members are requested to be there by 7.80 Group Standing SENIOR OLA, ¥ PW.L. T Marlboros .. 18 13 Nationdls ... 11 Pt. Colborne. 181 Niagara }. 16 oo 17 Varsity. .... 10 172512 Kitchener ,.18 214 2448 6 Games This Week Wednesday-- Kitchener at Nia- gara Falls. Friday--Niagara Falls at Ham- ilton. Saturday -- Port Colborne at Varsity. NATIONAL LEAGUE + Oanadian Section PW.L. T. F. A.P. Maple Leafs 29 1410 59271 33 Canadiens , 311813 566 7((81 F. A.D. 513182 3019 30 47 31 27 32 40 20 32 42.19 3 ~1 00 = ag 33. ~100 MT 6 DIS tp D TIME IS FLYING Speed Up Your Entries TURRET CIGARETTE $15,000 Hockey Contest Closes March 5th Contest Rules ist PRIZE .. $2,500.00 the above ($5,000.00) will be awarded under certain conditions, See NOTE below, This contest is open to any r Canada _ex 3 ; Company of Cana oo og hy their » affiliated companies, 'the famill and their advertising agents. y be made upon the estimate blank 2 ohio in the lower i Tete hand corner of this a piece per cut to the same upon pe, po Por pi ng ri ttached to the front panel Cigarette 30 s) package, with portion of excise stam receive double the award in its pi rei attached, fica to any one The afficis] fi f of goals scored for th play Swill be used to decide the w and pass on Dre estimates Entered i the National d of employees of Impe: es of these emp wich contestant may enter as many estimates as he or she desires, but orily one prize will be awarded Hockey League the season 1931-32, piss Be. of the Dx rial Tobacco subsidiar and yees, 2nd PRIZE .. $1,250.00 Double the above ($2,600.00) will be awarded under certain conditions. See NOTE below. Double the abave (51,500.00) will be awarded under certain conditions. Ses NOTE below. 4th PRIZE.. $500.00 Double the akove (51,009.00) will be awarded under certain conditions. See NOTE below. FIVE OF $250.00 TEN OF $50.00 advertisement size. If a win- " Jurtet inners in this s will examine e contest. By accept the decision of the gee as final, All entries must be mailed to Tu Hockey Contest, P.O. Box 1180, Moni Prizes will be to rret Cigarette treal, P.Q. agrees to TWENTY OF $25. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY OF $1. those correctly, hlfiplinn nearest to, the Actual number of goals scored by 7 7 lyr Tobacco Company of Canada, wiipited, enter into any correspondence wi 8c In a divided between the entries tying for 9 Cn Se tn pon mark of entries must e Sursent National Hockey Th 10 ne eduled to close on March Fond, the sata wil be eted as soon as the officis! prize~ a tie for any prize, thet seize will be bear the post mark of this or 1 figures are available, and the nam rar re a elabitiand te hames of NOTE All rized will be Pt som Tat wining estimates a 0g do 3 pareh excise stamp a Raden, with Canadian hockey fans! Only a few days are left in which to enter your estimates of the total goals scored in the National Hockey League season of 1931-32 which ends March 22nd. Thousands of entries are now pouring in on the contest committee and no real hockey fan in Canada can afford to miss this opportunity of winning one of these big capital prey snd wll a prier S season is udging Li BOSTON CANADIENS TORONTO CHICAGO RANGERS MAROONS DETROIT AMERICANS Name... vg Address. Additional entry blanks may be secured from your nearest dealer. If not lable, copy the prizes. Tea There is an estimate blank in the lower left hand corner of this Thi: and additional Cectiiaies must be mailed to Turret Sigatette Montreal, P.Q., Hockey Contest, P.O. Total Goals Season o 1930-31 143 129 118 108 106 105 102 76 Team on or before March 5, 1932, Estimate Total Soaly Seon Scrat (Exclusive of hi Li BY advertisement . ; . simply mark your estimate on this blank and attach it to the front panel of an empty Turret Cigarette (20s) package. Send in as many entries as you wish. Re- member, all peizes are doubled if winning entries are attached to the front panel of Turret Cigarette (20's) packages, with portion of excise stamp attached. Totick Box 1180, CIGARETTES "Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited pb _-- ------

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